Kamelot - Roy Khan

  • Опубліковано 9 чер 2009
  • NRK Nett tv - Interview with Roy Khan, leadsinger of the power metal band KAMELOT(in norwegian ...)


  • @paigelivesay2977
    @paigelivesay2977 8 років тому +48

    I still watch this even I don't know a single word their saying

  • @carin4139
    @carin4139 6 років тому +15

    Can't understand a single word. I just watch Khan again and again :D

  • @neslihancetin6626
    @neslihancetin6626 4 роки тому +6

    I have just found out this interview.. The only word i understood is 'Conception' lol. But still watched with a smile on my face.. Oh dear Mr Kahn-the young version..

  • @manoweird
    @manoweird 13 років тому +5

    He lives about 5 minutes from my home. I often see him walking with his wife and kids.

  • @purplewoodcat
    @purplewoodcat 11 років тому +10

    The family settled down in Sørskogbygda and there he began his music career in the school band, and as many other musicians from Hedmark he has a background in dance band, a less known period which also had an abrupt end.

  • @purplewoodcat
    @purplewoodcat 11 років тому +8

    At home he is organizing his accounting. Receipts from last year’s tours must be delivered before the weekend concert in his home town. And if he just finish, he can promise a show out of the ordinary.

  • @purplewoodcat
    @purplewoodcat 11 років тому +12

    “My name is Roy Sætre Khantatat, coming from Sørskogbygda, father from Thailand, and it is where Khantatat come from, but it was so difficult to pronounce for people, had to be cut down to only Khan and it has proven to be more convenient for people.”

  • @purplewoodcat
    @purplewoodcat 11 років тому +10

    Roy Sætre Khantatat and Kamelot have played with bands like Iron Maiden and Metallica and have had up to 70,000 spectators abroad. In Elverum it will be quite a few thousands fewer, but the vocalist is looking forward to a different concert.
    “It is very special. Then there are many who probably will not normally see a Kamelot concert in the city here. So it is very fun. It’s just that it is in Elverum and it’s like coming home again to play at home in a way.”

  • @knowledgequeen
    @knowledgequeen 14 років тому +7

    I emitted an extremely undignified squeak when I saw the glasses. I wish I spoke Norwegian, and I can't honestly decide where he's hotter, as a metal god or as a skinny geek in jeans and a hoodie!

  • @purplewoodcat
    @purplewoodcat 11 років тому +12

    “We are going to try a few things like both pyrotechnic and on stage and with the lights. The set is probably a bit longer than it tends to be. It will be a Kamelot concert fully on a par with the best from abroad as we used to say when I, when I grew up.”
    That is what he say in this video..

  • @purplewoodcat
    @purplewoodcat 11 років тому +8

    “And there the trio, with the black suits and just as black shiny shoes with the red, with red shoe laces and played dance music. The guys from the new band Conception came in with lots of people from Gjøvik Trash and MC who they hanged with then. The guys from MC club were wondering what the hell I did, but I did not do this for long, I had to concentrate on metal.”

  • @purplewoodcat
    @purplewoodcat 11 років тому +7

    The contrasts in his life are great, from the huge audience and great scenes from abroad to home life and song writing in Fetsund.
    “It is totally different life than what you can live at home in your own living room, the conditions around you is so, so very, very different. When you stand, ready to go up on stage to be - be what people expect and have come to see - a rock star. But you can not go on like that, when you are home and among friends and family,

  • @bluette57
    @bluette57  11 років тому +5

    well said. I had the chance to see Kamelot with both Roy and Tommy. The first one is for me one of the best metal voice I ever heard, very specific and, somewhere, unique. But... but... Tommy is also a very talented and specific singer, full of emotion, absolutely professionnal on stage. He's probably the best choice for Kamelot :) let's give them a chance you will not be disappointed :)

  • @allenzillmer1917
    @allenzillmer1917 8 років тому +19

    He's so normal... then a vocal God on stage

  • @mpitonixxxangel
    @mpitonixxxangel 13 років тому +1

    In my journey through the stage of music I found my self with the band named Kamelot and their vocalist named Roy Khan. I'm totally a man but this couldn't stop me from hanging a poster of Roy inside my house. I owe him a lot cause I learned a lot not only from his vocal abilities but from his speechies too...music stage always change one said...at least God was there...

  • @Theofficialfpefan
    @Theofficialfpefan 13 років тому +1

    You are the best! So unique and different and better than other! Ilisten classical music and you are better than other famous tenor!

  • @XHansernX
    @XHansernX 12 років тому +1

    I løpet av 3 minutter og 43 sekunder så fikk jeg en større respekt for denne mannen enn noen sinne... Han er vaskekte Hedemarking og han har spillt i dansebænd... Guud å fet går det an å bli !!!

  • @purplewoodcat
    @purplewoodcat 11 років тому +4

    The house in Fetsund is the focal point in his life the rest spins around in the form of gigs all over the world. It can be chaotic and a lot to keep track of.
    “Can you get a bit closer with the light?” - Yes, hehehe…

  • @helgoland82
    @helgoland82 13 років тому +1

    His voice makes me cry :' ] Dødsens bra å høra han snakka norsk !

  • @cintranintelligence
    @cintranintelligence 9 років тому +3

    respekten jeg har får denne mannen har ingen grense. fantastisk fyr

  • @purplewoodcat
    @purplewoodcat 11 років тому +6

    so you’ll need, then you are as everyone else and live a normal life.”
    The stage name is Khan, a shortening of the long, difficult last name that is not exactly a normal name from Elverum.

  • @miramezjr
    @miramezjr 10 років тому

    what a pity! i'm going to norway and it could be fun visiting this place, just for passing in front his home and take a picture. it'd be awesome for me, coz i am so far from this country, a dream fulfilled

  • @Yaiza417
    @Yaiza417 11 років тому +1

    You will make me the happiest person of this world... I travel there several times on the year, but I go to Sandefjord and Oslo. I know his address, I know where he lives (at least, I think so), but, as a great fan that I consider myself, I respect his private life, even if it means don't see him. But seeing him in a church is another thing...

  • @Theofficialfpefan
    @Theofficialfpefan 13 років тому +1


  • @Wolfwolveswolf
    @Wolfwolveswolf 11 років тому

    One of the best vocalists I think, Dam Good!

  • @Shiek200
    @Shiek200 13 років тому +3

    he looks SOOOOO different!

  • @DuckDodgersG21
    @DuckDodgersG21 11 років тому

    OMG! I feel so jealous of you!:( I've never been in a kamelot's concert and you just met him!

  • @bluette57
    @bluette57  14 років тому +1

    rhooooo.... i had the great honot to speak with him after some gigs (not to long of course, i'm not that king of "fangiiiiiirl"). He's the cutest person I ever met, really... it's amazing how different he can be after a show... I think he should be sooner or later an actor...

  • @levihan3777
    @levihan3777 3 роки тому

    Such a soft spoken man.

  • @pdemann
    @pdemann 13 років тому

    @pmanderson I will agree fully that initially Roy Kahn's voice was the first thing that drew me to Kamelot but they are still an amazing band with out him. check out some of the videos of their South American tour, Fabio Leone is doing a fantastic job filling in for Kahn. I"m stoked to see them live next month and to see who they find as a new permanent vocalist. I will miss Kahn's voice but my enthusiasm for Kamelot will not die.

  • @Yaiza417
    @Yaiza417 11 років тому +6

    I have loved what you've said, his voice is pure sex... That's the way that I see it, like a vibrant sea of peace and sensuality, even carnality. I know that though he doesn't return to musical business, I'll love him for the rest of my life, because I've never heard a voice like of him. Yes, maybe, with the passing of time he has lost a bit of technique, or those acute like in Nights of Arabia, but it's normal. However, his sobriquet is "the voice of God", that's for something...

  • @kyrvavata
    @kyrvavata 15 років тому

    you soo right!

  • @bluette57
    @bluette57  14 років тому

    you can find an english version on the Kamelot France Myspace - blog section - june 2009 :)

  • @purplewoodcat
    @purplewoodcat 11 років тому +4

    english version posted x

  • @dmondoll
    @dmondoll 12 років тому +1

    (sigh) I cant even understand him... and im still in Love.

  • @litlula4328
    @litlula4328 2 місяці тому

    please some fan trnslate this amazing recording Khan 4life!!

  • @andykrikkit
    @andykrikkit 12 років тому

    @fikulusz He lives in Fetsund, maybe... 30-40 km east of Oslo. They are mainly talking about the then upcoming homecoming concert in may 2009 in Elverum 2 hours drive north-east of Oslo, where Khan originally comes from.

  • @bluette57
    @bluette57  13 років тому

    i feel sad for you because the gigs (even without Roy) were a pure kick-assin' session (i had the chance to see the band three times this year).
    Of course I miss his voice, his way to "play" on stage, but if it's his choice, we have to respect it and wish him all the best. And we can also thank him for what he gave to us... Kamelot is a band, a strong and powerful band and i'm waiting for the upcoming album :)))

  • @marsmars1993
    @marsmars1993 12 років тому +1

    can't make out a word he says but one thing is for sure; glasses look awesome on him xD

  • @purplewoodcat
    @purplewoodcat 11 років тому +2

    pity we can't understand it but Roy looks fantastic in glasses x he really is sooooooooooo HOT x we miss love and adore you xxxxx

  • @vivalamiababe
    @vivalamiababe 14 років тому

    soooooo baddd.
    I might see him at ProgPower USA in Atlanta GA.
    he is soooo cuttee

  • @knowledgequeen
    @knowledgequeen 14 років тому

    I am going to meet him in October at their last North American show, and I think at this point it's pretty well decided I'll make an idiot of myself in some way. This man is just amazing.

  • @bluette57
    @bluette57  15 років тому

    yes - the band played as opener for Metallica at the Sonisphere Netherland this year.... check Kamelot france Myspace for more Kamelot pics !!

  • @DARKANGEL261194
    @DARKANGEL261194 13 років тому

    I miss you Roy :(

  • @bluette57
    @bluette57  14 років тому

    in fact it's his father last name : Khantatat, from thailand... they decided to "cut" the name because it was to difficult for the norwegian to pronounce it :)

  • @Chrille5782
    @Chrille5782 14 років тому


  • @bluette57
    @bluette57  15 років тому

    on the kamelot france myspace - blog section...

  • @bluette57
    @bluette57  15 років тому

    i think you can find the whole interview in english on Kamelot French Myspace :)

  • @TikalaEchidna16
    @TikalaEchidna16 12 років тому

    @TheMetalMeltdown They're playing "The Black Halo" from their The Black Halo album. :)

  • @KevinVanRillaer
    @KevinVanRillaer 11 років тому

    Can you please shoot a video of him performing?

  • @lucymalak90
    @lucymalak90 13 років тому

    and now...
    No more Khan in Kamelot :'(
    Am I the only one who wants to cry????

  • @katyaroush
    @katyaroush 13 років тому

    HE'S CHANGED LIKE....A LOT!!!!!!

  • @xtaryx
    @xtaryx 14 років тому

    Can someone PLEASE ad some subtitles to this video??? :) It would be nice for the ones who didn't get anything!

  • @bluette57
    @bluette57  15 років тому

    you have one on the kamelot france myspace :D

  • @vivalamiababe
    @vivalamiababe 14 років тому +1

    My eyes are gonna be gluueeedddd to Khan on stage.

  • @BaisatsuMusic
    @BaisatsuMusic 13 років тому

    @AgentFour I was actually surprised when I found out that the band was American. I could tell that the vocals were European since most of the metal bands I listen to are European.

  • @CallingCrowe
    @CallingCrowe 13 років тому

    @Rabje1234: The rest of the band, with the exception of Oliver, are from Florida.

  • @bluette57
    @bluette57  13 років тому

    I understand don't worry.... i had the chance to have (few) words with him after some gigs... on stage he's Khan but outside he is definitivly Roy Saetre Khantatat...

  • @1malakian
    @1malakian 14 років тому

    thats his house? wow its not what i had expected

  • @purplewoodcat
    @purplewoodcat 11 років тому

    is there a translation of this out there please x

  • @TyIbsen
    @TyIbsen 15 років тому

    Wonderful! Can you post in English what is said?

  • @Norica96
    @Norica96 12 років тому +1

    Elverum is like south-east Norway. Almost at the border to Sweden

  • @beckyk08
    @beckyk08 13 років тому +1

    @mpitonixxxangel One question. Where the hell did you get a Roy Khan poster?! Cos i want one! =D

  • @Gimipork
    @Gimipork 14 років тому

    @bluette57 Ah, thanks for confirming :)
    Swedish is very similar to Norwegian but this guy speaks in such a low voice, it's a challenge understaning him at times XD

  • @TheLPCowgirl
    @TheLPCowgirl 12 років тому +1

    This is amazing! No idea what he's saying...but his voice is so sexy! :D

  • @miramezjr
    @miramezjr 10 років тому

    does anyone know where his house stays in norway?

  • @DraconicMorphine
    @DraconicMorphine 13 років тому

    @bluette57 alright ill take a look. thank you

  • @yvindingeryen3303
    @yvindingeryen3303 11 років тому +1

    Stolt av å være Norsk...

  • @maxilopez6611
    @maxilopez6611 11 років тому

    Silently we wander
    In search of truth and confidence
    So many hopes were lost here
    Along the way
    From morning to night

  • @bluette57
    @bluette57  13 років тому

    He from Norway... so in this interview he speaks in his native language :)

  • @purplewoodcat
    @purplewoodcat 11 років тому

    written higher up the page now x

  • @bluette57
    @bluette57  12 років тому

    We don't know when the time has come
    This is where I will linger on...
    From "The Black Halo"

  • @guadalupesanchez9613
    @guadalupesanchez9613 6 років тому +1

    can someone please subtitle this video? :v

  • @twistedbrushfx
    @twistedbrushfx 12 років тому

    Let the lord guild you way Roy!

  • @ZakKautz
    @ZakKautz 14 років тому

    The Black Halo is the beginning song

  • @purplewoodcat
    @purplewoodcat 11 років тому

    posted english version higher up x

  • @TheMetalMeltdown
    @TheMetalMeltdown 12 років тому

    whats the song they are playing at the beginning of the vid?!?!

  • @Rabje1234
    @Rabje1234 13 років тому +1

    lol duh... he's in a legendary metalband, ofcourse he's from scandinavia xD

  • @Chaos218
    @Chaos218 9 років тому +1

    Alltså fan jag saknar hans röst. Vad gör han nu för tiden?

    • @bluette57
      @bluette57  9 років тому +2

      Chaos218 he lives in Norway, works with youths, and stays away from metal music (as it seems...)

  • @bluette57
    @bluette57  13 років тому

    Roy posted a statement on his myspace few weeks ago...

  • @Gimipork
    @Gimipork 14 років тому

    Did he say his last name is from Thailand? I'd really like to know where's he's from cause he sure as hell ain't native Norwegian. Correct me if I'm wrong :P

  • @bluette57
    @bluette57  13 років тому

    @Shiek200 : well in this interview he's Roy Saetre Khantatat, a man, simple and "normal" :)

  • @bluette57
    @bluette57  14 років тому

    his father is from thailand.... and he"cut" Khantatat to Khan because it was easier to pronounce in norway....

  • @AltairRah
    @AltairRah 12 років тому +1

    He is half norwegian (white) and thai

  • @bluette57
    @bluette57  12 років тому

    :) not exactly :) his father is from Thaïland :)

  • @Yaiza417
    @Yaiza417 11 років тому

    Argg I need already to learn Norwegian!!! He looks so sexy, with glasses too!

  • @TyIbsen
    @TyIbsen 15 років тому

    Hey, where I can find the interview in English???

  • @lucymalak90
    @lucymalak90 14 років тому

    Why is he stranger??
    He is awesome, well in this video.

  • @soufang
    @soufang 14 років тому

    he mentioned "iron maiden" but i couldnt figure out through norwegian

  • @purplewoodcat
    @purplewoodcat 11 років тому

    english version written higher up lv x

  • @lucymalak90
    @lucymalak90 14 років тому

    @zhoutai2000 Disculpa no comprendí tu comentario :)
    No sé si lo que quisiste decir fue que no entendiste mi, hasta cierto punto, forzado inglés, o que te habría gustado más que lo escribiera en español, porque de ser así podría hacerlo, lo cual sería incluso más fácil para mi.

  • @Shiek200
    @Shiek200 13 років тому

    @bluette57 I know, but still... He looks like... any other guy, it's so weird not to see him as a god-like singer for once....

  • @CleoBlue13
    @CleoBlue13 14 років тому

    @CelestialTina Sorry, he is from Norway. But his father is from Thailand ;3

  • @bluette57
    @bluette57  14 років тому

    @1malakian : it's the house where he work ....

  • @SimplyCoko
    @SimplyCoko 14 років тому

    @ohartur fuckin' YES

  • @bluette57
    @bluette57  14 років тому

    tss tss tss they don't ALL come EVERY time :)) very often yes but not all the time :DD

  • @JOHN.Z999
    @JOHN.Z999 14 років тому

    roy khan is stranger...

  • @liwainstitut
    @liwainstitut 12 років тому

    38555 . i real can´t mess with you !!!!

  • @gragi11
    @gragi11 14 років тому

    @MeAmie94 Lol? Where exacly?

  • @gragi11
    @gragi11 14 років тому

    Could someone make subtitles in english?