I've owned the Q3 since this year, it's an incredibly great camera. The pictures have something very special about them and the camera's workmanship is outstanding. You can easily crop to 35mm or 50mm without any significant loss. I think it's good that Leica has brought out a version with a longer focal length, so people who generally want a longer focal length can get their money's worth. There will definitely be a group of buyers, but for me it's not a replacement for my 28mm.
I own the 28mm and I love my Q3. I would never trade it for a 43mm. The 28 is much more versatile. I use it as my main travel camera and sometimes even the 28 is not wide enough for me. Everybody states that 43 is what you see. But that is only true perspective wise. Your Field of view is much wider. So you will never be able to catch the scene with a 43mm but you can always crop in with a 28mm. As a summary you can say that if you are more into persons an objects, then take the 43. if you are more into buildings and landscapes and want the Most versatile, then take the 28.
I have the Q3 28 and just ordered the 43. I thought I would want the wider lens, but the distortion in really disturbing to me and requires a lot of post work. And I can always do a 2-x frame pano to get that wide view.
Great video. I have a Q3 that I use for an everyday camera and capturing life behind the scenes. It’s great for capturing memories like you said. I use a Nikon Z9 and Z8 for work. Weddings, portraits and commercial work. I just don’t see the 43 being as versatile as the 28.
The Q3 43 is not made for Q3 and Q2 owners. It is made for those who have always wanted to buy the Q series but never did because of the wide angle. For those, like me, the Q3 is perfect. For Q2 and Q3 owners, it is a change of pace. But most, except the most enthusiastic, will not buy and keep both.
I have the Sony A1 and GM prime lenses but I had to add a Leica Q3 to the family today. Excited to give it a try and make it more of an EDC camera. I went with the 28mm mostly because 43mm is all sold out.
Couldn’t agree more on everything you just said. I would love to have both, but after 2 years of exclusively using a Q2 I replaced it with the 43. My main reason is that I don’t like the distortion of the 28, specifically in portraits. And since I have 3 kids it was a fairly easy decision.
Thanks for the discussion, I too gave this much thought. As someone who just sold a Q2 and bought a Q3 28, AND is normally a 35mm EDC/street shooter, the Q2 43 would be a bit too tight. I have other options for mid to tele focal lengths and a 28mm lens with a 60mp sensor cropped, gets me 90% of what I photograph everyday. Thanks to Leica for the Q3 43 because it probably gave me the ability to find and buy the Q3 28 while the crowd all moved over to the new thing..
Thank you for this, truly insightful. Although I'm not on the market for a fixed lens camera, your thoughts on composition in particular use cases was greatly appreciated. I totally agree with you that for EDC/Documentarian photography the wider-angle adding context to less deliberate captures really resonate with my style of casual shooting. One the other hand, a tighter focal length absolutely makes it easier to consider and execute more thoughtful and deliberate compositions. I feel like I've recently experienced these findings but hadn't yet arrived at such an articulate conclusion as you presented, so thank you again for sharing this valuable insight, as it actually makes my loadout for prime lenses based on use-case a lot more streamlined, cheers!
Your analysis is spot on. I was a sucker and sold my q3 to purchase the 43. I used to adore 50mm, so it seemed like a no brainer. After 3 days, I regretted it. Indoor environmental portraits become all but impossible. For an everyday carry, 43 is limiting. I think for me, for your category 2, I’d actually take an 85. So I just don’t know what I was thinking 😂😢
Once the new camera hype wears down people will be coming back to the 28 in droves. IMO a much more practical and useful focal length for this type of camera
I came to Q3 from a Fuji X100 IV, and find the 28mm is “interesting” in that it slightly de-personalises the images I create. I’ve been loving the versatility due to the crop, but the lack of separation from the wider lens still leaves the perspective as a little “detached”. Great for landscape / buildings, but less enjoyable for day to day family photos now my boys are older and shots are often sport, or socialising. Have ordered a 43 - and will see if I wind up selling it on, and keeping the 28, or keeping the 43. Not sure I can afford to keep both, unfortunately, but can probably justify some overlap time at least!
I love my Q3 28, it's great. I had wondered why they had stamped a massive '28' on the barrel, but when the '43' was released it all made sense. I wonder how long it was in the planning...
Worth noting that cropping to 50mm is not going to give the same look as an actual 50mm focal length, particularly with people, as the perspective will be different even if the 'zoom' is the same.
True! I had a whole segment about this that I decided to cut out because the video is long enough as it is. But yes, there is more to a focal length than just the "field of view" :)
I actually did that test with a friends Q3 43 and my Q3. The difference is not very big, except of course the 28 gives you more depth of field, so if you want to get more background blur, get the 43.
@@jeffchastain2977 It's more perspective I was referring too. i.e. the human face looks very flattering in a traditional portrait lens focal length (i.e. 85mm), but if you take the same photo with a wider lens and zoom in, the face will literally look different due to perspective.
Excellent video, thank for sharing. Not that I needed the assurance, but it confirms what I was thinking and was consequently acting upon: I had the Q3 28 and I bought the Q3 43 too - so depending on my mood (or scenario #1 or scenario #2 in your words) I can take the one or the other. For sports, action, fast moving objects I'm taking my Nikon with fitting primes anyway, because for this the Leica style of photography is much too slow. For documentation or street the Q3 series rules supreme, though.
Around 12:46 - You said if you were to crop on Q3, it will do a “bokeh conversion” and the image will become 28mp with f2.6. I understand the file size will reduce (drastically on a Q2 vs Q3 which is why Q2 needs an upgrade), but how does the bokeh get converted while cropping the same image? 🤔
Similar photographer here and just traded my Q2 Reporter for the Q3 43. Going to be using my iPhone for everyday (or possibly get a Ricoh GRIII )and get out more with Q3 43 to deliberately make photos. Good luck with the deliberations and video much enjoyed as always. ps James has also just been gifted a limited edition X2D 100c so lots to play with!
Cheers and happy shooting with your new Q3 43! Also yes, saw that too. James is certainly living the dream right now. Never been into medium format myself but very much looking forward to how he will use it (same with the Q3 43 obviously).
I don’t think you did the conversion correctly when you assessed the resolution at the 1.54 crop. I think the formula is this: Remaining Megapixels = Original Megapixels / crop factor^2 This leaves just under 19MP which is a non-negligible difference🤓 Great video as always!
I have been shooting solely with the original Q since its release in 2015(?). My main use is to create mid-size photobooks of family vacations, so the Q has traveled with me to numerous countries at this point. I have to admit that I am tempted with the Q3 43 because the EVF on my Q now shows banding, which I have learned to ignore because it does not appear on the LCD or the images. I have learned to love the 28mm although I mainly shot 50mm with a film M and 80mm with a Mamiya 7II during my darkroom days. This video makes sense, so I am holding off on getting the Q3 43. But I am now thinking of getting the Q3 28mm to replace my aging Q!
Love the opening music, Bush is such an underrated band and that was an excellent cover. I think I agree with you on this topic. I have a Q2 Monochrom & just picked up a Ricoh GR III for color photos because I just love the 28mm focal length.
Lovely video Tobias! I am a long time X100V user and currently also own an ILC with primes and a zoom lens but I am growing more and more tired of the continous thought process when I travel somewhere, which camera/lens should I take? I know, just take the X100V you would say, and it is still a great compact camera. But that Q is so tempting. Watching your video and from others, I always like the 28mm pictures more and your reasoning sounds very logical. For me, the Q2/Q3 will be a better option, I want to capture moments from every day life and when I go somewhere to create art, the 28mm FOV and the FF sensor should be plenty for me. Thank you so much!
The comments here are hilarious. Ownership bias at its finest. Just because something is best for you doesn't mean it is for everyone else. There are different people with different needs and tastes in the world. Stop being a child.
Price wise neither camera give anything near what they should in terms of performance. I bought the q3 expecting it to be the holy grail... But the summilux sucks compared to my old gm lenses. Honestly made me wish i hadnt sold them. And im now thinking of going back. Zeiss 55 1.8 had tonnes of character too. One thing you cant replace though is the shooting experience and i love having the q3 in my hands... Its not a one camera solution though, sadly, and thats why ill have to let it go... Im swlling on ebay. Q3 28.... If anyone is interested let me know and ill share the link
The last video of yours that I watched was when you worked through the logic that convinced you to purchase your Q2. Fast forward a number of years and I see your powers of logical deduction have not degraded as you discuss the logic of staying with the Q2 rather than updating to the Q3 43 version. All logical arguments aside, my experience is anyone who puts the effort into this kind of logical deduction to convince themselves they don't need something means that same person will break down and purchase that item within the next year. Based on that vision of the future, "Congratulations on your new Leica Q3 43 purchase!" (I'm of course half joking). PS, If I remember correctly, your wife was your girlfriend at the time of the Q2 buying decision video. If my recollection is correct, then "Congratulations on your wedding!". All the best.
@kqschwarz - I hate to admit it, but your logic is very correct, I have the Leica Q3-28, and I'm trying to convince myself, that there is no REASON that I need to trade my Q3 or Purchase the Q3-43, but realistically, I will find an excuse to purchase the Q3-43 sometime next Year, I really hope this dosen't turn out to be true, but, it will come down to the old saying: "I want it, and that's all that matters". My Company gives Bonuses in March, we'll see what happens :)
First of all, thanks! Also great memory. I barely remember what I had for dinner last week let alone the relationship status of some guy on the internet whose video I watched year ago. Impressive! My wife loved your comment... and she says you're probably right. Admittedly, if I had the money to get this camera and still keep my Q2 I probably would. This 43 would be just about perfect for hiking and street photography. So I hope you're right. Wouldn't mind adding this fine piece of kit to my arsenal at some point next year. Cheers! :)
While the 28mm on my Q3 took some getting used to in the beginning, I absolutely love it now. Seeing all the reviews on the 43mm come out my first reaction was "should've gotten this one" but looking closely 43mm seems a bit too tight and has less of the unique look that the 28mm + Leica give me. So in short I'm happy with my 28mm and am sticking with it. I'll use my sony for other (tighter) focal lengths instead and keep the Leica (for which I sold an arm and a leg but who cares, you cannot zoom with your feet anyway) for more casual daily shooting.
You’re about to have a baby, so your first category of shooting is likely to become more prominent and you’ll likely have less time for your second category (or anything else, for that matter!). I have a Q3 and a GR IIIx (approx 40mm) and the Q3 is significantly more suited for my use with family photos, for exactly the same reasons you stated - namely photos with context. If I have the GR in my pocket I often have to remove myself from whatever we’re doing in order to step back and take a shot. Not so with the Q3. Saying that, as the children get older (and faster moving!) I will likely want longer focal length again, but that’s a few years away. In the meantime, I’m enjoying the Q3.
I learned photography with my father’s Konica w/40mm lens. I’ve been using the Q2 for over 2 years and love it. I set it up to mimic using an M series. So, other than more MP, the Q3 isn’t a draw…the tilting screen is cool, but not overly enticing. The extreme cost of the Q3 43 is currently unattainable for me…I do pro video, and hobby photography. If I had $7-8,000 to spend on something…I’d buy a custom guitar (it’ll last WAY longer than a camera!)
@@RichardPilon “Mimic” is the key word…it isn’t true. B&W viewfinder (not really needed- but being old school video guy, it helps to focus manually), LCD screen off, hi contrast B&W jpegs, and DNG raw. Manual focus. M series is just too expensive, as is the Q3…but this is very satisfying.
I think I've commented similar to you before, but I'd love to see you try the Sony A7CR. Paired with a couple of the small G primes, 24/40 and you're set, with your rangefinder style 60mpx camera.
You will be happy with the 43. Also you could stay happy with the Q2! If i were you i would sell the Fuji and get a GR3x. If you like the GR3 focal length more, sell both and get the 43 - though no one ever should sell a GR… 😊
Probably most of us who own a Q2 wonders what to do. I’m one of them. But I stick with the 2 and wait for a 43M 😮. The good news is that the second hand market is now being ‘flooded’ with Q3 cameras and Qs and Q2s. Good news for people who want to get into the Q sort of thing. Nice video. Thanks 🙏
I wouldn’t see it as an upgrade, going from the 28 to the 43, i see it more like a change, or going with something slightly different. Cameras are IDENTICAL EXCEPT for the lenses and color.
Great video as always Tobis and some well thought out arguments. I am still holding onto my Q2 as I think it gives more flexibility than the Q3 43 in that you can always crop in but it’s harder to crop out as you say. Also if you have a Q3 43 there will be occasions when you want a the 28mm and from your work to me it seems you have mastered the 28mm very well. You can also ask yourself do you want a Q3 43 that has a flip screen and ports plus a 60mp sensor? In bad weather I would want my Q2 and aesthetically I find the Q2 a much more pleasing camera than the sticking out flip screen. As for the megapixels if we print our work out which we should do more often and hang it on the wall we rarely work up close to it as looking at an image should be done at a normal distance to really appreciate the image. It’s like looking at a painting we don’t always want to see the brush strokes but the overall painting. If you still feel the Q3 43 in time is for you I am sure the secondhand market will be available in 6 months time. The other option which I did was to buy a secondhand M camera and then you can change lenses as much as you want. Plus you get a whole new shooting experience.
First of all, thanks for your kind words! And I completely agree in regards to the aesthetics of the Q2 vs Q3. And I also think that I will go down the (used) M route at some point - hopefully next year. :)
to me its nothing to do with leica Q cameras its just two different focal lengths on any camera which both have pros and cons , i own a Q 2 and its great for 28mm photography.
Get the SL2s which is cheap now and expand your lenses over the years with m glass. Sl series cameras are more useable than m cameras and better than the q cameras. I had m cameras and the q reporter by the way.
Dear friend, it is understandable that you are trying to calm yourself down and find arguments in favor of the Q2 28. But to be fair, I must say that the Leica Q 3 43 is a more classic focal length and, accordingly, closer to your perception of reality. Just accept this fact, gather your determination and money and change your Leica Q2 28. to the Leica Q 3 43/ Good luck!
Being a more classical focal length doesn't mean that it works equally as good for all purposes. After all, there is a reason why more than one focal length exists. As I said in the video, 43mm is a great focal length to have and can certainly yield fantastic and very "life like" results, but I still use a 28mm more often in my day to day life. Its a matter of preference in the end. ;)
@@TobisTings Dear Sir, you contradict yourself. You say in the video that when you leave the house, you shoot more often with 50 mm. and it is more convenient for you when there is a distance between you and the person and unnecessary objects do not get into the frame.
The camera is an addition not a replacement. There are shots that will look much better on the 43mm, while there are shots that you can only get on the 28mm. Because they are both of similar light weight it is a great option to take both as travel cameras, and have the option of using either focal length. Also some people get put off during portrait shooting with a 28 mm because of how close you have to get with the camera.
No one buys a Leica for versatility. If I were gonna buying a fix focal length Leica, this would be it, as my primary genre is portrait photography. I have no use for a wide angle fixed lens camera
It's going to happen Tobis. Now you have the "virus" in your head and sooner or later that camera will be in your hands...you know it's a matter of time.
sad but probably true. Even though I prefer the 28mm for my daily shooting needs, this 43 man... its next to perfect for those days out hiking or street photography. damn.
I think Leica would have been more inspired of making a Q3 35mm… which could have deliver 50mm easily buy cropping. 43:is a good focale but why not having the 2 for the same price. With the sensor you are also able to reach 75 or 85mm which is useful for portraits. So really I don’t understand this choice.
I wouldn’t see it as an upgrade, going from the 28 to the 43, i see it more like a change, or going with something slightly different. Cameras are IDENTICAL EXCEPT for the lenses and color.
I've owned the Q3 since this year, it's an incredibly great camera. The pictures have something very special about them and the camera's workmanship is outstanding. You can easily crop to 35mm or 50mm without any significant loss. I think it's good that Leica has brought out a version with a longer focal length, so people who generally want a longer focal length can get their money's worth. There will definitely be a group of buyers, but for me it's not a replacement for my 28mm.
I own the 28mm and I love my Q3. I would never trade it for a 43mm. The 28 is much more versatile. I use it as my main travel camera and sometimes even the 28 is not wide enough for me. Everybody states that 43 is what you see. But that is only true perspective wise. Your Field of view is much wider. So you will never be able to catch the scene with a 43mm but you can always crop in with a 28mm.
As a summary you can say that if you are more into persons an objects, then take the 43. if you are more into buildings and landscapes and want the Most versatile, then take the 28.
I have the Q3 28 and just ordered the 43. I thought I would want the wider lens, but the distortion in really disturbing to me and requires a lot of post work. And I can always do a 2-x frame pano to get that wide view.
@dominicwei770: exactly my thought.
Thats exactly how I feel. I have always been more turned on by shooting with a wide lens. Sometimes excessively wide lenses.
Great video. I have a Q3 that I use for an everyday camera and capturing life behind the scenes. It’s great for capturing memories like you said. I use a Nikon Z9 and Z8 for work. Weddings, portraits and commercial work. I just don’t see the 43 being as versatile as the 28.
The Q3 43 is not made for Q3 and Q2 owners. It is made for those who have always wanted to buy the Q series but never did because of the wide angle. For those, like me, the Q3 is perfect.
For Q2 and Q3 owners, it is a change of pace. But most, except the most enthusiastic, will not buy and keep both.
I have the Sony A1 and GM prime lenses but I had to add a Leica Q3 to the family today. Excited to give it a try and make it more of an EDC camera. I went with the 28mm mostly because 43mm is all sold out.
Couldn’t agree more on everything you just said. I would love to have both, but after 2 years of exclusively using a Q2 I replaced it with the 43. My main reason is that I don’t like the distortion of the 28, specifically in portraits. And since I have 3 kids it was a fairly easy decision.
Thanks for the discussion, I too gave this much thought. As someone who just sold a Q2 and bought a Q3 28, AND is normally a 35mm EDC/street shooter, the Q2 43 would be a bit too tight. I have other options for mid to tele focal lengths and a 28mm lens with a 60mp sensor cropped, gets me 90% of what I photograph everyday. Thanks to Leica for the Q3 43 because it probably gave me the ability to find and buy the Q3 28 while the crowd all moved over to the new thing..
Thank you for this, truly insightful. Although I'm not on the market for a fixed lens camera, your thoughts on composition in particular use cases was greatly appreciated. I totally agree with you that for EDC/Documentarian photography the wider-angle adding context to less deliberate captures really resonate with my style of casual shooting. One the other hand, a tighter focal length absolutely makes it easier to consider and execute more thoughtful and deliberate compositions. I feel like I've recently experienced these findings but hadn't yet arrived at such an articulate conclusion as you presented, so thank you again for sharing this valuable insight, as it actually makes my loadout for prime lenses based on use-case a lot more streamlined, cheers!
Your analysis is spot on. I was a sucker and sold my q3 to purchase the 43. I used to adore 50mm, so it seemed like a no brainer. After 3 days, I regretted it. Indoor environmental portraits become all but impossible. For an everyday carry, 43 is limiting. I think for me, for your category 2, I’d actually take an 85. So I just don’t know what I was thinking 😂😢
I redact this comment. I caved and bought it again. I love it. I’m sorry.
Once the new camera hype wears down people will be coming back to the 28 in droves. IMO a much more practical and useful focal length for this type of camera
I came to Q3 from a Fuji X100 IV, and find the 28mm is “interesting” in that it slightly de-personalises the images I create. I’ve been loving the versatility due to the crop, but the lack of separation from the wider lens still leaves the perspective as a little “detached”. Great for landscape / buildings, but less enjoyable for day to day family photos now my boys are older and shots are often sport, or socialising. Have ordered a 43 - and will see if I wind up selling it on, and keeping the 28, or keeping the 43. Not sure I can afford to keep both, unfortunately, but can probably justify some overlap time at least!
I love my Q3 28, it's great. I had wondered why they had stamped a massive '28' on the barrel, but when the '43' was released it all made sense. I wonder how long it was in the planning...
Worth noting that cropping to 50mm is not going to give the same look as an actual 50mm focal length, particularly with people, as the perspective will be different even if the 'zoom' is the same.
True! I had a whole segment about this that I decided to cut out because the video is long enough as it is. But yes, there is more to a focal length than just the "field of view" :)
I actually did that test with a friends Q3 43 and my Q3. The difference is not very big, except of course the 28 gives you more depth of field, so if you want to get more background blur, get the 43.
@@jeffchastain2977 It's more perspective I was referring too. i.e. the human face looks very flattering in a traditional portrait lens focal length (i.e. 85mm), but if you take the same photo with a wider lens and zoom in, the face will literally look different due to perspective.
Excellent video, thank for sharing. Not that I needed the assurance, but it confirms what I was thinking and was consequently acting upon: I had the Q3 28 and I bought the Q3 43 too - so depending on my mood (or scenario #1 or scenario #2 in your words) I can take the one or the other. For sports, action, fast moving objects I'm taking my Nikon with fitting primes anyway, because for this the Leica style of photography is much too slow. For documentation or street the Q3 series rules supreme, though.
Around 12:46 - You said if you were to crop on Q3, it will do a “bokeh conversion” and the image will become 28mp with f2.6. I understand the file size will reduce (drastically on a Q2 vs Q3 which is why Q2 needs an upgrade), but how does the bokeh get converted while cropping the same image? 🤔
Similar photographer here and just traded my Q2 Reporter for the Q3 43. Going to be using my iPhone for everyday (or possibly get a Ricoh GRIII )and get out more with Q3 43 to deliberately make photos.
Good luck with the deliberations and video much enjoyed as always.
ps James has also just been gifted a limited edition X2D 100c so lots to play with!
Cheers and happy shooting with your new Q3 43!
Also yes, saw that too. James is certainly living the dream right now. Never been into medium format myself but very much looking forward to how he will use it (same with the Q3 43 obviously).
And these well-formulated thoughts are why I have an M10-R and lenses in the appropriate focal lengths.
Would love to have a similar setup one day as well.
Thoughtful and well reasoned, well done.
I don’t think you did the conversion correctly when you assessed the resolution at the 1.54 crop. I think the formula is this:
Remaining Megapixels = Original Megapixels / crop factor^2
This leaves just under 19MP which is a non-negligible difference🤓
Great video as always!
Damn I think you're right. Thanks for the heads up! :)
I have been shooting solely with the original Q since its release in 2015(?). My main use is to create mid-size photobooks of family vacations, so the Q has traveled with me to numerous countries at this point. I have to admit that I am tempted with the Q3 43 because the EVF on my Q now shows banding, which I have learned to ignore because it does not appear on the LCD or the images. I have learned to love the 28mm although I mainly shot 50mm with a film M and 80mm with a Mamiya 7II during my darkroom days. This video makes sense, so I am holding off on getting the Q3 43. But I am now thinking of getting the Q3 28mm to replace my aging Q!
Can Leica replace the EVF?
@@johnkasianowicz6536 I am going to contact Leica and see if they can fix it and for how much. But part of me wants a new Q!
Love the opening music, Bush is such an underrated band and that was an excellent cover. I think I agree with you on this topic. I have a Q2 Monochrom & just picked up a Ricoh GR III for color photos because I just love the 28mm focal length.
Lovely video Tobias! I am a long time X100V user and currently also own an ILC with primes and a zoom lens but I am growing more and more tired of the continous thought process when I travel somewhere, which camera/lens should I take? I know, just take the X100V you would say, and it is still a great compact camera. But that Q is so tempting. Watching your video and from others, I always like the 28mm pictures more and your reasoning sounds very logical. For me, the Q2/Q3 will be a better option, I want to capture moments from every day life and when I go somewhere to create art, the 28mm FOV and the FF sensor should be plenty for me. Thank you so much!
Very nice what diffusion filter are you using?
I bought a used SL2 in Addition to my Q2 and pair it with a 50 / 85 Panasonic or M Lens
Buying an SL2 now actually sounds like a very sensible option.
The comments here are hilarious. Ownership bias at its finest. Just because something is best for you doesn't mean it is for everyone else. There are different people with different needs and tastes in the world. Stop being a child.
Price wise neither camera give anything near what they should in terms of performance. I bought the q3 expecting it to be the holy grail... But the summilux sucks compared to my old gm lenses. Honestly made me wish i hadnt sold them. And im now thinking of going back. Zeiss 55 1.8 had tonnes of character too.
One thing you cant replace though is the shooting experience and i love having the q3 in my hands... Its not a one camera solution though, sadly, and thats why ill have to let it go... Im swlling on ebay. Q3 28.... If anyone is interested let me know and ill share the link
The last video of yours that I watched was when you worked through the logic that convinced you to purchase your Q2. Fast forward a number of years and I see your powers of logical deduction have not degraded as you discuss the logic of staying with the Q2 rather than updating to the Q3 43 version. All logical arguments aside, my experience is anyone who puts the effort into this kind of logical deduction to convince themselves they don't need something means that same person will break down and purchase that item within the next year. Based on that vision of the future, "Congratulations on your new Leica Q3 43 purchase!" (I'm of course half joking).
PS, If I remember correctly, your wife was your girlfriend at the time of the Q2 buying decision video. If my recollection is correct, then "Congratulations on your wedding!".
All the best.
@kqschwarz - I hate to admit it, but your logic is very correct, I have the Leica Q3-28, and I'm trying to convince myself, that there is no REASON that I need to trade my Q3 or Purchase the Q3-43, but realistically, I will find an excuse to purchase the Q3-43 sometime next Year, I really hope this dosen't turn out to be true, but, it will come down to the old saying: "I want it, and that's all that matters". My Company gives Bonuses in March, we'll see what happens :)
First of all, thanks! Also great memory. I barely remember what I had for dinner last week let alone the relationship status of some guy on the internet whose video I watched year ago. Impressive! My wife loved your comment... and she says you're probably right. Admittedly, if I had the money to get this camera and still keep my Q2 I probably would. This 43 would be just about perfect for hiking and street photography. So I hope you're right. Wouldn't mind adding this fine piece of kit to my arsenal at some point next year.
Cheers! :)
While the 28mm on my Q3 took some getting used to in the beginning, I absolutely love it now. Seeing all the reviews on the 43mm come out my first reaction was "should've gotten this one" but looking closely 43mm seems a bit too tight and has less of the unique look that the 28mm + Leica give me. So in short I'm happy with my 28mm and am sticking with it. I'll use my sony for other (tighter) focal lengths instead and keep the Leica (for which I sold an arm and a leg but who cares, you cannot zoom with your feet anyway) for more casual daily shooting.
You’re about to have a baby, so your first category of shooting is likely to become more prominent and you’ll likely have less time for your second category (or anything else, for that matter!).
I have a Q3 and a GR IIIx (approx 40mm) and the Q3 is significantly more suited for my use with family photos, for exactly the same reasons you stated - namely photos with context. If I have the GR in my pocket I often have to remove myself from whatever we’re doing in order to step back and take a shot. Not so with the Q3.
Saying that, as the children get older (and faster moving!) I will likely want longer focal length again, but that’s a few years away. In the meantime, I’m enjoying the Q3.
I learned photography with my father’s Konica w/40mm lens. I’ve been using the Q2 for over 2 years and love it. I set it up to mimic using an M series. So, other than more MP, the Q3 isn’t a draw…the tilting screen is cool, but not overly enticing. The extreme cost of the Q3 43 is currently unattainable for me…I do pro video, and hobby photography. If I had $7-8,000 to spend on something…I’d buy a custom guitar (it’ll last WAY longer than a camera!)
Hi. I’m interested to know how you set it up to mimic the M series.
@@RichardPilon “Mimic” is the key word…it isn’t true. B&W viewfinder (not really needed- but being old school video guy, it helps to focus manually), LCD screen off, hi contrast B&W jpegs, and DNG raw. Manual focus. M series is just too expensive, as is the Q3…but this is very satisfying.
@@OpenDGuitarThanks for your reply. Do you use focus peaking and magnification when you focus manually?
I think I've commented similar to you before, but I'd love to see you try the Sony A7CR. Paired with a couple of the small G primes, 24/40 and you're set, with your rangefinder style 60mpx camera.
You will be happy with the 43. Also you could stay happy with the Q2! If i were you i would sell the Fuji and get a GR3x. If you like the GR3 focal length more, sell both and get the 43 - though no one ever should sell a GR… 😊
Probably most of us who own a Q2 wonders what to do. I’m one of them. But I stick with the 2 and wait for a 43M 😮. The good news is that the second hand market is now being ‘flooded’ with Q3 cameras and Qs and Q2s. Good news for people who want to get into the Q sort of thing. Nice video. Thanks 🙏
A Q3 43 M would be cool.
I wouldn’t see it as an upgrade, going from the 28 to the 43, i see it more like a change, or going with something slightly different. Cameras are IDENTICAL EXCEPT for the lenses and color.
Your everyday photos are so good, those feel very “real” - not sure how to word it
For some, deciding between the 28 and the 43, the fact that the 43 is an APO may be far more relevant than the focal length.
Honestly I love the Q System. Bought for 2k a Leica Q some years ago. But I would never spend 7k for any Camera. Thats just insane.
.... you should totally just get both :D would be very curious to see what you thought of the 43 vs the 28.
I totally would if I could afford it :D
Pls share ur softshutter button
Great video as always Tobis and some well thought out arguments. I am still holding onto my Q2 as I think it gives more flexibility than the Q3 43 in that you can always crop in but it’s harder to crop out as you say. Also if you have a Q3 43 there will be occasions when you want a the 28mm and from your work to me it seems you have mastered the 28mm very well. You can also ask yourself do you want a Q3 43 that has a flip screen and ports plus a 60mp sensor? In bad weather I would want my Q2 and aesthetically I find the Q2 a much more pleasing camera than the sticking out flip screen. As for the megapixels if we print our work out which we should do more often and hang it on the wall we rarely work up close to it as looking at an image should be done at a normal distance to really appreciate the image. It’s like looking at a painting we don’t always want to see the brush strokes but the overall painting. If you still feel the Q3 43 in time is for you I am sure the secondhand market will be available in 6 months time. The other option which I did was to buy a secondhand M camera and then you can change lenses as much as you want. Plus you get a whole new shooting experience.
First of all, thanks for your kind words! And I completely agree in regards to the aesthetics of the Q2 vs Q3. And I also think that I will go down the (used) M route at some point - hopefully next year. :)
to me its nothing to do with leica Q cameras its just two different focal lengths on any camera which both have pros and cons , i own a Q 2 and its great for 28mm photography.
Would buy that camera, but I would have to sell my complete Fuji set up, yikes. I hope Fuji follows suit and drops a X100VIx on us like Rico GR IIIx.
sell your gear, get the Leica m10r and a few voigtlander or summicron lenses.
Get the SL2s which is cheap now and expand your lenses over the years with m glass.
Sl series cameras are more useable than m cameras and better than the q cameras.
I had m cameras and the q reporter by the way.
Great idea actually!
good video!
Dear friend, it is understandable that you are trying to calm yourself down and find arguments in favor of the Q2 28.
But to be fair, I must say that the Leica Q 3 43 is a more classic focal length and, accordingly, closer to your perception of reality.
Just accept this fact, gather your determination and money and change your Leica Q2 28. to the Leica Q 3 43/
Good luck!
Being a more classical focal length doesn't mean that it works equally as good for all purposes. After all, there is a reason why more than one focal length exists. As I said in the video, 43mm is a great focal length to have and can certainly yield fantastic and very "life like" results, but I still use a 28mm more often in my day to day life. Its a matter of preference in the end. ;)
@@TobisTings Dear Sir, you contradict yourself.
You say in the video that when you leave the house, you shoot more often with 50 mm. and it is more convenient for you when there is a distance between you and the person and unnecessary objects do not get into the frame.
The camera is an addition not a replacement. There are shots that will look much better on the 43mm, while there are shots that you can only get on the 28mm. Because they are both of similar light weight it is a great option to take both as travel cameras, and have the option of using either focal length. Also some people get put off during portrait shooting with a 28 mm because of how close you have to get with the camera.
The Q-28mm is more versatile. You'll be stuck with a tight field of view. Waste of time changing to the 43.
No one buys a Leica for versatility. If I were gonna buying a fix focal length Leica, this would be it, as my primary genre is portrait photography. I have no use for a wide angle fixed lens camera
@ everyone is different. That’s the reason I bought it.
It's going to happen Tobis. Now you have the "virus" in your head and sooner or later that camera will be in your hands...you know it's a matter of time.
sad but probably true. Even though I prefer the 28mm for my daily shooting needs, this 43 man... its next to perfect for those days out hiking or street photography. damn.
Talk is cheap if you got a good lens or camera in your hand. You need to try.;-)
I think Leica would have been more inspired of making a Q3 35mm… which could have deliver 50mm easily buy cropping. 43:is a good focale but why not having the 2 for the same price. With the sensor you are also able to reach 75 or 85mm which is useful for portraits. So really I don’t understand this choice.
I wouldn’t see it as an upgrade, going from the 28 to the 43, i see it more like a change, or going with something slightly different. Cameras are IDENTICAL EXCEPT for the lenses and color.