it's not too late to change

  • Опубліковано 31 гру 2023
  • I'm 32 today and I'm no closer to figuring any of this out. But that's a good thing.
    DISCORD: / discord
    PATREON: / ascendantnomad
    TWITCH: / ascendantnomad
    TWITTER: / ascendantnomad


  • @vari2d347
    @vari2d347 5 місяців тому +131

    Happy Birthday Crucible Doctor

  • @henram36
    @henram36 5 місяців тому +169

    Happy Birthday! If it's any comfort, I'm nearly 60 and still figuring things out. I think it's what makes us uniquely human!
    Have a great 2024!

    • @OldboyGamergeek
      @OldboyGamergeek 5 місяців тому +1

      Absolutely! I think the best change I ever made was to stop smoking by the age of 40. I did it, and that was just over a decade ago and it made me so happy, so yes we can do that thing we need to do and if you fail, just try again and again with more determination.

    • @InterSeptZ
      @InterSeptZ 5 місяців тому

      Bottomless wisdom.

  • @AscendantNomad
    @AscendantNomad  5 місяців тому +205

    Trying something new. I'm not the best at this sort of thing, but I'll get better. I hope this didn't come across as too airy or offensive in any respect. If it did, please let me know.
    Happy new year everyone. 🎉

    • @deadcassettemusic_
      @deadcassettemusic_ 5 місяців тому +1

      I really really liked this

    • @ShadowNemesis575
      @ShadowNemesis575 5 місяців тому +1

      I appreciate this. Keep it up

    • @lafayettefrancois178
      @lafayettefrancois178 5 місяців тому

      Genuinely this vid made me very happy, if there's anyone who can encourage change for the good (and combat toxicity) it's you. Best of luck on the move to Ireland.

    • @pencilswordfish
      @pencilswordfish 5 місяців тому +1

      TBH, this feels like your regular content anyway. Your channel has always provided a lot of insight, Destiny's just the flavor.

    • @Tyr808
      @Tyr808 5 місяців тому

      Definitely worth a shot man, I enjoyed the video and would tune in for more. Granted, I have been firmly out of the destiny scene for a couple years now and there’s literally nothing that could ever happen that would pull me back into the game, not by bungie not even if bungie lost control of the game and someone else took over, so I’m also not part of the crowd that would leave because things either branch out or pivot away.

  • @shiverwolfplays
    @shiverwolfplays 5 місяців тому +59

    Thank you for this! I love -- LOVE -- that you acknowledge right up front that money IS a factor. So many folks who talk about our power to change ourselves and our circumstances breeze right past that, just ignoring the simple fact that finances matter. It comes from such a privileged place and it sets my teeth on edge. Your video had me smiling all the way through, and also gave me some things to really think about. Thank you. Happy birthday, and happy New Year to you and your family and everyone here, and all best wishes for your move Ireland!!

  • @jyapp4489
    @jyapp4489 5 місяців тому +10

    Ascendant, as an newer adult who just graduated college, I needed to hear this. I just went through a rough move that didn't end well with my parents to try to start a new life. I'm constantly question if I'm in the right, and I just want to be the best person I can be. I don't want to be any sort of a jerk, I don't want to be lazy, I just want to be better. I'm fortunate enough to afford almost a year's worth of wiggle room, but even then it will take a lot of work to get myself disciplined. Heck, I don't even know if I'll get a job. I don't know if I'll ever find love, I've all but given up. But I want to believe it may be possible. I made one big leap by moving away from the comfort of my parents, and I want to make more leaps. I'm still terrified to death I'll fail and end up homeless or alone, but I want to be better, and I want to make life better for everyone. I've been trying as best I can to work through my emotions, and I've been dealing with some of the darkest feelings anyone could ever face, but even just your reminder that the feelings I'm going through are normal and its ok to be afraid before a major change helps. If I could give you a hug, I would. Happy Birthday, and Happy new year.

  • @avusyth518
    @avusyth518 5 місяців тому +14

    As I was once told, we all have our own time zones. I'm 25 and could be considered for "falling behind" everyone else, though I no longer do, because I still don't feel like I've grown up yet. Likewise, I'm no longer concerned with keeping up with everyone else. I got a long way to go, but I'm finally at peace with my late blooming. Thank you for the unexpected-but not unwelcome-reinforcement of that, Nomad, and for sharing a bit of your life and its struggles. Happy New Years and cheers to you as well.🤘

    • @moonrocks929
      @moonrocks929 4 місяці тому +1

      Cheers to the late bloomers. We grow a little slower at our own pace, but we are oddly at peace with ourselves when we take the moment to reflect on our lives.

  • @zekerdeath
    @zekerdeath 5 місяців тому +4

    I appreciate this. for me there is a third factor keeping me from change. motivation. depression and self doubt plagues me, and I cant get myself to do the things to make change happen. to get specific, I want to stream, frequently, and if I'm lucky, start making some spare change doing it. but despite my love for doing it, getting myself to press that start stream button is just so hard. thank you for the wise words nomad. happy 2024 and happy birthday

  • @oliverpeet6824
    @oliverpeet6824 5 місяців тому +13

    Dude , I haven't watched your destiny content in a while but this video was really inspiring and was great as a reflection piece. Please do more , or even vlogs where your just talking. Great stuff man , have a great birthday 😊

  • @vampman1979
    @vampman1979 4 місяці тому

    A narcissist wouldn't question if they are a narcissist!

  • @amscarpi
    @amscarpi 5 місяців тому +4

    Honestly this is a really needed video for me right now, you hit the nail on the head with the limitations causing people to get complacent with what they’ve got going on now, I’ve got a lot of things I’m planning down the pipeline that feel so out of reach simply because of where I live and how long it might take to even get the processes started. And that makes it very easy to just not work at it yet, to not think about it until I have to, or maybe not even have to. I know it’s there, and I’m fighting against that urge every day, but little things can slip. I know that’s common, but some days it feels like I’m noticing those things because I am more aware of what I’m doing to change and how I could apply it to more things, and on others it feels like a reminder that somehow if something more slips through, I’m back to letting it pass me by. To get more on the topic of this video, like you said, it’s not what I’d expect from you, but it’s great! Maybe it’s your voice, maybe the way you structure things or talk about things, but you feel very suited to this type of content. If you ever feel like doing more, I’d definitely be up for it. Happy birthday Nomad!

  • @tsenai8377
    @tsenai8377 5 місяців тому

    Really needed this one doc. Thanks for the wisdom and encouragement! I truly love content like this

  • @daveadams6489
    @daveadams6489 5 місяців тому +6

    Really enjoyed this Nomad, great to have advice from someone of an age to be one of my peers (I'm a couple of years older than you but broadly in that same mid 30s mindset). I admire the wide ranging experiences you must have had in terms of all the country moves, although that equally can't have been easy, and I suspect it probably wasn't. Happy Birthday, Happy New Year, and all the best with Ireland this year!

  • @yvan2218
    @yvan2218 5 місяців тому +3

    Thanks for the reminder that change is something you need to commit to, not just declare to the world. So I'm declaring that I'm going to be healthier than I was last year, but I'm also going to commit for it for the rest of the year.

  • @Archizombie
    @Archizombie 5 місяців тому

    Hey, I'm 42 in a couple days and your message resonates with my core. Thanks for speaking and, just wanted to say, love you!
    Happy NYE and birthday!!

  • @woodywoodman4309
    @woodywoodman4309 5 місяців тому

    May the next year be one of your best yet. Great advice and insightful observations.

  • @HowdyHowdy_
    @HowdyHowdy_ 5 місяців тому

    I feel like I've also been going through a sort of awakening towards actively feeling like the adult I am. It's incredibly comforting to hear a relatable experience. All my life I've been constrained by a fear of new and failure but as of late I think I'm finally putting down those chains. Happy New Birth Year, and may we all strive to achieve what scares us.

  • @BahamutBreaker
    @BahamutBreaker 5 місяців тому

    Great advice, Nomad!
    Nicely done.
    Happy New Year!

  • @williamkaplan6414
    @williamkaplan6414 5 місяців тому

    Happy birthday Nomad! Edit: needed this video, thanks for the insightful content, its communities like this that really pull ppl together.

  • @aaronfreeman8252
    @aaronfreeman8252 5 місяців тому

    I loved listening to your take on things in the land of grass and sun. Looking forward to this style of content in the future.

  • @seanmcdonnell684
    @seanmcdonnell684 5 місяців тому

    Great message for the new year! If this helps even one person you have done an amazing thing. Keep up the great content!

  • @karhall1635
    @karhall1635 5 місяців тому

    Being in a similar age bracket and having many of those feelings you described; feeling like I'm not really an adult yet. Thanks for posting this video. Even just knowing that I'm not the only one going through something like this gives me some encouragement that I can make the changes I want.

  • @sirjonaz
    @sirjonaz 5 місяців тому

    Happy Birthday! I appreciate your courage in making this video. The message in your video never gets old. Everyone needs to be reminded of it.

  • @MalcIgg
    @MalcIgg 5 місяців тому

    Happy Birthday & New year - a great perspective -- thank you for sharing :) may what ever adventures 2024 bring your way be great :)

  • @onrok
    @onrok 5 місяців тому +1

    Lovely message Doc. Thanks! I am a sommelier now, but I did 2 bachelor's before till I found what I really wanted to do. Also moved to 4 different countries. Change is SCARY, scary AF... But what is being brave if not reigning in our fears and pushing forward!
    Happy birthday! And I'll be waiting patiently for 2024s gun awards!
    Keep it up!

  • @jojopojo9516
    @jojopojo9516 5 місяців тому

    Great video and happy birthday. It's always moving to me to hear men who have lived and seen the world try to impart their positive outlook to others.
    I agree with your assessment wholeheartedly. Indeed, there are things outside our control. No point in worrying about those but for the things we can change, we have a responsibility to ourselves and loved ones to implement those changes.
    2023 reminded me that life and love are ephemeral. Life and love mean the most when we are our best selves.

  • @agasthyaajay7926
    @agasthyaajay7926 5 місяців тому

    Happy Birthday!!! and thanks for this its not often that you hear this from content creators but it means a lot, so thanks again and happy new year/birthday.

  • @soooluscious5636
    @soooluscious5636 5 місяців тому

    Happy Birthday sir! This was a great video for me to see today. Started on some big fitness and career changes today

  • @Kidsnextdorks
    @Kidsnextdorks 5 місяців тому

    Happy birthday and new year! It’s never too late, truly. Even our opinions on In-n-Out can change.
    Seriously though, it’s great to hear this from someone else. Growing up my family moved to the US in 2009 when even my parents weren’t emotionally or financially prepared for the big move. It caused quite a bit of problems for all of us that I just had enough of when I was 19 and decided to move back to Sweden and live with my aunt. I still have a bad habits of being withdrawn, but I’ve been getting better at keeping friends that I can trust near me.

  • @GIJared
    @GIJared 5 місяців тому

    Happy birthday and happy new year, Nomad. Those are some wise words. One thing I’ve learned over the years when trying to change is that there are likely going to be setbacks. Don’t look at setback day as day zero and a restart - that can be very defeating.
    Instead, look it as (x-1)/y. IE, you go 25 days without chocolate and stumble…that’s still a 96% positive trajectory.
    If you have a black and white mindset on change, that can often make changing particularly hard. Be kind to yourself, look at your overall progress, and keep moving forward.
    Have a great year.

  • @Hathematics
    @Hathematics 5 місяців тому

    Happy birthday! All the best to you and your wife in the new year. Cheers! 🥂

  • @joshuaclaypoole1977
    @joshuaclaypoole1977 5 місяців тому

    Great video! Happy birthday and thank you for such a grounded perspective.

  • @Jasminotaur2
    @Jasminotaur2 5 місяців тому

    Happy birthday! Love seeing all the different content from the Destiny 2 creators. Who knows where the game will go after the final shape & I’m excited to see what some of my favourite content creators will move on to.

  • @Z-ro-gs8hz
    @Z-ro-gs8hz 5 місяців тому

    Happy Birthday and Happy New Year Nomad! May this year bring you and your family many more blessings. Thank you for an amazing message, this year I am making many changes and yes, I am scared of what to expect but I also know that I need to do them to progress, which got me over that initial block of hesitation. That and some friends who sometimes go from wacky to wise with their words, but mainly the wacky friends. I look forward to the new year with hope and excitement to see what it will bring.
    Quick edit, I think this is great content and if it's something you think works for you then I'm here for it. (Still looking to see where I can buy Jafa Cakes here though to try them out.)

  • @olivefree88
    @olivefree88 5 місяців тому

    Happy Birthday my friend, thank you for your perspective because change is necessary for growth. Also Happy New Year 🎉🎉🎉

  • @spudzm
    @spudzm 5 місяців тому

    Well said and thanks for the love and encouragement your brought to this video. Happy birthday and I hope your next adventure is great as well!

  • @rasenshurikenfries2942
    @rasenshurikenfries2942 3 місяці тому

    I’ve commented on maybe single digit videos in 8 years on UA-cam; I’ll leave a comment for this. Absolutely phenomenal. I think you honestly might’ve jsut convinced me to get back into running and managing my weight a little more closely. As well as hopefully finally move out of my parents house (I crunched the numbers awhile
    Back and with student loans and part time work it doesn’t work out but with full time work it does). Thanks so much for making this, would love to see more. Happy birthday, thank you for the wisdom, definitely not a narcissist 👍🏻

  • @pencilswordfish
    @pencilswordfish 5 місяців тому

    I can relate a little, I've really lived in the same country, tho I've traveled. But throughout my life I've moved from town to town, city to city. And I've gotten used to moving and what that entails, like for one having few possessions so I can pack up and move my 'life' at the flip of a switch. I've since married and finally put down roots. But even then, I'm open to moving if my family needs it, maybe my kids can learn about change that way too. Change is good, but it's also often necessary and we all learn it one way or another.
    Happy New Year to everyone, and best of luck to all and changing for the better.

  • @BatTech_
    @BatTech_ 5 місяців тому +1

    This makes me feel a lot better about feeling like I'm only just starting to figure myself out at 30. Happy birthday, hope you have an incredible 2024

  • @KalarMeadia
    @KalarMeadia 5 місяців тому

    The video I needed to hear at a time I needed to hear it. I'm at a crossroads in life and that was another point of affirmation to tell me that my choices are indeed worth the risk. Thanks!

  • @SavageD-qi2ti
    @SavageD-qi2ti 5 місяців тому

    Great stuff man. I've only got a couple years on you, just recently turned 36, but I can say that I have dealt with similar thoughts and feelings, and it's interesting becoming more self aware as I get older. You've got a unique perspective, and a very eloquent way with words, and it's nice hearing you say things like this out loud. Keep growing and journeying and talking about it, I think we need more people making content like this. I'm saving this one to go back to again later. Happy birthday, and good luck in the new year, really looking forward to seeing where you go with all of this.

  • @escapeinto4khd319
    @escapeinto4khd319 5 місяців тому

    Nomad, A brave new insight for you young man. Ireland will be grand take in the heritage and culture , I did not want to leave on my visit. Change is necessary for us all if we want to fulfill our dreams, express our emotions or simply get up off the couch to take out the garbage. At 65 years young I still ponder what I’m I here for? Who I’m I supposed to be or what have I done to create something? The answers are fleeting as life hits you harder as you get older. Health, financial, family, career become the guidelines of the life tour living. Each generation has change to deal with and unfortunately now the change is so rapid, you can never catch up so you just survive and keep dreaming. I’m a child at heart and still love my home theater ( you tube channel never fulfilled) video games since “ Pong” 😂 Yep my generation had some incredible changes which I’ll hold dear to my heart forever.Thank you for your honesty and humility as it’s not easy putting that out there for the world to see. Happy NewYear and best of health. Oh I almost forgot! My void Titan build needs some work any suggestions 😂. ✌️😎✌️

  • @w00trox
    @w00trox 5 місяців тому

    Happy Birthday, Nomad! :) Thanks for your content and your take on change. I did enjoy this life chat content, keep it up! Hope you have a safe and successful move to Ireland!

  • @desireescott-mccray2523
    @desireescott-mccray2523 5 місяців тому

    Happy Birthday, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and God bless you man. Thank you

  • @ThawZero
    @ThawZero 5 місяців тому

    Thanks, I enjoyed this positive reinforcement. Happy New Year!

  • @the_real_ick
    @the_real_ick 5 місяців тому

    Well young sir, you kind of hit the nail on the head with this one for me. I am about to embark on another episode of my life. I am coming to the end of my career and I have a plan to become a nomad myself. I certainly wish I had the ability and sense to do it when I was younger but didn't, so I'm going to do it at age 58. Like another post here stated, "I'm still figuring things out" too but I'm going to see all that I can of the world before it becomes too late.

  • @CRVSE
    @CRVSE 5 місяців тому

    Thx for the msg. Was actually a great one to begin a new year.
    Happy 32. Things change when you finally start leaving the "30" behind hahaha.

  • @frankiechan9651
    @frankiechan9651 5 місяців тому

    Happy Birthday and Happy New Year Nomad.
    Glad that you did say that change is not easy and will have a cost, but sometimes you just have to take a deep breath and go.
    I'm 52 and try to adhere to a couple of (loose) rules.
    If you aren't failing, you're not learning - and I'm always trying to learn. I picked up guitar at 49 as a lockdown hobby - I still suck, but it's fun annoying the kids with my "old man rock" from the 80's
    The other is that you have a limited amount of energy - save it for what is important and ignore the static. (I'm much happier because of this one)

  • @clickstorm847
    @clickstorm847 5 місяців тому

    happy birthday AN, and happy new year. life has tossed me around a lot the past 2 years and i feel like i have no clue who I am, but more recently have a picture of who i want to be. it's scary, but exciting. cheers

  • @jssolly
    @jssolly 5 місяців тому

    Happy New year Buddy! Great Video and top words, very motivational 👏 🙌

  • @Not-Jank
    @Not-Jank 5 місяців тому

    Happy birthday sir I look forward to seeing more of you in the years to come

  • @brassnubs1136
    @brassnubs1136 5 місяців тому

    I usually don't comment on content but I really just had to say this video came to me at such an interesting time in my life and I heard a lot of things that I needed to hear. I always enjoy your content, but I'm really glad you put this video out when you did, Nomad. Happy birthday, mate!

  • @zimpetrichor4919
    @zimpetrichor4919 5 місяців тому

    Happy Birthday mate. I loved this video. Thank you for making it. From Japan.

  • @davidlicea8971
    @davidlicea8971 5 місяців тому

    Happy birthday man!
    Keep up the good work.

  • @latenightmp7978
    @latenightmp7978 5 місяців тому

    thanks for the honest chat about this.
    Great point about raw emotion, it's something ive struggled with.

  • @osteohiveporosis6882
    @osteohiveporosis6882 5 місяців тому +2

    Happy Birthday Ascendant!

  • @brettdykema4902
    @brettdykema4902 5 місяців тому

    Happy birthday brother, thanks for the words of wisdom. Not spoken of enough.

  • @williamcatlin5846
    @williamcatlin5846 5 місяців тому

    This was fantastic and happy birthday! I hope to see much much more of you personally as well as with Destiny stuff in this year!

  • @ahmedhassan9256
    @ahmedhassan9256 5 місяців тому

    Big love to you man. Happy birthday

  • @dylr7883
    @dylr7883 4 місяці тому

    Thanks man. If you're here, the statement 'once you actually LEARN your emotions, everything changes' is so true please do not let this gloss over you.

  • @tjj2011
    @tjj2011 5 місяців тому

    I think this was a timely video for me Ascendant Nomad I appreciate it man, I have loved your Destiny videos over the years but really like this one appreciate you man. Praying for an awesome 2024 ahead for you

    • @tjj2011
      @tjj2011 5 місяців тому

      Also Happy Birthday for 2 days ago I hope you had a beautiful day 😃

  • @michaellewis7605
    @michaellewis7605 5 місяців тому

    Absolute banger of a video. Love your content man.

  • @mattvanin
    @mattvanin 5 місяців тому

    This was great. Thank you and happy birthday!

  • @micahharp103
    @micahharp103 5 місяців тому +1

    I tell myself constantly “Change will never happen if nothing changes.” I can’t remember who the quote is from but, Nobody can be prepared for everything that life throws at them. Fix what you don’t like. Perseverance is the best trait to keep. No matter what happens, have faith in yourself and what you’re capable of and you won’t be left behind. Never give up on yourself!

  • @kestrelhensley9410
    @kestrelhensley9410 5 місяців тому

    Thank you ascendant nomad! Very timely and helpful.

  • @ahreuwu
    @ahreuwu 5 місяців тому +1

    Ascendant Nomad, your Lifestyle Doctor. Just kidding, happy birthday!
    This video really speaks to me. I'm not ready for change, but I need to change a ton of stuff in my life. Stuff happens, change is needed. Thank you for the encouragement 💜

  • @wolf1nsoul
    @wolf1nsoul 5 місяців тому

    THANK YOU for having a courage to make a video like this Nomad...I'm only 19, but this is seriously what i needed to hear right now! Happy New Year Mr Crucible :)

  • @noturaveragedad
    @noturaveragedad 5 місяців тому

    Happy Birthday!! I am somewhat envious of the adventures you’ve already had in your life as someone who is 46 and only ever lived in one country and in fact 1 state ever.

  • @danielvigario3477
    @danielvigario3477 4 місяці тому

    You have no idea how much i needed this.
    I've been through quite a bit in the last few years. Big mental health struggles, overcoming those struggles, advancing in life with studies, borderline forcefully quiting studies from both a phisical problem with need for surgery and the comback of the mental health problems, followed by a big attempt at geting back to where i was, followed by the same phisical problem thought to be solved by that first surgery. Feels like i've been constantly getting kicked while down. Now that im in a better place mentally, my biggest problem is actually getting my life back together, getting back to university, maybe with a part-time on the side, cuz money's being a struggle in itself. It's been incredibly hard to find the strength to make this first step and I feel like these motivational speaches are what will make me get there. I've been getting a fair share of these, don't know if i'ts just the soothing voice, but yours felt special, so thanks a LOT. Late Happy Birthday!

  • @TheMrMayo
    @TheMrMayo 5 місяців тому

    Well, surprise to me! Happy Birthday and New Years to you! What a thing to find out, eh?
    We all hope you continue to find that good in your life, and we'll take your advice to heart! I've had considerations in doing something like this, but my timid and anxious nature has prevented me to jump into growing up (at 26 and never dated before).
    Guess there will always be something to learn in life.

  • @CapKong
    @CapKong 5 місяців тому

    Happy birthday Nomad, lots of love from Aus

  • @TheRealBlueJay
    @TheRealBlueJay 5 місяців тому

    Needed to hear this today - thanks, Nomad 💙

  • @ctrlcf
    @ctrlcf 5 місяців тому

    I turn 22 next month. I’m planning a move to North Carolina sometime in the next 1 to 3 years. I resonate so much with this video. I’m looking for change and no matter how bad my pay is I’ll be damned if I’m not saving a shit ton of money so that I can do it. I’m putting the money I was planning on using to wipe some stuff off my bucket list (see the Nürburgring, buy my affordable dream car while it still might actually be affordable) because my need for a change is greater than that. I don’t think the fear has kicked in yet as I’m still a little ways off but I’m anticipating it. If I’m not willing to make that change and make the personal sacrifices necessary to make that change then who else do I have to blame when the change is never made?

  • @dakadavew2577
    @dakadavew2577 5 місяців тому

    Happy new year and happy birthday- not my style of content but hope you do well in whatever endeavor you choose

  • @jeffabbott8593
    @jeffabbott8593 5 місяців тому

    I needed this. Thank you sir.

  • @kurtnordli1381
    @kurtnordli1381 5 місяців тому

    Happy Birthday Ascendant Nomad Hope you had a great birthday and happy new year man.

  • @HawkeyeVoid
    @HawkeyeVoid 5 місяців тому

    Thank you for your wisdom, Life Doctor

  • @keenan1987
    @keenan1987 5 місяців тому

    This is a good video pal.......can help a lot of folks! I agree with all of this. Also, looking forward to seeing you about Ireland again! Happy New Year

  • @sweetfrankatlas7015
    @sweetfrankatlas7015 5 місяців тому

    Love this content! Very uplifting

  • @ma90291
    @ma90291 5 місяців тому

    Brilliant. Happy birthday and a happy New Year!

  • @corvuscorax1740
    @corvuscorax1740 5 місяців тому

    Happy birthday nomad! Thanks for the motivation!

  • @R4W8O4
    @R4W8O4 5 місяців тому

    Happy Birthday! Keep up the great content!

  • @TheSmokingMando
    @TheSmokingMando 5 місяців тому

    Happy birthday man and amazing video

  • @BrotherKaiju
    @BrotherKaiju 5 місяців тому

    This was beautifully said, Nomad. Thank you for your thoughts, would love to see more content like this from you.

  • @Gstlarox135
    @Gstlarox135 5 місяців тому

    Happy birthday & happy new year. I'd love to see more videos like this if you enjoyed making them

  • @averymyles1707
    @averymyles1707 5 місяців тому

    Happy birthday! Great video

  • @russellsotebier8724
    @russellsotebier8724 5 місяців тому

    Happy Birthday and Happy New Year! I'm 60 and like you i didn't "get it" until I was in my early thirties either.

  • @Netherminded
    @Netherminded 5 місяців тому

    One of the better new years messages I've heard, largely because you're of the same age as your audience. The dulcet delivery helps a lot, of course. As does the varied experiences of being a third-culture-kid. You clearly derived quite a bit of cultural knowledge and human insight from it. One of the privileges we enjoy in exchange for rootlessness.
    Having had a life (or part of it) not dissimilar to yours, and being similar age, perhaps this is just the time of life we're thinking about change. I think this feeling of '"adulthood" comes from developing a sense of our own intentions and direction in life, aside from received "wisdom". There's the world you were told to prepare for, and the world into which you actually arrive.
    In my case, I returned from my years growing up in the gulf region to a home country very different to the one my parents grew up in. They only knew old country they had lived in, and their advice to the country of the past. It took me too long to realise how little use the parental-instructed vision of life was to me in the new economy, but building confidence in your own decisions isn't easy. Adulthood arrives when you're charting your own path and asking your own questions. Maybe.
    A welcome message, happy birthday.

  • @pollyon
    @pollyon 3 місяці тому

    you are exceptional at this type of video

  • @jcalcgaming
    @jcalcgaming 5 місяців тому

    Happy New Year!

  • @dewdusmaximus7692
    @dewdusmaximus7692 5 місяців тому

    Awesome content as always. Happy Birthday and Happy New Year to you!

  • @outrider45games
    @outrider45games 5 місяців тому

    To answer your question: more of this content when you feel the inspiration to do so. Its nice getting the reminder of our similarities as human beings (fears, hopes, failures, etc.,) in the hopes that it inspires change in us regardless of how small it may seem. Those small changes add up over time & frankly we could all use some small changes to improve our lot in life. Thank you, Nomad & happy birthday young wolf.

    • @The.Underdawg
      @The.Underdawg 5 місяців тому

      Agreed. Especially regarding the first sentence.

  • @colincarey6561
    @colincarey6561 5 місяців тому

    Commenting to support the algorithm. Great video, glad you’re trying out different videos. Keep it up!

  • @OldInsomniac
    @OldInsomniac 5 місяців тому

    Many happy returns!

  • @failfurby
    @failfurby 5 місяців тому

    you've got more figured out at 32 than i do at 37. mentality is a huge part, there is no getting around that, and being reminded of that by people that i admire is always helpful. cheers and have a good day and a good year.

  • @NIN_71
    @NIN_71 5 місяців тому +4

    Happy Birthday Nomad 🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤

  • @mikufollower8564
    @mikufollower8564 5 місяців тому +1

    Im 30 now but during my 20's i felt like i didn't know what i wanted to do with my life and I would feel so bad seeing everyone i knew move on in life, getting married, having a hour and a stable job while i was doing just enough to get by. Now i have come to accept the limitations slowing me down from achieving my goals and slowly but surely getting to a comfortable place where i am happy.

  • @Jhhkjjj
    @Jhhkjjj 5 місяців тому

    Happy birthday Nomad!! 🎉🥳

  • @ShadowDestiny
    @ShadowDestiny 5 місяців тому +2

    Happy birthday and new year my friend

  • @TheLethalSmile
    @TheLethalSmile 5 місяців тому

    Thank you for this video. I have just completed my masters degree in applied behavior analysis and have just been promoted to a behavior specialist in my current situation. I feel as if I’ve been tossed into the blender and expected to know more than I feel I do. But this video feels like a virtual representation of of what I am going through. Change. Complete change. Happy belated birthday man. I do appreciate you, stranger.

  • @hooky17
    @hooky17 5 місяців тому

    Really appreciate this. Great take. Change can take place for everyone. Even if you have 'figured it out'. I'm 35, own a house, have an incredible partner and a stable job that I enjoy. But I really want to get in to content creation and/or streaming. Not necessarily as a career but because I enjoy that field of entertainment. I've always suffered heavily with imposter syndrome, even in my development career of 15 years I still feel like I'm going to be "caught out" for not knowing what I'm doing. That 'fear' you talk about definitely holds me back. So thank you for this. It helps