Question for you, pretty please. What is the _proper_ way to say the past tense of entering a plea, in court? Is it: 1. She _pleaded_ not guilty, on Monday. Or 2. She _pled_ not guilty, on Monday. Number 1. hits my ear wrong.
The NRA was a great organization until it became a lobbying firm for gun manufacturers. Honestly if it returned to its roots it would probably almost remove the need for most of the gun control laws.
I remember hearing back in 2017 that charity organizations was used to influence the electoral college via donations, is this possible given Hillary won with over 3 mil votes? Thx Penny Love your channel 👏
As someone very much on the left, if the ACLU was accused of doing the things the NRA has done, you're darn shootin' that I would support them being held accountable and dissolved if need be. Justice is justice, and political views shouldn't play a part in it.
@@GameByGame Uhhhhh. The NRA spent $30 million dollars in 2016 supporting Trump's campaign. (And that's not even including their other lobbying, like the millions they spend lobbying against stricter background checks.) That puts them pretty squarely on the right. By contrast, in 2016, the ACLU spent less than $1 million lobbying, almost all of that going to bills that restrict civil liberties. You could say they're politically active, but they're not obviously left (unless you wanted to argue that civil rights are "left," lol).
It's funny how Rudy Giuliani went for a personal attack instantly. And he did it the most ironic way possible, as he was fired from his job for being a bad lawyer, then he became Trump's lawyer and continued to be exceptionally bad at his job.
I highly doubt that. The normal response would be to get mad at the administration and want their removal. If the higher ups at any political charity you support were accused of similar charges you're actually saying you would want the entire charity dissolved? I think you're full of it
I bought an NRA lifetime membership when still in college, but I regret it now. Their apathy towards legal gun owners of color in fatal police encounters has shown me their true loyalties aren't with gun owners.
True they are supposed to be pro gun owner and defending yourself like with Breonna Taylor's boyfriend. But instead have not said a word about it. It really drives home the point that they just pray upon stupid gun owners and trying to trick people into giving them money under the guise of "protecting your rights"
this is probably a dumb question but how does a lifetime membership for them work? do you get some kind of discount and a penalty if you cancel? or is it a one time payment?
Exactly this. I'm a gun owner and die hard supporter of the 2nd amendment. I hate the NRA. They're a racist organization and only seem to care about your gun rights if you are a white conservative
Remember that time when groups of armed black panthers assembled in Oakland neighborhoods to oversee police conduct that directly lead to the NRA endorsing gun ownership restrictions being passed in the state of California... in 1967.
That people are even attempting to defend the NRA’s recent activities troubles me. Financial misconduct is pretty black-and-white and evident to anyone who cares to investigate the matters for himself/herself. Firearms enthusiasts need to realize that the NRA is not the Second Amendment. They can support the Second Amendment while denouncing the NRA’s recent conduct.
enemy of my enemy is my friend rings true here. Those people don't care about the NRA's actions and you can't even blame them because they feel attacked from the other side, so why throw to the wolves someone who seemingly is on the same side as them. same thing happens on the left all the time.
@@kavinh10 when does that ever happen on the left? as soon as somebody on the left crosses the line they get thrown to the wolves, to use your metaphor. do you mean liberals?
Especially because it is the gun owner's money that the NRA leadership is accused of misappropriating. Politics aside, do they really want their hard-earned money to fund these guys' lavish lifestyle?
There are many firearm enthusiasts that back what the NRA stands for, but do also hate how the current organization works. IE, keep the organization, liquidate the owners. I heard the same thing was done to the Wounded Warrior’s project.
Basically the only people who still back the NRA are out of touch Boomers who aren't up to date on modern affairs and can't be bothered to learn. Everyone else who supports the 2nd Amendment knows the NRA is a corrupt shitstorm that hurts gun culture.
Rudy Giuliani calling someone "a poor excuse for a lawyer" is the epitome of irony. He's the type of attorney that will turn your parking ticket into a murder charge. Edit: I'd like to point out how well this comment has aged.
@Nospam Spamisham She was chosen because she is in with all the big donors, not because she's black. She brings huge amounts of money to Biden's campaign.
@Nospam Spamisham 1) You're completely correct about Harris (good job) 2) It's almost a fact Biden choose her because she is a POC woman but that's more of a reflection of Biden's creepiness than anything else, and focusing on that definitely makes you come off as a racist. 3) I can't even begin to comprehend the fantasy world you live in that makes you think that black people will join the republican party when the party's current position is to support the systematic murder of black people. 4) This has absolutely nothing to do with Rudy Giuliani and bringing up the obvious faults of the Democratic party to draw attention away from the faults of the republican party is the very definition of a red herring.
If I was donating to a non-profit over something I cared deeply about, I would want it dissolved if its president was spending my donations on hookers and blow. The NY AG is doing a favor to gun rights activists. Activists donating to the NRA were basically setting their money on fire while thinking they were advancing gun rights. Once the NRA is dissolved, the activists can establish a new non-profit that more effectively leverages their donations.
Like I asked someone else, will it be in time? The left will pounce on this while a new non-profit is established. By the time things get going legal gun ownership could be an extreme rarity. I'm worried.
@@Jawmax That assumes that the NRA is the main reason why there aren't more restrictive gun laws in the US. Besides, the Senate still has a republican conservative majority and so does in fact the Supreme Court, so I don't see any stricter regulations happening anytime soon, even without the support of a corrupt but rich lobby group.
@@Jawmax The greatest marketing tactic is scaring someone into thinking your product won't be available anymore. When the Obama gun grab scare happened we saw record gun sales across the country. Despite the fear, the only legislation passed on a national level was stricter regulations for the ATF, increased statistical tracking for the NICS, and a safe/responsible gun ownership guide being issued to gun store owners. No-one is going to take your guns. They're just marketing fear tactics to get you to buy more of them.
It's weird to me that many people who claim to care about Second Amendment advocacy are still supporting an organization that took money for that purpose and then spent it all on luxury trips instead.
The NRA gets a TON of its income from corporate donors, deals from manufacturers & commercial outfits, advertising, and other larger-scale programs. Among individual gun owners, they've lost a huge amount of respect and support. Even in the early 2010s, actual member fees represented a minority of the organizations income, and support has only dropped more since then. They're pretty much a joke among gun owners these days.
I'm super Pro 2A and I hate the NRA, they are too busy lining their pockets than actually fighting Unconstitutional gun laws. Though their gun safety services are pretty good. Children and younger people definitely need more of that than just fear mongering against guns. Far better to teach a kid how it works and proper safety than just teaching them guns are scary and call the cops if you see one. Would definitely cut down on accidents and negligence.
@Xukuth Waldo Is it the gun or the context around it? People focus on the gun, but ignore the context. If an armed, uniformed police officer is at a school, no one even thinks about it. Why should it be any different for a father in his truck waiting to pick up his child in the afternoon? Why should a man go to prison because he had a handgun in his glovebox while on normal business? Now it is different if someone has a weapon drawn and is walking like they are on a mission. That is definitely something to pay attention to. Context is king.
They do it because they know individual voices have no power. If the NRA was to go away the left would bring in massive gun legislation which [they believe] won't affect criminals obtaining illegal guns and committing crimes (because the left would be afraid of disproportionately affecting minorities) but would have a heavy impact on legal gun owners doing nothing wrong. . The right believes that the left will never bring up legislation that will curb real gun violence, only legislation that will curb legal gun owners from owning guns - so they end up being against all legislation. Having a big organization like the NRA in your corner helps mitigate that and only allow valid legislation, like the bump stock ban signed by Trump, which was supported by the NRA. Without that, they fear draconian legislation. So yeah, they'll support the NRA even if they know the NRA is corrupt, just like the left would support planned parenthood unconditionally, even though there's been lots of reports of "luxury expenditures" on higher ups.
I love how white collar crime can still hundreds of millions of dollars and get a slap on the wrist. but if a poor person steals $500 and they get the book thrown at them 🤣😂
Advantages of having money. As disgusting as it is, a poor man works his ass off to make 500$ a week and he's lazy for only working 60 hours a week. Wealthy man has employees do most of the work for him, makes 500$ an hour and 'he earned it.' It's how our society has been conditioned over time.
@@jimchase3601 I don't make more. And I'm not a Trumper. Are you implying being educated means you make more? Nnnot always. Not even usually. Just on average.
@@TheWatchfulWolf I'm not implying anything. I'm stating Constitutionalists (second amenders) and Trumpers are basically ignorant and or cowards as a rule.
"It's perfectly possible for two things to be true at the same time: the NRA is thoroughly corrupt and the NYAG's action is motivated by political animus" This sounds like a great argument for having a democracy - the political bias of one individual would then have minimal impact on policy decisions. Sure would be nice to have.
However, regardless of the bias that might be present, if there is a crime committed, you act upon it. The NRA leaders are effectively committing fraud.
Wow, what a thought... maybe having `the people` choose a leader from `the people` instead of assuming leadership from an explicit subset of rich elites could help this demo.
Great idea! Then the 51% can exercise their tyrannical majority over the 49%. Democracy is not freedom. Democracy is three wolves and a sheep deciding what’s for dinner. That’s why, if there must be a federal, centralized government, a Republican (and an electoral college) is so important. Simply because there are more wolves than sheep does not mean the wolves should be entitled to enact every machination of their wills against the sheep. The sheep should have equal choice in policy decisions.
If individuals committed crimes the AG could goes after those individuals, seeking disillusion of the NRA is a drastic solution. For example what if this was the ACLU, would it be more appropriate to prosecute the people that committed fraud and stole from the member or dissolve the entire organization.
AG: We are unbiased and just doing this to enforce the law. NRA: This is politics and you just hate us! To quote the well known genius Jake Peralta, "Stuff can be two things."
If I found out a non-profit for a cause I cared deeply about was wasting the money I donated to them on hookers and blow, I'd at least want my money back and the non-profit dissolved. Prosecuting who ever approved the embezzlement too would be nice.
@@joshuahudgins The state's strategy is being designed to keep all the corrupt members from ever serving on the board of another non-profit or charity ever again, as they should.
There are other, much better organizations like the GOA or the Second Amendment Foundation who actually do what they advertise and advocate for gun owners, gun safety, and gun rights without the mountain of corruption and antagonizing of the victims of gun violence. Let the NRA fold and give those organizations more prominence.
@Ross May and what might a poor Midwestern gun owner like myself do against them? Let the whole rotten apple barrel be chucked onto the garbage heap it deserves
@@zachjollimore4339 and don't forget the John Brown Gun Club. I used to be a member of the NRA, because I supported their gun safety programs, but once they started spending funds on NRA-TV programs that were almost exclusively political attack ads that had nothing to do with guns, I gave up my life-time membership. The NRA is pretty much a Trump campaign financing, Russian money laundering vehicle now.
I think the concern there for pro-gun supporters might be if anti-gun supporters would use the power vacuum between the transition from the NRA to another organisation to lobby for strong gun control laws that would be hard to undo once enacted. It's probably not possible to simply transfer the political and lobbying power of the NRA to another organisation overnight, it may take months or years to regain that clout, a window of opportunity for anti-gun supporters to strike while their opponents are politically severely weakened.
Re: Your question, “Would you support the dissolution of liberal charities that engaged in fraudulent activities?” (4:15 minutes.) Well, Acorn was dissolved for far less than what the NRA is accused of; and I was fine with that. So yes.
Definitely, because I'd worry that there would be no way to trust an organization if it were proven to have the level of corruption or fraud even half of what is alleged for the NRA.
Exactly. This is why I'm not a fan of charity companies. You'd do much more good helping out smaller organizations in your community. At least if the leaders of the smaller communities are fraudulent, they'll have to face their donators every time they walk in a grocery store. 😂
The alleged victims in this case are the members of NRA themselves, to dissolve the organization would be punishing the victims. The attorneys at the Southern District of New York are notoriously politically motivated. They don't care about the member of the NRA they just want to destroy the NRA itself.
I'm debating whether the title belongs to Crowley of supernatural or if it should be handed off to LegalEagle. Cause before I found this chanel Crowley was the only King of Sass that I knew of. 😂
Would i support the dissolution of a charity if its guilty of fraud regardless of political leaning? Yes. Because any cause worth taking up will be taken up. And anyone doing it badly is only hurting that cause
He asked whether I would be ok with dissolving the ACLU or Planned Parenthood if they were convicted of similar charges. I reply yes. Absolutely I would. I just have significant confidence that this will never happen because, to the best of my ability to tell, they are run by decent human beings rather than soulless lizard people.
@@Frommerman All you need is one power hungry individual to reach high enough to start corrupting an organization, I think it's better to be wary than to say "It'll never happen"
@@htnumbers123 Which is why it is SO important to have laws and oversight over charities/non-profits! People will give money to things they are emotionally invested in, without oversight...corruption WILL take over eventually.
Wouldn't it be better to just force the leadership to step down and give the company a fresh start? It doesn't appear as though the company itself has passed illegal policies. Leadership have just been ignoring the law.
When I heard his name it was like "Hang on, I recognise that name.." I was a kid when the Iran contra affair was all over the news, even here in the UK
When I saw his name on their letterhead I had to triple take then go make sure it was the same one from my high school history textbooks on the Iran-Contra scandal
Y'know, I'm not up to date with the news, but I kinda perked up when I heard that name. When someone like me knows your name it's probably not a good sign.
4:15 : Yes. What if (insert famous left politician) was guilty of sexual assault? In jail! What if (insert famous right politician) was guilty of sexual assault? In jail! Laws and justice over party.
@@alienbob21 No, theyre a Fudd organization. Youre not familiar with their actual actions in the last, oh, pick a number of decades. They take money from gullible hopeful fools and they sell them out to the politician that will offer Wayney boy the most money in funds/favors. Those suits and dinners dont buy themselves. They are the reason for the NFA. They seek to take 100% of the credit for creating NICS as well. All of which are in direct violation of our rights. Theyre as antigun as the current RINO in office now. Fear and panic pushers at best, sellouts throughout.
@@jasonalbert6251 Thats what I said. Their actions have proven it every single year for decades. Theyre fudds. Which is absolutely worthless to us. Theyre a cancer that feeds off the gun community. Compare their actions to GOA and GOA has done more for our rights in the last few years than NRA has attempted to in 2 decades.
@@RamdomView - Was he really though? Or was he hiring good people on behalf of the Russian mafia to get rid of the Italian mafia? Because that's what he actually did.
When Devin started reading the NRA charter, I had to stop for a moment because I, an advocate for gun safety and regulation, could totally get behind that company. It’s interesting to look at an example of how a well-meaning group of people can succumb to radicalization.
Sounds super easy. Antiquated organizations that hold onto old ideals gets paranoid of changing cultural values and becomes very susceptible to fraudsters. No different than Trump's post-election voter fraud fundraising being used to pay off his old debts. The old and the stupid are so susceptible. I honestly don't even care that LaPierre is swindling his donors. Diverting money from the stated "mission" sounds like a cool ruse. Maybe he's actually a conniving liberal in disguise!
I’m very far left, but I used to be ok with the nra. Many years ago they were about gun safety and had no problem with background checks, locking up guns to keep children safe, etc... . They were totally taken over by an arms industry anxious to unload military grade weapons and emerging militias and criminal organizations eager to keep the channel of relatively cheap weapons flowing. If they dissolve the nra it’ll just reform under a new name - a win for them, because they’re in debt in NYNY and don’t want to take their debts with them when they relocate to Texas or Florida.
If you want a glimpse at how it happened, do a little internet research on Harlan Carter. He helped turn gun ownership into an anti-government and white supremacist plank.
16:02 "...hired Powell's wife as an independent contractor, through a newly formed company called SPECTRE" SPECTRE? Seriously? They are naming companies after literal Bond villains.
TwoPairSA 6 hours ago (edited) 16:02 "...hired Powell's wife as an independent contractor, through a newly formed company called SPECTRE" SPECTRE? Seriously? They are naming companies after literal Bond villains. a LOT BETTER THAN CALLING IT "SPHINCTER!"
But the worth of it is completely subjective... you could flip their worth and things would continue as normal. People would just throw their 20$ Bills away and keep their pennies.
3:59 (Paraphrasing) "If you are politically left would you support dissolution of an organization such as the ALCU or Planned Parenthood if they were convicted of misuse of funds or similar?" - YES, because it would have ultimately failed to provide the service for which it was taking donations, ultimately mislead both donors and those seeking help from the organization, and therefore should be held accountable for misconduct. Why is that so hard for some people?
Yea seriously. If anything their donors should be MORE pissed that they misappropriated the funds. That's how you know who is genuine and who is trash.
who would you suggest someone who is worried about erosion of second amendment turn to. in my home state the state cops act like your a criminal when you present your paperwork for a pistol licence. any blue who claims they respect the second amendment is lying.
@@mikewaterfield3599 GOA or JFPO or whatever pro 2nd amendment org is in your state. NRA is not for your 2nd amendment and if you think they are you better go watch the video on their own channel with Chris Cox stating red flag laws are a good thing and also their support of banning bump stocks. Wake up!
@@SuckerFreeGear ive been aware for sometime that theve broken from the original mission. personally if they need to be shut down id rather it be gun enthusiasts who do it. improvement always works best from the inside.
You know only us old farts know WHY that is a heap of irony. I mean, since when did Ollie balk at “misappropriation of funds”, considering he was at the center of somesuch that makes this whole NRA thing look like a tempest in a teapot.
NEW NAME for the NRA!!! NRAFCPDDFDPD2A - National Rifle Association of Far-right Conservative Proganda Dedicated to Defecating in the Face of Democracy and Pretending to Defend the 2nd Amendment inc.
Really though, it’s like if I were to donate to planned parenthood, and that money wasn’t going towards women’s health, and instead some rich, probably white guys vacation, dissolve it. I feel like it’d be a little more complicated though, because they give medical services, not political lobbying, if you get what I mean
I was wondering, could you do a video on how much power the executive branch, Postmaster General, and Postal Board of Governors have to attempt to dissolve USPS. Also the lawsuits being filed by states against Postmaster DeJoy and the Trump administration's alleged attempts to impede vote by mail or sabotage the mail system. As a postal employee, I'm curious to see how an actual attorney views these cases and issues.
His channel would be better if he wasn’t a progressive Democrat. If he wasn’t biased to the Democrat’s his channel would be better. He can’t separate his politics from his channel. It’s hard to watch because he agrees using the law to destroy people he disagrees with. It’s sad
@@ae9074 Stop playing fantasy football with your politics and start paying attention to what's going on. The NRA doesn't do anything to protect the rights of 2nd Amendment folks, only gun manufacturers. They give gun owners a bad reputation.
@@ae9074 "agrees using the law to destroy people he disagrees with." Sounds like what the Republican party does. But in all honesty, I'm neutral in political matters and legal eagle tries to be politically unbiased so he's doing much better than anyone else in that front.
Because there are unproven accusations that the NRA was acting as a laundromat for illegal foreign campaign contributions for decades. The state of New York is going to get access to the NRA's financial records. If those accusations are true they will be able to to prove them.
@@jamesricker3997 They're not just accusations. The attourney general of New York did an investigation that found the group lost $64 million over 3 years due to "mismanagement."
@@ErebosGR It probably was. A lot of African wildlife preserves allow rich people to pay exorbitant sums to "hunt" old, sick, or needlessly violent animals. If you have a bull elephant who keeps killing other elephants during mating season, it's actually better for elephants and the people protecting them if that elephant gets shot in return for a large pile of cash going directly into the preserve's general fund.
“Thoughts and Prayers!” That was great! As a believer in the 2nd amendment I do agree with regulations on the 2nd amendment. Remember what these people were saying about “ illegal immigrants” they said “ If you break the law you should pay the price.” That goes for everyone, right? The NRA broke the law so they need to pay the price. Or are you hypocrites too?
there already are limits that no sane person would disagree with, I cannot legally purchase a fighter jet with missiles and a minigun. I cannot own a tank with a functioning cannon, I cannot purchase a 30killowatt laser turret, I cannot purchase an ICBM, I cannot own an effing truck-mounted 50cal machinegun, I can't put a flak turret on my property. those are weapons of war and have no use in self-defense or hunting. and we should all agree we don't want some gun nut getting hundreds of grenades.
@@atashgallagher1631 actually you can on a flak Cannon and I'm also pretty sure you can own a vehicle mounted HMGs you just have to find one that was registered pre-87
4:00 I’m on the left and guns are not exclusive to the right. Those of us on the left support gun ownership, but regard the NRA as representing gun manufacturers more than gun owners, so we oppose it. We would likewise oppose the ACLU if it defended the government’s stances on everything, and Planned Parenthood if it imposed abortions without consent. Politics aside, I would rather the leadership of a charity be replaced via election by the charity’s members than the dissolution of the charity entirely.
The mother’s consent is the only consent that matters. It’s an infringement on bodily autonomy to suggest otherwise. The actual best way to prevent abortions is to stop unwanted pregnancies before they happen, with contraception and sex ed.
@@Holobrine No, it's an infringement on bodily autonomy to say that someone's consent doesn't matter when you're performing a violent act on their body. Giving that the abortion rate has been consistently increasing, your claim that the currently favored techniques are "The actual best way to prevent abortions" is clearly mistaken. (And even if it wasn't, so what? Education is the best way of preventing racism; does that mean it should be legal for employers to make hiring and firing decisions on the basis or race?)
@@AssociationAdmirer The next words out of your mouth had better be "It's also morally reprehensible to put down your pet." I don't know how I feel about abortion myself, kinda on the fence, but this argument of yours has a broad range of implications the likes of which I don't think you understand. A fetus doesn't usually have intelligence in the period in which one is typically aborted. Your dog has more intelligence than said fetus. If it's wrong to kill anything that could potentially be intelligent tomorrow, it's wrong to kill. Right? :P And if your next argument is "Well he could be the next Einstein," or any possible future of said fetus, heard it before and I'm dismissing it beforehand. The potential child could easily be the next Hitler or Osama bin Laden.
@@TheWatchfulWolf I never said anything about intelligence. (Your premise that a dog should be valued more than a human being pretty much eliminates any chance of anyone taking your post seriously anyway.)
As an NRA member, I'm fine with it going away or getting smaller, there are other groups out there that care much more about protecting our second amendment right, such as the GOA, and the NRA going away means tons of money going to them instead.
As a person that works in government I say no, it shouldn't. Well regulated lobbying provides both important information and a way to talk things with your stakeholders to take better technical decisions.
No it should not be illegal. What if you lobby for protection of animal rights? Is that bad too?! Corporate lobbying gaming the system for profit is bad. Lobbying in itself not.
Let's just create a one-party state while we're at it and prevent businesses and traitorous elements from infiltrating the political process altogether.
If I found out the ACLU had a whole culture of stealing donation money I would support some type of punishment. If the corruption was just too widespread then I would support dissolution. Do you remember when the slightest hint of even just an affair would ruin a politician’s career? Those were the days.
There are quite a few political charitable organizations known for this kind of malfeasance. The Trump Foundation obviously, but we can't forget the Clinton Foundation either. Its not just a left/right thing, its a politician thing. Just the fact that New York is a Blue state, means they tend to scrutinize political enemies, and where possible, ignore their friends. Possibly why it took so long to finally getting around to investigating Epstein, who was so close to the Dems and their causes.
@@Molenir Epstein was jailed in New York. He wasn't being tried by the state of New York though, it was a federal case... This kind of equivalence doesn't actually hold up to scrutiny, one example vs another example doesn't make them equal in all instances.
Politicians always had scandals. Before the internet and smartphones many were able to cover their tracks. Now we just accept that all politicians are messed up like the people they represent.
The ACLU is not honest. Amber Heard was their spokesperson for abused women because of bedroom politics. Did she ever donate the money she pledged yet.?
I think that Depends more on where you live in a country than on the country. In a smalltalk town where everyone knows each Other Things are usualy safer than in big citys:) e.g. I am from germany and I do this sometimes in my hometown but I Would never do that in Berlin or Köln
I mean it depends where you are like I still know of people who have been robbed in NZ but things like walking up to someones house and taking a package of the doorstep are very uncommon compared to the states.
@@JamesSamson487 So the desire to protect your family using the most efficient means possible now qualifies you as a "nut," huh? If this line of thinking is the gold standard going forward then America is dead.
James Samson the sad reality is the government doesn’t give a shit about the people it doesn’t matter who’s in power republican or democrat The government only does enough to ensure enough people are complacent to it so that it can continue its own interests If the government needs to step on you it will and find a reason to justify it and vilify anyone who says otherwise
SMB Comix 1) If houses are getting attacked to the point you can determine the efficiency of you defence, you’ve got bigger problems. 2) So many people cling to the 2nd as a way to have guns, yet apparently it doesn’t help? Why isn’t there a video about that?!
I grew up in Idaho in the 1950s and 1960s. In a hunting family. Back then the emphasis of the NRA was on training, & the safety and care of (mostly) long guns. Big on safety! I could shoot rifles and shotguns, and my big brothers taught me how to shoot a pellet gun (pistol). Assault weapons were NEVER a consideration! A gazillion years later, my youngest son qualified as an Expert when he was in the Army. To this day he does not find it necessary to own a gun.
electrified0 Well I take “a well regulated militia” to mean the militia regulates itself, why would we have an organization that is there to potentially overthrow the government, be regulated by the government. Also, the people are the militia, hence “the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”
Very few actual Americans are against the 2A, I'm rather for reinterpretation and assessment of the amendment. Within the past 50 years the culture of gun ownership in the US has become so toxic and dangerous.
Clay3613 If anything it is the opposite, in terms of what is available to the general public we are sort of a declawed kitten. Ok maybe not that far, but we used to be able to buy literal Machine Guns via a Sears catalog. Also how are we dangerous, have you been to a gun range or store, we don’t point our guns willy nilly.
No, but you can sure it was used for something horrible like canned hunting, and otherwise ruthless murdering of endangered animals. Which Trump Jr. is apparently a proud supporter of.
@@ZakTheFallen I mean one could go "hunting in Montana" in a few ways, but the most popular way is probably for some Game Animal, but Mrs Johnson does look good over the fireplace to.
2nd Amendment needs to be distanced from the NRA in public discourse-- the NRA has been far too successful in conflating them, and if there were more groups publicly recognized as advocates for the 2nd (maybe even lobbyists, much though I despise that whole system), it wouldn't even be in question whether the NRA should be shut down-- they would just be rightfully shuttered, and their donors and members would either found a new organization or join an existing one. Everywhere you go online you can find people like myself and others in this comments section, who support the 2nd but are more than happy to see the modern, corrupt NRA litigated into nonexistence. Attention should be given to any one of other, much better 2nd-supporting organizations.
4:20 - Chapter 1 - Federal law 5:40 - Chapter 2 - New York state law 9:05 - Chapter 3 - New York non profit laws 10:10 - Chapter 4 - The lawsuit 20:25 - End roll ads
Be careful what you wish for. There are other guns rights groups that are much more legally effective than the NRA. If the NRA goes down those former members would flock to those groups with fury and swell their pocket. “If you strike me down I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.”
I feel like they should have been dissolved about 15 years ago when they tried their best to meddle with elections in Brazil. They still are and the current president has ties to them, but their obvious fear strategy had nothing to do with charity nor was it national. They just wanted to lobby internationally for gun manufacturers.
Watching America now is like that one arc of a shonen anime where everything is happening at once and you're not sure who's fighting who and if it even makes sense, but you keep watching anyway
No it's not. And if you are gonna speak in shonen anime terms, it's one bad guy killing another bad guy who was already half-dead, so he can absorb his power and laugh maniacally at the protagonist.
However, big flies can't pass them either and this is evidence as such. Which is highly reflective in the reality of nature. Small spiders catch and kill big flies.
@@C0rnvillain The idea is that people (or corporate entities) with money and status and perceived as "large" members of society can get away with doing less legal activities (something like drug usage I think would work for this context) whereas the people without money or social status (the poor and lowly) will always end up getting caught and suffer from legal repercussions (think the cost of bail or legal fines for a simple example)
Hey, remember all those times Republicans hamstrung unions because they advocated for their charges properly in a farcical and heavy-handed series of technically legal acts that were politically motivated? I do. Turnabout is fair play, NRA. Thoughts and prayers.
@@sasquatchhunter86 Not that I have an opinion on the matter, but how do you even quantify that.. That just seems like a massive blanket statement based in bias. If you have any evidence of that, I would be interested in seeing it. Not as to discredit you, I just find it interesting if that is the actual case because it seems very unlikely.
@@_Jake.From.Statefarm_ it’s definitely generational though. Boomers and Gen Xers are going to be the more NRA hunting guns type crowd where the millennials are more geared towards modern gear.
@@sasquatchhunter86 I see your point. More so, I think that most people, at least in today's world put their party over anything and everything. It's almost impossible to miss now. The amount of things that people just regurgitate because their flavor news told them it was true. This goes both ways, and no one will ever take responsibility. It's easier to blame someone else. So why I thought It was far fetched was simply because it's THE thing to do as a modern conservative.. They will support the NRA simply because FOX tells them that they are coming for their guns, and will use the NRA as a mouthpiece for conservatives. I'd like to think it hasn't gotten that bad, but generally speaking, it has. Mind you I'm bringing up conservatives because of the topic, not for head hunting.
Ah yes, that hilarious trainwreck. Epic is one of the most anti-consumer pro-monopoly groups out there, which has paid for exclusives, right down to stealing money from people who already bought a game, by monopolising its distribution through their own malware app. .....And that same predatory monopolist is now crying that Google and Apple want a percentage of Epic's massive massive profits for use of their platform. Hilarious. I fully back Google in that. And even though it makes me feel like I need a shower, also support Apple in this.
I dislike both companies enormously, greedy bastards that they are... Buuuuuuuut in this case, I’m siding with Apple. And, err... Android? Both delivery systems have their inbuilt charges/greedy cash grab that they take from whatever’s sold - or has connected revenue streams - on their platforms, which makes fellow greedy bastards, Epic Games, more than a bit shifty in attempting to circumvent the agreed cash flow shares with Apple or Android that they signed up for by dint of having IOS/Android deliver Fortnite. Epic’s subsequently deciding that, no, actually, they wanted to keep All Theeeeee Gollllllllld for themselves without giving agreed cuts to IOS/Android isn’t acceptable. It’s fundamentally changing the agreement to the detriment of the delivery platforms, which - even though I hate Apple - isn’t acceptable, and doesn’t make Epic Games a poor, oppressed underdog fighting for its rights, no matter how many 1984 Apple Big Brother ads (which I’m more than old enough to remember) they (cough) pay homage to. So says this layman, anyway. Let’s see what the courts decide and rule...
Objection: I thought America had a three strike system. It seems like they broke the law at least 18 times. Why are they not going to jail for life? Same applies for trump family. Is stealing money from charity not as bad as smoking weed?
Stealing in America isn't so bad to get caught at as long as you steal enough to cover your legal fees. The guy who robs the corner store of $200 is almost always going to end up getting punished a lot harder than the folks who steal at the millions of dollars scale. 😆😭
There is no such thing as a "three strike system". I think you are conflating it with certain states implementing Three-strikes laws, which I thought we are supposed to dislike because it perpetuates the prison industrial complex...
It really seems like if anyone else had been repeatedly caught red-handed doing the stuff that the Trump family has done (and not just allegedly!), they'd be in jail. This should be shocking to anyone with any respect for law and order.
I know I’ve become a responsible adult when I enjoy the ins and outs of these videos (I literally yelled, “What!?” when you said his contract was never seen by the board).
⚖️ What do you think about the NRA?
🚨 Get DEEP SENTINEL, for 15% off (exclusively here!)
Trump mail fraud attack video next! Is the postmaster really within his rights with what he's doing? we must know!
Question for you, pretty please. What is the _proper_ way to say the past tense of entering a plea, in court? Is it:
1. She _pleaded_ not guilty, on Monday. Or
2. She _pled_ not guilty, on Monday.
Number 1. hits my ear wrong.
Digitalhunny she pled
The NRA was a great organization until it became a lobbying firm for gun manufacturers. Honestly if it returned to its roots it would probably almost remove the need for most of the gun control laws.
I remember hearing back in 2017 that charity organizations was used to influence the electoral college via donations, is this possible given Hillary won with over 3 mil votes? Thx Penny Love your channel 👏
As someone very much on the left, if the ACLU was accused of doing the things the NRA has done, you're darn shootin' that I would support them being held accountable and dissolved if need be. Justice is justice, and political views shouldn't play a part in it.
Bless you for your leveled headed approach
how disappointing it would be to learn planned parenthood was stealing millions in funds.
ACLU is not really a left-wing organisation... (Nor is the NRA right wing)
@@GameByGame Uhhhhh. The NRA spent $30 million dollars in 2016 supporting Trump's campaign. (And that's not even including their other lobbying, like the millions they spend lobbying against stricter background checks.) That puts them pretty squarely on the right.
By contrast, in 2016, the ACLU spent less than $1 million lobbying, almost all of that going to bills that restrict civil liberties. You could say they're politically active, but they're not obviously left (unless you wanted to argue that civil rights are "left," lol).
@@ericeaton2386 Trump is not right wing
It's funny how Rudy Giuliani went for a personal attack instantly. And he did it the most ironic way possible, as he was fired from his job for being a bad lawyer, then he became Trump's lawyer and continued to be exceptionally bad at his job.
OOf, didn't even remember that, irony indeed.
All true, but that makes him an EXPERT on bad lawyers! /s
And interview of Rudy, on FOX news. I think only one side of information will ever pass though that mess.
never underestimate how much influence one can have over trump for the price of good fellatio.
@@mikewaterfield3599 A sucky is a sucky tbf
I saw someone say this and I think it hits the nail on the head:
*The NRA represents gun manufacturers, not gun owners.*
It both represents and serves as a direct focused advertising method.
ohhhh. Hm. Thankyou.
Well, aren't gun owners the focus group for gun manufacturers?
@@kohinarec6580 how does that relate to what I just said?
@@kohinarec6580 how does that mean gun owners are the focus group for the NRA? The manufacturers aren't the ones being shot for legally owning a gun.
If I supported a political charity, and its leaders outright stole my money, I'd be mad as hell and want them arrested and the institution dissolved.
I highly doubt that. The normal response would be to get mad at the administration and want their removal.
If the higher ups at any political charity you support were accused of similar charges you're actually saying you would want the entire charity dissolved? I think you're full of it
@@rationalobserver3675 "The normal response," accord to whom?
Then you are all for dissolving BLM.
And then there's that whole "accepting (lots of) money from a hostile foreign power" thing...
@@IncognitoSprax according to any reasonable person.
I bought an NRA lifetime membership when still in college, but I regret it now. Their apathy towards legal gun owners of color in fatal police encounters has shown me their true loyalties aren't with gun owners.
True they are supposed to be pro gun owner and defending yourself like with Breonna Taylor's boyfriend. But instead have not said a word about it. It really drives home the point that they just pray upon stupid gun owners and trying to trick people into giving them money under the guise of "protecting your rights"
this is probably a dumb question but how does a lifetime membership for them work? do you get some kind of discount and a penalty if you cancel? or is it a one time payment?
Exactly this. I'm a gun owner and die hard supporter of the 2nd amendment. I hate the NRA. They're a racist organization and only seem to care about your gun rights if you are a white conservative
Remember that time when groups of armed black panthers assembled in Oakland neighborhoods to oversee police conduct that directly lead to the NRA endorsing gun ownership restrictions being passed in the state of California... in 1967.
The NRA is has no apathy to "gun owners of color."
That people are even attempting to defend the NRA’s recent activities troubles me. Financial misconduct is pretty black-and-white and evident to anyone who cares to investigate the matters for himself/herself.
Firearms enthusiasts need to realize that the NRA is not the Second Amendment. They can support the Second Amendment while denouncing the NRA’s recent conduct.
enemy of my enemy is my friend rings true here. Those people don't care about the NRA's actions and you can't even blame them because they feel attacked from the other side, so why throw to the wolves someone who seemingly is on the same side as them.
same thing happens on the left all the time.
@@kavinh10 when does that ever happen on the left? as soon as somebody on the left crosses the line they get thrown to the wolves, to use your metaphor.
do you mean liberals?
Especially because it is the gun owner's money that the NRA leadership is accused of misappropriating. Politics aside, do they really want their hard-earned money to fund these guys' lavish lifestyle?
There are many firearm enthusiasts that back what the NRA stands for, but do also hate how the current organization works. IE, keep the organization, liquidate the owners. I heard the same thing was done to the Wounded Warrior’s project.
Basically the only people who still back the NRA are out of touch Boomers who aren't up to date on modern affairs and can't be bothered to learn.
Everyone else who supports the 2nd Amendment knows the NRA is a corrupt shitstorm that hurts gun culture.
Rudy Giuliani calling someone "a poor excuse for a lawyer" is the epitome of irony. He's the type of attorney that will turn your parking ticket into a murder charge.
Edit: I'd like to point out how well this comment has aged.
@@Unit-kp8wm I don't see what that has to do with how he handles current legal situations.
I still find it funny that he butt dialed a reporter
@Nospam Spamisham She was chosen because she is in with all the big donors, not because she's black. She brings huge amounts of money to Biden's campaign.
@Nospam Spamisham What does that have to do with Rudy Giuliani?
@Nospam Spamisham 1) You're completely correct about Harris (good job)
2) It's almost a fact Biden choose her because she is a POC woman but that's more of a reflection of Biden's creepiness than anything else, and focusing on that definitely makes you come off as a racist.
3) I can't even begin to comprehend the fantasy world you live in that makes you think that black people will join the republican party when the party's current position is to support the systematic murder of black people.
4) This has absolutely nothing to do with Rudy Giuliani and bringing up the obvious faults of the Democratic party to draw attention away from the faults of the republican party is the very definition of a red herring.
If I was donating to a non-profit over something I cared deeply about, I would want it dissolved if its president was spending my donations on hookers and blow.
The NY AG is doing a favor to gun rights activists. Activists donating to the NRA were basically setting their money on fire while thinking they were advancing gun rights.
Once the NRA is dissolved, the activists can establish a new non-profit that more effectively leverages their donations.
I prefer my hookers with blackjack
Like I asked someone else, will it be in time? The left will pounce on this while a new non-profit is established. By the time things get going legal gun ownership could be an extreme rarity. I'm worried.
@@Jawmax That assumes that the NRA is the main reason why there aren't more restrictive gun laws in the US. Besides, the Senate still has a republican conservative majority and so does in fact the Supreme Court, so I don't see any stricter regulations happening anytime soon, even without the support of a corrupt but rich lobby group.
@@Jawmax The greatest marketing tactic is scaring someone into thinking your product won't be available anymore. When the Obama gun grab scare happened we saw record gun sales across the country. Despite the fear, the only legislation passed on a national level was stricter regulations for the ATF, increased statistical tracking for the NICS, and a safe/responsible gun ownership guide being issued to gun store owners.
No-one is going to take your guns. They're just marketing fear tactics to get you to buy more of them.
It is possible... but come on. Dems are willfully incompetent. They will not pass anything substantial on 2nd amendment.
The "thoughts and prayers" opening made me smile from end to end.
instant cheshire :)
I had to pause it just to appreciate the flipping beauty of that line!!!!!!!
From ass to mouth? Lol just kidding, but that's what you made me think.
Recycled Anthony Jeselnik joke...
@@uniquechannelnames YOU NEVER GO ASS TO MOUTH!
It's weird to me that many people who claim to care about Second Amendment advocacy are still supporting an organization that took money for that purpose and then spent it all on luxury trips instead.
The NRA gets a TON of its income from corporate donors, deals from manufacturers & commercial outfits, advertising, and other larger-scale programs. Among individual gun owners, they've lost a huge amount of respect and support. Even in the early 2010s, actual member fees represented a minority of the organizations income, and support has only dropped more since then. They're pretty much a joke among gun owners these days.
I'm super Pro 2A and I hate the NRA, they are too busy lining their pockets than actually fighting Unconstitutional gun laws. Though their gun safety services are pretty good. Children and younger people definitely need more of that than just fear mongering against guns. Far better to teach a kid how it works and proper safety than just teaching them guns are scary and call the cops if you see one. Would definitely cut down on accidents and negligence.
For some of them the second amendment is just an excuse. They like the NRA funneling lobbying money to their favorite political team, nothing more.
@Xukuth Waldo Is it the gun or the context around it? People focus on the gun, but ignore the context. If an armed, uniformed police officer is at a school, no one even thinks about it. Why should it be any different for a father in his truck waiting to pick up his child in the afternoon? Why should a man go to prison because he had a handgun in his glovebox while on normal business? Now it is different if someone has a weapon drawn and is walking like they are on a mission. That is definitely something to pay attention to.
Context is king.
They do it because they know individual voices have no power. If the NRA was to go away the left would bring in massive gun legislation which [they believe] won't affect criminals obtaining illegal guns and committing crimes (because the left would be afraid of disproportionately affecting minorities) but would have a heavy impact on legal gun owners doing nothing wrong.
The right believes that the left will never bring up legislation that will curb real gun violence, only legislation that will curb legal gun owners from owning guns - so they end up being against all legislation. Having a big organization like the NRA in your corner helps mitigate that and only allow valid legislation, like the bump stock ban signed by Trump, which was supported by the NRA. Without that, they fear draconian legislation. So yeah, they'll support the NRA even if they know the NRA is corrupt, just like the left would support planned parenthood unconditionally, even though there's been lots of reports of "luxury expenditures" on higher ups.
I love how white collar crime can still hundreds of millions of dollars and get a slap on the wrist. but if a poor person steals $500 and they get the book thrown at them 🤣😂
Advantages of having money. As disgusting as it is, a poor man works his ass off to make 500$ a week and he's lazy for only working 60 hours a week. Wealthy man has employees do most of the work for him, makes 500$ an hour and 'he earned it.' It's how our society has been conditioned over time.
You mean like the white collar crime found in the corporate America? You know, the ones that don't pay taxes and dictate to the Senate and Congress?
@@TheWatchfulWolf Then there's the educated that make more and are not Trumpers.
@@jimchase3601 I don't make more. And I'm not a Trumper. Are you implying being educated means you make more? Nnnot always. Not even usually. Just on average.
@@TheWatchfulWolf I'm not implying anything. I'm stating Constitutionalists (second amenders) and Trumpers are basically ignorant and or cowards as a rule.
"It's perfectly possible for two things to be true at the same time: the NRA is thoroughly corrupt and the NYAG's action is motivated by political animus" This sounds like a great argument for having a democracy - the political bias of one individual would then have minimal impact on policy decisions.
Sure would be nice to have.
However, regardless of the bias that might be present, if there is a crime committed, you act upon it.
The NRA leaders are effectively committing fraud.
Wow, what a thought... maybe having `the people` choose a leader from `the people` instead of assuming leadership from an explicit subset of rich elites could help this demo.
Great idea! Then the 51% can exercise their tyrannical majority over the 49%. Democracy is not freedom. Democracy is three wolves and a sheep deciding what’s for dinner. That’s why, if there must be a federal, centralized government, a Republican (and an electoral college) is so important. Simply because there are more wolves than sheep does not mean the wolves should be entitled to enact every machination of their wills against the sheep. The sheep should have equal choice in policy decisions.
If individuals committed crimes the AG could goes after those individuals, seeking disillusion of the NRA is a drastic solution.
For example what if this was the ACLU, would it be more appropriate to prosecute the people that committed fraud and stole from the member or dissolve the entire organization.
@@curedbytheonomy why does an electoral college equate to equal choice? From what I understand of it, it creates the opposite.
AG: We are unbiased and just doing this to enforce the law.
NRA: This is politics and you just hate us!
To quote the well known genius Jake Peralta, "Stuff can be two things."
That is the problem should bad guys be prosecuted. Sure. Should the NRA go away no.
If I found out a non-profit for a cause I cared deeply about was wasting the money I donated to them on hookers and blow, I'd at least want my money back and the non-profit dissolved.
Prosecuting who ever approved the embezzlement too would be nice.
@@Sorcerers_Apprentice That is all that needs done. Dissolving them is just a way of getting at the whole group.
@@joshuahudgins The state's strategy is being designed to keep all the corrupt members from ever serving on the board of another non-profit or charity ever again, as they should.
@@Sorcerers_Apprentice Not a requirement to shut down the NRA.
There are other, much better organizations like the GOA or the Second Amendment Foundation who actually do what they advertise and advocate for gun owners, gun safety, and gun rights without the mountain of corruption and antagonizing of the victims of gun violence. Let the NRA fold and give those organizations more prominence.
Don’t forget the Socialist Rifle Association
@Ross May and what might a poor Midwestern gun owner like myself do against them? Let the whole rotten apple barrel be chucked onto the garbage heap it deserves
Oh and the SRA too
Don't forget about the real political left. We love guns too
@@zachjollimore4339 and don't forget the John Brown Gun Club. I used to be a member of the NRA, because I supported their gun safety programs, but once they started spending funds on NRA-TV programs that were almost exclusively political attack ads that had nothing to do with guns, I gave up my life-time membership. The NRA is pretty much a Trump campaign financing, Russian money laundering vehicle now.
I think the concern there for pro-gun supporters might be if anti-gun supporters would use the power vacuum between the transition from the NRA to another organisation to lobby for strong gun control laws that would be hard to undo once enacted. It's probably not possible to simply transfer the political and lobbying power of the NRA to another organisation overnight, it may take months or years to regain that clout, a window of opportunity for anti-gun supporters to strike while their opponents are politically severely weakened.
Re: Your question, “Would you support the dissolution of liberal charities that engaged in fraudulent activities?” (4:15 minutes.) Well, Acorn was dissolved for far less than what the NRA is accused of; and I was fine with that. So yes.
Definitely, because I'd worry that there would be no way to trust an organization if it were proven to have the level of corruption or fraud even half of what is alleged for the NRA.
Exactly. This is why I'm not a fan of charity companies. You'd do much more good helping out smaller organizations in your community. At least if the leaders of the smaller communities are fraudulent, they'll have to face their donators every time they walk in a grocery store. 😂
The alleged victims in this case are the members of NRA themselves, to dissolve the organization would be punishing the victims. The attorneys at the Southern District of New York are notoriously politically motivated. They don't care about the member of the NRA they just want to destroy the NRA itself.
Zkeleton Z since the NRA serves no good purpose, i have no issue with it.
What about we dissolve BLM Instead, they're one of the most corrupt organizations but no one bats a eye
Imagine being accused of fraud by Oliver North
Like Charles Manson accusing you of being anti-social...
@@Comicsluvr or Harvey Weinstein accusing you of being a perv
Poacher turned gamekeeper.
Imagine being *correctly* accused of fraud by Oliver North.
@@GarthTheMighty IKR?
I’m here for the high levels of sass. Learning about the law is a side benefit.
I'm debating whether the title belongs to Crowley of supernatural or if it should be handed off to LegalEagle. Cause before I found this chanel Crowley was the only King of Sass that I knew of. 😂
@@alexisflory6496 both is good
@@alexisflory6496 Techncially, an earlier Mark Shepherd character holds that. James Sterling on Leverage
@@Iansco1 I’ve seen a few episodes of that but I’m not sure which character that is. I wanna say the Hacker man?
@@JaelinBezel no. It was a recurring character. Was in the last 2 of season 1. A few after that. Same actor as Crowley on supernatural.
Would i support the dissolution of a charity if its guilty of fraud regardless of political leaning? Yes. Because any cause worth taking up will be taken up. And anyone doing it badly is only hurting that cause
That’s an excellent point of view. Never thought about it that way, but I agree.
He asked whether I would be ok with dissolving the ACLU or Planned Parenthood if they were convicted of similar charges. I reply yes. Absolutely I would. I just have significant confidence that this will never happen because, to the best of my ability to tell, they are run by decent human beings rather than soulless lizard people.
@@Frommerman All you need is one power hungry individual to reach high enough to start corrupting an organization, I think it's better to be wary than to say "It'll never happen"
@@htnumbers123 Which is why it is SO important to have laws and oversight over charities/non-profits! People will give money to things they are emotionally invested in, without oversight...corruption WILL take over eventually.
Wouldn't it be better to just force the leadership to step down and give the company a fresh start? It doesn't appear as though the company itself has passed illegal policies. Leadership have just been ignoring the law.
"You know it's 2020 when Oliver Frickin' North is the whistleblower...." HAHAHAHAHA!!!! Oh boy, I'm showing my age.
Dont worry dude, nobody NOBODY gets any younger!
You very old Fart you! 😆
When I heard his name it was like "Hang on, I recognise that name.." I was a kid when the Iran contra affair was all over the news, even here in the UK
I prefer Oliver War Criminal North, but Frickin' is not to bad either.
When I saw his name on their letterhead I had to triple take then go make sure it was the same one from my high school history textbooks on the Iran-Contra scandal
2:30 "She's a poor excuse for a lawyer, anyway", a brave statement by Rudy "probably the worst lawyer of all time" Giuliani.
Y'know, I'm not up to date with the news, but I kinda perked up when I heard that name. When someone like me knows your name it's probably not a good sign.
Rudy “soon to be debarred” Giuliani
@@SportyMabamba If he were a candy, he'd be flavored as rotten tomato. Mmm.
this aged well
@@Johno3998 It rather did, didn't it. Rudy keeps coming unhinged in court. It's funny.
4:15 : Yes.
What if (insert famous left politician) was guilty of sexual assault? In jail!
What if (insert famous right politician) was guilty of sexual assault? In jail!
Laws and justice over party.
dare to dream,
Talking sense here.
Oh lord please. Let me live in that world
Would it be wrong to reply with 22:26 "Installation requires only one screw?"
Too bad that only ever happens on on side.
Negotiating Rights Away. Theyve NEVER helped gun rights. EVER.
You can make a case that it was a legit organization at its time of founding. I'm not sure anybody alive remembers the last time it was though.
it is their selling point. They have it all over everything. Literally 2nd Amendment pride all over every piece of everything
@@alienbob21 No, theyre a Fudd organization. Youre not familiar with their actual actions in the last, oh, pick a number of decades. They take money from gullible hopeful fools and they sell them out to the politician that will offer Wayney boy the most money in funds/favors. Those suits and dinners dont buy themselves. They are the reason for the NFA. They seek to take 100% of the credit for creating NICS as well. All of which are in direct violation of our rights. Theyre as antigun as the current RINO in office now. Fear and panic pushers at best, sellouts throughout.
The NRA is anti gun rights? Oh, how I wish that were true.
@@jasonalbert6251 Thats what I said. Their actions have proven it every single year for decades. Theyre fudds. Which is absolutely worthless to us. Theyre a cancer that feeds off the gun community. Compare their actions to GOA and GOA has done more for our rights in the last few years than NRA has attempted to in 2 decades.
2:29 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 Rudy Giuliani calling _anyone_ a "poor excuse for a lawyer" has to be the funniest thing I've heard all month.
He used to be a good lawyer in the 1980s when he was prosecuting the Mafia. I can only guess that he's going senile.
@@RamdomView - Was he really though? Or was he hiring good people on behalf of the Russian mafia to get rid of the Italian mafia? Because that's what he actually did.
"Poor excuse for a lawyer" didn't age very well after Trump lost.
It was aged poorly the second it came out of Rudy's mouth
It was obviously a pot kettle situation well before that.
tump dodnt lost!
TRUMP 202ß!!!
now it's even worse. holy crap. lol. when does it stop? 🤣
When Devin started reading the NRA charter, I had to stop for a moment because I, an advocate for gun safety and regulation, could totally get behind that company. It’s interesting to look at an example of how a well-meaning group of people can succumb to radicalization.
Sounds super easy. Antiquated organizations that hold onto old ideals gets paranoid of changing cultural values and becomes very susceptible to fraudsters. No different than Trump's post-election voter fraud fundraising being used to pay off his old debts. The old and the stupid are so susceptible. I honestly don't even care that LaPierre is swindling his donors. Diverting money from the stated "mission" sounds like a cool ruse. Maybe he's actually a conniving liberal in disguise!
I’m very far left, but I used to be ok with the nra. Many years ago they were about gun safety and had no problem with background checks, locking up guns to keep children safe, etc... . They were totally taken over by an arms industry anxious to unload military grade weapons and emerging militias and criminal organizations eager to keep the channel of relatively cheap weapons flowing. If they dissolve the nra it’ll just reform under a new name - a win for them, because they’re in debt in NYNY and don’t want to take their debts with them when they relocate to Texas or Florida.
If you want a glimpse at how it happened, do a little internet research on Harlan Carter. He helped turn gun ownership into an anti-government and white supremacist plank.
16:02 "...hired Powell's wife as an independent contractor, through a newly formed company called SPECTRE"
SPECTRE? Seriously? They are naming companies after literal Bond villains.
TwoPairSA 6 hours ago (edited) 16:02 "...hired Powell's wife as an independent contractor, through a newly formed company called SPECTRE" SPECTRE? Seriously? They are naming companies after literal Bond villains.
"Special Executive for Counter-intelligence, Terrorism, Revenge and Extortion"
What kind of project was Powell's wife contracted for...?
You know you're in hot water when LegalEagle spends 15 minutes just listing the things you did wrong
Anybody else Laugh audibly out loud when Rudi questioned her ability as a lawyer. Thats like a penny questioning the worth of a 20$ bill
But the worth of it is completely subjective... you could flip their worth and things would continue as normal. People would just throw their 20$ Bills away and keep their pennies.
@@Buglin_Burger7878 Rudy's lack of value is far from subjective at this point lmao
Okay this just annoys the hell out of me but the goddamn dollar sign goes BEFORE the number, not after.
3:59 (Paraphrasing) "If you are politically left would you support dissolution of an organization such as the ALCU or Planned Parenthood if they were convicted of misuse of funds or similar?" - YES, because it would have ultimately failed to provide the service for which it was taking donations, ultimately mislead both donors and those seeking help from the organization, and therefore should be held accountable for misconduct. Why is that so hard for some people?
Yea seriously. If anything their donors should be MORE pissed that they misappropriated the funds. That's how you know who is genuine and who is trash.
political tribalism and a dissolution of principles that can be found on both the right and the left.
As someone who loves himself some speed-shooting competitions, gooooood riddance to the NRA
100% agree sir
who would you suggest someone who is worried about erosion of second amendment turn to. in my home state the state cops act like your a criminal when you present your paperwork for a pistol licence. any blue who claims they respect the second amendment is lying.
@@mikewaterfield3599 GOA or JFPO or whatever pro 2nd amendment org is in your state. NRA is not for your 2nd amendment and if you think they are you better go watch the video on their own channel with Chris Cox stating red flag laws are a good thing and also their support of banning bump stocks. Wake up!
@@SuckerFreeGear ive been aware for sometime that theve broken from the original mission. personally if they need to be shut down id rather it be gun enthusiasts who do it. improvement always works best from the inside.
hearing the NRA described as a charity gives me physical pain
It is very much a charity...if your name happens to be Wayne LaPierre as it is his own personal piggy bank.
I think he was being charitable... I'll see myself out.
They do support the free distribution of bullets to the general public...
kinda how i feel about the NAACP
"Stop crime before it happens."
*Minority Report Intensifies*
“Stops crime before it happens”
Someone’s clearly never seen Minority Report.
Not the same. Locking your front door and your car does the same thing but it isn't 'Pre-crime'.
it is what it is.
that's pretty much the excuse william lane craig gives for supporting genocide and the murder of children.
No YOU haven't seen the film. Minority Report didn't simply STOP crime before it happened... it PUNISHED people for crimes they haven't committed yet.
@@Treblaine lol punishing someone before they've committed a crime also prevents the crime from happening, technically, moral quandary aside
Oh dear lord the sheer irony of Olly North being kicked out of the NRA for reporting a misallocation of funds.
You know only us old farts know WHY that is a heap of irony. I mean, since when did Ollie balk at “misappropriation of funds”, considering he was at the center of somesuch that makes this whole NRA thing look like a tempest in a teapot.
I can't believe you kids don't know about the great patriot Ollie North!
@@jimbotcb3985 I only learned about Ollie from American Dad. They made an episode about supposed hidden treasure of Oliver North from Iraq Contra.
Me and the Bois going to sell to the Iranians
"Thoughts and prayers, NRA. Thoughts and prayers."
Liked immediately :)
Don't forget to write that letter to Santa, and wish upon a star.
I heard "tots and pears". Now I want some fruit and deep fried potato product tossed with paprika.
Nice to see that LE is no longer pretending to be unbiased.
NEW NAME for the NRA!!!
NRAFCPDDFDPD2A - National Rifle Association of Far-right Conservative Proganda Dedicated to Defecating in the Face of Democracy and Pretending to Defend the 2nd Amendment inc.
@@saulcontrerasOfficial nailed it!
Giuliani: she's a poor excuse of a lawyer
Post election 2020: oh how the turn tables
I guess you gotta be one to know one, or projection
Considering that they are a gun producer support group, instead of the user support group, I'm happy to see lobbyist disappear from politics.
us gun rights supports are happy too
Really though, it’s like if I were to donate to planned parenthood, and that money wasn’t going towards women’s health, and instead some rich, probably white guys vacation, dissolve it. I feel like it’d be a little more complicated though, because they give medical services, not political lobbying, if you get what I mean
If they use lobbying it is not illegal, but if they do what NRA does... it is disgusting and a crime.
@All Things Lawyer
But sadly, it is not illegal.
I was wondering, could you do a video on how much power the executive branch, Postmaster General, and Postal Board of Governors have to attempt to dissolve USPS. Also the lawsuits being filed by states against Postmaster DeJoy and the Trump administration's alleged attempts to impede vote by mail or sabotage the mail system.
As a postal employee, I'm curious to see how an actual attorney views these cases and issues.
You know a lawyer is talking when “allegedly” becomes* a comma . . .
or Ian Hislop
he's the most sued man in British legal history for a reason!
The clip of Rudy Giuliani calling Tish James "a poor excuse for a lawyer" aged EXCELLENTLY 😂
"See what I did there?" He sounded _so_ satisfied with himself, it's adorable.
Be careful, he may sue you.
I love Legal Eagle. I mean, I'm a European and don't get much out of the US law kerfuffle, but he's a guy I would like to go out for a drink with!
His channel would be better if he wasn’t a progressive Democrat. If he wasn’t biased to the Democrat’s his channel would be better. He can’t separate his politics from his channel. It’s hard to watch because he agrees using the law to destroy people he disagrees with. It’s sad
@@ae9074 Stop playing fantasy football with your politics and start paying attention to what's going on. The NRA doesn't do anything to protect the rights of 2nd Amendment folks, only gun manufacturers. They give gun owners a bad reputation.
@@ae9074 "agrees using the law to destroy people he disagrees with." Sounds like what the Republican party does. But in all honesty, I'm neutral in political matters and legal eagle tries to be politically unbiased so he's doing much better than anyone else in that front.
Giuliani: "She's a poor excuse for a lawyer." Wahahahahaha! Takes one to know one, I guess.
This made me laugh
Well Rudy is an expert at bogus lawyering and cousin diddling. Guess I'll hear him out on the lawyering.
"The NRA is being shutdown to hurt Conservatives in the presidential election."
How exactly does Fox news come to that conclusion? lol Oh brother.
Same way they come to any of their conclusions, they make it up.
@@Matok1 wouldn't surprise me.
Because there are unproven accusations that the NRA was acting as a laundromat for illegal foreign campaign contributions for decades. The state of New York is going to get access to the NRA's financial records. If those accusations are true they will be able to to prove them.
@@jamesricker3997 They're not just accusations. The attourney general of New York did an investigation that found the group lost $64 million over 3 years due to "mismanagement."
@Harvey Dustin damn, Harvey droppin' black pills over here.
The funniest part about this has to be OLIVER NORTH of all people calling someone a crook.
When he said “African hunting trips” I took it the completely wrong way and somehow still believed the NRA did what I mistook that as
I bet that the kind of trophy hunting they did wasn't very legal either.
@gamer time What kind of political climate is it?
@@ErebosGR It probably was. A lot of African wildlife preserves allow rich people to pay exorbitant sums to "hunt" old, sick, or needlessly violent animals. If you have a bull elephant who keeps killing other elephants during mating season, it's actually better for elephants and the people protecting them if that elephant gets shot in return for a large pile of cash going directly into the preserve's general fund.
Frommerman did you watch Adam ruins everything?
“Thoughts and Prayers!” That was great! As a believer in the 2nd amendment I do agree with regulations on the 2nd amendment. Remember what these people were saying about “ illegal immigrants” they said “ If you break the law you should pay the price.” That goes for everyone, right? The NRA broke the law so they need to pay the price. Or are you hypocrites too?
there already are limits that no sane person would disagree with, I cannot legally purchase a fighter jet with missiles and a minigun. I cannot own a tank with a functioning cannon, I cannot purchase a 30killowatt laser turret, I cannot purchase an ICBM, I cannot own an effing truck-mounted 50cal machinegun, I can't put a flak turret on my property. those are weapons of war and have no use in self-defense or hunting. and we should all agree we don't want some gun nut getting hundreds of grenades.
@@atashgallagher1631 actually you can on a flak Cannon and I'm also pretty sure you can own a vehicle mounted HMGs you just have to find one that was registered pre-87
4:00 I’m on the left and guns are not exclusive to the right. Those of us on the left support gun ownership, but regard the NRA as representing gun manufacturers more than gun owners, so we oppose it. We would likewise oppose the ACLU if it defended the government’s stances on everything, and Planned Parenthood if it imposed abortions without consent.
Politics aside, I would rather the leadership of a charity be replaced via election by the charity’s members than the dissolution of the charity entirely.
All abortions are imposed without consent. No baby ever said "Go ahead, abort me."
The mother’s consent is the only consent that matters. It’s an infringement on bodily autonomy to suggest otherwise. The actual best way to prevent abortions is to stop unwanted pregnancies before they happen, with contraception and sex ed.
@@Holobrine No, it's an infringement on bodily autonomy to say that someone's consent doesn't matter when you're performing a violent act on their body. Giving that the abortion rate has been consistently increasing, your claim that the currently favored techniques are "The actual best way to prevent abortions" is clearly mistaken. (And even if it wasn't, so what? Education is the best way of preventing racism; does that mean it should be legal for employers to make hiring and firing decisions on the basis or race?)
@@AssociationAdmirer The next words out of your mouth had better be "It's also morally reprehensible to put down your pet." I don't know how I feel about abortion myself, kinda on the fence, but this argument of yours has a broad range of implications the likes of which I don't think you understand. A fetus doesn't usually have intelligence in the period in which one is typically aborted. Your dog has more intelligence than said fetus. If it's wrong to kill anything that could potentially be intelligent tomorrow, it's wrong to kill. Right? :P
And if your next argument is "Well he could be the next Einstein," or any possible future of said fetus, heard it before and I'm dismissing it beforehand. The potential child could easily be the next Hitler or Osama bin Laden.
@@TheWatchfulWolf I never said anything about intelligence. (Your premise that a dog should be valued more than a human being pretty much eliminates any chance of anyone taking your post seriously anyway.)
This guy has the smoothest transitions into advertisements. It is amazing.
This video deserves a billion likes just for the “thoughts and prayers” opening...
I prefer THOTs in pairs. 🤓
Honestly, watching America from the sidelines, I may have to break out the Jumbo Popcorn
Would you like some soda with that?
masterimbecile hell yeah
Extra butter?
Oliver North: "I can excuse death squads, but I draw the line at misuse of charitable funds!"
Everyone else: "You can excuse death squads?"
But... He's okay with the misuse of taxpayer funds?
@@eddiemurphy5566 we are truly in a weird timeline.
Ollie is just upset that he didn't get his cut of the loot
@@inwalters ,
From the reading of the briefings, it sounds like Ollie was being pushed into a 'figurehead' position and didn't like it.
Don't forget drug trafficking and illicit arms dealing, he had his part in that whole thing.
As an NRA member, I'm fine with it going away or getting smaller, there are other groups out there that care much more about protecting our second amendment right, such as the GOA, and the NRA going away means tons of money going to them instead.
yeah I'd much rather see the GOA take the NRA's place
*EDIT: Just to clarify, I meant CORPORATE Lobbying.* Lobbying should be illegal, they subvert democracy in favor of corporate interests.
And lets also get Planned Parenthood out of the game. They spend way more on lobbying than the NRA.
Lobbying period is illegal
As a person that works in government I say no, it shouldn't. Well regulated lobbying provides both important information and a way to talk things with your stakeholders to take better technical decisions.
No it should not be illegal. What if you lobby for protection of animal rights? Is that bad too?! Corporate lobbying gaming the system for profit is bad. Lobbying in itself not.
Let's just create a one-party state while we're at it and prevent businesses and traitorous elements from infiltrating the political process altogether.
If I found out the ACLU had a whole culture of stealing donation money I would support some type of punishment. If the corruption was just too widespread then I would support dissolution.
Do you remember when the slightest hint of even just an affair would ruin a politician’s career? Those were the days.
There are quite a few political charitable organizations known for this kind of malfeasance. The Trump Foundation obviously, but we can't forget the Clinton Foundation either. Its not just a left/right thing, its a politician thing. Just the fact that New York is a Blue state, means they tend to scrutinize political enemies, and where possible, ignore their friends. Possibly why it took so long to finally getting around to investigating Epstein, who was so close to the Dems and their causes.
@@Molenir Epstein was jailed in New York. He wasn't being tried by the state of New York though, it was a federal case...
This kind of equivalence doesn't actually hold up to scrutiny, one example vs another example doesn't make them equal in all instances.
Politicians always had scandals. Before the internet and smartphones many were able to cover their tracks. Now we just accept that all politicians are messed up like the people they represent.
The ACLU is not honest. Amber Heard was their spokesperson for abused women because of bedroom politics. Did she ever donate the money she pledged yet.?
can you please do a reaction to John Oliver's "Juries" video also HBO's "The Night Of", thanks.
Good ideas
John Oliver is painfully unfunny.
@@triple7marc Productive comment
@@triple7marc Different strokes for different folks!
Would totally watch that!
Rudy: "Shes a poor excuse for a lawyer."
Also Rudy: *farts on national television*
What does farting have to do with anything? You dont fart? You never farted during something important to you?
@@njdaveg2 I've never farted on national television that's for sure.
Lmao, I'd do it on purpose just for a laugh. Then again, I wouldn't be masquerading as a competent lawyer
You know its 2020 when Rudy Giuliani calls the NY AG a "poor excuse for a lawyer anyway".
I'm still waiting for Rudy to make a coherent, logical legal argument.
He used to make good decisions in the 1980s -1990s when he was prosecuting the Mafia.
LegalEagle: *promotes a security system to prevent theft*
Me, in NZ: *leaves the door unlocked when going to the shop*
I'm in Perth, Western Australia, and I sometimes do that too.
That’s amazing... I lock both locks on my apartment even when I pick up the mail.
I want to move to NZ or Canada.
I think that Depends more on where you live in a country than on the country. In a smalltalk town where everyone knows each Other Things are usualy safer than in big citys:) e.g. I am from germany and I do this sometimes in my hometown but I Would never do that in Berlin or Köln
I mean it depends where you are like I still know of people who have been robbed in NZ but things like walking up to someones house and taking a package of the doorstep are very uncommon compared to the states.
"New York has the NRA in its crosshairs. See what I did there?"
Well _someone_ had to do it.
out, out, get out, that was horrible, glorious, but horrible
2:32 Rudy calling someone a poor excuse for a lawyer is rich.
Lol yea it is considering that she is still an actual lawyer and he is not !
“The 2nd amendment doesn’t save you from the liability of using it.”
Dude, you totally buried the lead!!
who actually thinks 2nd amendment allows you to get away with murder? (other than crazy people.)
@@Daytruin I was more thinking of gun-nuts who "need to protect their families" but murderers work too...
@@JamesSamson487 So the desire to protect your family using the most efficient means possible now qualifies you as a "nut," huh? If this line of thinking is the gold standard going forward then America is dead.
James Samson the sad reality is the government doesn’t give a shit about the people it doesn’t matter who’s in power republican or democrat
The government only does enough to ensure enough people are complacent to it so that it can continue its own interests
If the government needs to step on you it will and find a reason to justify it and vilify anyone who says otherwise
SMB Comix
1) If houses are getting attacked to the point you can determine the efficiency of you defence, you’ve got bigger problems.
2) So many people cling to the 2nd as a way to have guns, yet apparently it doesn’t help? Why isn’t there a video about that?!
I grew up in Idaho in the 1950s and 1960s. In a hunting family. Back then the emphasis of the NRA was on training, & the safety and care of (mostly) long guns. Big on safety! I could shoot rifles and shotguns, and my big brothers taught me how to shoot a pellet gun (pistol). Assault weapons were NEVER a consideration! A gazillion years later, my youngest son qualified as an Expert when he was in the Army. To this day he does not find it necessary to own a gun.
It seems actual pro 2A people like me, and anti 2A people can agree on something...
The NRA needs to go.
What about people who are pro 2A but interpret "a well regulated millitia" differently from "anyone can buy any gun they want"?
electrified0 Well I take “a well regulated militia” to mean the militia regulates itself, why would we have an organization that is there to potentially overthrow the government, be regulated by the government. Also, the people are the militia, hence “the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”
@@electrified0 then you don't understand well regulated militia and aren't actually pro-2A
Very few actual Americans are against the 2A, I'm rather for reinterpretation and assessment of the amendment. Within the past 50 years the culture of gun ownership in the US has become so toxic and dangerous.
Clay3613 If anything it is the opposite, in terms of what is available to the general public we are sort of a declawed kitten. Ok maybe not that far, but we used to be able to buy literal Machine Guns via a Sears catalog.
Also how are we dangerous, have you been to a gun range or store, we don’t point our guns willy nilly.
Did anyone else notice when he said “rational” instead of “national” when he was reading? Reverse Freud slip?
“Older men declare war. But it is youth that must fight and die.”
― Herbert Hoover
Why don't the presidents fight the war? Why do they always send the poor?
Getting system of a down vibes here
@@FinRL Also, “When the rich wage war it's the poor who die.” ― Jean-Paul Sartre. It used to be and still is like this.
@@QuestionEverythingButWHY Linkin Park used that line in their song Hands Held High
@@WanderingWriter Yeah they did. Just listened the song. Thanks for letting me know. Had no idea. Linkin ParK was my fav while growing up.
Fin because it’s not sensible to put your military leaders on the front lines anymore
Legal eagle: "...African hunting trip..."
Me in shock: They were hunting Africans!?
Well... Yes, but also no. Just like hunting in Montana does not mean your going after Billings residents.
No, but you can sure it was used for something horrible like canned hunting, and otherwise ruthless murdering of endangered animals. Which Trump Jr. is apparently a proud supporter of.
supergluehotty ... uhhh... could you... uhhh... double check that for me?
@@ZakTheFallen I mean one could go "hunting in Montana" in a few ways, but the most popular way is probably for some Game Animal, but Mrs Johnson does look good over the fireplace to.
@@supergluehotty very well then, i'm cancelling my hunting trip to montana now... pfft. ;)
You know you’ve screwed up when the likes of Oliver North accuses you of malfeasance.
I'm so glad you talk about the 1977 Cincinnati Revolt. I try to discuss this with people and they either ignore it or look at me like I'm crazy.
The NRA being gone would be the only good thing to come out of this year.
I know. We need to make way for better organizations like the GOA.
My issue is that it's the New York attorney general sueing, New York issues before national organizations.
2nd Amendment needs to be distanced from the NRA in public discourse-- the NRA has been far too successful in conflating them, and if there were more groups publicly recognized as advocates for the 2nd (maybe even lobbyists, much though I despise that whole system), it wouldn't even be in question whether the NRA should be shut down-- they would just be rightfully shuttered, and their donors and members would either found a new organization or join an existing one. Everywhere you go online you can find people like myself and others in this comments section, who support the 2nd but are more than happy to see the modern, corrupt NRA litigated into nonexistence. Attention should be given to any one of other, much better 2nd-supporting organizations.
HAHAHAHAHA, Rudy calling someone a "sad excuse for a lawyer", HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, I have heard everything now
4:20 - Chapter 1 - Federal law
5:40 - Chapter 2 - New York state law
9:05 - Chapter 3 - New York non profit laws
10:10 - Chapter 4 - The lawsuit
20:25 - End roll ads
"Stops crime before it happens"
What dystopian movie have I heard this from before?🤔
@@EliStettner I was thinking Minority Report
@@nerdlingeeksly5192 It's the plot device of one and an element of the other.
@@EliStettner i need to watch that movie
The plot of Captain America The winter soldier
I love how thoughtful you are when approaching potentially very decisive issues.
@@justoneman13 I can't ever spell in a hurry lol 😂
Thoughtful? He's a lefty hack
@@jeffslote9671 the fact you think responding based on law is leftist is really terrifying.
@@stormdangelo7577 It's his interpretation of the law. Not the law
Mmmm thoughts and prayers...
thoughts and prayers indeed...
Steve Smith crunchy...
Mmmmmm thots and prayers
Mmmm thots and players
Simps and slayers....
I’m ashamed to admit, I never knew they were a charity.
"Is the NRA Being Sued Out of Existence?"
**fingers crossed**
Be careful what you wish for. There are other guns rights groups that are much more legally effective than the NRA. If the NRA goes down those former members would flock to those groups with fury and swell their pocket. “If you strike me down I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.”
Honestly this case, and the case against the Trump foundation are so egregious it makes me want to start a non-profit.
I hope so. Then the NRA members can give money to actual gun rights organizations and we can get rid of some gun laws instead of making new ones.
@Joe Blow and your source for that would be?
@@Dru20 Good. I'm pro-gun. I absolutely hate the NRA.
If my brother randomly murdered something I would turn him in. So yeah if a group I support is proven to be doing dirt I would drop them
Hopefully! There’s never been a more pitiful, lukewarm, anti-2nd Amendment “gun rights” group in existence.
Gotta love lawyer that doesn't respect a constitutionally recognized and inalienable right such as the 2nd amendment.
one of the worst rights too
"Oliver North- the whistle blower" O, how the world turns!
The turns have tabled
@@ApocryphalDude The wicked world wags and we with it.
How the turn tables
O how the worm* turns
In 2020 the year outlasts you.
I feel like they should have been dissolved about 15 years ago when they tried their best to meddle with elections in Brazil. They still are and the current president has ties to them, but their obvious fear strategy had nothing to do with charity nor was it national. They just wanted to lobby internationally for gun manufacturers.
"Thoughts and prayers" - Oof. Shots fired...ironically...
Thoughts and prayers exactly... Thoughts and prayers...
Watching America now is like that one arc of a shonen anime where everything is happening at once and you're not sure who's fighting who and if it even makes sense, but you keep watching anyway
No it's not. And if you are gonna speak in shonen anime terms, it's one bad guy killing another bad guy who was already half-dead, so he can absorb his power and laugh maniacally at the protagonist.
where mitch at in the dark room round table scene
"Laws are spider webs through which the big flies pass and the little ones get caught.”
― Honore de Balzac
I may well be a moron, but that sounds impossible. Is there a punchline or something I'm missing
However, big flies can't pass them either and this is evidence as such. Which is highly reflective in the reality of nature. Small spiders catch and kill big flies.
its a metaphore. It doesnt make sense, but thats what it is.
@@C0rnvillain The idea is that people (or corporate entities) with money and status and perceived as "large" members of society can get away with doing less legal activities (something like drug usage I think would work for this context) whereas the people without money or social status (the poor and lowly) will always end up getting caught and suffer from legal repercussions (think the cost of bail or legal fines for a simple example)
@@Boulder7685 thanks for a great clarification.
next video about the post attack and mail in voting please @LegalEagle! This is right up your alley!
That Deep Sentinel transition as smooth as a custom-fitted Indochino Suit.
Hey, remember all those times Republicans hamstrung unions because they advocated for their charges properly in a farcical and heavy-handed series of technically legal acts that were politically motivated? I do. Turnabout is fair play, NRA. Thoughts and prayers.
Must gun owners don’t like the NRA. Nice try though.
Most gun owners call the NRA Negotiating Rights Away. I think that shows that most pro gun people don’t like it.
@@sasquatchhunter86 Not that I have an opinion on the matter, but how do you even quantify that.. That just seems like a massive blanket statement based in bias. If you have any evidence of that, I would be interested in seeing it. Not as to discredit you, I just find it interesting if that is the actual case because it seems very unlikely.
@@_Jake.From.Statefarm_ it’s definitely generational though. Boomers and Gen Xers are going to be the more NRA hunting guns type crowd where the millennials are more geared towards modern gear.
@@sasquatchhunter86 I see your point. More so, I think that most people, at least in today's world put their party over anything and everything. It's almost impossible to miss now. The amount of things that people just regurgitate because their flavor news told them it was true. This goes both ways, and no one will ever take responsibility. It's easier to blame someone else. So why I thought It was far fetched was simply because it's THE thing to do as a modern conservative.. They will support the NRA simply because FOX tells them that they are coming for their guns, and will use the NRA as a mouthpiece for conservatives. I'd like to think it hasn't gotten that bad, but generally speaking, it has. Mind you I'm bringing up conservatives because of the topic, not for head hunting.
I'm really glad that Fix-It Felix, Jr. got his law degree and grew a beard. Love these videos.
Any interest in covering the Epic Games v Apple and Epic v Google Anti-Trust lawsuits?
Yes please!
Ah yes, that hilarious trainwreck. Epic is one of the most anti-consumer pro-monopoly groups out there, which has paid for exclusives, right down to stealing money from people who already bought a game, by monopolising its distribution through their own malware app.
.....And that same predatory monopolist is now crying that Google and Apple want a percentage of Epic's massive massive profits for use of their platform. Hilarious.
I fully back Google in that. And even though it makes me feel like I need a shower, also support Apple in this.
I dislike both companies enormously, greedy bastards that they are...
Buuuuuuuut in this case, I’m siding with Apple. And, err... Android? Both delivery systems have their inbuilt charges/greedy cash grab that they take from whatever’s sold - or has connected revenue streams - on their platforms, which makes fellow greedy bastards, Epic Games, more than a bit shifty in attempting to circumvent the agreed cash flow shares with Apple or Android that they signed up for by dint of having IOS/Android deliver Fortnite.
Epic’s subsequently deciding that, no, actually, they wanted to keep All Theeeeee Gollllllllld for themselves without giving agreed cuts to IOS/Android isn’t acceptable. It’s fundamentally changing the agreement to the detriment of the delivery platforms, which - even though I hate Apple - isn’t acceptable, and doesn’t make Epic Games a poor, oppressed underdog fighting for its rights, no matter how many 1984 Apple Big Brother ads (which I’m more than old enough to remember) they (cough) pay homage to.
So says this layman, anyway. Let’s see what the courts decide and rule...
I hate the NRA so much for making me root for Oliver North...
(I'm also a gun owner, but **** the NRA)
2:29 The complete lack of self-awareness in that statement slays me.
Objection: I thought America had a three strike system. It seems like they broke the law at least 18 times. Why are they not going to jail for life? Same applies for trump family. Is stealing money from charity not as bad as smoking weed?
Stealing in America isn't so bad to get caught at as long as you steal enough to cover your legal fees. The guy who robs the corner store of $200 is almost always going to end up getting punished a lot harder than the folks who steal at the millions of dollars scale. 😆😭
There is no such thing as a "three strike system". I think you are conflating it with certain states implementing Three-strikes laws, which I thought we are supposed to dislike because it perpetuates the prison industrial complex...
Stealing millions is a probation issue. Weed is a 20 year minimum. Its okay to be confused though. 👌
@@supergluehotty thanks for clearing it up for me!
It really seems like if anyone else had been repeatedly caught red-handed doing the stuff that the Trump family has done (and not just allegedly!), they'd be in jail. This should be shocking to anyone with any respect for law and order.
"I made a contract myself that only I signed or saw that says if you fire me I get free millions of dollars forever"
I could be watching meme channels. Instead I am watching educational content. I believe that should tell you how good your channel is.
This is also a meme channel.
Who says Memes can't be educative?
I know I’ve become a responsible adult when I enjoy the ins and outs of these videos (I literally yelled, “What!?” when you said his contract was never seen by the board).
"Citizens United v. Spiderman"
Wait what!?
"Citizens United v. Schneiderman"
Oh, right, of course...
Schneiderman, Schneiderman, does whatever a Schneider can...
That opening is solid gold.
Never change, Mr. Eagle.
You had me at "Thoughts and prayers for the NRA, thoughts and prayers."