Commenting just to boost you in the algorithm, I started these just 'cause I was looking up a bunch of lance stuff a few weeks back for MHW and got the "I was right to be a lance main" vid in my recommended and I've been watching on my second monitor since I didn't play enough MHGU these are really making me wanna go back to it (just restarted Rise tho so it'll be a while) Lance main life
Commenting just to boost you in the algorithm, I started these just 'cause I was looking up a bunch of lance stuff a few weeks back for MHW and got the "I was right to be a lance main" vid in my recommended and I've been watching on my second monitor since
I didn't play enough MHGU these are really making me wanna go back to it (just restarted Rise tho so it'll be a while)
Lance main life