LAWN RAGE II - Someone's Cutting Our Grass !

  • Опубліковано 9 вер 2024
  • Global Warming and Biodiversity Decline are existential threats facing Humankind and all life on earth. The survival of current and future generations of Homo Sapiens hinges on people changing traditional ways of thinking and living. However, resistance to change is endemic at every level in international, national, provincial, regional and local organizations.
    LAWN RAGE II - Someone’s Cutting Our Grass! Is a chilling illustration of how outdated and illegal municipal by-laws discourage wildlife- and pollinator-friendly habitat creation to accommodate "Anonymous" Neighbours’ aesthetic sensibilities.
    If you agree with this premise, please SIGN & SHARE the Petition at:
    If you can, please DONATE to help defray legal costs at:
    Additional information with links to articles, websites and resources are available at:
    In 1996, the Ontario Court of Justice ruled municipal Tall Grass and Weeds By-Laws to be void, invalid, unenforceable and in contravention of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms which guarantees Freedom of Expression [Ref. Bell v. Toronto (City)]. Yet, City of Mississauga Council "deems tall grass and weeds to be a public nuisance" and continues to enforce Nuisance Weeds and Tall Grass Control By-Law 125-2017 on homeowner private property based solely on "Anonymous Neighbour Complaints".
    As Canada's 29th "Bee City”, Mississauga’s stated commitment “to support pollinators and their habitats” and advising homeowners that, "By planting pollinator friendly plants in your garden you can help enhance habitat for insects that pollinate wildflowers and food crops", is self-contradictory virtue signaling when the City's Enforcement Division cites homeowners under By-Law 125-2017 for the wildlife-friendly tall grass and weeds growing on their property.
    With Canada's recent hosting of COP15 in Montreal focusing on “the urgent need for international partners to halt and reverse the alarming loss of biodiversity worldwide", the City of Mississauga's continued enforcement of By-Law 125-2017 is a failure of leadership in the current global CLIMATE and BIODIVERSITY CRISIS.
    At the grassroots level, it constitutes unwarranted harassment of homeowners trying to do their part as conscientious citizens.
    It's way past time for Mississauga City Council to rescind its outdated, self-contradictory, arbitrary and illegal Nuisance Weeds and Tall Grass Control By-Law 125-2017.


  • @CatHeronWood
    @CatHeronWood 2 місяці тому +17

    This is outrageous! Hope the article that ran in today's Guardian will help get you some support. Rewilding is the way forward.

  • @samjabobs22
    @samjabobs22 2 місяці тому +9

    Found my way here from reading a news article. I live in the downtown area of another large city near you. My grass is short, but 75% of the plants are native to the area. Everyone who walks by comments how much they love my garden. It’s nice to have a little bit of nature in the city. The dragonflies, fireflies and bumblebees of my youth are few are far between. Most children haven’t even seen them. It’s sad. Hopefully these children will change everything when they get older.

  • @peterwelsh9424
    @peterwelsh9424 2 місяці тому +12

    Biodiversity is life. A manicured lawn is death. Keep pushing Wolf…. life depends on it. It’s maddening because I do large scale habitat revitalization in Mississauga where the city encourages natural landscapes like yours.

    • @samjabobs22
      @samjabobs22 2 місяці тому +3

      I 100% agree! The library and farmers markets give ready to plant packets of wildflowers and native plants to anyone who would like to plant them for free. I love seeing the kids get excited and talk about all the animals and insects they hope to attract. I spent all my time outdoors when I was a child. It’s nice to see that there are some kids who are interested in doing the same thing.

    • @lioudmilasergueeva5217
      @lioudmilasergueeva5217 2 місяці тому

      Боже какие идиоты. Тоже сажают полевые цветы, как в поле живу в Голландии. Уже как 5 лет везде дают выросли полым растениям и аос, только после как растения дали семена. Но ведь это же ваша земля, какое они имеют право. Хорошо что публикует, все изменится. Всем удачи кто любит планету.

  • @fionaprior4143
    @fionaprior4143 7 місяців тому +11

    I hope you these people to court. I think you have a good case. Here in UK we don't have these stupid laws.

  • @morganoconnor141
    @morganoconnor141 2 місяці тому +6

    Canada's relationship to nature is so sad. The place will be paved from coast to coast. Strip malls are considered progress. You need an App to enter a park. I pity our future. Should be able to grow what you want... or simply let grow😢

  • @pierre-antoinegauthier5620
    @pierre-antoinegauthier5620 2 місяці тому +10

    Hi, I read about your initiative of bringing your cause to the superior court today. I totally understand and agree with your ideas. If there is a gofund me or a way to help, please let me know.

    • @WolfRuck
      @WolfRuck  2 місяці тому +2

      Thank you for your interest in supporting this cause, it is much appreciated. The GoFundMe link is:

  • @xstream_secretz
    @xstream_secretz 2 місяці тому +6

    Found this from a Dutch news articles. Absolutely hilarious and at the same time very sad to see this and some of the comments below. Here in the Netherlands most of the municipalities have stopped mowing public grass on all places where it doesn't interfere with road safety, even within the cities

    • @da1stamericus
      @da1stamericus 2 місяці тому +3

      Same. I came here from a Dutch news article. We are trying to help biodiversity in our area by using our dakterras to grow some natives inbetween our vegetables and fruit. This is lovely to see so many Insects there on the ninth floor.

    • @patrick5779
      @patrick5779 2 місяці тому +1

      ​@@da1stamericusGoed bezig 👍

    • @JeanB-br9nw
      @JeanB-br9nw 2 місяці тому +1

      I remember, when living in Alphen aan den Rijn, some people filed a complaint to the municipality about some gardens in our neighbourhood, as they would increase hay fever to them. The people living in the gardens destroy most of their gardens, except for grass (!!!l).
      It's good to see the sentiment's changing, but still lots of people destroy their gardens and place stone instead.

  • @Supergrover767
    @Supergrover767 2 місяці тому +4

    'They don't know what they're doing'

  • @suzieb8366
    @suzieb8366 10 місяців тому +10

    Wow your garden laws are tough in Canada! In UK even the council are leaving "wild" area now as they are more aware of the issue. Kudo to you but you can only buck the system so much. Maybe try raised beds or other avenues, more work but depends how dedicated you are. I honestly think your laws are outdated and far too severe!

    • @championthewonderhorse9733
      @championthewonderhorse9733 2 місяці тому

      The UK councils just want to save money from not paying people to trim the grass and remove weeds - nothing to do with rewilding. They just let weeds run rampant on pavements full of litter and rubbish.

  • @riscobo8240
    @riscobo8240 2 місяці тому +1

    I would be so outraged in this situation...the nerve of those people!

  • @sabine5360
    @sabine5360 2 місяці тому +2

    Tout mon soutien à vous, j'espère de tout cœur que vous allez gagner car vous êtes dans le vrai.
    Chez moi en France je bataille avec des voisins qui trouvent que j'attire trop les insectes avec mon petit balcon en permaculture... n'empêche que l'été il fait moins chaud chez moi que chez mon voisin !
    Bonne continuation.

  • @lesleynelson2248
    @lesleynelson2248 2 місяці тому +1

    Came here from news article - this is crazy and it's YOUR YARD! What a waste of time and energy and money. Get 'em in court! Do you have a gofundme?

  • @KBT1951
    @KBT1951 2 місяці тому +2

    This is infuriating.

  • @larrysorenson4789
    @larrysorenson4789 10 місяців тому +2

    Now there is something to crab about.

  • @iheartcryptoverse2857
    @iheartcryptoverse2857 10 місяців тому +3

    He owned you in this first world drama. 😅 But I'm really hoping you eventually get to keep the lawn you want.

  • @mikemurphy1480
    @mikemurphy1480 2 місяці тому +1

    Kudos to bylaw for not caving in to this wingnut. Neighbours must be relieved.

  • @congoparrot
    @congoparrot 10 місяців тому +7

    oh bullshit. if you want to grow weeds aka be lazy by saying its for the bees is pure crap. if you want to have a yard like that then move to the country and not force that shit on your neighbors who look like put a lot of time and money in keeping their yards presentable.

    • @avrilgarland7289
      @avrilgarland7289 9 місяців тому +1

      Go back to Kindergarten class and learn about ecosystems! If folks want to rewild their yards, and provide a little badly needed habitat, then they're doing their neighbors and the planet a favor. Lawns are biological dead zones, useless to critters, useless for storm water retention.

    • @BeeHoppy
      @BeeHoppy 4 місяці тому +1

      So you are one to watch out for. You poison you lawn. Wake up clown as you are killing bees that are essential!

    • @enatp6448
      @enatp6448 2 місяці тому +1

      Sorry but that's ridiculous that someone's tall grass is offensive to your manicured lawn sensibility. Worry about your own yard. And thanks for nothing for the environment BTW.

  • @evalangley3985
    @evalangley3985 2 місяці тому +2

    If you cannot abide by municipal rules, then go live on the country side if you cannot live in society. Your freedom is stopping when you are overstepping on the freedom of others. I have a neighbor like you and I had to remove the leaves of last autumn on his own land because all the leaves where ultimately suffocating my shrubs and getting in my backyard.

    • @arnoldscheer5558
      @arnoldscheer5558 2 місяці тому +5

      yes, you are absolutely right trees should be prohibited to have them change leaves

    • @nichloasquinatal2954
      @nichloasquinatal2954 2 місяці тому +1

      Oh no leaves. How do you think shrubs survive in the wild?

    • @enatp6448
      @enatp6448 2 місяці тому +1

      How is this guy Infringing on your rights to have your perfectly manicured lawn??

    • @enatp6448
      @enatp6448 2 місяці тому +1

      Oh yes! And the dreaded leaves that cause so much trouble. That's what us gardeners call free mulch

  • @seadog5613
    @seadog5613 7 місяців тому +1

    If you want to live in a hideous looking and dangerous jungle move to the woods instead of ruining property values in suburbs.

    • @BeeHoppy
      @BeeHoppy 4 місяці тому +8

      You mean nature!

    • @platgeslagengehaktbal
      @platgeslagengehaktbal 2 місяці тому +6

      These 'lawns' ruin biodiversity, ground quality and water management. I get his garden looks messy to some, but it's better than yet another lawn

    • @JeanB-br9nw
      @JeanB-br9nw 2 місяці тому

      Nothing will be ruined. You are just pathetic.

    • @nichloasquinatal2954
      @nichloasquinatal2954 2 місяці тому +1

      I think Lilly of the valley is ugly does it mean I can rip it up?

    • @riscobo8240
      @riscobo8240 2 місяці тому

      Interesting...they hate grass, but love goldenrod. How do they decide that some tall plants are okay, and others are not?