Best Tau Commander - Crisis Combo

  • Опубліковано 5 вер 2024


  • @real-lomas-chenko
    @real-lomas-chenko Рік тому +12

    "And if you're taking 2 tau-nar you'll be leaving all of these options at home" 😂

    • @SimplyWarhammer
      @SimplyWarhammer  Рік тому

      🤣😂😂 yep !
      I was taking 3 crisis and a commander before my taunars went up 210pts !

  • @40kalltheway6
    @40kalltheway6 Рік тому +9

    I love the commanders and crisis battlesuits but I wish the coldstar worked on this own, had 2+ bs back and could teleport still haha 😅

  • @thekaird377
    @thekaird377 Рік тому +1

    I played a cracking game against Necrons recently and ran with 2 squads of 3 crisis suits, with a commander leading each:
    Squad 1 - Coldstar with HOBC, 2 CIBs and a missile pod (exemplar of the Kauyon) 3 crisis suits with 2 CIBs and a missile pod, with a shield gen each.
    Squad 2 - Crisis Commander with 3 plasma. (Precision of the hunter) 3 crisis suits with 3 plasma and a shield gen each.
    Worked amazingly well. The output from squad 1 was crazy and quite adaptable. Missile pods were good for longer range, reliable damage. Exploding hits on turn 2 was so effective! Having the speed and movement to be where I needed them was excellent.
    Squad 2 acted as my deepstriking elite killers. Plasmas are no joke, especially with reroll 1s to hit AND being guided by tetras which I also had.
    Riptide whiffed awfully. I’m so sad because it’s by far my favourite 40K model.
    Don’t sleep on missile pods! They pump out decent damage and weight of shots, without worrying about hazardous!

    • @SimplyWarhammer
      @SimplyWarhammer  Рік тому

      Nice work 😁 how did you find the observing mechanic? I found having to have the army out in the open for line of sight made them vulnerable 😬

    • @thekaird377
      @thekaird377 Рік тому +1

      @@SimplyWarhammer yeah I totally agree. I found myself naturally moving to a castle style gun line to make things work the way I needed. My opponent did very well to swamp the board so I was backed in to a corner, but that allowed me to use Shadowsuns aura quite well aswell as the guiding mechanic! It ended a draw, mainly because my shooting output was so good!

    • @SimplyWarhammer
      @SimplyWarhammer  Рік тому

      Holding and taking objectives is a problem for Tau, shooting is good, but not what it was compared to other factions and obvs no melee leaves us struggling
      Well done though 😁

  • @fendelphi
    @fendelphi Рік тому +3

    Another thing about the Enforcer Commander, it has movement 8", so it will slow down your Crisis Team considerably. Being both the most expensive and slowest of the bunch is not a good trait.
    Especially when a single Crisis Suit only cost 65 pts per model, paying 135 pts for a model with the same weapons and slightly more durability seems like a stretch.
    And the -1 AP is more or less pointless anyway, since most Crisis Suits pick the Shield Generator(4+ inv.) and has a base save of 3+. I guess if you chose to ignore Shield Generators and went for Weapon Support Systems instead(ignore any or all modifiers to hit), you would rely on your 3+ save a lot more.
    As for the Coldstar, also remember that they have a High-output Burst Cannon with 8 shots instead of 4. Pretty good close range weapon. And I dont take Cyclic Ion Blasters on any of my Commanders, as I dont want to be forced to spend CP to reroll a bad Hazardous test on them.
    Prepare for a barrage of words.
    As for the CIB, I do think it is overall the best weapon, and I think it is actually also the best anti-chaff weapon. Flamers are pretty good as well, but the CIB has better range, generally better Wound roll(2+ against toughness 3) and can get sustained hits. If an enemy is in cover, you negate it with the innate AP-1. Burst Cannons are also pretty decent, but have some of the shortcomings of both. It has the range of 18, but still wounds on 3+. It is ineffective against targets in cover and saves in general, though it does have a good chance of sustained hits(once Kauyon is active).
    Overall, the Burst Cannon is the worst(could do with a Rapid Fire2, IMO), while Flamers have some applications(does not care about Split Fire penalties, for instance, and are somewhat decent in Overwatch).
    Fusion Blasters have great damage potential, especially against elites. And even if they require 5s to wound heavy vehicles, when they do wound, they usually deal a lot of damage. But at range 6" it is a very risky move. Maybe in combination with some flamers to roast nearby infantry and/or Overwatch? 2 Fusion Blasters+1 Flamer has some great close range damage potential(so Coldstar Commander it is).
    As for the CIB, while there is a lot to like about it, not everything is good though. It still is "only" 18" range, which is a fair bit shorter than the Plasma Rifle and Missile Pod, which means getting pretty deep into the board to shoot at things. And to get the high damage output vs tough targets, you need the overcharge, which also means risking 3 MW per failed Hazardous save.
    A squad full(6) with 3 CIBs each, is 18 guns. If you overcharge them all, that means 18 Hazardous tests(it is per individual weapon that overcharged, not model). On average, that is 3 failed tests, and you can only reroll one of them with a CP, so that is 1 dead Crisis Suit.
    Still, it would be kind of worth it, if Split Fire was not so atrocious on Tau now. 54 Strength 8 shots at AP-2 and Damage 2 is pretty insane. Especially if you factor in Kauyon bonus on top of that.
    But it is also overkill against a single target 90% of the time, and the MW backlash means it is unsustainable. Spreading that firepower around would be ideal, but basically impossible to do with any efficiency.
    That being said, I have been doing some theory crafting on just firing 1 of the CIBs as Overcharged(at the primary target), in addition to a Plasma Rifle Shot(also at the primary target) and then let the last CIB fire at a secondary target(regular shots). Sure, most shots will miss on the secondary target, but every 6 can get Sustained Hits, so it can provide some amount of chip damage. Better that than massive overkill on the main target.
    The benefit of this setup is: Plasma Rifles have consistent decent punch against elites and scout vehicles, with some effectiveness against larger targets as well(at range). Every 6s can explode quite nicely into several heavy hits. The CIBs provide very effective infantry clear and can be situationally powerful, when needed.
    The issue is, taking just 1 weapon type limits your options and also is, quite often, massive overkill against a single target.
    I am debating(with myself mostly) whether it is better to go 2 Plasma Rifles and 1 CIB(better punch vs Elites and vehicles, and overall safer) or 2 CIBs and 1 Plasma Rifle(a bit more risky, as you want closer ranges most of the time) or 3 CIBs(very risky).
    Alternatively, there is the Missile Pod. 30" range makes engagements easier. 2 Attacks means more crits compared to the Plasma Rifle. Although they will a bit weaker, they will also be twice as common. Strength 7 makes no difference when targeting Chaff(toughness3) or Heavy vehicles(Toughness 9+) when compared to the other options. AP-1 is a bit of a weakness compared to the Plasma Rifle and Overcharged CIB. 2 Damage is pretty decent, as it is gained without the risk of Hazardous.
    6 models with 3 Missile Pods is 36 shots. On average, that is 6 crits, so add another potential 12 hits(if Kauyon and guided). Overall, a decent volume of fire, and anything that sneaks through the save is damage 2.
    CIBs still have better damage potential when overcharged(more hits for crits and better AP), but with nearly half the range and Hazardous.
    Sidenote. The Pathfinder Team can get 3 Ion Rifles, which are basically 30" range CIBs. Very nice firepower vs infantry of various types and can overcharge for decent damage against a single target or 2 wound models. Potential casualties from Hazardous tests can be taken from the regular models. Overall more effective firepower than a Strike Team(those 3 guns gets a total of 9 shots at range 30, compared to the Strike Team's 10). Unfortunately they will rarely get guided, as they are pretty good Observers themselves.

    • @SimplyWarhammer
      @SimplyWarhammer  Рік тому

      Thanks for this and having so many weapon options makes it fun and complex to choose lol
      Pathfinders with 3 rifles are great but as you say they are rarely guided, but for 1CP they can get a +1

    • @fendelphi
      @fendelphi Рік тому +2

      @@SimplyWarhammer I am starting to think that Pathfinders are much better rank-and-file than the Strike Team.
      1) More firepower. 3 Ion Rifles(basic shots) is 9 attacks with strength 7 and AP-1, at range 30", with the option to overcharge. On top of that, the other models have Pulse Carbines which are basically 20" range Pulse Rifles that always shoot twice.
      2) Grenade Launcher for some decent extra firepower against tough targets.
      3) Scout 7". They can get into a more formidable position early in the game.
      4) A selection of special drones. The Recon Drone provides additional firepower and Infiltration.
      1) They are more expensive.
      2) They are less durable. They cant get the Guardian Drone and cant take an Ethereal character. Not that it matters much with the low model count and 1-wound profile.
      Meanwhile, the Strike Team has some serious issues in terms of "role".
      Strength 5, range 30" sounds good, but at 0 AP and a squad size of 10, it simply has no bite except against low tier hordes. And even there, they kind of struggle. Maybe if they were strength 6, as that would at least improve the wound chance against various targets, forcing more saves to be rolled.
      You can add a Fireblade to increase the firepower(increasing the squad cost by +50%), but it does not drastically increase your surviviability for the points(meaning every model removed is a drastic cut in firepower), and it still does not solve your issue in dealing with armour or toughness 6+ models.
      Basically the Strike Team is not worth adding a Fireblade to when compared to the offensive capabilities of Breachers.
      Generally speaking they are not worth Guiding either, as the unit simply lacks the firepower to capitalize on it, compared to many of your other choices.
      For spotting, both Firesight Teams, Tetras and Piranhas are cheaper and more effective.
      3 Pathfinder squads can have 1 act as the Observer for the other 2, giving you dynamic and self-reliant(and powerful) infantry.
      The only thing I can think of where Strike Teams might have a role, is as bodyguard for Ethereals, and even then a Kroot unit might be a better option(cheaper and Stealth).

    • @SimplyWarhammer
      @SimplyWarhammer  Рік тому

      Yer I don't think the Strike team has a lot of play and I've not used them for ages now, always been pathfinders and breachers. Nice run down and overviews of the pros and cons thanks, good for others to have a good read through this material 👍

  • @midnightrose23
    @midnightrose23 Рік тому +3

    See, I always run my 6 man Crisis suits and Coldstar with 3 cyclic ions, but I don't overcharge them because the idea of, on average, killing the whole unit by overcharging all 3 blasters isn't very appealing. But I was still able to kill a Mutalith vortex beast without overcharging in one turn, so I don't think it's always necessary. Pure volume of fire can be enough sometimes

    • @SimplyWarhammer
      @SimplyWarhammer  Рік тому +1

      Thats really good to know it works in game too, defo agree you don't need to overcharge, its very risky... just technically just better damage output mathhammer wise 😅

    • @icaretaker
      @icaretaker Рік тому

      I’m done overcharging, you do 1.5 self damage per model if each model overcharges 3 cyclics. For a 6 crisis unit, you just suicided 1.5 models at 9 damage, are you dealing out 9+ more damage?

    • @icaretaker
      @icaretaker Рік тому

      Feels more like running Zerg Banelings.

  • @duskzer0816
    @duskzer0816 Рік тому +1

    I always run crisis commander with 3 ion and the rail, then 3 crisis with 2 ion and rail. The rerols to ones from crisis commander and rerolls to hit from tetras makes the rail more consistent

    • @SimplyWarhammer
      @SimplyWarhammer  Рік тому +1

      Ace 😄 and Tetras do really well. I think the firesight dude is one of the best spotters being lone operative

  • @salsathe4th
    @salsathe4th Рік тому +1

    Crisis commander with reroll 1s is best for a deep strike unit that you just want to strike deal max damage then fade away. Missle pods and plasma are the best option when not doing cyclic hazardous as they out perform regular cyclic guns with most targets.

    • @SimplyWarhammer
      @SimplyWarhammer  Рік тому

      Very good point actually ! The 'slow' unit is more of a deep strike one where it doesn't matter 👍

    • @derricksmith8354
      @derricksmith8354 Рік тому

      I like this combo with a stealth suit observer. Reroll 1's to hit and wound is nice for a deep strike unit

  • @redgreen09
    @redgreen09 Рік тому +1

    well goood luck have fun tack lot vid and tun in to the nest vid

    • @SimplyWarhammer
      @SimplyWarhammer  Рік тому

      Cheers 😁 ill be doing a roundup video and talking about my 10th experience too 👍

  • @Kingofdragons117
    @Kingofdragons117 7 місяців тому +1

    It might be a waste of CP, but couldn't you use the Coldstar to get into Melta range then Strike and Fade back 12"? Seems potentially Nasty with a pair of Fusion Blasters and a Cyclic Ion Blaster. That or maybe Plasma Rifles.

    • @SimplyWarhammer
      @SimplyWarhammer  7 місяців тому

      Yes you can defo use that strat to get away after being up close 👍

  • @nymcom6435
    @nymcom6435 Рік тому +2

    isn't the new [HAZARDOUS] rule too harsh and makes Cyclic ion redundant?
    It is to my understanding that you roll a D6 for every weapon with the keyword [HAZARDOUS] after shooting. On a 1, the model is destroyed.
    If you take 3 crisis suits, with 9 Cyclic Ion Blasters, that's on average 1-2 crisis models dead! I don't know why anyone would consider them at all.

    • @SimplyWarhammer
      @SimplyWarhammer  Рік тому

      Yes those are the rules but it's different for vehicles which Crisis suits are now, they lose wounds not insta death.
      Still the risk is there. That's why I say that mathhammer wise CIB are the most efficient but risk wise go plasma lol

    • @salsathe4th
      @salsathe4th Рік тому +2

      @@SimplyWarhammer Well if yo uhave 3 cyclics per crisis suit any 2 1s even with shield drones is a dead crisis with 6 crisis suits thats 18 dice trying not to get 1s.

    • @SimplyWarhammer
      @SimplyWarhammer  Рік тому

      Haha yep, depends if you like risk 😁 go plasma ! Lol

  • @DangerAndy
    @DangerAndy Рік тому +2

    Lets say it took you a year to build 1000pts of your first army and play your first game of 40k a week before 10th came out and you chose an Enforcer and now Enforcers are wack. What would you suggest I load it with? Hypthetically speaking... asking for a friend....

    • @SimplyWarhammer
      @SimplyWarhammer  Рік тому +1

      Haha 🤣 for a friend, I would say just play the enforcer as a coldstar instead. They are basically the same kit and noone really cares about wysiwyg !

    • @DangerAndy
      @DangerAndy Рік тому +1

      @@SimplyWarhammer Thanks! Great advice. I'll pass it on 🙃

    • @SimplyWarhammer
      @SimplyWarhammer  Рік тому

      Perhaps if you are playing to win the LVO it might matter but otherwise don't worry about loadout. I just say all my crisis have plasma, job done 😁

  • @calethomas7228
    @calethomas7228 Рік тому +1

    where does it say that the unit gets the leader's movement characteristic?
    Edit: Never mind! Found it

  • @HeyItsWatson
    @HeyItsWatson Рік тому +1

    On the offchance your outranged by an opponent you do 0 damage so unless your deep striking 2 plasma and 2 missle pods, who cares about survivability more guns more funs.

  • @Tinytraveler
    @Tinytraveler Рік тому +2

    I can't help you with Crisis suits, I hate them. Ghostkeels is your best bet. 170, and they soak so much firepower to take down, they are worth every single pt. The old ways are dead my friend, at T5 the Crisis suits still serve a purpose but it ain't like the glory days of ol'. We need to objectively look at the game right now. High Toughness is what you want, I've found great success with Parking Lot armies. 3 Ghostkeels, 1 Ta'unar, 1 unit of 2 Tetras, 3 Piranhas, 2 Broadside Battlesuits, a Ethereal (For CP generation), Shadowsun. I call it the Parking lot army, cause the idea is simple: Ghostkeels along side a Piranha each, cockblock movement across the board, they are 100% expendable. Fire everything they got and let them die. By the time the all three Ghostkeels are killed and all 3 Piranhas are destroyed, you've likely removed enough models with the Ta'unar to win the game. If they Focus the Ta'unar, you've likely already won the positioning game on the board and will win off VP. (Edit: I forgot to wish you all the best with the double Ta'unar list! I am so excited you're taking two! lol)

    • @SimplyWarhammer
      @SimplyWarhammer  Рік тому +1

      This video isn't to say crisis suits are the best unit but for general enemy units mathhammer-wisr they come out really well and in the too few.
      Still I like you idea and gonna give that a go in a friendly I think 😅 glad it's back up with a Ta'unar too haha...
      Thanks for the good wishes, not a good list but should be a fun time. I'll be doing a round up video too of course 😉

    • @Tinytraveler
      @Tinytraveler Рік тому +2

      ​@@SimplyWarhammer Oh shit, I'm sorry if I came off as dismissive of your video, not what I meant at all! I just meant I can't ever justify a Crisis suit because their sheer lack of survivability. When a freaking BOYZ in a Ork army is as tough as you are, you gotta question the effectiveness of the suit these frickin' Ethereals sold ya! lol Again, all the best of wishes to you and your double Ta'unar list. I can't wait to see the results. If I may? Can I suggest both take the anti tank Railgun. If you bring both with the big Railgun, the remaining weaponry should be enough to deal with all the chaff/screens on the board. Double Fusion Eradicators on both. You'd rather have them and not need them for tanks, versus need them and not have them. Plus it won't matter now which one they focus down.

    • @SimplyWarhammer
      @SimplyWarhammer  Рік тому +1

      Good point about the double heavy rail gun, slight problem I only have 1 between the 2 models 😅 I forgot to order a 2nd when I ordered the 2nd lol... hence pulse drivers 😁

    • @Tinytraveler
      @Tinytraveler Рік тому +2

      @@SimplyWarhammer Ok, easy fix, since one has the anti infantry and the other the anti tank. Swap arms. Bring the Tri-axis cannons on the Ta'unar with the anti-tank, the Fusion arms with the Pulse Drivers. You cover your bases better, each will bring anti tank to the field. Its how I initially built my list and it then didn't matter which one died first, I still had anti tank capabilities remaining

    • @SimplyWarhammer
      @SimplyWarhammer  Рік тому +1

      That's a good idea, I might just do that loadout 😁 thanks 👍

  • @DudeGlenn
    @DudeGlenn Рік тому +1

    This video is for the Greater Good.

  • @scottyjoe6966
    @scottyjoe6966 Рік тому +1

    For the coldstar, is it worth keeping the high-output burst cannon or better off scrapping it for a cyclic/plasma? I’m torn between keeping it on the coldstar or swapping it out. As I’m new to T’au, I would be interested in hearing your thoughts.

    • @SimplyWarhammer
      @SimplyWarhammer  Рік тому

      It depends what units you expect to put him into. The high-output cannon is only really efficient against weak infantry. As soon as you get to marines or anything else Cyclic and Plasma just out perform it.
      Also keeping the same guns on the crisis suits and commander makes your life easier in rolling 😁

    • @scottyjoe6966
      @scottyjoe6966 Рік тому +1

      @@SimplyWarhammer thanks a lot for that insight! I had considered a Jack of all trades toolbox approach for my battle suits, but I can see the benefits of dedicating towards specific purposes. I really wish the regular crisis kit came with the cyclic ion blasters since I will be the only Tau player in my area so can’t really swap for them. Guess I will put a focus on the plasma rifles. I agree with you though the coldstar seems like the better commander overall, especially starting off at 1000 points where taking them by itself does come off a little better with the added mobility for just a few more points without fearing not being able to use their leadership ability as a solo unit.

    • @SimplyWarhammer
      @SimplyWarhammer  Рік тому

      i wouldn't worry so much about running your army wysiwyg you can just tell your opponent what guns things are running, no-one really minds, even in tournaments tbh 😁

  • @brandonwalter9474
    @brandonwalter9474 Рік тому +1

    What Support System will you be running on them? Any enhancements you suggest?

    • @SimplyWarhammer
      @SimplyWarhammer  Рік тому

      Good question. Since wargear is free is feels better to maximise the weapon loadout rather than support systems, but the shield generator is an obvious one to take, 3 guns and that.
      I don't think Tau can cope atm sacrificing units too cheaply so going 4 weapons and no invuln might be a risky plan, unless you jump them into a hidden area after shooting with the move-shoot-move strat 😁

  • @bradrouse2386
    @bradrouse2386 Рік тому +1

    Would commander farsight be a good option for the crisis suits? Im thinking of deepstriking with them, after shooting, charge and use tank shock stratagem for cleanup perhaps?

    • @SimplyWarhammer
      @SimplyWarhammer  Рік тому +1

      He's reasonable and only 120pts but he doesn't really buff the unit unless you plan to get them up close to targets. Then within 9" you get +1 to wound which is really powerful and adding the tank shock strat would indeed help clean up 😁
      The unit would only be moving 10" as they don't have assault on their weapons! so getting up close might be hard. Thats the value of the coldstar, giving the unit assault on their guns !

    • @bradrouse2386
      @bradrouse2386 Рік тому +1

      Oh absolutely, I think a it's high risk high reward sort with farsight getting in close enough to charge for the tank shock strat
      Also thanks for doing what you do mate! Grateful for these tips, just got a load of 3rd party CIB guns for my crisis suits and bought a coldstar too, I'm looking forward to trying them out!

    • @SimplyWarhammer
      @SimplyWarhammer  Рік тому

      @@bradrouse2386 sweet thanks 😊 make sure to let me know how you get on 😁

  • @OwenIsDaBoss
    @OwenIsDaBoss Рік тому +1

    Now the question is, is it worth taking 1coldstar+3crisis, or 1coldstar+6crisis? And if 1x6, is it worth running 2 of them big units for that immense firepower?

    • @SimplyWarhammer
      @SimplyWarhammer  Рік тому +2

      Interesting question and don't think there's an obvious answer one way or the other. 2 units of coldstar/3crisis would be fast and help with the points game zipping all over, also enough firepower to kill some things.
      One big unit of 6 would have more impact in one shooting round, a great target for Fire Overwatch but then would also be an obvious target for you opponent.
      Speed and manoeuvrability wins games, especially with the tactical secondaries so perhaps 2 units 🤔

    • @OwenIsDaBoss
      @OwenIsDaBoss Рік тому +1

      About a week ago I played a game against Tau and unfortunately their 1x6 group was too tempting a target for me, so I entirely understand the obvious target lol.
      I will be attempting a game this Sunday against a fellow Tau player. I am feeling a bit mean, so I will make a list with 2 1x6 combo's to see how it goes. In the name of fun and in game science!
      Thanks for the reply tho, some testing is to be had :)

    • @SimplyWarhammer
      @SimplyWarhammer  Рік тому +1

      Defo, the fun is in the testing 😁 let me know how you trials get on haha

  • @improbablewargaming
    @improbablewargaming Рік тому +1

    I love the Tau. but I am of the Dark Kin

    • @SimplyWarhammer
      @SimplyWarhammer  Рік тому +1

      Are the Dark Kin Drukhari ?

    • @improbablewargaming
      @improbablewargaming Рік тому

      @@SimplyWarhammer yes. ;)

    • @SimplyWarhammer
      @SimplyWarhammer  Рік тому +1

      haha sorry i'm an 8th edition onwards boy 😆
      How are you getting on with 10th then ?

    • @improbablewargaming
      @improbablewargaming Рік тому +1

      @@SimplyWarhammer I am overall really enjoying it! I will be playing Dark aeldari for 10th, with some orks mixed in for fun. yiu?

    • @SimplyWarhammer
      @SimplyWarhammer  Рік тому +1

      That's cool. Yer so far been fun, not played loads but been trying things out. I'm loving having all the rules for all armies, so I'm getting loads out of the loft hehe.
      My 1st event is Tau (soon) then I'll be taking Krieg to another, prob tyranids after that, not sure

  • @lachlankren4231
    @lachlankren4231 Рік тому +1

    is it worth putting a shield gen?

    • @SimplyWarhammer
      @SimplyWarhammer  Рік тому

      For the invuln yes I think it's worth it, you want them alive for as long as possible 😁

  • @Bandit-sy5so
    @Bandit-sy5so Рік тому +1

    so how many Taunar in your list ?

    • @SimplyWarhammer
      @SimplyWarhammer  Рік тому +1

      I'm taking 2 🤣 and since going up 210pts I can take any crisis suits, only units to do the observing !
      Its not a good list but should be fun lol

  • @superbroly2007
    @superbroly2007 Рік тому +1

    No! Why? No!