Patrice Bart and Francesca Zumbo - ‘Le Corsaire' Pas De Deux

  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2024


  • @ЛесяЛат
    @ЛесяЛат 3 роки тому +2

    Видела выступления Зюмбо и Барт во время гастролей Гранд Опера, замечательная пара, прекрасные артисты, и видела их в жизни.

  • @IceAintNice
    @IceAintNice 7 років тому +2

    Fabulous video John. I love Monsieur Bart in the POB making of the Nureyev ballets videos. My bucket list is to meet or communicate with him some day.

    • @JohnRaymondHall
      @JohnRaymondHall  7 років тому +1

      this is a great performance, isn't it! meeting him is something i'll add to my Bucket List right now :)

  • @alainspiteri502
    @alainspiteri502 4 роки тому +2

    Francesca Zumbo and Patrice Bart two fabulous tecnicians ; Francesca Zumbo was first Ballerina at Paris-opera at the end of her career she danced in 1981 an amazing ballet " Etudes " of Lander with Patrick Dupont in memories of all Who saw them , pity there is not a video on UA-cam but the best " Etudes ' on Y Tube with Patrick Dupont , Katherine Healy and Kevin Pugh : why to talk always about Russians dancers ? what more than Patrick Dupont in " Etudes " on UA-cam ? J don't understand this thing about people !

    • @BytomGirl
      @BytomGirl 4 роки тому +1

      I love Katherine Healy, she was not just a ballet dancer but professional figure skater and was a great actress at 12 in a film Six Weeks with Dudley Moore. Now she has a ballet school and is a great teacher. Russians are great classical dancers as they always adhere to Vaganova method which is taught at Ballet schools in Russia and which is based on expression as much as technique. Unfortunately today in the West expression doesn't seem as important as high jumps.

    • @annickborys2465
      @annickborys2465 Рік тому

      J’aimais beaucoup Monsieur Patrice Bart❤ Quelle expressivité🎉.

    • @alainspiteri502
      @alainspiteri502 Рік тому

      @@annickborys2465 la caractéristique de Patrice Bart ( à part sa super technique ) était sa vivacité en scène c'était un plus qu'il apportait même à des Coréos mineures comme " l-Apprenti Sorcier ' de N Schumki , c'était un plus par rapport à d'autres techniciens de l'opéra de Paris

  • @annickborys2465
    @annickborys2465 Рік тому +1

    J’adorais Patrice Bart❤.

  • @simaraft7373
    @simaraft7373 7 років тому +2

    What an exciting time it was.

    • @JohnRaymondHall
      @JohnRaymondHall  7 років тому

      yes, and we (maybe it was just me!) all waited for the next defection of a super star that would become an international household name (well, ballet household!)

  • @alainspiteri502
    @alainspiteri502 4 роки тому

    Internet est un tout autre monde cest l'anonymat ou l'on peut se faire passer pour ce que l'on est pas : se dire " être littéraire "quand on est un cultivateur agricole cest assez cocasse ! En fait cest cela Y T ou on peut commenter et dire que l'on est mélomane quand on a jamais écouté une Symphonie ! Y T est intéressant par les vidéos et dans tts les domaines pas seulement la danse classique mais selon mon expérience depuis qq années il faut dire que l'on y fait de drôles de rencontres ; Le Best cest pour moi le cultivateur agricole spécialiste dans les citations des grands Auteurs Littéraires mais quant à avoir un échange sur un Auteur on reste sans réponse cest Internet avec ses avantages mais ou se mêlent de drôles de gens quand même ; j'écris en Francais puisqu'elle est relativement à des Aristes français

  • @ЛесяЛат
    @ЛесяЛат 3 роки тому

    Это 1969 год интересно где они выступают, это не гастроли в Ленинграде?

    • @JohnRaymondHall
      @JohnRaymondHall  3 роки тому

      Это 1969 год, интересно, где они выступают, разве это не гастроли по Ленинграду?
      это сборник спектаклей в российском фильме Первого Московского международного конкурса артистов балета 1969 года. :)

    • @ЛесяЛат
      @ЛесяЛат 3 роки тому

      @@JohnRaymondHall спасибо за ответ

    • @JohnRaymondHall
      @JohnRaymondHall  3 роки тому

      @@ЛесяЛат удовольствие

  • @laurafrenkeltarrio3020
    @laurafrenkeltarrio3020 7 років тому


  • @pediatrapaola
    @pediatrapaola 7 років тому +1

    surely in the period we did exacly the same things in late 70's you also,dear alex, saw in london patrice bart when he used to be usual guest principal with LFB he was in that period no longer as good as in this clip because he was older and involved in a dayly fight with the overweight but had still a certain technicall brillance

    • @JohnRaymondHall
      @JohnRaymondHall  7 років тому +1

      yes, he was less in the time i saw him - nice to see him better here - pity in a way Misha is here too as a comparison.

    • @alainspiteri502
      @alainspiteri502 4 роки тому

      Pediatrapao : stop to write stupidities ! false comments about a personne perhaps you have never saw

    • @pediatrapaola
      @pediatrapaola 4 роки тому

      spitieri you are as usual a perfect imbecile when l was young l spent an whole year in london l was 24 then and also l was personal friend of dame beryl grey then AD OF LONDON FESTIVAL and saw many times patrice bart onstage because then he was guest principal with london festival ballet .so stop accusing people to lie ,l am tired about your idiotic way to behave so please no longer comment over my comments and forget that l exist made you ridicoulous enought last time when a formerbolshoi dancer witnessed your lacks of knowledge .so please stop disturbing me with your dumb comments

    • @alainspiteri502
      @alainspiteri502 4 роки тому

      Pediatrapaola : what j read ? J write for the last time with false comment ,.it-s a shame what j write but j must do : P Bart overweight ? what do you mean ? All France saw the show-TV 1980 when Rosella Hightower was Principal at Paris " Hommage au Ballet " where Bart danced " Etude" overweight in 1980 P Bart ? ? There is a video of this show-TV 1980 on Y T ; you known Bart not at London but you known him because this Star danced many Times at Scala with E Terrabust and of course you talk about London ; all you write is false ,: j'm old and not saw Y Soloviev impossible because he died in 1977 and stop his career before then how can j known Soloviev j'm not one hundred Y old for that ; how old are you ? and more j saw Sonoviev on Y T video very far from Bart in " Étude " ( 1980 vidéo) heavy , jumps no spectacular in comparison with Bart Stop Stop for the last time all false comments about dancers you don't known. How old are you to have seen the young Margot Fonteyn ? You can insult no importance from a poor person . It's no possible to say nothing when there is a video of P Bart in " Etude" - 1980.! !

    • @alainspiteri502
      @alainspiteri502 4 роки тому

      @@pediatrapaola and Stop false comments about your life j'm no stupid to believe story of lies

  • @pediatrapaola
    @pediatrapaola 7 років тому +1

    mrs zumbo performed double fuettes already at that time

    • @TheRevengeOfPanchoVilla
      @TheRevengeOfPanchoVilla 7 років тому

      pediatrapaola Perchè i danzatori di un tempo avevano l'en dehors meno accentuato? E magari non sapevano fare la spaccata e avevano una strana tecnica dei giri, ma una grande capacità nel salto e doti attoriali molto più sviluppate?

    • @pediatrapaola
      @pediatrapaola 7 років тому

      la tecnica si e'evoluta in generale ed il livello medio in termini di tecnica si e'alzato moltissimo ed anche il modo di eseguire i giri e'cambiato basta guardare come girano oggi in 3/4 di punta ed il ginocchio non piegato rispetto a come giravano negli anni 50 ed inizio anni 60 ,ma malgrado cio'i miei danzatori preferiti rimangono alcuni del passato e malgrado il miglioramento generale io non ho mai piu'visto danzatori del calibro di vladimir vasiliev yuri soloviev o mikhail baryshnikov .

    • @pediatrapaola
      @pediatrapaola 7 років тому

      io mi chiamo enrico e sono di la spezia lei di dov'e'?

    • @virginiamariadubois3105
      @virginiamariadubois3105 7 років тому

      Non avevo mai visto video con Patrice Burt danzatore, per cui ho stentato a riconoscere in lui li maitre de ballet dell'Opera dI Parigi della meta' degli anni '80. Aveva quindi ballato anche con compagnie straniere come il LFB?

    • @pediatrapaola
      @pediatrapaola 7 років тому

      si alla fine degli anni 70 era uno dei guest principals praticamente fissi io lo vidi molte volte ,ma rispetto a questo video era molto meno in forma era 10 anni piu'vecchio e molto molto grassottello ,se ci fa caso gia'qui si nota una certa difficolta'a restare magro comunque non era male per il periodo .