The Fool Speaks in His Heart - Psalm 14 SONG 20 - Treasury 41

  • Опубліковано 16 жов 2024
  • 1. 1 The fool speaks in his heart;
    “There is no God,” he says.
    They are corrupt, their deeds are vile;
    None walk in godly ways.
    2. 2 The LORD looks down from Heav’n
    Upon the human race,
    To see if any understand,
    If any seek God’s face.
    3. 3 They all have turned aside;
    Corrupt they have become.
    Not one of them does any good-
    No, not a single one.
    4. 4 Will sinners never learn?
    My people they devour
    As if they were consuming bread;
    They never seek the LORD.
    5. 5 Struck down they are with dread,
    For God is with the just.
    6 You evildoers shame the poor,
    But in the LORD they trust.
    6. 7 May help from Zion come,
    The LORD His captives bring!
    And then let Jacob’s tribes rejoice;
    Let Israel gladly sing.
    Music: Orlando Gibbons, 1623; harm. Mary Monica Bridges, 1899
    Text: Sing Psalms, 2003 © Free Church of Scotland
    Tune name: SONG 20 6 6. 8 6.
    All vocals by Michael E. Owens. Sorry the rhythm is wrong! I changed it after I recorded it.
    I record tunes that anyone can sing.
    Now that you know the tune, go ahead and sing it.