This class has been refreshing to watch for a near 50 yr old man. I agree with many of the students and disagree with many. However it is great to hear what the future of our country has to say on important subjects.
The Healthcare CEO incident highlighted the deep moral perversity of our culture more so than it was an "awakening" of the American people. The fact that the seemingly sane among us are openly celebrating this should frighten you to the core.
This class has been refreshing to watch for a near 50 yr old man. I agree with many of the students and disagree with many. However it is great to hear what the future of our country has to say on important subjects.
The Healthcare CEO incident highlighted the deep moral perversity of our culture more so than it was an "awakening" of the American people. The fact that the seemingly sane among us are openly celebrating this should frighten you to the core.
It's hard to feel bad for those scamming the weak with denied healthcare.
It looks like my reply was censored.
I can't write another view because I'm censored.
교수님 안녕하세요
좋은영상 잘보고있습니다 항상 깨달음을주시는 영상 감사합니다.
영어로 작성하려다가 그냥 한국어로 하는게
좋을것같아 글남겨요
You have a horrible agenda and censor most comments.