Amazing Flagellum : Michael Behe and the Revolution of Intelligent Design

  • Опубліковано 7 лют 2025
  • The bacterial flagellum has become an iconic example of the evidence against modern Darwinian theory as well as the evidence for intelligent design. Stephen Meyer, Scott Minnich and others scientists and scholars explore the facts about this amazing piece of nanotechnology, first made famous by biologist Michael Behe when he coined the phrase irreducible complexity.
    Revolutionary tells the story of biochemist Michael Behe and the revolution he helped spark with his book Darwin’s Black Box, inspiring a new generation of scientists and thinkers who are challenging Darwinian evolution and exploring evidence in nature of intelligent design. Learn about Behe’s journey, how those opposed to his ideas tried to kill intelligent design in federal court, and how recent scientific discoveries have vindicated and extended his work. Join the revolution at www.revolutiona....
    The Discovery Science News Channel is the official UA-cam channel of Discovery Institute's Center for Science & Culture. The CSC is the institutional hub for scientists, educators, and inquiring minds who think that nature supplies compelling evidence of intelligent design. The CSC supports research, sponsors educational programs, defends free speech, and produce articles, books, and multimedia content. For more information visit
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  • @DPtheOG
    @DPtheOG 5 років тому +34

    I did a little math, and figured that another creature which moves at 20 body lengths per second, is a cheetah, at about 67 mph for a 4'10" long cat. Of course, the cheetah is not moving through water.

    • @NathanaelRig
      @NathanaelRig 2 місяці тому

      Why water? Account for viscosity proportional to size aswell pls

    • @chugging-alkaline-h20
      @chugging-alkaline-h20 Місяць тому

      the math that you should be doing is the ratio of possibility through random mutation that could lead to the flagellum becoming part of the organism in the first place, and then to be passed on to the next generations. I feel that it really points to intelligence being inherent at the level of DNA. Intelligence regarding the ability for a conscious decision to be made and acted appon. I do not feel that this disproves evolution, just that idea that it happens through random mutation

  • @endahrosa7963
    @endahrosa7963 4 роки тому +26

    Never realize this biological machinery is another form of nanotechnology. Chemotaxis was my undergraduate research topic and this video has made me fall in love more with the macromolecular structure of flagellum.

  • @wigo54
    @wigo54 4 роки тому +54

    Just amazing! I believe we are witnessing something greater than humankind has ever seen before! I wish these knowledge is relentlessly spread and the whole world discovers our existence is not the result of mere chance. Thank you so much! I will share as I see convenient.

    • @pilotavery
      @pilotavery 4 роки тому +11

      Yeah, these motor proteins has been known about for a while. However, very simple motion can end does evolve.
      Check out RNA world if you truly want to know.
      This guy Cherry picked the bits and pieces to try and convince people that it's intelligent design while admitting all the evolutionary milestones as well

  • @b2manufacturing
    @b2manufacturing 3 роки тому +11

    It’s like a speedboat going 60mph through cold peanut butter

  • @judy1angel
    @judy1angel 4 роки тому +12

    AWESOME! AWESOME! AWESOME! What is? The 'Amazing Flagellum'!!! Had to actual pause and stop to take in the incredible undeniable majesty and glory and magnificence of our wonderful God's creation. Totally superb. Thank you so much for this!!!! This could SO change someone's life! Your video altogether ingenious thanks SO much!

  • @bluejysm2007
    @bluejysm2007 3 роки тому +29

    Dr. Behe's Irreducible complex is a good idea and strong idea, and in all the debates that I watched, there are no contraposes from Darwin’s side. I heard someone saying the system can work without parts but that does not debunk Dr. Behe idea because the system only can fully perform with all parts. And when changing that to biological cells if missing even one small part then the cells would not perform the function for the organism to works.

    • @anthonypolonkay2681
      @anthonypolonkay2681 3 роки тому +8

      The biggest thing brought up against it commonly is the type 3 secretion needle complex that is claimed to be a simpler precursor to the flagellum
      But I dont think it holds up for 2 reasons. 1 it only has 10, of the 30 proteins needed for it, and you have to explain, and prove a mechanism for the development, and assigning of function of the new proteins that coincides with the natural selection mechanism. And the problem there is that natural selection will never select for half built machinery because that half built machinery provides no advantage, and almost certainly provides a disadvantage since it is nonfunctional dead wieght.

    • @davidf5609
      @davidf5609 6 місяців тому

      Irreducible complexity is an appeal to creationist ignorance. God of the gaps if you like.

  • @VenturaWeddings
    @VenturaWeddings 3 роки тому +32

    Compelling and impossible to deny this science.

    • @azophi
      @azophi Рік тому +8

      It’s quite possible to propose a number of ways a bacterial flagellum could have evolved other than God

    • @_-.G.-_
      @_-.G.-_ Рік тому +12

      @@azophi Name it then.

    • @ray32245mv
      @ray32245mv Рік тому

      @@azophi What God? The God you don't like because you can't be gAe or something? Stop being childish. This God, the true God, is far beyond any petty emotional bullshit of the sort. This thing is a Machine. Cold. Mechanical. Unfeeling. The Projector of this Holographic Universe. Where did this Machine come from? What is it made of? We don't know. We may never know. But we know it has a strong affinity for Information Theory. We know it reuses assets and algorithms. We know it is fond of fractals. We know the pixel resolution and framerate. We can roughly define the computational power needed to simulate the Universe, and therefore we have some sense of the scale upon which it has chosen to operate, but not it's limits, or if it even has limits. With careful study and clear eyed analysis, we may be able discern more, but only then.

    • @gogodaal7273
      @gogodaal7273 Рік тому

      ⁠@@_-.G.-_through every mechanism of evolution that was discovered by scientists since darwin kicked the bucket you’re welcome, maybe read sciencedirect instead of charlatans like meyer

    • @anandpatel1074
      @anandpatel1074 10 місяців тому +3

      I deny it

  • @catherineava7937
    @catherineava7937 5 років тому +51

    "The bacterial flagellum has become an iconic example of the evidence against modern Darwinian theory as well as the evidence for intelligent design." THANK YOU !

    • @hercules71185
      @hercules71185 5 місяців тому

      How do you figure? Wouldn't your God be able to do more? I digress. Why make it so reducable? Remember the Bible thought that the earth is flat.
      So you think a God would go through the trouble of making these tiny little machines but also care about what little boys do with their penises?
      While letting the atrocities of today happen.... It's absurd to think you believe what you just said?
      Are you trying to convince yourself?

  • @almdrs
    @almdrs 10 місяців тому +4

    Technical question: is a "protonic motor' instead of a "electronic motor" since it uses protons instead of electrons to rotate?

  • @lanadoesathing
    @lanadoesathing 7 років тому +56

    "For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse." - Romans 1:20

  • @severest75
    @severest75 4 роки тому +18

    Hello, I chose this video by chance (no pun intended) to ask this question: Is it possible to tell how many blind chance changes (in nucleotides) would have been necessary to make a type-III-secretory-system out of the flagellar motor or vice-versa?

    • @glenliesegang233
      @glenliesegang233 Рік тому +13

      The information in DNA template from which the mRNA is made does not specify what the protein actually does. It ONLY specifies amino acid order.
      When 2 proteins must interact with each other to perform a new function, such as a and b subunits, the chance of this enhancement or epiphenomenon occurring by chance which provides an evolutionary advantage is vanishing tiny because of the sheer number of possibilities which do not produce any benefit.
      The likelyhood of multiple proteins arising by chance to make a working ATP synthase or flagellar motor plus tail, is nrarly infinitely unlikely (given even a billion years and trillions of trials and error) as above, but even less likelyso because each part could arise mere millimeters away and the mRNA for each never become incorporated in the same organism.
      The materialist says, "See-it happened! Because it could occur by chance, chance is the best explanation." Sorry. If p values are used to answer the question-" did this effect over hundreds of unique proteins occur by chance" then, by the rules scientific inquiry uses, the answer is "no."
      I trust what the research shows: only a Superintelligence which understands nanoscopic processes and can envision a necessary goal and construct digital base 4 code specific to the structures can explain what is observed.

    • @yuchengguo6074
      @yuchengguo6074 Рік тому +7

      @@glenliesegang233It’s amazing to read your comment! I am a Christian and a chip engineer. Are you a biologist by any chance? I am just amazed that all life’s DNA are encoded with just 4 types of ? (ATPG) and it’s very much like the binary 0/1 in computer chips. But computer chips’ power consumption is much higher than bio powered brain. For example, human brain is estimated to cost about 12W but a modern CPU can easily go above 100W and still can’t match with human brain’s performance in terms of imagine processing.

    • @yuchengguo6074
      @yuchengguo6074 Рік тому +2

      @@glenliesegang233my question is. If life is designed by intelligence, our God. How is God created? Where does it all start? The fact that we have a huge universe and the world is not empty is truly amazing! Bible said God is eternal and I guess time is also created by God. There’s so much we don’t know… I wonder that’s your take on this philosophical question.

    • @byteme9718
      @byteme9718 Рік тому

      @@yuchengguo6074 Yet!

    • @marcolorenti9637
      @marcolorenti9637 9 місяців тому

      @@glenliesegang233 It's impossible to quantify the probability of something like that happening. You are just appealing to your incredulity and wishful thinking. We know how evolution mechanics work, and how they are capable of creating something like that and even more complex.

  • @FeWolf
    @FeWolf 6 років тому +38

    Scientist are often in the pay of government and benefactors, scientist don't want to loose their means of employment. A NASA scientist expressed his ideas on Intelligent Design and was canned for it.

    • @TheHeartOfTheHour1
      @TheHeartOfTheHour1 6 років тому +17

      There is a long long list of people who have been canned for this.

  • @ISKCONGurugram
    @ISKCONGurugram 3 роки тому +14

    Thank you, you are breaking the Backbone of the Atheistic Science

    • @matteomastrodomenico1231
      @matteomastrodomenico1231 3 роки тому +8

      There's no "atheistic science", just science, and he's not even breaking it, because none of this goes against the theory.

    • @m.a.packer5450
      @m.a.packer5450 Рік тому +1

      If atheists actually followed sciencentific principals, they would gradually cease to be atheists

  • @KirillGorin
    @KirillGorin 4 роки тому +12

    I love this high tech in low life reference #cyberpunk

  • @geobla6600
    @geobla6600 7 років тому +34

    Always enjoy the insightful information. It's quite amazing how incredibly complex these nano machines are and yet many scientists just don't seem to grasp it.
    How they would rather hold onto these vague hypothesis that lack any scientific data to
    describe how a complicated engineered motor would have developed these completely unique parts to fit together as preciously as a modern machined motor with its many parts.
    We should probably look at what some of the Icon's of Science like Ken Miller have to say on this mini engineering marvel. Irreducibly Complexity is not really complex in the sense that if you take around 30 parts away from the Flagella Motor , you have a Type 3 Injectisome which is more like a syringe , but a simpler machine.
    What Ken fails to mention is the 30 pieces that had to be designed and preciously combined to form a complex motor possibly millions of years in the future?
    Should we expect anything more from a so called scientist that has had a great deal of input in the writing of school biology books that still carries so called scientific data that's
    50 , 60 , 70 years old and was proven to be false.
    Or these simplistic analogies of how a mousetrap can be so many other things.
    Keep up the the good work and hopefully science can move ahead and not be held back
    by this lame unscientific theory called evolution.

    • @freznelite
      @freznelite 8 місяців тому

      It’s only lame because people aren’t able to accept the intelligent portion of the design. Otherwise evolution is a very clever observation. Statistically speaking, we are looking at guided evolution, which just acknowledges the intelligence. Adaptation, mutation, etc still stands as components of extremely complex and beautiful design.

  • @davidwaugh3824
    @davidwaugh3824 8 місяців тому +2

    Every time I get food poisoning I will remember to thank God for designing the bacteria.

  • @soniat8493
    @soniat8493 6 років тому +15

    Oh oh oh, here is the intelligent designer being finally acclaimed!! A big hurrah for Michael Behe and Michael Denton!!!

  • @karl323
    @karl323 2 роки тому +10

    Any experienced design engineer will come to the same conclusion.
    Coding and error correction in DNA, cells's everywhere the more we look.
    I've sent years designing complex encoder/decoders and there is no way it could be unguided mutations

    • @tedmadu5383
      @tedmadu5383 Рік тому

      It's quite extraordinary that Materialists are still pounding the same drum....Like the early Greeks that believed that we were the centre of the universe, the tide of public awareness is upon us!

    • @griff_in
      @griff_in Рік тому +1

      It was "guided" by environmental factors.

    • @GeForceArena
      @GeForceArena Рік тому

      @@griff_in Please stop. just stop.

  • @ShawnBoike
    @ShawnBoike 2 роки тому +3

    Spectacular dicovery

  • @GeoCalifornian
    @GeoCalifornian 5 років тому +33

    Obviously, the bacterial flagellum has become an iconic example of Intelligent Mechanical Engineering Design.
    Imagine, if engineers want two distinct things to work together, they connect them by an interface system. This is a principle of design that, if biologists could be attuned to see it, they would recognize intelligent design everywhere in interconnecting parts, even in the tiny cells...... Intelligent Engineering Design is scientifically honest. (Darwinism is dead).

  • @brucecampbell9198
    @brucecampbell9198 7 місяців тому

    3:00 Notice that he said that it is much more complex then *EARLY* biologists can imagen. What he is not telling you is that how the flagellin motor system evolved has been well understood for decades.

    • @killerbee6484
      @killerbee6484 6 місяців тому +1

      Explain it to us even Richard Dawkins admitted that we don't know how the mutations cretaed the flagulem

  • @Deploracle
    @Deploracle 4 місяці тому

    How does the bacteria deal with torque produced by the flagellum spinning? A helicopter has a tail rotor to balance forces. What keeps the bacteria from spinning when it's flagellum is in operation?

    • @blusheep2
      @blusheep2 3 місяці тому

      I'm just guessing but there wouldn't just be one motor but hundreds.

  • @alexandercane7332
    @alexandercane7332 3 роки тому +2

    It’s beautiful, tell me could one retro fit this mechanism to as a means of moving objects such as pulling upon the object

  • @brainwashedbyevidence948
    @brainwashedbyevidence948 4 роки тому +5

    The transduction system is a sensory pathway, not memory.

  • @oscar8and8
    @oscar8and8 3 роки тому +4

    For his invisible qualities are clearly seen from the worlds creation
    onward, because they are perceived by the things made, even his
    eternal power and Godship so that they are inexcusable. Romans

  • @annflagelladefraudedme3318
    @annflagelladefraudedme3318 2 роки тому +2

    Daaang! Our last name is Flagella! Lol! Now I know why my grandson is a track star!

  • @bandini22221
    @bandini22221 5 місяців тому +1

    Do they actually have any film of this, instead of CGI?

    • @jenjerx
      @jenjerx 5 місяців тому

      Here’s the latest actual imagining and 3D capturing process of the motto motion and chemical engineering behind its functions.
      By Smarter Everyday channel,
      This interesting explanation of the imaging instrument to understand the physics of capturing these molecular details.

  • @endtimeswriter
    @endtimeswriter 4 роки тому +11

    When I first saw and heard of this it reminded me of the Mazda car my brother had that came with a rotary water cooled engine. Engineers made that but the creator made these rotary water cooled engines.

  • @br3nto
    @br3nto 7 місяців тому

    How is it built? Is there a simulation of how it is assembled?

  • @EdTube444
    @EdTube444 4 роки тому +6

    Simulation Theory is the scientific form of Design Theory.

  • @toddoryall7420
    @toddoryall7420 4 роки тому +21

    Evolutionist had said: biology has the illusion of an intelligent design but it does not, but I say prove it does not, and they can't prove it, so I think evolutionist just have a faith belief system they use as a religion a form of philosophy they support as a dogma law.

  • @FelixFortunaRex
    @FelixFortunaRex 6 місяців тому

    From the few videos I’ve watched about this topic seems these people make a slight mistake in that the bacteria doesn’t go in straight line to get anywhere is a kinda trial and error then go the other way in order to find food or whatever. When it senses something it doesn’t move directly away or towards sensed material. It’ll move this way then turn stop and sense then back that way stop and sense then turn and use “senses” to see if closer or farther away then move agian. Could be wrong about that but don’t think so. “Motor” is amazing, none the less

  • @SeanRhoadesChristopher
    @SeanRhoadesChristopher 5 років тому +1

    The tail acts like not only one big propeller, but like hundreds of little propellers stacked.

  • @royalace2271
    @royalace2271 7 років тому +14

    So by coming up with a scientific explanation for a bacteria flagellum is saying there’s an intelligent creator? Is that really a good explanation at all?

    • @piratessalyx7871
      @piratessalyx7871 6 місяців тому

      Yes why not, something doesn’t come from nothing….think about that!

    • @shuaibuusman8784
      @shuaibuusman8784 5 місяців тому

      yes thank you

    • @earlrobinson5911
      @earlrobinson5911 5 місяців тому

      The theory of evolution was inspired by Darwin looking at the macro level of biological organisms.
      The cell had been seen by his day but was dismissed as a jelly like blob of protoplasm.
      Little did they know that the microbiological world of the cell was more complex and active than a modern city performing chemical reactions and signalling cascades that are so complex that a supercomputer does not have the capacity to model the activity of a single cell, much less all of the interconnected reactions of a trillion cells working to maintaon homeostasis in an environment constantly trying to kill the organism.
      It takes a lot of sofisticated biochemistry and the coordination of thousands of dynamic response mechanisms to heal wounds, identify self and leave it alone versus an invader that must be destroyed.
      Just maintaining the right level of oxygenation and hydration is a constant problem that all one trillion of these computerized living chemical/genetic factories all participate in maintaining.

    • @earlrobinson5911
      @earlrobinson5911 5 місяців тому

      The bacterial flagella is a marvel of engineering. It is a small example that shows us that the cell is far from a blob of gelatin.
      So the challenge to evolution is: how can a theory that depends on slow incremental steps to transform one organism into another account for the cell.
      The cell has hundreds of thousands of subunits that must be present, properly configured, powered and functioning in ensamble to pull off the idea of the first cell arising on its own.
      It contradicts the first law of biogenesis, that life only comes from pre-existing life, that was the first chapter of the High School biology text books where they explained to us how Loui Pasteur debunked the idea of the day that life could emerge from the muck.

    • @James_Haskell
      @James_Haskell 4 місяці тому

      ⁠@@earlrobinson5911just so you’re aware, the first law of biogenesis does not cover the origin of life, the term for this is called abiogenesis. As for your point about needing all of the separate parts at once is not true. Take the eye for example. A light sensitive cell is better than being blind, then more ls cells is better than fewer so you get a blob of them, then randomly, some might be higher than others allowing the organism to detect direction as well as shadows, the optimum shape for this is a bowl shape so those organisms with the most bowl like eyes were more likely to survive and reproduce. The bowl shape starts turning into a pinhole camera which then gets a lens. Each step happening after each generation of organisms. A similar path will be found for this bacterial flagellum.
      The first ‘lifeform’ was likely a self replicating molecule.

  • @piratessalyx7871
    @piratessalyx7871 6 місяців тому

    Love you Stephen! You tell it!

  • @marechuber
    @marechuber 3 роки тому +2

    And every single part contained within it are necessary for it to function ! Amazing biotechnology !

    • @philaypeephilippotter6532
      @philaypeephilippotter6532 3 роки тому +2

      Except that it's not irreducibly complex.

    • @haydenlbray
      @haydenlbray Рік тому

      @@philaypeephilippotter6532 how would this nano-machine work before one of its parts was generated by mutation?

  • @Toocoolforunclesam
    @Toocoolforunclesam 2 місяці тому

    This is called an argument from incredulity. Just because you cant imagine how something forms doesn't mean its impossible.

  • @rayspeakmon2954
    @rayspeakmon2954 Рік тому

    The deeper they dig, the more complex things become. Praise God for the wonders of his creation!

  • @handymandivisionllc530
    @handymandivisionllc530 5 років тому +21

    Gods brilliant

  • @mainaccount7519
    @mainaccount7519 9 місяців тому +1

    Is this just a "proof by incredulity"? I mean we have mathematical proofs that show any event, no matter how improbably, will approach an absolute certainty of occuring given enough samples. Weve had billions of years of random interactions of molecules in a liquid soup allowing for a practically inconceivable amount of samples of molecular interaction/change, and with the aid of selective pressures causing an increased probability for more capable molecular structures, this gives a lot (i mean a lot, like a million years is practically negligible compared to a billion which again we have multiple of in this time frame) of probabilistically biased samples allowing for the occurence of such machines.
    Engineers are even using such theories/ideologies now through things like evolutionary algorithms, whereby they create such seemingly "fine tuned" highly complex structures that can accomplish a multitude of complex tasks through a simulation of the processes of evolution in which they have little to no direct interaction with the specification of such aeemingly "perfect" resulting structures.
    Also, it seems like an "intelligent designer" creates more questions than it answers. Like we know how chemical processes and statistics work or at least have seemingly very accurate models for how they work, but by just hand waving away these things in lieu of an ill defined "intelligent designer" just seems to push the question and add some more. Who created them, what are they like, etc? I mean, I don't want to offend but if their description is based on the scriptures of the most popular religions today, then the descriptions are rife with self contradictions and apparent falsehood when looking at how the world operates.

  • @mrplot6286
    @mrplot6286 3 роки тому +12

    This is how God is proved to be present all time unless u r blind

    • @cooter3690
      @cooter3690 3 роки тому

  • @izzahsaeed8279
    @izzahsaeed8279 6 місяців тому +1

    What do evolutionists and atheists think about that?

  • @evnthomusic4218
    @evnthomusic4218 8 років тому +21

    truly wonderful!

  • @camptube7621
    @camptube7621 2 місяці тому +1

    We have a creator.

  • @eternity2035
    @eternity2035 Рік тому

    Beyond complexity, which is already an evolutionary impossibility, there is everything that comes upstream, assembly and interaction with the environment. And finally... the harmony and beauty of creation. only a pacified civilization having developed universal love can leave its solar system, terraform and create all life on a planet. It's a possibility.

  • @DonswatchingtheTube
    @DonswatchingtheTube 5 років тому +16

    Even the bacteria has the sense to know it's designed.

  • @williamscott4634
    @williamscott4634 6 років тому +48

    God is amazing !!! 👀

    • @facefact3737
      @facefact3737 9 місяців тому

      And neo Darwinists are brainwashed at least and maybe very, very naive in their claims and faith of a mechanism. But how are they willing to falsify that mechanism for each (molecular) biological systems? Can you do that? Can your proof causality? Can your proof the neo darwinian assumption for each biological systems?

  • @rgvhomo
    @rgvhomo 7 років тому +5

    Quien recurre a un creador para el Universo. Olvida pedir un creador de su creador. Este segundo creador no puede surgir de la nada, así que busquemos al creador del creador del otro creador...

  •  8 років тому +12

    Great video.

  • @gouthambabu6415
    @gouthambabu6415 5 років тому +17

    Dawkins brought me here!

  • @quakers200
    @quakers200 2 роки тому +8

    And there is an explanation. There are a number of subcomponents to the flagellum that have independent functions like moving materials across membranes. These smaller components can be combined to create more complex functional units which can be added to other components to form a simple flagellum that in turn can be added to to form the complex functional flagellum he is talking about. So just like we have examples of gradual changes, refinements in structures such as the eye and ear the same sort of gradual change and refinement exists for the flagellum. You can look up the science from cell biologists not science philosophers however and see how we know what we know and that natural processes, not god made it happen. I thought religion was all about faith so why do people feel the need for other forms of proof. Is faith not enough?

    • @DiscoveryScienceChannel
      @DiscoveryScienceChannel  2 роки тому +3

      The supposed evolutionary pathways to the flagellum don't hold up. See:

    • @earlrobinson5911
      @earlrobinson5911 2 роки тому +6

      Did the first bacteria lack mobility because they lacked the gear? How would we prove that hypothesis, or are we forced to assume that "In the Beginning" there were no flagella? The job of replicating DNA and cell division is a job that is orders of magnitude harder than building a flagella and requires much more code, choreography and the attendant machinery to pull off the trick of self replication.
      How many distinct things had to come together all at the same time to get the first viable self replicating cell? Metabolizing energy, clearing waste, copying genetic material, viable code to assemble amino acid sequences that would lead to useful proteins instead of junk protein, then solving the encode/decode problem in parallel between storing nucleotide strings in DNA memory on the encode side and then having transfer RNA's with the correct combination of code to amino acid to actually produce useful proteins on the decode and translate side?
      A mismatch between encoding and decoding equals no viable cells to reproduce.
      Cracking the problem of how to move around is childs play compared to that minimum first step of viability and reproduction.

    • @earlrobinson5911
      @earlrobinson5911 2 роки тому

      @@DiscoveryScienceChannel Thank you for the links!

    • @jaybennett236
      @jaybennett236 2 роки тому

      Cell biologists like Michael Behe? His conclusions contradict what you assert.

  • @wvjaybird5
    @wvjaybird5 6 років тому +10

    This is amazing!

  • @SeanRhoadesChristopher
    @SeanRhoadesChristopher 4 роки тому +3

    They can swim in thick goo at 82 miles/hr, not sure how fast they might be able to swim in water though.

  • @houssamhadri9766
    @houssamhadri9766 3 роки тому +1

    In the holy book Quran: Allah Said"And on the earth are signs for those who have Faith with certainty,
    And also in your ownselves. Will you not then see?''

  • @FRN2013
    @FRN2013 8 років тому +46

    It's embarrassing that most of the scientific community rejects the obvious truth that all life was designed.

    • @FRN2013
      @FRN2013 8 років тому +10

      Anti-theists, how did life begin?
      Darwinist Professor Paul Davies admits, “Nobody knows how a mixture of lifeless chemicals spontaneously organized themselves into the first living cell.”
      Professor of biology at Harvard, Andrew Knoll, said, “We don’t really know how life originated on this planet”.
      A basic, minimal cell needs hundreds of proteins, which simply do not naturally congregate.
      So how did the first life originate just by chemistry alone, without intelligent design?

    • @FRN2013
      @FRN2013 8 років тому +15

      And how could the DNA code originate?
      It’s a complex language system with letters & words.
      What other coding system has ever existed without an intelligent designer?

    • @FRN2013
      @FRN2013 8 років тому +9

      How could mutations create the huge volumes of information in the DNA of living things?
      Mutations are copying mistakes such as DNA ‘letters’ exchanged, deleted or added, chromosome inversions, genes duplicated, etc.
      Do you really think such errors could create the 3 billion letters of DNA information needed to transform a microbe into a microbiologist?
      Not only is there information for how to make proteins, but also for controlling their use, like a cookbook lists ingredients as well as gives instructions for how to use them.
      Obviously, one without the other is useless.
      Mutations are known for their destructive effects, including over 1,000 human diseases such as hemophilia.
      Rarely are they helpful.
      How could scrambling existing DNA information create a new biochemical pathway or nano-machines?
      For example, how did the rotary motor ATP synthase, with 32 parts, originate?
      Or how did kinesin, the delivery men within cells, originate?

    • @AndrewFosterSheff69
      @AndrewFosterSheff69 7 років тому +2

      Or if they do, they still reject God by saying it was "Da Aylions"! *sigh*

  • @ToniClav55
    @ToniClav55 Рік тому +1

    State-of-the-art intelligent technology inside your body when mechanical propulsion engines were not yet known. And all this arose spontaneously from an explosion of the Universe, they say.

    • @griff_in
      @griff_in Рік тому

      Look up chemical evolution.

  • @RadBadBoys
    @RadBadBoys 3 роки тому +3

    How can some scientist and people believe that everything is by chance?

  • @OluwasegunAhmed-e3g
    @OluwasegunAhmed-e3g 6 місяців тому

    I hope evolutionist would take away their delusions because this stuffs of nanotechnology really points to a powerful and intelligent being to have designed them.

  • @KingOfTheDerp
    @KingOfTheDerp 5 років тому +3

    Very cool!

  • @KaapoKallio
    @KaapoKallio 4 місяці тому

    Explain the human eye with intelligent design.

  • @fellowshipofthemystery6154
    @fellowshipofthemystery6154 8 років тому +25

    The creation absolutely demands a Creator and I truly feel sorry for those blinded to this obvious truth. This is just one example of millions, proving than God is the source code for all life.

    • @gregorimalkovich7070
      @gregorimalkovich7070 8 років тому +4

      Fellowship of the Mystery
      Give praise to God, He is the only one worthy of adoration.

  • @S_1.618
    @S_1.618 4 роки тому +10

    La ilaha illa ALLAH ☝️

  • @everettnicely1937
    @everettnicely1937 6 років тому +9

    Believers must not ever be afraid to explore or think searching for truth. All Truth comes from God, it may not be revealed the way that you think or the time frame that you want but eventually it will be revealed.

  • @isinimuthumuni8374
    @isinimuthumuni8374 6 років тому +5


  • @daveyboy2021
    @daveyboy2021 2 роки тому +3

    Our one and only true God has created some amazing things!

  • @Truthmybannerl4631
    @Truthmybannerl4631 5 місяців тому +1

    This shows How Great God is in making these levels of creativity anyone who do not believe in God after this is foolish and disillusioned or blinded!! God Said study my creation and see greatness of God!! Salvation is only in The Lord Jesus!! I dare you to read the Bible( in modern English (ESV))

  • @patriciahanson-locke4143
    @patriciahanson-locke4143 2 роки тому

    Just Wow- I’ll sign up!

  • @MrFossil367ab45gfyth
    @MrFossil367ab45gfyth 3 роки тому +3

    It is the pure work of evolution and natural selection. However, evolution doesn't debunk intelligent design. I believe in God and accept evolution. Now, it has been proven that evolution is an ongoing process that doesn't necessarily need God. However, does that mean God isn't the designer or head of it all? Well if you think about it, if God is an all-knowing being, he would've had to plan this out and he would know exactly how life would evolve and change overtime. So he is the "guide" to evolution. I think God designed life to evolve.

    • @artbank22
      @artbank22 7 місяців тому

      Only an idiot would believe that humans came from monkeys

  • @Rajalord27
    @Rajalord27 Рік тому +1


  • @driesoome3272
    @driesoome3272 6 років тому +9

    I am confused? Why would god reuse the proteins of the type three secretion system in a bacterial flagellum but invent other structures that serve the same function in eukaryotes but with other building plans and building blocks? Why doesn't he just make 1 flagellum design for all living things that need it? Doesn't sound like intelligent design to me :/

  • @tunisianfisherman3102
    @tunisianfisherman3102 6 років тому +3

    it means we need a new theory to explain the complexity of life on earth , kind of a revoulution in biology , darwin was good but his theory is old now , with time all theories will be replaced anyway , its how science works

  • @dx398
    @dx398 5 років тому +10

    The work of our Lord's hand.

  • @khalid6050ify
    @khalid6050ify 5 років тому +5

    # Discovery Science: Is there any design difference in tail mechanism of Bacteria tail and Human sperm motor.💖😜🤟🇨🇦

    • @Otohs_
      @Otohs_ 5 років тому

      khalid saeed I think they are the same thing but, this is in my opinion but good question though. 🙏💯 🇺🇸

  • @beegestboy
    @beegestboy 5 років тому +5

    Wow the comments here are depressing. Evolution is a fact, and the flagellum does not refute it at all. Instead, it shows just how beautiful and intricate Biology is. And it is much more beautiful with the knowledge of the fact that it came about naturally, via selection on stochastic mutations, and not by some imaginary bloke in the sky who cares about who turns people into pillars of salt.

  • @bradhilton2283
    @bradhilton2283 2 роки тому

    Hey That really kool. But what if we could re engineer this better than it occurs in nature
    ? indeed of a tail , how about an autaual propeller like in the one found on boat motor? possible fin's for steering . You would know this by looking at me, but I love this stuff .

    • @logic8673
      @logic8673 Рік тому

      you forgot there are sensors, short term memory bank and decision tool within the bacteria directing it. not just the propeller.

    • @automachinehead
      @automachinehead Рік тому

      if a man can re-engineer this, then he is most likely the true son of God

  • @MisterMcKinney
    @MisterMcKinney 2 роки тому +1

    Why did the designer give us the problematic wisdom teeth?

  • @markd9844
    @markd9844 3 місяці тому


  • @alucardlord9032
    @alucardlord9032 5 років тому +3

    If you can never think of any genius creator with this kind of creation, then just think of God as the creator of this thing for a while, until you're able to figure out who created this kind of genius creations

  •  3 роки тому +3

    Its amazing what the universe can concur spontaneously, but given 3.5 billions years of research and development, pretty much everything is possible

  • @rousseausp
    @rousseausp 5 місяців тому

    Mind blown

  • @gottwurfeltnicht1569
    @gottwurfeltnicht1569 5 років тому +3

    GOTTès Bauplan

    @SRILANKANCHRISTIAN 5 років тому +5

    yes God is giving is blessings to understand the thrut He is the creator , the life, light and the way. Keep the sabbath holy.

  • @jonathancabrera4296
    @jonathancabrera4296 2 роки тому +2

    God's designs are truly unfathomable

  • @luciferdzhugashvili
    @luciferdzhugashvili 8 місяців тому +2

    Neil Degrasse Tyson is a true genius for inventing this.

  • @new_comment
    @new_comment 2 роки тому +1

    I truly believe that if Darwin were alive today, and witnesses these discoveries. Even he would call those, clinging too his goofy theory, "willfully ignorant".

  • @NickN823
    @NickN823 Рік тому

    so youre telling me theres explosions happening in there

  •  6 років тому +6

    Evolutionists have no idea how much they don't know.

  • @tonymurphy2624
    @tonymurphy2624 2 роки тому +1

    This was debunked long before you posted this video via actual research. Behe's notion that irreducible complexity is a problem for evolution was debunked decades before Behe was even born, not least because irreducible complexity is a critical prediction OF evolutionary theory.
    Utter bollocks.

  • @JoseRodriguez-kg8ck
    @JoseRodriguez-kg8ck Рік тому +4

    It's proof that there is a almighty God, and his name is Jesus 🎉❤

    • @pedropontes2230
      @pedropontes2230 Рік тому +1

      Why would assume that if there really is a God out there, he's going to be the one you worship? There had been thousands of god ideas way before Judaism came into existence. Whaf if Brahma is the true God?

  • @jeffwalsh6015
    @jeffwalsh6015 4 місяці тому

    When I see a Camry, I know Toyota created it. When I see life on Earth, I know God created it.

  • @Beyond_Matter
    @Beyond_Matter 6 років тому +3

    What about the sperm ?

  • @brandoncampbell9794
    @brandoncampbell9794 3 роки тому

    I don't understand that if a creator could design this why they fucked up so bad and left all of the other evolutionary mistakes in all the other animals, whales have floating bones attached to nothing. What makes more sense, they had limbs and they dissapeared over time leaving remnants, or God just had a hangover that day.

  • @KolendoTV
    @KolendoTV 4 роки тому +2

    Many of these comments hurt my brain. The assumption of intelligent design is lazy and plagued by logical fallacy. Crucial components of the flagellar motor were already in place and working before it evolved to be a working motor. This is something we know for a fact. Just because you don't understand how something evolved doesn't mean it's irreducibly complex and "intelligently designed". It's absolutely insane and ignorant to conclude that any gaps in knowledge about something that appears irreducibly complex must be the product of a designer. "I don't know how something works, so it must be God, hurr durr". That's literally what you sound like.

  • @wakeupscreaming9883
    @wakeupscreaming9883 6 років тому +4

    I'm still trying to figure out how it refutes "modern Darwinism"?

  • @elimwells6131
    @elimwells6131 3 роки тому +4

    Stands to reason, we are created in God's image and we create machines in order to accomplish tasks, just as our creator does.

  • @757Church
    @757Church 3 роки тому +1

    Incredible evidence for ID!

    • @philaypeephilippotter6532
      @philaypeephilippotter6532 3 роки тому +3

      This _evidence_ was completely destroyed both scientifically and legally in 2005, eleven years before this lying animation was posted here.

  • @beckymorrow4209
    @beckymorrow4209 11 місяців тому +1

    Thank God for evolution!

  • @bobengelhardt856
    @bobengelhardt856 4 роки тому +3

    Those who can't imagine that evolution created the flagellum are lacking in imagination.

    • @sb4040
      @sb4040 3 роки тому

      No, we just don't mind at all that we have a Master who knows more than any of us do. That is the atheist's real problem--not a lack of faith but a glut of rebellion.

  • @jbolian3153
    @jbolian3153 2 роки тому

    Thank you, Behe. Which Hole did you want Free ME into?

    • @jbolian3153
      @jbolian3153 2 роки тому

      almost as Revolutionary as Sherwin Nuland, Behe.

  • @victorcm5635
    @victorcm5635 Рік тому

    No way scientists won't se the hand of God in here