(H9) Day2 Hardware Basics part1 CPU, RAM, ROM, BIOS Settings, CMOS Battery

  • Опубліковано 18 вер 2024
  • 20240702 144225
    PC Components
    CPU - Central Processing Unit - Processor
    Autherthimatic and logical operations
    Brain of the computer
    Single Chip
    Intel - pentium , dual core, i3 i5 i7., xeon
    AMD - ryzen, athlon
    Mediatek - Dimensity 8200, Helio
    Qualcomm - SnapDragon
    Samsung - Exynos
    Processor Specifications
    Speed (Measured in Hz {Hertz})
    Width (Measured in Bits: 16bits,32bits or 64bits)
    FSB Speed(Front Side Bus)(Measured in Hz) - RAM model, clock speed
    Cache Memory (measured in Kbytes/Mbytes) -- L3 cache memory
    No of Cores per Processor
    No of Threads(Logical processors) per Processor
    Virtualization Technology - Enabled - Intel - VT-x, AMD - AMD-V
    Primary Memory - RAM and ROM
    RAM and ROM
    Random Access Memory Read Only Memory
    Stores data temporarily Stores data permanently
    RAM is example of Volatile Memory ROM is Example of Non-Volatile Memory
    Volatile Memory - The data in the Non-Volatile Memory - Data in the device is
    device is lost when power is off remains in the device even the power is off
    Ex. HDD,SSD, Pen Drives, SD Cards
    RAM - size, speed ROM - size and speed does not matter
    RAM can be changeable ROM is a fixed chip on Motherboard
    - Add/Replace/Remove - we can’t add/remove/replace in generally
    -RAM is also called Main Memory, Physical Memory..
    -2 Types of RAMs - SRAM, DRAM
    SRAM - use as cache memory in inside of CPU
    DRAM Packages
    DIP - Dual In-line Package
    SIMM - Single Inline Memory Module
    DIMM - Dual Inline Memory Module - for Desktop PC
    RIMM - Rambus Inline Memory Module - for Desktops and Servers
    SODIMM - Small Outline DIMM - for Laptop
    RAM Specifics
    Size : MG, GB, TB , ex. 4GB, 8GB, 16GB
    Speed - MHz ex. 1333MHz, 1600MHz,
    Model: DDR3, DDR4.,
    Voltage Level
    To upgrade/ replace RAM
    Check CPU Model Specification - Support - Size, Speed, Memory Types
    Check Motherboard Specification - No of RAM Slots, Memory Type
    Voltage levels - L /H- 1.5v, 3v
    Matches to old RAM
    Frequency Matches
    ROM (Read Only Memory)
    Integrated Circuits that are Used to Permanently Store Start-Up (Boot) Instructions and Other Critical Information
    Types of ROM
    PROM (Programmable Read Only Memory)
    EPROM (Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory)
    EEPROM (Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory)
    EEPROM - Rewritable
    ROM chip fixed, ROM has a program called BIOS (firmware)
    ROM chip also called as BIOS Chip
    BIOS (Basic Input Output System)
    During the Boot up it Performs POST (Power On Self Test)
    Recognizes the Hardware Devices
    Locates and Loads the Operating System
    It Helps the Operating System to Access
    the Hardware Devices
    BIOS - Firmware
    UEFI -Unified Extensible Firmware Interface
    (New version of BIOS)
    BIOS - Legacy
    Support MBR -limited HDD partitions- 4 Primary or 3P+1Extend(Logical)
    The partition size is up to 2TB
    UEFI - features
    Secure Boot
    Support GPT(GUID Partition Table) - More HDD partitions(128) and more than 2TB of disk partition size(up to 18EB)
    BIOS Chip Manufacturers
    Firmware is software that provides basic machine instructions that allow the hardware to function and communicate with other software running on a device. Firmware provides low-level control for a device's hardware.
    BIOS contains Hardware Information, we can check or change some Hardware setting through BIOS Setting
    How to go BIOS setting :
    Press Power Button press BIOS Key to goto BIOS Setup
    BIOS Keys - DELETE,F2,F10,F12,F11,F9
    Fn + BIOS key
    Ex. Fn + F2
    Date and Time
    Set Password*
    Enable/Disable Hardware feature - Virtualization technology
    Check System Configuration - CPU, RAM, HDD/SSD…
    Change Boot Priority
    Save and Exit - F10
    * bios password is different from OS password
    CMOS Battery
    Battery which Powers BIOS Memory is called as CMOS Battery
    CMOS Battery made by Li , 3V
    If you remove the battery BIOS setting goes to Factory defaults
    BIOS stores a temporary data
    Date and Time
    BIOS Passwords
    BIOS settings / Configuration
    Boot Priority
    When System Turn off data lost, to keep data we use CMOS battery
    A complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) is the semiconductor technology used in most of today's integrated circuits (ICs), also known as chips or microchips. CMOS transistors are based on metal-oxide semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET) technology.
    CMOS Checksum Error/Bad
    When system is Power ON on the screen
    It showing CMOS Checksum Error
    BIOS firmware issue.
    CMOS Battery(Li 3v) - low/no power
    CMOS Battery removed and reinserted
    Every time system starts if you got this
    Error - means Battery low/no power
    So then change Battery