A Look at the Book

  • Опубліковано 13 вер 2024
  • A cursory examination of the textbook Antioch uses to teach counselors how to understand and communicate with clients about race raises questions about the validity (and perhaps the legitimacy) of the examples provided. Please tell me: does this seem like the text from which you want your counselor to learn?


  • @dokecop
    @dokecop Рік тому +31

    The negative reactions sound manufactured by the author. Thanks for sharing this content!

    • @LeonCouch
      @LeonCouch Рік тому

      I noticed that the positive reactions are followed by the phrase "name withhheld" in parentheses, but the negative reactions do not have that phrase, probably because they were manufactured by the books author.

  • @grungehead12
    @grungehead12 Рік тому +45

    I am currently reading this book in my Multicultural Psychology class. The most egregious examples are the vignettes provided in the microaggressions chapter. If the author hadn't made it up, I wonder to what extent these were just examples of people feeling resentful and wanting to scapegoat someone who they consider powerful. This is has to be the most explicitly ideological "textbook" that I have encountered in my coursework so far.

    • @theradicalcenter
      @theradicalcenter  Рік тому +12

      Thanks for sharing that. Is that the chapter where he gives the airplane example? It is a very, very poor book to be teaching from, and it lays out right up front that if you disagree with his assertions, it's because of your own weaknesses and flaws. I'm sorry you're doing this in school, too.

    • @grungehead12
      @grungehead12 Рік тому +13

      @@theradicalcenter yup that's the one. There was also another one that I was thinking about which is at the start of the identity attitudes chapter. In any case, I have developed an understanding of when I am reading actual scholarship and when I am reading someone who is unabashedly engaging in motivated reasoning, so I am not buying into this completely.

    • @madmaxx5612
      @madmaxx5612 Рік тому +4

      Cogs in the machine.
      A therapist helped my kid to have a double chest surgery.
      Nothing but disdain for these things that think they are helping.
      I hope karma comes.
      Yeah. I'm mad.

    • @theradicalcenter
      @theradicalcenter  Рік тому +2

      @@madmaxx5612 How horrible and sad. I'm so sorry. I can understand why you'd be angry.

    • @satyricon451
      @satyricon451 Рік тому +4

      I took a class like that in college. It wasn't so much terrible as it didn't really go anywhere. There was no theory. It was a clumsy, hastily cobbled collection of immigrant vignettes where immigrants and their children struggled to adapt to American culture. Big effin' deal. I went through that too and got over it when I reached adulthood.

  • @kellyhess3056
    @kellyhess3056 Рік тому +29

    Thank you so much for doing this video and for speaking out. I am a current counseling student, about to go into practicum, and this was my multicultural textbook as well. Discretion being the better part of valor, I played along with it for the course (I'm old and didn't want any snags on my way to licensure in my second career). For those of you reading this who haven't read the book, please know that this video only scratches the surface of the mountain of misinformation and (likely) outright lies that fill this book. A complete rundown would be at least the length of a long feature film. I'm 99.9% sure the vignettes quoted in this video are indeed fake; Sue does cite himself endlessly; and the examples of culturally insensitive therapy are cartoonish (the video vignettes linked from the ebook are even worse than those in the text). There is no actual quality research cited, both because quality research would demonstrate the opposite of what is asserted, and because it's probably impossible to design a quality study that even *could* demonstrate the truth of the assertions. It's basically all qualitative, self-report surveys and definitely no meta-analyses. Notably, the book is not only racist against whites, but it's also racist, to varying degrees, toward every ethnic group it discusses. As I recall, Native Americans are treated with especially snide condescension, but all minorities are described as if they are monolithic groups of delicate weaklings who can't be expected to meet the basic expectations of life in a modern, Western society.

    • @theradicalcenter
      @theradicalcenter  Рік тому +6

      Hi Kelly, thanks for this comment. You are right- I wanted to go over just the most egregious parts of the book but found that almost every page was concerning once I started to comb through it. This basically just gives an overview of the beginning, and I may do another edition of this at some point to show more... I'm sorry you're having to entertain this in your program as well.

    • @RVMTube
      @RVMTube Рік тому +7

      I have been wondering if the best plan of action is to do as they did. Have enough aware individuals, collectively play along, infiltrate and rise to positions of power and then subvert the status quo, back into sanity.
      This strategic attack (and there is no other way to describe it) has been a long time coming, when viewed back through history. One can clearly see the little steps through the times. It is not an organic development of ideas. These are old ideas, with a coordinated pre planed execution.

    • @queengoblin
      @queengoblin Рік тому +7

      @@RVMTube What's most concerning for me is the grip this ideology takes on the mind. Mental viruses are not easy to get rid of, and it will take a lot of work to undo this. I was in the cult for 7 years and it took nearly 2 years for me to decondition myself - and I had a background in psychology and IFS/ gestalt therapy to help me out. My hope is that people care more about freedom than they do their social group. Because what this ideology does is it gives you friends and a HUGE support system (albeit an abusive, fickle one) - connection is the most basic human emotional need. I lost every one of my friends when I let go of this ideology. That was hard. I still haven't recovered from that. I don't know if a lot of people are okay with taking that risk. It's like dying. I think the people most at risk here are the lonely, and a lot of people are very lonely.

    • @markcounseling
      @markcounseling Рік тому

      @@queengoblin And it's not just friends but family members that one risks losing.

    • @markcounseling
      @markcounseling Рік тому +2

      Excellent comment Kelly, the field needs more thinkers.

  • @ianl5882
    @ianl5882 Рік тому +15

    Trust your instincts! -You’re not wrong 👍🏻 And thank you for speaking out. We need to hear this and understand how this drivel keeps showing up all around us.

  • @silaslizzie43
    @silaslizzie43 Рік тому +12

    OMFG. I had the same nonsense in graduate school from Sue and Sue. Page after page of insanity and questionable ideas (that were never open to questioning in graduate school for counselors). Keep fighting the good fight.

  • @nigelsheppard625
    @nigelsheppard625 Рік тому +3

    This is happening in the training of Psychologists and Psychotherapists in the UK also. The same text is being used, even though Dr Sue explicitly states he's writing about America. This is actually transfering a pathology on to those seeking support and counseling.

  • @Stairguy
    @Stairguy Рік тому +18

    Sorry if I am wasting people's time. I'm an over seventy year old former Marine and present janitor. I'm at best computer semi-literate: Four opinionated students--3 Name withhelds and one Anonymous. If there was a box to check off if one didn't want to put their real names , it would seem there might be a box to check name withheld OR Anonymous but is there enough difference (any difference) to put a box to check off Name withheld and another with Anonymous? It seems unlikely. From what I see on the internet most people sign their names with one they have made up (like Stairguy). I have seen very few comments from Name withheld or Anonymous. If all four of these students were signed Name withheld or all four were signed Anonymous, there Might be a reason that they all checked a Name withheld or Anonymous box. All four using a combinaton of Name Withheld or Anonymous seems bogus to this old codger. Great info; keep up the good work.

    • @theradicalcenter
      @theradicalcenter  Рік тому +7

      Thanks, Stairguy. Not wasting anyone's time at all, and I appreciate that you took the time to comment. The whole thing seems bogus to me, too.

    • @cjjones999
      @cjjones999 Рік тому +1

      Astute observation.

  • @cnyphotovideo
    @cnyphotovideo Рік тому +3

    It has indeed been quite interesting, and I have now fallen into binge watching all of your videos. I’ll probably finish up watching tomorrow. It’s interesting but it’s also very sad and unfair that you are being put through this saga, One thing that I can say for sure is that you are a very perceptive young woman. You are clearly correct in picking up on key phrases and dog whistles throughout this literature. Forgive me if you get a flurry of like notifications, but I want to show engagement in the algorithm on your channel. I will share it with anyone who is willing to listen.

  • @briannerk3373
    @briannerk3373 Рік тому +35

    Haha Yes,
    When I was in my graduate school program and knew that I was soon to be taking the required CSJ course, I skimmed this textbook beforehand and started to get really anxious; Basically, I waited for literally the second registration opened up for the semester and made damn sure that I enrolled in this course with a professor who I knew was not likely to try to subject me to racist bullying in class-- to try and "teach me a lesson about my whiteness" as they say.
    This "Textbook" to me is awful for mainly 3 reasons:
    1) It offers little to no practical advice on how to actually "counsel the culturally diverse".
    2) It is blatantly racist, mainly towards white people but not only.
    3) It is a piece of awful scholarship mainly based upon hypothetical anecdotes, little quality evidence, and unapologetically atrocious reasoning.

    • @fatheroftherealm
      @fatheroftherealm Рік тому

      How is this textbook "racist towards white people"? I just remember it being very pedantic and nonthreatening despite addressing some subjects that if in the wrong hands can make or break a session. The version we had, of course due to the time it was written, was chock full of micro aggressions to transgender people (because the book was written when trans people were continuing to be wrongly identified as disordered by the DSM, based outdated knowledge that has since been proven false, thank god).

    • @briannerk3373
      @briannerk3373 Рік тому +1

      @@fatheroftherealm "How is this textbook "racist towards white people"?"
      From what I remember, it claims that all white people are racists and that is it only white people who can "really" be racist. It makes many accusations against all white people as a group and claims that whenever anyone criticizes a point the book is making, that it is evidence of your racism. This is basically the kind of psychological abuse Narcissists and generally nasty people with no empathy do.
      So I'm what Sue would label as "white and male", but I have never actually done anything wrong to someone based on their skin color/sex in my life; Seriously, I didn't.
      What can I say when an article gets published in a leading Psychoanalytic journal in the US about how 'white people and white babies are parasites' and that 'all white people have an insatiable drive to dominate others'? What can I say after I got frequently discriminated against in job interviews because people see look at me like I'm a "white male" and they don't hire me? (this has become rampant in my field)
      Yes, I agree that all people are racists/sexists to some extent; however, Sue's book and much of the woke ideology it is a part of crosses the line into turning into actual racism with a capital "R" against people like me. And it is destructive to society on a cultural level and undermines race relations, not improves them.

    • @fatheroftherealm
      @fatheroftherealm Рік тому

      @@briannerk3373 I am also white and male. I have to say, Sue and Sue is so outdated- it's certainly not "woke" in the sense you're talking about (woke just means "alert to injustice" before it got all conflated). Since it doesn't apply to you, maybe it's worth mentioning that the book was written to handhold those who make blatant racist comments/actions and will do so toward their clients-- yes, these people exist. I have seen them in action. Sue and Sue is very basic, boring stuff for the people who need it. However, I think it needs to move aside for some better updated stuff by younger people. Too many stuffy academics!!!

    • @Individual_Lives_Matter
      @Individual_Lives_Matter Рік тому

      @@fatheroftherealmYou have a belly full of Kool Aid. Woke means relying on the tenets of the faith (it is NOT scholarship) of social justice instead of evidence. You may not realize it but it is a cult.

  • @markcounseling
    @markcounseling Рік тому +7

    It's mind-blowing, really, the effect DW Sue has had on the field. Asian American, Multicultural counseling and microaggressions. His brother is involved too, it's sort of like a family business, and it's been 40 years and counting, these books with the same basic message, and the same pushback from students too. The guy grew up in white Portland in the 50s. He was highly affected by the messages of the Civil Rights movement and his analysis of racism draws from those times.
    I can't help but feel that Sue never got over the taunts he suffered as a child, and at some level, is still trying to redress those "Whites" as he remembers them. (Why were the kids so mean to him? How could he train them, now, to stop being so mean?) But the problem is that his audience of readers includes the majority of people who simply were and are not those racist bullies. Therefore they don't feel addressed by the "training". They generally respect and try to love all peoples, certainly as counselors. Not perfect, of course, and racism has not gone away, but most are _already_ considering these issues, and maybe even have for their whole lives. I think we need a new Derald Wing Sue.
    Finally, if I ever write a book, I will not devote the first chapter to explaining to people who don't like it why they are incorrect to do so.

    • @theradicalcenter
      @theradicalcenter  Рік тому +4

      Yes. He has a clear bias and I'm glad you're able to see it, too. And I laughed out loud at your last sentence... :)

    • @jackg7496
      @jackg7496 Рік тому +1

      😂 Right?

  • @williamjmccartan8879
    @williamjmccartan8879 Рік тому +10

    Curious, has this book been challenged beyond this video? If it's going to be used by academia, you would think that it would have to be cited through rigorous investigation, and if it hasn't why was it allowed to be introduced into the curriculum? Keep at it Leslie, peace.

    • @fatheroftherealm
      @fatheroftherealm Рік тому

      It has been. You can check the book out for yourself and its various metamorphosis as research has developed. I found this book to be boring and hand-holdy. But it isn't without academic merit, even if we don't 'like' it.

    • @williamjmccartan8879
      @williamjmccartan8879 Рік тому

      @@fatheroftherealm Thank you for the answer, what organizations accredited the book do you know?

    • @fatheroftherealm
      @fatheroftherealm Рік тому +1

      @@williamjmccartan8879 Of course you're welcome. If we're talking about organizations accrediting a textbook, that's a lot more specific than the individual being accredited by the organizations- if that makes sense. American Psychological Association, The Society for the Psychological Study of Ethnic Minority Issues, both could be cited as accrediting Dr. Wing Sue but if I'm not understanding your question correctly, you'd want to specifically look at Sue's research and reference pages within the textbook for the specifics-- since those are simply his affiliations. I will say, the Sues are pretty groundbreaking in that they are some of the first Asian American voices as counselor educators to break through the normal fodder that are written by White Americans and White Europeans. So, when we read something from a very different perspective after a lifetime of reading only certain voices, I imagine it's jarring for some, when really you can disagree without claiming no one accredited him. If there's anything I know about about the world of research in counseling psych, you are not going to get anywhere without your citations! LOL!! :D Thanks for talking

  • @Maxmaxmax63
    @Maxmaxmax63 Рік тому

    I am speechless after watching this video of yours. My jaw is on the floor. It doesn’t seem real!
    How you made it through this class without losing your mind is evidence of your strong constitution. I do not think I would have been able to.

  • @friendlyfire7861
    @friendlyfire7861 Рік тому +5

    This was really informative, and I appreciate your effort on this. It's nice to know I'm not alone when I notice similar things though I was in a very different field. I hope you continue to post because it's only with a preponderance of voices that big changes can take place. You show a lot of bravery to put yourself out there. You are totally right about the vocabulary, tone, etc. of the purported opinions; things that stood out to me especially were, as you pointed out, "challenging realities" (??) and the ellipses "but....well..." (to put that in writing is performative and a piece of fiction, not writing; spontaneity like that in writing can only be performative). They really do sound made up, and the author does not do a great job at covering up his writing style. I hope you have a look at James Lindsay's "New Discourses." All he does is read from the text and comment as he goes (fine, it's not ALL he does, but that's the format), and he doesn't bother with visuals, which to me anyway slow down the editing process; his main posts tend to be very long, but there is a market for that, i.e., people are patient enough to listen that long! You've inspired me to post commentary on some things I've noticed from schools in the younger grades that put out this kind of stuff; it's hurting children and taking away from their education significantly. So thank you again, and you are so great to get started and just plow forward. James is always begging others to make their own posts, and you set a great example. If I were to make one suggestion, it would be to get a somewhat better microphone because that's the #1 thing that can make people change channels--and it doesn't have to be an expensive one. Just one that sounds a little less tinny. Even a pretty cheap lavalier microphone does wonders. Thumbs up a thousand times!

    • @theradicalcenter
      @theradicalcenter  Рік тому

      Thank you for the great feedback and the sound suggestion. :)

  • @DigitalPsyche
    @DigitalPsyche Рік тому +2

    Before I saw this, I commented on one of your more recent videos that you should go over this book. Glad to see you cover it.

  • @MrGuanyin
    @MrGuanyin Рік тому +5

    Any book that starts with a Kafka trap to shore up its content has no academic value.
    However, the time machine used to go back to the 30's to get the comments is very valuable.

    • @theradicalcenter
      @theradicalcenter  Рік тому +1

      Haha! Yes. You are right- if those vignettes are legit, they are from another era...

    • @jackg7496
      @jackg7496 Рік тому

      Yes, always good to be aware of the Kafka trap. It’s use is for the pseudo-scientific and radical ideologues

    • @hengineer
      @hengineer Рік тому

      Poisoning the well.

  • @PaleyDaley
    @PaleyDaley Рік тому +1

    You summed it up perfectly. It's a cheap Kafka trap. Racist if you do, racist if you don't. I hope your classmates know what a Kafka trap is.

  • @baxrok2.
    @baxrok2. Рік тому +16

    "Dubious credibility" to say the least. That drivel has no place in an elementary school let alone a university. Excellent review.

  • @DEWwords
    @DEWwords Рік тому +4

    This is so much like the "no way to win except give in" fundamentalist self-con game I was brought up in. All they lack is a Jesus... or a Virgin--Test Tube-Born-Spider-Mam...but, Judith Butler and the Professional Managerial Class are there to step in, thank gawd.

    • @DEWwords
      @DEWwords Рік тому +3

      Incredibly tribal, juvenile, and destructive--- 6th grade therapy in Antioch's little book. "How To Infest The World With Immature Malignant Narcissistic Abused-Abusers" should most likely be the title.

  • @uSS-kc7fx
    @uSS-kc7fx Рік тому +28

    I feel like this form of "social justice" will lead to a massive number of unintentional racists. I imagine many students who do mean well will ultimately end up talking down to the groups identified in Antioch's content. Simply put, acting like you broadly owe someone something because they are in a proposed lesser situation than you because of race has to be one of the most offensive forms of racism I could imagine.
    I don’t like to “other” people and like to treat everyone the same, I have never had a problem.

    • @theradicalcenter
      @theradicalcenter  Рік тому +3

      I could not agree more.

    • @ubersneak
      @ubersneak Рік тому +2

      Your dislike of not "other-ing" people is a condition brought on by a high trust culture. Only cultures with a background that encouraged cooperation and "helping the little guy", in whatever form that took, is not followed by everyone. On the contrary, there are many of this culture who inherently distrust the "outsider" and are always looking for ways to survive at the expense of everyone else. It isn't the high trust cultures that have to change to bring people together, it's the low trust ones. But this is exactly what is being described here.

  • @geozipper
    @geozipper Рік тому +1

    The section that says 'This is why I minimize race issues and let them fade from my awareness whenever possible' is actually a sneaky way of promoting the idea that one must be hyper-sensitive to racial experiences & always be on the lookout for acts of 'racism,' either of one's own or by others. It is telling the reader to be CONSTANTLY AWARE of racial 'micro-aggressions' & it simply accepts the conclusion that there are hidden racial components underlying every single human encounter, components that are so subtle & pernicious as to define all human interactions & one must actively seek them out in order to overcome one's own 'racism.'

  • @golden.lights.twinkle2329
    @golden.lights.twinkle2329 Рік тому +5

    How can anyone counsel the diverse? Surely you counsel one person at a time. One person cannot be diverse, only a group of people can be diverse. In any case no-one can assume that all people from a given culture are the same. Everyone being counselled should be treated as an individual with a unique personality and a unique set of attributes.

    • @nickcharles1284
      @nickcharles1284 Рік тому

      Careful: that is brain breaking stuff there. Their minds may implode.

  • @johngaller9277
    @johngaller9277 Рік тому +5

    So glad this popped up. Btw... I subscribed but it looks as though utoob might not be sending notifications. Hope you are well. Settling in to listen . :)

    • @theradicalcenter
      @theradicalcenter  Рік тому +2

      Thanks for letting me know. And thanks for listening :)

    • @johngaller9277
      @johngaller9277 Рік тому +1

      @@theradicalcenter Certainly a tome of questionable integrity. History and literature are wrought with phonies and farcical works by advantageous manipulators. If you're not familiar with them, two people I respect and enjoy listening to are Glen Loury and John McWhorter. They have lively discussion on this very topic and all issues surrounding it. I recently also came across John and Jordan Peterson speaking with each other as well. Peterson interviews a woman named Chloe Valdary. She has a theory on countering the ill gains of certain aspects of critical race theory. I found that video interesting. Maybe you might find this info useful. Pardon me if you already are aware . have a great day.

    • @theradicalcenter
      @theradicalcenter  Рік тому +1

      @@johngaller9277 I do know of and enjoy the Glenn Show very much. I also really like and respect Jordan Peterson, though I have not seen his interview with Chloe Valdary. Thank you for the recommendation- I will check it out.

  • @wadesworld6250
    @wadesworld6250 Рік тому +2

    From what I've seen, that book appears to be a work of pure fiction.

  • @nicholasmartin7585
    @nicholasmartin7585 Рік тому +8

    I don't know about the US but in the UK the expression is "a bone to pick" or an "axe to grind" - not "a bone to grind". You suggest that the expression (or something like it) occurs twice in the book. Is this the case? If so, the publisher should be informed.

    • @DEWwords
      @DEWwords Рік тому +4

      The same here. (You should hear the newscasters now and radio announcers lately... eeek! )

    • @DEWwords
      @DEWwords Рік тому

      A barely functioning literacy, general ignorance and magical tribal thinking is the rule. ( But isn't Ethnocentricism the HIGHEST Good? )

    • @theradicalcenter
      @theradicalcenter  Рік тому +5

      Yes, you're right. He's mixing his metaphors. Once it is stated correctly (axe to grind) and once incorrectly (bone to grind). I am struck when I read these by the similarities in word choice, idiom & cliché usage, and overall writing style.

    • @markcounseling
      @markcounseling Рік тому

      @@theradicalcenter I have a bone to pick with his axe to grind.

    • @theradicalcenter
      @theradicalcenter  Рік тому +2

      @@markcounseling lol!

  • @MichaelSOlan
    @MichaelSOlan Рік тому +6

    Lol I agree… they probably wrote the vignettes. They sound like they are from 1926 period piece films

  • @kevinmctighe
    @kevinmctighe Рік тому +7

    The first edition of this book was published in 1981, long before the time when critical race theory had completed its long march through the institutions. I doubt if Sue was even aware of it. It would be fascinating to trace how this book changed through its various editions since then, migrating from “multiculturalism” to “anti-racism” and “white fragility”. I’m guessing the original edition might not have contained so much offensive racist drivel as the current one.
    Thank you for taking the time out to post this material and I wish you luck in suing (no pun intended) the school for your lost tuition money.

    • @markcounseling
      @markcounseling Рік тому +2

      You're right, that would really be fascinating. I was able to avoid Sue in 1991, had to stomach it as well as I could in 2012, but my gosh, the 2022 edition is quite a meal.

    • @cjjones999
      @cjjones999 Рік тому +1

      I kind of wish you had intended that pun, because it would have been awesome.

  • @ericg6948
    @ericg6948 Рік тому +4

    Excellent review. Total crap being passed as scholarship.

  • @BAJaney
    @BAJaney Рік тому +5

    I've had to use this damned book for years, and I've come to see it as a polemic set against US/American culture. I also share your reaction(s) to virtually all of the vignettes, not just in this preface, but from beginning to end. They all feel like caricatures. I think you are using the 2016 version, but the next edition after is not better. I have both editions, and I did a comparison of the most recent, to the one that came before. I wondered, is the author just recycling these passages from a previous era? Seems not, because these things were not repeated across editions. But I do strongly wonder if they actually came from real students, or the author just pulled them from his own fever dreams. I strongly suspect it is the latter.

  • @DEWwords
    @DEWwords Рік тому +4

    Good work. Thank you.

  • @oliversmith9200
    @oliversmith9200 Рік тому +1

    Your criticisms and analysis are spot on.

  • @Miguel-un1vh
    @Miguel-un1vh Рік тому +10

    There are a lot of examples here as to why this is bad counselling training. The receptionist was mean to me, client assumes she was racist; any disagreement with that idea is verboten. Is a counsellor just supposed to agree with their client anytime the race is brought up? As you say, what if it’s a cognitive distortion? What if the client suffers from paranoia as a symptom of anxiety? Or oppositional defiance disorder?
    Critical race theory as a whole is the wrong level of analysis for counselling. We counsel individuals, not racial groups or even racial identities. Race needs to be considered, but to focus on it is dangerous. Critical race theory is almost designed to CREATE cognitive distortions in people. This is especially evident when you look at the idea of micro aggressions or implicit bias.
    Guilt is brought up a lot. This is a theory that says you should feel guilt for the things other people do. In no theory of psychology is this healthy. Even the idea of oppressor/oppressed puts the weight of an entire races’ history on one person. Again, we’re counselling individuals, not races.

    • @DEWwords
      @DEWwords Рік тому +3

      That right there should be on the inside flap of the book as a blurb from the consumer alert people. Excellent.

    • @theradicalcenter
      @theradicalcenter  Рік тому +3

      Yes- it absolutely does seek to create cognitive distortions. And yes- we counsel individuals, not races. Very well said.

    • @SalivatingSteve
      @SalivatingSteve Рік тому +1

      The client assuming the receptionist was mean to them “because they were racist” sounds like mismatched attributional styles. In relationships with mismatched attributional styles, it’s suggested that these conflicts are irresolvable as long as the person remains stuck in their ways.

    • @Miguel-un1vh
      @Miguel-un1vh Рік тому +1

      @@SalivatingSteve more than a mismatch, I think CRT trains people to have an external global stable view of race relations as they navigate the world. It’s right in their view that racism is the normal and permanent state of America. Not good for mental health.

  • @themeanie.
    @themeanie. Рік тому +3

    Is the author trying to help the student get over stereotypes by using stereotypes?

    • @themeanie.
      @themeanie. Рік тому

      @@emmalouie1663 Yes it is a clever trap, label someone with a term that is despised by all, if they don't nod their head and agree. Nobody wants to be labeled a racist. Then they throw in microaggressions and unconscious bias to convince everyone they are racist.

    • @MungeParty
      @MungeParty Рік тому

      I remember when "white replacement theory" became a far right dog whistle. It was ironic to me at the time because I've only ever heard leftists bring it up in a positive cynical framing like it's a good thing.

  • @nikmills
    @nikmills Рік тому +9

    The characters sure sound stereotypical. Comedian Bill Burr does a bit about how Hollywood casts this type of caricature, the absurdly evil 1950's Southern Klan member racist embodied in the average mid-western student - as if that's someone you'd run into every day on a college campus.

  • @emale03
    @emale03 Рік тому

    Great video presentation! KUDOS!

  • @apextroll
    @apextroll Рік тому

    Do you feel there is a need to address or be aware of cultural sensitivity and if so, how would you go about it?

  • @rnbham39
    @rnbham39 Рік тому +2

    How in earth did that get to be the required text??? Scary…

  • @justpeachy4393
    @justpeachy4393 Рік тому +1

    I read that book in my grad program too.
    As for that first anecdote you read with the angry 'get out of my country' person... That sounds like the people I'm surrounded with everyday 😂 so not that unusual. For context, my family are all Christians and so are most of my friends on Facebook

  • @muddysludge7117
    @muddysludge7117 Рік тому +3

    Your Karma runs over their Dogma. Stay with it!

  • @fatheroftherealm
    @fatheroftherealm Рік тому

    Where I'll agree with you: No program should be set up to only hold space a certain way. It seems the pendulum swings in the exact opposite direction, but we've to remember that the first direction caused extreme harm too. We don't know who is sitting in the client chair until the person gains our trust enough to be themselves authentically.

    • @PetrosArgy
      @PetrosArgy Рік тому

      From reading a few of your comments, I suspect you might work in the field of therapy somehow, so that's the assumption I'll work under since it seems a good opportunity for an interesting exchange. For me the elephant in the room in this textbook is it's dependence on race as the key factor in therapeutic outcomes. Observation and life experience have led me to a different conclusion - that much of what we consider racism is actually culturally based ignorance and fear that develops out of that. Some key examples from my experience would be: My parents were mixed culturally in their upbringings at home - German and Greek, but both raised in the US. Their marriage didn't last and I suspect that was in large part due to their inability to find solutions to those cultural differences. Those two family halves exposed me to vastly different adults in childhoods - one group was expressive, physical and hugged and squeezed cheeks, the other was reserved and almost never showed any physical affection. When those two sides came together for holidays it was as intense an experience as the story that white comedian got famous for on youtube about going to his black friend's family's cookout. The other key example I can offer is my experience of going through therapy in another country in a second language - it taught me that a huge part of who I thought I was was actually cultural and language based assumptions on my part. It was only when someone else from a completely different culture was able to question what I meant at every step that I started to question it myself. Assessing, judging and assuming based on visual appearance alone will almost always get us into trouble. This textbook doesn't seem to fix that.

    • @MungeParty
      @MungeParty Рік тому

      The first direction? Yikes.

    • @fatheroftherealm
      @fatheroftherealm Рік тому +1

      @@PetrosArgy Agreed. When done well this type of relational therapy has extreme benefits. When wielded poorly, like any "theory" (multicultural lenses in therapy isn't really a theory- it's a reality), it looks bad. That textbook has not aged well and while it was groundbreaking at the time, the Sues have monopolized the market.

    • @fatheroftherealm
      @fatheroftherealm Рік тому

      @@MungeParty Huh?

  • @NervousNoodles
    @NervousNoodles Рік тому

    That was...quite an insane read. Hard to believe that things like this are in education, let alone grad education.

  • @familyguy8184
    @familyguy8184 Рік тому +3

    great video. this channel will blow up i feel

  • @almostyouman
    @almostyouman Рік тому +4

    I remember reading about Sue's experience with a flight attendant that really seemed to cauterize his world view. Some people are shitty. If you're in a place where 70% of the population shares a skin color then it might feel justified to hold prejudice on the basis of skin color but that is also de facto racism. Not only do people of a similar skin color not come from identical cultures, but that framing is very unlikely to benefit our increasingly multicultural and cosmopolitan society.

    • @theradicalcenter
      @theradicalcenter  Рік тому +4

      Yes! His experience with the flight attendant is a perfect example. He is completely obsessed with race and sees racism in every interaction.

    • @fatheroftherealm
      @fatheroftherealm Рік тому

      @@theradicalcenter I imagine I might if I encountered racism in interactions throughout the day. I may come across as defending Dr. Sue- I'm not. But if you don't encounter racism, and therefore feel like it doesn't exist, isn't it a strawman argument to argue against the person's experience then? I guess when I had to read this text I considered if a client's experience is to encounter little snarky comments throughout their day (on the low end) and then they end up working with a counselor who wants to make more comments about their appearance, religion, politics, hair, etc. I truly feel like that is the reason Sue is still being used, for the folks who don't consider any impact on clients when they run their mouths.

  • @SevenHills1
    @SevenHills1 Рік тому

    I had a problem with this book too, a past edition. It's ideology, not therapy. It said things like "all white people are racist" and "people of color cannot discriminate." (I would watch this video but I don't want to waste any more time on this book.)

  • @marcjohnston7226
    @marcjohnston7226 Рік тому

    Which branch of Antioch did you attend?

  • @geozipper
    @geozipper Рік тому +1

    I find it curious how the positive examples always say how 'honest & truthful' the book is & heaps praise upon the authors for validating their experience. It's like a sleight of hand compliment & pat on the back for themselves. So Funny !!
    Question: is that what colleges are supposed to do, validate what we already think? Or are they supposed to expose us to thoughts & concepts that challenge our preconceived notions & broaden our knowledge? (In other words, it's perfectly okay for the book to challenge the White examples of their preconceived ideas BUT that rule doesn't apply to the black or ethnic minority students & their preconceived ideas about the world.)
    The critical thinking skills of the authors are seriously flawed.

  • @blasito9820
    @blasito9820 Рік тому +2

    You should reach out to a youtuber named Destiny (real name steven). He's had recent discussions about whether "wokeness" has gone too far and some of his examples involves the universities. If you email him im sure he would be open to discussion.

  • @Psycopathicus
    @Psycopathicus Рік тому +6

    In my opinion, those can't possibly be real quotations, and this for two reasons. First, because, as you say, they are ridiculously one-sided, without a trace of nuance; everyone is either VERY VERY ANGRY AT DR. SUE or OH THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU DR. SUE, and second, I happen to be a writer (still unpublished, but trying my best); I've done my best to train myself to have an ear for dialogue, and I can state more or less authoritatively that this Sue character has one of the worst such ears I've ever come across. He just slots in his favorite phrases and concepts whole and largely unaltered wherever he wants them, in a way that nobody actually talks or thinks like in real life.
    'As a [WHITE PERSON], I [FEEL THREATENED] by these statements by [DR. SUE], because I don't see why I should have to [EXAMINE BIASES]. This is a terrible book. [DR. SUE] needs to stop making me, a [WHITE PERSON], [FEEL THREATENED].'
    'I am [BLACK], and I felt [HAPPY AND VALIDATED] by this new book by [DR. SUE]. I am sure if will make some [WHITE PEOPLE] [FEEL THREATENED], but frankly, I think [WHITE PEOPLE] should [FEEL THREATENED], because we [BLACK PEOPLE] have suffered [BIAS] from [WHITE PEOPLE] long enough, and now it's their turn.'
    This is the sort of thing that ONLY works if you're preaching to an already very enthusiastic choir. The fact that it's required reading anyway is worrying, to say the least.

  • @MrGuanyin
    @MrGuanyin Рік тому +1

    "Therapeutic liberation" made me chuckle

  • @RVMTube
    @RVMTube Рік тому +3

    I think the biggest flaw in reasoning for CRT is that it fails to understand that up until 150years ago, the vast majority of humans, bar a handful were all knee deep in shit and mud. The technological leaps and advancements we have made since the creation of the transformer is exponential.
    All of this pushed us closer together and helped unify us.
    CRT advocates are chosing to ignore the recent past and present good, and build on it. They are extremely comfortable and privileged on the backs of what others have built and sacrificed for and they are completely ungrateful of it and believe they deserve it and own it. Instead they are going back to find grieving to be upset about.
    But the true question is, how far back does one go. They always stop at the point where they stand to gain from, never past and beyond to the point where they themselves owe others. Also, this concept of an individual having to pay for the sins of someone else is perverse and anti human, it is a mindset of those that seek to gain power by oppressing others. It is always someone else that owes, never the self.

    • @adamguerrero5293
      @adamguerrero5293 Рік тому

      Everything you said is so vague that it is in & of itself an empty ideology at the face value you present.

  • @achipinthesugar
    @achipinthesugar Рік тому

    This is great. Thank you!

  • @paulban889
    @paulban889 Рік тому

    Don't expect your enemies to give you quarter or to fight by your rules. They've clearly declared what they are what they want.

  • @thangd7124
    @thangd7124 Рік тому +4

    His sheer hatred and life perspective are terribly offensive.

  • @T6_That
    @T6_That Рік тому +2

    I’m seven different ethnic cities, I wonder what the author would think my reaction to his book would be. This is absurd for him to project how each race should feel prior to reading the book. I think you’ll find this discussion interesting if you haven’t seen it already

  • @joelwatkins4377
    @joelwatkins4377 Рік тому

    I agree with You on that the vignettes used were written by controlled opposition...not “A White Female Student” or “White Male Student”.

  • @grothd09
    @grothd09 Рік тому +2

    You know the “stories” are fake because they use the phrase “bone to grind” instead of “bone to pick” (the correct phrase)…the other phrase that he mixed in is “axe to grind”…clearly not a mistake multiple people would make unless they were made up by him!

  • @thel1355
    @thel1355 Рік тому

    Whenever they say "black" or "minority" or "oppressed", just substitute the word "redneck". It's quite illuminating.

  • @sbeerman1919
    @sbeerman1919 Рік тому +1

    I love the preemptive gaslighting in the Intro. All those vignettes are bs. I can't believe they're really teaching this stuff.

  • @user-xt8ds2rp2b
    @user-xt8ds2rp2b Рік тому +1

    "Every reason you might have for not agreeing with this book is a problem of yours" 😀

  • @kerrylewisRN
    @kerrylewisRN Рік тому

    The “author” of this is supposing how the critiques of the book might respond. None of those critiques is real. You are right about the use of language such as White in the critiques. Who does the author think he’s fooling?

  • @peanutnutter1
    @peanutnutter1 Рік тому +1

    It's radicalization

  • @MW-ic7lr
    @MW-ic7lr Рік тому +4

    Have the authors ever heard of a strawman? Those vignettes are awful.

  • @breezi3154
    @breezi3154 Рік тому +1

    I'm tempted to call this a kind of genius form of rhetorical and emotional manipulation that creates a space where anything the author says is unfalsifiable, and therefore beyond the need for critical or rigorous analysis. I'm tempted to only because of how successful he is among the educators that adopt his book for their classrooms, but then I realize how transparent his tactics are and I'm just confused. This isn't brilliance, this is repression. He's obviously a smart guy, how can he not see what is so transparent about his own tactics? How can so many other people not see it? On some level they must, and they must also be repressing their own awareness. The alternative is that they're intentionally and consciously manipulative, but I don't believe that. I think they really believe what they're saying, which makes their level of self-deception incomprehensible to me. I'm genuinely confused about their psychology and really interested to understand how it comes about.

    • @MungeParty
      @MungeParty Рік тому

      It makes a lot more sense if you interpret it as a collectivist theology.

  • @rnbham39
    @rnbham39 Рік тому +1

    I’m not understanding crediting yourself as if you are the authority. I cannot believe he has spent his entire career dedicated to this subject. Sad…

  • @panushjo
    @panushjo Рік тому +3

    If reaction 1 is a real complaint, then I'm Donald Trump

  • @testtest648
    @testtest648 Рік тому +1

    It's important to remember vignettes are not required to be real. They are illustations, brief descriptions, or stories to then make a point.
    Vignettes can be made up.

  • @michaelwankewycz6209
    @michaelwankewycz6209 Рік тому +2

    The author starts with the premise that society has conditioned white people to be racist. The second premise is that most white people aren't aware that they are racist. The textbook is essentially a self help book where this guru author guides white people to anti-racist enlightenment. Maybe a new edition could focus a chapter on breathing exercises and mindfulness. And why not? It's pseudo psychology, not evidence based science.

    • @michaelwankewycz6209
      @michaelwankewycz6209 Рік тому +2

      One of the other problems with this author's preoccupation with racism is the importance white people are supposed to give this societal issue. He claims a white person who isn't actively and openly supporting organizations he deems worthy are perpetuating racism.
      However, one could make this claim this about any issue they feel is really important. For example, concern about the environment. It's not enough to just recycle. You have to be aligned with political causes and possibly even financially support organizations with goals of reducing pollution. Are you driving a car to work instead of riding a bike? You are part of the problem. It's not enough to be a non-polluter... you have to be an anti-polluter. The author of this imagined environmental textbook could supply cartoonish quotes from people to support his argument. "So what if I litter. We have sanitation workers for a reason. I help keep them employed."

    • @pamelavaughn547
      @pamelavaughn547 Рік тому

      @@michaelwankewycz6209 "so what if I litter. We have sanitation workers for a reason. I help keep them employed." ...that quote fits in perfectly!!

  • @seanmellows1348
    @seanmellows1348 Рік тому +3

    Wow. I’m just flummoxed. That series of vignettes reads like a bunch of weak, unimaginative, two-dimensional fiction. How can an educated faculty member not recognize the blatantly unacademic nature of this work?

    • @MungeParty
      @MungeParty Рік тому

      Sounds fancy, I hope they get it right.

  • @jamesstrawn6087
    @jamesstrawn6087 Рік тому

    Fascinating. It is like watching the videos that describe life in a cult.

  • @Zzyzzyx
    @Zzyzzyx Рік тому +1

    Fake letters. There's no such thing as "a bone to grind." It's "a bone to pick."

  • @geezlouise7005
    @geezlouise7005 Рік тому +2

    I needed to pause the video merely 8 minutes in to write this comment, and forgive me for laughing at those vignettes, I know these are serious issues but those paragraphs are so cartoonish and ridiculously written. There's 2 things that jumped out the most, firstly how the white students "responses" were wholly negative, while the ones from the students of color were fully positive. That's so incredibly disingenuous, not only is that not an accurate description of human diversity of opinions, but it's also ridiculous how racialized those opinions are. It's like the author invented racism 2.0 and there's absolutely no way any of those 4 were actual responses given by students, people don't bloody talk/write like that in real life. The second thing that really prompted this comment is the fact that the white woman's "response" is the most unhinged out of the lot. The white male is significantly more logical and measured, but the white woman, the usual scapegoat for people's misogyny, sounds cartoonishly deranged. The author might as well have written "ok Karen" as a rebuttal and it would've had the same impact, it's incredibly rude to all women regardless of race.
    When the preface itself is this bad, I dread seeing what the rest of the book is like. The author already sounds like a misogynistic person with their head buried way too deep into woke ideology.

  • @honeybunch6473
    @honeybunch6473 Рік тому

    I hope the numbers in psychology and counselling departments begin to shrink. Anyone signing up to this must be desperate.

    • @MungeParty
      @MungeParty Рік тому

      It's sad because those people want to heal and they're being indoctrinated into this obscene activism.

  • @macroman91
    @macroman91 Рік тому

    How is it that I can tell the author isn't Christian?

  • @derumweger1590
    @derumweger1590 Рік тому +1

    Right, definition by extremism, a clear evasion from first principles. Ditch the author, find another.

  • @MungeParty
    @MungeParty Рік тому

    I always want to be careful not to take the position that "nobody thinks that way" but those examples seem completely made up. If those are testimonials it should be easy to verify them.

  • @adamguerrero5293
    @adamguerrero5293 Рік тому

    The vignettes were probably made up. But at the same time, key elements like "US: like it or leave it" and bringing up racism is somehow racist itself are actual concepts employed by those who don't want to face quantitative measurements. I don't mean the Post Modernist "feelings," but objective data like:
    1. The US has the highest incarceration rates in the world
    2. Those rates are disproportionately minority
    3. The policing that creates that prison population is disproportionately minority
    4. Drug use, for instance, is the same across the board, creating another striking contrast
    5. Drugs like cocaine have a lower sentencing than drugs like crack, which also has obvious racial lines thereby demonstrating the racism in the "justice system"

    • @MungeParty
      @MungeParty Рік тому

      Crack sentences were raised by progressives trying to clean up inner cities, some of those politicians were black themselves. Your comment illustrates why getting your "education" from activists leads otherwise intelligent people to come to historically illiterate conclusions.

  • @nforne
    @nforne Рік тому +1

    The first two vignettes from whites are particularly sneaky. The author puts reasonable objections alongside cartoonishly racist ones, effectively smearing the reasonable objections with the stench of racism.

  • @headshot8888
    @headshot8888 Рік тому +2

    Is this their holy scriptures? I fear this ideology will lead to great atrocities.

    • @MungeParty
      @MungeParty Рік тому

      History might look back on some things that are going on right now in those terms.

  • @gergster6899
    @gergster6899 Рік тому

    I feel sorry for young people going to university these days with all of the propaganda going on. I just hope that those with sense will be constantly sceptical and keep your critical thinking faculties on full alert.

  • @monisantini-kelly6581
    @monisantini-kelly6581 Рік тому

    Thank you for sharing this! If you leave to us the judging of this "case", I can really say that this is a pathological case to treat egregiously. This author needs mental health help immediately, possibly relegated in a mental care hospital, doors closed! This is psychopath, public danger!

  • @CarobMarcelle
    @CarobMarcelle Рік тому +1

    I do know people (relatives) who say. “They should go back to Africa”
    And I can see people using that.
    If you think though that Latin people and defend black people on the whole. Doesn’t really happen.
    I generally think, that those who say “thank you thank you” would not like the tables turned. I work so carefully within this group having conversations often with people who resent “whiteness” and they do sometimes feel like they can say whatever. But whoa unto those who turn the tables. If you wouldn’t want to be uncomfortable why do it to others.

    • @golden.lights.twinkle2329
      @golden.lights.twinkle2329 Рік тому +1

      Many black people were not born in Africa and many white people were not born in Europe.

    • @adamguerrero5293
      @adamguerrero5293 Рік тому

      Generational wealth and generational trauma is real. There is much to critique in the current post modernist ideology that pervades academia, but there are pieces that are accurate to a science.

    • @CarobMarcelle
      @CarobMarcelle Рік тому

      @@adamguerrero5293 I don’t deny that. But I think that focusing on that cripples people and doesn’t allow them to focus on overcoming. I also think generational trauma is not always across races. Nor is wealth..

    • @adamguerrero5293
      @adamguerrero5293 Рік тому

      @@CarobMarcelle it ain't up to "I think." Your anecdotal reflections ain't reality.
      Generational trauma is biological. It's factual. A mother with child under duress changes the child en utero. This isn't limited to one "race" or another, but the dominant forces in society galvanized on the mundane (whites only) to the explicit (the many economic "riots" like what happened in Tulsa, but across the country over decades) to the insidious (US intelligence funding foreign terror off the congressional budget by flooding the minority population with drugs).
      That pattern mirrors the destruction of generational wealth.
      No one is saying anyone is incapable. That would indeed be racist. But the denying of multiple concerted efforts, even up to the 2008 housing collapse, simply ain't paying attention and are comfortable in their anecdotal ideology.
      No different from the "Woke"

    • @CarobMarcelle
      @CarobMarcelle Рік тому

      @@adamguerrero5293 what do you believe are the solutions. You should tread carefully my lived experience is what I know and I guarantee you it’s not wrapped in privilege. I don’t disagree about drugs. Nor do I deny systemic racism. Still going on now as little black kids are told they can’t compete so should we lower the bar in the name of equity? Or should we provide tutors and mentors only to minorities to “even the score” how about the children who come from JAck and Jill society” should they be handed accommodations? Some of the wealthiest people I know were born that way as were their parents and they are black.
      I absolutely believe in racism and bigotry where we differ, seeks to be who we believe is the perpetrator. And also what the solution is. I’m not interested in being someone’s pawn, so they can implement something worse.

  • @Knuck_Knucks
    @Knuck_Knucks Рік тому

    The willful ignorance of this graduate material is mind numbing. 😔

  • @adaynasmile
    @adaynasmile Рік тому

    I know some racist people. I know some true white supremicists. But I have never met anyone who talked like those stories in that book and I don't know anyone (even the rascist who are mostly 80 plus years old by the way) who treats "people of color" any differently than anyone else. Maybe they say something at home or to a friend but I don't see this constant racism that is always talked about. In my life, as a white girl, I have primarily been the minority (90% or more of my schools were hispanic with whites being around 2% of the population). I think that books and classes like this are just breaking our country apart based on perceptions. I am not sure why we are allowing people with mental health issues to create our society.

  • @huhhuhhuh4069
    @huhhuhhuh4069 Рік тому +1

    haha how can this actually be a textbook? It reads like really bad parody.

  • @havenbastion
    @havenbastion Рік тому +1

    That book is a parody of itself.

  • @kierondillon4458
    @kierondillon4458 Рік тому

    Be more direct!!!!!!

  • @tynome63
    @tynome63 Рік тому

    Don't see how Americans could be embarassed about racism. they have done much more for others than to them. Their existence is threatened by their lack of loyalty to their culture and privileges.

    • @adamguerrero5293
      @adamguerrero5293 Рік тому

      What? "done so much for others" You mean global pillage? Do you know what the Monroe Doctrine is? Do you know how many free & fair democratically elected governments the US has overthrown because it threatens the flow of cheap raw goods &/or labor to US mouths and stomachs?

    • @tynome63
      @tynome63 Рік тому

      @@adamguerrero5293 I am refering to the statement that Americans are racist.

    • @adamguerrero5293
      @adamguerrero5293 Рік тому

      @@tynome63 The first half of this country's short history was dominated by two genocides: one of kidnapped africans and another by many native civilizations.
      The second half of that has been an outsourcing of that racism to fellow authoritarians like chinese factory slaves and 3rd world dictatorships.
      Global corporate capitalism thrives on outsourcing racism. The wealth of this country is the extraction of the rest of the planet.

    • @tynome63
      @tynome63 Рік тому

      @@adamguerrero5293 I am not a hisotian but what you are saying is simply dumping on the white culture imo. A lot of people from all around the world believe it's the greatest culture and quality of life, bunches come, none ever leave.

    • @adamguerrero5293
      @adamguerrero5293 Рік тому

      Your opinion is meaningless. You're conducting yourself just like the "woke" culture: you want your feelings to be fact.
      It ain't.
      I'm skeptical you understand how your standard of living is achieved. For instance, how is it that there's always fresh pineapple across American grocery stores, even in winter, when no where on the continental 48 do they grow?
      What I referred to are facts. Greedy Europeans too lazy to do their own work kidnapped Africans to do it for them. The owners additionally had a psychosis of raping the female slaves of their choice and enslaving their own resulting children.
      Too lazy & spineless to fight for rights in Europe, they came here and massacred the civilizations that were already here.
      Your opinions don't matter & don't become fact.

  • @jimmybingus9187
    @jimmybingus9187 Рік тому

    haha holy shit this can't be real dude

  • @genepozniak
    @genepozniak Рік тому +1

    This is weak. Who cares about reviews or self-reviews of the textbook? I thought you were going to show proof of how it teaches counseling.

    • @adamguerrero5293
      @adamguerrero5293 Рік тому

      You don't find the text used in a class indicative of the teaching? Have you been to college?

    • @genepozniak
      @genepozniak Рік тому +1

      @@adamguerrero5293 Yes, where I learned to not take people's opinions at face value.

    • @adamguerrero5293
      @adamguerrero5293 Рік тому

      @@genepozniak Exactly. This is an examination of the text. Which is indicative of the teaching. How did you not learn that at college?

    • @MungeParty
      @MungeParty Рік тому

      Didn't even watch the video..

  • @lokiva8540
    @lokiva8540 Рік тому

    Perhaps you need speech therapy instead?
    You seemed to have serious trouble pronouncing "reprehensible".... ;-/
    The very idea that there is a single identity or socioeconomic model based on race for discreetly named and memed demographics is unprofessional, fraudulent, and even absent the other dogma present, should disqualify such cult scams from being treated as if professional information.
    At the other end of the spectrum, some might find the sexuality and identity workshops Boston area based Robin Ochs facilitates interesting. While she works with some standard metrics that are best efforts to identify human traits in quantifiable fashion, working with the dynamic nature of humans is difficult in a long form workshop, and impossible to do well in text alone.

    • @MungeParty
      @MungeParty Рік тому

      Just feasting on your own farts, good for you.