Oh really? I didn't know another one criticized them as well. One other point I'll mention is that it's not just Facebook, but all major technology companies. Lets be honest, most people (and government bodies for that matter) today are worried about whether an AT&T merger is detrimental to competition, or if a fracking company has overstepped its boundaries trying to extract oil from a spot in the US. That may very well be important and I'm not discounting the importance. My point is that the attention is being directed to them and them only. The technology companies are not looking out for our best interests and like what Larry Rogers said below, it is a disease infecting the human society and they should have the spotlight on them just as much, if not more so.
I have been gone from Facebook for 6 months ( the only sm I used) and omg I feel so free like I have my life back. Thinking clearer, more in the moments, focused on my surroundings. Back reading,working out,writing. God knows in heaven I am never coming back!...there is no utility for me. I feel sorry for people that want to get off but can't because they are totally programmed.
I love how these tech investors make hundreds of millions of dollars from social media investments and then trash them, but still keep the money they made from them. Its like getting rich selling crack and then trying to preach about drugs to kids.
This is why most 'journalism' is so bad these days. The interviewers interrupt because they want to get their own opinion in and to get the sound byte, rather than to have an intellectual discussion.
Traduzione in Italiano: quindi il contesto era dove ero a Stanford e il preside mi ha chiesto di parlare agli studenti dell' MBA e lì stavo rispondendo alla domanda su cosa ne pensassi degli effetti a lungo termine dei social media (mezzi di comunicazione sociale) e sfortunatamente quello che io penso sia successo credo sia facile da definire ciò che io ho detto solo come una cosa specifica di Facebook perché ho lavorato lì, ed io ero un elemento chiave nello svilupparlo la realtà - quello che vorrei spiegare è quello che hai detto in quel momento - quello che ho detto è che io penso che gli strumenti che sono stati creati oggi stanno iniziando a erodere il tessuto sociale di come funziona la società e quello che intendevo è quello che segue oggi viviamo in un mondo dove è facile confondere la verità e la popolarità si può usare il denaro per amplificare ciò in cui credi e portare le persone a credere che ciò che è popolare è ora veritiero e ciò che non è popolare potrebbe non essere veritiero, mi spiego: Joe e io per esempio siamo stati sull'esatta opposta opinione sul clima da molto tempo giusto? E la realtà è che ora posso prendere dei soldi e posso usarli attraverso tutti questi sistemi di social media che esistono quindi su centinaia di milioni di persone e io posso convincere tutti gli amici di Joe e tutti quelli che lo seguono della mia opinione e in modo astuto e quasi inosservato e lui può fare lo stesso a me possiamo farlo con i vaccini possiamo farlo sui diritti degli omosessuali possiamo farlo per quanto riguarda le leggi sui bagni pubblici possiamo farlo su Roy Moore e quindi io penso che la domanda che dobbiamo porre a noi stessi è come possiamo vivere in un mondo dove questo è possibile e - quindi è stato su questo ma proprio per capire perché ho letto e visto parti di ciò di cui stavi parlando al riguardo una parte mi sembrava della capacità di pagare per manipolare il pensiero delle persone e l'altra mi sembrava essere questa specie di società ADD da cui si ricava una sorta di indice di gradimento di tutto e il resto ha creato questo circolo di risposte che tu hai paragonato alle droghe - Noi sappiamo per fatto che ciò che fanno tutti questi sistemi ognuno di essi è sfruttare le nostre tendenze naturali di esseri umani nel ricevere e volere dei riscontri e quel riscontro è chimicamente parlando il rilascio di dopamina nel cervello e così questi circoli viziosi di riscontri - e esistono ovunque in Call of Duty e altri videogiochi in siti di socializzazione che ti portano a reagire e penso che se arrivi a desensibilizzarti e ne hai bisogno più e più volte si diverrà distaccati dal mondo reale in cui si vive che vivi - io sono insensibile tu diventi rozzo - io non vivo davanti al tuo schermo - ma non è la tua bocca, lasciami chiederti questo perché la cosa in cui sono stata coinvolta è che su Facebook è stato annuncianto che ci sarà qualche app che si potrà usare da quando si hanno sette o tredici anni, voglio dire è una cosa da fare per noi questa, ma agganciare i tuoi figli a qualcosa di simile, che stai descrivendo come una correzione della dopamina l'età è pazzesca - quindi guarda, penso che nel caso specifico di Facebook, penso che probabilmente abbiano fatto più di ogni altra società francamente, per provare ad aggiustalo, perché a di tutte le società e le ho viste tutte da vicino a dire il vero per essere molto schietto e onesto, il miglior andamento e la maggior sofisticatezza tecnica - ma loro anche ma loro inoltre mi mandano anche email se io non ho effettuato l'accesso a Facebook per un po' dicendo hey hai visto il post da così e così hai visto il post di così e così cercando di attirarti di nuovo dentro noi possiamo prendere queste decisioni come adulti ma per altri come i bambini è diverso - bene penso che il prodotto, io non lo conosco abbastanza nel dettaglio onestamente, loro dovrebbero, ma penso che il modo in cui quel prodotto funzioni a causa delle leggi sulla privacy negli Stati Uniti fortunatamente debba ottenere il permesso dei genitori il punto però e quello di ciò che tu stai sollevando, penso la cosa più grave sia che non abbiamo mai fatto un passo indietro e per chiederci come dovremmo interagire con queste cose ora, dopo sette anni e cosa dovremmo aspettarci da Internet a tutto campo, la realtà potrebbe essere che l'intero modello d'affari di Internet può essere fondamentalmente un po 'rotto corretto? perché ci permettiamo di interagire con modi e luoghi in cui non controlliamo necessariamente il mezzo o il messenger - e non mettiamo barriere per darci dei tempi di inattività per quello anche - esattamente e così significa che tutti noi dobbiamo collettivamente capire, non solo gli individui ma anche le aziende, anche il governo sinceramente come diversi modelli d'affari possano coesistere in modo che noi possiamo separarci da come la cosa funziona
Everyone's hearing "Facebook reinforces dopamine feedback loops that are ripping apart the social fabric of society," when they should be hearing, "THE INTERNET reinforces dopamine feedback loops that are ripping apart the social fabric of society." That includes you, UA-cam.
I tried detaching myself from SM but then felt I was the one detached from the world because everyone is always on it. Everyone is glued to their phones and nobody wants to start conversations or be curious with the world. Also it was difficult to connect with people since I don't know the latest memes, music, blah blah blah.
So true, well put, popularity doesn't equal truth. The wrong message, fake news or some false data statistics, can amplify exponentially and spread so quickly via social media. Too much social media is kinda like how everyone smoked in the 50-60's, on tv/movies , at home in the public, but people didn't see the damage until 20-30 years later with lung cancer and asthma etc. The internet and social media is a great communication tool, but with the wrong content or message it will harm society on several levels.
Ahaha the only reason i have Facebook is because of my wife, but even than i have blocked all the notifications, using messenger to communicate with my family and friends when i really need to otherwise, im better off seeing them and talking to them in person Seriously people get out of the trap its totally not worth it, interact with people in person go out be realistic.
So one of the guys who made a bunch of cash off of helping create the monster now wants to take a moral high ground and attack the industry as a whole? The irony.
its the like button which caused chaos in ppl minds. omg wat has mark created. metaverse is another depressing world he s creating karma repeated by making him loose billions.
I agree that's why I don't have facebook since I realized that facebook alters what matketing you see based on as little as 1 like. Say I "like" one conservative comment, the rest of my viewing will be right wing news and so when you see enough of one sided view it becomes your reality. And the rest of the world might not see what you see online. And it drives people apart. There is a ted talk about this with detailed examples and how it works
it is a problem of education and perception. I have tech talent and very soon it was clear to me that it is a mixture of flies following a smell // steering a boat. perhaps we need better pictures but I hope readers get the pattern. flies following the smell is like algorithms following my [like] and click activities. I must be aware I have a mechanical following that makes its own noises and echoes. it will in a way echo me, but it lives, and will try to influence me and introduce extra things in my path that may or not may be harmful. then also, this swarm of a following is pushing my boat in various directions. it may over-emphasize the direction that I had just for an hour by clicking something. It may attempt to change the direction of my boat to somewhere else, and I might hate that. furthermore, the difficulty is that the boat has a lot of weight, and in the water it will show a slow reaction to my conscious turning of the steering wheel. I must anticipate and integrate to stay on course. what is the boat and its travel? this may be different for different people. probably it is the sum of incoming data, plus it is my future behavior and emotion, plus it is the successful path of an active and conscious life which depends also on useful data.
It is a pretty astounding confession considering the implications of what was done. I wonder what his plans are, if any, for returning the wealth he gathered to the people whose lives he affected. Thanks for posting this CNBC
This is one of the best explanations for the rise of Trumpism I've seen in a while, especially the part about being able to pay and spam to make uncomfortable truths falsehoods, and make popular things truth regardless of their veracity. Deep stuff by Chamath. Deserves far more than 91k views.
NO KIDDING ! Creativity is going away. The garage band is replaced with sampling something on line. Great things don't happen & a popularity contest emerges. Your stuck with Kanye West.
I disagree with what started this divide in this country. It is economics and the globalization of the work force. But you can believe what you want that caused it but when this country get's into a war don't count on the people that work for a living to be there for your money, because we don't have any and don't care.
I thought the problem was apathy and disengagement. A democracy needs an engaged population who can debate each other. Stepping away from the screen is to end up more isolated from public debate
This dude is claiming Social Media are ripping appart society, and on the other hand he is sustaining BitCoin which could become the first money used totally independently by Artificial Intelligence (if not regulated and I hope, for Human and middle class / poor class sake, that we will regulate it) This could permit to a millionaire full of capital to, in 10 years max, to invest in a restaurant with machines cooking perfectly what you eat, dealing automatically with stock management, paying in BitCoin (not needed to have a specific & complex regulated company account for expenses requiring human intervention) other Uber services to bring raw material with auto driving cars paying themselves the auto pump to fill their tank with fuel ; and all of this without the intervention of human; or perhaps requiring two people when it would have required 100 fixed paid employees in the past; This dude has severe problems with having a clear vision of what is destroying social life; No regulation & decentralized systems as BitCoin = destruction of human work organisation as we know it. And you guess it right: people who will benefit the most of this are rich guys investing in robots & automations. Even software developpers wil become outdated as software are even currently creating other algorithm depending of the end - use. All these dudes should listen more carefully to Tusk & co
Chamath Palihapitiya, thanks for putting so bluntly. It is an addiction and will have deep effects on society.
Yes. But he also has an agenda.
I totally agree with him.. It's definitely caused a lot of serious issues. More bad than good.
Agreed, and I also believe that the fact that he's a true insider and still brings up these issues, only validates his point(s) further.
He's the second CEO to criticize fb. I forgot the other ones name.
Oh really? I didn't know another one criticized them as well. One other point I'll mention is that it's not just Facebook, but all major technology companies. Lets be honest, most people (and government bodies for that matter) today are worried about whether an AT&T merger is detrimental to competition, or if a fracking company has overstepped its boundaries trying to extract oil from a spot in the US. That may very well be important and I'm not discounting the importance. My point is that the attention is being directed to them and them only. The technology companies are not looking out for our best interests and like what Larry Rogers said below, it is a disease infecting the human society and they should have the spotlight on them just as much, if not more so.
It was Sean Parker I believe
I have been gone from Facebook for 6 months ( the only sm I used) and omg I feel so free like I have my life back. Thinking clearer, more in the moments, focused on my surroundings. Back reading,working out,writing. God knows in heaven I am never coming back!...there is no utility for me. I feel sorry for people that want to get off but can't because they are totally programmed.
Everyone interrupting him while he’s speaking are Facebook users lol
He just hit the nail on the head of of society's biggest problem right now.
you were part of the team that made social media that way. So thanks
Fortunately he realised about what he had done wrong and now he wants the users to know too. thats good.
Go Chamath!!!
You changed minds of many people.
I salute you brave man!
I think he made great points. Social media could be an awesome tool if people didn’t misuse it.
Chamath you the man!
I love how these tech investors make hundreds of millions of dollars from social media investments and then trash them, but still keep the money they made from them. Its like getting rich selling crack and then trying to preach about drugs to kids.
Steve Jobs would not allow his children to have iPhones, iPads...ever wonder why? He knew such things are bad for kids...bad for adults too....
could you let the man speak?
This is why most 'journalism' is so bad these days. The interviewers interrupt because they want to get their own opinion in and to get the sound byte, rather than to have an intellectual discussion.
Social media is poison.
2021. This guy seems like a prophet now
Well said...
Vaccines!!! 1:13
Traduzione in Italiano:
quindi il contesto era dove ero a
Stanford e il preside mi ha chiesto di parlare
agli studenti dell' MBA e lì
stavo rispondendo alla domanda
su cosa ne pensassi degli effetti a lungo termine
dei social media (mezzi di comunicazione sociale)
e sfortunatamente quello che io penso sia successo
credo sia facile da definire ciò che io ho
detto solo come una cosa specifica di Facebook
perché ho lavorato lì, ed io ero
un elemento chiave nello svilupparlo
la realtà - quello che vorrei spiegare è
quello che hai detto in quel momento - quello che ho detto
è che io penso che gli strumenti che sono stati
creati oggi stanno iniziando a erodere il
tessuto sociale di come funziona la società e
quello che intendevo è quello che segue
oggi viviamo in un mondo dove
è facile confondere la verità e la
popolarità si può usare il denaro per
amplificare ciò in cui credi e portare
le persone a credere che ciò che è popolare
è ora veritiero e ciò che non è popolare
potrebbe non essere veritiero, mi spiego: Joe e io
per esempio siamo stati sull'esatta opposta
opinione sul clima da molto tempo giusto?
E la realtà è che ora posso prendere dei soldi
e posso usarli attraverso tutti questi
sistemi di social media che esistono
quindi su centinaia di milioni di persone e io posso
convincere tutti gli amici di Joe e
tutti quelli che lo seguono della mia opinione e
in modo astuto e quasi inosservato e lui può fare
lo stesso a me possiamo farlo con i
vaccini possiamo farlo sui diritti degli omosessuali
possiamo farlo per quanto riguarda le leggi sui bagni pubblici
possiamo farlo su Roy Moore e quindi io
penso che la domanda che dobbiamo porre
a noi stessi è come possiamo vivere in un mondo
dove questo è possibile e - quindi è stato
su questo ma proprio per capire
perché ho letto e visto parti
di ciò di cui stavi parlando
al riguardo una parte mi sembrava della
capacità di pagare per manipolare il pensiero
delle persone e l'altra mi sembrava essere
questa specie di società ADD da cui si ricava
una sorta di indice di gradimento di tutto e il resto
ha creato questo circolo di risposte che
tu hai paragonato alle droghe - Noi sappiamo
per fatto che ciò che fanno tutti questi
sistemi ognuno di essi è
sfruttare le nostre tendenze naturali
di esseri umani nel ricevere e volere dei riscontri
e quel riscontro è chimicamente parlando
il rilascio di dopamina nel cervello
e così questi circoli viziosi di riscontri - e
esistono ovunque in Call of Duty
e altri videogiochi in siti
di socializzazione che ti portano a reagire
e penso che se arrivi a desensibilizzarti
e ne hai bisogno
più e più volte si diverrà
distaccati dal mondo reale in cui si vive
che vivi - io sono insensibile tu diventi
rozzo - io non vivo davanti al tuo
schermo - ma non è la tua bocca, lasciami
chiederti questo perché la cosa in cui
sono stata coinvolta è che su Facebook
è stato annuncianto che ci sarà
qualche app che si potrà usare da quando
si hanno sette o tredici anni, voglio dire è una
cosa da fare per noi questa, ma agganciare
i tuoi figli a qualcosa di simile, che
stai descrivendo come una correzione della dopamina
l'età è pazzesca - quindi guarda, penso che nel
caso specifico di Facebook, penso che
probabilmente abbiano fatto più di ogni
altra società francamente, per provare ad
aggiustalo, perché a di tutte le società
e le ho viste tutte da vicino
a dire il vero per essere molto schietto e
onesto, il miglior andamento e la maggior
sofisticatezza tecnica - ma loro anche
ma loro inoltre mi mandano anche email se io
non ho effettuato l'accesso a Facebook per un po'
dicendo hey hai visto il post
da così e così hai visto il post di
così e così cercando di attirarti di nuovo dentro
noi possiamo prendere queste decisioni come
adulti ma per altri come i bambini è
diverso - bene penso che il prodotto, io
non lo conosco abbastanza nel dettaglio
onestamente, loro dovrebbero, ma penso che il modo
in cui quel prodotto funzioni a causa delle
leggi sulla privacy negli Stati Uniti
fortunatamente debba ottenere il permesso dei genitori
il punto però e quello
di ciò che tu stai sollevando, penso la cosa più
grave sia che non abbiamo mai fatto
un passo indietro e per chiederci
come dovremmo interagire con queste
cose ora, dopo sette anni e cosa
dovremmo aspettarci da Internet
a tutto campo, la realtà potrebbe essere che
l'intero modello d'affari di Internet
può essere fondamentalmente un po 'rotto
corretto? perché ci permettiamo di
interagire con modi e luoghi in cui non
controlliamo necessariamente il mezzo o il
messenger - e non mettiamo
barriere per darci dei
tempi di inattività per quello anche - esattamente e così
significa che tutti noi dobbiamo collettivamente
capire, non solo gli individui ma anche
le aziende, anche il governo sinceramente
come diversi modelli d'affari
possano coesistere in modo che noi possiamo
separarci da come la cosa funziona
Interesting how he brought up the subject of vaccines, pre-convid.
Andrew Wakefield published his anti-vaccine article in 1998. That movement has been around even a century before that.
Everyone's hearing "Facebook reinforces dopamine feedback loops that are ripping apart the social fabric of society," when they should be hearing, "THE INTERNET reinforces dopamine feedback loops that are ripping apart the social fabric of society."
That includes you, UA-cam.
Phillip Sykora I was just thinking the same thing
Nope. Social media companies have intentionally gamed dopamine systems, most web designers have not.
No, there are plenty of extraordinary benefits of the Internet that do not involve direct manipulation of dopaminergic reward systems in your brain.
This guy !!? Everything he said was so aquaplaning and so articulate. Every word
What does ‘aquaplaining’ mean in this context
Aquaplaning lol.
thank you for your honesty!
FB is like Hotel California
hahah LMAO
People have been saying the same thing about TV for decades
if you look at why tv was created to begin with you will see it was a very effective tool and it was not for entertainment
2017 - and were still resisting the seriousness today
Congratularon.Iam your fans......from Monterrey, México. You are and extraordinario humano man.
Very prophetic
Nosedive of Black Mirror is our sociocultural state of affairs.
it wouldn't be broken if media report what's happening and stop reporting their opinions as news
media is too obsessed with ratings
reading in 2021, wow your a smart man chamath what else?
I tried detaching myself from SM but then felt I was the one detached from the world because everyone is always on it. Everyone is glued to their phones and nobody wants to start conversations or be curious with the world. Also it was difficult to connect with people since I don't know the latest memes, music, blah blah blah.
Welcome to the sane club 🙂
So true, well put, popularity doesn't equal truth. The wrong message, fake news or some false data statistics, can amplify exponentially and spread so quickly via social media. Too much social media is kinda like how everyone smoked in the 50-60's, on tv/movies , at home in the public, but people didn't see the damage until 20-30 years later with lung cancer and asthma etc. The internet and social media is a great communication tool, but with the wrong content or message it will harm society on several levels.
Meanwhile he's living a 1% lifestyle and not taking an ounce of responsibility for his contribution to the "ripping apart."
And this why the MUSIC died... as well as democracy. Russia.. are you listening.
Nice talk
These interviewers are victims of what he’s talking about
Ahaha the only reason i have Facebook is because of my wife, but even than i have blocked all the notifications, using messenger to communicate with my family and friends when i really need to otherwise, im better off seeing them and talking to them in person
Seriously people get out of the trap its totally not worth it, interact with people in person go out be realistic.
Facebook is very addictive and destroys a person well being. The best thing to do for own self worth is don't have a Facebook account.
So one of the guys who made a bunch of cash off of helping create the monster now wants to take a moral high ground and attack the industry as a whole? The irony.
Social media is bad ... brb, need to post it on FB and Twitter and take a picture of Chamath and photoshop me next to him for my instagram.
dude you help open Pandora's Box ....now you're sorry..... too late too late
that is definitely any company former executive is going to say
The consequences are happening now
Facebook is a social media company not tech company, get it right Mark Suxerberg
its the like button which caused chaos in ppl minds. omg wat has mark created. metaverse is another depressing world he s creating karma repeated by making him loose billions.
I agree that's why I don't have facebook since I realized that facebook alters what matketing you see based on as little as 1 like. Say I "like" one conservative comment, the rest of my viewing will be right wing news and so when you see enough of one sided view it becomes your reality. And the rest of the world might not see what you see online. And it drives people apart. There is a ted talk about this with detailed examples and how it works
What's the name of that TED talk video?
it is a problem of education and perception.
I have tech talent and very soon it was clear to me that it is a mixture of flies following a smell // steering a boat.
perhaps we need better pictures but I hope readers get the pattern.
flies following the smell is like algorithms following my [like] and click activities. I must be aware I have a mechanical following that makes its own noises and echoes. it will in a way echo me, but it lives, and will try to influence me and introduce extra things in my path that may or not may be harmful.
then also, this swarm of a following is pushing my boat in various directions. it may over-emphasize the direction that I had just for an hour by clicking something. It may attempt to change the direction of my boat to somewhere else, and I might hate that.
furthermore, the difficulty is that the boat has a lot of weight, and in the water it will show a slow reaction to my conscious turning of the steering wheel. I must anticipate and integrate to stay on course.
what is the boat and its travel? this may be different for different people. probably it is the sum of incoming data, plus it is my future behavior and emotion, plus it is the successful path of an active and conscious life which depends also on useful data.
It is a pretty astounding confession considering the implications of what was done. I wonder what his plans are, if any, for returning the wealth he gathered to the people whose lives he affected. Thanks for posting this CNBC
watching this after i just deleted my fb account
Are you still deleted?
Facebook should be shut down.and the CEO put in prison
Esta es una prueba que estoy haciendo ahora mismo :)✈🛫
Social media is awful. So, we should stop using it, right? Yeahhh, we'll do that.
Ugh, way to mention ADD inappropriately. -10 points for perpetuating stigmas about mental illnesses by using them colloquially. You can do better.
It also has a positive effect as well. Unity and knowledge building is also gained.
580player depends on how you use it and who knows if they’re tracking those who are spreading knowledge
Oye jaquiaste el canal de los titanes
This is one of the best explanations for the rise of Trumpism I've seen in a while, especially the part about being able to pay and spam to make uncomfortable truths falsehoods, and make popular things truth regardless of their veracity. Deep stuff by Chamath. Deserves far more than 91k views.
the white guy was annoying me tryna explain his point for him 😂
The India guy acts like he has something against gays.
NO KIDDING ! Creativity is going away. The garage band is replaced with sampling something on line. Great things don't happen & a popularity contest emerges. Your stuck with Kanye West.
Is it just me or Joe has nothing to say when Chamath is on? Is it because Chamath will destroy Joe's faux libertarian capitalist BS arguments?
y'all hear that fart at 3:54?
I disagree with what started this divide in this country. It is economics and the globalization of the work force. But you can believe what you want that caused it but when this country get's into a war don't count on the people that work for a living to be there for your money, because we don't have any and don't care.
I thought the problem was apathy and disengagement. A democracy needs an engaged population who can debate each other. Stepping away from the screen is to end up more isolated from public debate
Is he sri lankan??🇱🇰 🇱🇰 🇱🇰 🇱🇰 🇱🇰 🇱🇰
This dude is claiming Social Media are ripping appart society, and on the other hand he is sustaining BitCoin which could become the first money used totally independently by Artificial Intelligence (if not regulated and I hope, for Human and middle class / poor class sake, that we will regulate it)
This could permit to a millionaire full of capital to, in 10 years max, to invest in a restaurant with machines cooking perfectly what you eat, dealing automatically with stock management, paying in BitCoin (not needed to have a specific & complex regulated company account for expenses requiring human intervention) other Uber services to bring raw material with auto driving cars paying themselves the auto pump to fill their tank with fuel ; and all of this without the intervention of human; or perhaps requiring two people when it would have required 100 fixed paid employees in the past;
This dude has severe problems with having a clear vision of what is destroying social life;
No regulation & decentralized systems as BitCoin = destruction of human work organisation as we know it. And you guess it right: people who will benefit the most of this are rich guys investing in robots & automations. Even software developpers wil become outdated as software are even currently creating other algorithm depending of the end - use.
All these dudes should listen more carefully to Tusk & co
Blondie shhh