14th & 2nd Cav Cold War Border Squadrons 1st, 2nd & 3rd

  • Опубліковано 24 лис 2016
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  • @jgeur
    @jgeur 3 роки тому +9

    for those of you that watched this video, who are not prior military, or really only know about the cold war from reading books, i just want to say that the men shown here and more importantly not shown (and there were thousands of men and women) weren't there because it was their life's calling. they were there to do a job to protect not only america's interests but also the interests of our allies. these soldiers weren't just the tip of the spear, they were the spear and the shield. it wasn't made clear in the presentation but the units stationed along the czech and east german borders knew that they faced overwhelming odds if the soviet bloc chose to come across the border. the bravest soldiers on the planet.

    • @Redwhiteblue-gr5em
      @Redwhiteblue-gr5em 2 роки тому

      This should be taught in our public schools so that the youngsters will have pride in what our country did during the Cold War to prevent Communist military takeover of many countries. Instead our young people are drilled with anti-American leftist propaganda and taught that the US military were the bad guys. So sad that this is where our one great nation is.

    • @r.daillee1034
      @r.daillee1034 9 місяців тому +1

      Yup, we were outnumbered 3:1 by the Warsaw Pact. The theory was our superior weapons would equalize the numbers. I always doubted that. The ferocious recoil of the main guns on our Sheridans frequently knocked out the infrared tracking system of our Shillelagh missiles. The missiles were extremely accurate, and had a range of 3500 meters, conventional rounds were limited to 800 meters. High-tech weaponry (for the time) that didn't work 50% of the time gave us no advantage at all. Our job was to delay Warsaw Pact heavy tanks until our heavy tanks arrived. Our life expectancy during the first 24 hours of an attack was estimated to be around 2 minutes in a worst case scenario. It's a good thing the 105s on the M-60 main battle tanks were deadly accurate out to 2000 meters and were very dependable.

  • @user-uf9xj3wg9h
    @user-uf9xj3wg9h 2 роки тому +5

    I commanded a 1st Armored Division tank company and was getting ready to take over the border from 2nd ACR when my Battalion Commander called me in and said, "You're not going to the border." I was shocked and disappointed. He said, "The wall came down. The border is open and people are flowing across." More shocked. Everything changed after that. Europe was not fun anymore. We went to Desert Storm and when we came back it was all about the drawdown.

    • @manuelf.505
      @manuelf.505 2 роки тому +2

      Where was your base? I grew up nearby Ansbach and as a kid followed the last reforger exercises still with M60 and the new M1A1, Bradleys, also the ADA Hawk where in our village, maybe during Central Enterprise 1989 and later field training until 1994 with the Apaches from Illesheim, now only them and Ansbach - Katterbach is operating in this area, but the time you mentioned ended 1994.

  • @wunderler
    @wunderler 2 роки тому +3

    Stationed in Fulda, September of 1966 to November of 1967, Hq.Trooop, 1st Squadron, 14th Armored Cav., S-3 operations, radio operator, 577-A1 driver (did this as the driver rotated back to the states in June of 67, if I remember correctly) Went to Grafenwoehr, Wildflcken while there. I enjoyed traveling around Germany seeing the sights, visiting family in Ludwigsburg, Tubingen , Hirrlingen, Baden-Wurttemberg,First time that I ever met them in person as I was born and raised in Philadelphia, Pa. I was very fortunate to have been sent to Germany instead of Nam !! Octoberfest, what a blast. I could go on and on about the places I've been to while stationed in Germany, but I wont.

  • @wunderler
    @wunderler 2 роки тому +4

    Mr. Deitz, did you ever take notice to the fact that many of the personnel stationed in Germany during our time in Germany,(66to68) had German surnames, eg. you, Deitz , me, Schmidt. Many of us being able to speak German. I speak Schwabish Deutsch as my family is from Baden-Wurtemberg. Speaking German made things very nice while traveling around Germany. The German people seemed more receptive of us that spoke Deutsch. In my unit, S3, almost all, had German surnames, we even had a Deitz along with Boettger, Kohler, Fisher, Granken, Heller, Schomaker. I took notice in an other video, in which you are pictured with two or three other men of German heritage, on the 3rd Squadron commemorative plack video.
    Your video's conger up very good memories. Thank you for making and sharing.

  • @slandry164
    @slandry164 4 роки тому +8

    Father was MG John Landry...Was both the CO/XO of 3/2 ACR at Pond Barracks in Amberg, W. Germany from 1974 - 1979 (with one year break to work for Alexander Haig at SHAPE, Belgium before returning to 3/2 ACR). Best years of my life in the Cold War learning much about the Iron Curtain. Before Amberg, I was born in Nuremberg, Germany while Parents were stationed in Bindlach in early 63- Dad's career came full circle after Graduating from West Point. HE was shipped to the border not long after USSR sealed up the East German/Czechslovakian border. He retired when his last tour was in Germany just as the wall came down. Tour Jours Pret!

    • @johncecil2483
      @johncecil2483 2 роки тому

      Service in 1976-1979 in Fulda,West Germany (Bravo Trooper)

    • @armyvet6010
      @armyvet6010 Рік тому

      @@johncecil2483 Served in 1962-1965 in Fulda, West Germany (Charley Troop. I believe B troop and C troop were in the same barracts (building).

    • @soul69charger
      @soul69charger Рік тому +1

      In the 2000s and 2010s I had my classic 1969 Dodge Charger (sold since) fixed and serviced in the former hobby car work shop of Christensen barracks, Bindlach; I suppose You were to small to remember anything about the place, but quite a few of the old buildings are still there ... Nuremberg Army hospital, which probably was Your exact birth place, unfortunately is gone and replaced by housing ... my thanks for the service of Your family in my home country!

  • @dunordtom
    @dunordtom 4 роки тому +6

    I was the Commo Chief for M Troop, 3rd Squadron, 2nd Cav in Amberg at Pond Barracks in '68 and '69. Two of the best years of my life.

    • @williamstump1147
      @williamstump1147 4 роки тому +1

      Tom Terrfic M troop 65. To 66 drove for captain Fladd

    • @dianastump7001
      @dianastump7001 Місяць тому

      Was in M troop 1965,67 drove for troop commander

  • @bpensacola
    @bpensacola 2 роки тому +2

    ALLONS! I served in 2/11 at Bad K from 78-81. Some of the best men I’ve ever known.

  • @wixom01
    @wixom01 3 роки тому +3

    I was attached to the 11th ACR in Fulda from 1981-1983 to provide communications support between Regimental and V Corp headquarters. Black Horse!

  • @larryg.9187
    @larryg.9187 3 роки тому +5

    I enlisted Jan. of '72...After basic & A.I.T. at Fort Knox I was sent to H Company of 2/2 Armored Calvary Regiment in Bamberg. My tank was H-34 as I trained in the M 60-A-1 Main battle tank...We did border duty several X's a year in Colberg...Would drive sometimes along the border and also would spend time at the stationary border shack watching for any action in either case...Radar guys on one side didn't like us to see what they did. As they spent equal time at the border shack...You could count on seeing the guys in their tower across the border looking at you as you looked at them. And I'd also see a truck pull up to either give the guards a meal or change of guard...That's about the most we would see of them... I was told there was anti-personnel mines, truck and tank mines in between the two sides of the fenced area...Which I think was about a 100 yards wide(?)... I was there early in '72 until Dec. '74
    They gave me a nice poster of sorts (yup, still have it) to the effect : Having the willingness to endure along the Communist border, you are hereby appointed a member of the Border Legion....It has the embossed 2nd Calvary Regiment Seal on it and signed by Col. Thompson.
    We would be in the field some 45 days at a time in addition to border duty...In a couple of NATO training areas (spelling off I'm sure) Grafenwoehr and Hornsfelds ...We would 'railhead' our company to Graf...two tanks per flat train car...They used old time coal powered locomotives to pull 'em all...Started out 1st year as a Loader, then Driver, and in my last time at Graf. as a Gunner, my tank scored best out of the company...!!!...Best Gunner in the company...!!!...Wow, I beat the Lt's, the Captain and the rest...!!!...1st Sgt Florese (spelling?)(Who'd figure after calling us god-damn maggots in morning review out on the parade grounds most times) awarded my crew a helicopter ride back to Bamberg, a case of German beer for each of us, the weekend off, and each of us got a very cool beer stine complete with the 'Always Ready' logo, our name & date, and 'high crew' painted on it...Still have it too...!
    You know I'm sure most of us just wanted to be back home, as I did too...But thinking back to visiting castles and Frankfort, Munich, October Fest, going to the wall in Nuremberg to 'check out the cracks', and the smell of Bratwurst cooking in town squares and eating 'em too, and a whole bunch more I'm forgetting right now...Makes me say, yes that was the best time of my life...And I'm proud to have had a roll in our mission and all I experienced there...!

    • @malcolmsee3477
      @malcolmsee3477 2 роки тому +1

      Bamberg 77 to 79! Oh to be young aga!

    • @kenglavens6455
      @kenglavens6455 9 місяців тому +1

      I was an army brat over there in 65 and 66. My dad was in the 2nd armoured cavalry and we would go to Coburg to visit him when he was in duty there. Several of his friend and my friends dad were relocated to Ft. Campbell, Kentucky in 66 to train for Vietnam. My dad and brother and I went down to Ft. Campbell in 67 to visit friends and several of them were already in Vietnam, some killed and several injured badly. My dad retired in 66 to avoid that and we came back to the states in 66 with a 65 Volkswagen square back. I remember eating at the German canteen in Coburg. The food was better there than at the American canteen. There was a tiny movie theatre there and a two lane bowling alley in an old tank garage with a couple of vending machines and a juke box. Every time wed go in there, someone would play "Pretty Woman" by Roy Orbison for my mom. We lived on Nurnberger Str. in the red light district before we finally got quarters on post. 4 kids in one bed in a one bedroom apt. It was the best and worst of times. I hated it with a passion but was still drawn back to visit in 92. Couldn't believe how much nicer it was by then including Warner Barracks. It was closed in 2014. I don't know if I could bare to see it now. As a teenybopper at that time, it changed me forever and formed me into much if not most of what I am today. That first year there was soul crushing. By the time we got settled enough for me to adjust and start to like it, we came back. Now, I wish we could have stayed long enough for me to go to high school on the train in Nurnburg and graduate there with fellow army brats. I ended up going to 3 more schools back in the states, total of 13. I think more about my army best friends than the ones I graduated with because we were all "in it" together with our families. No regrets .. miss it deeply..yet glad that it's over. Would never want to go through anything like that first year again.

    • @gogelgebenec5270
      @gogelgebenec5270 8 місяців тому +1

      I live north of Coburg I am born 58 and i allways like it to see the US Troups on Tour in our Area!!

  • @theDeitz
    @theDeitz  6 років тому +2

    If you like this video please subscribe, comment and share, thanks

  • @gnashvillecat6654
    @gnashvillecat6654 Рік тому +3

    Bravo Co. 3/35 Armor Bamberg Germany, We used to go to a place (Border Camp) in Wieden (i Think it was called) I left just before the wall came down 3erd Cav. sucked Too. It was hard but maybe for the best. my room was right across from the C.Q. desk and I had two room mates that loved leaving the door open and hanging out by the desk. I told them to leave the door shut B/C we had a single Platoon Sgt. that lived in the Barracks and was a Room Rat Everytime he walked past the room it was Party time. G.I. Party 3 or 4 times a week we were stripping the floor and putting a fresh coat of wax down on the floor (they learned)

    • @ukpunk1
      @ukpunk1 Місяць тому +1

      Weiden in der Oberpfalz. It was called Camp Pitman.

  • @stevenvenokur4124
    @stevenvenokur4124 3 роки тому +4

    E Troop 2nd Cavalry 1964 -1966 patrolled the East German border from Coburg. I did exactly what this video depicts.

    • @theDeitz
      @theDeitz  3 роки тому

      Sprinter (interesting name) .. The reason I shared this view is because so many had, have no clue what we were doing their. Our unit was near the Fulda Gap, 3/14th ACR along with the 1st and 2nd Squadrons of the 14th ACR..

    • @larryg.9187
      @larryg.9187 3 роки тому +1

      At-a-boy Steven..!...Me too...early '72-Dec '74 Main Battle Tank H-Co 2/2 ACR Bamberg...Who knew Bamberg would be declared a World Heritage City back then? You can find that declaration in a you-tube flick...(or words to that effect)

    • @kenglavens6455
      @kenglavens6455 9 місяців тому

      My dad was in G troop 2nd A/C and also went to Coburg all the time. Our whole family was there. Probably ran into you there. Check out my previous comment to another guy who was there in 72.

  • @HerbWalker
    @HerbWalker 7 років тому +12

    I was with 3rd Armored Division "Spearhead"
    Aco 2/33 Armor The Rock Ayers Kaserne
    CSC 1/32 Armor Ray Barracks
    ....... we patrolled the Fulda Gap for years!
    "Scouts OUT"

    • @johncecil2483
      @johncecil2483 2 роки тому +3

      I was with 1st 11th Calvary n Fulda 1976-1979 Bravo Troopers

  • @raybonecrusher4516
    @raybonecrusher4516 6 років тому +7

    I was there in 1962. Bad Kissingen, lots of time in the field.

    • @theDeitz
      @theDeitz  6 років тому

      Yep, your were our 2nd Squadron of the 14th ACR. Our 3 Squadrons did a lot of training in the field. ..... We were the other Bad Village lol Bad Hersfeld ...... ua-cam.com/video/ldZxZiz3W0k/v-deo.html

  • @eddavis9704
    @eddavis9704 6 років тому +4

    86 to 90, 1/13, 1bgd, 1 AD, redesignated 2/37. Vilseck. Had some fun on the border.

  • @dennis195127
    @dennis195127 5 років тому +3

    I Trp 3/2 ACR Amberg Germany 1971-1974, best job ever, getting a handicap black

    • @theDeitz
      @theDeitz  5 років тому +1

      I totally agree .... thedeitz.com

    • @billfeakes6932
      @billfeakes6932 3 роки тому +1

      "An operational test message, testing the individual soldier's ability to send a message from lower to higher HQ" - Handicap Black

  • @50STONEhW
    @50STONEhW 2 роки тому +2

    Golf Troop 2nd Squadron 2nd ACR Bamberg Germany 1984-1986. Border Operations Center (BOC) Camp Hof Germany. Best keep your shifts in order because Regimental Operations Inspectors could show up at anytime unannounced..”ALERT! ALERT! ALERT!”

  • @kiel4
    @kiel4 3 роки тому +3

    M CO 3/2 ACR 73-75 Pond Barracks Amberg Germany & Camp Rotz

  • @spar0035
    @spar0035 3 роки тому +2

    "The Frontier of Freedom" S?! $ just got real...

  • @robreyescosme6902
    @robreyescosme6902 2 роки тому +3

    Fox troop mechanic... 2nd Armored Cav.. 76 to 78 Bamberg, Germany..

  • @bernardturner8103
    @bernardturner8103 2 роки тому +2

    I was with I Troop 3/2nd ACR Amberg 1974-1976

  • @roberthulkoff202
    @roberthulkoff202 2 роки тому +1

    I served in Golf troop 2ND ACR (Bamberg) from 85-87. Probably the most interesting tour.

  • @waynesmith5053
    @waynesmith5053 4 роки тому +4

    3/14 ACR Bad Hersfeld. OP Romeo, India, and Oscar

    • @theDeitz
      @theDeitz  4 роки тому

      Wayne what years? ...

  • @richardburkhardt6488
    @richardburkhardt6488 4 роки тому +2

    14th ACR Fulda HQ Regimental Reenlistment Office Downs Barracks. 1968-1969 SP4 R. Burkhardt

  • @schlirf
    @schlirf 5 років тому +3

    ALLONS! 14th CAV!

  • @johnrykken7113
    @johnrykken7113 3 роки тому +3

    2/2 ACR, How Battery, Bamberg, 1976-78.

    • @larryg.9187
      @larryg.9187 3 роки тому

      At-a-boy ..!..Rykken...H-Co 2/2 ACR Bamberg early '72 - Dec '74...M-60-A-1 Main Battle Tank

  • @willrichase
    @willrichase 7 років тому +4

    Served at Downs barracks in Fulda, 78-79. C troop, 1st squad, 14th armored cavalry.

  • @steveo7767
    @steveo7767 7 років тому +4

    1990-1993 K Troop 3/11 ACR 1st Platoon K-13 M3A1 Bradley 19D10 mos

  • @kennyworth007
    @kennyworth007 4 роки тому +2

    Camp Gates. 1/2 Cav.. 84-87.

  • @mcpaplus
    @mcpaplus Рік тому +2

    How Battery 3/11th ACR, Bad Hersfeld. 75-77.

  • @Markbeb3
    @Markbeb3 7 років тому +2

    Boy i remember this post very well was there in 1978 threw Jan 1982. 3 Armored A.co 2/33. first plt middle 82 was at camp Irwin change it to Front Irwin.There in till 84.85 break went into Guard and called into drug war by Reagan June 85 threw 95. Sent Latin American. In till injury.

  • @MoxieMike66
    @MoxieMike66 5 років тому +6

    2/2 ACR F Troop, Bamberg & Hof, sectors 9-17, 1/85' - 10/86'.

    • @larryg.9187
      @larryg.9187 3 роки тому +1

      At-a-boy Moxie..!...H-Co 2/2 A.C.R. Bamberg early '72 - Dec '74...

    • @frankhughes172
      @frankhughes172 2 роки тому +3

      Fox troop 77-79 I ran the VTR Fox 49, we had the Sheridons and later the M60 , I ran M88

    • @MoxieMike66
      @MoxieMike66 2 роки тому +1

      @@frankhughes172 I was on M1 Abrams, Loader & Driver. Although I did get licensed for a 113 while there. Did foot patrols, wheel patrols and GSR missions, as well as a REFORGER, not to mention Gunneries at Graf. Loved it over there while I was there. Knowing it's all gone is kinda sad. Better memories than HS, haven't been to a single HS reunion. Toujours Pret!

    • @mikematthews7166
      @mikematthews7166 Рік тому +1

      Fox Troop 83-84 1st Plt

  • @terrystrong8237
    @terrystrong8237 4 роки тому +3

    E Trp 2/2 ACR Bamberg Germany, 1982-84 Hof border camp

    • @larryg.9187
      @larryg.9187 3 роки тому +1

      At-a-boy Terry..!..I was in H-Co. 2/2 ACR early '72 - Dec '74 M-60-A-1 Main Battle Tank

  • @mikematthews7166
    @mikematthews7166 6 років тому +3


    • @theDeitz
      @theDeitz  6 років тому

      Roger your last, out

  • @stephentaylor6204
    @stephentaylor6204 3 роки тому +2

    Lt Taylor 3/14 & 3/11 ACR '70-73'

    • @joachimwenz557
      @joachimwenz557 2 роки тому

      Stephen Kermond Taylor with the Dunstall Norton from Provo UT?

  • @babalugats3540
    @babalugats3540 3 роки тому +1

    3/68 armor Mannheim, 72-75

  • @mtw56or
    @mtw56or 4 роки тому +2

    1/2 ACR 1974-76

  • @waynesmith5053
    @waynesmith5053 4 роки тому +3


    • @topper3348
      @topper3348 3 роки тому +1

      Border Ops Officer, HQ 14th ACR , Fulda 70-71

  • @joemorris2357
    @joemorris2357 2 роки тому

    Why did they abruptly stop the discussion of 2ACR Regt HQ in Nürnberg and switch to the 14th?

  • @dlp1953
    @dlp1953 4 роки тому +1

    1/14th Cav

  • @3139Kyra
    @3139Kyra 3 роки тому +1

    H Co. 2/2 ACR 84-86

    • @theDeitz
      @theDeitz  3 роки тому

      Where wa the 2nd Sqdn? Our 3rd of the 14th was in Bad Hersfeld aka the Fulda Gap.

    • @3139Kyra
      @3139Kyra 3 роки тому

      @@theDeitz Bamberg. Hof border camp

    • @theDeitz
      @theDeitz  3 роки тому

      @@3139Kyra got it, thanks ... en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warner_Barracks

    • @larryg.9187
      @larryg.9187 3 роки тому

      You get an At-a-boy Kevin...I was in H-Co of the 2/2 ACR too...H-34 was my tank...early '72 - Dec '74 ...Wow, glad to see another guy in the same unit exactly..!!!...read my posting in these comments and see if you experienced the same..!

  • @TheRayDev
    @TheRayDev 5 років тому +2

    Served 67- 68 1st 14th ACR C trp Downes barricks

    • @darrengregory1370
      @darrengregory1370 3 роки тому

      3rd id 466 armor
      3rd id 3/4 cav hhc M R E.

    • @armyvet6010
      @armyvet6010 Рік тому

      Hello Ray, I served Oct 62- March 65. 1st 14 ACR C trp Downes barricks 2nd platoon mortar squad.

    • @TheRayDev
      @TheRayDev Рік тому

      @@armyvet6010 I might’ve been you replacement. Sgt Marin was the first shirt when I got there. I became the platoon sgt tank driver, Charlie Nailor

    • @armyvet6010
      @armyvet6010 Рік тому

      @@TheRayDev SFC Hires, was my platoon sgt , I don't remember his tank drivers name . ( I believe the tanks were M60) . A few other names that I remember are. Hobert Hendersen from Tennessee, Robert J. Granados from California, Stuckey from Alabama. Cheney from Texas. Also, from B trp Stanley Allison from Valdosta, Ga and from A trp, Larry Burrows from Grantsville WV.

  • @kinglouistexas
    @kinglouistexas Рік тому

    HHT 1/1 Cav Schwabach NOV 84 - MAY 86, Border Camp Hof my last border tour was April 86, the same month US bombed Libya and during the Chernobyl meltdown, bad time to be on the border. Hof was the intersection of FRG, Czech, and DDR. No one back in the world ever heard of the REAL DEAL on the border. Got back to the rear to be handed clearing papers and orders for Ft Sill, first order of business get the wife and two boys out of FRG and back home to some TEXAS SUNSHINE! 4FEB81-31OCT94 echo tango suitcase

  • @r.daillee1034
    @r.daillee1034 Рік тому +1

    I'll bet none of you guys ran across the border and snatched a Czechoslovenka Socialistika Republica border sign that was on the ridge above the Bayer-Eisenstien train station! I did! Ha!

    • @larryg.9187
      @larryg.9187 9 місяців тому +1

      ... Remember those red, black, and yellow cement stripped poles that marked the border? They had aluminum East German signs attached ... I pried one off, then got paranoid, and stashed it in the battery box of my M60A1 tank... I'm sure some lucky guy still has it ...

    • @r.daillee1034
      @r.daillee1034 9 місяців тому +1

      I was on the southernmost sector of the border, OP's 60, 70, 80, so I didn't see any East German border markers. I did hear the East Germans were very aggressive and would chase people into West Germany who'd escaped from East Germany, shoot them, and then run back across the border. The Czech border guards were often friendly and would talk with us, and share a bottle of wine, until it was time for an officer to come around. If the guards got caught talking to us by a higher rank, they were sent to prison for 10 years. We used to walk joint foot patrols with the Czech and West German guards on paths that wove in and out of the two countries. That is, until some damned fool major, who couldn't read a map, got caught by the Czechs 50K into Czechoslovakia. Two weeks later, the Czechs took the major's jeep, all of his equipment, and his CAT codes, and sent that dumb ass and his driver back into West Germany literally in their underwear. 😁After that, we had to have permission to go within 50 meters of the border. I visited Prague twice after the fall of the Berlin Wall. What a wonderful city full of mostly friendly people.❤ @@larryg.9187

    • @larryg.9187
      @larryg.9187 9 місяців тому

      @@r.daillee1034 ... Wow.. Fascinating history ... I could 'see' your story, as I read it ... I did border duty out of Coburg, in Bavaria ... Sometimes driving our jeep... Other times over night in a border shack next to the double border fence... That double fence was something like 100 yards between the two sides ... And, I was told, full of anti personal, truck, and tank mines ... Don't know if that was the truth though ... Our shack was ground level ... The East Germans had towers that seemed to be made of cement pipes, around ten foot wide, stacked sections, to rise some thirty foot, with a larger section on top... They stood inside and viewed through windows at everything in view ... From inside our shack, we had a huge binoculars on a stand ... I could watch them as they watched us ... One time I waved at an East German border guard, as we were each viewing with binoculars at each other ... I could see him look left, then right first, then he returned a slight wave back to me ... While on a driving duty, along the border, One little 'town' of sorts on their side, had ohump-pah (sorry for the spelling) music playing, as if there was some party... However, the only person I saw was a guy on a motorcycle, who would traverse from one end, to the other, of the 'town'... And then, repeated that move after several minutes ... The alleged 'party' was fake ... And the MC guy was a border guard ... There was, I seem to recall, two or three series of signs to warn if the border ... One, I think, was about three KM from the border... Another about one KM away warned of No Tracked Vehicles beyond that point ... Then, the cement stripped poles that marked the border... And then, the double border fences ... I was in M60-A1 main battle tanks ... In the 2/2 Armored Calvary Regiment, H Co. ... Early '72 through Dec. '74 ... We also trained at a couple NATO facilities (spelling?) Hornfelds and Grafenvore (yikes on the spelling) ... Started out as loader, then driver, then as Spc 4 gunner in my final year, got the best score of the company... Beating the Lt, CO, and the rest ... Ha ha ... First Sgt. send us four home in a Huey, gave us the weekend off, a case of German bier each, and each a painted bier Stine with the unit logo, our name, date, and yes, I still proudly display it behind glass, in a case ... Toujours Pret is French, our unit logo, meaning Always Ready ... Best regards ... 🇺🇸