Coins for the Dead. The original caretaker once in charge of digging the graves of deceased was troubled by accepting payment for his services. He chose to honor and respect the deceased by planting saplings along with a small purse of coin. The coin was often placed for those who did not have wealth or family to see that the deceased had safe passage into the next life. Very much in line with the River Styx mythos. Ironically, the coins have now found their way into the hand of those who are still taking care of the deceased and their burial place. Fear not, the coins have long served their purpose and can now live on to do good elsewhere. Enjoy
We have a live veteran oak outside our front window, on the small green.One day I watched a man with a tape measure run around the tree, holding the tape, being curious I asked him why...He told me the girth of the oak would show how old is was, he was able to say it was off the scale he had! Making it over 800 years old!..Later when he came bavk with a tree surgeon, to cut some dangerous overhangs, they had found out that the sapling of the oak, was planted in 1212!...We love this old oak, that the jackdaws live in, along with some squirrels.....
I always thought you had to count the rings after the cut down ? Because some of the rings are wider apart than others, and because of that they can tell basically what kind of weather the tree was in throughout its life, and whether it was dry or rainy ! If you did measure with a tape, I think you’re still guessing at the age don’t think a tape measure is gonna tell you much not like the inside of the tree itself wood !
@@margaretflounders8510 this is a post that is worth a good ponder…thanks so much for such an interesting account!!! Glad the old oak has your household as it’s caretakers!!!
I don’t normally watch videos like this, but this is quite amazing. Just imagine how old this tree is. It has to be at least 400 years old maybe more it’s amazing how this planet works.
Надо было пересчитать годичные кольца на поперечном срезе ствола дерева. Тогда бы узнали не только возраст дерева, но и определили бы по кольцам, в каких годах была засуха, а в каких дождливое лето.
Я 10 мин посмотрела и поняла, что уже устала только от просмотра 😮😅 Это какую силу надо иметь и выносливость, чтобы такое мощное дерево распилить на мелкие куски! Мое почтение!
Я думаю, что не стоит брать все то,что находите на кладбище,хорошее не принесет это,а может быть наоборот. Будьте здоровы и берегите себя. Интересно,что за дерево такое вековое?
That's very dangerous work on an extremely old giant tree. My hats are off to you. I would have loved to see those coins cleaned up to reveal the dates. Great job, guys.👍🏽
Not likely coins only because no silver appeared which does not erode that easily, look like tags. Probably to id the cemetery cremation burial plots. Of course could easily be corroded coins made out of crap metals Could be simply tree tags over the life of that old giant tree.. Very enjoyable video.
@@user-Tanyalw2vz3fc3d Скорее всего , интерес прикован к содержимому внутри дерева , вот только как туда попал клад , судя по форме монет , клад закопали , а дерево было посажено сверху , как ориентир , сотни лет назад и корневаяя система пдняла его , по мере роста дупла во внутрь самого себя .
I wouldn't say shocking, but astonishing ! A great discovery ! When do these pieces date from ? What tree is it from and how old is it ? Well done for your work and patience. Don't forget to wear work glasses: flying splinters of wood are very dangerous ! 👍👍👍👍👍👍🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓
Ukry przebrzydle tylko ich interesują pieniądze weź się wreszcie za robotę nie czekasz na łatwiznę i darmowe leki i sprzedajecie swoim na Ukrainie za ogromne pieniądze rodakom wstyd wynocha od nas Polaków cwaniaki
Сколько горя и слёз, печали видело это дерево, когда хоронили людей. Сколько слез оно впитало в себя - только одному ему, этому дереву известно. Но вот и ему, этому дереву, пришлось умереть. У каждого свой срок.
The tree held its fill of grief and tears, could not hold more and died with it's companions. You are right everything in there has seen things, probably heard things too that no living thing should ever hear.
@irinaaksomaitiene6786 В стволе дерева были эти деньги! Вот порежут ствол, уберут его, а потом и деньги где-то закопают! Они же не из-за денег ствол режут, а чтобы убрать его с могилок!
@@olika....666No po prostu mentalność Rosjanina idealnie przekazana. Kiedyś, dawno temu jeden z braci Strugackich napisał opowiadanie, przedstawiając w całej okazałości tak zwaną duszę rosyjską .
I just saw this episode about two days on UA-cam and I think it’s so fascinating how these trees grow so wide and tall and then sawing the tree oh my gosh it takes a lot of effort just watching these men trying to slice it through and they succeeded it’s a lot of work❤❤❤❤❤❤
Ok, I'm a modern woman who believes more in science than superstitiouns, but my grandmama was from Budapest. I was strongly advised of certain things I needed to be aware of that was important to know. Cutting down trees in cemeteries was REALLY frowned upon by the denizens of the ground. It was very important to have the tree blessed before you bothered the spirits trapped within the grounds. Also, if you are located in certain countries those couns may be what we call "Offerings to the ground" which are to pay for the residents eternal peaceful sleep. And my grandpapa, who was from Canada may me memorize the safety laws of using power saws and other tools. ALWAYS wear safety glasses. Always keep up the power as you pull from the wood. Always turn your saw OFF before taking your hands from it. Last but not least, always be thankful for every job you walk away from unharmed. Other than that lovely work. That tree looks to have been 200+ years old!
дерево упало от урагана, который недавно прошел по моей стране Беларусь. Прямо под моим окном упало 25 метровое 30 летнее дерево с корнем вырвало, в моем городе только было повалено около 2000 деревьев.
watching this vid I am struck by what a miracle it is to see such a huge tree that, over time, created such incredible mass from air, water, & minerals!
You just got to love the comments from the all the armchair tree experts on here explaining to professional wood cutters about how they're cutting it wrong and not using the proper safety equipment while doing it. Some of you people are legends in your own minds. How did mankind survive this long without you all!
I can’t comment on the cutting of the tree but just look at the occupational statistics for injuries with chainsaws. Good that he is using ear protection but using a chainsaw without eye protection is playing Russian roulette.
What an astonishing discovery in such an unexpected spot! This video teaches us that every place, no matter how ordinary it seems, can hold something extraordinary. A great reminder to keep exploring and questioning the world around us
Me gustó el video. Muestra el trabajo que significa el funeral de este árbol, también las sorpresas al ser un banco de algún ladronzuelo, o el tesoro de una ama de casa.
Rag and money looks a couple of 100 y o. The coin will tell, takes a long time to get so rusty, they where protected, and cloth takes a long time to get destroied.
Yes sir..very strong physically and mentally…I worked in the tree service for 20 + yrs saw all kinds of stuff..and was the only woman on the crew ❤ I lifted and dragged so much to the wood chipper ..I ran that machine mostly…rope leads and clean up too….I probably should not have..did not like to ask for help 😮! In the end I’m on my 4th joint L knee …one L R hip ..and soon to get a new L hip 😮❤😊 Would not change it for the world ex at the time was the tree climber ! He did it beautifully & made it look so easy …those spurs are amazing ! 😅 GOD BLESS ALL WHO READ THIS MESSAGE ! ❤🎉😅😊 😇🙏🌹
Представляю с каким азартом они трудились, когда нашли монеты, надеялись на что-то большее. Молодцы! Кто-то когда-то спрятал и видимо не суждено было воспользоваться.
این ویدئو که شما نشان دادین مه سکه قدیمی پیدا کردند برای شما جذاب هست اما برای من ایرانی اصلا جذاب نبود چون در تمام نقاط ایران نه تنها سکه با قدمت پنج هزار سال یافت میشه بلکه انواع اشیاع با ارزش تاریخی دفن هست که سارقان چندین سال هست که رحم نکردن و مافیای کشف و غارت آثار گرانبهای تاریخی در ایران بسیار زیاد هست و با یک کاوش و سرقت تمام اون افراد خود و فرزندان و نسل آنها را میلیاردر میکنند به راستی ایران سرزمین گنجهای پنهان هست
@@pwhahaha никаких манипуляций в деревьях часто попадаются и монеты и гильзы патронов и пули и осколки снарядов и вещи кторые кто то когда то спрятал в дупле или в корнях дерева ...
This was from Norway. In Gotland(Sweden) many silver treasure chest have founding thru the years. Every coins belongs to the State Museum so many Gotlänningar keep the coins. You can have a reward if you are lucky!
Bredzicie , monety były w gnieździe ptasim, prawdopodobnie sroki, one lubią zbierać błyskotki. Ostatnio jest moda na wycinanie starych drzew na cmentarzach, bo stanowią zagrożenie dla ludzi, zginęło trochę ludzi od tego, zaś organizacje ekologiczne nie zamierzają płacić odszkodowań za swą radosną działalność.
It was such pleasure watching him find one coin after another. I don't know if they had any value but at least they were 100's of years old and to me that would be value enough. Makes you wonder who and why the coins were deposited in a tree? Interesting.
Это так называемое погребальное дерево, в них специально выдалбливали дупло и помещали прах с монетами или серебренными украшениями умершего. Часто встречаются в деревнях где проживали цыгане и евреи, раньше красной лентой повязывали такие деревья.
Hard to believe that Gypsies or Jews would part with money for any reason. Definitely get a metal detector & scan the rest of the tree & surrounding area.
@@bobbofly Romani people weren't around when the guy you call Jesus supposedly went wild on those market tables. But I won't pretend like you weren't just talking about Jewish people. Placing money and other valuables with the dead is a widespread ritual in humanity. Ancient Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Chinese, Indian / South-Asian, Viking, Pre-Columbian Mesoamerican and North American Indigenous, and even early medieval European cultures all had burial rituals that involved placing money with the dead. I would encourage you to read up about it, but you're obviously not that interested in actual information.
Медные монеты (сохран какалики) предположительно 18 или 19 век. Кто то лет 200 назад спрятал в дупло дерева горсть медных монет завёрнутых в тряпицу, а забрать, по каким то причинам, не получилось
Благодарен за видео. Интересно. Работа аккуратная. Место особое работы - кладбище. Распилевание дерева где молния зажгла центр ствола и он долго тлел. Явно то, что монеты были в дупле и от температуры тления монеты , оставаясь в дереве, слились с пеплом.
Me to. Quite interesting. Stopping before damaging the chain was unexpected, usually the inexperienced woodsman rushes on. I agree with many eye protection suggestions.
Why is this one of the coolest damn things? Great find, great video, and great work. Cheers from the USA. Oh, and don’t forget to try and metal detect the root ball! That is where my best finds have come from. In the old days, people sat under these trees to cool off. Coins fall out. The older the tree the older the coins. This old girl already gave up some of her secrets, but I believe she has more to tell🎉
Well, you mention rootball, so here’s what my wife conveyed once to me. She had a friend in western Kentucky who would look under tree stumps while he would canoe. He reached under one stump to find a pouch that must’ve belonged to a trapper. He found a leather pouch with a gold disc. Not a coin, but a large round disc with the trappers name scrolled on it. It must’ve been for the furs he got paid for.. it belongs in a museum but when she asked what did he do with it, he said he’s got it hidden under his bed. It was about three inches in diameter. Solid gold.
Someone makes wood sculptures out of old tree stumps. They cut a round off, varnish it, then set them up. I saw a few at the Texas oncology building in Fort Worth. They’re beautiful! Just a suggestion, maybe y'all should turn your work into art. 😊
Igual digo yo. Mi esposo y yo ya unos viejos de 70 lo vimos completo y quedamos maravillados se ver el esfuerzo y dedicación de estos fuertes hombres. Y sobre todo de ver las maravillas de Dios a través de su creación. Mirando esta raíz tan fuerte y poderosa medite q así debemos ser como creyentes en Dios. Fuertes y con raíces profundas para q ninguna tempestad huracan nos tire al suelo. Pero solo con la ayuda se Dios se logra este objetivo. También nos gustaría una rodaja de esa madera para hacernos un comedor bien espectacular.. Por q mi esposo sabe el arte de quemar madera con electrodos de 2.400 voltios y hace unos diseños maravillosos. Le tallo una mesa de comedor a mi hijo espectacular. Nos imaginamos como quedaría de bello en esa madera. Acá les pongo un video para q lo vean
I would be very worried filming this after the find...someone else is liable to lay claim to them...maybe the owner of the cemetery even?? Or I would have stopped filming after the first coin was found.
Плохо знаешь, раз такое пишешь.Причём тут медь? Ценность монеты не в серебре а в редкости. Цена серебра 1 грамм, 60 Российских рублей.К примеру Николаевские серебряные монеты стоят от 150 рублей. Так же есть Николаевские медные монеты, стоят десятки а иногда сотни тысяч рублей.Так же например современные, обычные монеты ходячки, стоящие в сотни а иногда и в тысячи раз дороже своего номинала.Нумизматическая ценность монеты в её редкости, сохранности и в спросе коллекционеров. В данном видео сохран у монет очень плачевный. В таком сохране к сожалению они почти ни чего не стоят. Удивляет их год, на одной из монет проглядывается двуглавый орёл,она очень похожа на полушку либо на деньгу,а это 1700-ые года. 31:41 правый нижний угол экрана. Это же сколько этому дереву лет? И причём эти монеты когда в дерево заложили, оно получается уже было большое.
Seseorang bebas memberikan nilai/harga sesuatu,dan itulah ukuran dia sendiri. Ukur baju badan sendiri. Pengorbanan ibu terhadap anaknya pun tidak membutuhkan penghargaan, hanya yang punya hati bisa menghargai. Nilai mendali perunggu olimpiade Barcelona pasti lebih berharga daripada medali emas pada event lokal. TUHAN bisa menghargai martir, manusia belum tentu mau menghargai TUHAN apalagi martir. Yo belajar menghargai. Itu harga kita kok ❤️🫡❤️🫡❤️
Здарова братан. Тебе нужно приобрести очки, тапор побольше, и металлоискатель чтоб проверять дерево на содержание металла. Чтоб неповреждать цепь на пиле.
Como que el dinero no crece en los arboles? Persistir como este hombre 😅😅que gran trabajo chico.bendiciones. Te mereces la cantidad de personas que te miramos¡
@@irinapetrova4221Then you do it the old fashioned way with a huge hand saw with a man at each end to push and pull it through. I bet that is what was used to get lumber for building structures when this tree was very young.
You really have to wonder how someone’s ancient stash got in there? Many of those looked like un-stamped coins. Be nice to have a follow-up on what they are and their age. You could do with a bigger axe, but far be it for me to tell you your business. I’ve got several, all vintage, and all were used when I worked. Please consider safety glasses, it happens in an instant when you don’t expect it. Subscribed! 👍🏻
In a former life I was a chief engineer in a sawmill. We had a couple of ancient homelite saws with extended cutter bars for cutting large logs ,bigger than that one hung on the wall .. The men in the felling gangs always had axes with them that made that one look like a tomahawk. Even then ,40 years ago ,the crew wore full face shields as it wasn't unusual to hit stones or even nails (!!) which would fly out of the cut.
I used to be like you but after having Doctors remove metal from by eye twice I’m never more than 3 feet away from safety glasses, goggles or a face shield.
Yep just what was thinking. No safety glasses. No safety clothes. No safety shoes. No safety gloves. He is letting his machine run on the ground Un attended. Red flags and an accident just wating to happen.
Well, I see the UA-cam algorithm is at it again! I watched this all the way thru because of my love and fascination for trees and a shocking impulse to watch a young man working hard. What was everyone else's desire to watch? 14 million plus! I'm glad you wore hearing protection, but where were your safety goggles!? And its gonna drive me nuts not knowing how old those coins are!
@Philip-ue1lo that tree was hundreds of years old so you know the coins had to be. The tree grew around them after they were placed there. But how many of hundreds 🤔
К сожалению монеты какалики,так их называют в среде копателей,но это конечно тоже интересно,особенно вот так в дереве найти👍А ствол я так понял на дрова пойдёт?
@@alexeyantonov8880По разному цвету можно лишь предположить,что зелёные монеты медные,а другие либо медноникелевые,либо оловянистая бронза,одна порезана цепью и она жёлтая.А так то,он в видео сказал,что нужно металлоискатель купить.Подлог так подлог это их дело,а мне приходилось из под пня доставать кошель медяков и да,это очень приятная находка😊
Maybe they can tell the age of the coins by the age of the headstones in the cemetery. Or the age of the tree by examining/ counting the circles on the actual stump part closest to the ground.
Would love to see coins cleaned and know the dates on them. If this tree could talk and tell history. That tree has been there for years. Great work guys.
They might not have dates. I have a Roman coin from about 264 AD and it just has the current emperor stamped on the coin. Not sure when they started putting dates on coins.
I would say the tree has been there for centuries I think a person, during one of the many wars that has plagued Belarus over a millennia, threw their purse into the fork of the tree intending to return and retrieve it only to find that they was a bloody huge hole in it to the base of the tree, or they never got back at all @willowwisp6401 hiding what few coins they had whilst fleeing conflict me thinks more likely
Le gars ❤ a fait un boulot méritant 👍 il lui manquait des lunettes de protection !! Il a reçu de la sciure dans les yeux 🤔 j'espère qu'il prendra des précautions pour les prochaines étapes 🤗
Those coins belong to someone buried by the tree. When tree got bigger it took the coins with its growth. Never ever take those coins out of cemetery. Omen!
@@АлександрГасанов-я3в я живу в Коми, у нас лесозаготовка на экспорт. Почти весь лес вырубили, сейчас пилят "карандаши".Поэтому я таких огромных деревьев не видела у нас никогда.
@@ЗинаидаПахолкова ну вырубают же не везде! В поселках все равно деревья не трогают, в городах парковые деревья тоже не пилят... Другой вопрос - растут ли вообще в Коми дубы?) у нас даже в парках в Казани стоят толстенные дубы, больше 2х обхватов. А в лесах есть и потолще!)
У меня на участке тоже стоит большая липа и помню дядька рассказывал как был молодой полез в дупло и получил от его отца подзатыльник и больше туда некто не лазил. Вот теперь интересно что там. Дерево не хочется губить оно как символ семьи
Реально дерево - гигант! В образовавшееся по природным причинам дупло, люди,приходившие к своим близким, оставляли денежную еденицу с самыми наилучшими пожеланиями...😊
@@silverianjannvs5315 Are chainsaws and axes on the list of prohibited export products? As far as I understand, military equipment or so-called dual-use products are not allowed to be exported to Russia and Belarus. Of course, a chainsaw and an axe, well, they can be used in many ways in military operations.
the old bag of old coin is burried with death person and root of tree growing on it,the root keep sucking and holding the bag while keeping growing long years ago….
Yeah, agreed! Out of curiosity for the shocking find, I was about 10 minutes in when I looked to see how long the video was. Oh, but only 29 minutes left? Might as well finish it. I was invested at that point. I unintentionally became quite a skilled woodsman myself. I loved it! There’s something very satisfying about a tool that can cut through a log like butter, and then provide you comfort later. I’m reminded of an old saying, “A man who chops his own wood, warms himself twice.” That, of course, can apply to women as well.
Hey Brother what a great score I live in Australia where bushrangers were what sort of detectors do you use God bless you and your team hope you have many more great finds God be with you Amen
Hello from Arizona!! The first 5 minutes of seeing those half hollowed pieces, all I could see were perfect rocking chair rockers!! I hope someone makes a few of those! Maybe a rocking couch sofa!❤ Nice find on the coins. Congratulations!
What were those coins you're gonna get many more views if you would of told us what those coins were. Looks like Rusty crusted ". Gold nope Silver,? Tell us
That's not how rocking chair rockers work. The grain needs to run from end to end. Those cross-grained curves wouldn't be strong enough to support a chair. They'd break instantly.
The stuff he pulled apart looked more like the remnants of an old bird's best rather than a bag. I wonder if it was a jackdaw or magpie collecting shiny things once upon a time. 🤔 So interesting. 👍😎
Nice,no telling how long they were inside the tree,maybe something valuable or in memory of someone.great video.just keep on doing what you do safe 👍👍👍😎😎😎
I suppose if the location was noted carefully, you could count the rings to the inner-most part of the bag. That would give you a rough estimate in how long ago it was placed.
Should have left them in the old bag and got it carbon dated. I have wood from New Zealand that is carbon dated to 50,000 years old. They get it out of a swamp and a place in Wisconsin buys it to make expensive furniture.
I really liked this video. But next time could you please wear some safety glasses. If not for yourself do it for us. But really it's a great video. Watched from Huntington West Virginia.
No wonder the tree fell down. Great job, guys. What isn't powder and rot is solid and hard. WOW!! What a find!! Understandable why you could not roll that big piece out of the ground.
When you get ready to pull the saw out of the tree you're supposed to keep the saw going full throttle while you pull it out and it will come out a lot easier. That way you don't have to keep yanking on it and wind up pinching the bar on the chain
Не учи учёного . Не всегда получается делать так гладко и безопасно, как советуют наставления по технике безопасности , по тем или иным причинам. Спросите сами у любого профи в любой отрасли.
По всей видимости отпускали в дупло родственники тех людей, которых хоронили. Люди многие верят в то, что "перевозчику" требуется плата. Благодаря таким находка, мы попадаем в прошлое.
Un homme très radin a fait la demande à sa femme d'être enterré avec toute sa fortune, nie blonde n'y bête, la veuve lui fit un chèque à son non et le déposa dans son cercueil.
Мне кажется что это обычная верба , а не дорогостоящий дуб. Посещая старые кладбища , я не советовал бы людям сажать деревья, возле могил. Можете сами убедиться в этом , побывав на старых кладбищах. Разросшиеся деревья не дают прохода и самое главное, они разрушают памятники.
Coins for the Dead. The original caretaker once in charge of digging the graves of deceased was troubled by accepting payment for his services. He chose to honor and respect the deceased by planting saplings along with a small purse of coin. The coin was often placed for those who did not have wealth or family to see that the deceased had safe passage into the next life. Very much in line with the River Styx mythos. Ironically, the coins have now found their way into the hand of those who are still taking care of the deceased and their burial place. Fear not, the coins have long served their purpose and can now live on to do good elsewhere. Enjoy
Чушь какая ...
Wow I did not know that thanks for that info truly thank you
Maybe a museum if the coins are found to be from a previous time period
@@abdurohmanaburahim8624- You're probably the life of the party, right? 🙄
We have a live veteran oak outside our front window, on the small green.One day I watched a man with a tape measure run around the tree, holding the tape, being curious I asked him why...He told me the girth of the oak would show how old is was, he was able to say it was off the scale he had! Making it over 800 years old!..Later when he came bavk with a tree surgeon, to cut some dangerous overhangs, they had found out that the sapling of the oak, was planted in 1212!...We love this old oak, that the jackdaws live in, along with some squirrels.....
Cool! Old oak out my window is estimated to be 300. Who knows though? Hope they never count the rings... Enjoy!
It's fascinating..never knew that.
Learn something every day.
Thank you. Wow, blows my mind
Knowledge is power
I always thought you had to count the rings after the cut down ? Because some of the rings are wider apart than others, and because of that they can tell basically what kind of weather the tree was in throughout its life, and whether it was dry or rainy ! If you did measure with a tape, I think you’re still guessing at the age don’t think a tape measure is gonna tell you much not like the inside of the tree itself wood !
@@margaretflounders8510 this is a post that is worth a good ponder…thanks so much for such an interesting account!!! Glad the old oak has your household as it’s caretakers!!!
Que hermoso. Protejan a ese casi milenario ejemplar
I don’t normally watch videos like this, but this is quite amazing. Just imagine how old this tree is. It has to be at least 400 years old maybe more it’s amazing how this planet works.
Just enjoying it too! Thinking the same.. but how all the coins?
@@LeoMoonyМонеты были спрятаны, кем - то, в дупле дерева.
Надо было пересчитать годичные кольца на поперечном срезе ствола дерева. Тогда бы узнали не только возраст дерева, но и определили бы по кольцам, в каких годах была засуха, а в каких дождливое лето.
@ Idk what you’re saying but 💙your letters. They’re pretty!
There was much of an ability to saw any usable lumber from this tree. The interior was all powered rot.
Я 10 мин посмотрела и поняла, что уже устала только от просмотра 😮😅
Это какую силу надо иметь и выносливость, чтобы такое мощное дерево распилить на мелкие куски!
Мое почтение!
Он думал там золото,распилищь какое хошь
Приятно смотреть как работают настоящие мужчины просто завораживает, удачи вам парни и богатырского здоровья привет от бабушки
Там больше нет ни чего это полклад в дерево на кладбище засунули,вот там монеты ,а мешочек сгнил😮
По пьяниделобило!
Doesnt it make you wonder, who put them there? When? Why? @ЕленаСоловьева-е1у
Я думаю, что не стоит брать все то,что находите на кладбище,хорошее не принесет это,а может быть наоборот. Будьте здоровы и берегите себя. Интересно,что за дерево такое вековое?
Это дуб. Но я бы с кладбища не брала ничего.
Это не дуб@@user-rg8oe5nu4w
Раньше и прятали на кладбище
Можно можно не чего не случится
pauvre..pauvre..arbre ❤❤
That's very dangerous work on an extremely old giant tree. My hats are off to you. I would have loved to see those coins cleaned up to reveal the dates.
Great job, guys.👍🏽
How many Hats did you have on ?🤔😁
Not coins
@@AlexLindley-u5f Ya they look like plugs to me
@@AlexLindley-u5f Tell me more?
Not likely coins only because no silver appeared which does not erode that easily, look like tags. Probably to id the cemetery cremation burial plots. Of course could easily be corroded coins made out of crap metals Could be simply tree tags over the life of that old giant tree.. Very enjoyable video.
У Вас золотые руки, дай Вам Бог здоровья и удачи! Береги себя!💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞
Я ни когда так долго не смотрел как пилят дерево ,как в этот раз
Gostaria saber a história das moedas quem as colocou lá porque e há quantos anos 👏👏👏👏👍❤️
А я прокручивала видео😊
@@user-Tanyalw2vz3fc3d Скорее всего , интерес прикован к содержимому внутри дерева , вот только как туда попал клад , судя по форме монет , клад закопали , а дерево было посажено сверху , как ориентир , сотни лет назад и корневаяя система пдняла его , по мере роста дупла во внутрь самого себя .
Я. Тоже
Монеты на кладбище забирать нельзя,это не клад,а откуп,бросают во время погребения,за место@@alexandrp4699
I wouldn't say shocking, but astonishing ! A great discovery ! When do these pieces date from ? What tree is it from and how old is it ? Well done for your work and patience. Don't forget to wear work glasses: flying splinters of wood are very dangerous ! 👍👍👍👍👍👍🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓
I was thinking the same and wondering how many people would mention safety glasses.
@@lorenrobertson8039 jusqu'au jour où il perdra un œil avec un éclat de bois, ce que je ne lui souhaite pas.
Yes, any history behind the coins and the fabric?
@@lorenrobertson8039 Да хрен с ним
I too wondered why isn't he wearing some sort of protection for his eyes.😲🤔
А дров сколько много получится! 😂и вообще парень классно пилит, прямо смотреть, заглядение! 🎉🎉🎉🎉
Ukry przebrzydle tylko ich interesują pieniądze weź się wreszcie za robotę nie czekasz na łatwiznę i darmowe leki i sprzedajecie swoim na Ukrainie za ogromne pieniądze rodakom wstyd wynocha od nas Polaków cwaniaki
Дрова с кладбища нельзя
There can be beautiful pieces of furniture & home decor made from this wood.🪵 Very valuable. With an amazing history!
Таким топориком только хворост рубить
Wah cocok buat beduk untuk di masjid.
Сколько горя и слёз, печали видело это дерево, когда хоронили людей. Сколько слез оно впитало в себя - только одному ему, этому дереву известно.
Но вот и ему, этому дереву, пришлось умереть.
У каждого свой срок.
Оно наблюдало и радовалось
Дерево возможно БЫ жило дальше если БЫ его не трогали в своё время, тут в комментариях найти можно информацию о происхождении в нём монет
C beau et poétique se que tu dis..🙏👍
The tree held its fill of grief and tears, could not hold more and died with it's companions. You are right everything in there has seen things, probably heard things too that no living thing should ever hear.
Аминь брат 🙏
Молодцы ребята, их труд воистину вознагражден
Это просто историческая находка, не думаю, что они очень ценные: они не золотые, не серебряные, просто старые очень!
С кладбища брать ничего нельзя
Откуп на кладбище нашли и довольны. Смотрите чтобы он потом боком не вышел. Вернуть его на это же место и закопать.
@@ЛарисаЛевант а разве дерево срезали на кладбище?--- тогда да, нельзя.
@irinaaksomaitiene6786 В стволе дерева были эти деньги!
Вот порежут ствол, уберут его, а потом и деньги где-то закопают!
Они же не из-за денег ствол режут, а чтобы убрать его с могилок!
Техника безопасности и правильная организация нужна при любой работе 😮 своё здоровье превыше всего 😊
Вы это к чему?
Во время спила сколько раз летели в лицо и ветки и опилки,это опасно 😳😊
Он Старинный дуб выкопал ?
Или само дерево упало?
Маску дышать, от пыли обязательно!
@@olika....666No po prostu mentalność Rosjanina idealnie przekazana. Kiedyś, dawno temu jeden z braci Strugackich napisał opowiadanie, przedstawiając w całej okazałości tak zwaną duszę rosyjską .
Está árvore devia ter mais de 100 anos !!! Muito bom trabalho !! Amei ver este rapaz com muita vontade e muita força 💪 !!!👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👍🇧🇷São Paulo
Ха-ха! 100?!!! Ему лет 400 или даже - 800.
I just saw this episode about two days on UA-cam and I think it’s so fascinating how these trees grow so wide and tall and then sawing the tree oh my gosh it takes a lot of effort just watching these men trying to slice it through and they succeeded it’s a lot of work❤❤❤❤❤❤
Dude. Where’s your eye-protection? Great VDO, otherwise.
Попила-то на что.? Что топором колотить?
Hard work!
I kept worrying about that Guy cutting his Ankles, keeping the Equipment running while hacking away!
Не меньше
Yes, I think he could use some eye protection and a bigger saw!! Amazing
Ok, I'm a modern woman who believes more in science than superstitiouns, but my grandmama was from Budapest. I was strongly advised of certain things I needed to be aware of that was important to know. Cutting down trees in cemeteries was REALLY frowned upon by the denizens of the ground. It was very important to have the tree blessed before you bothered the spirits trapped within the grounds. Also, if you are located in certain countries those couns may be what we call "Offerings to the ground" which are to pay for the residents eternal peaceful sleep.
And my grandpapa, who was from Canada may me memorize the safety laws of using power saws and other tools. ALWAYS wear safety glasses. Always keep up the power as you pull from the wood. Always turn your saw OFF before taking your hands from it. Last but not least, always be thankful for every job you walk away from unharmed.
Other than that lovely work. That tree looks to have been 200+ years old!
If you look carefully the tree looked like it had uprooted itself long before.
Very wise words.
дерево упало от урагана, который недавно прошел по моей стране Беларусь. Прямо под моим окном упало 25 метровое 30 летнее дерево с корнем вырвало, в моем городе только было повалено около 2000 деревьев.
Those coins must've been stolen by gypsies, and hidden in the tree. The bad juju from the coins caused the tree to rot from the inside~out!
@@linneagimby2734 they didn’t cut it down it was an old windfall.
watching this vid I am struck by what a miracle it is to see such a huge tree that, over time, created such incredible mass from air, water, & minerals!
Ada budaya mitos yg melemparkan uang agar selamat atau barokah, apalagi dikuburan
It is amazing that inside the tiny seed of a tree there is a potential house,a boat,furniture,etc.!
Sunlight, Carbon Dioxide, Water... but mostly trees eat dirt.
It is amazing how much mass they can create.
God's amazing then isn't he
@@JohnMooney-g5o In so many ways! We don't know how lucky we are.
You just got to love the comments from the all the armchair tree experts on here explaining to professional wood cutters about how they're cutting it wrong and not using the proper safety equipment while doing it. Some of you people are legends in your own minds. How did mankind survive this long without you all!
I can’t comment on the cutting of the tree but just look at the occupational statistics for injuries with chainsaws. Good that he is using ear protection but using a chainsaw without eye protection is playing Russian roulette.
A bigger question would be why would you care what strangers write on Face Book?
What an astonishing discovery in such an unexpected spot! This video teaches us that every place, no matter how ordinary it seems, can hold something extraordinary. A great reminder to keep exploring and questioning the world around us
I'm guessing 100 years ago someone stashed a purse they had just stolen and never came back for it. That may have been a month's wages back then.
Me gustó el video. Muestra el trabajo que significa el funeral de este árbol, también las sorpresas al ser un banco de algún ladronzuelo, o el tesoro de una ama de casa.
Rag and money looks a couple of 100 y o. The coin will tell, takes a long time to get so rusty, they where protected, and cloth takes a long time to get destroied.
@@NinaP-c5e There was no clutch so it looks like it was a 1920's string purse, no metal just all fabric. The owner was not a wealthy person.
И ты спрячь я потом найду
The size of those saw blades are astounding‼️‼️‼️. Please keep us updated on the coins‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
The blade part is called the bar. Europe's is probably in cm's but here in USA it would be like "a 38 inch bar". 🙃
Yes, I’d like to see the coins and year.
@@CindysGems they come a lot bigger than that too
@@anomicxtreme we stick to inches too when it comes to the bar
I got chills when the bag of coins came❤
How old do you think the magnificent tree is?❤
Was 👍
400 or maybe 500 years old. In my opinion. 😊
Thanks so mutch😮😮😮😮
Not a shocking find ….
Very very good shocking find
I didn't think id find it interesting. But i did. At 3am in Australia, New years Day. I love trees. Sad existence i lead lol. Xx happy new year xx
Каким надо быть сильным эту работу выполнять!!👍👍🤭❤
Yes sir..very strong physically and mentally…I worked in the tree service for 20 + yrs saw all kinds of stuff..and was the only woman on the crew ❤ I lifted and dragged so much to the wood chipper ..I ran that machine mostly…rope leads and clean up too….I probably should not have..did not like to ask for help 😮! In the end I’m on my 4th joint L knee …one L R hip ..and soon to get a new L hip 😮❤😊 Would not change it for the world ex at the time was the tree climber ! He did it beautifully & made it look so easy …those spurs are amazing ! 😅 GOD BLESS ALL WHO READ THIS MESSAGE ! ❤🎉😅😊 😇🙏🌹
Крепкого здоровья Вам. И пусть Вас всегда окружают любимые и любящие люди ❤😊@@tinamorey6348
Представляю с каким азартом они трудились, когда нашли монеты, надеялись на что-то большее. Молодцы! Кто-то когда-то спрятал и видимо не суждено было воспользоваться.
It looks like coin from 200+ years ago. That tree must be very old
Это откуп мёртвым
این ویدئو که شما نشان دادین مه سکه قدیمی پیدا کردند برای شما جذاب هست اما برای من ایرانی اصلا جذاب نبود چون در تمام نقاط ایران نه تنها سکه با قدمت پنج هزار سال یافت میشه بلکه انواع اشیاع با ارزش تاریخی دفن هست که سارقان چندین سال هست که رحم نکردن و مافیای کشف و غارت آثار گرانبهای تاریخی در ایران بسیار زیاد هست و با یک کاوش و سرقت تمام اون افراد خود و فرزندان و نسل آنها را میلیاردر میکنند به راستی ایران سرزمین گنجهای پنهان هست
С кладбища ничего брать нельзя. Это пока не наше.
Please wear safety goggles! Interesting video & lucky find!👍🏼
Верю парни , и видео правдешно. Молодцы !👏👏👏
Wow, that Tree is very Old and so are the Coins?? Let us know if there’s any dates on the Coins?? 👍❤️🙏🏻
조작 입니다! 아니 였다면 동전을 국가에 의뢰 하여 밝혀 졌을 겁니다!
@@pwhahaha никаких манипуляций в деревьях часто попадаются и монеты и гильзы патронов и пули и осколки снарядов и вещи кторые кто то когда то спрятал в дупле или в корнях дерева ...
монеты судя по виду от Петра и Екатерины до начала 1900х годов там разные на не которых видна часть вензеля Екатерины
This was from Norway.
In Gotland(Sweden) many silver treasure chest have founding thru the years.
Every coins belongs to the State Museum so many Gotlänningar keep the coins.
You can have a reward if you are lucky!
Bredzicie , monety były w gnieździe ptasim, prawdopodobnie sroki, one lubią zbierać błyskotki. Ostatnio jest moda na wycinanie starych drzew na cmentarzach, bo stanowią zagrożenie dla ludzi, zginęło trochę ludzi od tego, zaś organizacje ekologiczne nie zamierzają płacić odszkodowań za swą radosną działalność.
It was such pleasure watching him find one coin after another. I don't know if they had any value but at least they were 100's of years old and to me that would be value enough. Makes you wonder who and why the coins were deposited in a tree? Interesting.
Well, so much for wondering what he found !
Spoiler Alert ! ☆
Деньги - это откупные духу кладбища. Их нельзя забирать.
Maybe there was a vending machine on that spot 100 years ago?
.. sell the saw n get a metal detector...
Two coins for the boatman!
Это так называемое погребальное дерево, в них специально выдалбливали дупло и помещали прах с монетами или серебренными украшениями умершего. Часто встречаются в деревнях где проживали цыгане и евреи, раньше красной лентой повязывали такие деревья.
Interesting 😊 thank you for this information.
@@thefirstonmars7932there has been water in that hollow for hundreds of years
Always their religious obsession with money. No wonder He overturned the tables on the temple steps.🤢🤢
Hard to believe that Gypsies or Jews would part with money for any reason. Definitely get a metal detector & scan the rest of the tree & surrounding area.
@@bobbofly Romani people weren't around when the guy you call Jesus supposedly went wild on those market tables. But I won't pretend like you weren't just talking about Jewish people. Placing money and other valuables with the dead is a widespread ritual in humanity. Ancient Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Chinese, Indian / South-Asian, Viking, Pre-Columbian Mesoamerican and North American Indigenous, and even early medieval European cultures all had burial rituals that involved placing money with the dead. I would encourage you to read up about it, but you're obviously not that interested in actual information.
Молодцы. Ребята. Порядок. Навели. Здоровья. Вам ребятки
А что-то нашли в дупле
That was very nice of you to do this. Who knows how long it would have stayed there. I'm sure those with loved ones there are pleased with your work.
Деньги. Могут. Заговориные
Не дождалась, что такого шокирующего было в пне...
Как,? А монеты?
@@Наталья-р1т А такой сохранности монеты ,ни какой ценности ,кроме стоимости металла, не представляют. УВЫ !
Медные монеты (сохран какалики) предположительно 18 или 19 век. Кто то лет 200 назад спрятал в дупло дерева горсть медных монет завёрнутых в тряпицу, а забрать, по каким то причинам, не получилось
Монеты - разве не удивительно????
я думала скелет найдут, не только мешочек с монетами...типа, старое преступление все равно открылось, хоть и через столетия.
Благодарен за видео.
Работа аккуратная. Место особое работы - кладбище.
Распилевание дерева где молния зажгла центр ствола и он долго тлел.
Явно то, что монеты были в дупле и от температуры тления монеты , оставаясь в дереве, слились с пеплом.
Didn't see smoldering.
Hope he doesn't hit a coin, that would be devastating if it flies out and hurts someone .
Вы так аккуратно пилили это дерево, как буд-то знали, что в нем что есть?
I hope he finds a million dollars! He works so hard, he deserves it
I cannot believe I sat and watched this whole video lol. It was actually very interesting 😊
Me too 😅
@@amarpallsidhu112 Old coins, slugs???
Me too...too
@@RabidTexan you and me both lol
Me to. Quite interesting. Stopping before damaging the chain was unexpected, usually the inexperienced woodsman rushes on. I agree with many eye protection suggestions.
Treasures and all that beautiful wood.😁
That’s what she
Why is this one of the coolest damn things? Great find, great video, and great work. Cheers from the USA. Oh, and don’t forget to try and metal detect the root ball! That is where my best finds have come from. In the old days, people sat under these trees to cool off. Coins fall out. The older the tree the older the coins. This old girl already gave up some of her secrets, but I believe she has more to tell🎉
It looked like the coins were in an old burlap sack or something. I imagine someone had hidden their treasure.🙂
Vai saber se não foi magia feita por alguém e enterrou no cemitério debaixo dessa árvore a mil anos atrás 🤭
Good lord, gona die of old age here‼️
How did they know something was in there??
Well, you mention rootball, so here’s what my wife conveyed once to me. She had a friend in western Kentucky who would look under tree stumps while he would canoe. He reached under one stump to find a pouch that must’ve belonged to a trapper. He found a leather pouch with a gold disc. Not a coin, but a large round disc with the trappers name scrolled on it. It must’ve been for the furs he got paid for.. it belongs in a museum but when she asked what did he do with it, he said he’s got it hidden under his bed. It was about three inches in diameter. Solid gold.
Someone makes wood sculptures out of old tree stumps. They cut a round off, varnish it, then set them up. I saw a few at the Texas oncology building in Fort Worth. They’re beautiful! Just a suggestion, maybe y'all should turn your work into art. 😊
Must be very strong and patient to do this work. Congrats . I saw the whole video. It was very interesting!
Igual digo yo. Mi esposo y yo ya unos viejos de 70 lo vimos completo y quedamos maravillados se ver el esfuerzo y dedicación de estos fuertes hombres. Y sobre todo de ver las maravillas de Dios a través de su creación. Mirando esta raíz tan fuerte y poderosa medite q así debemos ser como creyentes en Dios. Fuertes y con raíces profundas para q ninguna tempestad huracan nos tire al suelo. Pero solo con la ayuda se Dios se logra este objetivo. También nos gustaría una rodaja de esa madera para hacernos un comedor bien espectacular.. Por q mi esposo sabe el arte de quemar madera con electrodos de 2.400 voltios y hace unos diseños maravillosos. Le tallo una mesa de comedor a mi hijo espectacular. Nos imaginamos como quedaría de bello en esa madera. Acá les pongo un video para q lo vean
Парни, мы все с нетерпением ждем историю к какому времени относятся найденные монеты
That’s what I came on the comments to find out. How old are they?😅
@@williamk2257 не ты один🤓🤓🤓
Итересно сколько лет этому дереву? Какое огромное!!!
могли бы сразу хоть на одной прочесть
Судя по двуглавому орлу на одной из них-то в России. Да и погост наш.
The guy doing the work with the saw, is one hardworking man!!!!
Он русский.
@@Лариса-к8ц6з That explains EVERYTHING. Remarkable people
You Should see him move a Mountain 1 Boulder at a Time !!!!
А может их лучше выкинуть .все таки дерево расло возле кладбища .😮 пропиталось духами покойников .😢
working unnecessarily hard but not working smart!
Guy has got it going on, no criticism from me. Much respect.
Shoulda been wearing eye protection - tree that old could have nails, fence wire, etc.
Those coins are probably very valuable! What an amazing old tree!
He said "Shocking find worth tens of thousands of dollars"
I would be very worried filming this after the find...someone else is liable to lay claim to them...maybe the owner of the cemetery even?? Or I would have stopped filming after the first coin was found.
@@janetbrowning9089 I was thinking along those lines too. I was wondering if he even got to keep it.
Why didn’t they tell of what the coins were and how much they were worth.
@@earndoggy In your country the cemetery has a manager how can they claim this amount of money?
Медь. Ценность скорее сувенирная. Но было очень волнительно наблюдать. Я знаю что это такое. )
Плохо знаешь, раз такое пишешь.Причём тут медь? Ценность монеты не в серебре а в редкости. Цена серебра 1 грамм, 60 Российских рублей.К примеру Николаевские серебряные монеты стоят от 150 рублей. Так же есть Николаевские медные монеты, стоят десятки а иногда сотни тысяч рублей.Так же например современные, обычные монеты ходячки, стоящие в сотни а иногда и в тысячи раз дороже своего номинала.Нумизматическая ценность монеты в её редкости, сохранности и в спросе коллекционеров. В данном видео сохран у монет очень плачевный. В таком сохране к сожалению они почти ни чего не стоят. Удивляет их год, на одной из монет проглядывается двуглавый орёл,она очень похожа на полушку либо на деньгу,а это 1700-ые года. 31:41 правый нижний угол экрана. Это же сколько этому дереву лет? И причём эти монеты когда в дерево заложили, оно получается уже было большое.
Есть медные монеты дороже золото😅
@@serhius555То, что я успел рассмотреть, стоит ровно 0 . 😅
@@victorv8989 Почти 0. 1 кг. меди 700 руб )
Seseorang bebas memberikan nilai/harga sesuatu,dan itulah ukuran dia sendiri.
Ukur baju badan sendiri.
Pengorbanan ibu terhadap anaknya pun tidak membutuhkan penghargaan, hanya yang punya hati bisa menghargai.
Nilai mendali perunggu olimpiade Barcelona pasti lebih berharga daripada medali emas pada event lokal.
TUHAN bisa menghargai martir, manusia belum tentu mau menghargai TUHAN apalagi martir.
Yo belajar menghargai.
Itu harga kita kok ❤️🫡❤️🫡❤️
Здарова братан. Тебе нужно приобрести очки, тапор побольше, и металлоискатель чтоб проверять дерево на содержание металла. Чтоб неповреждать цепь на пиле.
А тебе нужно купить учебник.русского языка!, прежде чем кому.то писать русский выучи 😅
Для начала сам выучи знаки препинания. @@marekjabonski5524
А вы пока они пилят, читаите комментарии, не пожалеете, заодно и настроение поднимите.
Успокойся,эти монеты им и найдены.Просто без них ты ролик смотреть не будешь.
@@marekjabonski5524 Для начала, может ты сам последуешь своему совету! Ты далеко и рядом не знаком с русским языком. А потом уже учи других!😉
Como que el dinero no crece en los arboles? Persistir como este hombre 😅😅que gran trabajo chico.bendiciones. Te mereces la cantidad de personas que te miramos¡
Наверно, неплохая реклама бензопил определенной фирмы🙂
Да, пилы крутые.
А если не было бы бензопилы?
Этому дереву 500 или 600 лет ? 😯😲
@@irinapetrova4221Then you do it the old fashioned way with a huge hand saw with a man at each end to push and pull it through. I bet that is what was used to get lumber for building structures when this tree was very young.
Где шокирующие моменты? 😂
You really have to wonder how someone’s ancient stash got in there? Many of those looked like un-stamped coins. Be nice to have a follow-up on what they are and their age. You could do with a bigger axe, but far be it for me to tell you your business. I’ve got several, all vintage, and all were used when I worked. Please consider safety glasses, it happens in an instant when you don’t expect it.
Subscribed! 👍🏻
In a former life I was a chief engineer in a sawmill. We had a couple of ancient homelite saws with extended cutter bars for cutting large logs ,bigger than that one hung on the wall .. The men in the felling gangs always had axes with them that made that one look like a tomahawk. Even then ,40 years ago ,the crew wore full face shields as it wasn't unusual to hit stones or even nails (!!) which would fly out of the cut.
Interesting. You value old coins but not your eyesight. Failing to protect your eyes can only lead to deep regret.
Hell with how it got in there, how'd it get left behind. Lol
I thought they were going to find a tombstone inside.
I used to be like you but after having Doctors remove metal from by eye twice I’m never more than 3 feet away from safety glasses, goggles or a face shield.
Ever since a nailhead detached and got me square in the cornea I’ve been a fan. I got lucky that day and sustained no permanent injury.
Yep just what was thinking.
No safety glasses.
No safety clothes.
No safety shoes.
No safety gloves.
He is letting his machine run on the ground Un attended.
Red flags and an accident just wating to happen.
No eye protection. Completely irresponsible and unprofessional! F around and someday you will find out!
Yes I totally agree with you.
Hugs from Denmark 💝
Unprofessional.. 😉😎🇺🇲
Умнички пусть вас бог бережеть 🤲чистота и порядок ❤(иродахон
Well, I see the UA-cam algorithm is at it again! I watched this all the way thru because of my love and fascination for trees and a shocking impulse to watch a young man working hard. What was everyone else's desire to watch? 14 million plus! I'm glad you wore hearing protection, but where were your safety goggles!? And its gonna drive me nuts not knowing how old those coins are!
Yeah, why didn’t they give a description of the coins? Year made, denomination, and image if discernible.
@Philip-ue1lo that tree was hundreds of years old so you know the coins had to be. The tree grew around them after they were placed there. But how many of hundreds 🤔
So, no more info. Bye.
Encore e’n anglais. Marre de çà pourquoi pas de traduction d office?'
К сожалению монеты какалики,так их называют в среде копателей,но это конечно тоже интересно,особенно вот так в дереве найти👍А ствол я так понял на дрова пойдёт?
Парни подрабатывают спилом деревьев и продажей накопанных монет.По разного цвета сохрану мог бы догадаться.
Жалею что на просмотр время только потерял😂
Вот мне интересно они всегда снимают свою работу от и до или заранее знали, что найдут что-то интересное?!?!
@@alexeyantonov8880По разному цвету можно лишь предположить,что зелёные монеты медные,а другие либо медноникелевые,либо оловянистая бронза,одна порезана цепью и она жёлтая.А так то,он в видео сказал,что нужно металлоискатель купить.Подлог так подлог это их дело,а мне приходилось из под пня доставать кошель медяков и да,это очень приятная находка😊
Amazing find! An archaeologist from a university could probably date the fabric by its fiber content and weave, maybe also the coins by metallurgy.
Maybe they can tell the age of the coins by the age of the headstones in the cemetery. Or the age of the tree by examining/ counting the circles on the actual stump part closest to the ground.
How on earth does any of that even get within a tree?
Кто ищет, тот всегда найдете !!❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉😊😊😊😊
Если грамотно очистить, то на монетах указан год... Предположительно, по виду не старше 1700-
@@tammyhawley6307Когда-то кто-то сделал клад в дереве, и оно зарасло...
Your video just happened to show up in my feed and I was totally mesmerized! ❤
Это кто то,что то делал ,а ты лапунька ручками, голыми взял,а нельзя❤❤❤Храни тебя бог.❤
No what - why !😊
Потому что на кладбищах колдуны колдуют и деньги оставляют для откупа ,эти деньги могут нести беду л@@KrystynaKaczynski
Все что лежит на кладбище принадлежит мертвым ,и уносить в дом где живёшь ни в коем случае нельзя .деньги тем более это возможно откуп кто-то делал .
Вот, вот.... Ритуалы на кладбище проводят. Дай Бог, чтоб все обошло вас с стороной.
Для каждого человека, дерево это воспоминание иассоциации. Чем сторее дерево, тем больше воспоминаний проживших поколений даже не родственных.
it a custom in Mongolian to put a few coins on the head stones to pay passage to haven. antiant custom of old testament.
Would love to see coins cleaned and know the dates on them. If this tree could talk and tell history. That tree has been there for years. Great work guys.
They might not have dates. I have a Roman coin from about 264 AD and it just has the current emperor stamped on the coin. Not sure when they started putting dates on coins.
Мне кажется этот мешочек с манетами был закопан под деревом. И с годами само дерево его поглотило и подняло по стволу вверх.
I agree…!!!
@@jeffguarino2097 The emperor IS the date - or range of dates, anyway.
I would say the tree has been there for centuries I think a person, during one of the many wars that has plagued Belarus over a millennia, threw their purse into the fork of the tree intending to return and retrieve it only to find that they was a bloody huge hole in it to the base of the tree, or they never got back at all @willowwisp6401 hiding what few coins they had whilst fleeing conflict me thinks more likely
Le gars ❤ a fait un boulot méritant 👍 il lui manquait des lunettes de protection !! Il a reçu de la sciure dans les yeux 🤔 j'espère qu'il prendra des précautions pour les prochaines étapes 🤗
Good video - would like to see a follow up on the coins though...!
Agreed! Wish a followup about the coins was posted
I checked into it, he used all the coins to buy a quart of cheap Vodka.
Those coins belong to someone buried by the tree. When tree got bigger it took the coins with its growth. Never ever take those coins out of cemetery. Omen!
Would love to know about the coins and how old they are and if gold or silver.
Cool find !!!
А мне интересно сколько лет этому дереву? У нас в России, наверное, нет таких гигантов, а где-то ещё встречаются. Я восхищаюсь.
Воронежской обл 500 летние есть дубы.
Сибирь и вся планета! Миллионы вековых и выше, сибирь, там лес помнит как люди начинались!!!
Вы видимо не в России живете))) у нас в Татарстане и соседней Марий эл полно таких древних дубов, которые еще живые)
@@АлександрГасанов-я3в я живу в Коми, у нас лесозаготовка на экспорт. Почти весь лес вырубили, сейчас пилят "карандаши".Поэтому я таких огромных деревьев не видела у нас никогда.
@@ЗинаидаПахолкова ну вырубают же не везде! В поселках все равно деревья не трогают, в городах парковые деревья тоже не пилят... Другой вопрос - растут ли вообще в Коми дубы?) у нас даже в парках в Казани стоят толстенные дубы, больше 2х обхватов. А в лесах есть и потолще!)
An amazing advert for Stihl chain saws.
Husqvarna and Jonsered from Sweden are better you know!😮
Trabalho com as duas e a stilh superou a hursqvana
@@sergiobraddock5719 Little English should not hurt.
@@hangemhigh7069 I prefer a little humility
Ух ты ,ну и деревце🌳, сколько ж ему лет? Вот это да,ну и на ходка!!!
Ну,надо же как давно было спрятано,даже мешок стал вятхим.Удачи вам.
Ну что здесь шокирующего?
Там мідяки РІ , на старих кладовищах їх і в землі повно. Але распиловка на дрова епічна вийшла
Did you find out their value? Or how old they were once cleaned up? Great video, intense while waiting. ❤
У меня на участке тоже стоит большая липа и помню дядька рассказывал как был молодой полез в дупло и получил от его отца подзатыльник и больше туда некто не лазил. Вот теперь интересно что там. Дерево не хочется губить оно как символ семьи
Наверное заначка была отца дядьки.
@@БорисТкаченко-ц2рЦе не заначка, це відкуп демонам.
Проверьте для начала металлоискателем...
@vvladq1979 уже думал об этом но мы по молодости с братом с одной стороны ступеньки на ней прибевали чтоб на нее лазить
Металлоискателем попробуйте
Que lindo tronco de árvore!! Esse jovem foi muito corajoso, em aguentar serrar este tronco da árvore!! Parabéns!!São Paulo !!🇧🇷👍
Incroyable merci messieurs jolie travail 🏋️🪵🍂
Amazing. I'd love to know the date on the coins. The cleanliness of the truck of the tree is super impressive. Job well done 🌹
Jak zawsze bardzo chętnie oglądałem jak pracujecie. Serdecznie życzę kolejnych znalezisk, jak najcenniejszych oczywiście. Pozdrawiam.
Реально дерево - гигант!
В образовавшееся по природным причинам дупло, люди,приходившие к своим близким, оставляли денежную еденицу с самыми наилучшими пожеланиями...😊
That was a waste of 39:19 minutes I'll never get back.
Yes, I've learned to use fast forward on these types of videos. Time precious, editing appreciated.
My thoughts exactly.
I love your channel. Thank you for the many hours of enjoyment. You should ask the Stihl Company about a sponsorship.
And Fiskars may give proper axe to you :D
Belarus is under EU and US sanctions if I'm not mistaken..
@@silverianjannvs5315 Are chainsaws and axes on the list of prohibited export products? As far as I understand, military equipment or so-called dual-use products are not allowed to be exported to Russia and Belarus. Of course, a chainsaw and an axe, well, they can be used in many ways in military operations.
Looks like somebody 200 years ago didn’t trust banks either.
They put it into Bark-lays, the bank with branches everywhere!
Ya no kidding
банков в то время только дерево банк
the old bag of old coin is burried with death person and root of tree growing on it,the root keep sucking and holding the bag while keeping growing long years ago….
Such a hard worker. Surprised he didn't wear safety glases. Very dangers.
Merci beaucoup Mahelae excellente fin d'année ❤😊
This was mesmerising to watch. ❤️
Yeah, agreed! Out of curiosity for the shocking find, I was about 10 minutes in when I looked to see how long the video was. Oh, but only 29 minutes left? Might as well finish it. I was invested at that point.
I unintentionally became quite a skilled woodsman myself. I loved it! There’s something very satisfying about a tool that can cut through a log like butter, and then provide you comfort later.
I’m reminded of an old saying, “A man who chops his own wood, warms himself twice.” That, of course, can apply to women as well.
Потрясающе, сколько же лет этому дереву?
У нас дуб упал. Говорили что ему шестьсот лет было.
Gue fortaleza de currante tiene este señor menos mal gue aencotrdo un tesoro felicidades❤❤❤
Цікаве відио.Важка праця,але з кладовща нічого не можно брать.
Hey Brother what a great score I live in Australia where bushrangers were what sort of detectors do you use God bless you and your team hope you have many more great finds God be with you Amen
You are the hardest working person l have ever seen . Bravo l hope you are very rewarded for the rest of your life.
Someone needs more Real Men in her life . . . ☆
No he will have pain from working like that.
Saw is doing all the WORK.
L'importante è crederci.
Hello from Arizona!!
The first 5 minutes of seeing those half hollowed pieces, all I could see were perfect rocking chair rockers!! I hope someone makes a few of those!
Maybe a rocking couch sofa!❤
Nice find on the coins. Congratulations!
What were those coins you're gonna get many more views if you would of told us what those coins were. Looks like Rusty crusted
". Gold nope Silver,? Tell us
That's not how rocking chair rockers work. The grain needs to run from end to end. Those cross-grained curves wouldn't be strong enough to support a chair. They'd break instantly.
the rockers would be cross grain, not very stable.
Смотрю это видео в двенадцатый раз и каждый раз оно меня шокирует
Удивительно. Думаю вам не стоит останавливаться. Удачных Вам просмотров!
Это не предел!
после 20 раза будет мультик!
Болше 8 лям просмотров пиздец
The stuff he pulled apart looked more like the remnants of an old bird's best rather than a bag. I wonder if it was a jackdaw or magpie collecting shiny things once upon a time. 🤔 So interesting. 👍😎
Nice,no telling how long they were inside the tree,maybe something valuable or in memory of someone.great video.just keep on doing what you do safe 👍👍👍😎😎😎
I suppose if the location was noted carefully, you could count the rings to the inner-most part of the bag. That would give you a rough estimate in how long ago it was placed.
Should have left them in the old bag and got it carbon dated. I have wood from New Zealand that is carbon dated to 50,000 years old. They get it out of a swamp and a place in Wisconsin buys it to make expensive furniture.
I can't believe you had the energy to do all that! Wow! Glad it was worth it for you.
I really liked this video. But next time could you please wear some safety glasses. If not for yourself do it for us. But really it's a great video. Watched from Huntington West Virginia.
Wise suggestion, but, in eastern Europe ''elf n safety'' don't mean much.
Все реально, трудоемкая работа это очень сдожно.
А бонусы, это вознаграждение...
I thought maybe they were gonna find a bunch of little people making cookies
Can't you see they left all the brown sugar behind?
they were busy, but left the Gold
Now that would be shocking. Nothing shocking here. I read the comments before wasting a half hour lol
Keebler elves!
I thought maybe they finally found Jimmy a Hoffas body😊
No wonder the tree fell down. Great job, guys. What isn't powder and rot is solid and hard. WOW!! What a find!! Understandable why you could not roll that big piece out of the ground.
Шокирующее видео о шокирующей находке в шокирующем дереве на шокирующем кладбище. По-моему, здесь больше подходит "Интересная находка...".
@@САД-з3ы подскажите пожалуста а что за находка там было всё таки терпеть уже не мог спил
@@Ящимцех It was a bag of old coins, which some here say was left long ago to honor the dead in the cemetery where the tree fell.
Так и человек. Внутри болезнь, а внешне не видно
Tremendo trabajo debe terminar agitadisimo, FUERZA VIDA Y SALUD ❤❤❤❤
Наши ребята русские. Берегите себя парни защиту одевайте.
Это белорусы
I'm glad no leprechauns were harmed in this video.
Watching from Florida USA. Awesome find. Very cool. 😊
Смотрю из Костромы, Россия
Ehrfurcht wertvolle reine saubere Baumqualität!😊❤das wäre ein schönes Baumzelt❤🎉
When you get ready to pull the saw out of the tree you're supposed to keep the saw going full throttle while you pull it out and it will come out a lot easier. That way you don't have to keep yanking on it and wind up pinching the bar on the chain
Не учи учёного . Не всегда получается делать так гладко и безопасно, как советуют наставления по технике безопасности , по тем или иным причинам. Спросите сами у любого профи в любой отрасли.
I would like to know what kind of tree this is and where it is!
Realmente! Encontrar umas moedinhas é algo muito chocante 😮nossa senhora!!! Estou tremendo de pavor até agora!!! 😅😅😅Aiai
По всей видимости отпускали в дупло родственники тех людей, которых хоронили. Люди многие верят в то, что "перевозчику" требуется плата. Благодаря таким находка, мы попадаем в прошлое.
Un homme très radin a fait la demande à sa femme d'être enterré avec toute sa fortune, nie blonde n'y bête, la veuve lui fit un chèque à son non et le déposa dans son cercueil.
Посмотрите клип группы "Отто Дикс" "Стикс"
Нельзя забирать то, что там на кладбище лежит. Мистика,но чревато.
Да уж
Каких только суеверий в разных местностях нет....
Мы в Египте, какой ещё перевозчик 😮
Lavoro molto faticoso con ricompensa finale. Bel video! 😉👍🏻
Обалдеть, это ж сколько лет дереву? И что за порода?
Мне кажется что это обычная верба , а не дорогостоящий дуб. Посещая старые кладбища , я не советовал бы людям сажать деревья, возле могил. Можете сами убедиться в этом , побывав на старых кладбищах. Разросшиеся деревья не дают прохода и самое главное, они разрушают памятники.
Дуб.судя по толщине ствола и дуплистости, лет 200, не больше
The goal or growth that he cut off the tree at about 29 minutes had beautiful wood inside