2024 NFL Draft WR Rankings | A Once In A Lifetime Class

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @FootballAnalysis1
    @FootballAnalysis1  9 місяців тому +98

    This class is absolutely LOADED. Let me know your guys rankings below!
    Tier 1:
    Marvin Harrison Jr
    Malik Nabers
    Tier 2:
    Rome Odunze
    Tier 3:
    Brian Thomas Jr
    Troy Franklin
    Adonai Mitchell
    Tier 4:
    Ladd McConkey
    Keon Coleman
    Ja’Lynn Polk
    Xavier Worthy
    Tier 5:
    Roman Wilson
    Xavier Legette
    Jermaine Burton
    Ricky Pearsall
    Malachi Corley
    Tier 6:
    Tez Walker
    Johnny Wilson
    Jalen McMillan
    Javon Baker
    Brenden Rice
    UNDERDOG Fantasy: play.underdogfantasy.com/p-football-analysis

    • @AlexFehrTheLoneWolf
      @AlexFehrTheLoneWolf 9 місяців тому +2

      Walker is a legit sleeper pick. Agree that Polk is the player outside the first round most likely to breakout. Astonishing to think about the receiver corps at Washington last year. I still think Penix is a late 2nd-3rd rounder who could still have a good career but its hard to factor in destination, injuries and how much someone wants to win

    • @crutonpreton15
      @crutonpreton15 9 місяців тому +3

      Where would you put Jamari Thrash? As a Cards fan I feel like people keep forgetting about him.

    • @BrownieCFB
      @BrownieCFB 9 місяців тому +1

      Why is Keon Coleman and Johnny Wilson falling so far down?

    • @JX_era
      @JX_era 9 місяців тому

      Baker should be tier 5

    • @evaneiler4333
      @evaneiler4333 9 місяців тому +11

      Leggate will be top 5 of this class at least

  • @AchievingAchievement
    @AchievingAchievement 9 місяців тому +49

    Xavier Legette Is one of my favorite prospects from this draft class.

  • @petermanett1197
    @petermanett1197 9 місяців тому +93

    Saying someone is “fast but not 4.2 fast” (regarding Mitchell) is insane lmao.
    Such a low number of guys have ever run sub 4.3, and he ran. 4.35 40. That’s blazing speed and certainly more than enough for a WR.

    • @7se7entp
      @7se7entp 9 місяців тому +12

      Facts lol

    • @KaminaLagann
      @KaminaLagann 9 місяців тому +2

      Thought the same thing

    • @burtknighten4438
      @burtknighten4438 9 місяців тому +11

      Sub 4.4 is elite speed

    • @123shoshan
      @123shoshan 9 місяців тому

      Brian Thomas should be in the last tier

    • @AlexRosner-v8t
      @AlexRosner-v8t 3 місяці тому

      He ran 4.32 his foot was in the line if you stop it at 4.32

  • @jacobmccain8082
    @jacobmccain8082 9 місяців тому +119

    As an LSU fan we have these WR duos that come along at intervals. OBJ/Landry, Jefferson/Chase, and now Nabers/BTJ. The first 4 made their names in the NFL and hopefully these two will as well.

    • @ericv5154
      @ericv5154 9 місяців тому +14

      i think they translate so well because the play a lot of pro level secondaries in the sec.

    • @amarshall2896
      @amarshall2896 9 місяців тому +2

      @@ericv5154and the water. All of the above are Louisiana boys.

    • @williamwhite5799
      @williamwhite5799 9 місяців тому

      guess with this logic of they must be good because former players were good, we should all be looking at who's coming out of mississippi valley state then.

    • @jerryatkinson1316
      @jerryatkinson1316 9 місяців тому +4

      Brian Thomas Jr is underrated !! My favorite over nabers

    • @ernestjones4089
      @ernestjones4089 9 місяців тому

      LSU transfer the Nebraska WR Trey Palmer is with the Bucs also very fast and played behind Chase and Jefferson at LSU before transferring to LSU. 👍

  • @connergilley8
    @connergilley8 9 місяців тому +34

    Malachi Corley is one of my favorite prospects rn, think hes really underrated.

  • @Shrobulon
    @Shrobulon 9 місяців тому +466

    Take a shot every time he says he thinks a prospect would be a good fit in buffalo

    • @tylercarter5106
      @tylercarter5106 9 місяців тому +89

      Every receiver is a good fit in buffalo joshy poo is goated

    • @irift3
      @irift3 9 місяців тому +9

      ​@@tylercarter5106 this. And what's wrong with taking shots?? I'll do it for every word he speaks lmao

    • @thebigjimmyd
      @thebigjimmyd 9 місяців тому +3

      Oh Lawdy that drinking game just got me wasted af

    • @FootballAnalysis1
      @FootballAnalysis1  9 місяців тому +76

      I don't want to promote binge drinking so let's not lol (Brandon Beane please draft WR)

    • @andersreboulet7620
      @andersreboulet7620 9 місяців тому +2

      Bro loves the Bills

  • @DillonJayasuriya
    @DillonJayasuriya 9 місяців тому +136

    Right on time with worthy running a 4.21

    • @123shoshan
      @123shoshan 9 місяців тому

      Awful list Brian Thomas is a massive bust

    • @123shoshan
      @123shoshan 9 місяців тому

      Adonai Mitchell is much better than Brian thomas

  • @BP25600
    @BP25600 9 місяців тому +239

    Legette is such a misunderstood prospect. Deebo is a bad comp. He looks like AJ Brown out there. He’s a big guy with 4.3 speed, and one of the most reliable in jump ball scenarios. He’s gonna be a top 5 WR in this class when it’s all said and done no question in my mind

    • @rowtheskol
      @rowtheskol 9 місяців тому +39

      He’s going to be what Quinton Johnson was supposed to be but somehow he’s going to drop to the end of the 2nd or early 3rd

    • @zackhurwitz9441
      @zackhurwitz9441 9 місяців тому +23

      ​@@rowtheskolhope the 9ers select him. Especially if they lose Aiyuk and Jennings.

    • @BTrix3D
      @BTrix3D 9 місяців тому +10

      Dk metcalf

    • @maskedman5657
      @maskedman5657 9 місяців тому +1

      ​@@zackhurwitz9441Crazy how we gotten to a point of saying Niners might lose Ayuik. Remember when people thought Deebo Samuels was way better than him? Full circle

    • @zackhurwitz9441
      @zackhurwitz9441 9 місяців тому +6

      @@maskedman5657 in fairness, Deebo was coming off an incredible season, and Aiyuk was still climbing his way out of the dog house. Plus, Deebo is still a more QB friendly player than Aiyuk. It took a QB like Purdy to actually allow BA to be maximized.

  • @mattmed5953
    @mattmed5953 9 місяців тому +14

    It's honestly shows how loaded this class is that WR's projected to go in the 2nd round this year would be 1st round selections any other year

  • @richardcoleman1196
    @richardcoleman1196 9 місяців тому +50

    I think you need to edit out that AD Mitchell isn't too fast bit, a 4.34 is elite level speed.

    • @beastbuilds9741
      @beastbuilds9741 9 місяців тому +9

      yea that was a very bad take. He also said he doesnt “have elite route running” hes prlly the best route runner in this class 💀

    • @tremill13
      @tremill13 9 місяців тому +3

      ⁠​⁠@@beastbuilds9741exactly his route running is elite because he knows how to manipulate the DB into thinking he’s running a different route with his misdirection and fluidity. I can see how he thinks he isn’t an elite route runner because he doesn’t look like he’s moving fast and makes the routes at first glance look simple. If you really watch and breakdown the route he’s just incredibly smooth and subtle at the details that enable him to have elite separation.

    • @123shoshan
      @123shoshan 9 місяців тому +1

      Adonai Mitchell is best receiver in draft

    • @DirectFireDave
      @DirectFireDave 8 місяців тому +1

      @@123shoshan Rome, MHJ, nabers ?

    • @FOGENT-jl7od
      @FOGENT-jl7od 8 місяців тому +1

      ​@@123shoshan that's my cousin, I don't even think he's the best & I have reason to be bias. He will be top 10-15 by year 3 though. Now if he goes to KC, Buffalo or Baltimore he will have the best rookie season of the receivers. He will be the best eventually but he's not yet.

  • @HalseyHFW
    @HalseyHFW 9 місяців тому +63

    If a WR class is deep doesn't that make an argument for not being in a hurry to draft them?

    • @TheVvolfgang
      @TheVvolfgang 9 місяців тому +17

      Yes, but depends on other factors as well. Deep class but missing top end talent for example. This class seems to have it all tho

    • @axe2grind244
      @axe2grind244 9 місяців тому +2

      Lol very true, but the draft is kinda like chess in that way. But it’s also like gambling in a way too.

    • @burtknighten4438
      @burtknighten4438 9 місяців тому +1

      Yes. Means mid rounds will have gems and late rounds will have decent 3/4 options

    • @123shoshan
      @123shoshan 9 місяців тому +2

      Adonai Mitchell is most underrated player in draft

  • @gdonut5814
    @gdonut5814 9 місяців тому +194

    Dude wants everyone to go to buffalo

    • @johnmikolajczyk
      @johnmikolajczyk 9 місяців тому +8

      Because Josh Allen is a great pairing for literally every WR

    • @axe2grind244
      @axe2grind244 9 місяців тому +2

      Who doesn’t though.

    • @billsfanatic7288
      @billsfanatic7288 9 місяців тому +3

      Pretty easy sports take considering they have the first or second best qb in the league

    • @ASimpleHeroinUser
      @ASimpleHeroinUser 9 місяців тому

      ​@@johnmikolajczyklol sure, Diggs sucked last yr in fantasy. Why u think Gabe Davis left😂😂

    • @DirectFireDave
      @DirectFireDave 9 місяців тому

      maybe 3rd@@billsfanatic7288

  • @dgblac0
    @dgblac0 9 місяців тому +36

    4.21 is great but you have to be able to use that speed in the field, best example of that John Ross.

    • @wockcup38
      @wockcup38 9 місяців тому +15

      go watch worthy tape then go watch john ross college tape they are not even close to the same player

    • @theoperson1474
      @theoperson1474 9 місяців тому +1

      @@wockcup38 yeah john Ross was better in college

    • @Kyle-bi7df
      @Kyle-bi7df 9 місяців тому +1

      @@theoperson1474Ross was a college 1 year wonder

    • @Disxreet
      @Disxreet 9 місяців тому +1

      @@wockcup38it’s college 💀💀💀 doesn’t mean it will translate. Dude weighs the same as me and I’m 5’7.

    • @wockcup38
      @wockcup38 9 місяців тому +2

      @@theoperson1474 you have never watched worthy play obviously. he runs much much better routes than ross ever did and dosent drop the ball. worthy could be a possession receiver in the nfl which ross never was

  • @parkerdavis7859
    @parkerdavis7859 9 місяців тому +15

    Man, the Panthers chose maybe the only year where not having a first round pick and DESPERATELY needing a premier option at wideout was possible. Someone is going to slip through the cracks of the first round, or someone will fall enough in the first that trading up will be possible and desirable, and will still wind up performing well above other classes.

    • @bradendeifel9263
      @bradendeifel9263 9 місяців тому

      I’m sure one of those guys would be available for them, but what makes you think they’ll pick the right guy?

  • @CharlieRogers50
    @CharlieRogers50 9 місяців тому +33

    AD Mitchell, Jaylen Polk, and Brian Thomas Jr. are my favorite receivers in this class. People distracted by height, weight, and 40 times this time of year and forget they have nothing to do with actually playing good football.

    • @maskedman5657
      @maskedman5657 9 місяців тому +4

      Even though those guys had good combine numbers as well?

    • @elijahcullum1684
      @elijahcullum1684 9 місяців тому +5

      Ad Mitchell is a sleeper fr !

    • @moonillusions832
      @moonillusions832 9 місяців тому +1

      @@elijahcullum1684 Prob a consensus top 20 pick currently.. not a sleeper

    • @shrimpyy8468
      @shrimpyy8468 9 місяців тому +3

      @@elijahcullum1684 A predicted first round pick is not a sleeper

    • @GeorgeuSuzuki
      @GeorgeuSuzuki 9 місяців тому +1

      Jalynn had a dropping problem for like 2 weeks last year but if he didn't have that he would be my favorite to boom

  • @bbb4228
    @bbb4228 9 місяців тому +19

    “This guy would be great with Buffalo.”

    • @tremill13
      @tremill13 9 місяців тому +2

      😂😂😂 said it for almost every WR

  • @azikkii
    @azikkii 9 місяців тому +9

    I think Odunze will end up having the best career out of the WRs in this draft.

  • @ferdinandvongonzalez641
    @ferdinandvongonzalez641 9 місяців тому +14

    Every "I don't mean to disrespect..." After dropping the draft spot of each of these players is priceless lmao

  • @anthonyblakely399
    @anthonyblakely399 9 місяців тому +6

    Very very special information. I will be watching this video repeatedly before the draft. Thank you!🎉🎉🎉

  • @imreallyagoat
    @imreallyagoat 9 місяців тому +39

    This draft class is so deep

    • @bwil5989
      @bwil5989 9 місяців тому +4

      This draft class is insane. Thinking back to last year it’s pretty much night and day

    • @imreallyagoat
      @imreallyagoat 9 місяців тому +1

      @@bwil5989 absolutely 😂💯 there’s so many talented prospects that are going to dominate in the NFL 💯

    • @andrecastillo2612
      @andrecastillo2612 9 місяців тому

      @@bwil5989Quentin Johnston was taken 21st last year 😭

  • @alexnitz9846
    @alexnitz9846 9 місяців тому +2

    1- Marvin
    2- Nabers
    3- Rome
    4- Brian Thomas
    5- AD Mitchell
    6- Ladd
    7- Franklin
    8- Coleman
    9- Worthy
    10- Polk

    • @jamesbuchanan24
      @jamesbuchanan24 9 місяців тому +1

      Bro ur crazy no legette in top 10 smh

  • @user-hg4hz1lx2h
    @user-hg4hz1lx2h 9 місяців тому +6

    Tbh my top 10 w comps and team fit:
    Harrison Jr (Devante Adams, any team)
    Odunze(Mike Evans, Indy/any)
    Nabers(Odell, Cards/any)
    Mitchell(Pickens, Jets)
    Legette(DK, Ravens)
    Coleman(Terry McLaurin,Buff)
    Thomas(martavis Bryant, KC)
    Franklin(Jaylin Hyatt, Dallas/Panthers)
    Worthy (Henry Ruggs, Raiders)
    Corley(Aiyuk, any team)

  • @lake_official4234
    @lake_official4234 9 місяців тому +3

    Great video man. I can tell a ton of work went into this video you deserve a ton of props for it 🙏

  • @BefuddlingRuins
    @BefuddlingRuins 9 місяців тому +1

    Great content mate! You accidentally have Polk listed as Powell in the timeline. Not a biggie, but it’s an easy fix so I thought I’d try to help a little. Thanks for creating such an amazing video! This is great stuff.

  • @benweaver3267
    @benweaver3267 9 місяців тому +2

    Man, I fell in love with McCaffrey McConkey, and Worthy at the combine

  • @Blitz_Effect09
    @Blitz_Effect09 9 місяців тому +11

    This tackle, WR, and QB class is insane. QBs have a little miffy things about them but this class is actually insane. Best one in a while

    • @spidamitchell8311
      @spidamitchell8311 9 місяців тому

      Pats need to draft a 1st wr and a day 2/3 wr

  • @theConservativeCowboy123
    @theConservativeCowboy123 9 місяців тому +12

    Here’s my top 15:
    1. MHJ
    2. Malik Nabers
    3. Rome Odunze
    4. BTJ
    5. Ladd McConkey
    6. Xavier Worthy
    7. AD Mitchell
    8. Troy Franklin
    9. Ja’Lynn Polk
    10. Xavier Legette
    11. Ricky Pearsall
    12. Roman Wilson
    13. Jermaine Burton
    14. Brenden Rice
    15. Keon Coleman

    • @keeganmanning8196
      @keeganmanning8196 9 місяців тому +9

      Wilson at 12 is undervalued

    • @Ajmovinwork
      @Ajmovinwork 9 місяців тому +10

      Rice and Troy over Keon is crazy work

    • @wasru.
      @wasru. 9 місяців тому +6

      okay keon isn't THAT low

    • @jakewalbert2045
      @jakewalbert2045 9 місяців тому +3

      Keon will end up 2nd if he lands in Buffalo idk how you look at him and say 16

    • @hunterwagner4130
      @hunterwagner4130 9 місяців тому +2

      1) MHJ
      2) Nabers
      3) Rome
      4) Thomas
      5) AD Mitchell
      6) McConkey
      7) Coleman
      8) Legette
      9) Worthy
      10) Corley
      HM: Franklin

  • @t2fresh
    @t2fresh 9 місяців тому +2

    That Marvin Harrison, AJ Green comp is really good. Never thought of that but it’s almost a perfect comp.

  • @coryjohnson1069
    @coryjohnson1069 9 місяців тому +4

    1) Rome. He’s gonna end up being the best player in the entire class I think
    2) MHJ
    3) Brian Thomas Jr is gonna be special if he lives up to his potential
    4) Nabers
    5) Ladd Mcconkey (I think he’s the most slept on guy in the whole draft, him and Blake corum)
    6) Leggette
    7) AD Mitchell
    8) Keon Coleman
    9)Xavier Worthy, his frame scares me but shifty guy go fast
    10. Jalynn Polk

    • @septen1x883
      @septen1x883 9 місяців тому +2

      Great list! Rome is underrated despite most people having him at 3

    • @Stinkinbadgez
      @Stinkinbadgez 9 місяців тому +1

      @@septen1x883 His numbers would be off the charts if he didn't play with 2 other elite wr

  • @7se7entp
    @7se7entp 9 місяців тому +3

    1. MHJ
    2. Odunze
    3. Nabers
    4. Thomas Jr
    5. Malachi Corley
    6. Worthy
    7. Franklin
    8. LeGette
    9. AD Mitchell
    10. Keon Coleman.
    Love the content !

  • @matthewpolster8733
    @matthewpolster8733 9 місяців тому +9

    When did Buffalo get all those late 1st and early 2nd picks to get all these receivers?

    • @Emerson_Smith05
      @Emerson_Smith05 8 місяців тому

      For Diggs lmao bro just knew a month in advance 😭

  • @austinbaker8175
    @austinbaker8175 7 місяців тому +1

    Bro called Coleman to the Bills what a snipe

  • @kingcastle2000
    @kingcastle2000 9 місяців тому +2

    1) MHJ
    2) Odunze
    3) Nabers
    4) BTJ
    5) Adonai
    6) Coleman
    7) Worthy

    • @mad.kamelcrush
      @mad.kamelcrush 9 місяців тому +1

      Totally agree i think Odunze would be consensus 1 in almost any other class- and i'd comp him with Andre Johnson/Jamar Chase the Dhop thing was really odd

  • @commanderjoj6426
    @commanderjoj6426 9 місяців тому +12

    I’m an OU guy, will never say a nice thing about those Longhorns, but damn, Xavier Worthy ran a 4.21 at the combine?!

    • @JJ-zr6fu
      @JJ-zr6fu 9 місяців тому +1

      Speed is the most overrated thing for a wr

    • @3rdandForever868
      @3rdandForever868 9 місяців тому +1

      @@JJ-zr6fu40 yard time is overrated, not speed, look how many great WR dominated with speed

    • @216Numbskull
      @216Numbskull 9 місяців тому

      You can have all the breakout speed you want & be as fast as the roadrunner. But if you have inconsistent hands skills with easy careless drops when you're wide open then all that speed don't mean shlt really! Just saying...

  • @jakobhazeltine2688
    @jakobhazeltine2688 9 місяців тому +2

    I feel like every WR class is stacked recently I feel like it’s gonna become the new running back pretty quickly, think about last years class it was also stacked

  • @1FootballGuy1002
    @1FootballGuy1002 9 місяців тому +4

    Rome Odunze is by NO MEANS a tier below Marv & Nabers... he is a legit 1 and very much like that. I'd even go so far as to say, Nabers MIGHT not be the best receiver on his team (in terms of potential).. the same way JJ had a higher ceiling than Chase on the same LSU team (please read that again and understand what I'm saying, before mouthing off).

  • @youdontknow7190
    @youdontknow7190 9 місяців тому +2

    This is exactly why I love this channel. Keep up the great work sir.

  • @jtdesverdad
    @jtdesverdad 9 місяців тому +2

    The ACC puts out a ton of talent including alot of good DBs. The main thing that separates the ACC from other The B10 and SE is OL but we produce alot of studs as a whole.

  • @XHollisWood
    @XHollisWood 9 місяців тому +2

    Homie a HOF review 🏈 thank U 4 sharing ✌🏻🫶🏻

  • @NC_LH_SEA
    @NC_LH_SEA 9 місяців тому +23

    Rome Odunze is in tier one my guy

    • @mad.kamelcrush
      @mad.kamelcrush 9 місяців тому

      yeah nearly spit my drink at how his analysis was handled

    • @ronktheponk
      @ronktheponk 4 місяці тому

      Odunze is definitely tier 1, however I'd say that mhj and nabers are just absurdly good

  • @JABS95
    @JABS95 9 місяців тому +2

    that contested catch rate alone is why i think Rome is projected that high, yes the NFL is the NFL but +70% is unreal.

  • @Gmlgml200
    @Gmlgml200 9 місяців тому +5

    Malachi Curley gonna make some people regret not taking him

  • @drossing13
    @drossing13 9 місяців тому +2

    Top 5
    Odunze (2a)
    Nabers (2b)
    AD Mitchell
    Ladd McConkey
    Would have had McConkey at 4 but Mitchell had a great combine while McConkey had hands that reminded me of Quentin Johnston

  • @donaldrucker739
    @donaldrucker739 8 місяців тому +1

    Good work glad i came across your material.

  • @MrRight-ft9ep
    @MrRight-ft9ep 8 місяців тому +1

    With the invention of 7 on 7, every wr class from here to eternity is going to be “the deepest”.

  • @user-tp1qi1km3v
    @user-tp1qi1km3v 9 місяців тому +1

    as a panthers fan, it hurts that we won’t be able to get Marvin but it makes me feel way better knowing how deep this class is. wish he would’ve also mentioned Ladd as well

    • @johnstrika9170
      @johnstrika9170 8 місяців тому

      Even if you got him, you have nobody to throw him the ball because Bryce Young is ass

  • @EchoCascade79
    @EchoCascade79 9 місяців тому +1

    Great work on this video. Can’t wait until draft day

  • @shipwreck8847
    @shipwreck8847 9 місяців тому

    Malik Nabers is scary good. His routes, his speed, his point at contact, consistent hands, how he sheds CB's. He looked NFL ready in his last year in college. Nabers looks like Jamaar Chase. I really hope the Chargers draft this guy. He's my favorite receiver of the class. His speed is just on another level.

  • @andrewvalencia9012
    @andrewvalencia9012 9 місяців тому +1

    love how long this vid was, you should do this more often. Maybe do one on the QB draft class!

  • @dgratt183
    @dgratt183 9 місяців тому +2

    I was hoping to see you analyze Malachi Corley. That guy is a very interesting prospect. I really want my Browns to draft him

  • @ayoitzsergio
    @ayoitzsergio 8 місяців тому +1

    Calvin was a true monster and put some respect on Rome’s name!

  • @antonioc3995
    @antonioc3995 9 місяців тому +14

    This mf wants all the wrs to go to Buffalo 🤣

  • @mroverdose14
    @mroverdose14 9 місяців тому +6

    It's funny that every WR should go to Buffalo.......
    One destination was the Panthers which I do appreciate the diversity.😂

  • @Chiss_Combat_Club
    @Chiss_Combat_Club 9 місяців тому

    Never heard of another channel that has done something like this for a draft. Would love to see more. Love the dedication to your work and how much effort is put into these videos!

  • @jasonboness3871
    @jasonboness3871 9 місяців тому +2

    I see the stats on Franklin's contested catch percentage, but man that guy went up and made some really hard snags this year. I wouldn't worry too much about it, he isn't like a Quentin Johnson.

    • @GeorgeuSuzuki
      @GeorgeuSuzuki 9 місяців тому +2

      Quentin Johnston is slow too

    @MVPURDYSZN 9 місяців тому +1

    Does it though 8:12 I feel like that 4.21 definitely doesn't show he isn't a great route runner amd his speed doesn't really show when he's makimg breaks he kind of rounds on his routes. To me he's like a faster Rashee rice I'd love to have him on my niners as a return man and our 5th guy in the receiving room.

  • @davidmiller8866
    @davidmiller8866 9 місяців тому +1

    I’ve watched 15 guys. Of those guys, I’d rank them
    1. Marv
    2. Nabers
    3. Rome
    4. Adonai
    5. Coleman
    6. Worthy
    7. Pearsall
    8. McConkey
    9. Legette
    10. Franklin
    11. Polk
    12. Wilson
    13. Brian Thomas Jr
    14. Tez Walker
    15. Jermaine Burton

  • @xStrypes
    @xStrypes 9 місяців тому +2

    Since my team isn’t picking top 5, my favorites are Rome, BTR, AD, Legette and Ladd

  • @danielr3587
    @danielr3587 9 місяців тому +37

    Ladd ran a 4.39. He should now be a first rounder.

    • @tpvn8377
      @tpvn8377 9 місяців тому +15

      Too many good wr he's gonna drop maybe early to mid 2nd

    • @zoombs7126
      @zoombs7126 9 місяців тому +2

      i’d agree in any other draft class but not this one loaded wr class

    • @wesryan930
      @wesryan930 9 місяців тому

      Jags need him

    • @xxiiiaresxxiii3505
      @xxiiiaresxxiii3505 9 місяців тому +3

      Chill just because you have a good 40 time doesn't mean you're a guaranteed 1st rounder

    • @maskedman5657
      @maskedman5657 9 місяців тому +6

      Speed isnt everything at drafting Wide Receivers

  • @luke7834
    @luke7834 9 місяців тому +28

    Brian Thomas Jr is going to make a name for himself

    • @brianb6578
      @brianb6578 9 місяців тому +1

      I would love for him to come to my Bills

  • @Irrelevant457
    @Irrelevant457 9 місяців тому

    1. MHJ
    2. Nabers
    3. Odunze
    4. Adonai Mitchell
    5. BTJ
    6. Troy Franklin
    7. Xavier Worthy
    8. Xavier Legette
    9. Ladd McConkey
    10. Roman Wilson
    11. Malachi Corley
    12. Ricky Pearsall
    13. Jalyn Polk
    14. Jalen McMillan
    15. Keon Coleman

  • @MrRight-ft9ep
    @MrRight-ft9ep 8 місяців тому +2

    Bills 54 man roster is going to have 24 receivers according to this guy… 😂but good work Bro.

  • @avuci
    @avuci 9 місяців тому +1

    Let it be known that AD Mitchell will be a top ten reciever for a long time. He is being overshadowed by Xavier Worthy imo. I love both of them as a longhorns fan. I just think AD is going to be insane in the NFL.

  • @alvbusano
    @alvbusano 9 місяців тому +4

    Apparently all the top receivers best fit is the Buffalo Bills 💀

  • @jacobmccain8082
    @jacobmccain8082 9 місяців тому +4

    If only Buffalo had 12 first round picks...

  • @FreshlySnipes13
    @FreshlySnipes13 9 місяців тому +1

    I subscribed because BILLS MAFIA ❤️💙

  • @PabloMartinez-gt9yw
    @PabloMartinez-gt9yw 9 місяців тому +2


  • @nolanbarry4754
    @nolanbarry4754 9 місяців тому +1

    Roman Wilson is going to win OROY on the Bills. Heard it here first (Pats fan)

  • @linusturnquist5116
    @linusturnquist5116 9 місяців тому +1

    Don't love the DAdams comp to Rome. Coming into the league, Tae was a generational route runner with questionable hands. Rome is a great ball-catcher with developing route running. I do see it a bit, but I also think they're quite different guys.

  • @johnburke1738
    @johnburke1738 9 місяців тому +2

    This homie (and everyone else at this point) is making too many Jamar Chase references

  • @Lyfe2Shortz
    @Lyfe2Shortz 9 місяців тому +2

    Rome in the same tier as nabers and Marv. Most mocks have Rome being drafted before nabers actually

  • @sarahr3113
    @sarahr3113 9 місяців тому

    This vid earned the rare “before ‘love you guys’” like. You earned it. ❤️

  • @MatthewCentolella
    @MatthewCentolella 9 місяців тому

    My Top 22:
    1. Marvin Harrison Jr.
    2. Malik Nabers
    3. Rome Odunze
    4. Adonai Mitchell
    5. Keon Coleman
    6. Brian Thomas Jr.
    7. Ladd McConkey
    8. Troy Franklin
    9. Xavier Legette
    10. Devontez Walker
    11. Xavier Worthy
    12. Roman Wilson
    13. Ja’Lynn Polk
    14. Johnny Wilson
    15. Jalen McMillan
    16. Ricky Pearsall
    17. Jermaine Burton
    18. Brendan Rice
    19. Malachi Corley
    20. Jamari Thrash
    21. Javon Baker
    22. Malik Washington

  • @Smilodon_ex
    @Smilodon_ex 9 місяців тому +4

    Bro want everyone in buffalo 😂

  • @SayLesNyC
    @SayLesNyC 9 місяців тому +1

    Only thing I don’t like about Nabors is that the majority of his work is from the slot. I want to see him be a true X receiver on the next level.

  • @johnnymorawski6543
    @johnnymorawski6543 9 місяців тому +14

    lol if you don’t think Worthy can defeat press your crazy! He’s extremely tough and in an NFL weight room he’ll put on 10-15 lbs. The main reason he’s not an easy day one guy is because of his drops.

    • @moonillusions832
      @moonillusions832 9 місяців тому +2

      Drops aren't the only reason.. he can't run block, small catch radius, very underweight (can't assume he'll automatically gain 15 pounds), and occasionally gets jammed hard at the line

    • @johnnymorawski6543
      @johnnymorawski6543 9 місяців тому +2

      @@moonillusions832 under weight isn’t a big deal. If you watched him play he trucks guys. He’ll fill out and can easily get to 175-180 and in today’s NFL that’s fine.

    • @reeseaccount
      @reeseaccount 9 місяців тому +3

      @@johnnymorawski6543 his drops are overrated. Drop Rates. 2021 - 4.6%. 2022 - 10.6%. 2023 - 5.4%. 2022 he played with a broken hand and his 2023 rate is better than guys like MHJ, McConkey, and Franklin.

    • @BaseyCrown
      @BaseyCrown 9 місяців тому

      😂 Ive been saying he's going to show up to his pro day at 175+ and knock out some solid power numbers. Also he won't be running the 40 :)

  • @Stinkinbadgez
    @Stinkinbadgez 9 місяців тому

    You have to take into account Odunze who had the best numbers of the elite WRs . If he were not playing with with 2 other elite WRs his numbers with Penix getting him the ball, would be off the charts. The 75 % reception rate in contested tosses will move him up the draft. That number is unreal and being a big man, I see him maybe going over Nabors AND HARRISON.

  • @cecilroberts1971
    @cecilroberts1971 9 місяців тому +5

    AD Mitchell is plenty fast!!!

  • @nickgamble280
    @nickgamble280 9 місяців тому +10

    Buffalo isn't getting all of em bro 😂

    • @ARa66
      @ARa66 8 місяців тому +2


    • @bobbyslaughter8654
      @bobbyslaughter8654 7 місяців тому

      How that work out for you! Welcome to Buffalo Keon Coleman

    • @nickgamble280
      @nickgamble280 7 місяців тому

      @bobbyslaughter8654 damn I guess yall getting AD and Brian and Xavier too right?

  • @KaminaLagann
    @KaminaLagann 9 місяців тому +1

    I think people underestimated Adoni Mitchell, not “that fast” dude ran a 4.33

  • @DoneRightpcrepair
    @DoneRightpcrepair 8 місяців тому

    Great video. I can see the hard work put in, and thank you. It is very much appreciated. Usually, I agree with what you said about prospects with nfl pedigree but Jerrys Rices kid is not the route runner his father was.

  • @JoesPhenomenal
    @JoesPhenomenal 8 місяців тому

    As a Charger fan, I'm liking Wilson. Harbaugh knows him well, and if he slips down into the 3rd, I think he could be a steal there.

  • @julienforletta7896
    @julienforletta7896 9 місяців тому +1

    Guy says Rome isn’t a great route runner then immediately comps him to 2 of the best route runners to ever live .

  • @ryanboddington
    @ryanboddington 9 місяців тому +2

    I think Odunze will have the best career out of all of them

  • @FrederikJosef
    @FrederikJosef 9 місяців тому

    This Channel has big things in its future. Great stuff

  • @hunterwagner4130
    @hunterwagner4130 9 місяців тому +2

    Here’s my rankings: (btw you have Franklin WAYY too high)
    1) MHJ
    2) Nabers
    3) Rome
    4) Thomas
    5) AD Mitchell
    6) McConkey
    7) Coleman
    8) Legette
    9) Corley
    10) Worthy
    HM: Franklin

  • @BacoNFL.
    @BacoNFL. 9 місяців тому +44


    • @AtillatheHun
      @AtillatheHun 9 місяців тому +10

      The Superbowl would be way more fun if they did though

    • @TheBlitzer1939
      @TheBlitzer1939 9 місяців тому +20

      The only reason why Tyreek fell to them is because he beat his baby momma right before the draft, so he fell to the 5th round.

    • @eorozco7
      @eorozco7 9 місяців тому +1

      ​@@TheBlitzer1939 😂😂😂😂

    • @TheBlitzer1939
      @TheBlitzer1939 9 місяців тому +1

      @@eorozco7 it's true though

    • @Disxreet
      @Disxreet 9 місяців тому +3

      @@eorozco7it’s true bro. Not funny at all. Great football player. Questionable human.

  • @wbyk92
    @wbyk92 9 місяців тому

    1. Marv
    2. Nabers
    3. Rome
    4. Keon Coleman
    5. Adonai Mitchell/ Troy Franklin
    7. Burton/ Worthy
    9. Roman Wilson (could be upside of top 4)
    10. Legette
    Could also put Johnny Wilson at 10 as well but I think he is a better tight end so I’m not counting him

  • @87ondabeat42
    @87ondabeat42 7 місяців тому

    Great video! Top of the line! Thank you for your hard work and dedication!

  • @mardokai301
    @mardokai301 9 місяців тому +1

    I’m assuming you made this video before the combine yesterday?

    • @FootballAnalysis1
      @FootballAnalysis1  9 місяців тому +1

      Have been working on it (at least the editing part) since around the super bowl

    • @mardokai301
      @mardokai301 9 місяців тому

      @@FootballAnalysis1 did your rankings change after the combine?

  • @jcsmith7790
    @jcsmith7790 9 місяців тому +1

    You described Ladd McConkey exactly how I thought you would 😂 scrappy, sneaky fast, lunchpale guy

    • @KUTroy
      @KUTroy 9 місяців тому

      Lol, don't forget sneaky athletic, gym rat, 1st one in last one out. It's like he was reading off the white prospect bingo card.

  • @elbenjas4003
    @elbenjas4003 9 місяців тому

    Garrett my man, your channel is taking off and you deserve a better set to film on

  • @willtaylor6793
    @willtaylor6793 9 місяців тому

    1. MHJ
    2. Malik Malik nabers
    3. Rome odunze
    4. AD Mitchell/brian Thomas jr
    5. Troy Franklin/jermaine Burton
    Top 3 receivers are pretty much set in stone, with spots 4 and 5 depending on an individual team’s needs and receiver preferences. Burton in particular is a first round pick in most other drafts and is gonna be a steal in the second assuming the chiefs take Troy Franklin over him.

  • @Surberus_
    @Surberus_ 9 місяців тому

    Video over 30 minutes!? Let’s gooo 🔥

  • @yeetskeet3
    @yeetskeet3 9 місяців тому

    As a noles fan, your take on where Keon should go I completely agree

  • @ColdasISO
    @ColdasISO 9 місяців тому +1

    @FootballAnalysis1 thanks for another great show . I'm intrigued by this RB class but really can't definitely put together even a top 5 . Who u got and is there a Gibbs at Detroit in it. Many thanks mate and all the best from here in UK. #nbajay

    • @FootballAnalysis1
      @FootballAnalysis1  9 місяців тому

      Thank you! There will (probably) be no RB selected in the first this year but I like the class and think it’s kind of underrated!

  • @bigdaddyc7266
    @bigdaddyc7266 9 місяців тому +12

    Nabers will be the best WR coming out.

  • @ChristianMeeder
    @ChristianMeeder 9 місяців тому +1

    Adonai Mitchell is actually a very good route runner and very fast too. He ran a 4.34 40. He doesn’t necessarily have a great release but his ability to get open using the dbs blind spot and leverage against them is elite. If Mitchell can learn better releases, he could be a top 5 receiver in the NFL. Troy Franklin is way too small at only 185 pounds. And unlike other small receivers who have great releases to get open, Franklin can’t run any routes. His route tree is very limited and he can’t even do contested catches due to his small size. Franklin will be a bust.

  • @cfeegs
    @cfeegs 9 місяців тому

    My man has every WR going in the first. When classes are this deep some of these guys are gunna drop to the second and third

  • @biguzivertt
    @biguzivertt 9 місяців тому

    i thought i was the only one who realized how loaded this class is with talent