Most people on the planet are subject to a delusion so prevalent that it is functionally invisible. In so many words, the delusion is that one's judgments about reality inhere in reality, itself. It kinda works like this: people judge phenomena according to egocentric standards, project those judgments into reality, block awareness of that projection, and then mistake their projected judgments for empirical observations. This transforms the universe into a hall of mirrors, which is the narcissistic dilemma. The way out is through awareness. Social Media Facebook: LinkedIn: Instagram: Twitter: Website: Thinking of going to grad school? Check out STELLAR, my top-rated GRE self-study program based on the world's only empirically-validated test prep system. Use the code "PSYCH" for 10% off all membership plans: GRE Bites: Become a Psychonaut and join PsycHack's member community: Book a paid consultation: Sponsor an episode: Presented by Orion Taraban, Psy.D. PsycHacks provides viewers with a brief, thought-provoking video several days a week on a variety of psychological topics, inspired by his clinical practice. The intention is for the core idea contained within each video to inspire viewers to see something about themselves or their world in a slightly different light. The ultimate mission of the channel is to reduce the amount of unnecessary suffering in the world. #psychology #awareness #crazy
Using a delusion like “the Universe” theory is not a great strategy unless your signaling to others your desire to be accepted by the “trust the science” brigade. Good luck with that, I’ll stick with God.
Attempting to comment outside of delusion, I think you're a genius! Furthermore, I've found that when people are engaged in merit based activities. This is often a good way to find out what delusions a person might have. (After self-reflection.)
@@peaceonearth8693 The world is postmodern or at least that's the most rational interpretation of reality. But to reinforce our subjective interpretation, we need others to confirm our senses (flawed as the may be) are functioning as correctly as possible. Empiricism isn't everything but it's one of the most reliable forms there is. That's why it doesn't matter if you think you are above them mass "delusion" because they will deem you to be deranged if you step outside of the common perception of our experience. That's why the quote by Oscar Levant; "There’s a fine line between genius and insanity. I have erased this line." hold so much water. To think you are "above" other people for interpreting the world this way, I'd say is a form of narcissism. And I'm of the opinion that this content creator has some of those traits by listening to him. That's how he comes across by the way he is expressing himself.
@@justanothernick3984 "That's why it doesn't matter if you think you are above them mass "delusion" because they will deem you to be deranged if you step outside of the common perception of our experience. " You don't have to be obnoxious with your knowledge, but it helps to navigate in the world, to be not used and feel resentful. This content creator has healthy level of narcissism, for some this kind of narcissism is funny, mr Orion has a bit to big of penchant for perceived status, which fundamentally makes one a slave, often happy, but a slave.
"Perhaps a better way of looking at it is to say that we are engaged in the Herculean task of processing right-hemisphere perceptions of the world through the left hemisphere. That is, everything we experience in some way has to have a logical cause and effect relationship or we are unhappy." [The Global Village: Transformations In World Life & Media in the 21st Century, Marshall McLuhan, 1957, Sec. II: THE GLOBAL EFFECTS OF VIDEO-RELATED TECHNOLOGIES, 9: Angels to Robots: From Euclidean Space to Einsteinian Space]
I would simply say that your outside world is a direct reflection of your inside world. Which is why phrases like “Nothing gets better till you get better” or “Your life is of your own making” make sense. So to judge the reality you are creating around you is to only to judge yourself. And that is harmful to your evolution.
The majority are least equipped to be voting for anything, whether that be a political party/candidate or the wider reality. The highly suggestible and delusional hordes will continue to act against the collective good, and their own best interests, due to such intrinsic deficits. This is why “leaders” are simply puppet masters (and puppets themselves, for the most).
@@RebornLegacy That's actually a terrible quote. Reality is reality. Let's try with a simple example: the Sun is larger than the Earth. That's reality. It's not a fantasy everyone agreed on, no matter how much you like that quote.
@@wisehippo3072 No, you just didn't understand the quote. The quote is referring to our collective understanding of reality, not objective reality, which exists independent of our senses.
Sadly, nuance is precisely the reason he wont be massive. The highest level of popularity are reserved for polarizing figures that get clicks from love and hate.
@@healthymindhappierlife5089 wow good point. i agree. sensationalism is the only thing that sells today. plus the youtube algorithm doesn’t reward content like this
Honestly, I think the best way to have a decent life is to accept the idea that you can be wrong yet still be ok with the fact that you, right now, believe what you do, and telling what you believe to others
I have tried to do that all my adult life but it is very difficult . The most deluded people are the supposedly well-educated, liberals I have always lived amongst. They consider themselves to be so intelligent and well-informed that they can't believe they could be wrong about anything. The so-called stupid uneducated slobs are more likely to give you a hearing and say "maybe you have a point there, I hadn't thought of it that way before."
While I can agree to some extent, that's a slippery slope. If you think about it, I doubt the world's greatest dictators had a much different mentality to what you just said.
Experiencing psychosis was the first step to me becoming more sane. Because it completely detached me from the reality I accepted, and made me question everything. It is much easier to settle into a single belief, and especially a belief that your culture/ society also subscribes to. I cannot unsee how poor my values were, and how sick and sad they were making me. I cannot choose easy now, but my life is far more meaningful in my lone journey. I have never felt more connected to not only other Humans, but everything I cross paths with is more real and innately valuable.
@@ron1836 Yes what we are conditioned to believe in our youth is insane, it is completely off base of what we intrinsically value. This is the cause of so much sickness, stressed because we all feel greatly conflicted between what the external world tells us who we should be, and trying to reconcile that with who we know we deeply are. I felt insane for many years, I was technically insane, but that's based on what society has defined as insane as a means to shame and manipulate people into not straying from their predetermined path. I don't think you need to come back, enjoy exploring your unique thoughts and the places your mind wanders off to. It went there for a reason.
@@DoriterEater Happy and fulfilling relationships, an honest and respectable life, safety and security... these are generally considered to be what humans intrinsically value... how is this so different from what we are taught as children? Were we as children really taught something so different from this that it made us insane?
Great insightful video - Bruce Lee in his movie - Enter the dragon - was lost in a maze with mirror walls - he won by smashing and destroying the mirrors to hit the real enemy - to better navigate reality we all need to be like Bruce and smash the false mirrors representing false reality
This is so true, most people live within their delusions all their lives, this includes illusory correlations, psychological biases and a distorted sense of events that happen to them and around them. This distortment can also be seen to be amplified greatly in the case of world leaders, people with authority and instagram influencers. I have seen this is so many people I deal with everyday. We dont realize how most of what occurs in this world can be attributed to randomness and chance.
Agreed. The older I get the greater the percentage of people who seem to display some combination of Fundamental Attribution Error, Dunning-Kruger, Semmelweiss Reflex, and Kevin Samuels on a regular basis.
A person who is truly suffering from narcissism would try everything to eliminate it's influence on their life rather then making themselves out as the victim of its abuse.
I used to think "awareness of the present moment" was sort of trivial until I learned it is very important. I used to think "being mindful" was a displinary chore until I learned it brought great freedom of thought, genuine love and increasing courage and strength. Namaste and Peace to all my equals, brothers and sisters. 🐬🐚🐾
You are not alone… I as a teen believed philosophy and psychology were basically pseudosciences and complete 🐎 💩… Not knowing I would revolutionize my life. Can’t say enough about these truths today… 🕉️☯️⚛️
Reminds me of this Zen story about an old man living in a village and things that happen to him, that can be deemed good or bad luck, depending on one's perspective and how events unfold in the further course (horse, injured son, war etc.). The villagers were rather opinionated each time, but he remained neutral.
Sounds like I think it was Hakim. He was accused of fathering an illegitimate child and when accused by the daughters parents he responded with “is that so”. They left the child with him which he raised for a few years until the girl owned up to her lie. Parents visited Hakim apologising for their accusation which he again said “is that so”.
Thanks! There are some useful pysch insights in your videos. BTW, the audio qulity has improved recently. What Orion is saying is correct. Regarding how to overcome the delusion, my thoughts are: 1) Be aware of the process that Orion described. 2) Understand the ego is the enemy. Do not be ego-centric. This is not easy but critical to see the reality as it is. 3) When something happens, take a pause before reacting. Be aware of your thoughts and emotions that appear. Look at them non-judgmentally. Try to understand why you are feeling this way. Try to craft your reaction so that your course of action is something aligned with your real purpose and goal and it is not clouded by your emotions. This pause and reflection will protect you from immature behavior (that you may later regret). You will act like a cool-headed competent person as a result of the introspection.
I completely agree, my delusion was that everyone wanted what was best for everyone else. I was completely wrong, I found the hard way that the people around me were selfish, malicious, manipulative and will cut your throat to steal a dime. Awareness is a double edge sword. One wants the world to be just, fair and honest. IT ISN'T One always has to fight for what is right, why do we have to fight for honesty? The American empire will fall because of this narcissistic attitude and is falling as I write this. All I can do watch it fall, and cry for what could have been. We The People let this happen. Think it's hard now? Wait for five years.
Dear person...I had a number of emotional responses while reading your moving post. Mostly good. But I wold love to ask you one question, that of course you don't have to answer...but I will still ask in hopes that you do. Your first comment was where my question lies. What kind of life, family, or environment did you grow up in that would have given you the mental perspective that you mentioned you started life with? I can only guess it was very loving, very sheltered, very to many ways, for your expectations of life (or society) and humanity to be so simplistically positive? I am sorry your delusion could not have been reality for both you and all the rest of us as well. You are right...what a wonderful place that might be. Maybe! On the other hand...I say maybe because...I was raised in a very large, poor, uneducated and psychologically unhealthy environment. And yet, because of that I feel like I am a much better and healthier person because of having to work to overcome that reality. Maybe not...maybe this is just a case of sour grapes for me. Trust me, I live under no grandiose illusions that it had to be that way...or that I am fortunate because of the outcome. I just accept it was what it was! I am simply interested and curious what it was like on the opposite spectrum. P.S. I totally concur with your ending conclusions...and sadly with your comments about the America empire...and time. 😢
It's brilliant... It doesn't insult my intelligence but rather tests and invigorates it. It's insightful, helpful, and connects complex ideas to everyday experiences. Super good, Orion.
This video reaffirms what I've been thinking about for a while. One thing I like to ruminate on is the question, "If there is no language, how, then, would I perceive reality without it?"
Hey, that's an interesting question. I could imagine that people without language live much more unconsciously, i.e. more delusional, than people with language. Expressing something in words requires dealing with the subject.
Orion you are a sage. Advanced Buddhist practice is in large part about this as far as I understood it. But other than seeing the emptiness of our mental formations, there is also this aspect of "if to dream, then at least beautiful dreams". Not only do we disbelieve delusion, but knowing the cheat-codes to controlling our mind and experience of reality we can turn our subjective experience into a joyful, peaceful and engaging lucid dream. Others may see us in pain and think our life is objectively hard, but on the inside we are joyous, playful, hopeful, serene.
The only true way out of it is to humble yourself, and admit that you don't know everything, or that you could be wrong about your beliefs when an honest challenge comes up that makes sense. Face the fear that you might not know as much as you thought you knew. Do not run from that discomfort and that fear. I guarantee that this is literally the only way out of the constant projection of our beliefs and its the only way to truly step into reality. Humility leads to true wisdom. There is a saying by Confucius that says "real knowledge is to know the extent of one's own ignorance". In other words, the prideful and the haughty keep themselves blind and cannot truly learn anything. Thats why pride really does come before destruction, and a haughty spirit before stumbling. That's a proverb from the bible that backs that up. Thats why the issue you mentioned is so prevalent. Most people in this world refuse to humble themselves.
This video is basically saying that most likely there is no "one true way". Being humble is also a result of projecting yourself (your feelings of uncertainty, insecurity, lack of knowledge) onto reality. Also, any honest challenge can always be honestly challenged, so that's a never ending (and time consuming) cycle. And since it can consume a great deal of time and resources, dealing with "honest challenges" has to be done in an economical way. One shouldn't readily change their mind without challenge, based on beliefs about their own ignorance.
@Toni Sure, you'll probably always be challenged, and you can do lots of challenging, but its worth it to get to the truth if you are genuine about it. I understand time and resources potentially being an issue though. We can't deal with everything at once. When you find the truth, challenge tend to be much easier to deal with and not as time or resource consuming, because it becomes simple to understand and explain. Also, willingly humbling yourself is the path to rid yourself of uncertainty, insecurity and lack of knowledge, because you are willing to honestly admit these things about yourself to yourself, which allows you to address them and fill your knowledge gap and conquer the insecurity and become certain. Admitting one's long-held belief might be wrong when in the face of obvious proof or something that makes sense can be scary, which is why so many are unwilling to do it. Humbling yourself is just being modest, and saying "perhaps I have more to learn", which helps you to look at yourself. It allows a person to examine himself inside, which is the opposite of projection. Or, in other words, drop one's puffed up pride. When we are learning anything, we are being humble in that moment, because we have to first admit that we have no clue. So it's just ADMMITTING that we are uncertain, so that we can start down the path of eventually becoming certain. It's not that you base anything off of your ignorance. That saying just means that you are leaving yourself room to continue learning, and you aren't afraid to do some honest introspection and find the areas in which you have knowledge gaps or uncertainty. It's basically also saying to be modest.
@@Leoo117 Being humble or modest is not about admitting that everyone has uncertainties, insecurities or lack of knowledge. It's specifically about restricting yourself and countering your own pride. It's all about trying to avoid causing problems for others. It's not really a positive thing, but some people consider it as such, and even feel proud about it (though I doubt such people would say "I'm proud that I'm humble"). The path to learning and conquering your uncertainties, insecurities and lack of knowledge is not through humbleness or modesty, but through excitement and interest, and through believing in your potential. Those are the things that can really fuel your efforts over time.
@Toni I think you're right about being excited, having an interest, and believing in your potential being necessary. I also believe that you will not achieve any of these states of mind without humility. I think we just have different definitions of humility. I look at it as being the opposite of a prideful and haughty mindset. If you are haughty, then there is no reason for you to feel excited or interested, because you already know everything, so you feel above all that and like it's unnecessary. Also, you think you've already reached your potential, and you think there is nothing left to learn, therefore you block yourself from learning anything else, because you leave no room for it. Being humble just allows you to leave room to grow. That's what I mean. Perhaps you are not on the same page as me when it comes to the word humble, but you seem to agree that we need to leave ourselves room to learn. That's really the main point I'm making.
I agree with you and have come to that myself decades ago. I'm close to 60 now. My own unique perspective is what I experience as my reality of life. To change my life I simply change my perspective. And yes I had many people in the past tell me I'm nuts. It has ever since become very difficult for me to converse with people and their incredible rigidity and that as you say are constantly reassured they are right about most things.
How can you make statements about what is or isn't known when you already admit you don't know it? Stop pretending to be the dictator of the universe for just one moment.
@@Kneejair It's straightforward, not absurd. Speaking for others on their behalf without the possibility of knowing is the textbook definition of dictation and tyranny. Is it absolutely true that absolute truth is unknown? Those who spew patently false contradictions can't possibly be self aware, as-if anyone would fall for such a rouse.
Every single thing and animal on the planet plays a part in forming the current and future reality. From precieving in their own unique way. And being precieved in maybe ways. It's kinda cool. The uniqueness is beautiful. Even if kinda lonely
I had a reality shattering experience when I was 20 and since then I embarked on a completely different life path. It’s exactly what you articulated. The form of reality remains the same while the experience becomes completely different. I’m glad I found your channel and I hope I can meet you one day when I visit the US
Yup. Im so glad this channel exists because I came to this conclusion realizing how poorly people have treated me which honestly is my fault because I gave into this societal "this thing is good and this thing is bad, you have to do this thing and if not youre bad". Humans are selfish by nature. People do things for themselves. Even if its good things, theyre usually doing it because they like the person or they thing theyre doing gives them some mental boost. Whatever the reason, being selfish is good as long as you're self aware in realizing how it may affect others and when to tone it down
Awareness is a process of stepping back and witnessing/observing the workings of the mind. Awareness minimizes the emotional response and allows for a rational one. "Only when the doors of perception are cleansed, the universe will appear as possibilities rather than certainties" - W. Blake
What is to say the reason is not just a tool for one of the "voices" at least from my point of view. I think people have too much faith in their reason blind to the instinct that controls it
I have always had difficulty understanding philosophy and very abstract concepts. But you deliver them in such an easy-to-follow way that I feel anyone could understand. Also on a more personal note, I am going through a painful time in my life, dealing with a massive amount of stress and uncertainty, and this point of view really helps me reevaluate things and drop some of this weight. So yeah, take my money sir, it's not much but it's heartfelt and you deserve it!
What do I think? I think you are 100% right. As far as I can see this is also connected the notion of maya: people mistake reality with their own projections; to make matters worse the separation between delusion / projection and reality is difficult as they sometimes overlap. I think this is also a subject of the Persian poem "The Conference of the Birds". Also, entire societies suffer from mass delusions where they project their ideas so skilfully that they build entire systems around these and whilst in some cases the systems can be remarkably coherent and consistent, unfortunately they are also completely unreal, so ultimately collapse.
Human mind tends to play tricks to safeguard sanity, even by a thread. Trauma, tragedies, and reality can shatter mind and psyche when fully faced. Perhaps we shall allow those who are delusional to remain so.
I find it interesting what you say. We aren't given a handbook on how live out or 70 or so years. We learn as we go along and you like say.......Trauma, tragedies could shatter someone's mind, so the mind does what it can to survive
Let's say that in the real world we don't have time to philosophize so much. To be pragmatic we lose objectivity and then we fool ourselves. I hope that from time to time we remember that we live by oversimplifying things.
We live by creating abstractions. That's not necessarily oversimplifying. If you abstract away the complexities of doing the dishes by using a dishwasher, then you haven't oversimplified anything. But if you think you are washing the dishes when you are using the dishwasher, then you are oversimplifying things and delusional. Yes, most people are delusional by that standard. The best example (as much as I'm not an Obama fan), is when Obama said "you didn't build that" and all these small business people got all upset. The point he was making is that we all rely on things outside ourselves, and a lot of people couldn't accept that fact (combined with a lot of out-of-context political soundbites). When you make a business, you put a lot of work into that, but unless you're the sole employee for its entire existence, what you're doing is more likely similar to using the dishwasher rather than washing the dishes. That's not to take away from the complexities of using a dishwasher, that's just calling a spade a spade.
That’s why he has a lot of videos on how to get money and sex. Once you have enough of those to you don’t need to be so pragmatic and can devote more time to these other things
There's a major pitfall that comes after feeling as though you've been successful at eliminating enough "emotionally provocative content" from your outlook, which is a less opaque sense of pride or even superiority about having done so. It can easily become just another form of projected "good". This can especially rear it's head in situations where another person is heavily emotionally affected by something which has no psychological or physical effect on ourselves. Often times, instead of trying to consider the specific reasons for why someone else is being affected by something, it's much easier to mistake our causative removal from the upsetting circumstance for a sort of strength which is lacking within those affected. Compulsive valuation can be an extremely subtle state of mind, and attempting to carve a path of objectivity is often more apt to draw someone into narcissism due to its own innate meta-valuation than if they'd simply remained in blind egocentrism. Should we choose to make the effort, we do so because we think it's "good". Our mindful self awareness needs to be tireless.
I think that was an eloquent way to say that many spiritually minded people find it hard to hide their sense of superiority and are wholly unaware that they have become an insufferable pain in the ass.
Yes you made an important point. The feeling of superiority will evolve into another instance of non-emptiness and attachment if left unchecked and without self-awareness
That's a hard pill to swallow in life. Improving your own life in any way shape or form and being successful at that will inherently give you an opportunity to attribute lots of the success to yourself and thus increasing your self worth. But this worth is actually still a delusion
I don't know about most people but I think that some societies can accept some crazy ideas as normal and desirable and that can be considered a mass delusion of sorts. Everything in life is reflection of choices we have made. As social beings we live with our eyes upon our reflection, but have no assurance of the tranquillity of the waters in which we see it. Thanks!
If you seek the truth and you find it, you are delusional if you don't use that truth for responding to the delusional perceptions of the deceiving world around you to survive.
I am 6"2, dark and I am continuously dismayed by strangers who are startled by me. I bought a 6"3 mannequin and put it in my living room. I forgot it was there 15 minutes later and when I walked in the room I nearly shat myself. I am used to seeing shorter people and I also saw myself as about 5"10, also, I'm 40 and when I speak to young people I see myself as close to their age.
Idk if it was just me but your post was enlightening and it shows you are aware of enough to see how other actually felt about your presence. You actually did the work with it too, that’s pretty cool
As a perceived truth, This was hands up, one of thee most clear & concise definition of sorts about reality, delusion and enlightenment. It helped me feel safe and less delusional.
And people that are deep in their delusions are the ones you have to be careful of in my experience. They can't handle any degree of cognitive dissonance, which is how they get that way in the first place. Challenging the reality of someone like that is stressful to them to the degree that many become aggressive and even violent.
I hate people that are afraid of failure so much that they attach to it. If I fail it challenges me to overcome it, I see others fail and they're mad, that makes me upset because they'll never overcome it and just self loathe in their own failure, it's pathetic to see.
"All forms of violence are a quest for identity. When you live out in the frontier you behave no identity, therefore you get very tough. You have to prove that you are somebody, and so you become very violent. And so, identity is always accompanied by violence. This, ah, seems paradoxical to you? Ordinary people find the need for violence as they loose their identities. So it is only the threat to people's identity that make them violent... they are determined to make it somehow; to get coverage; to get noticed." [Violence As Quest For Identity, Marshall McLuhan, TVO, Canada, 1977]
@@magickinfused5230 your projected hatred is simply your own hate for yourself....prove me wrong. :) at least now you've been awakened to it. You can now process it and set it free down the river of all knowingness.
Very well put, sir... yes, this all derives from the "what is reality" and "is there objective truth or is everything just perception" dilemmas. We tend to see things the way we want to or as we have already decided they are. It can be a tricky thing to differentiate what is real and what we are just incorrectly perceiving when the only tool we have to do so is the very thing causing the issue in the first place: our minds.
Thank you! Brilliant realization, simply stated. I had a similar realization: Narcissists filter other people's speech through a test of "does this feed my ego?" or help me get what I want. If not, it is ignored. The narcissist is then constructing a false reality based on extremely limited input, akin to, as you say, a hall of mirrors. Brilliant analogy!
This is partly why we suffer so many folks who insist they have "solutions" to perceived crisis and fears, only to learn they were really just chasing money and power, and stringing us all along with shared delusions. It's tiring trying to get people to back away from the cliff, and stop obsessing about the half-empty glass of water.
Happens in church every Sunday with church leaders flattering their congratulations telling them they are “Special” in God’s eyes. Despite God saying that “All flesh is as one in his sight”. The church leaders say such things because people who have been flattered will do things they normally wouldn’t do, like give money, or free labor.
We are special because we are all God's children. That being said, one of the most important laws of the universe is that you must give in order to receive and you don't need to go to church or read a Bible to observe that law in motion.
Most people will embrace a flattering lie over a harsh truth because most people are fools. I should have realized this fact about human nature when I was younger. I naively assumed most people cared about the truth no matter how inconvenient or harsh it was. Nope. That's not how people are.
Eastern tradition states that these delusions are the source of our suffering. Cognitive behavioral therapy similarly states that if we can rid ourselves of delusional beliefs or cognitive distortions then we can see things more objectively and free ourselves of unnecessary suffering. Great video.
A lot of these delusions can be seen more clearly in how we use language. For example, whenever we say something is good, we can instead say "I like that thing." Instead of "they should do X" say "I would like it if they did X." Instead of "X is wrong" or "X is a sin" just say 'I don't like it' or 'It will lead to consequences that you won't like.' The beauty of this kind of thinking is that it requires more precision in your speech than saying something is 'bad' or 'good'. Good/bad thinking can also be extremely harmful to people who believe that a person can be 'good' or 'bad.' If there is such thing as a 'bad person' (there is not), how do you know if YOU'RE a bad person? And if there are bad people and good people, maybe there's a whole spectrum of how 'good' you can be. This thinking then leads to a belief that different people can have different levels of worth based on how 'good' or 'bad' they are. It sounds silly, yet it's very common. Any seemingly objective standard of what a 'good person' is only a reflection of the cultural norms that exist at the time the statement is made. That's why retroactively 'cancelling' historical figures is often so absurd; you're judging someone against a standard that didn't exist in that specific time and place. Another good way to see this is to become aware of your own use of the verb 'to be' and its conjugations. If you replace 'to be' with a more precise verb, you find that in many of these cases, you're not saying anything other than 'I like this' or 'I don't like that.'
Mostly agree (not that my agreement matters) 😁 One nit: Sometimes when people talk about sin, good, bad, they aren't talking about whether they like it, but whether it matches a clearly defined external standard (note that, this doesn't deny that some/many people do actually use that language as a mere means of adding the appearance of objective legitimacy to their personal preferences)
I believe my evolution over the last 63 years has greatly diminished any delusions I may have been under. It is the result of my mindset that has changed over time. Namely, I have been living from day to day focusing on living in the present without expectations for the future. While recognizing all the wonderful and/or terrible things the future potentially can bring, the impact it has on me depends on my actions and my attitude. I recognize that anything I may desire will be attained or not dependent on my actions unless deliberately sabotaged by another. I also recognize that any desires I may experience may or may not be worthwhile and may or may not be worth pursuing and therefore I must contemplate why I experience any particular desire. I avoid complaining about things in general unless it is a specific act which I can pinpoint to and explain the negative consequences of that act.
Oh wow, excelent topic Dr. Taraban! It is so true that we project things into the world and that is why opposites exist in all aspects. It's a great suggestion to conciouslly being aware when one is reflecting versus observing things for what they are. P.S. I just thought of something Dr. Taraban, funny how in the same way we get involved in people's life but we always think of how we see things versus what the situation is or how the other person is. For example, I have witnessed people who refuse to give something as a gift because they don't like it but the recipient of the gift will. The same goes for Parents who want to help their kids but from their perspective not from the place of the son or daughter. This Delusional thing is very complex and deep! Lol!
This was a very different video and I like it. Very good explanation and food for thought. One thing though is that while perception is subjective and good or bad can change from individual, there also exists objective realities in the universe. These are called natural law. For example one of these laws is polarity, meaning that things whether we perceive as good or bad do have and actual energy value (positive/negative) which will affect the way the universe reacts to this force. This is commonly known as karma. Hermetic principles are a good starting point to understand objective reality and identifying our subjective biases.
gabriel wachong wrote, _"while perception is subjective and good or bad can change from individual, there also exists objective realities in the universe."_ This is a commonly held conclusion but it cannot be verified. It presumes that IF we can measure something, THEN it must be 'objectively' there to measure. All one needs to understand as a rebuttal is that you could be an actor in a dream, and until you wake up, your *EXPERIENCE* is that you and others have some objective externalization from your own existence. Virtual characters in a dream don't 'objectively' exist except as actors within a dream that is purely imaginal -- or, as the video calls it: delusional. You can believe that we're all real, but you can't know this. So, as soon as you claim that _"there also exists objective realities in the universe,"_ you're perhaps unwittingly projecting :)
@@RichardHarlos well actually if you read the Kybalion it very clearly states we are in fact actors in a dream, just like you propose. However the dream itself holds laws that are consistent and immutable.
@@RichardHarlos interesting spin. I guess that would be technically correct, however from our "inside the dream" perspective, that consistency works as an objective reality as well. Its a very interesting topic, Kybalion has a whole chapter exploring it. If you have not read it I recommend you look into it as it will answer many questions. Im by no means an expert, just another curious mind.
@@gabrielWachong I haven't read it but it does sound interesting. To the other point, I do think there's some merit to it, even if it turns out not to be universally true (i.e., it may be a 'useful delusion' in the context of our conversation) :) It seems to me that our 'inside the dream' perspective is a relative frame. It also seems to me that the delusions of projection spoken about in the video also constitute a relative frame. So, in this sense, I think of them as functionally the same: we project that there's an objective reality even though there may not be, and then we proceed to navigate as if our projection is the case. It could be a relatively benign distinction, but it would still be a delusion/projection, would it not?
YEP. Exactly nailed it. It could just be anecdotal, but it seems to me that the more religious a person is (the more they believe in right and wrong, good and bad), the more are caught up in they are in the dilemma you described. THEY ACTUALLY BELIEVE THEY ARE IN POSSESSION OF THE TRUTH, as if they are omnipotent and omnipresent -- and can see the totality of one tiny moment as good or bad, in the totality of the entire universe. And they don't realize that good and bad is simply their opinion and judgement.
In my experience...Spiritual people are usually a pleasurable joy to encounter. Religious people on the other hand, are not only often delusional...but can also be very annoying to be around.
Orion, I applaud that you would take this topic on, and I'm hoping some of your audience follows the thread. Self awareness and ego dissolution are - IMO - the only viable solution to the myriad self-created crises humanity will have to deal with in this next century. Yet while we have more Calm apps, more meditation guides, more knowledge than ever, society is more vapid and further from ego dissolution than ever. Again, while I applaud you, I'm making plans for things to get worse, not better.
This is kinda deep! ❤it … have known/found this the case for myself over the years, your elaboration lets me know i was interpreting it correctly. I might be delulu but the world i see (“me”) is happy, encouraging and supportive. 😅
@@SteveMNash Thanks buddy. While I love talking abstract ideas, this is still too abstract. I wanna comprehend in what ways would a person interpret reality as we usually do (i.e- reflection of ourselves). How it influences him (as the hint here is that it's a bad influence projecting a twisted reality), and then an example of how should he/we can try to interpret the same event in a more objective way that will benefit us. 1-2 practical examples like that, to understand the way of thinking Orion suggests would help here and on any other video he makes. Sent this video to a friend and he also didn't understand..
@@SteveMNash P.S- A related example to this subject that I heard from an older woman. Her husband and her had a fight. He left home for a few days. Later she found out he slept with her (best?) friend. She decided to interpret this event not as 'my husband cheated on me with my friend", but rather "My husband slept with another woman". They're together today. I think this may represent Orion's thinking here, yet, I bet it would trigger some people to think that way.
In other words - Most people don't see it until they believe it, and few are gifted with the ability to believe it only after they see it taking a "I don't know" position until enough evidence pushes them into a position of belief. This could explain the inability for most to see cause and effect as well as why people continue to give central planners more power, they'll take care of us. Trading freedom for perceived security and equality. Most can't see the difference between equal outcome from equal opportunity - despite over a hundred years of evidence that proves, that once we give up enough power, the elites will shut the door and create a dystopian world of halves and halve nots, with very few haves. This is the history of mankind, and apparently a past we're likely to repeat.. such a shame.
@@nostalgicbliss5547 I've been suspending judgement since I was a teen. I don't share the immediate enthusiasm of social cheerleaders and their followers. Both are disastrous for society.
Agreed ❗️ I believe this dynamic has everything to do with our minds self deceptive mechanism… Moreover, We are taught by society implicatively to label things. The human mind needs to understand so we label everything… And that’s a problem. Pretty Sad 😔
He's 100% right. World is projection of our conscience and subconscious mind. As a bipolar individual, I realized the world changed as my moods changed. Depending on my mood, I would live in different worlds. That's when I knew there's one planet but 8 billion worlds
Great talk. I have spoken about projection and if I see it in them, it is in and from me. That’s been blither blather with no consciousness. This talk brought the awareness to me. Thanks
In layman's terms: people see what they want to see. Delusions are biases that prevent objectivity and are primarily based on individual desires, wants, and needs. AKA: why people date against their own long term self interests and ignore red flags.
It really is like a reflection so people should seek truth instead of ignorance. People who are delusional should be aware they are considered delusional so they don't get too comfortable in pushing their BS onto others
I would agree. If I’m understanding your message - all events that occur are objectively neutral, regardless of whether they’re perceived as tragedies or miracles. There was a saying: “The events of the titanic was a tragedy to those aboard. No one would argue that. But, to the lobsters that were meant to be to be cooked and eaten, it was a miracle” (of course, lobsters aren’t sentient in that way, but I always got the gist). You mentioned the Dao at one point. In my opinion, Daoism and Stoicism are actually good philosophies to help one see things through a more objective lens - at least, in terms of understanding what is, and isn’t in our control and thus how to better react and manage things mentally. As the saying goes “perception is reality”. And I know for me, personally, many of my worries and woes are “imagined” and projected onto situations - rather than caused by the situation itself - if…that makes any sense. But I think this projection is human nature. Since we, as humans, have emotion, and meta-cognition, and such. So there will always be things that we will feel are “objectively” good and bad, rather than neutral. Great video/topic, as always.
When I was practicing yoga and studying Buddhism we came to realize that we don't know what is good or what is bad. The ego was deflated enough to be humble enough to know this
I personally believe its mostly a real thing. I say mostly because while you see a lot of things as they actually are, this "ability" will make you see things that are not there too
There has to be a balance betweeen the two and boundaries. Nothing is real and it is at same time. Understand this and live life respecting others. Also don’t go crazy during this beautiful process lol
Surely you could suggest that "depressive realism" is just as much a delusion as any other. Otherwise you're suggesting that 'depressive realism' is THE objectively correct way of viewing the world, and that falls into the exact trap he talks about in the video. I'm not sure he's using the world delusion correctly though. Doesn't the word 'worldview' accomplish the same thing? If we cast aside the word delusion, there's no redefining to clear things up, people have a better sense of what you're referring to when you say 'worldview'.
@@alexwr wrote, _"Surely you could suggest that 'depressive realism' is just as much a delusion as any other.'_ When you write "just as much" you're making a quantitative reference: this is _equal to_ that. I think delusions are somewhat quantifiable along a spectrum: Perhaps I believe that I'm 10-days older than I really am. It's an error of 10-days that may matter a lot in some situations, and not at all in others. Contrast that delusion with one where I believe I'm the supreme commander of an extraterrestrial fleet, and I'm here (on Earth) to take over the planet. That's a much greater delusion, that matters quite a lot in most situations. So, they would both be delusions, but one would not be 'just as much' of a delusion as the other. AWR: _"Otherwise you're suggesting that 'depressive realism' is THE objectively correct way of viewing the world, and that falls into the exact trap he talks about in the video."_ You've resorted to an all-or-nothing fallacy here. One may evaluate whether those suffering from depressive realism tend to perceive the world more accurately than those who don't experience depressive realism. It may be that they're more correct in some areas, less correct in others. But nothing in the original comment suggests that it is, or that it should be, _"THE objectively correct way of viewing the world."_ Ironically, that's you *projecting* onto what's there :) AWR: _"Doesn't the word 'worldview' accomplish the same thing?"_ Not really. A worldview is the sum total of how a person understands what they perceive. Ideally it would be 100% correct. Tragically, it could be 100% incorrect. Between these two extremes, there are 'degrees' of error. So, one could have a worldview that's, say, 5% delusional and 95% in adherence to reality as-it-is, whereas someone else might swap those percentages and have a worldview that's only 5% grounded in reality, with the remaining 95% consisting of delusions.
Depressive realism is basically a form of nihilism. It's better than being naive, but there is one step further: active optimism. Do what you can to make your life and other people's lives as 'good' as possible and accept that this is only a single life among billions. We can only try or best, and it's fine if we don't succeed
The most annoying thing about most people is that they think that their impulses and the conclusions that they reach as a result of what’s going on in the recesses of their own mind represents the what everyone is thinking, feeling and experiencing. That is highly annoying, and extroverts in particular tend to be really bad about this.
And yet you created and project the extrovert everywhere you go? Wow..... There's an old saying....never take an arsehole with you...theres always one when you get there.
Our own everyday experience is already built upon billions of years of unconscious judgments. Even the most enlightened person is delusional by this definition because they are human. There is no objective reality, and no escape from delusion
That's kind of dumb. If there's no objective reality, then there's no reality. If there's no escape from delusion, then there is no delusion. This is self-evidently false. The reason being is that if everything is subjective, then how could you know what subjective even is? In order to know what it is you must distinguish it from something else. In order to identify delusion, then you have to distinguish it from non-delusion. The fact that we are hard wired to be a certain way (i.e. what the greeks would call our physis or "nature"), has no bearing on whether or not we're delusional. We don't need to be masters of the universe to not be delusional, we just have to act in accordance with our nature. And saying there is no objective reality or escape from delusion goes against that nature because most of all we desire things outside ourselves. That desire is precisely the reason why getting trapped inside yourself is so terrible.
"The potter crossed his hands upon his breast and, bowing silently, shook his head, and in a voice filled with sweet humility replied: "My son, I am not god; I am only one who molds clay. I am a maker of gods, but am myself a creature of the earth."" [THE WAYS OF THE LONELY ONES: A COLLECTION OF MYSTICAL ALLEGORIES, By MANLY P. HALL, 5th REVISED ED., 1945, Ch. The Maker of Gods] "Your god is your ultimate barrier." [Joseph Campbell, with Bill Moyers]
Great stuff! But I’m having trouble applying it to my situation as a post-custody battle divorced father who lost everything to a system of liars. I want to call many of the Family Law actors malicious, but that’s my own judgment. But knowledge of their lies isn’t a judgment and I can’t escape the feeling that, as a father, I live in an incredibly hostile environment surrounded by people who are pretending its not hostile toward boys, men, and fathers. That scares me.
I think that it is still okay to have beliefs. Just be willing to update the beliefs when something proves them wrong rather than being attached to them. You must have things you believe in order to make sense of the world enough to function right? Well wouldn’t that you are making judgements which affect how you perceive reality? I guess so, but at the same time you can use this to your advantage by believing that you are extremely capable. Believing that you can lift a certain weight and even visualizing yourself doing it boosts strength by up to 36% through something like the placebo effect.
been thinking that (vaguely) for years, and I know people smarter than me do it too. The question is, what do you get from breaking the mirrors? I really see no benefit besides feeling good, knowing you move in the right direction as a "thinker" if that's a thing. I tend to think a bit more than the average guy I talk with, and that already makes things difficult, makes me stand out and seem weird or straight up rude and / or dogmatic when I suggest some things may not be the way everyone agrees they are. And I am someone not smart, just not stupid. I can only imagine what really smart people have to deal with outside of "smart circles", let alone geniuses. Living under said delusion seems a safe and reliable way to fit in society and have a normal life, and I think that's what most of us want..
@@LisaCulton everybody is concerned about it, to the level it obstructs meaningful relationships with other people. Even geniuses have this basic need and it hurts deep down when you cannot have it met.
@@hasantylou7670 Well, a lot of what a person wants or needs out of a relationship (family, work, romantic, friends, etc.) depends on their personality type. Some people don't have a high priority on relating to and sharing (constantly) with many other people.
@@Tempusverum A genius does not mind being alone with their thoughts, ideas, activities and plans. It can keep them occupied for days, weeks, months with no thoughts of socializing and randomly chatting with others. That's much different than feeling lonely.
Not sure how often you hear this, but I would 100% love to hear you remix/remake some of these videos in your new and more matured/evolved style. Your analogies and cadence have become so much better over time. Anyways keep on keeping on. I'll continue watching!
yes, spot on, I figured this out when I was about fifteen, it is part of the reason I did a degree in psychology. I am forwarding this to someone whom I know will benefit
This is a very important episode. I've realised all that is touched upon here (and a couple of other things) a while ago while in counselling training and reading the 'fringe' thinker Korzybski and works on the conceptual metaphors in my spare time. When I pointed out to people who tried to project their beliefs onto me that they are exactly that: delusional and blind, some of them tried to ostracise me, shame etc. And those were the future counsellors!
I've never thought too highly of the average moron. I have difficulty accepting people who lost their curiousity ages ago, as to me they come off as old kindergarteners. I live to explore and evolve, and that's why I embrace change when my life is not moving forward. I might be crazy, but I'm certainly not stupid.
Thank you for this! As a case manager for developmental interventions I am (very) often astounded by the attachments fellow team members have to their narratives. I have to remind myself that because our motivations may not exactly align, this does not equate to being on opposite sides. Focusing on building relationships with self awareness and recognizing trauma responses guides my approach.
Wow Orion, you just explained in a comprehensive way the idea of emptiness in Buddhism :D and at the same time touched the quantum mechanics as well. this is brilliant. I really admire your straightforward, precise language and videos. Thank you for enlightening us
Most people on the planet are subject to a delusion so prevalent that it is functionally invisible. In so many words, the delusion is that one's judgments about reality inhere in reality, itself. It kinda works like this: people judge phenomena according to egocentric standards, project those judgments into reality, block awareness of that projection, and then mistake their projected judgments for empirical observations. This transforms the universe into a hall of mirrors, which is the narcissistic dilemma. The way out is through awareness.
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Presented by Orion Taraban, Psy.D. PsycHacks provides viewers with a brief, thought-provoking video several days a week on a variety of psychological topics, inspired by his clinical practice. The intention is for the core idea contained within each video to inspire viewers to see something about themselves or their world in a slightly different light. The ultimate mission of the channel is to reduce the amount of unnecessary suffering in the world.
#psychology #awareness #crazy
@lain It's each and everyone of us ,we are all lost in our own ways
Using a delusion like “the Universe” theory is not a great strategy unless your signaling to others your desire to be accepted by the “trust the science” brigade. Good luck with that, I’ll stick with God.
Attempting to comment outside of delusion, I think you're a genius! Furthermore, I've found that when people are engaged in merit based activities. This is often a good way to find out what delusions a person might have. (After self-reflection.)
The world is postmodern or at least that's the most rational interpretation of reality. But to reinforce our subjective interpretation, we need others to confirm our senses (flawed as the may be) are functioning as correctly as possible. Empiricism isn't everything but it's one of the most reliable forms there is. That's why it doesn't matter if you think you are above them mass "delusion" because they will deem you to be deranged if you step outside of the common perception of our experience.
That's why the quote by Oscar Levant; "There’s a fine line between genius and insanity. I have erased this line." hold so much water.
To think you are "above" other people for interpreting the world this way, I'd say is a form of narcissism. And I'm of the opinion that this content creator has some of those traits by listening to him. That's how he comes across by the way he is expressing himself.
@@justanothernick3984 "That's why it doesn't matter if you think you are above them mass "delusion" because they will deem you to be deranged if you step outside of the common perception of our experience. "
You don't have to be obnoxious with your knowledge, but it helps to navigate in the world, to be not used and feel resentful.
This content creator has healthy level of narcissism, for some this kind of narcissism is funny, mr Orion has a bit to big of penchant for perceived status, which fundamentally makes one a slave, often happy, but a slave.
“We don’t see things as they truly are, we see things as we are” Amy favorite quote in the whole world :)
A perfect encapsulization of Dr. Taraban's thesis here, I'd say.
"Perhaps a better way of looking at it is to say that we are engaged in the Herculean task of processing right-hemisphere perceptions of the world through the left hemisphere. That is, everything we experience in some way has to have a logical cause and effect relationship or we are unhappy."
[The Global Village: Transformations In World Life & Media in the 21st Century, Marshall McLuhan, 1957, Sec. II: THE GLOBAL EFFECTS OF VIDEO-RELATED TECHNOLOGIES, 9: Angels to Robots: From Euclidean Space to Einsteinian Space]
@@chalinofalcone871 Marshall McLuhan, 1957, eh? So, even that far back, at least some folks knew the scoop ... whoa.
Who's Amy?
I would simply say that your outside world is a direct reflection of your inside world.
Which is why phrases like “Nothing gets better till you get better” or “Your life is of your own making” make sense.
So to judge the reality you are creating around you is to only to judge yourself. And that is harmful to your evolution.
The funny thing is everyone will think it's everyone else that's delusional. It's not me!!! lol
Yeah, those stupid others...! 😏
I usually agree, but this is the basic fact of life, true objectivity is impossible. Who would assume to be so transcendent?
@@gladius8825 I am sad to say, I've just took a scroll and I found 2 or 3. Found them rather quickly too.
You're right...most other people think that way. I'm glad I don't. 👀
I've often said that reality is simply the fantasy that the majority voted in. You took that to a whole new level! Love the video!
The majority are least equipped to be voting for anything, whether that be a political party/candidate or the wider reality. The highly suggestible and delusional hordes will continue to act against the collective good, and their own best interests, due to such intrinsic deficits. This is why “leaders” are simply puppet masters (and puppets themselves, for the most).
Lol, that's actually a great quote!
Or is it brainwashed in 🤔
@@RebornLegacy That's actually a terrible quote. Reality is reality. Let's try with a simple example: the Sun is larger than the Earth. That's reality. It's not a fantasy everyone agreed on, no matter how much you like that quote.
No, you just didn't understand the quote.
The quote is referring to our collective understanding of reality, not objective reality, which exists independent of our senses.
Orion you are going to be massive. Your analogies are top tier and your nuanced and calm delivery are going to make you huge!
His analogies are amazing at proving his points
Sadly, nuance is precisely the reason he wont be massive. The highest level of popularity are reserved for polarizing figures that get clicks from love and hate.
@@healthymindhappierlife5089 wow good point. i agree. sensationalism is the only thing that sells today. plus the youtube algorithm doesn’t reward content like this
according to the doc you're delusional
@@zirvster2011 -- Orion practices some click-baiting also in the title of his videos. But the content cannot be dumbed down always.
Honestly, I think the best way to have a decent life is to accept the idea that you can be wrong yet still be ok with the fact that you, right now, believe what you do, and telling what you believe to others
I have tried to do that all my adult life but it is very difficult . The most deluded people are the supposedly well-educated, liberals I have always lived amongst. They consider themselves to be so intelligent and well-informed that they can't believe they could be wrong about anything. The so-called stupid uneducated slobs are more likely to give you a hearing and say "maybe you have a point there, I hadn't thought of it that way before."
While I can agree to some extent, that's a slippery slope. If you think about it, I doubt the world's greatest dictators had a much different mentality to what you just said.
I agree we must agree to be wrong but some people will never stop pushing their religious beliefs unto others. 😮
Emerson said the same.
Oh honestly though? 🤡
Experiencing psychosis was the first step to me becoming more sane. Because it completely detached me from the reality I accepted, and made me question everything. It is much easier to settle into a single belief, and especially a belief that your culture/ society also subscribes to. I cannot unsee how poor my values were, and how sick and sad they were making me. I cannot choose easy now, but my life is far more meaningful in my lone journey. I have never felt more connected to not only other Humans, but everything I cross paths with is more real and innately valuable.
Questioning everything helped you be sane? Shit a lifetime of doing that has spun my mind into so many mazes I can't find my way back!
@@ron1836 Yes what we are conditioned to believe in our youth is insane, it is completely off base of what we intrinsically value. This is the cause of so much sickness, stressed because we all feel greatly conflicted between what the external world tells us who we should be, and trying to reconcile that with who we know we deeply are. I felt insane for many years, I was technically insane, but that's based on what society has defined as insane as a means to shame and manipulate people into not straying from their predetermined path. I don't think you need to come back, enjoy exploring your unique thoughts and the places your mind wanders off to. It went there for a reason.
Happy and fulfilling relationships, an honest and respectable life, safety and security... these are generally considered to be what humans intrinsically value... how is this so different from what we are taught as children?
Were we as children really taught something so different from this that it made us insane?
@@DoriterEater what was the cause of your insanity
I had the same experience
Great insightful video - Bruce Lee in his movie - Enter the dragon - was lost in a maze with mirror walls - he won by smashing and destroying the mirrors to hit the real enemy - to better navigate reality we all need to be like Bruce and smash the false mirrors representing false reality
good luck with your psychology PhD 😂
This is so true, most people live within their delusions all their lives, this includes illusory correlations, psychological biases and a distorted sense of events that happen to them and around them. This distortment can also be seen to be amplified greatly in the case of world leaders, people with authority and instagram influencers. I have seen this is so many people I deal with everyday. We dont realize how most of what occurs in this world can be attributed to randomness and chance.
Agreed. The older I get the greater the percentage of people who seem to display some combination of Fundamental Attribution Error, Dunning-Kruger, Semmelweiss Reflex, and Kevin Samuels on a regular basis.
Someone said I suffered from narcissism. "No!", I remonstrated, "I enjoy it".
Now that is a TRUE Narcissist!!! I'm just saying. 😊
Lol brilliant
A person who is truly suffering from narcissism would try everything to eliminate it's influence on their life rather then making themselves out as the victim of its abuse.
You "remonstrated". My goodness, didn't you overreact?
You’ve just described Plato’s allegory of the cave, very well explained
I used to think "awareness of the present moment" was sort of trivial until I learned it is very important. I used to think "being mindful" was a displinary chore until I learned it brought great freedom of thought, genuine love and increasing courage and strength. Namaste and Peace to all my equals, brothers and sisters. 🐬🐚🐾
A humble admission. Glad you changed your view. Namaste
You are not alone…
I as a teen believed philosophy and psychology were basically pseudosciences and complete 🐎 💩…
Not knowing I would revolutionize my life.
Can’t say enough about these truths today…
Reminds me of this Zen story about an old man living in a village and things that happen to him, that can be deemed good or bad luck, depending on one's perspective and how events unfold in the further course (horse, injured son, war etc.). The villagers were rather opinionated each time, but he remained neutral.
The old man lost his horse parable
That's a great one about the abiding ambiguity of reality.
Sounds like something from the Tao Te Ching.
Sounds like I think it was Hakim. He was accused of fathering an illegitimate child and when accused by the daughters parents he responded with “is that so”.
They left the child with him which he raised for a few years until the girl owned up to her lie.
Parents visited Hakim apologising for their accusation which he again said “is that so”.
@@opachshwee5589 Yes, that's what I was referring to. Thanks.
Thanks! There are some useful pysch insights in your videos. BTW, the audio qulity has improved recently.
What Orion is saying is correct. Regarding how to overcome the delusion, my thoughts are:
1) Be aware of the process that Orion described.
2) Understand the ego is the enemy. Do not be ego-centric. This is not easy but critical to see the reality as it is.
3) When something happens, take a pause before reacting. Be aware of your thoughts and emotions that appear. Look at them non-judgmentally. Try to understand why you are feeling this way. Try to craft your reaction so that your course of action is something aligned with your real purpose and goal and it is not clouded by your emotions. This pause and reflection will protect you from immature behavior (that you may later regret). You will act like a cool-headed competent person as a result of the introspection.
I don't think this advice works.
It sounds like "if you want a happy marriage... pray to God".
Out of all his videos I've watched...
This episode is the most challenging
I read this quote in the early 80's and it makes so much sense. "We see things not as they are but as We are."
This is a big one when it comes to being offended. Most of the time the other person didnt intend to offend you or even realise they were doing so.
I completely agree, my delusion was that everyone wanted what was best for everyone else. I was completely wrong, I found the hard way that the people around me were selfish, malicious, manipulative and will cut your throat to steal a dime. Awareness is a double edge sword. One wants the world to be just, fair and honest. IT ISN'T One always has to fight for what is right, why do we have to fight for honesty? The American empire will fall because of this narcissistic attitude and is falling as I write this. All I can do watch it fall, and cry for what could have been. We The People let this happen. Think it's hard now? Wait for five years.
It took me until my mid 30s to realise this. Way too late
Dear person...I had a number of emotional responses while reading your moving post. Mostly good. But I wold love to ask you one question, that of course you don't have to answer...but I will still ask in hopes that you do. Your first comment was where my question lies. What kind of life, family, or environment did you grow up in that would have given you the mental perspective that you mentioned you started life with? I can only guess it was very loving, very sheltered, very to many ways, for your expectations of life (or society) and humanity to be so simplistically positive?
I am sorry your delusion could not have been reality for both you and all the rest of us as well. You are right...what a wonderful place that might be. Maybe! On the other hand...I say maybe because...I was raised in a very large, poor, uneducated and psychologically unhealthy environment. And yet, because of that I feel like I am a much better and healthier person because of having to work to overcome that reality. Maybe not...maybe this is just a case of sour grapes for me. Trust me, I live under no grandiose illusions that it had to be that way...or that I am fortunate because of the outcome. I just accept it was what it was! I am simply interested and curious what it was like on the opposite spectrum.
P.S. I totally concur with your ending conclusions...and sadly with your comments about the America empire...and time. 😢
To think 'america' any sort of truly truly the greatest delusion of your life.
The reality it is a work camp for the King.
Agree that narcissism is a major problem. How we treat others is essentially how we treat ourselves in the end.
Doc we need a whole series on this with tools and techniques. Great video. Thank you again.
It's brilliant... It doesn't insult my intelligence but rather tests and invigorates it. It's insightful, helpful, and connects complex ideas to everyday experiences. Super good, Orion.
This video reaffirms what I've been thinking about for a while. One thing I like to ruminate on is the question, "If there is no language, how, then, would I perceive reality without it?"
Reality is symbolized. Reality is generally better when people agree. Life is energy. Life is extended when energy is unified in agreement.
Hey, that's an interesting question. I could imagine that people without language live much more unconsciously, i.e. more delusional, than people with language. Expressing something in words requires dealing with the subject.
@@chewacan how do we arrive at agreement without disagreement?
@brad1484 Hopefully, through a peaceful process of negotiating a settlement.
You'd be fully connected to reality but unable to communicate it or your experiences to anyone else.
What makes your videos great aside from the content itself is the analogy you make. Great analogy maker.
I’m going to have to watch that again with zero distractions
Orion you are a sage. Advanced Buddhist practice is in large part about this as far as I understood it. But other than seeing the emptiness of our mental formations, there is also this aspect of "if to dream, then at least beautiful dreams". Not only do we disbelieve delusion, but knowing the cheat-codes to controlling our mind and experience of reality we can turn our subjective experience into a joyful, peaceful and engaging lucid dream. Others may see us in pain and think our life is objectively hard, but on the inside we are joyous, playful, hopeful, serene.
Advanced Buddhism lol now there's a delusion for the masses
What do you think advanced Buddhism is?
Never heard anything so precise when it comes to human perception of reality in my life! Can't thank you enough you are a Gem!!
The only true way out of it is to humble yourself, and admit that you don't know everything, or that you could be wrong about your beliefs when an honest challenge comes up that makes sense. Face the fear that you might not know as much as you thought you knew. Do not run from that discomfort and that fear. I guarantee that this is literally the only way out of the constant projection of our beliefs and its the only way to truly step into reality. Humility leads to true wisdom.
There is a saying by Confucius that says "real knowledge is to know the extent of one's own ignorance". In other words, the prideful and the haughty keep themselves blind and cannot truly learn anything. Thats why pride really does come before destruction, and a haughty spirit before stumbling. That's a proverb from the bible that backs that up.
Thats why the issue you mentioned is so prevalent. Most people in this world refuse to humble themselves.
This video is basically saying that most likely there is no "one true way". Being humble is also a result of projecting yourself (your feelings of uncertainty, insecurity, lack of knowledge) onto reality.
Also, any honest challenge can always be honestly challenged, so that's a never ending (and time consuming) cycle. And since it can consume a great deal of time and resources, dealing with "honest challenges" has to be done in an economical way.
One shouldn't readily change their mind without challenge, based on beliefs about their own ignorance.
@Toni Sure, you'll probably always be challenged, and you can do lots of challenging, but its worth it to get to the truth if you are genuine about it. I understand time and resources potentially being an issue though. We can't deal with everything at once. When you find the truth, challenge tend to be much easier to deal with and not as time or resource consuming, because it becomes simple to understand and explain.
Also, willingly humbling yourself is the path to rid yourself of uncertainty, insecurity and lack of knowledge, because you are willing to honestly admit these things about yourself to yourself, which allows you to address them and fill your knowledge gap and conquer the insecurity and become certain. Admitting one's long-held belief might be wrong when in the face of obvious proof or something that makes sense can be scary, which is why so many are unwilling to do it. Humbling yourself is just being modest, and saying "perhaps I have more to learn", which helps you to look at yourself. It allows a person to examine himself inside, which is the opposite of projection. Or, in other words, drop one's puffed up pride. When we are learning anything, we are being humble in that moment, because we have to first admit that we have no clue. So it's just ADMMITTING that we are uncertain, so that we can start down the path of eventually becoming certain.
It's not that you base anything off of your ignorance. That saying just means that you are leaving yourself room to continue learning, and you aren't afraid to do some honest introspection and find the areas in which you have knowledge gaps or uncertainty. It's basically also saying to be modest.
@@Leoo117 Being humble or modest is not about admitting that everyone has uncertainties, insecurities or lack of knowledge. It's specifically about restricting yourself and countering your own pride. It's all about trying to avoid causing problems for others.
It's not really a positive thing, but some people consider it as such, and even feel proud about it (though I doubt such people would say "I'm proud that I'm humble").
The path to learning and conquering your uncertainties, insecurities and lack of knowledge is not through humbleness or modesty, but through excitement and interest, and through believing in your potential. Those are the things that can really fuel your efforts over time.
@Toni I think you're right about being excited, having an interest, and believing in your potential being necessary. I also believe that you will not achieve any of these states of mind without humility.
I think we just have different definitions of humility. I look at it as being the opposite of a prideful and haughty mindset. If you are haughty, then there is no reason for you to feel excited or interested, because you already know everything, so you feel above all that and like it's unnecessary. Also, you think you've already reached your potential, and you think there is nothing left to learn, therefore you block yourself from learning anything else, because you leave no room for it.
Being humble just allows you to leave room to grow. That's what I mean. Perhaps you are not on the same page as me when it comes to the word humble, but you seem to agree that we need to leave ourselves room to learn. That's really the main point I'm making.
I agree with you and have come to that myself decades ago. I'm close to 60 now.
My own unique perspective is what I experience as my reality of life. To change my life I simply change my perspective. And yes I had many people in the past tell me I'm nuts. It has ever since become very difficult for me to converse with people and their incredible rigidity and that as you say are constantly reassured they are right about most things.
I've been watching your channel for months. This video turned me into a subscriber.
It’s no wonder we have a hard time in this life as nobody knows the ultimate reality of everything
Tbh i find this liberating. Lifts the burden of having to "know" everything.
How can you make statements about what is or isn't known when you already admit you don't know it? Stop pretending to be the dictator of the universe for just one moment.
@@xxxYYZxxx absurd comment
@@Kneejair It's straightforward, not absurd. Speaking for others on their behalf without the possibility of knowing is the textbook definition of dictation and tyranny. Is it absolutely true that absolute truth is unknown? Those who spew patently false contradictions can't possibly be self aware, as-if anyone would fall for such a rouse.
Every single thing and animal on the planet plays a part in forming the current and future reality. From precieving in their own unique way. And being precieved in maybe ways. It's kinda cool. The uniqueness is beautiful. Even if kinda lonely
I had a reality shattering experience when I was 20 and since then I embarked on a completely different life path. It’s exactly what you articulated. The form of reality remains the same while the experience becomes completely different. I’m glad I found your channel and I hope I can meet you one day when I visit the US
Yup. Im so glad this channel exists because I came to this conclusion realizing how poorly people have treated me which honestly is my fault because I gave into this societal "this thing is good and this thing is bad, you have to do this thing and if not youre bad".
Humans are selfish by nature. People do things for themselves. Even if its good things, theyre usually doing it because they like the person or they thing theyre doing gives them some mental boost. Whatever the reason, being selfish is good as long as you're self aware in realizing how it may affect others and when to tone it down
It's nice to know a psychologist can confirm something I've been thinking of and seeing, makes me feel like I wasn't picking a bullshit fight w my ex.
All fights are bullshit.
Awareness is a process of stepping back and witnessing/observing the workings of the mind. Awareness minimizes the emotional response and allows for a rational one. "Only when the doors of perception are cleansed, the universe will appear as possibilities rather than certainties" - W. Blake
What is to say the reason is not just a tool for one of the "voices" at least from my point of view.
I think people have too much faith in their reason blind to the instinct that controls it
I have always had difficulty understanding philosophy and very abstract concepts. But you deliver them in such an easy-to-follow way that I feel anyone could understand.
Also on a more personal note, I am going through a painful time in my life, dealing with a massive amount of stress and uncertainty, and this point of view really helps me reevaluate things and drop some of this weight.
So yeah, take my money sir, it's not much but it's heartfelt and you deserve it!
I have a lot of info that can help you. Click and ye shall find. I correspond only via email (my site's contact page).
I'm willing to bet delusional people cannot wrap their head around this concept Dr. Taraban discussed today.
They will wrap it in a way that suits them.
Everyone is delusional.
@@katieandnick4113 true but it goes in degrees some are way worse than others. Those who are coddled and protected the most are often the worst
What do I think? I think you are 100% right.
As far as I can see this is also connected the notion of maya: people mistake reality with their own projections; to make matters worse the separation between delusion / projection and reality is difficult as they sometimes overlap. I think this is also a subject of the Persian poem "The Conference of the Birds".
Also, entire societies suffer from mass delusions where they project their ideas so skilfully that they build entire systems around these and whilst in some cases the systems can be remarkably coherent and consistent, unfortunately they are also completely unreal, so ultimately collapse.
Human mind tends to play tricks to safeguard sanity, even by a thread. Trauma, tragedies, and reality can shatter mind and psyche when fully faced. Perhaps we shall allow those who are delusional to remain so.
Pretty sure they safeguard insanity by projecting sanity.
The minimum dose to be able to claim you have tried psilocybin mushrooms is 15 potent dried grams. This is the minimum
I find it interesting what you say. We aren't given a handbook on how live out or 70 or so years. We learn as we go along and you like say.......Trauma, tragedies could shatter someone's mind, so the mind does what it can to survive
@@cj548 Actually according to the FDA 20g counts as one serving
@@poopmaster1911 ‘One serving’ and ‘the minimum dose’ are two different things. It’s good to know both of these things though.
Let's say that in the real world we don't have time to philosophize so much. To be pragmatic we lose objectivity and then we fool ourselves. I hope that from time to time we remember that we live by oversimplifying things.
It’s actually a pretty even mix of oversimplification and over-complication. This keeps most out of the rational middle ground.
We live by creating abstractions. That's not necessarily oversimplifying.
If you abstract away the complexities of doing the dishes by using a dishwasher, then you haven't oversimplified anything. But if you think you are washing the dishes when you are using the dishwasher, then you are oversimplifying things and delusional. Yes, most people are delusional by that standard.
The best example (as much as I'm not an Obama fan), is when Obama said "you didn't build that" and all these small business people got all upset. The point he was making is that we all rely on things outside ourselves, and a lot of people couldn't accept that fact (combined with a lot of out-of-context political soundbites).
When you make a business, you put a lot of work into that, but unless you're the sole employee for its entire existence, what you're doing is more likely similar to using the dishwasher rather than washing the dishes. That's not to take away from the complexities of using a dishwasher, that's just calling a spade a spade.
That’s why he has a lot of videos on how to get money and sex. Once you have enough of those to you don’t need to be so pragmatic and can devote more time to these other things
There's a major pitfall that comes after feeling as though you've been successful at eliminating enough "emotionally provocative content" from your outlook, which is a less opaque sense of pride or even superiority about having done so. It can easily become just another form of projected "good". This can especially rear it's head in situations where another person is heavily emotionally affected by something which has no psychological or physical effect on ourselves. Often times, instead of trying to consider the specific reasons for why someone else is being affected by something, it's much easier to mistake our causative removal from the upsetting circumstance for a sort of strength which is lacking within those affected. Compulsive valuation can be an extremely subtle state of mind, and attempting to carve a path of objectivity is often more apt to draw someone into narcissism due to its own innate meta-valuation than if they'd simply remained in blind egocentrism. Should we choose to make the effort, we do so because we think it's "good". Our mindful self awareness needs to be tireless.
"Our mindful self awareness needs to be tireless."
Beautifully said!
I think that was an eloquent way to say that many spiritually minded people find it hard to hide their sense of superiority and are wholly unaware that they have become an insufferable pain in the ass.
Yes you made an important point. The feeling of superiority will evolve into another instance of non-emptiness and attachment if left unchecked and without self-awareness
That's a hard pill to swallow in life. Improving your own life in any way shape or form and being successful at that will inherently give you an opportunity to attribute lots of the success to yourself and thus increasing your self worth. But this worth is actually still a delusion
Every year, people become more narcissistic, the way you explained.
I remember times 30 years ago and people was slightly different.
Thanks Orion
I don't know about most people but I think that some societies can accept some crazy ideas as normal and desirable and that can be considered a mass delusion of sorts. Everything in life is reflection of choices we have made. As social beings we live with our eyes upon our reflection, but have no assurance of the tranquillity of the waters in which we see it. Thanks!
After all, we've not evolved to see the truth, but, rather, survive. The two, in my mind, are often at odds with one another.
If you seek the truth and you find it, you are delusional if you don't use that truth for responding to the delusional perceptions of the deceiving world around you to survive.
I see that our brain and mind is not build for accuracy but functionality to survive not necessarily understand.
I am 6"2, dark and I am continuously dismayed by strangers who are startled by me. I bought a 6"3 mannequin and put it in my living room. I forgot it was there 15 minutes later and when I walked in the room I nearly shat myself. I am used to seeing shorter people and I also saw myself as about 5"10, also, I'm 40 and when I speak to young people I see myself as close to their age.
Idk if it was just me but your post was enlightening and it shows you are aware of enough to see how other actually felt about your presence. You actually did the work with it too, that’s pretty cool
This was a veritable 'Silence of the Lambs' post
Orion, you had me at “most people are delusional”😂
I take it you didn’t “get” the video ❓
Wonder if Orion thinks of himself as delusional, too...
As a perceived truth, This was hands up, one of thee most clear & concise definition of sorts about reality, delusion and enlightenment. It helped me feel safe and less delusional.
And people that are deep in their delusions are the ones you have to be careful of in my experience. They can't handle any degree of cognitive dissonance, which is how they get that way in the first place. Challenging the reality of someone like that is stressful to them to the degree that many become aggressive and even violent.
Especially obvious in politics.
Are you saying its a good idea to be cognitively dissonant? I'm not following you.
I hate people that are afraid of failure so much that they attach to it.
If I fail it challenges me to overcome it,
I see others fail and they're mad, that makes me upset because they'll never overcome it and just self loathe in their own failure, it's pathetic to see.
"All forms of violence are a quest for identity. When you live out in the frontier you behave no identity, therefore you get very tough. You have to prove that you are somebody, and so you become very violent. And so, identity is always accompanied by violence. This, ah, seems paradoxical to you?
Ordinary people find the need for violence as they loose their identities. So it is only the threat to people's identity that make them violent... they are determined to make it somehow; to get coverage; to get noticed."
[Violence As Quest For Identity, Marshall McLuhan, TVO, Canada, 1977]
@@magickinfused5230 your projected hatred is simply your own hate for yourself....prove me wrong. :) at least now you've been awakened to it.
You can now process it and set it free down the river of all knowingness.
Very well put, sir... yes, this all derives from the "what is reality" and "is there objective truth or is everything just perception" dilemmas. We tend to see things the way we want to or as we have already decided they are. It can be a tricky thing to differentiate what is real and what we are just incorrectly perceiving when the only tool we have to do so is the very thing causing the issue in the first place: our minds.
Great video! Thanks Orion!
Thank you! Brilliant realization, simply stated. I had a similar realization: Narcissists filter other people's speech through a test of "does this feed my ego?" or help me get what I want. If not, it is ignored. The narcissist is then constructing a false reality based on extremely limited input, akin to, as you say, a hall of mirrors. Brilliant analogy!
This is partly why we suffer so many folks who insist they have "solutions" to perceived crisis and fears, only to learn they were really just chasing money and power, and stringing us all along with shared delusions. It's tiring trying to get people to back away from the cliff, and stop obsessing about the half-empty glass of water.
Or trying to get them to stop trying to constantly "give us" their perception of "the" 9:13 answers! 😅
Happens in church every Sunday with church leaders flattering their congratulations telling them they are “Special” in God’s eyes. Despite God saying that “All flesh is as one in his sight”. The church leaders say such things because people who have been flattered will do things they normally wouldn’t do, like give money, or free labor.
We are special because we are all God's children. That being said, one of the most important laws of the universe is that you must give in order to receive and you don't need to go to church or read a Bible to observe that law in motion.
You ain’t lying….
Hell I know our pastor had us “buttered up”
Most people will embrace a flattering lie over a harsh truth because most people are fools. I should have realized this fact about human nature when I was younger. I naively assumed most people cared about the truth no matter how inconvenient or harsh it was.
Nope. That's not how people are.
@@LisaCulton God is love. God is truth. Yahweh, the WarGod of the Bible, no longer exists.
@@josephrohland5604 There's on one God/Universe/ Infinite Intelligence... And then there's all these odd interpretations.
Eastern tradition states that these delusions are the source of our suffering. Cognitive behavioral therapy similarly states that if we can rid ourselves of delusional beliefs or cognitive distortions then we can see things more objectively and free ourselves of unnecessary suffering. Great video.
This is exactly what I thought and it's the begging of true experience and knowledge in the process of existence we call life.
A lot of these delusions can be seen more clearly in how we use language. For example, whenever we say something is good, we can instead say "I like that thing." Instead of "they should do X" say "I would like it if they did X." Instead of "X is wrong" or "X is a sin" just say 'I don't like it' or 'It will lead to consequences that you won't like.' The beauty of this kind of thinking is that it requires more precision in your speech than saying something is 'bad' or 'good'.
Good/bad thinking can also be extremely harmful to people who believe that a person can be 'good' or 'bad.' If there is such thing as a 'bad person' (there is not), how do you know if YOU'RE a bad person? And if there are bad people and good people, maybe there's a whole spectrum of how 'good' you can be. This thinking then leads to a belief that different people can have different levels of worth based on how 'good' or 'bad' they are. It sounds silly, yet it's very common. Any seemingly objective standard of what a 'good person' is only a reflection of the cultural norms that exist at the time the statement is made. That's why retroactively 'cancelling' historical figures is often so absurd; you're judging someone against a standard that didn't exist in that specific time and place.
Another good way to see this is to become aware of your own use of the verb 'to be' and its conjugations. If you replace 'to be' with a more precise verb, you find that in many of these cases, you're not saying anything other than 'I like this' or 'I don't like that.'
Mostly agree (not that my agreement matters) 😁
One nit: Sometimes when people talk about sin, good, bad, they aren't talking about whether they like it, but whether it matches a clearly defined external standard (note that, this doesn't deny that some/many people do actually use that language as a mere means of adding the appearance of objective legitimacy to their personal preferences)
This is no less than genius delivered in such a compelling way - I wish you can expand on this in new videos
Self-sacrifice is no longer taught in the post-social media first world. Easiest way to overcome self-obsession and insecurity.
Insecurity leads to self obsession.
I’ve been a subscriber for a good while, but just now saw this one. I really appreciate your insight and wisdom. Well done. 👏👏👏
Many base their judgements on herd mentality, which means adopting the behaviors and actions of those around them.
Disguise yourself in the heard so you won't be eaten
Organized religion = herd mentality
I believe my evolution over the last 63 years has greatly diminished any delusions I may have been under. It is the result of my mindset that has changed over time. Namely, I have been living from day to day focusing on living in the present without expectations for the future. While recognizing all the wonderful and/or terrible things the future potentially can bring, the impact it has on me depends on my actions and my attitude. I recognize that anything I may desire will be attained or not dependent on my actions unless deliberately sabotaged by another. I also recognize that any desires I may experience may or may not be worthwhile and may or may not be worth pursuing and therefore I must contemplate why I experience any particular desire. I avoid complaining about things in general unless it is a specific act which I can pinpoint to and explain the negative consequences of that act.
Thank you for sharing Sir that makes perfect sense you won the internet today 🙏
Oh wow, excelent topic Dr. Taraban! It is so true that we project things into the world and that is why opposites exist in all aspects. It's a great suggestion to conciouslly being aware when one is reflecting versus observing things for what they are. P.S. I just thought of something Dr. Taraban, funny how in the same way we get involved in people's life but we always think of how we see things versus what the situation is or how the other person is. For example, I have witnessed people who refuse to give something as a gift because they don't like it but the recipient of the gift will. The same goes for Parents who want to help their kids but from their perspective not from the place of the son or daughter. This Delusional thing is very complex and deep! Lol!
Can we just appreciate for a moment how well this information was delivered?
Broadcast quality professor. That was masterful
This was a very different video and I like it. Very good explanation and food for thought. One thing though is that while perception is subjective and good or bad can change from individual, there also exists objective realities in the universe. These are called natural law. For example one of these laws is polarity, meaning that things whether we perceive as good or bad do have and actual energy value (positive/negative) which will affect the way the universe reacts to this force. This is commonly known as karma. Hermetic principles are a good starting point to understand objective reality and identifying our subjective biases.
gabriel wachong wrote, _"while perception is subjective and good or bad can change from individual, there also exists objective realities in the universe."_
This is a commonly held conclusion but it cannot be verified. It presumes that IF we can measure something, THEN it must be 'objectively' there to measure. All one needs to understand as a rebuttal is that you could be an actor in a dream, and until you wake up, your *EXPERIENCE* is that you and others have some objective externalization from your own existence. Virtual characters in a dream don't 'objectively' exist except as actors within a dream that is purely imaginal -- or, as the video calls it: delusional.
You can believe that we're all real, but you can't know this. So, as soon as you claim that _"there also exists objective realities in the universe,"_ you're perhaps unwittingly projecting :)
@@RichardHarlos well actually if you read the Kybalion it very clearly states we are in fact actors in a dream, just like you propose. However the dream itself holds laws that are consistent and immutable.
@@gabrielWachong Then there aren't any "objective realities in the universe", rather, there are only 'internal consistencies within a dream' :)
@@RichardHarlos interesting spin. I guess that would be technically correct, however from our "inside the dream" perspective, that consistency works as an objective reality as well. Its a very interesting topic, Kybalion has a whole chapter exploring it. If you have not read it I recommend you look into it as it will answer many questions. Im by no means an expert, just another curious mind.
@@gabrielWachong I haven't read it but it does sound interesting.
To the other point, I do think there's some merit to it, even if it turns out not to be universally true (i.e., it may be a 'useful delusion' in the context of our conversation) :)
It seems to me that our 'inside the dream' perspective is a relative frame. It also seems to me that the delusions of projection spoken about in the video also constitute a relative frame. So, in this sense, I think of them as functionally the same: we project that there's an objective reality even though there may not be, and then we proceed to navigate as if our projection is the case.
It could be a relatively benign distinction, but it would still be a delusion/projection, would it not?
Can't wait for you to reach 1M subs, Orion! Keep doing what you do!
Some people are "delusional' when it benefitt's them because they're not being punished
This might be my favorite of all of your "short video's". I'll be rewatching.
YEP. Exactly nailed it. It could just be anecdotal, but it seems to me that the more religious a person is (the more they believe in right and wrong, good and bad), the more are caught up in they are in the dilemma you described. THEY ACTUALLY BELIEVE THEY ARE IN POSSESSION OF THE TRUTH, as if they are omnipotent and omnipresent -- and can see the totality of one tiny moment as good or bad, in the totality of the entire universe. And they don't realize that good and bad is simply their opinion and judgement.
There is no good or bad, but thinking makes it so. I think that's in the Bible...
In my experience...Spiritual people are usually a pleasurable joy to encounter. Religious people on the other hand, are not only often delusional...but can also be very annoying to be around.
Lol 😂
Actually, that was
William Shakespeare
@@bklynboyeny Any way you slice it, the words tell the truth.
No worries….
I believe we all may epistemically be quoting ppl wrong.
Orion, I applaud that you would take this topic on, and I'm hoping some of your audience follows the thread. Self awareness and ego dissolution are - IMO - the only viable solution to the myriad self-created crises humanity will have to deal with in this next century. Yet while we have more Calm apps, more meditation guides, more knowledge than ever, society is more vapid and further from ego dissolution than ever. Again, while I applaud you, I'm making plans for things to get worse, not better.
Brilliant. Thanks.
This is kinda deep! ❤it … have known/found this the case for myself over the years, your elaboration lets me know i was interpreting it correctly. I might be delulu but the world i see (“me”) is happy, encouraging and supportive. 😅
This man just explained entry level Eastern Orthodox theology with modern academic terminology but that’s essentially the gist of it at a base level
Still didn't understand. This demands practical examples to comprehend
@@eladbari"Reality exists in the human mind, and nowhere else." - George Orwell. That's what Orion is trying to say. Everyone's mind is unique...
@@SteveMNash Thanks buddy. While I love talking abstract ideas, this is still too abstract. I wanna comprehend in what ways would a person interpret reality as we usually do (i.e- reflection of ourselves). How it influences him (as the hint here is that it's a bad influence projecting a twisted reality), and then an example of how should he/we can try to interpret the same event in a more objective way that will benefit us.
1-2 practical examples like that, to understand the way of thinking Orion suggests would help here and on any other video he makes. Sent this video to a friend and he also didn't understand..
@@SteveMNash P.S- A related example to this subject that I heard from an older woman. Her husband and her had a fight. He left home for a few days. Later she found out he slept with her (best?) friend. She decided to interpret this event not as 'my husband cheated on me with my friend", but rather "My husband slept with another woman".
They're together today. I think this may represent Orion's thinking here, yet, I bet it would trigger some people to think that way.
I would say he described postmodern thought and relativism. He will likely come out with a religion is delusion video, if he hasn't already.
This talk is at a whole new level, Dr. Socrates!
In other words - Most people don't see it until they believe it, and few are gifted with the ability to believe it only after they see it taking a "I don't know" position until enough evidence pushes them into a position of belief. This could explain the inability for most to see cause and effect as well as why people continue to give central planners more power, they'll take care of us. Trading freedom for perceived security and equality. Most can't see the difference between equal outcome from equal opportunity - despite over a hundred years of evidence that proves, that once we give up enough power, the elites will shut the door and create a dystopian world of halves and halve nots, with very few haves. This is the history of mankind, and apparently a past we're likely to repeat.. such a shame.
Exactly smh
@@nostalgicbliss5547 I've been suspending judgement since I was a teen. I don't share the immediate enthusiasm of social cheerleaders and their followers. Both are disastrous for society.
Likely to??? I think we already are...just like humanity before us did. Just in a different time period.
@@SBCBears Well said@
Agreed ❗️
I believe this dynamic has everything to do with our minds self deceptive mechanism…
Moreover, We are taught by society implicatively to label things.
The human mind needs to understand so we label everything…
And that’s a problem.
Pretty Sad 😔
He's 100% right. World is projection of our conscience and subconscious mind. As a bipolar individual, I realized the world changed as my moods changed. Depending on my mood, I would live in different worlds. That's when I knew there's one planet but 8 billion worlds
delusions help to keep me sane... lol great vid [ my biggest delusion is that I am skinny lol ]
Great talk. I have spoken about projection and if I see it in them, it is in and from me. That’s been blither blather with no consciousness. This talk brought the awareness to me. Thanks
yea i am noticing it more and more very true
Cant tell you how much i appreciated that video!
In layman's terms: people see what they want to see. Delusions are biases that prevent objectivity and are primarily based on individual desires, wants, and needs. AKA: why people date against their own long term self interests and ignore red flags.
It really is like a reflection so people should seek truth instead of ignorance. People who are delusional should be aware they are considered delusional so they don't get too comfortable in pushing their BS onto others
I would agree. If I’m understanding your message - all events that occur are objectively neutral, regardless of whether they’re perceived as tragedies or miracles. There was a saying: “The events of the titanic was a tragedy to those aboard. No one would argue that. But, to the lobsters that were meant to be to be cooked and eaten, it was a miracle” (of course, lobsters aren’t sentient in that way, but I always got the gist).
You mentioned the Dao at one point. In my opinion, Daoism and Stoicism are actually good philosophies to help one see things through a more objective lens - at least, in terms of understanding what is, and isn’t in our control and thus how to better react and manage things mentally.
As the saying goes “perception is reality”. And I know for me, personally, many of my worries and woes are “imagined” and projected onto situations - rather than caused by the situation itself - if…that makes any sense.
But I think this projection is human nature. Since we, as humans, have emotion, and meta-cognition, and such. So there will always be things that we will feel are “objectively” good and bad, rather than neutral.
Great video/topic, as always.
When I was practicing yoga and studying Buddhism we came to realize that we don't know what is good or what is bad. The ego was deflated enough to be humble enough to know this
Without some level of delusion person will inevitability get bogged down in "depressive realism". I wonder what Orion thinks of this concept.
I personally believe its mostly a real thing. I say mostly because while you see a lot of things as they actually are, this "ability" will make you see things that are not there too
There has to be a balance betweeen the two and boundaries. Nothing is real and it is at same time. Understand this and live life respecting others. Also don’t go crazy during this beautiful process lol
Surely you could suggest that "depressive realism" is just as much a delusion as any other. Otherwise you're suggesting that 'depressive realism' is THE objectively correct way of viewing the world, and that falls into the exact trap he talks about in the video.
I'm not sure he's using the world delusion correctly though. Doesn't the word 'worldview' accomplish the same thing? If we cast aside the word delusion, there's no redefining to clear things up, people have a better sense of what you're referring to when you say 'worldview'.
@@alexwr wrote, _"Surely you could suggest that 'depressive realism' is just as much a delusion as any other.'_
When you write "just as much" you're making a quantitative reference: this is _equal to_ that. I think delusions are somewhat quantifiable along a spectrum: Perhaps I believe that I'm 10-days older than I really am. It's an error of 10-days that may matter a lot in some situations, and not at all in others. Contrast that delusion with one where I believe I'm the supreme commander of an extraterrestrial fleet, and I'm here (on Earth) to take over the planet. That's a much greater delusion, that matters quite a lot in most situations. So, they would both be delusions, but one would not be 'just as much' of a delusion as the other.
AWR: _"Otherwise you're suggesting that 'depressive realism' is THE objectively correct way of viewing the world, and that falls into the exact trap he talks about in the video."_
You've resorted to an all-or-nothing fallacy here. One may evaluate whether those suffering from depressive realism tend to perceive the world more accurately than those who don't experience depressive realism. It may be that they're more correct in some areas, less correct in others. But nothing in the original comment suggests that it is, or that it should be, _"THE objectively correct way of viewing the world."_ Ironically, that's you *projecting* onto what's there :)
AWR: _"Doesn't the word 'worldview' accomplish the same thing?"_
Not really. A worldview is the sum total of how a person understands what they perceive. Ideally it would be 100% correct. Tragically, it could be 100% incorrect. Between these two extremes, there are 'degrees' of error. So, one could have a worldview that's, say, 5% delusional and 95% in adherence to reality as-it-is, whereas someone else might swap those percentages and have a worldview that's only 5% grounded in reality, with the remaining 95% consisting of delusions.
Depressive realism is basically a form of nihilism. It's better than being naive, but there is one step further: active optimism. Do what you can to make your life and other people's lives as 'good' as possible and accept that this is only a single life among billions. We can only try or best, and it's fine if we don't succeed
I love this!
Next video, explain to people that they likely have no free will and all that they imagine themselves to be is an illusion.
Only people who have lost their memories have free will.
The most annoying thing about most people is that they think that their impulses and the conclusions that they reach as a result of what’s going on in the recesses of their own mind represents the what everyone is thinking, feeling and experiencing. That is highly annoying, and extroverts in particular tend to be really bad about this.
Omg boon you just said it perfectly and it is superrrr annoying
So true!!!
And yet you created and project the extrovert everywhere you go? Wow.....
There's an old saying....never take an arsehole with you...theres always one when you get there.
Enjoyed this philosophical argument/ observation. Thank you.
Our own everyday experience is already built upon billions of years of unconscious judgments. Even the most enlightened person is delusional by this definition because they are human.
There is no objective reality, and no escape from delusion
That's kind of dumb. If there's no objective reality, then there's no reality. If there's no escape from delusion, then there is no delusion.
This is self-evidently false. The reason being is that if everything is subjective, then how could you know what subjective even is? In order to know what it is you must distinguish it from something else. In order to identify delusion, then you have to distinguish it from non-delusion.
The fact that we are hard wired to be a certain way (i.e. what the greeks would call our physis or "nature"), has no bearing on whether or not we're delusional. We don't need to be masters of the universe to not be delusional, we just have to act in accordance with our nature. And saying there is no objective reality or escape from delusion goes against that nature because most of all we desire things outside ourselves.
That desire is precisely the reason why getting trapped inside yourself is so terrible.
"The potter crossed his hands upon his breast and, bowing silently, shook his head, and in a voice filled with sweet humility replied:
"My son, I am not god; I am only one who molds clay. I am a maker of gods, but am myself a creature of the earth.""
"Your god is your ultimate barrier."
[Joseph Campbell, with Bill Moyers]
There is "objective reality" but we are very poorly equipped to perceive it. Maths for instance expresses elements of objective reality.
Always good to see an Southerner overcome his surroundings to become an atheist, as well as an out of the box thinker, in general.
A southerner*
Great stuff! But I’m having trouble applying it to my situation as a post-custody battle divorced father who lost everything to a system of liars. I want to call many of the Family Law actors malicious, but that’s my own judgment. But knowledge of their lies isn’t a judgment and I can’t escape the feeling that, as a father, I live in an incredibly hostile environment surrounded by people who are pretending its not hostile toward boys, men, and fathers. That scares me.
I think that it is still okay to have beliefs. Just be willing to update the beliefs when something proves them wrong rather than being attached to them. You must have things you believe in order to make sense of the world enough to function right? Well wouldn’t that you are making judgements which affect how you perceive reality? I guess so, but at the same time you can use this to your advantage by believing that you are extremely capable. Believing that you can lift a certain weight and even visualizing yourself doing it boosts strength by up to 36% through something like the placebo effect.
this is my favorite video on the internet.
been thinking that (vaguely) for years, and I know people smarter than me do it too. The question is, what do you get from breaking the mirrors? I really see no benefit besides feeling good, knowing you move in the right direction as a "thinker" if that's a thing. I tend to think a bit more than the average guy I talk with, and that already makes things difficult, makes me stand out and seem weird or straight up rude and / or dogmatic when I suggest some things may not be the way everyone agrees they are. And I am someone not smart, just not stupid. I can only imagine what really smart people have to deal with outside of "smart circles", let alone geniuses. Living under said delusion seems a safe and reliable way to fit in society and have a normal life, and I think that's what most of us want..
Geniuses and really smart people, as you call them, aren't concerned with other people's realities, only their own.
@@LisaCulton everybody is concerned about it, to the level it obstructs meaningful relationships with other people. Even geniuses have this basic need and it hurts deep down when you cannot have it met.
@@hasantylou7670 Well, a lot of what a person wants or needs out of a relationship (family, work, romantic, friends, etc.) depends on their personality type. Some people don't have a high priority on relating to and sharing (constantly) with many other people.
@@LisaCultonbeing a genius is lonely. Aka, Nikola Tesla
@@Tempusverum A genius does not mind being alone with their thoughts, ideas, activities and plans. It can keep them occupied for days, weeks, months with no thoughts of socializing and randomly chatting with others. That's much different than feeling lonely.
Not sure how often you hear this, but I would 100% love to hear you remix/remake some of these videos in your new and more matured/evolved style. Your analogies and cadence have become so much better over time. Anyways keep on keeping on. I'll continue watching!
yes, spot on, I figured this out when I was about fifteen, it is part of the reason I did a degree in psychology. I am forwarding this to someone whom I know will benefit
This is a very important episode. I've realised all that is touched upon here (and a couple of other things) a while ago while in counselling training and reading the 'fringe' thinker Korzybski and works on the conceptual metaphors in my spare time. When I pointed out to people who tried to project their beliefs onto me that they are exactly that: delusional and blind, some of them tried to ostracise me, shame etc. And those were the future counsellors!
I've never thought too highly of the average moron.
I have difficulty accepting people who lost their
curiousity ages ago, as to me they come off
as old kindergarteners. I live to explore
and evolve, and that's why I embrace
change when my life is not moving
forward. I might be crazy, but I'm
certainly not stupid.
Nice 👍
Very well explained. I hope it reaches a lot of people intuitively.
Thank you for this! As a case manager for developmental interventions I am (very) often astounded by the attachments fellow team members have to their narratives. I have to remind myself that because our motivations may not exactly align, this does not equate to being on opposite sides. Focusing on building relationships with self awareness and recognizing trauma responses guides my approach.
Wow Orion, you just explained in a comprehensive way the idea of emptiness in Buddhism :D and at the same time touched the quantum mechanics as well. this is brilliant. I really admire your straightforward, precise language and videos. Thank you for enlightening us