A straight piece of clothes hanger helps a lot for Cleaning out the straws. I put it in the straw after using the foam then I can pull it out after the foam dries.
Thank You Sir for taking the time to make this excellent video! When I exhaust a can of Great Stuff, I clean the straws out and save them. It's nice to have a spare straw on hand when I need it.
I agree, common sense but remind everyone, when using many cans, save the new trigger and snorkel. Transfer the used one to the new can again and again.
Dude! Just went to the store to buy a 2nd can, now I got this stuff all over the place, even on my clothes. Then I watch this video (face palm). Great video btw! Lesson learned!
I found that the straw can easily be taken care of by blowing it out with compressed air before it hardens, and the little bit of residual amount that hardens in the straw can be removed with a wire coat hanger. Thanks for the tips on cleaning out the nozzle on the can.
Thank you for passing on this very helpful video. I was so excited when I screwed the screw into the nozzle and foam came out! Since I had not done this before, I didn’t know it would work so fast. I didn’t have gloves on or protection on the counter. All cleaned up now.
I think the key is to clean it before it dries. I just use WD-40 and shoot it down the clear pipe and into the nozzle. If you don't have WD-40 on hand in the garage, you can always use carburetor cleaner. That always works for me. As far as cleaning the metal spatula, a belt sander works pretty quick also to take off plaster, surface rust or dried foam.
I use a simpler method. When you're done applying foam, set the can down in an upright position with the application straw attached. Do not plug the straw or bend it back on itself, leave it pointing up, make sure to have something under the can below the end of the straw. to catch possible drips. Walk away. The remaining material in the straw will be pushed to the end, typically the outgassing of the little left in pushes it upwards. Next time you need it, you either cut off the end or clean it out. You'll have an inch to inch and a half to remove. Most of the time the nozzle on the can will be clear, sometimes a small amount of cured foam needs to be removed.
Thank you so much for this tip! Also incase you need a replacement applicator nozzle, here’s a link for a pack and it’s not that expensive: amzn.to/3FvHzgN
Thank you! I can't count the number of times I only needed a little foam sealant and threw away a 90% full can because the nozzle and straw were clogged. This is a game changer for me! 👍
Just in the nick of time Jay. I'm abt to use this product for the 1st time. Good to know these important details. Love that ur son is learning your tricks of the trade early on
Funny enough, I was using Great Stuff this weekend and was wondering how to clean the nozzle. Now I'm going to try the nail polish remover tomorrow. Thanks.
I use acetone, as soon as I'm done, it melts and clears the straw and nose, so everything gets put away clean. Also, I use and reuse one straw if I have to use multiple tins. So I have backups.
Thank you so much!!!! It worked a treat! So pleased we were able to re-use the nearly full can of foam, and avoid the waste, and another trip to the shop.
I've used this as adhesive to make structural insulation panels and glue for various other projects. It's exactly the same thing as Gorilla Glue. I was one of the first people who researched polyurethane for structural engineering purposes and found that it has many potential uses .
So I was thinking of using this stuff to insulate a resin shed. Do you think it will work? If so howmany feet at a time do you suggest I should spray at a time?
I used to do all this with acetone- then I purchased a generic “pro-gun” from Amazon ($16 - not $60!) and it’s been amazing. Just tighten up the knob in the back real good and set it on the shelf. Every 3-4 weeks I’ll squirt out a couple inches of foam out and set it back on the shelf. If I know I won’t use it for a long time then I’ll use the can of cleaner through it. It’s also super nice to be able to put down a 1/4in bead of foam or a huge bead of foam. It’s super versatile and offers great control.
You just saved me some money!! This actually works. Yes, it's a bit messy so wear gloves or the spray foam that does get on your hands will be sticky and tough to clean off. Thank you!!!
My can had a "Best By" July 2023. I used the screw method to pull out the old dried up foam. I had no straw, just bent the white cap and it worked for my job! Thank you so much.
Friend of mine showed me how to clean the clear tube out, he’d stick the tube in WD 40 coating the sides and let it soak a few minutes before spraying the foam. After finishing, he just squeeze the amount out. The spray acts as a coating making it easy to squeeze the spray foam out. Works just like acetone. Economically the acetone is cheaper though. I’d prefer to save as much of the WD 40 nis that it’s gone up in cost.
Thank you!!!! I'd buy you a beer if I could. I've thrown away multiple cans of foam because the nozzle and tube were clogged solid. It was so frustrating knowing that there still usable foam in the can.
excellent video. I thought if you spray upright it might air it out, but this is fine too. The hooking the tube back on the holder is really cool. No instructions on the can like that .
Dropped in to see what useless information you were offering, but instead left totally impressed. Great tips on cleaning those nozzles!. I've always tried to clean them with a wire when the foam was still wet, but that never worked good. This past summer I had an almost full can that I couldn't get to work at all, even after cleaning the nozzle with a screw. It was either throw the can out or do something drastic. So I took a 6 inch nail and pounded down thru the nozzle until the can punctured. Then I just pointed it at the crack I was filling and made a big mess. After it dried I trimmed the excess foam away. Yeah, I showed that can who was boss 🤣🤣
I’m glad I was able to help! Please be careful with aerosol cans, puncturing could lead to serious injuries, but I’m glad you won the fight over the can my friend! Hehe 😊👍🏽🙏🏽
i work at a sculpture shop carving styrofoam and the loctite brand gap filler is very useful but it does have a considerable waste factor. at $10 a can or more, that really adds up when there's 33% waste. sometimes a brand new can gets one use and done. i have learned some techniques to prolong the life of one can. first, these manufacturers should include an extra straw just like they should include an extra nozzle with spray paint but they don't they're happy to sell a whole nother can. so cut that straw in half right at the start. keep the clean half tucked somewhere you can find it later. second, the new can will expand the most and it's smart to pause when it's halfway that's the sweet spot where it works the best. i keep a half empty can for when i need accurate application and not extra explosive expansion. third i try not to force the straw tip inward into its own stream or into wet foam. always pull back and away from the stream not into it. that forces half dry sticky foam back into the straw and is a factor for clogging. i keep a little cup of acetone nearby to dip the straw into. a gallon of acetone costs the same as 6 or 8 ounces of goof off. but acetone is not good to touch bare handed neither is expanding foam. always always always wear gloves. keep the box of gloves right next to the cans of foam. to keep the straw sealed with wet foam inside, i stand the can facing a wall or object and let the straw gently make contact with a stable surface. the foam will gently puff out and stick the straw to that flat object. usually a block of foam or something that does not matter to get a blob of foam. when you come back later the can will cleanly detach and the straw will still be fresh inside. i find this works better than any sort of cap or plug, just pointing the straw into a vertical surface
Thanks me, I've thrown away so many cans over the years and been mad every time because I can shake the can and it's always half full ,i will try these methods out
Wish I had found your site two weeks ago when I found myself throwing out a couple of cans of that spray foam that had become unusable after one use and were still nearly full. Water under the bridge now but that won't happen again. Thanks.
You mean they are “intentionally” designed to be one time use. If they cared at all about their customers they would sell the straws / spray tubes separately so their customers could easily use the same can on multiple occasions.
Been using the drywall screw for twenty years. Works on the can spout and the can to straw adapter. To remove dried foam from the straw remove it frome the adapter and push it from the straw with a piece of bare copper romex ground wire. Like I said been doing it for 20 years
There's a product/company called Mosentocker's lift off. They make one that specifically removes spray insulation foam and gorilla glue( both the exact same thing ones just in a pressurized can). It removes the adhesive/insulation foam solvent free by chemically breaking down the bonders at the atomic level. They make stain removers for everything. They're a little on the expensive side for a product that only works one one thing but they work crazy well every time and I've never had them affect the surface I was trying to clean in any negative way.
Definitely some interesting tips and tricks. My question however, is, how much does all this extra toxic stuff cost in contrast to just buying a new can of foam?
A small can of acetone or goof off will last you many years if you are only using it for this cleaning. But you will find many other uses for them. Wear gloves and one of the worthless Fauci covid masks in a ventilated room. No problem.
I have had those can with the nozzle clean and the can was almost full, and still nothing would come out. Like the other guy said, wish they would make a tiny can, single use, like crazy glue has come out with. a very tiny multi pack with several tiny tubes in. Even then the tiny tubes is too much. They are in the business to sell the product, that is what they want us to do. Thank you for the video.
Have you had to calibrate your machine for every tire? I have had to do this with every tire so far otherwise i get the crazy numbers like you said. Thanks
If the can nozzle is stuck like in your video what do you do. Can you replace the nozzle from another can. I'm so sick and tired of losing a half can. I love your tips and info that's why I just subscribed. Thank you
I wait a few minutes till it is half cured and rubbery but not sticky and pull it out with a bit of wire then push it out of the tube also. Ive had half cans be good a year later. Not sure about expiration dates, they've sweltered in a blazing hot garage all summer for years and been fine. Not sure about freezing, my garage doesn't get that cold with a greenhouse on the side.
BRAKE CLEANER... I have used it for years. Spray your foam, and shortly after use, spray the straw and can nozzle with Brake Cleaner (using the straw) !!!Wear protective glasses!!! spraying into the can nozzle and straw WILL have lots of "back splash". Best to use a face shield or behind a protective shield. At least face the can sideways. I've re-used cans stored for over a year.
Is there a place to buy extra plastic applicators that come with the Great Stuff? That would be a very simple fix (along with the screw in the can nozzle).
I took off the tube that was on the applicator, and just use a regular plastic drinking straw. You can also just not use the applicator part at all and directly attach the straw to the can nozzle. When you are done, then just throw the straw away and clean out the nozzle. The bendable straws work really well for this, then you can bend to almost any angle you need.
i've done this for years. remove straw top from can, clean out top of can. DO NOT go to far into the top of the can or you will puncture the plug and the foam will begin leaking _(or spray)_ from the can with no way to stop it. Take the straw top and with some force you can pull the straw section off from the rest of the top. Let the foam in the straw CURE. Often it will cure so far in from each end, then what is in the middle may stay gummy. The plastic these are made from naturally won't adhere that well to the foam. So if you take a wire or etc, you can push it through the straw and usually clean it out, as the cured "plug" acts as a plunger. If all of it doesn't come out some brake clean or other solvent or Goof Off _(but not goo gone)_ will finish the job. An air compressor is nice to blow it out if you have one, as you may not even have to use a wire with this method, but its not required. The other piece of the top, just take the wire or a pick and pick the pieces out. It will usually cure all the way through, and again the foam doesn't adhere to this plastic very well, so its usually not that hard. Pop the straw back onto the screw on top. Now you have a straw top and can ready to reuse. Also after a can is empty, I always clean and keep the straw top just in case one gets broke or etc on a new can. just my 2 cents of experience.
Quick suggestions: when showing a product like goof-off, please show the back so people that don't have the product where they live know what it contains. Looking up the SDS/MSDS would be even better. Goof-Off is around 70% acetone with some xylene, mineral spirits, and other solvents mixed in.
Would spraying wd40 into the CAN OPENING BENEATH THE NOZZLE ,while the foam is sticky do anything? Maybe the pressure will clear the opening and allow the rest to be used at a later date.
Get yourself some pipe cleaners from an Arts and Craft store. Insert the cleaners into your tubes after using them and into the tops of your spray cans. When the foam is dry, remove the pipe cleaner and everything comes out in one piece.
What I do is to simply wait till I have several different projects that will "collectively" use up the entire can, prepare all of those areas for foaming, and then perform all of the sealing-jobs at one time. Or I look around for spots where I would like to have foam added but which are not urgent or critical, and then use up the last of the can's foam on them; I can use these spots to expend the foam from several different cans over the course of a few months, since it doesn't really matter if they get sealed completely at a given time.
I agree with Kenny MacDermid. In the UK we don't know what Goof-Off is as it is not available here. If you could say what it actually is and what the most important active ingredient is it would be very helpful. I suspect that acetone is the key ingredient but do the other constituents play a significant part? I thought that the video was very informative and will be putting it to good use.
it'd be nice if they made an applicator gun that works with the straw type cans. I don't have a problem with buying the pro cans, but sometimes lows/home depot will have a sale on the straw can where they're selling for $1.50 per can which is a deal to good to pass up.
- GOOF-OFF Remover - amzn.to/46EOv7m
- Acetone - amzn.to/45Ouryg
- Applicator Nozzle Replacements - amzn.to/474MSQc
- Drywall Screw - amzn.to/3FplP6e
- Match Sticks - amzn.to/495SNGg
- Nitrile Gloves - amzn.to/3S4KMeT
- Anti-Fog Safety Glasses - amzn.to/3Mc6hGZ
- Great STUFF Foam Gun Pro Series - amzn.to/3Q7X9UD
- Great STUFF Foam Gun Cleaner Pro Series - amzn.to/3Fwt7oE
- Great STUFF Foam Pro Series - amzn.to/3tEQHwV
- Great STUFF Foam Sealant Kit - amzn.to/3tHCGP5
Modern Goof-Off is basically just Acetone. Quart cans of pure acetone tend to be cheaper
@@unquiche2 REPLIES
A straight piece of clothes hanger helps a lot for Cleaning out the straws. I put it in the straw after using the foam then I can pull it out after the foam dries.
Thank you for sharing this advice! That’s a pretty cool method! 👍🏽🙏🏽😊
For the straw, I've found scrap copper wire (12) to be successful. But I didn't know how to deal with the plugged nozzle. That info was helpful.
This is great! I have always thrown away the foam cans figuring they were no good after the foam has dried. Thanks for putting this out.
Anyway I can to help save and reduce waste. Thank you so much for watching! 🙏🏽😊
I have used aquarium tubing to replace the straw that comes with the can. Also longer lengths of the tubing allows to get into hard to reach areas.
Thank You Sir for taking the time to make this excellent video! When I exhaust a can of Great Stuff, I clean the straws out and save them. It's nice to have a spare straw on hand when I need it.
I’m glad I could be of help! In for some reason you lose or break your straw applicator, here is a link to get replacements: amzn.to/3FvHzgN
I agree, common sense but remind everyone, when using many cans, save the new trigger and snorkel. Transfer the used one to the new can again and again.
Dude! Just went to the store to buy a 2nd can, now I got this stuff all over the place, even on my clothes. Then I watch this video (face palm). Great video btw! Lesson learned!
I found that the straw can easily be taken care of by blowing it out with compressed air before it hardens, and the little bit of residual amount that hardens in the straw can be removed with a wire coat hanger.
Thanks for the tips on cleaning out the nozzle on the can.
Thank you for passing on this very helpful video. I was so excited when I screwed the screw into the nozzle and foam came out! Since I had not done this before, I didn’t know it would work so fast. I didn’t have gloves on or protection on the counter. All cleaned up now.
I think the key is to clean it before it dries. I just use WD-40 and shoot it down the clear pipe and into the nozzle. If you don't have WD-40 on hand in the garage, you can always use carburetor cleaner. That always works for me. As far as cleaning the metal spatula, a belt sander works pretty quick also to take off plaster, surface rust or dried foam.
@@debi7039 the WD40 is the best solution, it's non-toxic and available everywhere. It also helps remove tar from your automobiles.
I use a simpler method. When you're done applying foam, set the can down in an upright position with the application straw attached. Do not plug the straw or bend it back on itself, leave it pointing up, make sure to have something under the can below the end of the straw. to catch possible drips. Walk away. The remaining material in the straw will be pushed to the end, typically the outgassing of the little left in pushes it upwards. Next time you need it, you either cut off the end or clean it out. You'll have an inch to inch and a half to remove. Most of the time the nozzle on the can will be clear, sometimes a small amount of cured foam needs to be removed.
Thank you so much for this tip! Also incase you need a replacement applicator nozzle, here’s a link for a pack and it’s not that expensive: amzn.to/3FvHzgN
Thank you! I can't count the number of times I only needed a little foam sealant and threw away a 90% full can because the nozzle and straw were clogged. This is a game changer for me! 👍
Oh my god,, I threw away like 100 of them in the last several years after first use .. what a great video 😁❤ thanks a million
I’m glad I could be of help! 🙏🏽😊
Just in the nick of time Jay.
I'm abt to use this product for the 1st time. Good to know these important details. Love that ur son is learning your tricks of the trade early on
I’m glad I could be of help! I hope I can a do a father and son duo with him when he’s of the right age 👍🏽😊
@@FixThisHouse right on bruh
Funny enough, I was using Great Stuff this weekend and was wondering how to clean the nozzle. Now I'm going to try the nail polish remover tomorrow. Thanks.
I use acetone, as soon as I'm done, it melts and clears the straw and nose, so everything gets put away clean. Also, I use and reuse one straw if I have to use multiple tins. So I have backups.
Thank you so much!!!! It worked a treat! So pleased we were able to re-use the nearly full can of foam, and avoid the waste, and another trip to the shop.
I've used this as adhesive to make structural insulation panels and glue for various other projects.
It's exactly the same thing as Gorilla Glue.
I was one of the first people who researched polyurethane for structural engineering purposes and found that it has many potential uses .
YEP.......... A Hole automotive body guys use it to fill rusted areas & then cover it up to screw potential buyers
So I was thinking of using this stuff to insulate a resin shed. Do you think it will work? If so howmany feet at a time do you suggest I should spray at a time?
As strong as gorilla glue?
@SirChivalRegal absolutely, being the same thing after all. They are both polyurethane.
I was the first though
WD-40 has acetone. Always keep your straws so you can always have a clean straw on hand. Thanks for the great Info!
Thank you for sharing the WD-40 advice! 🙏🏽😊
I used to do all this with acetone- then I purchased a generic “pro-gun” from Amazon ($16 - not $60!) and it’s been amazing. Just tighten up the knob in the back real good and set it on the shelf. Every 3-4 weeks I’ll squirt out a couple inches of foam out and set it back on the shelf. If I know I won’t use it for a long time then I’ll use the can of cleaner through it. It’s also super nice to be able to put down a 1/4in bead of foam or a huge bead of foam. It’s super versatile and offers great control.
Interesting. I have used air pressure from the compressor to clean the straw right after doing the job and it works fine too.
That’s a great technique as well! Thank you for sharing! 🙏🏽😊👍🏽
Just use acetone before it sets up, it's even easier to clean up.
Thanks for sharing your advice! 👍🏽🙏🏽😊
Yes, and lacquer thinner, as well.
Carburetor cleaner works too
Acetone is available the same place paint and paint supplies are.
yep. thats whats in the yellow cans to clean the precision applicators
You just saved me some money!! This actually works.
Yes, it's a bit messy so wear gloves or the spray foam that does get on your hands will be sticky and tough to clean off.
Thank you!!!
Thank you very much. I hate throwing out almost full cans.
Great tips. I have three cans of different types of foam. I've been unable to use the foam or depressurize the cans for disposal. Very helpful!
My can had a "Best By" July 2023. I used the screw method to pull out the old dried up foam. I had no straw, just bent the white cap and it worked for my job! Thank you so much.
Friend of mine showed me how to clean the clear tube out, he’d stick the tube in WD 40 coating the sides and let it soak a few minutes before spraying the foam. After finishing, he just squeeze the amount out. The spray acts as a coating making it easy to squeeze the spray foam out. Works just like acetone. Economically the acetone is cheaper though. I’d prefer to save as much of the WD 40 nis that it’s gone up in cost.
Thank you!!!! I'd buy you a beer if I could.
I've thrown away multiple cans of foam because the nozzle and tube were clogged solid. It was so frustrating knowing that there still usable foam in the can.
Yes, I have had the same problem. Something very annoying about shaking a heavy can that will not spray.
They have new cans out that have better nozzles that apparently work after sitting. Will try a can I have had sitting for a couple months here soon.
excellent video. I thought if you spray upright it might air it out, but this is fine too. The hooking the tube back on the holder is really cool. No instructions on the can like that .
Dropped in to see what useless information you were offering, but instead left totally impressed. Great tips on cleaning those nozzles!. I've always tried to clean them with a wire when the foam was still wet, but that never worked good.
This past summer I had an almost full can that I couldn't get to work at all, even after cleaning the nozzle with a screw. It was either throw the can out or do something drastic. So I took a 6 inch nail and pounded down thru the nozzle until the can punctured. Then I just pointed it at the crack I was filling and made a big mess. After it dried I trimmed the excess foam away.
Yeah, I showed that can who was boss 🤣🤣
I’m glad I was able to help! Please be careful with aerosol cans, puncturing could lead to serious injuries, but I’m glad you won the fight over the can my friend! Hehe 😊👍🏽🙏🏽
I've used goof off for many many years. It’s the best for all the sticky stuff!
yep. far superior to goo gone which was originally the "name brand".
i work at a sculpture shop carving styrofoam and the loctite brand gap filler is very useful but it does have a considerable waste factor. at $10 a can or more, that really adds up when there's 33% waste. sometimes a brand new can gets one use and done. i have learned some techniques to prolong the life of one can. first, these manufacturers should include an extra straw just like they should include an extra nozzle with spray paint but they don't they're happy to sell a whole nother can. so cut that straw in half right at the start. keep the clean half tucked somewhere you can find it later. second, the new can will expand the most and it's smart to pause when it's halfway that's the sweet spot where it works the best. i keep a half empty can for when i need accurate application and not extra explosive expansion. third i try not to force the straw tip inward into its own stream or into wet foam. always pull back and away from the stream not into it. that forces half dry sticky foam back into the straw and is a factor for clogging. i keep a little cup of acetone nearby to dip the straw into. a gallon of acetone costs the same as 6 or 8 ounces of goof off. but acetone is not good to touch bare handed neither is expanding foam. always always always wear gloves. keep the box of gloves right next to the cans of foam. to keep the straw sealed with wet foam inside, i stand the can facing a wall or object and let the straw gently make contact with a stable surface. the foam will gently puff out and stick the straw to that flat object. usually a block of foam or something that does not matter to get a blob of foam. when you come back later the can will cleanly detach and the straw will still be fresh inside. i find this works better than any sort of cap or plug, just pointing the straw into a vertical surface
Great Tips. I always thrown away the can with some left in the can. Now I know how to retrieve it. Thanks
Thanks me, I've thrown away so many cans over the years and been mad every time because I can shake the can and it's always half full ,i will try these methods out
Thank you for this very informative video, I have tossed out too many of these half full cans😊
Excellent explanation. You just saved the public mucho money. Thaks for your concern.
THANK YOU! I’m just getting ready to use the foam gap filler today!!
I’m glad I could be of help! 🙏🏽😊
Wish I had found your site two weeks ago when I found myself throwing out a couple of cans of that spray foam that had become unusable after one use and were still nearly full. Water under the bridge now but that won't happen again. Thanks.
I have 3 of them that are clogged right now. They are poorly designed to be one time use
You mean they are “intentionally” designed to be one time use. If they cared at all about their customers they would sell the straws / spray tubes separately so their customers could easily use the same can on multiple occasions.
I wish they also made detachable tips for caulking as well, like how they do in other countries 🥲
Been using the drywall screw for twenty years. Works on the can spout and the can to straw adapter. To remove dried foam from the straw remove it frome the adapter and push it from the straw with a piece of bare copper romex ground wire. Like I said been doing it for 20 years
You are an amazing human being and I thank you for this!
There's a product/company called Mosentocker's lift off. They make one that specifically removes spray insulation foam and gorilla glue( both the exact same thing ones just in a pressurized can). It removes the adhesive/insulation foam solvent free by chemically breaking down the bonders at the atomic level. They make stain removers for everything. They're a little on the expensive side for a product that only works one one thing but they work crazy well every time and I've never had them affect the surface I was trying to clean in any negative way.
Definitely some interesting tips and tricks.
My question however, is, how much does all this extra toxic stuff cost in contrast to just buying a new can of foam?
A small can of acetone or goof off will last you many years if you are only using it for this cleaning. But you will find many other uses for them.
Wear gloves and one of the worthless Fauci covid masks in a ventilated room. No problem.
Wow! I just bought some yesterday, wondering what I was going to do, to re-use the rest. Thanks! I'll look into Goof-off.
I have had those can with the nozzle clean and the can was almost full, and still nothing would come out. Like the other guy said, wish they would make a tiny can, single use, like crazy glue has come out with. a very tiny multi pack with several tiny tubes in. Even then the tiny tubes is too much. They are in the business to sell the product, that is what they want us to do. Thank you for the video.
I use brake cleaner. Just spray out the tip and the straw when ur done using it.
Have you had to calibrate your machine for every tire? I have had to do this with every tire so far otherwise i get the crazy numbers like you said. Thanks
Thanks. I never thought of using goof off with it.
You’re very welcome! Yes goof off has many uses, just please wear gloves to be safe!
Good ideas. I so needed this idea
Thank you so much! I’m glad to be of help! 👍🏽🙏🏽😊
If the can nozzle is stuck like in your video what do you do. Can you replace the nozzle from another can. I'm so sick and tired of losing a half can. I love your tips and info that's why I just subscribed. Thank you
You're Amazing ! So helpful.
Many thanks.....All the way from London.
Very well done, no excess talk or goofy music in the background!! ;-)
I wait a few minutes till it is half cured and rubbery but not sticky and pull it out with a bit of wire then push it out of the tube also. Ive had half cans be good a year later.
Not sure about expiration dates, they've sweltered in a blazing hot garage all summer for years and been fine. Not sure about freezing, my garage doesn't get that cold with a greenhouse on the side.
The gun works well. I’m going to add a Schrader valve to a can of the cleaner so I can refill it with acetone and clean the gun much cheaper.
Man, I am loving your channel. Great tips!
This is GREAT information.
Thank you!
I’m glad I could be of help! 🙏🏽😊
I needed this video! Great tips!
I’m glad I could be of help! 👍🏽😊
WD-40 works also well to unclog the foam. Though you do need to prod it a little with a metal wire.
Thank you for sharing my friend! 👍🏽🙏🏽😊
Dude you're videos are high quality!
Thank you so much! 🙏🏽😊
I dip the end of a pipe cleaner in acetone and then put it in the nozzle and I run a couple through the spray tube after I use it.
You can unclog the straws and the nozzle using acetone, a.k.a. nail polish remover. Just steal it from the wife. She'll think she misplaced it.😁
Hehe, I “borrowed” my wife’s, she still hasn’t ask for it yet hehehe
He already said that !
Can't thank you enough for the solution!😊
I’m glad I could be of help! 🙏🏽👍🏽😊
Thank you for the information it is some of the best I've seen on UA-cam.
I've found that golf tees work better than match sticks and their slightly tapered so they seal better as well.
They should just sell them with two straws. This stuff is not cheap. Thanks for your video. Just used a can yesterday.
BRAKE CLEANER... I have used it for years. Spray your foam,
and shortly after use, spray the straw and can nozzle with Brake Cleaner (using the straw)
!!!Wear protective glasses!!! spraying into the can nozzle and straw WILL have lots of "back splash".
Best to use a face shield or behind a protective shield. At least face the can sideways.
I've re-used cans stored for over a year.
Is there a place to buy extra plastic applicators that come with the Great Stuff? That would be a very simple fix (along with the screw in the can nozzle).
Yes! Here is a link to get replacements applicators: amzn.to/3MhF2KS
I took off the tube that was on the applicator, and just use a regular plastic drinking straw. You can also just not use the applicator part at all and directly attach the straw to the can nozzle. When you are done, then just throw the straw away and clean out the nozzle. The bendable straws work really well for this, then you can bend to almost any angle you need.
Thank you for your tips they really helped
You are most welcome! I’m glad I was able to help! 👍🏽😊
Brake parts cleaner melts it away also, and being pressurized it does a good job of cleaning out the straw.
Thank you for sharing with us! 👍🏽😊
i've done this for years. remove straw top from can, clean out top of can. DO NOT go to far into the top of the can or you will puncture the plug and the foam will begin leaking _(or spray)_ from the can with no way to stop it.
Take the straw top and with some force you can pull the straw section off from the rest of the top. Let the foam in the straw CURE. Often it will cure so far in from each end, then what is in the middle may stay gummy. The plastic these are made from naturally won't adhere that well to the foam. So if you take a wire or etc, you can push it through the straw and usually clean it out, as the cured "plug" acts as a plunger. If all of it doesn't come out some brake clean or other solvent or Goof Off _(but not goo gone)_ will finish the job. An air compressor is nice to blow it out if you have one, as you may not even have to use a wire with this method, but its not required.
The other piece of the top, just take the wire or a pick and pick the pieces out. It will usually cure all the way through, and again the foam doesn't adhere to this plastic very well, so its usually not that hard. Pop the straw back onto the screw on top. Now you have a straw top and can ready to reuse. Also after a can is empty, I always clean and keep the straw top just in case one gets broke or etc on a new can. just my 2 cents of experience.
Quick suggestions: when showing a product like goof-off, please show the back so people that don't have the product where they live know what it contains. Looking up the SDS/MSDS would be even better. Goof-Off is around 70% acetone with some xylene, mineral spirits, and other solvents mixed in.
And tastes great! Kidding. Don't drink and Wear PPE.
To clean out the straw, a stretched out paper clip can be used to push and pull the clogged foam out
you can put acetone in the tube and will clear the tube too
Geez, I have thrown the cans away, and even stop using them until I have to use the entire can.
Thank. you, I will back at using them again.
Thanks again my friend !! Another excellent helpful tip.
I’m glad I could be of help my friend 🙏🏽😊
Always frustrated when throwing out partially used cans. Thank You.
Me as well, it’s so wasteful. I’m glad I could be of help! 🙏🏽😊
Thanks for the video i avoided buying this product because of this particular problem now i can go get one
I’m glad I could be of help! 🙏🏽😊
Excellent video.......
Thank you so much! 🙏🏽😊
Would spraying wd40 into the CAN OPENING BENEATH THE NOZZLE ,while the foam is sticky do anything? Maybe the pressure will clear the opening and allow the rest to be used at a later date.
Great tips man. Thank you!
Thank you so much! 👍🏽🙏🏽😊
I have this problem with easy off oven cleaner. Any suggestions?
That's why I only use the self-cleaning setting so I don't have to bother with that. Hopefully your oven can self clean?
Good question, honestly I haven’t used this product but I will get to it and get you an answer 🙏🏽
Thanks I have the pro series and haven't used it yet. Thanks a bunch. Will Sub.
Excellent job at explaining
Thank you so much! 🙏🏽😊
Very useful video. Thanks for taking the time to make it.
Man, this is exactly what I was about to ask you. thanks
I’m so glad I could be of help! 👍🏽😊🙏🏽
After spraying foam I use brake cleaner to flush out the straw and the nozzle, works great.
Thanks, I got about 4 cans laying around because I buy a new one because of this issue
Get yourself some pipe cleaners from an Arts and Craft store. Insert the cleaners into your tubes after using them and into the tops of your spray cans. When the foam is dry, remove the pipe cleaner and everything comes out in one piece.
Hats off to Fix This House
Thank you so much! 🥰🙏🏽😊
Thank you, great tip.
You are very welcome! 👍🏽😊
Awesome video! Very helpful, thank you!!!
If you spray the Goof Off directly into the can, does it adversely affect the foam in the can?
The goof off is not a spray just pour liquid form. Just apply small amount at the tip and let it settle and blow it off by pushing down on the nozzle.
What I do is to simply wait till I have several different projects that will "collectively" use up the entire can, prepare all of those areas for foaming, and then perform all of the sealing-jobs at one time. Or I look around for spots where I would like to have foam added but which are not urgent or critical, and then use up the last of the can's foam on them; I can use these spots to expend the foam from several different cans over the course of a few months, since it doesn't really matter if they get sealed completely at a given time.
Great and helpful video!
I’m glad I could be of help my friend! 🙏🏽😊
$5 a can...not in Canada, they cost around $15-$20
Wow $20! More ways to try these tips to save them! 👍🏽😊
Ace sells them for $5-7.
Just bought one dam 11.99 I saved a penny.
Acetone works immediately and dissolves hardened foam with small drops applied
Take the nozzle off and use your air compressor to blow it clear
That’s a great idea! Unfortunately not everyone has an air compressor, but I will definitely try that out! Thank you! 🙏🏽😊
I agree with Kenny MacDermid. In the UK we don't know what Goof-Off is as it is not available here. If you could say what it actually is and what the most important active ingredient is it would be very helpful. I suspect that acetone is the key ingredient but do the other constituents play a significant part?
I thought that the video was very informative and will be putting it to good use.
Stick with Acetone, much cheaper
it'd be nice if they made an applicator gun that works with the straw type cans. I don't have a problem with buying the pro cans, but sometimes lows/home depot will have a sale on the straw can where they're selling for $1.50 per can which is a deal to good to pass up.