I sometimes change it to CI “0” in order to climb as close as possible with VY to reach my FL asap. (TSRA avoidance) See Getting into grips with performance. They explain it there.
This doesn’t seem to take any account of the fact that freight customers or passengers have been given commitments as to when goods or passengers will reach their destination.
I sometimes change it to CI “0” in order to climb as close as possible with VY to reach my FL asap. (TSRA avoidance) See Getting into grips with performance. They explain it there.
Sometimes when holding is expected I go to CI0 and later GD
You can select green dot no problem. Changing the CI does not make a difference if you are at green dot.
This doesn’t seem to take any account of the fact that freight customers or passengers have been given commitments as to when goods or passengers will reach their destination.
The airlines or cargo company would have done the calculations and come up with the duration for the flights.