Oneness Pentecostal Pastor: Why I Left!
- Опубліковано 5 лют 2025
- On this episode of the AC podcast, Andy Steiger sat down with friend David Drysdale to discuss David's journey out of Oneness Pentecostalism. Given that David was pastoring a Oneness church, this was not an easy decision to make. There's a lot to learn from David's encounter with the fruit of truth and what fidelity to the truth can cost you. for more!
Hello There...David here. This video was not meant as a take down of UPCI or Oneness theology. My Pastor and home church in Jamaica has kept me safe and have poured more into me than I can ever repay. The interview is my honest journey and is meant to help anyone who like me have been searching. There are many precious people who will forever be dear to me from my earliest childhood church. I really do not have an axe to grind or under current agenda. Maybe those who have written harshly without consideration to the tone and truthfulness of the presentation as best as I could express may want to consider if your response in of itself doesn't prove the point of the coldness once anyone deviates from what was taught to us. May The Good LORD help all of us find a place at the foot of His Cross. May all of you have a great day. David Drysdale
Galatians 1:8-9 KJV
8 But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.
9 As we said before, so say I now again, if any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.
(Scripture says it) - settled FOREVER!!!!
true and if given the opportunity I will in another broadcast...not withstanding the video was not to appease Oneness thinkers but to cause anyone who cares to vulnerably confirm what we have been taught to know that it is scriptural to do so @@TalkTheos
@@daviddrysdale6673 You've made a dreadful error if you think that the doctrine of the Trinity (DT) is superior to the Oneness doctrine. You may believe that your “journey” was truly investigative, but you definitely do not realize that every version of the DT entails contradictions which render it untrue and disqualified as even a template for biblical interpretation. You will either affirm some version of composition in the Godhead or some form of tritheism.
I do not believe in being baptised at the time you were--age 10. I presume you also think you were born of the Spirit at that time ( correct me if I am wrong). No person however gets born of the Spirit until they finish with their life of sun. That time comes as an adult. Ten year olds are not even come yet to their teen years when they fall into sin and die because of that sin.
@@davidcoleman5860 I rejected Oneness doctrine after being in the movement in one form or another for almost 60 years. I did not really understand the doctrine of the Trinity as I was only presented with straw man arguments against it. Oneness doctrine is reductionist and heretical in the context of the historic Christian faith.
One God One Faith One Baptism
Again, you didn’t even listen or study the word for your self. This is something you are used to hearing . Again, what did Jesus say Mathew 28:18? Are you a follow of Christ or your denomination ? Because He isn’t coming back for a specific denomination .
Read throughout the Bible there is a CLEAR distinction, between all in their nature , but still being one God
@@TinaSelftalk What does Matthew 28:18 have to do with anything?
It says one baptism.. Which to me means it's spirit only otherwise it would be 2 baptisms spirit and water.
@@anthonybardsley4985 what does he mean in John chapter 3 than?
Glad I found this video, his story resonates with a lot of us who have left or are leaving the Oneness Pentecostal movement. I could relate to so much of what he had to say. It is eye opening to say the least when one begins to realize that there are Godly, Christlike people outside the Oneness movement that are faithfully serving the Lord and his church.
I’m a Oneness Pentecostal and i do stand by the beautiful doctrine of the mighty God in Christ. 1 Timothy 3:16 “And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness, God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.” as John 1:1 puts it, “In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God.” verse 14 says, “And the word was made flesh and dwelt among us ( And we beheld his glory, the glory of the only begotten of the father,) full of grace and truth.” I still believe that God is one. I believe in baptism in Jesus Name. I believe in the baptism of the Holy Ghost. And i am not afraid to stand firmly on the Word of God and declare the truth.
No Oneness Pentecostal, even Dr. David K Bernard, can explain John 17:5 in its original Greek. Jesus specifically states that He was WITH the Father before the world began. The Greek word there is παρά, and Jesus refers to The Father with σοί, meaning “You” in the dative singular grammatical case. When παρά is used with a dative noun, it ALWAYS refers to being beside or alongside something. This is true across all ancient Greek literature. Jesus Christ, The Son of God, was present alongside The Father before the world began as a distinct Person, but is still the One God along with The Father. This is the only way we can reconcile Christ’s own words.
@@zunir0a well if Jesus is part of God then how does he have ALL power in heaven and earth. and why is it that the ideology of the trinity is never mentioned in the Bible. NOT ONCE. no where in the Bible does it say God is three persons. it doesn’t say part of God. but it does say” hear oh Israel, the Lord our God is ONE Lord.” and Jesus says that this is the most important commandment in the Old Testament. The truth is that the trinity wasn’t even invented until around AD 200 and the only reason that the roman’s invented the trinity is so all of the hellenistic people would see God as a more polytheistic being. all throughout the Old Testament the Bible teaches the Oneness message. and all throughout the New testament It teaches the same. Our God is ONE. “Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ. For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily. And ye are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power: In whom also ye are circumcised with the circumcision made without hands, in putting off the body of the sins of the flesh by the circumcision of Christ: Buried with him in baptism, wherein also ye are risen with him through the faith of the operation of God, who hath raised him from the dead.” Colossians 2:8-12 I’m sorry if I seem rude but i am sure that God is ONE. there is none beside him. Jesus is God in the flesh. “And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.” 1 Timothy 3:16.
@@Luke_English_2008 The Trinity is attested to in the writings of Ignatius of Antioch, the 2nd century patriarch of Antioch, the first city where Christians were first called such. He and his fellow patriarch Polycarp of Smyrna were direct disciples of the Apostle John. He was martyred in Rome in the year 107 and his letters are unanimously agreed to be authentic to him based on the haste in which they were written and the distinct Syrian-influenced Greek he wrote them in that matches with the Greek of the late 1st and early 2nd Century; modern scholars who defy this are considered fringe and neglecting truth. In his letter to the Trallians, he specifically states that any who tries to claim that “The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit are but the same person” was “Intermixing the poison of their deceit with their persuasive talk, as if they mingled aconite with sweet wine, that so he who drinks, being deceived in his taste by the very great sweetness of the draught, may incautiously meet with his death.” THIS IS A DIRECT DISCIPLE OF THE APOSTLES, LESS THAN 75 YEARS AFTER CHRIST. If the Church had fallen away by that point, then there is no possible way that anything done in Christianity today is true to the apostles. Moreover, Christianity has been entirely Trinitarian since at the latest the 4th Century, only changing within schismatics in the last 200 years. If the Trinity were untrue, then it would have been dethroned by The Holy Spirit within the Church, but it hasn’t. There have been no Jesus Only Movement or Oneness Pentecostal churches until 120 years ago. If Oneness is true, then you must admit that The Gates of Hell had won against The Church, because The Church had departed from Christ’s true teachings and not one person worshipped God properly or baptized properly. You would be directly saying that Jesus lied when he said “And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” in Matthew 16:18.
@@zunir0a most of this is true but the difference is that i am apart of the acts church because the we are founded on the apostles and we believe exactly what they preached in the book of acts. and also oneness pentecostals have been found all throughout the past 2000 years of history. the only reason we don’t hear about them is because the roman church was constantly trying to put them out. who do you think they were burning at the stake. i have a wonderful podcast episode for you if you are convinced that pentecostalism was first introduced in the early 1900.
As someone who actually grew up in the church he's discussing, I had friends that were trinity, full gospel, 7th day adventist and I have visited pentecostal assemblies and others etc. In my experiences I have felt the Holy Spirit greater in churches that adhered to holiness and followed the teaching of the apostles, acts 2:38 etc. Many pentecostal / full gospel services I've attended, I've never would have known they were even christian if I would have met them outside of church. The biggest issue I see is the idea of "organization". For example you have people sitting at a table in Missouri deciding is the church ok with television or not, and that works it's way down to the members. Are all the decisions all the time going to be correct? Probably not.
His experience resonates very closely with mine. Praise God the Father for his salvation which he has worked by his Son and given us his Holy Spirit through the true gospel! Our Triune God is good. There is none like him!
I am no longer a Christian, but I was raised in the Oneness Pentecostal Church (PAW), and honestly, this debate about the nature of God and the Godhead always annoyed because, at the end of the day, as long as both doctines believe that Jesus is divine and is God and that his death, burial and ressurection happened, what, exactly, are we going on about? 🤷🏾♂️
Because a composite God is no God at all. It is effective atheism. That's why it's such an important topic from the Oneness Pentecostal view (which I am).
You would think it does ..
@@davidcoleman5860 I thought so ! It is like an idol.
Dear Sir,
This issue is vital because one group is antichrist according to the Apostle John in 1John 4:1-6, and one group is the real deal:
Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God: And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world. Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.They are of the world: therefore speak they of the world, and the world heareth them. We are of God: he that knoweth God heareth us; he that is not of God heareth not us. Hereby know we the spirit of truth, and the spirit of error.
Also, VERY IMPORTANT, please note the words: “Jesus Christ is come IN the flesh” in this passage. Here is what John meant by that:And the Word was MADE flesh and dwelt among us…John1:14
1John 4:1-6 IS NOT saying that God merely ENDWELT flesh here, as oneness ppl teach. Or he would be contradicting what he said in John 1:14.
This the BIG issue. There are Egyptian magician snakes, and there’s Moses’s snake, which one is the snake made from truth? John in these 2 places gave us the ONE test needed to find out whether all these calling themselves “Christ” aka “Christians” really are Christians or not.
First: it must be established that the Son is more than a “nature” , “bodysuit”, or “humanity”. Oneness will say that Christ’s 2 natures were mutually exclusive, and each consiously self aware. But a “nature” is not self aware. Not only this, but this so-called “human nature” of Christ(the Son) claimed the Father had His “own self” that the Son did not have! So, what Oneness ppl are calling a “nature” the Scripture calls a “self”. A “self” is a person…bingo.
A ”person" does not have to have a body to be a "person". A person is a being/spirit that is self aware. Now check this out(look for the word "self"):
And now, O Father, glorify thou me with
>thine own self< with the glory which I had with thee before the world was. John 17:5
I can of >mine own self< do nothing: as I hear, I judge: and my judgment is just; because I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me. John 5:30
So also Christ glorified not >himself< to be made an high priest; but he that said unto him, Thou art my Son, to day have I begotten thee. Heb.5:5
Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of >himself
Did you stop being a Christian because you didn't understand the doctrine or because you didn't have a relationship with Jesus because you were struggling with coming out as a gay black man? There's reasons for a persons actions & beliefs. This isn't hating on you. When we comment on something, we need to state the full facts & not hide anything, because it misleds.
I respect him for seeking truth many do not. Yet I admonish him on this part, I myself was raised southern Baptist. During my teen years I started searching out the truth. I found a book in a store that was a world Bible had every religion in it from eastern, western, Nordic, Egyptian all religion and philosophy. In my search I found Jesus period. In scripture Jesus says knock and it shall be opened to you. I prayed thank you Father thank you Jesus thank you Holy Spirit. As do all trinitarians whether they admit it or not. I asked Jesus how can you bare the title Lord of Lords and King of Kings. Seeing your father is Lord and King of Israel. Co-equal didn’t seem to make sense with this statement. So I asked with all my being for the truth. Jesus spoke to me and asked me why I couldn’t understand what I was reading. Then asked me what is a man? I said a son of God if he believes. He said this is something a man can be, what is a man? I didn’t understand, he questioned Paul and said Paul tells you what a man is soul/spirit/body. The. He asked me how many men did I make in my image and in my likeness. Let us make man in our image and in our likeness. The angels didn’t help God make man, he alone did. Yet he made one man and placed him all alone in the garden and said it is not good that man dwell alone. Showing all creation there is no God besides me. Soul/body/spirit yet one man. Father/Jesus/Holy spirit yet one God. Jesus is the fullness of the Godhead bodily. Just as every man is the fullness of his soul and spirit bodily. No man can teach you this because you have to be given it by Jesus himself. Jesus said no man knows the father but the son and to whomsoever the son chooses to reveal him to. Seek this truth for yourself and stop following men God said I shall be to him a father and he shall be to me a son seek this meaning out before God. He will answer if you seek with all your heart. Paul said Lord who are you a Jew knows there is but one Lord and that one Lord said Jesus Christ whom you persecute.
Spot on. Man is body, soul and spirit, but he is one person. It's odd how trinitarians refer to God as “he,” but they turn right around and affirm a plurality of personal identities in God.
Amen 🙏
Jesus is Lord! Amen. One Baptism, One Lord of Lords. There is No other Savior but YHWH, Jesus means YAHWEH SAVES.
Isa 9 ; 6 son is everlasting father..
You guys are a cult and only became fashionable about 100 years ago
I’m sad to hear you left, but as Paul told both the Ephesians and the Colossians, it is by God‘s revelation to us personally of himself and of his word, that we are established in who he is.
While I appreciate David's honesty in sharing his journey, along with his angst with Oneness Pentecostalism (in Jamaica and Canada), I think there are several gaps in his presentation: especially since it fails to account for what went well while he was part of the movement. I often find that those who leave the Oneness Pentecostal movement for whatever reason demonstrate that they did not thoroughly understood its doctrines. This includes many who were placed in positions of authority. What this shows is that Oneness Pentecostals have not done too good a job at ensuring its leaders are properly trained beyond achieving their ministerial licences.
It is also important to point out that the exchange works both ways too: with quite large numbers of Trinitarians becoming Oneness, and these videos are becoming more popular for that reason. I look forward to have fruitful exchanges here with Apologetics Canada.
excellent observation.. a point that is often over looked.
Actually, it does not clear up by coming back to reality of Jesus being 100% man and 0% God...Unitarianism actually create more problems for who the biblical Jesus really was.@@Robert-55
There are a variety of beliefs under the "oneness" heading but the "Jesus only " view is the most vocal. These people do not believe that God has a Son who loved and submitted himself to his Father and have great difficulty respecting family relationships. They have idolized God by making him into a six foot man just as tritheistic trinitarians make him into three men. God is a spirit with a shape not visible to mankind. His Son has made him known.
What are variety of beliefs under Oneness heading? What does the term "Jesus only" means? Which Oneness do not believe that God has a Son? @@thomasschultz7770
I'm a Oneness Pentecostal pastor/theologian, and what you say is spot-on with respect to the inadequate training of ministers in the Apostolic movement (not just limited to the United Pentecostal Church). Even ministers who've graduated from their various Bible colleges are generally trained in a particular school of thought (along theistic personalism lines). I will also say, however, that many trinitarian leaders and laypersons (even scholars) are absolutely clueless when it comes to the logical objections to their doctrine (more properly, _doctrines_ of the Trinity). Indeed, their literature and UA-cam “apologetics” offer straw man versions of the logical objections, which of course doesn't help inform their listeners of anything that will further their education on the topic.
I commend your openness Pastor David and your resolve to trust God even as you questioned what you believed. May God's love continue to shine through you as you pursue the work of the Kingdom. May His bountiful blessings be upon you, your family and your congregation.
This Pastor is still confused. He needed to look deeper into
the Word and seek God for clarity and greater understanding. Instead, he exposed his congregation to the confusion he was experiencing. The number of members or the speed of growth in a church does not mean that God approves of the doctrine you teach. This is a very dangerous man in my view.
“Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; ………..1 Timothy 4:1-3 KJV
We are truly in the LAST DAYS. Pray for them all to SAVE THEM FROM THEMSELVES!
He is a very caring man who loves the truth. He was trapped in false doctrine and led his congregation out. That's not dangerous. That's actually the heart of a pastor who was led by the Holy Spirit.
Why is he dangerous?
@@thewitnessstandbroadcast8407 Because he's leading people into false doctrine.
May the Lord continue to strengthen you pastor Drysdale, it's a wonderful thing to be free.
Jesus Christ (The Eternally Existing Son of God, God The Son, Savior, Christ) promises eternal life ONCE you believe he died for your sins, was buried, rose again the 3rd day! Once Saved Always Saved! !!!!!!
The Jesus who died, was buried and resurrected, is the one God in the bible. There is no once saved and always saved.
Leaving the truth isn't freedom.
@OnoratoDiamanteeActually, there is no "God the Son'' written anywhere in the Bible.
I am so hearing you. I grew up oneness as well. I believe that part of the reason that this conversation is out there is so that oneness people can begin to understand that there is life outside of oneness only fellowships. I’m no longer Oneness in their sense, but I am Oneness. Jesus is God. I don’t know non-oneness people who believe otherwise. But growing up we were so exclusive and I thought non-oneness people were lost. Until God opened my eyes. Oneness people are way more accepting these days of Gods other people. Doctrine should never be something to 1. Keep us apart. 2. That we should rally a flag about in pride as if we are better then others. Some- and only some- oneness people give off that vibe, and it is not the humility and love of Jesus
One can have "humility and the love of Jesus" and still believe in the exclusivity of the Christian experience (meaning, the essentiality of the new birth and separation from the world). I am one of the most conservative preachers in the country (perhaps world), and we never teach that non-Apostolic people have no experience with God whatsoever. God deals with people in accordance with what they know, even if they're not Christians. However, His purpose in dealing with all people is to draw them into a closer relationship with Him. That tells us that if a person is sincere, he or she will be led by God's Spirit into a fuller understanding of the necessity of being born again. The fact that there are sincere people out there does not authorize us to change the Bible to make room for them outside the new birth.
I am no longer UPCI but still think of God as one being. Anyway UPCI is horrible!
@joycer6250 What would make you think that a Trinitarian does not belive that Jesus is God? I am a Trinitarian and very much believe that Jesus is God. That is part of the doctrine of the Trinity.
@@rodbergen7361 She never said that trinitarians don't believe Jesus is God. She is merely clarifying that though she is no longer exclusively in the Oneness fellowship, she still believes in Christ's deity.
@@davidcoleman5860 I assume you know her well since you are speaking for her.
I am not a part of this group but I do recognize the importance of the name of Jesus. It is the name that we invoke in prayer and Jesus told his disciples to approach the Father in his name. The apostles baptized the converts in the name of Jesus. If the name of the Father is Jehovah, and it should also be invoked, is there a name for the Spirit other than those mentioned? Questions for thought... I'm interested in hearing other views.
If you're interested in hearing other views, read David Bernard's The New Birth. Indeed, there are free copies of it online.
Matthew 28 19 was Changed by the RCC in second century it was originally written go ye therefore and teach all nations baptizing them in my Name. An early church father apologies named Eusebius had copies of early writings of Matthew he read it over 20 times it always said in my name latter the Trinity was added
@@davidcoleman5860 Thank you. I've read it.
i wouldn't bother, religion will be dead within 100 years. remember bastet? no of course not, she was only worshiped for 1000 years not 2
@@davidcoleman5860 meh.
I grew up oneness Pentecostalism . Been in it for over 30 yrs. I was one of the main persons who could articulate the doctrine very well, new convert and adult class teacher. And i was very sincere..But then the Lord began to seriously deal with my heart about the great error of oneness Pentecostalism. Now am so enlightened and enriched by Biblical orthodox truth.
Bible says god is a spirit, Holy Spirit , a spirit of god,jesus( son of god) but the Bible says these 3 are one. Jesus said , when you see me, you see the father, I and my father are one, the church started in acts, Peter said be baptized in Jesus name and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
I would suggest that the host sends an invitation to Dr David K Bernard to his podcast channel so that he can hear what the UPC really believes and teach.
Great interview gentlemen ! Perhaps a follow up ?
When facts are your friends, you can follow where the evidence leads. Well done, David.
But what you write is a near universal bias. People commonly think that what they believe is the truth (or the “facts”) when it becomes obvious after just a little inquiry they are woefully uninformed of the issues of which they speak. The doctrine of the Trinity (DT) entails contradictions in all its forms and is thus untrue. Indeed, it doesn't even qualify as a template for biblical interpretation due to its incoherence.
I grew up Oneness and what led me to become Trinitarian in belief is studying Church History and what the apostles and church fathers taught.
Sometimes I ask myself am I confused in God’s nature and quite frankly I still can’t wrap my head around Him, but that is OK my God is so great and Other Wordly that I take comfort in not being able to box Him in into a human definition.
Our concept of God is Limited
But we take comfort in knowing his Love is Limitless.
I left the UPCI almost 30 years ago and I still struggle with the mindset. Especially with that being in every single service and event and function regardless of anything you are experiencing or suffering from.
No sign was needed for Jesus at His baptism. The dove was a sign for John alone, and it is known for he testified of it. The voice was a for those at the service that would receive it, for some heard and thought it thundered. Jesus Christ, God manifest in the flesh, was in the water with two signs being given to confirm His identity. That does not a Trinity make.
Yes it does.
Explain how I authenticated the Trinitarian position. There was only one God here, with two signs, one for John and one for the people, authenticating the ministry of Jesus Christ, the Almighty God manifest in human flesh.
Why do you chose to call these Signs but in Acts 2:38 the water baptism and the hearing of tongues ( language ) was not a sign to the Jews only . Acts 2:36 Peter clearly states men of Israel “! That’s Jews not Gentiles
Baptism is not a sign. The sound of wind and tongues of fire were signs, the speaking in tongues was also a sign, and it still is. The voice and dove were also signs. The Visions of the book of Acts were signs, the presence of an angel on the ship during the storm was a sign, as was every miracle ever done in the New Testament.
The two signs at the baptism of Jesus were for John and the crowd respectively, not a public manifestation of a philosophical triune Deity.
Who was the HOLY SPIRIT teaching before the Oneness Pentecostals started in 1900?
John 14 : 16 says HE would be teaching the church forever, but no one taught oneness doctrine before 1900.
This argument could be made for every denomination at a certain point.
Especially any Protestant which would be 1500 years.
There are Oneness groups throughout history
Those who use the titles in baptism literally disregard or throw out the examples of the apostles , Acts 2, 10, 19, etc. Where they baptized all converts in the name of Jesus. -- gives authenticity to the definition of the focus on Matt 28:19. of the "name". Disregard scripture that all that you do in word or deed , do all in the name of Jesus . All authority in heaven and earth in the name. Col 2:9 ). So WHY would you NOT baptize in his name, regardless of what church you belong to?
The reason folks leave the Apostles' doctrine (Oneness doctrine), is because they can't bear the NARROW ROAD any longer. They basically love going back to the World which is what "Mainstream Christianity" is.
Wow that’s pretty judgmental of you. Typical oneness mindset right there. I should know, I was once oneness. Thank goodness I came to my senses.
Yes you came out of that because it was convenient. "There's a way that seems right to a man but the end is destruction."
Great music, luxurious air conditioned halls, smooth talk, sugar preaching, be blur about one's understanding about the Godhead, women in skimpy clothing, embrace the affairs of life, that's what causes you folks to cleave back to those churches and their doctrines..
@@David-qz1gy You may accuse him of being judgmental, but he's generally correct. I've been in Pentecost for over 43 years and have found that what he says is the case more often than not. People in holiness churches are like the Israelites in the Old Testament. The Israelites constantly wanted to be like the surrounding nations. They couldn't stand their unique relationship with God, so they sought to incorporate the lifestyles of their neighbors. And that's what apostate Pentecostals want to do. They want to talk, dress and live like the world while going to heaven. So, they live worldly under the radar for a while, and when they get tired of that, they get this “revelation” that Oneness is false doctrine after all! So, they throw it all away and go to a church that allows them to live like they want under the guise of “liberty from legalism.”
Same dress, different woman.
@@Gabyrock89 Brother I read your comment and you are right!. We are one in Christ Jesus, our one God. And yes men have abondoned the Narrow Gate to teach scripture. Here are some scriptures that back up my support of Oneness. The last scripture says it all with Stephen, seeing Jesus Christ in heaven with glory of God, and on the right hand. This just means Stephen doesn't see Jesus on earth who was not glorified, but in heaven he is glorified and with power. Jesus is God, Amen.
Matthew 7:13-14 NKJV
“Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.
Acts 2:38-41 King James Version (KJV)
Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
Acts 7: 54-58
When they heard these things, they were cut to the heart, and they gnashed on him with their teeth.
But he, being full of the Holy Ghost, looked up stedfastly into heaven, and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing on the right hand of God,
And said, Behold, I see the heavens opened, and the Son of man standing on the right hand of God.
Then they cried out with a loud voice, and stopped their ears, and ran upon him with one accord,
And cast him out of the city, and stoned him: and the witnesses laid down their clothes at a young man's feet, whose name was Saul.
And they stoned Stephen, calling upon God, and saying, Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.
There is where you're wrong. Talking about judgmental and you're doing the same thing. Let me see, you believe Jesus is the name of the Father. You believe that Jesus is the Father and the Holy Spirit. You believe Jesus was the Father in the Old Testament, the Son in the flesh in the New Testament and now He is the Holy Spirit. You believe Jesus is a unipersonal God because He is the only God. How I'm doing? Would you believe Joseph Smith taught the same thing in the Book of Mormons? There are seven places in the Book of Mormons that mentions this. Check it out if you wish. Mosiah 3:8; 15:2-4; 16:15; Alma 11: 38-39; Helaman 14:12; Ether 3:14; 4:7. Read for yourself.
Left oneness for trinity? So the Catholic Church who decided to change Jesus name Baptism in 325AD came to conclusion that apostles who walked with Jesus and wrote the new estimate was wrong and they understand the gospels and Acts better than the authors? Lolz
Thank you... Somebody gets it... Let us pray for the people that do not understand...
What is the evidence that the baptismal formula was changed in 325 AD?
The catholic encyclopedia admits they changed it
This is nonsense, Catholic changed nothing. Study for yourself friend.
Someone help me find the answer to this question please. How do you know if the thief on the cross was baptized or not?
He was not baptized because Jesus hasn’t fulfilled what he came to do . Remember what baptism means- Romans 6: 3-4.
John had disciples that were BAPTIZED ALREADY. John baptized Jesus and many others so that can’t be the answer.
@@pastoryoutube6682 John had disciples re-baptised in Jesus name in Acts 19. They were baptised in Jesus name and filled with the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost was not given until AFTER Jesus rose from the dead.
I understand all that Sir. I believe that. Acts 2:38 is the way of Salvation in the New Testament church! There were many people saying the thief went straight to heaven and was saved without being baptized; he went to paradise, the place of the righteous dead with old saints not New Covenant believers.
I wanted to know how do they know if he was baptized or not if the Bible doesn’t say! Where the Bible is silent we should remain silent and NOT FORCE A NARRATIVE ON THE BIBLE THAT JUST ISN’T THERE!
@@pastoryoutube6682 Ok, number one, no one goes to "heaven" after they die.
The righteous go to a place of rest. Waiting for the Rapture. The wicked go to a firey place of torment. Not yet the lake of fire.
It's the soul that goes to a rest, or, torment. The thief on the cross needed not the baptism or the Holy Ghost. Jesus spoke the word, and the man was saved. Jesus came to save people. The man was in a state of repentance, remorse. He knew within himself was coming. He recognized Jesus the saviour.
No one goes to heaven after they die. If we did, why a Rapture. Why a resurrection?
The Old Testament saints died in faith, even though under the Law. Paul said the Old Testament saints aren't made perfect without us. They prophesied this grace, but did not receive it. The New Testament church has.
Bottom line, WE need to be born again, of water and spirit. To be in the church.
The devil loves confusion through numbers.
Well God is not a trinity. God is one. God is a Spirit, and Paul said there is one Spirit. And Paul also said he that is joined to the Lord is one spirit.
Water baptism in Jesus name saves you. It washes away your sins.
Hear O Israel, the Lord our God is one.
Ah, the name of Jesus is a phrase? 7:22.
Neither is there salvation in any other. For there is no other name, under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. Acts 4:12.
The thief on the cross didn't have the Holy Ghost either. The Holy Ghost was not yet given until AFTER Jesus rose from the dead. And Jesus did not give the great commission until just before his assention into heaven.
Jesus saved Zacheus before going to the cross. Jesus told him; this day is salvation come to this man's house in as much he is a son of Abraham.
Zacheus was saved by faith.
Thank you for realizing the burden on your daughters. I'm disabled, and the skirts we wore weren't good for my mobility. My health is better now that I can wear what makes me comfortable. I can exercise and do so much more
I’m Apostolic oneness and this gentleman’s interpretation is not accurate. I would get a true oneness to come on your show and explain this wonderful doctrine in the light it should be explained.
JESUS CHRIST.. said in Luke 24:47
That repentance and remission of sins should be preached in Jesus name.. Acts 2:38 Repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. Nobody was baptized into a Trinity. NOBODY they were always baptized into Christ
Jesus him self said to go baptize in the name of the father n son Holy spirit
@theodoreritola7641 the name of the Father Son Holyghost is Jesus... remember Matthew was in the upper room on the day of Pentacost Acts1:12-14. He was rebaptised in the name of Jesus Christ.. if anyone should have rebuked Peter. For telling people to be baptized in Jesus name! Matthew who wrote Matthew 28:19 should have said something.. John's deciples were rebaptised! Acts 18:24-28 Acts 19- 1-4
Matthew's Baptism Matthew 19:3-4 was for repentance. Jesus Baptism was for REMISSION! and REMISSION could only happen after Jesus was crucified on the Cross..
Matthew 28:1-20 unto Repentance
Acts 24:45-47 REMISSION of sins
after Jesus told them this you will always find Baptism in Jesus name!! I'm not down playing your Repentance or your salvation Jesus loves you. and I praying you see 👀
Who was Jesus praying to in the Wilderness forty 40 days? Does the Father Love the SON. Do The Father and the SON LOVE EACH OTHER? The Son says to the father glorify the Son as i had been Glorified be for the foundations of the world
JAMES 2:19
ISIAH 44:6
ISIAH 45:21
ISIAH 45:18
Read your Bible don't just say what you have heard all your life regarding Jesus Christ.. if JESUS said here oh Israel the Lord God is one Matthew 22:36-37.. how can you decide? 🤔 who do you love more the Father. Son. Or the Spirit..
Please read the Scripture above if you have a Bible nearby ^
SOUNDS LIKE YOUARE FULL OF HATE To me. because i don't believe what you are saying what the bible teaches. I guess we will see what happens on J D
thank you for the conversation. I am apostolic, i do study study trinitarian doctrine cause the study of Jesus is theology in itself (though to encounter God is not through theology but faith). when i study it they start with the baseline God is one, i just get lost when it moves to three person. THanks for the video.
Humans are three in one. Body, soul, and spirit. Three parts, but one person.
Also, Jesus twice said that He "came out from God."
10:20 ish he states that Oneness believe that your sins are not forgiven at repentance or confession of Christ, but only by baptism in Jesus Name. If you read Acts 2:38 it says to be baptized in Jesus Name for the remission of sins. The word remission means forgiveness. So, this is what the bible teaches. In the entirety of the Book Of Acts everyone who believed on Christ was baptized in Jesus Name.
Acts never provides a quotation of what to say when baptizing someone. It only says they were baptized in Jesus name, or in the name of the Lord.
There must be seriousness when it comes to present yourself to the Lord. All I would like to know different is the new way of following Christ? Is the Lord still revealing His wisdom onto you? Must be a new story. I'm curious what changes has this brought to you? Can you tell us of a Godly experience ever since? Thanks
At around 8:20 he mentions that Oneness Pentecostals view the thief on the cross as not quite Old, but not New Testament; and the N.T. doesn't start till Acts 2. I have never heard this view from any Oneness person, and I grew up in this movement. In fact, they teach that Hebrews tells us that the testament is of no force until the testator dies. So, upon the death of Jesus Christ the New Testament begins. Thus the theif was under Old Testament and baptism wasn't required. Lastly, God in flesh can do whatever he wants. The reason's on why so we can figure out how we can use that to scapegoat around Biblical requirements of Matthew 28:19, Luke 24, and Acts 2:38, is insane. This shows the heart of the matter. If you use the thief to bypass the commands of Christ, you are in sin. This is what Oneness Pentecostals teach on this topic.
Jesus refers to His death as a baptism in itself. As a matter of fact our baptism is to be buried with him. The thief on the cross repented, was baptized into death with Christ on the cross, and was received into paradise. So in fact the thief on the cross was baptized. There are some that want to deny the need for baptism based on their misunderstanding of the thief on the cross; it is a Satanic deception. Read Romans 6 chapter.
How did John the Baptist baptized Jesus Christ? What wording he used? Is it the IN THE NAME OF THE FATHER, THE SON AND THE HOLY SPIRIT?
And pray tell, what is that one name?
Um, isn’t that the Great Commission? John baptised Jesus BEFORE that.
Now that is a good question. If you find out, please let me know. What we do know though is that, as the verse previous to Mat. 28:19 says: "All power is given to me in heaven and in earth".--approxiquote. Reason then should tell us that the name (singular) in vs. 19 is Jesus Christ. Besides, there are at least four versions in the A.V. of the Great Commission. There is Mark 16:15, Luke 24:47, but especially Acts 2:38. What one name is meant is made clear, so that we have no excuse to be baptizing using the Popish titles.
I can relate to aspects of his struggle. I too left the United Pentecostal Church (UPC) after discovering the grace of God and examining the doctrines I was raised to believe. Members often accuse those of us who leave of "taking the easy way out" because we no longer have to abide by all the same church "rules," but nothing could be further from the truth. There is nothing easy about leaving. I still have UPC family members who treat me with disdain and it's been over 20 years, but God has been faithful! Thank you for sharing this story.
Interestingly, in nearly 44 years as a Oneness Pentecostal, I've never heard backsliders referred to as “taking the easy way out.” The vast majority of those who leave for other churches, like Old Testament Israel, wanted to be like the nations surrounding them. And being prohibited from doing so in their respective congregations, they sought justification for their inclinations either within themselves, other malcontents or other teachers. None of them took the easy way out. They simply began a confirmation bias journey that landed them where they wanted to go.
For those who left for so-called theological reasons, they never understood the Oneness doctrine and were devoid of the revelation that Christ said was requisite for every person (Mt. 11:27; Lk. 10:22). The doctrine of the Trinity, in all its iterations, entails logical contradictions that render it false and disqualified as even a hypothesis for biblical interpretation. And the tragedy of it all is when I've shown them the very clear and blatant contradictions inherent therein, they refuse to do what they claim they did with the Oneness doctrine: abandon it for principled reasons. Rather, they dig in their heels because they have this psychological need to justify their leaving the truth. After making a big to-do over their realizing how “false” the Oneness doctrine was, and how wonderful it was to finally embrace the “triune” God, they'd lose face if they admitted to being duped by such a fabrication as the Trinity.
Taking the easy way out? No. They jumped out of what they thought was the frying pan into the fire.
@@davidcoleman5860 It's often so hard to make other Christians understand just how exclusive and judgmental UPC'ers are of them. I appreciate your comment, it helps drive home the points made in this video. Your classification of those who leave as "backsliders" is telling. Many who leave get accused of having never understood the Oneness theology, but we did. Just because you haven't heard us accused of taking the easy way out, doesn't mean it's not common.
@@ResponsibleFaith You write:
_It's often so hard to make other Christians understand just how exclusive and judgmental UPC'ers are of them._
Really? It's actually not that hard at all. Just get them to look in the mirror. The majority of Christian denominations believe in the exclusivity of the Christian message. Specifically, that people of other faiths will go to hell if they do not “accept Christ as their personal savior” before they die. Even Billy Graham insisted that a person must profess faith in Christ in order to be saved. And the Christian faiths have collectively stood against preachers and denominations who preached otherwise. It's a matter of “exclusivity is fine for me but not for thee.”
_Your classification of those who leave as “backsliders” is telling._
It's only “telling” in the sense of what anybody familiar with theology would expect. If an Assembly of God member converted to Roman Catholicism, it is expected that his denomination would consider him to be backslid due to what they consider the substitution of a faith-based soteriology with a works-based one. To most, if not all of them, such a move is a departure from the fundamentals of the gospel. What's surprising is not their calling said person backslid; it's said person's expecting the endorsement of his former fellowship. Whether or not one's former fellowship actually held the truth, it is never surprising when said group considers those who reject foundational doctrines backslid.
_Many who leave get accused of having never understood the Oneness theology, but we did._
I do not know who you are, so I have no idea to what extent you currently differ from the Apostolic faith. From your comments here, it appears you didn't like the “rules,” and you currently disavow the Oneness doctrine. If you really understood Oneness, you'd have no problem understanding why its rejection signals a fundamental error (from our perspective) because every iteration of the doctrine of the Trinity (if, indeed, you are now trinitarian) logically extends to tritheism or divine composition, which is effective atheism. There's not a snowball's chance in Riyadh that the two doctrines are compatible. If you think that they're just different flavors in the ice cream shop, then you didn't understand it at all, especially if you abandoned it in favor of something as demonstrably false as the Trinity. And please note, I'm not just expressing an opinion. I can prove everything I say.
_Just because you haven't heard us accused of taking the easy way out, doesn't mean it's not common._
I don't know what polling you've done, but unless there's some scientific study out there, your evidence is just as anecdotal as mine. I never said that you weren't accused of taking the easy way out. I'm simply saying that in nearly 44 years, I've never heard such a thing. And even if that's what was said at your expense, as my comments above indicate, I don't think that's what happened. You either never had a revelation of God's person (as Jesus said every person must in order to know who He is), or He did reveal Himself to you and you rejected it. If the latter, you're an apostate. If the former, you were simply ignorant. Having head knowledge is worlds different from having a revelation.
If you left the Oneness faith, you made a dreadful error. If you went with the Trinity, you didn't study the issue sufficiently to discover that it is logically at odds with itself, on par with square circles and married bachelors. You couldn't reconcile Oneness with what you were reading in the Bible, and since the trinitarian explanation made more sense and appeared consistent with the biblical record, you went with it. I say this as a former Baptist who's studied the Trinity for decades (reading Augustine, Aquinas, Athanasius, Gregory of Nyssa, Aquinas, Scotus, Craig, Geisler, White, Dolezal, etc.). No, you _didn't_ understand the Oneness doctrine, for you traded something you couldn't comprehend for something that is false on its own terms.
_It's often so hard to make other Christians understand just how exclusive and judgmental UPC'ers are of them._
Really? It's actually not that hard at all. Just get them to look in the mirror. The majority of Christian denominations believe in the exclusivity of the Christian message. Specifically, that people of other faiths will go to hell if they do not “accept Christ as their personal savior” before they die. Even Billy Graham insisted that a person must profess faith in Christ in order to be saved. And the Christian faiths have collectively stood against preachers and denominations who preached otherwise. It's a matter of “exclusivity is fine for me but not for thee.”
_Your classification of those who leave as “backsliders” is telling._
It's only “telling” in the sense of what anybody familiar with theology would expect. If an Assembly of God member converted to Roman Catholicism, it is expected that his denomination would consider him to be backslid due to what they consider the substitution of a faith-based soteriology with a works-based one. To most, if not all of them, such a move is a departure from the fundamentals of the gospel. What's surprising is not their calling said person backslid; it's said person's expecting the endorsement of his former fellowship. Whether or not one's former fellowship actually held the truth, it is never surprising when said group considers those who reject foundational doctrines backslid.
_Many who leave get accused of having never understood the Oneness theology, but we did._
I do not know who you are, so I have no idea to what extent you currently differ from the Apostolic faith. From your comments here, it appears you didn't like the “rules,” and you currently disavow the Oneness doctrine. If you really understood Oneness, you'd have no problem understanding why its rejection signals a fundamental error (from our perspective) because every iteration of the doctrine of the Trinity (if, indeed, you are now trinitarian) logically extends to tritheism or divine composition, which is effective atheism. There's not a snowball's chance in Riyadh that the two doctrines are compatible. If you think that they're just different flavors in the ice cream shop, then you didn't understand it at all, especially if you abandoned it in favor of something as demonstrably false as the Trinity. And please note, I'm not just expressing an opinion. I can prove everything I say.
_Just because you haven't heard us accused of taking the easy way out, doesn't mean it's not common._
I don't know what polling you've done, but unless there's some scientific study out there, your evidence is just as anecdotal as mine. I never said that you weren't accused of taking the easy way out. I'm simply saying that in nearly 44 years, I've never heard such a thing. And even if that's what was said at your expense, as my comments above indicate, I don't think that's what happened. You either never had a revelation of God's person (as Jesus said every person must in order to know who He is), or He did reveal Himself to you and you rejected it. If the latter, you're an apostate. If the former, you were simply ignorant. Having head knowledge is worlds different from having a revelation.
If you left the Oneness faith, you made a dreadful error. If you went with the Trinity, you didn't study the issue sufficiently to discover that it is logically at odds with itself, on par with square circles and married bachelors. You couldn't reconcile Oneness with what you were reading in the Bible, and since the trinitarian explanation made more sense and appeared consistent with the biblical record, you went with it. I say this as a former Baptist who's studied the Trinity for decades (reading Augustine, Aquinas, Athanasius, Gregory of Nyssa, Aquinas, Scotus, Craig, Geisler, White, Dolezal, etc.). No, you _didn't_ understand the Oneness doctrine, for you traded something you couldn't comprehend for something that is false on its own terms.
@@ResponsibleFaith _It's often so hard to make other Christians understand just how exclusive and judgmental UPC'ers are of them._
Really? It's actually not that hard at all. Just get them to look in the mirror. The majority of Christian denominations believe in the exclusivity of the Christian message. Specifically, that people of other faiths will go to hell if they do not “accept Christ as their personal savior” before they die. Even Billy Graham insisted that a person must profess faith in Christ in order to be saved. And the Christian faiths have collectively stood against preachers and denominations who preached otherwise. It's a matter of “exclusivity is fine for me but not for thee.”
_Your classification of those who leave as “backsliders” is telling._
It's only “telling” in the sense of what anybody familiar with theology would expect. If an Assembly of God member converted to Roman Catholicism, it is expected that his denomination would consider him to be backslid due to what they consider the substitution of a faith-based soteriology with a works-based one. To most, if not all of them, such a move is a departure from the fundamentals of the gospel. What's surprising is not their calling said person backslid; it's said person's expecting the endorsement of his former fellowship. Whether or not one's former fellowship actually held the truth, it is never surprising when said group considers those who reject foundational doctrines backslid.
_Many who leave get accused of having never understood the Oneness theology, but we did._
I do not know who you are, so I have no idea to what extent you currently differ from the Apostolic faith. From your comments here, it appears you didn't like the “rules,” and you currently disavow the Oneness doctrine. If you really understood Oneness, you'd have no problem understanding why its rejection signals a fundamental error (from our perspective) because every iteration of the doctrine of the Trinity (if, indeed, you are now trinitarian) logically extends to tritheism or divine composition, which is effective atheism. There's not a snowball's chance in Riyadh that the two doctrines are compatible. If you think that they're just different flavors in the ice cream shop, then you didn't understand it at all, especially if you abandoned it in favor of something as demonstrably false as the Trinity. And please note, I'm not just expressing an opinion. I can prove everything I say.
_Just because you haven't heard us accused of taking the easy way out, doesn't mean it's not common._
I don't know what polling you've done, but unless there's some scientific study out there, your evidence is just as anecdotal as mine. I never said that you weren't accused of taking the easy way out. I'm simply saying that in nearly 44 years, I've never heard such a thing. And even if that's what was said at your expense, as my comments above indicate, I don't think that's what happened. You either never had a revelation of God's person (as Jesus said every person must in order to know who He is), or He did reveal Himself to you and you rejected it. If the latter, you're an apostate. If the former, you were simply ignorant. Having head knowledge is worlds different from having a revelation.
If you left the Oneness faith, you made a dreadful error. If you went with the Trinity, you didn't study the issue sufficiently to discover that it is logically at odds with itself, on par with square circles and married bachelors. You couldn't reconcile Oneness with what you were reading in the Bible, and since the trinitarian explanation made more sense and appeared consistent with the biblical record, you went with it. I say this as a former Baptist who's studied the Trinity for decades (reading Augustine, Aquinas, Athanasius, Gregory of Nyssa, Aquinas, Scotus, Craig, Geisler, White, Dolezal, etc.). No, you _didn't_ understand the Oneness doctrine, for you traded something you couldn't comprehend for something that is false on its own terms.
God: " Hear o Israel, The Lord Thy God, one God is."
Translate the "One" in Hebrew. It means "One" or "Unity"
@LoveLove-gw2td This is something I believe as a Trinitarian
@@tatlobaynte8571 Yes, the word _echad_ is either numerically one or compositely one. God is not composite, so the plural aspect of _echad_ does not apply. Hence, God is numerically one without composition.
re;Baptism: There are two parts to baptism.
1- The Meaning of baptism. By the meaning of baptism, we mean the in-dwelling of the Holy Spirit which occurs at the moment one is born again.
2- The Mode of baptism. Is the method of baptism (immersion, aspersion etc...) whereby the candidate testifies openly by his testimony that he is born again and has decided to follow the Lord.
The thief on the cross was baptized has he accepted Jesus has his Saviour and did not under the circumstances obligated to be baptized by the mode.
The apostles were baptized of the Spirit at Pentecost, yet there is not a single verse that can be found where any of them were immersed or otherwise. Neither was the thief on the cross.
Bless you pastor Drysdale. How can I contact him?
takedown and undercurrent should both be spelled as one word...excuse the syntax errors.
I do agree with oneness theology regarding Jesus as God, as Essence of divine and Jesus as Son (person human). But they got it all wrong with the preexistence of Jesus before the creation of this world. please see John 10:58 where Jesus said before Abraham I Was. and see Micah 5:2 He is called the ancient of days and Isaiah 9:6 He is called everlasting father. Oneness pentecostal can never refute this
Jesus Name Baptism is a seperate conversation.
If God reveals to me trinity, it doesn't change Acts 2:37 thru Acts 2:41.
Simon Peter said; But there were false prophets among the people, even so there shall be false teachers among you, who shall privily bring in damnable heresies, and even denying the Lord God that bought them.
And many shall follow their pernicious ways by way of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of.
Happy to know God is One not 3 different people
Dear Sir,
This issue is vital because one group is antichrist according to the Apostle John in 1John 4:1-6, and one group is the real deal:
Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God: And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world. Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.They are of the world: therefore speak they of the world, and the world heareth them. We are of God: he that knoweth God heareth us; he that is not of God heareth not us. Hereby know we the spirit of truth, and the spirit of error.
Also, VERY IMPORTANT, please note the words: “Jesus Christ is come IN the flesh” in this passage. Here is what John meant by that:And the Word was MADE flesh and dwelt among us…John1:14
1John 4:1-6 IS NOT saying that God merely ENDWELT flesh here, as oneness ppl teach. Or he would be contradicting what he said in John 1:14.
This the BIG issue. There are Egyptian magician snakes, and there’s Moses’s snake, which one is the snake made from truth? John in these 2 places gave us the ONE test needed to find out whether all these calling themselves “Christ” aka “Christians” really are Christians or not.
First: it must be established that the Son is more than a “nature” , “bodysuit”, or “humanity”. Oneness will say that Christ’s 2 natures were mutually exclusive, and each consiously self aware. But a “nature” is not self aware. Not only this, but this so-called “human nature” of Christ(the Son) claimed the Father had His “own self” that the Son did not have! So, what Oneness ppl are calling a “nature” the Scripture calls a “self”. A “self” is a person…bingo.
A ”person" does not have to have a body to be a "person". A person is a being/spirit that is self aware. Now check this out(look for the word "self"):
And now, O Father, glorify thou me with
>thine own self< with the glory which I had with thee before the world was. John 17:5
I can of >mine own self< do nothing: as I hear, I judge: and my judgment is just; because I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me. John 5:30
So also Christ glorified not >himself< to be made an high priest; but he that said unto him, Thou art my Son, to day have I begotten thee. Heb.5:5
Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of >himself
@happyfeetlives5878 not 3 different people. Three DISTINCT Persons. The Trinity is 1 Being, 3 Persons. Nowhere, in any creed, will you see them described as people.
@@JesusPPKcan you define persons?
@jeremymeadors4131 theologically, it's referring to personality. It is to represent as a person; to personify; to impersonate.
Can you define what person means?
@@JesusPPK I understand something being persons as either being three separate individuals or three separate streams of consciousness, both of which would be either wildly inappropriate when applied to God or completely against the word of God in my interpretation of scripture. You said yourself to personify or impersonate. Would not both of those imply that it is another person personifying or impersonating God but not being God. And if it’s three different personalities of God does that mean that God now has split personalities and if so which one is the dominant personality which one has the final say?
I was saved Oneness. I keep seeing Jesus as a seperate person. In scripture, especially when he is praying to God in John Chapter 17.
God is omnipresent. He is present as the Father forever as well as in His own human body as JESUS CHRIST! What is so hard to understand? He is present everywhere as the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost!!!! He is ONE !!!! Period. Father in creation ! Son in redemption ! Holy Ghost in regeneration ! ONE sits on the throne and does it ALL! ONE !
WHEN Jesus himself is speaking to these people and now that he is not there (physically) it must be in HIS name -JESUS
jesus is dead mate he's not talking to anyone these days.
This is pretty relatable. You ask the wrong questions or bring up valid points, all hell WILL break loose. You will be condemned. If it makes you feel better, while gentleness would have been better, I'm not sure you could have avoided the backlash no matter how you approached it
You better be careful rejecting “works”.
1. James says I’ll show you my faith by my works.
2. The devil also believes there is One God and trembles, so if you just need to literally believe and confess, as you say, then the devil is saved.
3. Finally, when it is all said and done. You will be judged by your works. You will be judged by every idle work. In Revelation (of Jesus btw) all seven church letters begin with “I know thy works” He was judging them by their works. These were letters to Churchs so presumably they had been saved at one point.
Your never to old to discover truth..praise God that this pastor found truth..
Still waiting for a sensible reason. Why he left.
He should do a series on this!
The thief on the cross made it into heaven the same way David did. The holy ghost did not come to the church until 50 days later. Jesus was the first born of all men three days later.
The thief died under the old covenant. The new covenant did not begin until Jesus was resurrected and concurred death.
Who's Angry? Everyone has the right to choose. I am Oneness but I'm not anti-trinity. I just do not believe in Trinity. Believe Whatever you want my Brother, and God Bless.
I’m so sorry for you bro. “Who did hinder you that ye should not obey the truth” Gal. 5:7
Never in the Scripture is the word trinity found. However, one, alone, by myself is the common language to describe the state of God in His uniqueness.
Hear oh Israel, the Lord our God is one (Deut. 6:4). This is the greatest commandment for a reason. God is one, not two, not three. No such thing as Hear oh Israel the Lord is three. You are twisting the scripture and still in your sins if you believe this. You have crucified the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame. (Hen. 6:6)
The doctrine of the trinity is a construct of the Catholic Church it’s all there in the history records open and plain to see you just have to do the research.
The Trinity IS Scripture, and continued to be seen after Scripture with Polycarp John's disciple and onward, it most definitely did not originate with the Catholic church.
1#.The word Trinity is latin and means "threefold",and in English Bibles the word "threefold" is found in Eccl. 4:12 KJV. Not only this, read Isa. 48:16. The Trinity is throughout the Bible.
2#: The CONCEPT of the Trinity, one God 3selves/persons is NOT Catholic it completely comes from Scripture. Check it out for yourself: One God: Deut. 6:4, 3selves:
Father has a self of His own:
And now, O Father, glorify thou me with >thine own self< with the glory which I had with thee before the world was. John 17:5
Son has a self of His own:
I can of >mine own self< do nothing: as I hear, I judge: and my judgment is just; because I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me. John 5:30
So also Christ glorified not >himself< to be made an high priest; but he that said unto him, Thou art my Son, to day have I begotten thee. Heb. 5:5
The Spirit has a self of his own:
Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of >himself;< but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come. John 16:13
And each of these selves are God.
The Father calls the Son God:
But unto the Son he saith, Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever: a sceptre of righteousness is the sceptre of thy kingdom. Heb. 1:8
This verse here says God has a God:
Thou lovest righteousness, and hatest wickedness: therefore God, thy God, hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows.Ps. 45:7
God doesnt just hand concepts to ppl on a silver platter. He wants ppl to think and dig: It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter. Pro. 25:2.
Finally, the modern Catholic church currently adheres to something called Vatican2 and Vatican2 says the Catholic church worships the same god as the Muslims. So the Catholic church has denied the Trinity. The Muslim god is not the God of the Bible who is the Trinity: one God 3selves/persons. Muslims utterly deny the divinity of the Son, as does every oneness group. Meanwhile if you throw out everything the Catholic church claims to adhere to, you will throw away the Bible. Eat the meat and spit out the bones. Don't throw out the baby with the bathwater.
He left the truth for a lie … Jesus is God Alone
You didn’t understand lol
Yes, Jesus is God and God is God and the holyspirit is the advocate and God.
John 8:58, REV Bible and Commentary. Jesus said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was born, I am the one.” “I am the one.” Many Trinitarians argue that this verse states that when Jesus said “I am,” he was claiming to be God, (i.e., Yahweh, the God who revealed Himself to Moses in the Old Testament).
Please get out your denomination doctrine and read / understand for yourself .
Not, saying leave your church but start asking questions if it doesn’t make sense .
So then, you now no longer feel you need to baptise people in Jesus Name and now teach others that they don't need to... Wouldn't that be going contrary to what Jesus taught?? Oh I suppose you now have a better way??
When Jesus spoke about looking at the fruit He was talking about how to spot out false teachers - not about feeling warm and fuzzy when you look at people and feel whether they are operating in God's love or not. God is the judge of that!
Rejecting the scriptures which clearly shows that the apostles who where all present at Matthew 28:19 and yet all baptised in Jesus Name - shows that you have sacrificed truth in order to exalt your opinions feelings. I hope people, especially the spiritually vulnerable see the fruit of your actions before they follow your deception.
Jesus said that He "came out from God." He also seems to mention that is a necessary understanding for salvation.
Edit: He came out from "the Father."
I’m watching the video and I’m hearing these explanations that’s crazy and naturally it’s only one side of story. Just explain why the church believed in Acts 2:38 for salvation for 325 yrs? Easy to check with any catholic priest because unlike most other doctrines they know the history. You can follow whoever the pope was in 325AD but I’ll stick with the apostles and church before pope decided he understood the New Testament better than the apostles who laid the foundation for the church much less Peter who Jesus gave the keys to heaven to. Not hard to read and research
@dennisrone5234 Trinitarians believe Acts 2:38. While the Roman Catholic church will give you a list of popes going back to Peter, the Roman Catholic church did not start until around 600 AD, according to Martin Luther. It may not be hard to read and research, but if you only use Oneness authors, you will only know Oneness arguments (which I believe to be incorrect).
@@rodbergen7361 We don't use “only” Oneness authors. And unless you're Catholic, there's a host (pun intended) of things you'll retreat faster than the Red Sea in front of Moses from if you're familiar with the things the early “church fathers” believed.
What is the evidence that the Pope changed the formula from saying "in Jesus name" to "Father, Son and Holy Spirit?" I keep hearing Oneness Pentecostals say this but I have never seen a single reputable source explaining this.
There are a lot of incorrect representations of the oneness view, unfortunately.
Agreed. #tampalifechurch
The only thing it intrigs me is the baptism in name of Jesus. Dont get me wrong, I do belive in baptism, salvation but why not pronounce Yashua Hamasiah? or Iesus, are those names wrongs? Seems that some UPCI members believe that for example Mexico is pagan christianity, even there are real christians, persecuted. This really makes me upset. Even in Chorintians, ephesus, smyrna there were real christians
The Godhead doctrine and Baptism is a huge debate for oneness vs trinitarians. The majority don’t consider any trinitarians save or going to heaven. No lies told
It’s spiritual elitism, and misdirected. Why would Jesus say the Father is greater than I ?? If they are the exact same. Doesn’t make sense!! Many verses like this that debunk the Oneness philosophy. Too many to go into here!
Its sad to see they dont understand the Bible. Pray they come to knowledge of truth. The gospels are telling the life of Jesus, Acts is the birth of the church and where we see people being saved, all of them were baptized in Jesus Name, and filled with the Spirit. Why would you not? Its amazing! Thank you Jesus for filling me with your Spirit and washing away my sins
Jesus was baptized by John in the water and he had no sin in him.
I do admire Bro. David Bernard for uplifting our LORD God Jesus Christ as the one true God of the Bible. The only one that he is lacking is remembering the Sabbath day since our LORD God Jesus Christ is LORD of the Sabbath and the Sabbath is the Seal of His Kingdom in Heaven.
God is the one true God, this isn't a dispute. David isn't always clear on the doctrine, ask the Holyspirit for discernment
Because he is using the mode of modalism
Let me guess” Your read St. John chapter 17 and believe it it’s true.”
The Oneness doctrine is a Modalist doctrine. The early church was never oneness. The whole concept of Oneness Pentecostalism began after they split in half around the early 1900s. I know that Oneness people read their Bible, but I ask the question, Do they really understand what they're reading from the Bible or are they accepting everything they hear from their leaders without searching the matter out? Whether you're Oneness or Trinitarian, you must search the matter out before accepting it as truths. I know some will leave this planet earth as Oneness because of their loyalty to the doctrine, but don't you think its worth a shot to investigate this with depth before accepting it?
Correct. In my view the reason of so many denominations is to divide the body of christ. Remember that there are 7 churches in revelations and 5 of them were called out for repentance. Most UPCI belive there are the only one denomination and truth but we are brethen in spirit. When following Christ falls in religion then its bad.
Your observations are quite interesting because we say the same thing to Trinitarians. We encourage the fellowship to read their Bibles daily, and we don't see the doctrine of the Trinity anywhere in the Scriptures. Interestingly, James White, a prolific author and Trinitarian apologist, stated on more than one occasion that in his estimation, the significant majority (over 70%) of Evangelicals would fail an orthodoxy test and that the vast majority of them hold a modalist conception of the Godhead. How is it that the significant majority of Evangelicals, who do not have a Oneness background and who are taught the Trinity in their respective churches, nonetheless view God in modalist terms?
Are you aware that the significant majority of _Trinitarians_ affirm a view of the Godhead called "divine simplicity" (also known as Latin Trinitarianism)? That view is held by Catholics and several Protestant and Evangelical groups. Non-Latin Trinitarians have criticized divine simplicity as a modalist conception of the Godhead. Imagine that! If that charge is true, then the majority of Christians worldwide are _de facto_ modalists! Now, I'm not saying this to assert that the majority is always right. I'm only countering your implication that we're some fringe group which blindly follows our leaders. People all over the world who follow Christ and read their Bibles see the Godhead differently than you.
The reason I reject the Trinity is its logical incoherence. It is logically at odds with itself because its affirmations contradict each other. And since no contradiction can be true, said doctrine cannot be true if its internal contradictions can be shown. And if they can be shown, it follows that it cannot be taught in the Bible if the Bible teaches the truth. Since you concur that the obligation to search out a matter includes Trinitarians, I invite you explore why we consider your views to logically self-destruct. I've debated the matter numerous times and am well-read on the subject. Please precisely define the Trinity and explain why it either does not extend to tritheism or why it avoids divine composition.
God can eternally be love without having an eternal existing object of his love. His children who serve him, were eternal objects of his love, yet no believer existed with him back then.
yeah, imaginary people can do anything, especially if it suits YOU. is there anything god does you disagree with?
Whether the whole world is deceived I don't know, but Trinity doctrine , teaching, did not exist before the catholic councils in 325 ad etc. Hebrew doctrine is very singular about their only being one god. They in fact didn't recieve Jesus, due to their understanding of him being prophesied as the mighty God. Isaiah 9:6. --tradition and church customs , can throw you completely out of tune with the true doctrine of God. God in fact , came underneath the umbrella of humanity realm, in disguise. Sure, we know him as both Eternal God, and Christ the Savior. But a far stretch to make the Holy Spirit into another person of the Godhead. When the scripture teaches that it is Jesus within you. God indeed has no flesh and bones , is not a proper (human ) person except in the role of Jesus Christ. Yet Jesus may have indeed been the incarnate God (or pre- incarnate). Walking in the garden with Adam and Eve. He was always the one we see , not invisible God who has not flesh and bone. Incidentally, Jesus said the holy Spirit can not come unto you until I go away. But indeed scripture says the holy Spirit is Christ within you. The holy Spirit isn't subject to Trinity Catholic doctrine. The holy Spirit is both God and Christ , in spiritually occupation of the believers heart. This thing about 3 separate and distinct persons is mumbo jumbo , created by Roman Catholic , it's all recorded , documented history , where and how it was created and the biggest lie . God stands eternal . He came to earth, robed himself in flesh to save his people from their sins. The lie of the papacy is very predictable. But what did Jesus say? Except you believe that I am he, you will die in your sins. Strong huh? But it all started with Adam and Eve. And God fell in love with those first two humans. Then Satan stole their authority, they were cast out of the garden, but God, eternal God has spent all of our human recorded time chasing them, loving them, creating for himself a bride. All because he loved Adam and Eve so .. God himself came to earth. Every one knows this. So what if he had to come to us as a baby? How great and awesome that is!! He has taken back the stolen kingdom from Satan. He has restored us to him. Not to "them". Jude vs 25, just one of many scripture. now unto the only wise God our savior, be grace and truth , now and ever, Amen. God is our savior. Jesus /Yeshua' is the revealed name of God in salvation. I Tim 3:16 says it all. God was manifest in the flesh. Yes we come to God through Jesus Christ. Maybe pentecostals don't get it all just right, but praise God for Jamaica and humble beginnings. One day we will see him as he really is ... Trinity was a convenience created by man to try to recreate what God had already created. To re-describe God. But there is no scripture where God says, "I don't like the way I described my diety and godhead, so I'm going to send a man in 300 ad who will re-write and change what I already said about who I am: -its not there. Listen, dear David. People of God.-- all these reformed denominations rebirthed out of Martin Luthers catholicism, but yet you preach that only what's in the holy scripture is acceptable for salvation and doctrine. Pentecostal 1900 outpouring.. etc.. whereever you're from. Stay with Bible teaching . Stay with what God says. Stay with divine inspiration. If you find the word Trinity, or find where God said, I am three, or that he said I will redefine myself. I will let a catholic council change the description of the Godhead. Well. May God help you. I haven't found it. Bro David, that's what has kept me from converting to a man-made Trinity of persons. God didn't say anywhere he was a Trinity of Persons. But yes .One God, yes, one lord Jesus Christ, and yes one holy Spirit of God. One god and father of all , who is above all, though all and in you all! It pleased him that all the fullness of the Godhead dwelt in him bodily. But now he's living inside his born again believers. Christ in you , the hope of glory. Redeemed back to God's presence. Stay with what's written. I have no problem doing so. Amen. And truth is sought after.
Interesting. I would be curious how Jesus is The Alpha & The Omega, The Beginning and The End, The King of Kings, Lord of Lords...
Jesus' absolute, eternal deity. "'I am the LORD, and there is no other, besides me there is no God'" (Isa. 45:5). " 'You are my witnesses! Is there a God besides me? There is no Rock; I know not any'" (chap. 44:8)
"'There is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved'" (Acts 4:12) That would be the name of Jesus.
The Israelites were given specific instructions as to how they needed to perform, for example, their tabernacle duties.
The above are not my words; they are actual scriptures in the Bible.
They are vehemently against the consumption of alcohol yet are okay with being 25lbs overweight due to donuts and sweet bread
I think there needs to be a distinction between the UPCI as an organization and what the word of God teaches. The God has never described Himself as three persons but one God. The Old Testament never did so and the New Testament never did so. Oneness believers and Trinitarian believers believe that Jesus was fully God and fully man. They agree on the full deity of Jesus Christ.
The conversation in this video is lacking, as the former Oneness preacher did not take the time to explain the Trinity. It would also be helpful if he took the time to explain his understanding of modalism, and the omnipresence of God.
The question is , Jesus Christ God without the two other members of the Trinity? Thomas called Him, my LORD and my God. How do you explain that ? Was Thomas referring to the Trinity when he said that? Yet the Apostle Paul opens some of his greetings by praising the God and Father of the Lord Jesus Christ? Jesus himself referred to his Father as his God. Are they equal? Are they all knowing? Does Jesus have the exact attributes of the Father? Where does the the third person , the Holy Spirit fit, in the Godhead, in the deity?
Revelation speaks of the seven Spirits of God and it was the Holy Spirit who overshadowed Mary. Are there seven Holy Spirits? Who was Jesus' Father, the Father or the Holy Spirit? Is there a throne beside the Father' throne in heaven? Does the Holy Spirit or Holy Spirits have seats in heaven?
The early church always was oneness
Subjective claim 😄
Absolutely True!
The main point oneness people need to stop telling their members that trinitarians are going to hell.
All the fulness of God dwelt in the man, Jesus. The man was born of an earthly woman. The man Jesus who was called the son of God, wasn’t any man. He was the second Adam, an innocent man foreordained from the foundation of the world to tabernacle or house the presence of the Mighty God and to be the Lamb of God. He said I and my father are one. He said if you’ve seen the me you have seen the Father. There is a culture within the church. The church is the ground and pillar of the truth. The church will always be unacceptable in the eyes of the world. We are the salt of the earth. We should be an influence on the world. Not they on us. As for the trinitarians, we all start somewhere in our journey with the Lord. But we don’t stay where we are and we don’t compromise church culture to win the world. We GROW in grace and in the KNOWLEDGE of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. You contradicted the scripture that says God is one, by saying God is three. (The Shema: Hear O Israel, the Lord our God is one Lord). Yes, the one God was manifest in the flesh. Isaiah 9:6 says: “For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.” A local oneness church may have issues as do trinitarian churches, but we don’t abandon the truth because of it.
Blinded? Restriced? Oh I see it comes down to women wearing pants and jewely. Believe me Ive seen Trinity Churches more legalistic than Oneness Churches.
When Jesus in Matthew 28:19 said to baptize in the name of the father son Holy Ghost. “It was to be done in the name “ only one name. Second acts 2:37-38 when they asked “ men aren and brethren what shall we do “ Peter responded “ repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the Holy Ghost “ remember Peter knew who Jesus was, because when Jesus asked his disciples “ who do men say that I am. Peter said thou art the Christ the son of God”
Jesus said it loud and Clear
"I Am in the Father and the Father is in me"
" If you knew me you knew the Father also, if you see me you see the Father also"
"The Father that is inside of me doeth the Work"
"You will die in your sins if you dont believe that "I AM HE"
and John explains saying
"They didnt Understand that he is Speaking of the Father..
Because the Father is the Great "I AM" the "I AM HE" JOHN explains that Jesus is claiming that he is that God who said that "I AM HE" and that is the Father..
In the book of Hebrews
" In the Old days in many ways God spake to our fathers through the Prophets"
But in this latter days he speak to us through his Son"
So it means The One true God who is the Father who speak and said that there is no God formed before him and after him, he is the Only God who speak through his Holy Prophets, but in this latter days he speaks to us througj his Son( God manifested in the Flesh )
And there is no argument of who the Holy Spirit is,
God is Holy and God is Spirit..
God is our Father God is Holy and God is Spirit and God was manifest in the Flesh...
And his name is Jesus..
Baptism can save you if its in Jesus name
There is no Other Name under heaven Giving among men whereby we must be saved
his name revealed God is only the Saviour and his name is the fullfilment of all the needs of men..
The name of God is YHWH which is found in exodus 3:10-15 the funny thing is Pentecostalist will tell you that just means “I Am” which is only a title and not the true name of God and they will tell you the true name of God is “Jesus” because Jesus says he comes in the name of his Father…lol I find that argument funny and here’s why, if God’s true name is “Jesus” the transliteration where the word Jesus came from is Yeshua which in the Hebrew means “YHWH” is Salvation if that’s the case the name Jesus is Pointing to someone else who’s name is YHWH which these Pentecostalist says is just a title and his true name is Jesus, then if the name Jesus is literally pointing to someone else who is salvation the my question is, Who Is YHWH?
How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?
Some religions are led by a priestess. I have heard of a deaconess and a lioness, but what is a Oneness? A female one?
The Bible does not have the word oneness either.
When father and son are used in conversation, we know they are not the same person so why would JESUS not mean the same thing? The FATHER has a SON, do I say the scriptures are wrong when I would never say "I am my dad"?
Why does the Oneness (?) Pentecostal church think they are right when they schismed from the Trinitarian Pentecostal church in 1,900? Acts 5 : 38 and 39 says that if something fails it is not of GOD, and the TRINITY doctrine has not failed in 2,000 years.
It’s not a works based it’s love based. If you love God you will do his will you still have a choice when you start following Jesus. He is not going to take control of your arms and legs and do his work for you.
No no we never ever struggles with Mathew 28:19 no Oneness believers do; it is you Trinitarians world wide that struggles with Acts 2:38 you'll run from it "the truth" Trinitarians fear Acts 2:38 in their preachings, teaching, Bible Schools and all these millions of books Trinitarians writing they just jump over it "conviction" ❤✝️✡️🕎🙏, stay blessed in Jesus name the name above every other name given to men whereby we must be saved Amen 😂
These is one God and Jesus is his name . The trinity is not biblical
@@Rockierambo1 you sound like a JW.
Did he call Oneness a cult?
Oneness is a cult. Show me the word Oneness, Monotheism or Pentecostal in the Bible. Also show me in the Bible where Jesus sent his own self and did his own will. I'll be waiting!
@@markmountjoy3636 Oneness and Trinitarianism
Oneness Pentecostalism teaches that God is one person who has manifested Himself in different roles or modes throughout history, including as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Trinitarianism teaches that God exists as three distinct persons in one essence: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Oneness vs. Trinitarianism as "cults": The term "cult" is subjective and often used pejoratively. Oneness and Trinitarian beliefs stem from attempts to understand and articulate the nature of God based on Scripture. The Bible does not explicitly use the term "Oneness" or "Trinitarianism" but provides foundational texts that both sides interpret differently. Here are a few scriptures for consideration:
Oneness Perspective:
Isaiah 44:6: "This is what the LORD says- Israel’s King and Redeemer, the LORD Almighty: I am the First and I am the Last; apart from me there is no God."
John 14:9: "Jesus answered: 'Don’t you know me, Philip, even after I have been among you such a long time? Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, “Show us the Father”?'"
Trinitarian Perspective:
Matthew 28:19: "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit."
2 Corinthians 13:14: "May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all."
The Bible and Terms like "Oneness," "Monotheism," or "Pentecostal"
"Oneness" and "Trinitarianism" are not used in the Bible. Instead, they are theological constructs developed to explain the nature of God based on biblical texts.
"Monotheism" (belief in one God) is a concept in the Bible, although the term itself does not appear. Key verses that support monotheism include:
Deuteronomy 6:4: "Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one."
Isaiah 45:5: "I am the LORD, and there is no other; apart from me there is no God."
"Pentecostal" refers to a movement that emphasizes the work of the Holy Spirit and the practice of spiritual gifts. The Bible does not use this term, but it does describe the events and experiences that Pentecostals emphasize:
Acts 2:1-4 describes the day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit was poured out on the apostles.
Jesus Sending Himself
The concept of Jesus sending Himself can be complex, but Scripture shows that Jesus was sent by the Father and acted according to the will of the Father:
John 6:38: "For I have come down from heaven not to do my will but to do the will of him who sent me."
John 14:31: "But he comes so that the world may learn that I love the Father and do exactly what my Father has commanded me."
Jesus’ statements about being sent by the Father and acting according to the Father’s will are often interpreted by Trinitarians as evidence of distinct persons within the Godhead, whereas Oneness adherents might view these passages as God revealing Himself in different roles or manifestations.
Both Oneness and Trinitarianism aim to faithfully represent the nature of God as revealed in the Bible. Understanding and discussing these theological differences often involves interpreting Scripture from different perspectives. The key is to approach these discussions respectfully and with a shared commitment to understanding God as best as possible through His Word. 🙏
To say Oneness is works based, is a gross misunderstanding of Oneness. This interview lost credibility with me
I was raised in this denomination, it is very works based, and as a matter fact, Grace was hardly ever talked about, it was a bad word
@@Paisios1994 Not sure what church you attended, but I have been UPCI since age 8. Maybe you need to define what you mean by works. Are you saying works based salvation?
@@LChatmanFL I was 4th generation in it. Very well versed in upci teaching. What I am referring to is the dress code they impose on people. Or the fact you arent “saved” until you speak with tongues which creates a lot of issues, and all their other teachings of “holiness” they infer onto converts. It was very legalistic and lacked grace
@@Paisios1994 Ok, so you went to the wrong church. Plenty of churches have legalism in some form. However, if your church escorted people out of the sanctuary due to wearing jeans, for example, then your church was misaligned. Speaking in tongues, this confuses sooo many. If I had to guess, maybe this has never happened for you? Tongues is evidence of salvation. That's it. Some people can "move" in the spirit and some cannot. Although they should desire to do so.
Often what happens is people leave a church because they can't speak in tongues and they get upset or disillusioned and just give up. That's sad. You can have great relationship with God. My church has many who speak in tongues and others that do not. We all still pray together, worship together etc.
You had a church problem my friend and unfortunately there are misaligned churches in ALL DENOMINATIONS, everywhere.
With that said - James 2:14 NLT
[14] What good is it, dear brothers and sisters, if you say you have faith but don’t show it by your actions? Can that kind of faith save anyone?
Faith and works go hand in hand. If someone professes their faith but then leads a life where they continue to sin just as before the profession, did they ever really have a SINCERE profession of faith? No, they did not. A TRULY faith filled person, will have a life filled with works that please God. There should be evidence of a change in lifestyle, even if gradually. Abraham had faith but he also continued to honor God through his life.
@@Paisios1994My friend it sounds like you went to a church that focused on legalism. If your church escorted people out of the sanctuary because they were wearing jeans, that's a problem. A church following the Word of God tries to minister to people where they are. Speaking in tongues, this is a big one. If I had to guess I would say you've never had the experience? Tongues is evidence of salvation. That's it. Some people are able to move in the spirit and some are not. Unfortunately there are many people who desire to speak in tongues and cannot and therefore will leave a church out of shame or guilt or frustration. I pray that was not your experience.
Lastly faith and works go together not faith and legalism.
Greetings, brothers!
"And it shall come to pass that whoever calls on the name of the LORD shall be saved. For in Mount Zion and in Jerusalem there shall be deliverance, as the LORD has said, among the remnant whom the LORD calls." ---Joel 2:32
"And one Ananias, a devout man according to the law, having a good report of all the Jews which dwelt there, Came unto me, and stood, and said unto me, Brother Saul, receive thy sight. And the same hour I looked up upon him. And he said, The God of our fathers hath chosen thee, that thou shouldest know his will, and see that Just One, and shouldest hear the voice of his mouth. For thou shalt be his witness unto all men of what thou hast seen and heard. And now why tarriest thou? arise, and be baptized, and wash away thy sins, calling on the name of the Lord." ---Acts 22:12-16
Until Christ is fully formed in us all,
Deutronomy 6:4 is absolute ' one' God! Christianity became as a new religion. We pray for food in Jesus name, we ask for healing in Jesus name, we drive demons out in Jesus name and the biggest miracle we do in the name of the father ,son and holy Spirit? strainge!!!!!!!!!
I was a AoG pastor did there bible college but with a Jewish background! I went back to the jewish Apostolic faith by oneness and left the greek church fathers who were anti jew not grow up in the jewish Gods view, they changed Christianity into a Greek religion and what came....... the catolic church... I thank Jesus that He brought me back to the jewish roots of the Christian faith, the way the Apostles look to Jesus and the profetes Ef. 2:20
I want to close with Peter 1:15,16 Be Holy because Gods Holy
Baptism in the Name of Jesus for the remission of sins🔥
You can discern the error not only in doctrine, but also the natural man on display😐
I am made in the image of God and I am one person! If God was a Trinity then I would be three persons also. The Trinity is a creation of the Catholic Church and not the Bible.
You need to have the guidance of the Holy Ghost to understand the Oneness of God. Nothing wrong with the UPCI, it is you who need revelation from God. Your opinion is not matter for those who really know who Jesus is🙏Not bcoz you don’t understand the power of God, you add another god for your own satisfaction, its a shame.
Is the Baptism in Acts 2:38 comes from God or Men???
I am a Trinitarian who believes in Acts 2:38. Nothing wrong with UPCI? It's a cult.
I don’t even have to listen because if you left it’s because you have good sense. I left too.
Hey my brother , the baptizem in JESUSCHRIST is the plan of salvation, according to the Apostles doctrine Acts 2:38 . When you baptize in the titles father, son, holy ghost, you become part of the catholic church. The catholic church changed the baptizem in JESUS NAME to father, son, holy ghost between the first and second century. You have now drifted away from the Apostles doctrine that never changes.
What if I told you that Both Trinitarians and Oneness doctrine pushers are both in error? Or that both are just ways in which we view God.
take for example
John 15 he that Hateth me hateth my father also. Or
All that honor the Son honor the Father that sent him.
So we see the Father sent his Son and not himself.. not another person of the Godhead but his own son..
John 3:16 for God so loved rhe world, that he gave his only begotten son, that whoever believes in him, should not perish but have everlasting life.
Now that Oneness is out of the way- and while I understand Jesus is in the Father & The father is in Jesus as he states to Philip, Jesus never made himself equal with the Father, as the Father is and was his God who he prayed to.
Whoever has the Son has the father also. and who has not the Son, has not the Father. Oneness is just a way to say that the Father was in Christ. But Jesus is the mediator between men and God. Human error is human. GOD DOESNT EXPECT US TO HAVE EVERYTHING FIGURED OUT. Just to bring him Glory and preach the forgiveness of Sins through the Son of God.
For the trinitarians, please look for the original manuscripts of Matthew 28:19, and of 1 John 5:7-8.
You will find that around the time of Council of Nicea, matthew 28:19 was changed from "in my name" to "in the name of Father and of the son and of the Holy spirit" from the original Greek manuscripts which came directly from Aramaic. This change was entirely to support the early view of rhe Trinitarian doctrine. As well as 1John 5:8 the blood, water & Spirit were not AT ALL FOUND IN THE ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPTS.
i met an old man on the street who told me to research this & he was right 👍 i call that man a faithful prophet to this day. God bless all 🙏
Matthew 28 19 was Changed or altered by the RCC in second century it originally was written like this go ye therefore and teach all nations baptizing them in my Name Matthew great commission same as in Mark 16 15 in my Name. Luke 24 47 in his name there we have Acts 2:38
@@davidortega357 finally someone who does their research!! Im tired of Trinitarians and Oneness people using those scriptures to try and explain the Godhead get over yoselves
If Jesus instructed his apostles to baptise in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit it worries me that this man thinks that’s not important for him but what he thinks… you can’t dismiss what Christ instructed at the expense of what you want. Don’t lead people astray.
He is confused