I'm agreeing with everyone on this thread. Phillip Rhee should've had way more success in Hollywood. His fight scenes in the Colosseum are some of the best I've ever seen then and now. They should've called it Best of Best 2: Tommy Don't Play.
i dont think cynthia rothrock was underrated at all. I think she just happened to come up in the 90s where male action hero still kind of had the market on lock down and the market she thrived in happened to be straight to video, which unfortunately is where the martial arts genre lived, but it made her no less successful or beloved by those of us who were true fans. You have to remember also she came up in the chinese market with Richard Norton and sammo and yeung biao where the action was for real and hard. when she started becoming big in the states she had to learn to tone her stuff down lol. she was the OG lady dragon for real.
@crome1115 Hell yeah. She is amazing and I remember watching her movies on vhs as a kid. My step-dad used to go to Blockbuster and Video Hut and rent like 5 movies on a Friday night. So great
Phillip and his brother were 2 of THE BEST (old school) martial artists in the 80's & 90's! They're not as well known as Chuck, Jackie, Jet, or Van Damme,, but they DAMN SURE deserved to be!! I have to rewatch "Best Of The Best" (parts 1 AND 2) every few years! Because ANYTHING that brings Phillip Rhee (and his brother), Eric Roberts, Chris Penn, James Earl Jones, & Sonny Landham ALL TOGETHER in one place DESERVES a rewatch every few years! 😁👍
I agree. Movies like this were the reason i started martial arts. I went into Taekwondo as a kid and now im 20 years into northern and southern shaolin kung-fu. Normally when i watch back on old martial arts movies i can usually see they are not as good as i thought they were 😂. But Phillip Rhee is mindblowingly good. I honestly think he might have been the best martial artist we have ever had on the big screen. Donnie Yen, Jackie Chan, Scott Adkins are all really good but look at Phillip's form here.....its a work of art.
@@Lesspaw41 They're names are Phillip and Simon Rhee. They're both award winning martial artists, as well as supporting actors in various 80's & 90's action flicks. Simon played the 'big bad' in "Best Of The Best" (part 1).
I have a lot of respect for Phillip Rhee. In Best of the best part 2, his conditioning, physique, movement, rhythm and timing were reminded me of Master Bruce Lee
Part of the issue of him and his brother becoming bigger was that at the start of their careers, they got tired of seeing scripts that only showed martial arts being used in a negative light, such as many of the martial arts revenge stories out there. That's why they became very selective about what projects they worked on.
Yeah, he auditioned for the role of Liu Kang in Mortal Kombat '95 but didn't get the part. I think he would have made a better Liu Kang than Robin Shou because Rhee has longer legs, more mass/muscle and cleaner movements, but Robin still did a good job.
One of my martial arts idols when started learning martial arts at the late teen. Best of the best is still one of the best martial arts movies ever. I admit that it brought me to tears every single time.
Thank Brah, Thanks for the memories. Philip Rhee inspired my kicking style in the 90's. Bruce Lee was a major influence in the 80's on...but Philip Rhee had such a beautiful spinning back kick that while I was practicing on a punching bag in my gym one dude was like "that's a beautiful spinning back kick brah." It ain't mine, it's Mr. Philip Rhee!
I studied Tae Kwon Do in high school, and I loved to watch Phillip Rhee's movies, though I haven't seen all of the movies represented in this video. I just saw him in the Best of the Best movies. I used to wish I could be as skilled as he was.
I like how his character got better thru the movies.His training in best of the best 2 made him a bad ass in 3 and 4.I know its a movie but it still was pretty good.I miss the 80's and 90's martial arts movies the were fun.
awesome video! thanks for putting this together, i just happened across it.funny thing is i was looking for my old best of the best dvd but couldnt find it lol
Most DEFINITELY!!! That cartwheel kick that he performed at 3:19 is LITERALLY Lui Kang's 1st/original Fatality from MK .....only thing missing was the finishing uppercut.
The coach for the N. Korean team is Grandmaster Hee IL Cho. He'd probably take out any two of these guys. I studied under him in the mid 70's in Los Angeles. He's 83 and still doing TKD IN HAWAII
We LOVE Phillip Rhee !! He was pretty much the whole package - unfortunately, Hollywood had its views on what a lead front man in MA movies should look like . . . !!
very nice compilation.. Thx a lot. I really enjoyed it. It shows Phillip Rhee's skills and the beauty of Korean martial arts👏 I only watched the BOB series. If you gave us the titles of the movies, that would be awesome 👌
Philip's and Simon's aerial spinning kicks were amazing! I wish I could have been able to do that! I am glad you showed a better quality clip from "Ninja Turf" (Philip vs. James Lew) toward the end.
0:46 0:30 "لا تدري لعلَّ الله يُحدِثُ بعد ذلك أمرًا".. كمية طمأنينة بالآية عجيبة، وكأنها تؤكد لك أنَّ الله قادر على قلب الموازين بأي شكل وفي لحظة قد لا تتوقَّعها، فاصبر، لأنَّ الله من أسمائه "المُعطي".. يهبك ويعطيك ما لا تتوقَّعه وما لا يتصوَّره عقلك، وتذكَّر دائمًا أنَّ الله إذا أعطى أدهش." #استغفرووو🖤🌸
This is back when figthing scenes were unbelievable. Nowadays you fall asleep watching a modern action movies n the fights look like shit. This is wonderful technique, speed n accuracy. What a great martial artist.
His dad was Jhun Rhee, founder of the Jhun Rhee wing fan club in L.A. That's been a while back now....damn I'm getting old I guess. Haven't talked to Phil in a long time, no idea how he is these days, even if he's still kicking. Anyone know ?
Christopher Penn: “What are you yella?” Phillip Rhee: “Obviously” One of the funniest lines and it took me like 10 years to finally get it (the real ones will know what I’m talking about). Phillip Rhee was so underrated.
Phillip Rhee definitely had that IT factor to be a top action guy in big films BUT glad he did the Best Of The Best franchise to solidify him as an action icon.
I don't know why he is so under appreciated. He is amazing and a real martial artist. However, I still have reservations about using martial arts for profit, public shows, competitions, and media of any kind.
I loved Best of the Best. However, the "sequels" should have just been a different set of movies, since they really didn't have anything to do with the original other than the character names. Phillip Rhee is definitely underrated, and deserved to be in more mainstream movies. And another favorite of mine in the last scene, Mr James Lew!!
What's Rhee doing now? Great at what he does. He moved like water! That spinning heel kick is really something. You would NOT want to be on the receiving end of that thrown for real. No sir. He was really quick and precise. He's only a year older than me. I had no idea he was in his 60s. His brother Simon is no joke niether! He played DaeHan with the patch on his eye! Simon is 65. These guys are still awesome despite their ages!
From what I've learned he does seminars and appearances at various dojos, especially younger fighters who are being promoted to black belt and beyond. He genuinely wants to give martial arts a positive impression.
@@jasonmaclean719 that he does! I'm a fan of his! He's one fast and precise striker! He can do ground and pound too! Kicks, sweeps, punches, grappling...all of it! Smooth as silk! I didn't know Phillip and Simon were in their 60s. I'm 62. Was in good shape up until June of 2023. Got arthritis. It sucks too. Glad they are still healthy. I was a pretty mean kicker in my day. Nothing like them, but I could definitely throw em hard and fast. Too bad you gotta get old!
Phillip Rhee has some of the sharpest kicking arsenal in Hollywood. It's a shame he didnt become a huge mega star like Van Dam and Seagal. He had tge looks and talent for superstardom.
1:10 أبو العتاهية اختصر الدنيا في ٦ أبيات شعرية، جميلة جداً ، - نأتي إلى الدنيا ونحن سواسية طفلُ الملوكِ كطفل الحاشية - ونغادر الدنيا ونحن كما ترى متشابهون على قبور حافية - أعمالنا تُعلي وتَخفض شأننا وحسابُنا بالحق يوم الغاشية - حور، وأنهار، قصور عالية وجهنمٌ تُصلى، ونارٌ حامية - فاختر لنفسك ما تُحب وتبتغي ما دام يومُك والليالي باقية - وغداً مصيرك لا تراجع بعده إما جنان الخلد وإما الهاوية ( نسأل الله للجميع حسن الخاتمة )
2:12 لا شيء في الطبيعة يعيش لنفسه .. النهر لا يشرب ماءه، والبحر لا يأكل سمكه، والزهرة لا تعبق لنفسها، والشمس لا تشرق لذاتها .. خلقت الأشياء لتخدم غيرها .. هذه حكمة الله الخالق البارىء المبدىء المعيد المحى المميت الحى القيوم العلى القدير العظيم المقتدر السميع البصير ، ورسالته لنا 🧡✨
3:32 وراء كل عائلة سعيدة👌 مودة ورحمة وسكن-إحتواء واهتمام ومشاركة البيوت ليست جدران فرش وأثاث البيوت الطيبة دفا مشاعر وقلوب البيت الذي يفتقد دفئ القلوب بيت جاف خالي من المواد الحافظة للسعادة والحياة👇 عائلة سعيدة تساوي حضن والحضن ليس فقط ذراع ممدودة الحضن الحقيقي(أمان)و(استقرار) الحضن الحقيقي(إحساس)كل فرد في العائلة بالآخر ودعمه نفسياً ومعنوياً للبقاء علي قيد أسرة سعيدة تنبض حب وحياة✋ #الحاج محمود عبد العزيز ابن مصر البار وابن مصر الحبيبة .
5:28 علموا اولادكم: 1. عندما تمشّط شعر طفلك، فأخبره أنك تفعل ذلك لأن النبي ﷺ قال (من كان له شَعْرٌ فلْيُكرِمْه) 2. عندما تُعطّر ابنك، أخبره بأنك تفعل ذلك إقتداء للنبي ﷺ (حُبب إلي من دنياكم الطيب والنساء، وجعلت قرة عيني في الصلاة) 3. عندما يذهب ابنك إلى المدرسة، ذكره بقول النبي ﷺ (من سلك طريقًا يلتمس فيه علمًا، سهَّل الله له طريقًا إلى الجنَّة) 4. عندما تبتسم لابنك، أخبره بأن النبي ﷺ قال: (تبسمك في وجه أخيك لك صدقة) 5. عندما تمدح ابنك، أخبره بقول النبي ﷺ (والكلمة الطيبة صدقة) 6. عندما تفرغ من طعامك لابنك أخبره بانك فعلت ذلك عملا بقوله ﷺ (إفراغك من دلوك في دلو أخيك لك صدقة) 7. عندما تكون في مجلس فيه كبار بالسن اطلب من ابنك توقيرهم لأننا بذلك نطيع النبي ﷺ بقوله (ليس منا من لم يرحم صغيرنا و يوقر كبيرنا) وهكذا اربطوا تصرفات أبنائكم بالسنة و بسيرة النبي ﷺ و علموهم الأحاديث الشريفة.
4:49 [قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: (ما مِن يَومٍ يُصْبِحُ العِبادُ فِيهِ، إلَّا مَلَكانِ يَنْزِلانِ، فيَقولُ أحَدُهُما: اللَّهُمَّ أعْطِ مُنْفِقًا خَلَفًا، ويقولُ الآخَرُ: اللَّهُمَّ أعْطِ مُمْسِكًا تَلَفًا).__ قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: (مَن تَصدَّقَ بعَدْلِ تمرةٍ مِن كسْبٍ طيِّبٍ، ولا يَصعَدُ إلى اللهِ إلَّا طيِّبٌ؛ فإنَّ اللهَ يَقبَلُها بيَمِينه، ثمَّ يُربِّيها لِصاحِبِها، كما يُربِّي أحدُكم فَلُوَّه، حتى تَكونَ مثلَ الجبلِ).__ قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: (الرَّجلُ في ظلِّ صدقتِه حتَّى يُقضَى بين النَّاسِ).__ قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: (قالَ اللَّهُ: أنْفِقْ يا ابْنَ آدَمَ أُنْفِقْ عَلَيْكَ).__ قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: (ما نقصت صدقة من مال) .................................[قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: (إنَّما الدُّنيا لأربعةِ نفرٍ عبدٍ رزقَهُ اللَّهُ مالًا وعلمًا فَهوَ يتَّقي ربَّهُ فيهِ ويصلُ فيهِ رحمَهُ ويعلمُ للَّهِ فيهِ حقًّا فَهذا بأفضلِ المنازلِ).__ قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: (والصدقة تطفيء الخطيئة، كما يطفئ الماء النار).__ قال رسول الله -صلى الله عليه وسلم- في حديث السبعة الذين يظلهم الله في ظله يوم القيامة: (ورَجُلٌ تَصَدَّقَ بصَدَقَةٍ فأخْفاها حتَّى لا تَعْلَمَ يَمِينُهُ ما تُنْفِقُ شِمالُهُ).__ قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: (دَاوُوا مَرضاكُمْ بِالصَّدقةِ).__ قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: (إنْ أردتَ أنْ يَلينَ قلبُكَ، فأطعِمْ المسكينَ، وامسحْ رأسَ اليتيمِ).__ قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: (ما مِنكُم مِن أحَدٍ إلَّا سَيُكَلِّمُهُ اللَّهُ، ليسَ بيْنَهُ وبيْنَهُ تُرْجُمانٌ، فَيَنْظُرُ أيْمَنَ منه فلا يَرَى إلَّا ما قَدَّمَ، ويَنْظُرُ أشْأَمَ منه فلا يَرَى إلَّا ما قَدَّمَ، ويَنْظُرُ بيْنَ يَدَيْهِ فلا يَرَى إلَّا النَّارَ تِلْقاءَ وجْهِهِ، فاتَّقُوا النَّارَ ولو بشِقِّ تَمْرَةٍ)
The best is his high kicks! Complete perfection!
So true!
This guy is criminally underrated and underrecognized. I studied Martial Arts in High School and I used to mimic his moves and his training.
It's weird, he had all the skills plus charisma. He should have been bigger
amen brother ...Scott Adkins is another one
@@andyhug3540 huge Adkins fan, undisputed 2&3 are two of my absolute favorites.
I'm agreeing with everyone on this thread. Phillip Rhee should've had way more success in Hollywood. His fight scenes in the Colosseum are some of the best I've ever seen then and now. They should've called it Best of Best 2: Tommy Don't Play.
but really what happend?, i loved that guy as a child
The rhees are one of the best in the business and i love how they put so much passion into the art to deliver the action as real as possible
Phillip Rhee and Cynthia Rothrock are 2 action stars who are so underrated. Awesome!
i dont think cynthia rothrock was underrated at all. I think she just happened to come up in the 90s where male action hero still kind of had the market on lock down and the market she thrived in happened to be straight to video, which unfortunately is where the martial arts genre lived, but it made her no less successful or beloved by those of us who were true fans. You have to remember also she came up in the chinese market with Richard Norton and sammo and yeung biao where the action was for real and hard. when she started becoming big in the states she had to learn to tone her stuff down lol. she was the OG lady dragon for real.
@crome1115 Hell yeah. She is amazing and I remember watching her movies on vhs as a kid. My step-dad used to go to Blockbuster and Video Hut and rent like 5 movies on a Friday night. So great
Tienes razón. A mí me gusta el Tae Kwon Do y me impresiona la técnica de Cinthya y Phillip, mis respetos!!!
Phillip and his brother were 2 of THE BEST (old school) martial artists in the 80's & 90's! They're not as well known as Chuck, Jackie, Jet, or Van Damme,, but they DAMN SURE deserved to be!! I have to rewatch "Best Of The Best" (parts 1 AND 2) every few years! Because ANYTHING that brings Phillip Rhee (and his brother), Eric Roberts, Chris Penn, James Earl Jones, & Sonny Landham ALL TOGETHER in one place DESERVES a rewatch every few years! 😁👍
I agree. Movies like this were the reason i started martial arts. I went into Taekwondo as a kid and now im 20 years into northern and southern shaolin kung-fu. Normally when i watch back on old martial arts movies i can usually see they are not as good as i thought they were 😂. But Phillip Rhee is mindblowingly good. I honestly think he might have been the best martial artist we have ever had on the big screen. Donnie Yen, Jackie Chan, Scott Adkins are all really good but look at Phillip's form here.....its a work of art.
They really should have hit super stardom
Who was his brother?
@@Lesspaw41 They're names are Phillip and Simon Rhee. They're both award winning martial artists, as well as supporting actors in various 80's & 90's action flicks. Simon played the 'big bad' in "Best Of The Best" (part 1).
The Rhee brothers are such amazing screen fighters-so quick and clean on their techniques-I was completely blown away when I 1st saw Best of the Best
I have a lot of respect for Phillip Rhee. In Best of the best part 2, his conditioning, physique, movement, rhythm and timing were reminded me of Master Bruce Lee
Think the same, and his fight against the fencers 🤺.
Cool dude.
Some of the cleansest, sharp kicking i have ever scene.Never knew Phillip Rhee was this good.He should of made it bigger.
I can't disagree. He was in talk to become Kato on the big screen and other exciting movies which never happened.
@@iceangelpictures1249 Wish he was Liu Kang in Mortal Kombat '95.
Part of the issue of him and his brother becoming bigger was that at the start of their careers, they got tired of seeing scripts that only showed martial arts being used in a negative light, such as many of the martial arts revenge stories out there. That's why they became very selective about what projects they worked on.
Yeah, he auditioned for the role of Liu Kang in Mortal Kombat '95 but didn't get the part. I think he would have made a better Liu Kang than Robin Shou because Rhee has longer legs, more mass/muscle and cleaner movements, but Robin still did a good job.
I guess you never seen Onk Bak
Most underrated martial artist. His Hapkido and Taekwando are insanely well done.
Luv Philip rhee movies so much...thanks for making the videos
One of my martial arts idols when started learning martial arts at the late teen. Best of the best is still one of the best martial arts movies ever. I admit that it brought me to tears every single time.
Loved this Dude. Phenomenal Martial Artist. Still rewatch The Entire Best of The Best Film Series( Although movie 3 isnt as Strong😮). " Tommy Nooooo".
Always thought phillip was one the best on screen marital artists. Amazing talent
Watching Philip and Simon in Best of the Best is the most impressively choreographed fight I've ever seen
An example of martial artist...long life to Rhee Bros.
Amazing family. Very humble and kind.
Al ot a kick in the air are you kidding me?
Thank Brah, Thanks for the memories. Philip Rhee inspired my kicking style in the 90's. Bruce Lee was a major influence in the 80's on...but Philip Rhee had such a beautiful spinning back kick that while I was practicing on a punching bag in my gym one dude was like "that's a beautiful spinning back kick brah." It ain't mine, it's Mr. Philip Rhee!
His moves were so crisp and quick! Loved best of the best series!
Phillip Rhee to me is so underrated his martial arts skills are truly legendary.
A beautiful mix of hapkido and real taekwondo.
I studied Tae Kwon Do in high school, and I loved to watch Phillip Rhee's movies, though I haven't seen all of the movies represented in this video. I just saw him in the Best of the Best movies. I used to wish I could be as skilled as he was.
It always surprised me that he didn't go farther in the business. His moves are so good
Perfect combination of speed, grace and power.
Rhee is so underrated… he is truly amazing!
I like how his character got better thru the movies.His training in best of the best 2 made him a bad ass in 3 and 4.I know its a movie but it still was pretty good.I miss the 80's and 90's martial arts movies the were fun.
awesome video! thanks for putting this together, i just happened across it.funny thing is i was looking for my old best of the best dvd but couldnt find it lol
Phillip Rhee is awesome!!! I love
TaeKwondo. May God bless Phillip Rhee and his family! ❤️✝️. Mitchell
I still think he should've been cast as Liu Kang for the MK movie back in the day.
I agree, but they made a good choice nonetheless
Most DEFINITELY!!! That cartwheel kick that he performed at 3:19 is LITERALLY Lui Kang's 1st/original Fatality from MK .....only thing missing was the finishing uppercut.
I thought the exact same thing. Robin Shou was a solid choice but Phillip Rhee would've been absolutely perfect... tailor made for the part for sure.
If Rhee lost the audition to play Liu Kang, the director should've cast him as Sub-Zero.
From all of us men and women of culture, bless you for this compilation 🙌🏿💯✊🏿🔥🥋
Philip Rhee was very good , i think he is underrated .
Definitely underrated. Dude is freaking awesome and one of my favorite martial artists. BotB2, he was basically Liu Kang
He was Perfect. Top warior for Mortal Combat
For me, he has the best technical level among martial artist actors!!
Best Fight Mix videos are wonderful in your channel! keep it up!
1:55 قُلْ يَا عِبَادِيَ الَّذِينَ أَسْرَفُوا عَلَى أَنفُسِهِمْ لا تَقْنَطُوا مِن رَّحْمَةِ اللَّهِ إِنَّ اللَّهَ يَغْفِرُ الذُّنُوبَ جَمِيعًا إِنَّهُ هُوَ الغَفورُ الرَّحيمْ - سورة الزمر - الآية 53
The coach for the N. Korean team is Grandmaster Hee IL Cho. He'd probably take out any two of these guys. I studied under him in the mid 70's in Los Angeles. He's 83 and still doing TKD IN HAWAII
We LOVE Phillip Rhee !!
He was pretty much the whole package - unfortunately, Hollywood had its views on what a lead front man in MA movies should look like . . . !!
very nice compilation.. Thx a lot. I really enjoyed it. It shows Phillip Rhee's skills and the beauty of Korean martial arts👏 I only watched the BOB series. If you gave us the titles of the movies, that would be awesome 👌
Philip's and Simon's aerial spinning kicks were amazing! I wish I could have been able to do that! I am glad you showed a better quality clip from "Ninja Turf" (Philip vs. James Lew) toward the end.
0:46 0:30 "لا تدري لعلَّ الله يُحدِثُ بعد ذلك أمرًا"..
كمية طمأنينة بالآية عجيبة، وكأنها تؤكد لك أنَّ الله قادر على قلب الموازين بأي شكل وفي لحظة قد لا تتوقَّعها، فاصبر، لأنَّ الله من أسمائه "المُعطي".. يهبك ويعطيك ما لا تتوقَّعه وما لا يتصوَّره عقلك، وتذكَّر دائمًا أنَّ الله إذا أعطى أدهش."
Philip Rhee is simply magnificent
This is back when figthing scenes were unbelievable. Nowadays you fall asleep watching a modern action movies n the fights look like shit.
This is wonderful technique, speed n accuracy. What a great martial artist.
I'd never even heard of Taekwondo until I discovered the Rhee brothers! Truly some of the greats!
He learned hapkido
@@Purrrrfectshot I just meant that they introduced me to Korean martial arts since taekwondo is the most well known.
@@Purrrrfectshot Yes and he learned Taekwondo where he holds a 6th dan and Hapkido a 3rd dan and various other arts.
His dad was Jhun Rhee, founder of the Jhun Rhee wing fan club in L.A.
That's been a while back now....damn I'm getting old I guess.
Haven't talked to Phil in a long time, no idea how he is these days, even if he's still kicking.
Anyone know ?
Awesome Martial Artists ❤
Chuck & Rhee
Among my favorites with similar styles
Awesome guy
Also love Philips’ Hapkido he puts in his fights. There’s some clean techniques in his Korean TaeKwonDo/Hapkido action!
Just love it…
Absolutely brilliant martial artist 👊👊 Both brothers are fantastic.
Philip rhee is the most Greatest actor, martial artist of all of his martial arts.
Phillip is a true pro
Look at him in best of the best 2 in tge fighting arena he is literally the best version of mortal kombats liu kang you can ask for in build and skill
2:31 لعلك المقصود : لَن ينسَاك ربك، سيُؤتيك من الغيْب أحلَاه، ثُم يعوِّضكَ بِما يليقُ بِقلبك، فـ لا تظنُ أن دعواتك السابقة والحالية ذهبت سُـدى ! كلَّا والله ، ما كانَ ربُكَ نَسِيَّا.
He is actually much better than the other martial arts actors.
I saw the shadow of Van Damme and Bruce Lee in him. Definitely, powerful, beautiful technique ....
This guy IS AMAZING! He should have been Liu Kang in the og Mortal Kombat movie
Back in the day, when they had the Mortal Kombat trading cards the artists always drew Liu Kang with Philip Rhee's image and likeness
That's because his real name IS Liu Kang.
I believe he auditioned for the movie.
3:19 Liu Kang's Fatality
The kicks from Philips Rhee were sharp and clen 😎 i wish kick like him
Definitely a gem of an actor. The jkd and others done. Just flawless . Every move is amazing. If only he had a solid come back.
Excellent stunts. Great choreography with his stunt teams . Good work !
3:49 يا صاحبَ الهمِّ إنَّ الهمَّ مُنْفَرِجٌ
أَبْشِرْ بخيرٍ فإنَّ الفارجَ اللهُ
اليأسُ يَقْطَعُ أحيانًا بصاحِبِهِ
لا تَيْأسَنَّ فإنَّ الكافيَ اللهُ
اللهُ يُحْدِثُ بعدَ العُسرِ مَيْسَرَةً
لا تَجْزَعَنَّ فإنَّ القاسمَ اللهُ
إذا بُلِيتَ فثقْ باللهِ، وارْضَ بهِ
إنَّ الذي يَكْشِفُ البَلْوَى هو اللهُ
واللهِ مَا لَكَ غيرُ اللهِ مِن أحدٍ
فحَسْبُك اللهُ في كلٍّ لكَ اللهُ
Phillip Rhee is an unrated martial arts actor.If he lived in Bruce Lee's time,he would have given Bruce Lee a very strong opponent to contend with.
People keep saying "MK's Liu Kang was inspired by Bruce Lee", but those who never forgot on Rhee know different!
Christopher Penn: “What are you yella?”
Phillip Rhee: “Obviously”
One of the funniest lines and it took me like 10 years to finally get it (the real ones will know what I’m talking about). Phillip Rhee was so underrated.
"Drop him like a toilet seat, Tommy" 😂
He should've been chosen to play Liu Kang in the original Mortal Kombat movie.
He should be on the next Expendables… this guy is one of my favs!
DEFINITELY!! And I'd personally love to see him collaborate with Iko & Tony Jaa
Now I gotta find me where to watch all 4 BOTB movies, the amount of nostalgia is just too intense on this one 😢
Back in 90s I joined Martial Art because of Phillip Rhee in Kickboxer and Mark Dacascos in Only The Strong.
The First Installment Of The Series Was Iconic!
1:40 He was fighting his real life brother (final fight in Best of the Best).
Phillip Rhee definitely had that IT factor to be a top action guy in big films BUT glad he did the Best Of The Best franchise to solidify him as an action icon.
I don't know why he is so under appreciated. He is amazing and a real martial artist. However, I still have reservations about using martial arts for profit, public shows, competitions, and media of any kind.
Brin back some fond memories
Philip Rhee looks incredible in his fight scenes
I loved Best of the Best. However, the "sequels" should have just been a different set of movies, since they really didn't have anything to do with the original other than the character names.
Phillip Rhee is definitely underrated, and deserved to be in more mainstream movies. And another favorite of mine in the last scene, Mr James Lew!!
This guy has the most smoothest movements ever. Taekwondo & Hapkido.
Simplesmente Rhee apresenta múltiplas técnicas do Taekwondo..inclusive a de Murub curò (luta de joelhos)
He so should have been in one of the expendables movies, this guy just oozes cool and class.. really enjoyed all his movies..
What's Rhee doing now? Great at what he does. He moved like water! That spinning heel kick is really something. You would NOT want to be on the receiving end of that thrown for real. No sir. He was really quick and precise. He's only a year older than me. I had no idea he was in his 60s. His brother Simon is no joke niether! He played DaeHan with the patch on his eye! Simon is 65. These guys are still awesome despite their ages!
From what I've learned he does seminars and appearances at various dojos, especially younger fighters who are being promoted to black belt and beyond. He genuinely wants to give martial arts a positive impression.
@@jasonmaclean719 that he does! I'm a fan of his! He's one fast and precise striker! He can do ground and pound too! Kicks, sweeps, punches, grappling...all of it! Smooth as silk! I didn't know Phillip and Simon were in their 60s. I'm 62. Was in good shape up until June of 2023. Got arthritis. It sucks too. Glad they are still healthy. I was a pretty mean kicker in my day. Nothing like them, but I could definitely throw em hard and fast. Too bad you gotta get old!
Du bist so super toll mach weiter so ❤❤du bist der beste ❤ich wünsche dir nur alles Gute ich wünsche dir von ganzem Herzen ❤
Kicks fire.Grappling fire.brawler with control.And sheer Speed is no joke either.
Phillip Rhee has some of the sharpest kicking arsenal in Hollywood. It's a shame he didnt become a huge mega star like Van Dam and Seagal. He had tge looks and talent for superstardom.
Awesome 😮😮
1:10 أبو العتاهية اختصر الدنيا في ٦ أبيات شعرية، جميلة جداً ،
- نأتي إلى الدنيا ونحن سواسية
طفلُ الملوكِ كطفل الحاشية
- ونغادر الدنيا ونحن كما ترى
متشابهون على قبور حافية
- أعمالنا تُعلي وتَخفض شأننا
وحسابُنا بالحق يوم الغاشية
- حور، وأنهار، قصور عالية
وجهنمٌ تُصلى، ونارٌ حامية
- فاختر لنفسك ما تُحب وتبتغي
ما دام يومُك والليالي باقية
- وغداً مصيرك لا تراجع بعده
إما جنان الخلد وإما الهاوية
( نسأل الله للجميع حسن الخاتمة )
2:12 لا شيء في الطبيعة يعيش لنفسه ..
النهر لا يشرب ماءه، والبحر لا يأكل سمكه، والزهرة لا تعبق لنفسها، والشمس لا تشرق لذاتها ..
خلقت الأشياء لتخدم غيرها .. هذه حكمة الله الخالق البارىء المبدىء المعيد المحى المميت الحى القيوم العلى القدير العظيم المقتدر السميع البصير ، ورسالته لنا 🧡✨
The liu kang part have been excellent for him would
3:32 وراء كل عائلة سعيدة👌
مودة ورحمة وسكن-إحتواء واهتمام ومشاركة
البيوت ليست جدران فرش وأثاث
البيوت الطيبة دفا مشاعر وقلوب
البيت الذي يفتقد دفئ القلوب بيت جاف خالي من المواد الحافظة للسعادة والحياة👇
عائلة سعيدة تساوي حضن والحضن ليس فقط ذراع ممدودة الحضن الحقيقي(أمان)و(استقرار)
الحضن الحقيقي(إحساس)كل فرد في العائلة بالآخر ودعمه نفسياً ومعنوياً للبقاء علي قيد أسرة سعيدة تنبض حب وحياة✋
#الحاج محمود عبد العزيز ابن مصر البار وابن مصر الحبيبة .
i totally forgot bout this guy from the first two best of the best movies. very great martial artists.
Magnificent Phillip Rhee
5:28 علموا اولادكم:
1. عندما تمشّط شعر طفلك، فأخبره أنك تفعل ذلك لأن النبي ﷺ قال (من كان له شَعْرٌ فلْيُكرِمْه)
2. عندما تُعطّر ابنك، أخبره بأنك تفعل ذلك إقتداء للنبي ﷺ (حُبب إلي من دنياكم الطيب والنساء، وجعلت قرة عيني في الصلاة)
3. عندما يذهب ابنك إلى المدرسة، ذكره بقول النبي ﷺ (من سلك طريقًا يلتمس فيه علمًا، سهَّل الله له طريقًا إلى الجنَّة)
4. عندما تبتسم لابنك، أخبره بأن النبي ﷺ قال: (تبسمك في وجه أخيك لك صدقة)
5. عندما تمدح ابنك، أخبره بقول النبي ﷺ (والكلمة الطيبة صدقة)
6. عندما تفرغ من طعامك لابنك أخبره بانك فعلت ذلك عملا بقوله ﷺ (إفراغك من دلوك في دلو أخيك لك صدقة)
7. عندما تكون في مجلس فيه كبار بالسن اطلب من ابنك توقيرهم لأننا بذلك نطيع النبي ﷺ بقوله (ليس منا من لم يرحم صغيرنا و يوقر كبيرنا)
وهكذا اربطوا تصرفات أبنائكم بالسنة و بسيرة النبي ﷺ و علموهم الأحاديث الشريفة.
Philip Rhee was phenomenal to watch...amazing talent and skills
He is absolutely Amazing fighter
I love everything martial arts
4:49 [قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: (ما مِن يَومٍ يُصْبِحُ العِبادُ فِيهِ، إلَّا مَلَكانِ يَنْزِلانِ، فيَقولُ أحَدُهُما: اللَّهُمَّ أعْطِ مُنْفِقًا خَلَفًا، ويقولُ الآخَرُ: اللَّهُمَّ أعْطِ مُمْسِكًا تَلَفًا).__ قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: (مَن تَصدَّقَ بعَدْلِ تمرةٍ مِن كسْبٍ طيِّبٍ، ولا يَصعَدُ إلى اللهِ إلَّا طيِّبٌ؛ فإنَّ اللهَ يَقبَلُها بيَمِينه، ثمَّ يُربِّيها لِصاحِبِها، كما يُربِّي أحدُكم فَلُوَّه، حتى تَكونَ مثلَ الجبلِ).__ قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: (الرَّجلُ في ظلِّ صدقتِه حتَّى يُقضَى بين النَّاسِ).__ قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: (قالَ اللَّهُ: أنْفِقْ يا ابْنَ آدَمَ أُنْفِقْ عَلَيْكَ).__ قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: (ما نقصت صدقة من مال)
.................................[قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: (إنَّما الدُّنيا لأربعةِ نفرٍ عبدٍ رزقَهُ اللَّهُ مالًا وعلمًا فَهوَ يتَّقي ربَّهُ فيهِ ويصلُ فيهِ رحمَهُ ويعلمُ للَّهِ فيهِ حقًّا فَهذا بأفضلِ المنازلِ).__ قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: (والصدقة تطفيء الخطيئة، كما يطفئ الماء النار).__ قال رسول الله -صلى الله عليه وسلم- في حديث السبعة الذين يظلهم الله في ظله يوم القيامة: (ورَجُلٌ تَصَدَّقَ بصَدَقَةٍ فأخْفاها حتَّى لا تَعْلَمَ يَمِينُهُ ما تُنْفِقُ شِمالُهُ).__ قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: (دَاوُوا مَرضاكُمْ بِالصَّدقةِ).__ قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: (إنْ أردتَ أنْ يَلينَ قلبُكَ، فأطعِمْ المسكينَ، وامسحْ رأسَ اليتيمِ).__ قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: (ما مِنكُم مِن أحَدٍ إلَّا سَيُكَلِّمُهُ اللَّهُ، ليسَ بيْنَهُ وبيْنَهُ تُرْجُمانٌ، فَيَنْظُرُ أيْمَنَ منه فلا يَرَى إلَّا ما قَدَّمَ، ويَنْظُرُ أشْأَمَ منه فلا يَرَى إلَّا ما قَدَّمَ، ويَنْظُرُ بيْنَ يَدَيْهِ فلا يَرَى إلَّا النَّارَ تِلْقاءَ وجْهِهِ، فاتَّقُوا النَّارَ ولو بشِقِّ تَمْرَةٍ)
His skills are incredible.
This was back in an era when "trembling shock" was still a part of the consideration for TKD competition scoring and judging.
Fantastic skill, shock choreography
Philip Rhee kicks ass!
People will say "doesn't work in the street" until they get their teeth kicked out.
Philip rhee black belt taekwondo hapkido techniques