Ken Wilber on the Shadow and the Origins of the 3 2 1 Process

  • Опубліковано 12 січ 2022
  • from Integral Life:
    The “shadow” refers to aspects of our self that have become disowned, broken off, or pushed into the unconscious. One of the most important goals of healthy integral living is to recognize and reclaim these broken pieces of ourselves, and to reintegrate them back into our total self-system so that we can become less reactive, more responsive, and more fulfilled. In other words, we do shadow work so that we can become whole again, to become more of ourselves, to re-own and reintegrate all those splintered pieces of ourselves that we may have unconsciously pushed away over the course of our lives.
    You can find more information about shadow work as well as courses on the 3 2 1 Process on the Integral Life website.


  • @MatthewKruse-ri8ep
    @MatthewKruse-ri8ep 5 місяців тому +2

    Only six minutes in and already I'm seeing this information as being very applicable to many of my own hang-ups and issues. This is very clearly explained by Wilber. Thank you so much. Blessing on your work, Ken Wilber!

    • @pug7053
      @pug7053 10 днів тому +1

      has it helped ur hang ons?

  • @bodhichitananda
    @bodhichitananda 2 роки тому +4

    So beautiful and inspiring. And so much work to do on my, our, selves!

    • @pug7053
      @pug7053 10 днів тому +2

      how is the work going champ?

  • @sereneintegral
    @sereneintegral 2 роки тому +4

    Who is the generous person to thank for sharing this playlist?

    • @aeonian4560
      @aeonian4560 2 роки тому +1

      It is obviously an anonymous citizen of the listening society..

    • @pug7053
      @pug7053 10 днів тому +1

      holy spirit is a person

  • @ransetruman2984
    @ransetruman2984 2 роки тому +1

    thank you

  • @AlanPhan128
    @AlanPhan128 7 місяців тому +1

    TLDR: Integrating our shadow is essential for personal growth, but it must be done with care to avoid negative consequences, and understanding and addressing our shadow material can lead to growth and healing.
    1. 00:00 🔍 Integrating our shadow is crucial for personal growth, but it must be done with care to avoid negative consequences.
    1.1 Shadow refers to the aspects of our awareness that we have disowned, repressed, or denied, which are important parts of our own psyche that we are not acknowledging.
    1.2 Differentiation, disidentification, and integration are necessary for moving to a higher level of development, but if not done properly, it can lead to fixation, addiction, dissociation, or avoidance.
    2. 04:03 🧠 Splitting off parts of our consciousness can lead to dysfunction, but understanding and integrating our shadows can lead to growth and healing.
    2.1 Addictions and allergies are the two primary dysfunctions that can occur at different levels and states, such as food, sex, power, and love.
    2.2 Splitting off important aspects of our consciousness can lead to a halt in overall development.
    2.3 The talk discusses different categories of upper left psychological shadow material and their suggested treatments, including shadow retroflexion and introduction, as well as shadows associated with states of consciousness.
    3. 08:08 📝 Retroflection, redirecting anger towards oneself, can lead to depression, but can be overcome through transactional analysis and introspection of internalized parent and child tapes.
    3.1 The paper presented a comparison between the structural models of gestalt therapy and transactional analysis, highlighting the concepts of retroflexion and the p a c ego.
    3.2 Retroflection occurs when anger is redirected towards oneself instead of the intended target.
    3.3 Depression is retroflected anger and can be overcome by turning that anger outward and getting sad back into mad through transactional analysis and introspection of internalized parent and child tapes.
    4. 12:07 🧑‍🏫 Gestalt therapy and transactional analysis use different techniques to address negative thought patterns.
    4.1 Gestalt therapy uses a tripartite structure to address the over dog, underdog, and adult state, while transactional analysis uses pac scripts to interrupt negative self-talk.
    5. 13:47 🧑‍⚕ Fritz Perls cured neurosis in 15 minutes by having patients describe their problems in "it" terms and using an empty chair technique to convert anxiety from third to first person.
    5.1 Fritz Perls was a genius in working with neurosis and could cure any neurosis in 15 minutes by having the person describe their problems in "it" terms.
    5.2 A therapeutic technique involves converting anxiety from third person to second person to first person through dialogue with an empty chair.
    6. 16:46 🧠 The three-two-one process is a key part of psychotherapy and shadow work, helping individuals understand and address their shadow material at each stage of development.
    6.1 The three-two-one process is a fundamental pathway of neurotic development that is intuitively used by psychotherapists and can be seen in various forms of therapy, including shadow work, which involves taking into account the stages of growing up development.
    6.2 Shadow material can occur at each stage of development, providing a clear understanding of the type of shadow material available at each stage.
    7. 20:27 🧠 Different levels of consciousness can be repressed, leading to denial and projection of qualities onto others, causing conflicts in culture wars.
    7.1 There is a spectrum of development of different levels of consciousness that can be repressed, resulting in a variety of symptoms.
    7.2 As different defense mechanisms emerge, individuals tend to deny and repress their own qualities and project them onto others, leading to conflicts in the culture wars.
    8. 23:16 🧘‍♀ Practice empathy and shadow work to confront and integrate the parts of ourselves that we hate and stop projecting them onto others.
    8.1 If something upsets you and drives you crazy, it's probably a projection of your own qualities.
    8.2 Practice empathy by talking to an imaginary person in an empty chair to integrate their perspective into your own, even if you still disagree with it.
    8.3 Shadow work is difficult but rewarding as it requires us to confront and accept the parts of ourselves that we hate and loathe.
    8.4 Acknowledge and befriend your projections without being judgmental to avoid negative impacts on your mental health.
    8.5 Shadow work is challenging but necessary to acknowledge and integrate our own hatred and stop projecting it onto others, and it can help reduce the influence of our shadows in the world.

  • @fedorilitchev5092
    @fedorilitchev5092 Рік тому +1

    "we become addicted to what we should have let go of" - I would love to see some specific examples of this.

    • @ekashpersky
      @ekashpersky 10 місяців тому +1

      Playing video-games, smoking nerves out, drink situations away

    • @pug7053
      @pug7053 10 днів тому +1

      no shoulds, psych 101.

  • @mohammadreza7265
    @mohammadreza7265 Місяць тому

    That it very helpful. Thank you