@@unnecessaryammorack That is true, but that angle actually means that the UFP was easier to pen for the T-62A and Obj.705A at the left side. I think they just didn't know about it. Really, if you know how to take this tank on, it is far from being frontally invulnerable.
Meanwhile German line continues to fade into obscurity at high tiers from the lack of needed buffs for years (Ahem E-100 cough cough ahem!) >_< Stopped playin E-100 years ago and had to get tier 10 heavies from other nations to remain competitive. I got the T110E5 and never looked back
Алексей Сафронов It’s still stupid to make it so OP. So the strongest tank in the game by a BIG margin is available only to the best players, who have the best crews and bonds equipment, giving normal players zero chance to defeat them. Meanwhile people cry that the new player experience at lower tiers is so bad. Well, now the new player experience in top tier is equally bad. GG WG. I’m all for giving out a unique, rare reward, but there is no logic behind making it THAT OP. The players who earned it fairly do not need OP, they should get something unique with some unique mechanic.
SoupFork WG politics is that if you’re a VERY dedicated player you SHOULD have the best stuff. SerB layed it out when WoT was just starting and I 100% with him since it’s a great player involvement method. For example: how often you will meet this tank nowadays? I was playing every day for the past week for several hours mostly on tier 10, sometimes 9 and 8. I’ve met 279e TWICE, once in my team and once in the opposing team. And he died very quickly, sadly. That’s another thing, the guy can be a WoT superman in the best tank in the game, but he is only one out of 15 players in his team. It’s not THAT big of a deal. You may argue that these things will become more common as the time goes on but I’ll say look at Object 260. It’s a fantastic tank and lots of players have it, but it’s not very common because we have new and shiny tanks in the game and 260 is not that cool anymore. Compared to main WoT problems I’m not even considering balancing of reward tanks an issue whatsoever.
T95/FV4201 is also broken as hell. These 2 tanks absolutely ruined the tier VIII-tier X battles. And don't get your hopes up, they aren't going to nerf it, ever.
@@Jallahz And all of these "best players" in the T95 Chieftain shoot gold only. Never met one shooting normal ammo-ever. These so called "best players" are nothing but stats padders
So, whats next? IS-7 Defender with 500mm armor, 100 round Auto-loader, 0.1 sec inter-clip, and 10 sec drum reload, Speed Of light Topspeed, can destroy the entire enemy team by calling a Bomber dropping a Nuke 2 minutes into the game.
Hey Ive had almost 2 year of a break from wot. I came back and almost every tier X battle includes 2-3 arties (doing missions mostly) and/or chieftain + early. Honestly? I felt like im a really decent player, maybe not purple but decent blue one. Ive never really spammed gold to achieve that, i know weakspots, i know maps, i know how to outplay enemies. Well, i guess i knew how to do that. Right now everything changed. If you are trying to play aggressive you are getting your tank completely smashed by 4-5 tds camping in perfectly prepared spots on every map, by 2-3 arties or by some op vehicles that you are simply not able to beat. And yeah, some of you may say "just change flanks,, move away". Well, its not entirely achievable when you are top tier heavy tank and someone HAS to hold the push. Reloacting is not always an option. What i see now is that a lot of heavies and weaker tech tree tanks are just camping the back of the maps. Why? Because playing aggressively, unless you do this PREFECTLY (and you also have some luck on your side) just doesnt pay off. Even if you manage to win and do something for your team via spotting and holding on for long enough, its not all that satisfying. All i want is some fair play and enjoyable matches. WG doesnt provide it and instead pushes people into TDs, arties and camping strategies. Or, if they are good enough, they can be lucky to drive one of these monsters and take part in process of making this game, surely, worst its even been. I was facing is4s in kv1s and it felt more fair to be honest couldnt agree more, QB also sorry for my english
Great comment and I've been playing WoT less and less for those exact reasons. I loved aggressive medium/light gameplay and that's just not possible anymore with the map changes and alpha/armor inflation. Right now the game entirely revolves around OP premium heavy tanks and all the other classes just have to hide in the back and hope they get an opportunity to do something.
why does WG HAVE to ruin their game? there was a time when WOT was my fav game. Now its just too frustrating, massively OP tanks, gold spamming, 3 arties in a match perma stunning you if you are even a little bit too aggressive. Horrid MM that seems to put all the better players on one side or the other. These 5 minute matches are crap. I am ready to quit and who knows when I am going to come back. I know I will but its gonna take some serious changes to the game to entice me to come back.
i have a total of 12.6K battles in Wot blitz atm, thete are some op tanks, but no tank can just sit infront of everyone and think they won't get penned.
@@hubewa24 Clan wars where you have to either play Chieftain, 907, early or (ocassionally) EBR? Or maybe 8 tiers, where you have 6 progetto, 2 defenders and 2 premium lights? (EBR/432)? Ya, thank you very much but no.
Imbalanced tank designs, amongst many things killed my joy of playing WoT. However, QB's honest, clear, informative, and fun videos about this game is the reason I still enjoy watching his videos even though I stopped playing this game for probably a couple of years now. Keep up the good work QuickyBaby!
Wargaming be like: People earned it, it can't SUCK, it must be special Also wargaming: Totally has nothing to do with it being Russian!! Also wargaming: nerfs german tanks with no end in sight Yaaaaaaa come on bro, we ain't stupid
Yeah i really hate this shit when they nerf german tanks and doo shitti things whit them or even removing or not adding some popular tanks to game Cuz german tanks are my favourite in this game🙁
I still like it. Play well = good results is really key. I mean, something like this is outright broken, but it's not impossible to defeat. Just gotta slam it with good old artillery...
"Competitive players want to be the best on a level playing field". With the current state of WoT, that statement feels untrue. They will take every average possible to beat the players that aren't as good
Now russian rounded sloped turrets with 300+ mm of armor ISN'T considered "brain dead" to play? Brain dead play was the reason the Type 5 got nerfed....? I couldn't agree more...try to play a game in the Maus or E100 without taking into consideration turret angling. You'll be dead in minutes. Hey Dev's....maybe need to expand how you think of "brain dead". Don't be afraid to include yourselves in there....
@@thomaspautler3737 exactly, but tbh i want a CW season with no reward tanks so these players realize that them losing isn't because of the tanks, its because they suck at the game
@@nelsonsham2368 Well for me I've been playing for around 5-6 years and I don't really play that often. Got 13k battles and the only Tier X I got is the BC-25t. Picked up the Chinese line a few months ago and I'm at the WZ-120 (weak tank honestly, powercrept) and probably not getting the 121 (weak tank again, powercrept). But hey, I got the T-10 and the Obj 279 and I'm probably gonna push out my French Tier 8 AMX 65t to the Tier 9 (which is a great tank). Might consider getting the AMX 13 105 too.
@@mastersanada lmao, I am pretty much a potato player with +20k battle and 8 tier X just for fun, but the game is no longer funny so I quit and played few times War Thunder, but it has the same issue: soviet bias and annoying bot team mates
@@nelsonsham2368 Dude, War thunder I find to be ridiculously stupid at low tiers. People can seal club in World of tanks, but they gotta be good enough to do that. I just run around in war thunder one-shotting everyone because of its mechanics. Most of the games have some weird broken balancing mechanic. But from what I'm seeing, World of tanks doesn't have a Soviet Bias issue, but a Premium tank Pay-To-Win issue.
@@mastersanadaha yeah in WT one shot a tank is normal, after all the crew life are important for a tank survival and combat effectiveness, in WT doesn't exist premium ammo, cuz you can carry whatever ammo type you want with a little bit of cost, and you don't need to wait a stupid circle to have 95% accuracy to hit a rock, is not 100% an arcade game but tank simulation, if you go realism mode it has no HUD, but whatever, I play it just to feel a bit "realism", but yeah the game stopped being funny after Tiger I Auf. H, and I don't think they can keep balancing MM after putting MBT ingame but whatever
Me in my Asashio: $~$ Also I started playing War Thunder cuz I raged because people kept slinging gold rounds at me. War Thunder was a cool game, but I am moving back to WOWS soon.
Before I quit playing roughly 2 months ago, I remember being in my AMX 13 105 on Fjords and seeing two of these monstrosities in a platoon. Close to the end of the match, I tried to coordinate an attack on these bastards and literally 6 of our tanks were destroyed before we were able to kill that platoon (it was a 8 vs 2 situation LOL). I felt hopeless as I saw everyone and their mothers bouncing on the sides of those fkin abominations... Good thing there was also a BC 25 t that somehow climbed the rock behind one of the objects (they were reversing against a cliff, duh) and managed to empty a full clip into its back and, by some miracle, the other object turned to face the batchat and I emptied my clip into its rear and we won that game. But that shit was so disgusting, I couldn't even feel satisfied that we won. It felt like a chore. It was no fun at all. Simply a disgusting experience having to face those abominations in a pub game. FU, WarGaming. Not a single euro out of my pocket for you ever again.
Arty. I do break out the tier 10 arty. But the only reason I drive tier 10 anymore is for specific missions. Like "block the most shots on your team". Well, Maus is good at blocking even now. Or Type 5 Heavy. But I don't expect wins in them either.
Lmao ikr I got myself 113 121 and they ruined it with 430 u Last month I got the new German heavy I have all the German tier 10s now the new heavy is sooo shxt I uninstall the game. Playing 5a all the time to have a competitive game is boooring.
Same, right now my garage is full of tier 6 and 7 tanks and the fact that I have kept 1 tier 8 tank in every type makes me play the game better. At least I don't have to waste too much credits for the tier 10..
@@_gungrave_6802 yeah Claus does a lot of satirical stuff, but that doesn't discredit the points he made on Obj.279(e) when giving serious criticism as a Community Contributor himself. Standing up and calling shit out like you see it is better than not calling it out at all. You want to talk about clickbait, SirFoch has nothing but criticism with clickbait like titles. While he makes good valid points, his content nothing but the same "OP" here and "OP" there with little to no humor. It's important people like Claus and Foch are around because if Foch we're to be satirical, and Claus serious all the time it wouldn't be entertaining or that good. So they play to their strengths. It's why Circonflexes, Jingles and QB are successful because they can combine both humor and criticism, and when absolutely necessary lay it on. But all three play to a certain brand. Claus likes heavy satire, and sharing other people's replays, Foch is more serious. Cricon like to play and bs around, share his replays, with bits of information and criticism. Jingles just doesn't care and blends both, while QB shares his own and others unique replays, breaks down numbers and show full potential of tanks and honest criticism.
do you know, this is my favourite game, and i have never invested more time or money in any other game I used to be pretty pissed off at people who are literally wishing for the game to die and cursing it, but recently I stopped seeing a point in denying that it's really just bringing itself there and asking for it I'd miss it of course, but I think I might not feel that bad about it anymore
Anyone who still plays this game by now should know and accept that Wargaming doesn't care about the player base. They'll exploit it for all the money they can until they drive everyone off and they move on to another project and repeat the process (or disappear should they fail to do that). Some individual employees might care (or at least pretend to) but the entity as a whole clearly doesn't, as evidenced by their actions over the years.
@@onceuponaban yea, I just don't understand the logic though. don't you think it'd be more profitable to let the game actually live and make more money from more players and a good reputation? even their competitor Gaijin has a shit reputation, it wouldn't actually be that hard...
onceuponaban I play very little now not as much as I used too. But ya this games definitely digging its self into the ground especially on the NA server max 14k people on at a time
@@tristan7419 the average amount playing on NA is definitely down very much so on average, but this past sunday night I was on and there was 19k players, it was a surprise, because every other weekend for the past month or so its only hit 16 or 17k max (while I was on). weekdays are really down though.
Been playing from update 7.0 almost 50k battles and last month I uninstalled it. Fack this game man. Sick of new broken tanks all the my previous tanks are worthless now than why do I even waste money and time grinding it.
*Heavy Russian Accent* Russian tanks are most feared in world. Big problem was front glacius. We remove. Now no problem. *This Message Was Brought to you By USSR*
We should steal the scripts of the game, then load it on a few secret pirate servers, and play it without prem tanks, without arties according to the server. We should really do it I don't know anything about digital technology but I would play a pirate version of this game if it existed
Agree with you Luka... IMHO it was in it's best state around Version 0.9.14: - WG still somewhat cared about balance and historicity, importantly the invasion of overpowered premium tanks has not yet begun (remember AMX CDC used to be among the best premiums). - Turretarmor wasn't completely overbuffed yet. - Consumables were single use so the game was much less competetive (tanks were at their full combat capacity for a shorter duration during battle, you had to think on what to use your repair-/medkit) - Artillery did not stun yet. They could however oneshot almost anything (which was better because if you got oneshot you were annoyed for maybe a minute until you quit to the garage and load in a new match with another tank, compared to missing shot after shot because you are stunned for minutes, getting completely fed up). - MM was not yet that godawful 3-5-7 template system (ok they loosened that now but it took them way to long and it still isn't as fun as it used to be). Remember the odd game were there were two tier 10 tanks and 13 tier 8 tanks? People would write "fail mm" in chat but I think those were some of the most interesting games. - Better maps. Old Kharkov, Erlenberg, Siegfried Line, Pearl River, etc. - LTs only up to tier 8, Derp T49 at tier 8, 10-Shot-Autoloader Bulldog, 80kmh RU251, french LTs with 6-shot- clips, etc... - Cross Team Chat. Controversial but I loved the (sometimes friendly, sometimes not so friendly) banter between the teams. - No stupid bonds and what they are used for (equipment and directives). - Clan Wars Meta was not exclusively made up of overpowered Reward Tanks (and a few EBRs) but actually grindable tech tree tanks. - Certain broken tanks (apart from the rewards) were not yet introduced (Obj 430U, Obj 268 V4 for half a year, EBR 105, ...) - Team damage. Again controversial, personally I never had an issue with it though. It gave a few more tactical options and the occasional funny "Lucky"-award. Of course there are a things better now than back then: - Graphics, all HD tanks, HD maps. Although when it comes to the maps the then introduced invisible terrain edges are really annoying. - More tanks to grind now, which is obviously a good thing (if they aren't broken) - Two unrelated MM tweaks: Artylimit to 3/Team instead of 5 and better map rotation. - UI-Improvements, more access to information. - Frontline Gamemode I guess? EDIT: - Tank Customisation, Camo rent for used battles instead of days, paints, etc. Can somebody please hack WGs servers and steal their serverdata for V. 0.9.14 and make an unofficial 3rd party server with it? Please???
@@kv-5- I agree for gameplay that that was much better overall, but if they combined that with going back to the old CW map where it was just the one large tier X map with no strongholds/advances/tier 6&8 crap then I'd be overjoyed :D
Here are my thoughts for ranked play (Possibly a new rank bracket so the current ranked game can still be the same): At any tier 6-8-10 (for ranked) only allow players to play a smaller pool of more balanced tanks. (similar to what the Homefront did except when you die your dead) For example maybe allow players to pick from 4 different heavies, mediums, lights...ect from each nations tech tree and the players must form a team from said pool. Players can still use their reward tanks in normal games but ranked play should be more about the tactical skill of the player/team rather than who has the best most bulletproof tanks with the best guns. Its just food for thought and i think it would make most players much happier.
Your vids keep me up all night! 2am Me:Time to go to bed! UA-cam: New QuickyBaby video! Me: Time to binge-watch more videos for another hour. Thank you so much for all the effort you put into these videos.
Wow - best video from QB ever! The problem is very real. I've played for years and spent LOTS of money in this "free" game but this trend is really reducing the appeal of the game for me.
I think it was Foch that said it; Chimera is a good reward tank, not OP not crap but unique. 279 / Chieftain / 907 are bullshit. The only saving grace is that the servers are not flooded with them. I hate when when playing a T8 game, getting in to a t10 match and your team has a platoon of IS-4 that are suddenly matched against a platoon of 279 / Chieftains. No need to even try to win that one.
@@luonteri3254 907 is just a tad bit better then 140 but not OP imo. and i do have to say, playing IS 4 and expecting to be able to carry a game or help alot is bad. i know it should be quite like this but IS4 is one of the worse tanks especially if u need to fight 279e. if u would play like 277 or 5a u would do much better
Thats just because you refuse to figure out how to take it down. Dont get mad just because a new tank requires new strats to kill. This tank requires new skills in order to take down, not the traditional memorization of where to aim (like with literally every other tank in the game). Its not terribly hard to learn if you just apply yourself a little bit.
@@Griphook1 whats wrong daddy? Mad because the game requires REAL skill now? Cant come up with any intelligent response so you must resort to 1st grade insults?
@@todddalle4069 That's like telling an MMA fighter that they keep losing against a fully-armored knight with a sword because they don't know the proper strategy to take down that opponent. Do you see my point??
This tank looks like the tank for me... 1. You can literally just casually say hello and then proceed to have dinner in front of the enemy team, come back, and you’ll still have full hp. 2. Rare 3. *>:)*
I can't even get the Obj 260 those missions are driving me crazy, Quickybaby can you do a new guide about the obj 260 missions? I have seen your old videos about it but the game has changed a lot since you made those videos. Keep up the good work.
@@cagrserin2011 I would advice getting something like wz 111 5a or something else with more angled armor instead of raw thickness. Maus is irrelevant in this gold meta as it doesn't handle gold rounds at all and everyone will just fire gold at the turret and pen everytime. At least with, let's say 5a, some players will fire normal ammo at it.
If they do, they'll probably drop it down to tier 8, nerf it to oblivion, and sell it as a premium tank bundle w/fancy skin for $300, and unnecessarily squeeze in multiple LT-432 bundles in the store at the same time.
WOT reward tank in 2025: Tzar nuke. One shell, reload time: 5 minutes: Dpm: 500000. Penetration: infinity, goes trough buildings as well. Armor 500mm on all sides. Speed 0km/h. Drop the nuke after 5 minutes, teamdamage is disabled anyway.
Maus: Fear me as I'm the most heavily armored tank! Object 279-e: Blyat... Your era is long over old man. Just sit down and take care of your good old chubby cheeks and lower plate. Sigh... who even need lower plate these days?
Historically, the hull traverse was absolutely brutal - imagine an oil super-tanker trying to turn. Anything other than a straight line was near impossible.
Same or similar problem is that the best clans can role out in cw with full packs of 907s/Chieftains only because they scored well in previous campains which makes it harder for new but also good players to get one of these things. So another idea to maybe fix this: What if WG restricted all the personal and cw campaign reward tanks to be used in random battles s.th. players in CW and ranked battles can only use tech tree tanks?
It's OP, and is only 5% population problem. Now the French wheeled cars driving around like a crazy stay at home mom on speed, that , that broke all other scouts is a bigger issue.
What do you even mean, you want to force the good players to play bad tanks and bad players to play good tanks so they have the same results? Thats just insane. Good players will get better results, bad players will get worse results, thats how games work...
@@WilliaGerCZ I'm saying WG clearly dont play their own game. The game has a lot of issues that have been addressed by WG, but they dont do anything to help the situation- but if they do, it's not until its tool late.
@@WilliaGerCZ Good players can work all kinds of magic with even the worst tanks in the game, and bad players can make OP tanks looks like shit. There are some natural balancing factors to that logic, but it's impossible to predict that behavior. I think it would be better for the game, but it's a terrible business model for any company to sue, and will never be the case for this game. Good players will almost always get the best stuff, while f2p players will usually be left with all the crap tanks in the standard tech tree.
@@minesonic8101 Cause Quickybaby is a good UA-camr and streamer. He blatantly calls out Wargaming every time when they make an OP tank and tell them to stop ruining their game and that this is shitty for the player base. He's literally one of their most popular players in terms of his viewer base yet doesn't care at all that he's calling Wargaming on being bad.
I’ve been of the opinion that WG has been running the game into the ground for some time now, with their questionable balancing choices, pay2win, completely out of control power creep, and wildly inconsistent meta.
for me they started killing it since they released the defender. there were questionable decisions before then like the E25 and the lefefefefe but those I could more or less live with
Dude, where have you been? WG has been driving players away for years now. I dropped out after the defender and Chrysler K disasters. I remember having so much fun playing this game, buying premiums and anticipating their events. And then, suddenly, all the premiums become pay to win, all the weak spots are eradicated, and gold spam became the currency of the realm. I was done, and based on QBs player stats video a few months ago, a lot of people were.
279e, Chieftain, 907, all of those tanks should be banned from competitive play. Everyone should be on an equal playing field with tech tree tanks, hell, with equal ammo loadouts, to ensure ranked + CW is actually about skill and not about who has the most broken tank, who can afford to spam more gold rounds. Weakspots should be added back to tanks, the gameplay should somehow be made slower and more tactical to stop the 15-1/2/3 games that are so common nowadays as the game has been sped up due to constant buffing instead of nerfing tanks back down to an acceptable level.
i played tier 2, 3, 4 for about 2000 battles. I bought a tier 8 to have a look, randomly an obj 279e popped up on the MM on our team. It did the most damage by far taking 5 opponents with it, as we still lost. On the back of that I researched how to get one and came across the Campaign's. That got me much more interested and i'm working toward both sides of tank 1 the campaign trees. I''ve since seen an obj 279e twice, once on the same team, once on the other; both these battles it also came out on the losing side. My vote would be leave it as it is, an ultimate which is tough to get to. As long as the MM doesn't throw bunches of them up, it's fine. Nerfing it will make the campaigns aimless.
It started with the wheel tanks, that are not only too fast to hit, can't be tracked, have magnet auto aim and pen almost every same tier tank or higher. Then the auto-lodader premiums. Now the impenetrable monsters.... Why am I investing time and money in this?
Idk about you but alot of the tanks in World of tanks are Blueprint tanks so it makes sense. Then again, I have yet to see this tank on the field once and I play Tier 8-9 frequently.
Jpz E-100 can go 100% of the time through the frontal hull using HEAT, and about 60% with AP. So it isn't invincible like the PZ.II ausf.J. The reason the grille bounced was A) unlucky, B) fired into the tracks/side
@@patrickhernandez7963 whether you take out your wallet or you grind for it, it is still paying WG. WG sees it transactionally. If you pour thousands of hours into the game, you are populating their servers and interacting with other assets. That is priceless to them, as much as making money. So even if you had a billion USD you wanted to give up, you might never actually own certain tanks. It is very much you selling your livelihood for a 3D model. WG doesn't need to extract £¥₱ from your pockets to have sold you anything.
"Competitive players don't want to be the best, [...] they want to be the best on a level playing field." Most don't. Very few do, but most want an OP tank that only they and the 1% of players can get, so they can club everyone else trying to enjoy a normal game and continue their circlejerk of wanting even better tanks to club the old ones when more people get their hands on them. Soon enough, *someone* is gonna want something so retardedly OP that it can club a 726- I mean 279E. That's WoT for a lot of players.
So many tanks nowadays don't have turret weak spots anymore. It all started with the T26E5 Patriot, which has a cupola that's thicker than the frontal hull armor of an IS-7. (170mm compared to 150mm)
Got my 279e a few weeks ago, it's a beast. The dpm is the big thing, I threw bond gear on and it's just over 3400 dpm, 7.7 second reload on a heavy with that armor is insane.
@@lionheart13061994 Sounds like an L2P issue. I had only played 8k battles when i got the 260. I was a noob, i was shit at the game, but still i learned fast enough to get it in decent time
There is no russian bias, well actually there is but its very light and doesnt bother anyone, what bothers me are broken tanks like the 279 or the bobjekt td, the fact that wg pumps copy past premiums every week, and the fact that they refuse to fix bad game designs and absolutely refuse rebalancing the tanks, the techtree is clogged with obsolete tanks that barely anyone plays, because they suck so bad, making op tanks feel even more op. Not to mention the f-ed up maps like fjords an the rest...
Actually, there isn't that bad of Russian bias in the game. At this point, I don't consider this tank a Russian tank, as it's a reward vehicle. They could've easily made this an American tank or a Japanese tank or whatever country it'd still be broken as hell. If you really wanna see Russian Bias War Thunder is great at that. Russians have some solid stats but at the same time there are tanks in the game like the French wheeled, the Czech Autos, the Italian Autos, hell the Chinese Tier X Heavy is hella competitive. And don't even get me started with lower-tiered vehicles.
From what I can tell literally best way to deal with this tank atm is using HE from big TDS like the JP E100, Death Star and shit barn, and E3 and E4. Of course arty is also a good counter. Even then though that’s a very limited amount of stuff to use and a lot of shell to sling to kill one tank.
Ivan: Comrade enemies always shoot our lower plate
Stalin: *purge the lower plate*
He was side on in front of the t62a, grille and t100lt and took no damage. Snapshot t100lt and rhm panzerwagon
Stalin Approves
He wasn't side on. He was angled. Keep your "alternative facts" to yourself.
@@karx11erx was a very steep angle though. Try that in most other tier X heavies and you'd be dead
@@unnecessaryammorack That is true, but that angle actually means that the UFP was easier to pen for the T-62A and Obj.705A at the left side. I think they just didn't know about it. Really, if you know how to take this tank on, it is far from being frontally invulnerable.
@@karx11erx sure but only a small section. But the point stands. Try that in any other tier X heavy and you're dead
UnnecessaryAmmoRack lol, 279e doesn’t even have very good side armor compared to some other ruski tanks
It has a better win ratio than the Pz. II ausf. J. Don't need to say more.
Gonun yeah but 30k people got it on eu
Yeah and its a freekin tier 10 not 3 lol😠
you have to take into account the kind of players who have it
The pz II j is not that good in tier 4 which it will see a lot
As a seal clubber it isn't that hard to deal with
Community: buff british lights!
Wg: buffs obj 279 (e)
Be careful what you ask WG for, they tend to do the opposite!
Meanwhile German line continues to fade into obscurity at high tiers from the lack of needed buffs for years (Ahem E-100 cough cough ahem!) >_< Stopped playin E-100 years ago and had to get tier 10 heavies from other nations to remain competitive. I got the T110E5 and never looked back
The 279e was buffed before the manticore was released to the community lmao
@@jameskaplan6802 I promise you 90% of the people that watch these videos are actually bad players. They don't even know what Unicum is bro
Buff British tanks? they only buff Russian tanks. WG is Russian bias since day one.
QB i have a challenge for u. Make a platoon of 3 obj 279 (e)'s and see how many battles in a row u can win.
I don't think the man has any friends that have the 279
This one needs an attention.
people in otter have done it it was like a 80% win rate for a entire day
The way you started sentence with "I don't think the man has any friends" kinda cracked me up
Luonteri mighty jingles and claus kellerman and lemming rush and circum flexes are probably friends of qb
A RUSSIAN tank, BROKEN? I’m SO shocked, who could have predicted this...
*Sneak 100*
SoupFork it’s broken because it’s a reward tank for the hardest missions in the game.
Алексей Сафронов It’s still stupid to make it so OP. So the strongest tank in the game by a BIG margin is available only to the best players, who have the best crews and bonds equipment, giving normal players zero chance to defeat them. Meanwhile people cry that the new player experience at lower tiers is so bad. Well, now the new player experience in top tier is equally bad. GG WG. I’m all for giving out a unique, rare reward, but there is no logic behind making it THAT OP. The players who earned it fairly do not need OP, they should get something unique with some unique mechanic.
SoupFork WG politics is that if you’re a VERY dedicated player you SHOULD have the best stuff. SerB layed it out when WoT was just starting and I 100% with him since it’s a great player involvement method. For example: how often you will meet this tank nowadays? I was playing every day for the past week for several hours mostly on tier 10, sometimes 9 and 8. I’ve met 279e TWICE, once in my team and once in the opposing team. And he died very quickly, sadly. That’s another thing, the guy can be a WoT superman in the best tank in the game, but he is only one out of 15 players in his team. It’s not THAT big of a deal. You may argue that these things will become more common as the time goes on but I’ll say look at Object 260. It’s a fantastic tank and lots of players have it, but it’s not very common because we have new and shiny tanks in the game and 260 is not that cool anymore. Compared to main WoT problems I’m not even considering balancing of reward tanks an issue whatsoever.
Dont worry guys, the new manticore can easily take the obj 279 out. The game is balanced like that/s
@Northern Rush STFU
Against manticore it doesnt need even to turn hull to defend itself
@Northern Rush northern gay
T95/FV4201 is also broken as hell. These 2 tanks absolutely ruined the tier VIII-tier X battles.
And don't get your hopes up, they aren't going to nerf it, ever.
Ikr, both tanks that are idiot-proof. Even though only the best of the best players have those tanks
This is worse than chief imo. Chief is more common though
@@Jallahz And all of these "best players" in the T95 Chieftain shoot gold only. Never met one shooting normal ammo-ever. These so called "best players" are nothing but stats padders
@@OneDudeRocks Chieftain and 279 are the worst tanks for statspadding 😂
279 is just a heat magnet. Chieftain is AIDS all the way
So, whats next? IS-7 Defender with 500mm armor, 100 round Auto-loader, 0.1 sec inter-clip, and 10 sec drum reload, Speed Of light Topspeed, can destroy the entire enemy team by calling a Bomber dropping a Nuke 2 minutes into the game.
Hans Canlas
We can’t forget about the emergency button, if you press it you automatically go back to full health
IS-3A is a thing
Don't forget siege mode with no mobility penalty.
If so i want two, one red and the other black with flames
Hans Canlas what libs sound like when describing guns
"You know, that Quckybaby guy was right, this tank *is* broken
don't forget to buff it's pen, it is way too low, should at least be 350 pen to be competitive.
@@iaimboti Ye, also remove the cupolas in the turret and reload like 6 seconds, no big deal
Ive had almost 2 year of a break from wot. I came back and almost every tier X battle includes 2-3 arties (doing missions mostly) and/or chieftain + early.
Honestly? I felt like im a really decent player, maybe not purple but decent blue one. Ive never really spammed gold to achieve that, i know weakspots, i know maps, i know how to outplay enemies. Well, i guess i knew how to do that.
Right now everything changed. If you are trying to play aggressive you are getting your tank completely smashed by 4-5 tds camping in perfectly prepared spots on every map, by 2-3 arties or by some op vehicles that you are simply not able to beat.
And yeah, some of you may say "just change flanks,, move away". Well, its not entirely achievable when you are top tier heavy tank and someone HAS to hold the push. Reloacting is not always an option.
What i see now is that a lot of heavies and weaker tech tree tanks are just camping the back of the maps. Why? Because playing aggressively, unless you do this PREFECTLY (and you also have some luck on your side) just doesnt pay off. Even if you manage to win and do something for your team via spotting and holding on for long enough, its not all that satisfying.
All i want is some fair play and enjoyable matches. WG doesnt provide it and instead pushes people into TDs, arties and camping strategies. Or, if they are good enough, they can be lucky to drive one of these monsters and take part in process of making this game, surely, worst its even been.
I was facing is4s in kv1s and it felt more fair to be honest
couldnt agree more, QB
also sorry for my english
Great comment and I've been playing WoT less and less for those exact reasons. I loved aggressive medium/light gameplay and that's just not possible anymore with the map changes and alpha/armor inflation. Right now the game entirely revolves around OP premium heavy tanks and all the other classes just have to hide in the back and hope they get an opportunity to do something.
why does WG HAVE to ruin their game? there was a time when WOT was my fav game. Now its just too frustrating, massively OP tanks, gold spamming, 3 arties in a match perma stunning you if you are even a little bit too aggressive. Horrid MM that seems to put all the better players on one side or the other. These 5 minute matches are crap. I am ready to quit and who knows when I am going to come back. I know I will but its gonna take some serious changes to the game to entice me to come back.
i have a total of 12.6K battles in Wot blitz atm, thete are some op tanks, but no tank can just sit infront of everyone and think they won't get penned.
I'd say clan wars is where it's at these days, pubbies aren't as fun anymore these days
@@hubewa24 Clan wars where you have to either play Chieftain, 907, early or (ocassionally) EBR?
Or maybe 8 tiers, where you have 6 progetto, 2 defenders and 2 premium lights? (EBR/432)?
Ya, thank you very much but no.
Imbalanced tank designs, amongst many things killed my joy of playing WoT. However, QB's honest, clear, informative, and fun videos about this game is the reason I still enjoy watching his videos even though I stopped playing this game for probably a couple of years now. Keep up the good work QuickyBaby!
Exact same situation haha
Same here 😁
LOL, happily surprised I'm not the only one!
Believe me, there is more people like us 😉. Thank you.
Wargaming be like: People earned it, it can't SUCK, it must be special
Also wargaming: Totally has nothing to do with it being Russian!!
Also wargaming: nerfs german tanks with no end in sight
Yaaaaaaa come on bro, we ain't stupid
given this games player base, most people are stupid.
Yeah i really hate this shit when they nerf german tanks and doo shitti things whit them or even removing or not adding some popular tanks to game
Cuz german tanks are my favourite in this game🙁
I don't think it has anything to do with it being Russian. Look at the Chieftain for example. It's British and it's very OP as well.
UnnecessaryAmmoRack - Because the RUS players would be sad if the newer tanks are crap.
Insert German mbt70 here*
Anybody remember when WoT was actually fun to play as just a game? Nah, neither me, not for a loooooong time. GG WG.
Like 7 years ago
I still like it. Play well = good results is really key. I mean, something like this is outright broken, but it's not impossible to defeat. Just gotta slam it with good old artillery...
I played warships early in it's life, but now what's ruining tanks, is starting to bleed into warships.
WoT started getting stupid during season 3 and was just out of control season 4. Great times season 1&2. Switched to War Thunder.
"Competitive players want to be the best on a level playing field". With the current state of WoT, that statement feels untrue. They will take every average possible to beat the players that aren't as good
Remember when the greatest side scrapers had to angle their turrets?
when the metta was not totally retarded
Now russian rounded sloped turrets with 300+ mm of armor ISN'T considered "brain dead" to play? Brain dead play was the reason the Type 5 got nerfed....? I couldn't agree more...try to play a game in the Maus or E100 without taking into consideration turret angling. You'll be dead in minutes. Hey Dev's....maybe need to expand how you think of "brain dead". Don't be afraid to include yourselves in there....
Next premium tank Wt. Auf E100 as a tier 6 300mm pen 750 alpha fully rotatable turret 100kmh top speed
It is not russian, so they will nerf it
@@iliaz7057 it will be russian, it'll be a (C)
An OP German tank... Not in a billion years...
@@patrikjankovics2113 you got me here. Hahaha
Ranked battles should imo only allow tech tree tanks. Same with CWS
We need people in wg like u mate
What's the point of getting those tanks then ppl just mad they are bad at the game and don't have those tanks.
it would be much better
I played cw and ranked but its fucking boring, always the same 3 tanks
@@thomaspautler3737 exactly, but tbh i want a CW season with no reward tanks so these players realize that them losing isn't because of the tanks, its because they suck at the game
90/95%? More likely 99/99.9% of the playerbase will never get close to have this one
So all my tier 10's are obsolete??? After hundreds of hours of playing?!? Ok
Played the game for 2 whole years, every day, just to get 50% of german top tiers and IS-7, stopped it after they took out WT E100
@@nelsonsham2368 Well for me I've been playing for around 5-6 years and I don't really play that often. Got 13k battles and the only Tier X I got is the BC-25t. Picked up the Chinese line a few months ago and I'm at the WZ-120 (weak tank honestly, powercrept) and probably not getting the 121 (weak tank again, powercrept). But hey, I got the T-10 and the Obj 279 and I'm probably gonna push out my French Tier 8 AMX 65t to the Tier 9 (which is a great tank). Might consider getting the AMX 13 105 too.
@@mastersanada lmao, I am pretty much a potato player with +20k battle and 8 tier X just for fun, but the game is no longer funny so I quit and played few times War Thunder, but it has the same issue: soviet bias and annoying bot team mates
@@nelsonsham2368 Dude, War thunder I find to be ridiculously stupid at low tiers. People can seal club in World of tanks, but they gotta be good enough to do that. I just run around in war thunder one-shotting everyone because of its mechanics. Most of the games have some weird broken balancing mechanic. But from what I'm seeing, World of tanks doesn't have a Soviet Bias issue, but a Premium tank Pay-To-Win issue.
@@mastersanadaha yeah in WT one shot a tank is normal, after all the crew life are important for a tank survival and combat effectiveness, in WT doesn't exist premium ammo, cuz you can carry whatever ammo type you want with a little bit of cost, and you don't need to wait a stupid circle to have 95% accuracy to hit a rock, is not 100% an arcade game but tank simulation, if you go realism mode it has no HUD, but whatever, I play it just to feel a bit "realism", but yeah the game stopped being funny after Tiger I Auf. H, and I don't think they can keep balancing MM after putting MBT ingame but whatever
This is why I stopped playing Wot really like the game but I cant be competitive any more and I dont have time to grind
It's why I moved to world of warships. No matter how much battleship players whine HE or torpedoes allows any tier 8 to kill a tier 10 eventually.
Me in my Asashio: $~$
Also I started playing War Thunder cuz I raged because people kept slinging gold rounds at me.
War Thunder was a cool game, but I am moving back to WOWS soon.
The same
Lee Hong Jin but Gaijin gonna remove the Maus and thats why im here!
@@Ushio01 yeah I'm thinking about moving too. Does grinding take a long time in world of warships ?
Ooooooh, this’ll be good
*Rubs hands together anticipating QB rant*
And they expect tier 8s to battle this tank when there are tier 9 tanks that tier 8 tanks cant even go up against
SaltyMilkman Or when a majority of tier tens can’t even go up against this thing
Flank and shoot it in the weak sides. haha
@@warhound7781 you clearly didnt see tier 10s bounce off the side in the video if thats your reasoning
@@saltymilkman4640 HaHa Clearly the joke went over your head....
@@saltymilkman4640 r/wooosh
Before I quit playing roughly 2 months ago, I remember being in my AMX 13 105 on Fjords and seeing two of these monstrosities in a platoon. Close to the end of the match, I tried to coordinate an attack on these bastards and literally 6 of our tanks were destroyed before we were able to kill that platoon (it was a 8 vs 2 situation LOL). I felt hopeless as I saw everyone and their mothers bouncing on the sides of those fkin abominations... Good thing there was also a BC 25 t that somehow climbed the rock behind one of the objects (they were reversing against a cliff, duh) and managed to empty a full clip into its back and, by some miracle, the other object turned to face the batchat and I emptied my clip into its rear and we won that game. But that shit was so disgusting, I couldn't even feel satisfied that we won. It felt like a chore. It was no fun at all. Simply a disgusting experience having to face those abominations in a pub game. FU, WarGaming. Not a single euro out of my pocket for you ever again.
I have 50K battles over 8 years. I don't even bother grinding T10 tanks these days because I know they will just sit in my garage and collect dust.
Arty. I do break out the tier 10 arty. But the only reason I drive tier 10 anymore is for specific missions. Like "block the most shots on your team". Well, Maus is good at blocking even now. Or Type 5 Heavy. But I don't expect wins in them either.
Indeed. Game is fucked from tier 8 sadly. No use for grinding on.
Lmao ikr I got myself 113 121 and they ruined it with 430 u
Last month I got the new German heavy I have all the German tier 10s now the new heavy is sooo shxt I uninstall the game. Playing 5a all the time to have a competitive game is boooring.
Same, right now my garage is full of tier 6 and 7 tanks and the fact that I have kept 1 tier 8 tank in every type makes me play the game better. At least I don't have to waste too much credits for the tier 10..
a group of t67 players detected.
Wargaming: let's bring more players to the game
Also wargaming: lets make a tank that can destroy those new players and make them delte the game
I have to agree with you. New players will not likely want to keep playing if they come up against this thing.
Ruvim Petrushenko new players at tier 10?
@@shmekelfreckles8157 They just need to be Tier 8, no?
Bastardsword01 it’s not like you can actually fight tier 10 with tier 8 but that’s completely different problem.
@Northern Rush straight facts tour spitting out couldn't have said it better
Claus Kellerman called this out a hot minute ago. I quit this game over four months ago, and needless to say I am much more happier.
Quit playing 30 days ish ago feeling more successful and happy about my like
Of all the WoT youtubers Claus has got to be the worst one. He just makes clickbaity content that isn't informative.
@@_gungrave_6802 yeah Claus does a lot of satirical stuff, but that doesn't discredit the points he made on Obj.279(e) when giving serious criticism as a Community Contributor himself. Standing up and calling shit out like you see it is better than not calling it out at all.
You want to talk about clickbait, SirFoch has nothing but criticism with clickbait like titles. While he makes good valid points, his content nothing but the same "OP" here and "OP" there with little to no humor.
It's important people like Claus and Foch are around because if Foch we're to be satirical, and Claus serious all the time it wouldn't be entertaining or that good. So they play to their strengths.
It's why Circonflexes, Jingles and QB are successful because they can combine both humor and criticism, and when absolutely necessary lay it on. But all three play to a certain brand.
Claus likes heavy satire, and sharing other people's replays, Foch is more serious. Cricon like to play and bs around, share his replays, with bits of information and criticism. Jingles just doesn't care and blends both, while QB shares his own and others unique replays, breaks down numbers and show full potential of tanks and honest criticism.
not playing wot anymore, too broken this game
Same here haha, arta, rng, broken maps, broken T10.
Reason I stopped playing is 3-5 premium tanks (absolute retard noob players driving them) per game
@@pete531 QQ
yep stopped playing as well right after those wheeled vehicles were put into the game.
andreaz48 every
Good players getting op tank, no wonder it has such a high win rate
do you know, this is my favourite game, and i have never invested more time or money in any other game
I used to be pretty pissed off at people who are literally wishing for the game to die and cursing it, but recently I stopped seeing a point in denying that it's really just bringing itself there and asking for it
I'd miss it of course, but I think I might not feel that bad about it anymore
Anyone who still plays this game by now should know and accept that Wargaming doesn't care about the player base. They'll exploit it for all the money they can until they drive everyone off and they move on to another project and repeat the process (or disappear should they fail to do that). Some individual employees might care (or at least pretend to) but the entity as a whole clearly doesn't, as evidenced by their actions over the years.
@@onceuponaban yea, I just don't understand the logic though. don't you think it'd be more profitable to let the game actually live and make more money from more players and a good reputation? even their competitor Gaijin has a shit reputation, it wouldn't actually be that hard...
onceuponaban I play very little now not as much as I used too. But ya this games definitely digging its self into the ground especially on the NA server max 14k people on at a time
@@tristan7419 the average amount playing on NA is definitely down very much so on average, but this past sunday night I was on and there was 19k players, it was a surprise, because every other weekend for the past month or so its only hit 16 or 17k max (while I was on). weekdays are really down though.
Been playing from update 7.0 almost 50k battles and last month I uninstalled it. Fack this game man. Sick of new broken tanks all the my previous tanks are worthless now than why do I even waste money and time grinding it.
It's against Geneva Convention to pen Russian tank, DA KOMRADE
*Heavy Russian Accent*
Russian tanks are most feared in world. Big problem was front glacius. We remove. Now no problem.
*This Message Was Brought to you By USSR*
So true:)
Dang Soviet bias
Stalin approves
Left it 2 years ago. No regrets. As I predicted they keep ruining the game even more.
Same I know people in SIMP -G- BULBA to name a few we all quit a long time ago.
4 months so far :) 5k bonds 5k gold 20M silver sitting in that account :P
same. 12 M credits and 3k gold from clan wars. Played for a day 3 months ago, after 1.5 year of stopping. Didnt even play for a 2nd day.
Same, i sometimes check some news to see how worse WG can do with wot
same here :/ so sad ...
"The obj 279e ....
*(Satan takes over) it doesn't have a lower plate* "
QB: " Best side-scraping tank in the game ! "
Me : " You dont need to side-scrap with this tank... "
That is part of the reason why I've stopped playing any tank higher than Tier VII.
Stay there so i dont have to tolerate you as my team mate
Luonteri sounds like someone is not enjoying toptier gameplay
@@Krypton2658 Well obviously not since there are at least 12 random (bad) players on my team each time.
“It’s like a boat”
*Amx 40 has joined the chat*
* tog ii joined the chat *
Tog ii: You dare to oppose the ultimate boat?
I love this game so much, but WG just ruined it and I just can't play.
fuck this game after 9 years wasted by playing it i finally walk away and im happy now
We should steal the scripts of the game, then load it on a few secret pirate servers, and play it without prem tanks, without arties according to the server. We should really do it
I don't know anything about digital technology but I would play a pirate version of this game if it existed
Agree with you Luka... IMHO it was in it's best state around Version 0.9.14:
- WG still somewhat cared about balance and historicity, importantly the invasion of overpowered premium tanks has not yet begun (remember AMX CDC used to be among the best premiums).
- Turretarmor wasn't completely overbuffed yet.
- Consumables were single use so the game was much less competetive (tanks were at their full combat capacity for a shorter duration during battle, you had to think on what to use your repair-/medkit)
- Artillery did not stun yet. They could however oneshot almost anything (which was better because if you got oneshot you were annoyed for maybe a minute until you quit to the garage and load in a new match with another tank, compared to missing shot after shot because you are stunned for minutes, getting completely fed up).
- MM was not yet that godawful 3-5-7 template system (ok they loosened that now but it took them way to long and it still isn't as fun as it used to be). Remember the odd game were there were two tier 10 tanks and 13 tier 8 tanks? People would write "fail mm" in chat but I think those were some of the most interesting games.
- Better maps. Old Kharkov, Erlenberg, Siegfried Line, Pearl River, etc.
- LTs only up to tier 8, Derp T49 at tier 8, 10-Shot-Autoloader Bulldog, 80kmh RU251, french LTs with 6-shot- clips, etc...
- Cross Team Chat. Controversial but I loved the (sometimes friendly, sometimes not so friendly) banter between the teams.
- No stupid bonds and what they are used for (equipment and directives).
- Clan Wars Meta was not exclusively made up of overpowered Reward Tanks (and a few EBRs) but actually grindable tech tree tanks.
- Certain broken tanks (apart from the rewards) were not yet introduced (Obj 430U, Obj 268 V4 for half a year, EBR 105, ...)
- Team damage. Again controversial, personally I never had an issue with it though. It gave a few more tactical options and the occasional funny "Lucky"-award.
Of course there are a things better now than back then:
- Graphics, all HD tanks, HD maps. Although when it comes to the maps the then introduced invisible terrain edges are really annoying.
- More tanks to grind now, which is obviously a good thing (if they aren't broken)
- Two unrelated MM tweaks: Artylimit to 3/Team instead of 5 and better map rotation.
- UI-Improvements, more access to information.
- Frontline Gamemode I guess?
EDIT: - Tank Customisation, Camo rent for used battles instead of days, paints, etc.
Can somebody please hack WGs servers and steal their serverdata for V. 0.9.14 and make an unofficial 3rd party server with it? Please???
@@kv-5- I agree for gameplay that that was much better overall, but if they combined that with going back to the old CW map where it was just the one large tier X map with no strongholds/advances/tier 6&8 crap then I'd be overjoyed :D
Money money money, it's so funny, it's all about the moneeeyyyy
Any suggestions to improve? Remove WG from the game!
Here are my thoughts for ranked play (Possibly a new rank bracket so the current ranked game can still be the same):
At any tier 6-8-10 (for ranked) only allow players to play a smaller pool of more balanced tanks. (similar to what the Homefront did except when you die your dead)
For example maybe allow players to pick from 4 different heavies, mediums, lights...ect from each nations tech tree and the players must form a team from said pool. Players can still use their reward tanks in normal games but ranked play should be more about the tactical skill of the player/team rather than who has the best most bulletproof tanks with the best guns.
Its just food for thought and i think it would make most players much happier.
The problem with WG and good ideas is that they just don't mix.
Your vids keep me up all night!
Me:Time to go to bed!
UA-cam: New QuickyBaby video!
Me: Time to binge-watch more videos for another hour.
Thank you so much for all the effort you put into these videos.
Ey, a fellow WR player! :D
Was thinking of coming back after the French wheeled line ruined my LT garage instantly. Tanks for the reminder. Happy hunting.
Really glad Wargaming buffed this AND canceled the 430U nerfs!
fght_off_yr_dmns the 430U is nothing compared to this
@@Krypton2658 still op
Wow - best video from QB ever! The problem is very real. I've played for years and spent LOTS of money in this "free" game but this trend is really reducing the appeal of the game for me.
I think it was Foch that said it; Chimera is a good reward tank, not OP not crap but unique.
279 / Chieftain / 907 are bullshit. The only saving grace is that the servers are not flooded with them.
I hate when when playing a T8 game, getting in to a t10 match and your team has a platoon of IS-4 that are suddenly matched against a platoon of 279 / Chieftains. No need to even try to win that one.
279 is op. Chieftain is op. But do explain how exactly is the 907 op? List those attributes.
@@luonteri3254 907 is just a tad bit better then 140 but not OP imo. and i do have to say, playing IS 4 and expecting to be able to carry a game or help alot is bad. i know it should be quite like this but IS4 is one of the worse tanks especially if u need to fight 279e. if u would play like 277 or 5a u would do much better
279e broken?
Good morning QB
After 5 years of playing. I'm done, I quit, I see this tank every 3 battles when I'm playing randoms. If it's not on my team, we lose.
im done as well. i have been playing this game for 6 years. quited 5 months ago... just to sad op tanks...
Bye kid
Renna G :(
Lmao get good, just flank it, learn to aim at weak points. KeK
Admiral Sean that simple, huh?
The 279 e is the reason I havent played any of my T10s in months, it's not fun facing a completely OP tank once every 5 or so games
Actually this tank is not a big problem to destroy. Ofc u would need to use premium ammo, but still, u can just destroy it thru it's upper plate.
Thats just because you refuse to figure out how to take it down. Dont get mad just because a new tank requires new strats to kill. This tank requires new skills in order to take down, not the traditional memorization of where to aim (like with literally every other tank in the game). Its not terribly hard to learn if you just apply yourself a little bit.
@@todddalle4069 Bellend
@@Griphook1 whats wrong daddy? Mad because the game requires REAL skill now? Cant come up with any intelligent response so you must resort to 1st grade insults?
@@todddalle4069 That's like telling an MMA fighter that they keep losing against a fully-armored knight with a sword because they don't know the proper strategy to take down that opponent.
Do you see my point??
After fighting one of those tanks during clan war event I found out that even gold rounds bounce off frequently lol
QB: you need at least 280mm of pen to reliably go through front upper plate.
UDES 03: *"Laughs in 288"*
This tank looks like the tank for me...
1. You can literally just casually say hello and then proceed to have dinner in front of the enemy team, come back, and you’ll still have full hp.
2. Rare
3. *>:)*
I can't even get the Obj 260 those missions are driving me crazy, Quickybaby can you do a new guide about the obj 260 missions? I have seen your old videos about it but the game has changed a lot since you made those videos. Keep up the good work.
I stuck at t55a, I don't have much tanks bc I'm a f2p player and HT missions kills me, I got Maus but still no :/
@@cagrserin2011 I would advice getting something like wz 111 5a or something else with more angled armor instead of raw thickness. Maus is irrelevant in this gold meta as it doesn't handle gold rounds at all and everyone will just fire gold at the turret and pen everytime. At least with, let's say 5a, some players will fire normal ammo at it.
@@cagrserin2011 Tier 9 Obj 257 is the best heavy tank to do the block damage missions, it reverse sidecrapes like crazy, and is retard proof
So if they realy don't care about balancing tanks...give me my Waffenträger auf E100 back!!!!
only if they 'relabel' it as Russian
Yeah- i want that back too... It was so much fun- clip down Tier 10 med....
If they do, they'll probably drop it down to tier 8, nerf it to oblivion, and sell it as a premium tank bundle w/fancy skin for $300, and unnecessarily squeeze in multiple LT-432 bundles in the store at the same time.
No chance with 3 arty mm, with a glass house in your turret
@@mahdimahdi8247 I do remember MM with % SPGs and my WTF E100 in the middle :P
I play War Thunder but i really miss the armor tanking in WoT, it just makes you feel good.
WOT reward tank in 2025: Tzar nuke. One shell, reload time: 5 minutes: Dpm: 500000. Penetration: infinity, goes trough buildings as well. Armor 500mm on all sides. Speed 0km/h. Drop the nuke after 5 minutes, teamdamage is disabled anyway.
MAUS :"Am I a joke to you ?"
Yeap when I see enemy team have these bobjects, I just cry in the corner in my Maus
Maus: Fear me as I'm the most heavily armored tank!
Object 279-e: Blyat... Your era is long over old man. Just sit down and take care of your good old chubby cheeks and lower plate. Sigh... who even need lower plate these days?
It is not broken it is Russian, perfectly balanced in every way.
Said no one ever.
All of these op Soviet tanks do actually balance this game because of all the shit tanks in the game
As all things should be.
Perfectly balanced as all things should be
WG: Rejoice, Ranked battles will start soon!
Players: Why should we care about a game mode with an unbalanced competitive evironment?
That's why I stop playing this frustrating stupid unbalance game
phan huan you are frustrating and unbalance and stupid.
This tank is legit rare considering how hard it is to get it. I mean there are some unbalanced things in the game but mostly it is fine.
@@downhillfriday4118 eat shit
WG: this is why we haven’t removed artillery
Thanks for pointing out Wargaming's lack of vision to improve the overall gaming experience for new players.
Why would they? They earn money anyway.
If they will come up regularly in battles, I will stop playing tier 8 or above.
Historically, the hull traverse was absolutely brutal - imagine an oil super-tanker trying to turn. Anything other than a straight line was near impossible.
Same or similar problem is that the best clans can role out in cw with full packs of 907s/Chieftains only because they scored well in previous campains which makes it harder for new but also good players to get one of these things.
So another idea to maybe fix this: What if WG restricted all the personal and cw campaign reward tanks to be used in random battles s.th. players in CW and ranked battles can only use tech tree tanks?
Thank you for addressing my concerns. It’s simply unsporting to play this vehicle and even perhaps the chieftain.
It's OP, and is only 5% population problem. Now the French wheeled cars driving around like a crazy stay at home mom on speed, that , that broke all other scouts is a bigger issue.
Why do the good players get the good shit, but WG gives us these British light tanks that dont even have enough ammo?
These tanks are a huge grind to get too, they are willing to put the time into receiving them and being really good in the first place.
Well these Objekts need something to shoot right?
What do you even mean, you want to force the good players to play bad tanks and bad players to play good tanks so they have the same results? Thats just insane. Good players will get better results, bad players will get worse results, thats how games work...
@@WilliaGerCZ I'm saying WG clearly dont play their own game. The game has a lot of issues that have been addressed by WG, but they dont do anything to help the situation- but if they do, it's not until its tool late.
@@WilliaGerCZ Good players can work all kinds of magic with even the worst tanks in the game, and bad players can make OP tanks looks like shit. There are some natural balancing factors to that logic, but it's impossible to predict that behavior. I think it would be better for the game, but it's a terrible business model for any company to sue, and will never be the case for this game. Good players will almost always get the best stuff, while f2p players will usually be left with all the crap tanks in the standard tech tree.
"This thing just keeps plowing!"
Is your Tank's name Geralt of Rivia, by any chance?
What i learned from this video: if you want to be mobile in this tank, repairs and a repair kit is a must
wow it has taken this long for QB to make a video about something we knew over a year ago
He just got the tank
The game is just a cashcow for WG at this point. Quit over 2 years ago, never looked back.
(This tank isn't buyable so this makes no sense lol)
But, despite the fact you never looked back, you are commenting on a video about World of Tanks...
@@minesonic8101 yes, I said I quit the game. Didn't say I unsubbed from QB.
@@minesonic8101 Cause Quickybaby is a good UA-camr and streamer. He blatantly calls out Wargaming every time when they make an OP tank and tell them to stop ruining their game and that this is shitty for the player base. He's literally one of their most popular players in terms of his viewer base yet doesn't care at all that he's calling Wargaming on being bad.
Why did the chicken cross the road?
Object 279 E
Hoho clausian, I salute you my friend xD
No fun for you
"...Nuke it from orbit...only way to be sure" Lol xD
In the real world, Brits would have "laughed in HESH" at it" considering how effective it is at defeating angled armor.
Stopped playing after S2 ranked because they reward time spent over skill.
are wargaming killing the golden goose QB ? Wont this type of thing drive players away ?
I’ve been of the opinion that WG has been running the game into the ground for some time now, with their questionable balancing choices, pay2win, completely out of control power creep, and wildly inconsistent meta.
Wargaming has a different kind of logic than you and I, and the rest of the player base... They think they will make more money this way...
@@Islacrusez and by "some time" that means the past 6 years
for me they started killing it since they released the defender. there were questionable decisions before then like the E25 and the lefefefefe but those I could more or less live with
Dude, where have you been? WG has been driving players away for years now. I dropped out after the defender and Chrysler K disasters. I remember having so much fun playing this game, buying premiums and anticipating their events. And then, suddenly, all the premiums become pay to win, all the weak spots are eradicated, and gold spam became the currency of the realm. I was done, and based on QBs player stats video a few months ago, a lot of people were.
279e, Chieftain, 907, all of those tanks should be banned from competitive play. Everyone should be on an equal playing field with tech tree tanks, hell, with equal ammo loadouts, to ensure ranked + CW is actually about skill and not about who has the most broken tank, who can afford to spam more gold rounds. Weakspots should be added back to tanks, the gameplay should somehow be made slower and more tactical to stop the 15-1/2/3 games that are so common nowadays as the game has been sped up due to constant buffing instead of nerfing tanks back down to an acceptable level.
Nice vid QB. Oh goody, another OP Soviet heavy. Only reward tanks I want are the Chimera and T28 HTC.
i played tier 2, 3, 4 for about 2000 battles. I bought a tier 8 to have a look, randomly an obj 279e popped up on the MM on our team. It did the most damage by far taking 5 opponents with it, as we still lost. On the back of that I researched how to get one and came across the Campaign's. That got me much more interested and i'm working toward both sides of tank 1 the campaign trees. I''ve since seen an obj 279e twice, once on the same team, once on the other; both these battles it also came out on the losing side. My vote would be leave it as it is, an ultimate which is tough to get to. As long as the MM doesn't throw bunches of them up, it's fine. Nerfing it will make the campaigns aimless.
As an average but paying player (too old, too slow to be good), I've simply quit.
With this imaginary crap on the field, WoT is not fun anymore.
It started with the wheel tanks, that are not only too fast to hit, can't be tracked, have magnet auto aim and pen almost every same tier tank or higher. Then the auto-lodader premiums. Now the impenetrable monsters.... Why am I investing time and money in this?
Try winning, it is fun for me at least.
Idk about you but alot of the tanks in World of tanks are Blueprint tanks so it makes sense. Then again, I have yet to see this tank on the field once and I play Tier 8-9 frequently.
OneWorldHistory this tank exists in real life, it’s currently in a museum in Russia
Man this thing would be great for missions!
well you can still do the obj 260 missions in this :D
I feel clan wars and ranked reward veicles shoulnt be aloud only tech tree tanks people could get should be aloud
Wish they would make other game modes besides random to be tech tree only
Jpz E-100 can go 100% of the time through the frontal hull using HEAT, and about 60% with AP. So it isn't invincible like the PZ.II ausf.J. The reason the grille bounced was A) unlucky, B) fired into the tracks/side
Make ranked gameplay only with tech-tree tanks. End of argument. WG gets to sell OP tanks, and let players grind but let's keep ranked pure.
But you can't buy the 279 (e) in fact to get it you have to spend like millions MILLIONS OF HOURS.
@@patrickhernandez7963 whether you take out your wallet or you grind for it, it is still paying WG.
WG sees it transactionally. If you pour thousands of hours into the game, you are populating their servers and interacting with other assets. That is priceless to them, as much as making money. So even if you had a billion USD you wanted to give up, you might never actually own certain tanks.
It is very much you selling your livelihood for a 3D model. WG doesn't need to extract £¥₱ from your pockets to have sold you anything.
@@MmeAdmin That could be said for any multiplayer game.
@@downhillfriday4118 it should be. Glad you agree
"Competitive players don't want to be the best, [...] they want to be the best on a level playing field."
Most don't. Very few do, but most want an OP tank that only they and the 1% of players can get, so they can club everyone else trying to enjoy a normal game and continue their circlejerk of wanting even better tanks to club the old ones when more people get their hands on them. Soon enough, *someone* is gonna want something so retardedly OP that it can club a 726- I mean 279E.
That's WoT for a lot of players.
I purposely stuck to lower tiers because it felt a lot more balanced when I actually was playing. I haven't played on a couple years now
The only explanation is that WG is trying to balance the fact that it's russian by countering it with OP stats.
So many tanks nowadays don't have turret weak spots anymore. It all started with the T26E5 Patriot, which has a cupola that's thicker than the frontal hull armor of an IS-7. (170mm compared to 150mm)
Got my 279e a few weeks ago, it's a beast. The dpm is the big thing, I threw bond gear on and it's just over 3400 dpm, 7.7 second reload on a heavy with that armor is insane.
With a tank like this it's just about time to quit playing, 34k games!
Can't wait to 2029... then i will have this one unlocked 2
Just unlocked the T55a yesterday. I'm playing since 2013. I feel you...
@@lionheart13061994 Sounds like an L2P issue. I had only played 8k battles when i got the 260. I was a noob, i was shit at the game, but still i learned fast enough to get it in decent time
LOL, i stopped playing WoT because of the russian bias. No more money for you WG!
ıʞsʍoq ǝɿɓıqǝɥʇ это Белоруссия. Это не Россия, дурак. Другая страна.
@@segrus bhkdjoieuwfhh wieivkskhw owhuvkwhvkjh wgscwiuvhwoefuh !!!
There is no russian bias, well actually there is but its very light and doesnt bother anyone, what bothers me are broken tanks like the 279 or the bobjekt td, the fact that wg pumps copy past premiums every week, and the fact that they refuse to fix bad game designs and absolutely refuse rebalancing the tanks, the techtree is clogged with obsolete tanks that barely anyone plays, because they suck so bad, making op tanks feel even more op. Not to mention the f-ed up maps like fjords an the rest...
Actually, there isn't that bad of Russian bias in the game. At this point, I don't consider this tank a Russian tank, as it's a reward vehicle. They could've easily made this an American tank or a Japanese tank or whatever country it'd still be broken as hell. If you really wanna see Russian Bias War Thunder is great at that. Russians have some solid stats but at the same time there are tanks in the game like the French wheeled, the Czech Autos, the Italian Autos, hell the Chinese Tier X Heavy is hella competitive. And don't even get me started with lower-tiered vehicles.
@@mastersanada of course, than take a look at the winrate, 7 tanks of the best 10 by winrate are russian, of the 10 worst 6 are german.
Wait. WG BUFFED the 279 since initially showing it? Good thing it's so hard to get.
That 704A was quite stupid...not realizing that he can't do anything, keeps shooting, and doesn't even have a spare HE shells.
WoT overall is broken. Power creep is the reason.
That's ok. I only play tier 8 and lower. I will gladly club baby seals until they go extinct.
I think Rank battles and Clan Wars and skirmishes should be tech tree tanks only.
Then thats german vs german
I just stopped playing t10 after these tanks appeared on the scene. totally ridiculous.
Ranked Battles should be Tech Tree tanks only.
From what I can tell literally best way to deal with this tank atm is using HE from big TDS like the JP E100, Death Star and shit barn, and E3 and E4. Of course arty is also a good counter. Even then though that’s a very limited amount of stuff to use and a lot of shell to sling to kill one tank.