Fighting Poland (PW) - a symbol in the shape of an anchor, the P-shaped part of which symbolizes Poland, and the arms of the letter W - the fight or "anchor" - a symbol of hope for regaining the independence of Poland occupied by Nazi Germany. Widely used during World War II.
The fact that the audience reacts this way is primarily, because the foreign team was able to see this Great Event, which was the Warsaw Uprising during the German occupation. For Poles, this was a great event, which can be compared to the fight of David and Goliath. Although there was no chance of victory, the event was to show the spirit of the Polish nation and that it will not break despite so many wrongs and suffering.
I was there. I was jumping under the flag, I was so close to rhe stage. The energy was so unbelievable, I still cry when I rewatch recording from this epic event :D WARSZAWO WALCZ!
At the event there was up to 750 thousand people. The song after this was "40 to 1" where the crowd bringed gigantic polish flag and at the end they singed polish national anthem as a thank you.
Sabaton's songs that has Poland in its context: - Winged Hussars - about Jan III Sobieski and hussars saving besieged Vienna in 1683 - 40:1 - about battle of Vizna 1939 - Uprising (above) - about Warsaw Uprising 1944 - Inmate 4859 - about Witold Pilecki (see as well) - Aces in Exile - not only Polish but all foreign squadrons of RAF during Battle of Britain - Glorious Land - about Polish-Soviet war 1920-21 (I am not sure from which perspective) - Union (not really about Poland, but about Battle of Monte Cassino, where Poles has big impact, and Wojtek the bear also) Talking about the genre of the music. It is called Power Metal. Sabaton song out of Polish context but worth seeing: 1916 - about battle of Somme. I've seen reactions on music video for this actually cover of Motorhead, that make adult hard men cry.
It's good that you're watching the live version, Chris, because I don't know if you'd be able to watch the official music video for this song to the end as a German.
PW Kotwica - "the anchor" (the P vertically fading in to the W) means Polska Walcząca (Poland Fighting), but (following the Wiki): "It was created in 1942 by members of the Wawer minor sabotage unit within the AK, as an easily usable emblem for the struggle to regain the country's independence. The initial meaning of the initialism PW was "pomścimy Wawer" ('We shall avenge Wawer')" in reference to the 1939 Wawer massacre, which was considered to be one of the first large scale massacres of Polish civilians by German troops in occupied Poland. At first, Polish scouts from sabotage units painted the whole phrase upon walls. However, it was soon abbreviated to PW, which came to symbolise the phrase "Polska walcząca" ('fighting Poland'). In early 1942, the AK organised a contest to design an emblem to represent the resistance movement, and the winning design by Anna Smoleńska, a member of the Gray Ranks who herself participated in minor sabotage operations, combined the letters P and W into the kotwica Smoleńska was arrested by the Gestapo in November 1942, and died in Auschwitz in March 1943, at the age of 23."
As an American who knows history behind this the line, "and help that never came" hits hard. Most think of the British and French abandoning them at the start of the war but it happened again during the uprising and it's things like this and US abandoning the kurds more recently that make me question our values. Yes we try and do what's right but when you don't it still sucks.
You know, even more painful for us is watching pictures about how people in the US and Western European countries celebrated the end of the WW II in 1945 and pictures from the Jalta and Potsdam Conferences of UK and USA with Stalin. Because for us it was the beginning of another occupation (under communists installed by Soviets). And the Stalinist times, up to about 1956 were really dark, bad, with many horrible things happening because of that. And also later, it was not easy at all - up to the fall of communism in 1989. So even up till now we still face the consequences of the lost years and exploitation of country and nation during communist system. We went through so much that we want others to know and understand this - so we are grateful if someone wants to find out more about our history and to understand it better, because many are ignorant or even worse, suscetible to some fake propaganda for instance of the Russian regime or other.
I like your reaction to this song. Thursday will be the anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising, so I will sing it and the best celebration will be in an hour outbreak of the Warsaw Uprising, i.e. at 5 p.m. the Polish anthem will be sung and sirens will be howled throughout the country in memory of all those who died during the uprising. I attended their concert in Łódź it was about 3 years ago and after that concert I had no voice for 3 days, we were screaming so much and that's what you can see in this live.
@@_.AlterFeind._ to nie patrz jak cię oczy bolą xd a jak już widzisz to gdzie ta literówka jak mi powiesz to poprawie jak nie to nie xd a po za tym każdy może popełnić błąd w czymś i to jest normalne a nie ale jak ci coś nie pasuję to powiedz gdzie ta literówka xd
@@nataliazachariasz9427 A jednak edytowałaś. Chodziło oczywiście o "Warszawo walsz" zamiast "walcz". Niby nic, ale biorąc pod uwagę, że komentarze czyta też obcokrajowiec, mogło to wprowadzać przypadkowo w błąd.
wiem, że to fajnie wygląda i jest fun. Weź tylko pod uwagę, że w 1944 dużo młodsi ludzie od Ciebie ginęli tysiącami... Od 150 do 200 tyś ludzi zginęło w powstaniu. To nie jest zabawne. I Sabaton stara się uczcić ich pamięć na swój sposób. Wielokrotnie o tym mówili....
Napisałem, podobnie jak Ty, tyle, że podałem bardzo dokładne liczby. Ale myśl ta sama to nie jest fajna, emocjonalna pioseneczka. Tyle, że napisałem to po niemiecku. Cieszę się, że myślisz podobnie jak ja. Pozdrawiam -też Tomek :)
@@emiliaw5186 Szanowna Pani Emilio dziękuję za wpis. Nie oczekuję niczyjego płaczu. Wziąłem pod uwagę, że ktoś się uczy, może w podręcznikach niemieckich do historii inaczej przedstawiane są fakty o Powstaniu Warszwskim. Dlatego podałem precyzyjne dane, które przy odrobinie dobrej woli w zakresie "dopiero uczenia się" można szybko znaleźć, choćby w Internecie. À propos płaczu, to mam wrażenie, że Chris jako Influencer, raczej jest zainteresowany pozyskiwaniem jak największej grupy fanów, a pieśń „Uprising“, w takt, której radośnie się buja, służy mu tylko do tego celu. Poza tym nie odpowiedział na mój wpis, co uznaję jako zachowanie nieeleganckie, zwłaszcza u kogoś, kto "dopiero się uczy" i chce poznawać naszą historię, kulturę po to, by chociaż próbować zrozumieć jaka jest nasza tożsamość narodowa. To tyle, co chcę Pani odpowiedzieć na Pani wpis. A tak na marginesie, to przejście "na ty" jest dla mnie trochę krępujące, zwłaszcza, że nie ukrywam się pod nick"iem, a występuję pod imieniem i nzwiskiem. Pozdrawiam Panią.
Takie piosenki robią na nas tak wielkie znaczenie tylko dlatego, że Polak jest dobrym człowiekiem, który jest w stanie oddać życie za rodzinię i to, żeby była w przyszłości bezpieczna. Nic więcej
Great reaction brother.Check out the sabaton history channel about the song,Inmate 4859,a Polish hero that did some of the most crazy things for his country.If there's ever a hero,it's him.
The Polish Anchor have two meanings. The generally whell known Polska Walcząca "Fighting Poland" the second one is "Pomścimy Wawer" eng we We shall avenge Wawer (and if im not mistaken it is the original meaning of the symbol) there was also a symbol of Wawer 27 XII 39 it refers to a german war crime in 27 XII 39 where german polizei murdered 107 people in a small Warsaw district of Wawer
I am aware that u are to young to be responsible for the Nazi Germany, and i like that u are doing reactions about this. I have talked to Germans who really hate Naziism and then i have talked to Germans who only feel sad about loosing the war. This song is sad at same time its uplifting. Poland used to be considered a joke by some countries me included, but after the history lessons of Sabaton, i have changed my mind and think Poland deserves respect. Be safe all
Guten Abend Chris, das Lied, das Du vom Konzert „Uprising“ (Live Woodstock 2012) als künstlerisches Ereignis präsentierst, hat für mich eine ganz andere Bedeutung. Der Warschauer Aufstand begann am 1. August 1944 nach fünf Jahren deutscher Besatzung und vor der bevorstehenden sowjetischen Besatzung. Der Aufstand sollte Warschau befreien und der kommenden Roten Armee zeigen, wer Polen regieren würde. Leider hat es nicht geklappt, wir haben praktisch keine Hilfe bekommen - auch nicht aus den Ländern, in denen unsere Soldaten gekämpft haben. Nach dem Niederschlag des Aufstands beliefen sich unsere Verluste auf 18.000 getötete und 25.000 verletzte Aufständische. Etwa 15.000 von ihnen gerieten in deutsche Kriegsgefangenschaft, von denen viele nicht überlebten. Durch die Kämpfe in der Hauptstadt starben 180.000 Menschen. zivile Einwohner Warschaus. Von 40 bis 60 Tausend wurden während des Wola-Massakers ermordet - dem größten Einzelverbrechen während der deutschen Besatzung. Nach Ausbruch des Warschauer Aufstands und seiner Niederschlagung deportierten die Deutschen 550.000 Menschen. Stadteinwohner und 100 Tausend Menschen aus der unmittelbaren Umgebung. Sie wurden in ein eigens eingerichtetes Durchgangslager in Pruszków gebracht. 55 Tausend Von dort wurden Menschen in Konzentrationslager transportiert, darunter 13.000. nach Auschwitz. Insgesamt wurden seit Beginn des Zweiten Weltkriegs über 80 % von Warschau zerstört. „Bahnhöfe, Brücken, Telefon- und Fluginfrastruktur wurden zu 100 Prozent zerstört. Für mich, für uns Polen, die wir über 50 Jahre lang den Aufstand nicht einmal erwähnen konnten, um die Russen nicht zu verärgern, ist das kein schönes, emotionales Sabathon-Lied. Der Refrain dieses Liedes „Warszawa walcz“ ist für uns ein Zeugnis derer, die für unsere Freiheit gekämpft haben, damit wir, wenn es nötig ist, auch gegen jeden Feind für die Freiheit kämpfen werden. Und leider kann es schneller sein, als manche Leute denken. Schauen Sie sich diese Version dieses Liedes an - sie ist nicht mehr so fröhlich. Beste Grüße, Tomek
You might be interested to hear that at that concert the largest non-Polish group there were Germans. ;) (usually is). Good music unite people. Sabaton should definitely keep up their great work.
Germans are also the biggest tourist group in Poland. And the Polish Rock Festival (former Woodstock) which over time grew significantly to an important event for metal/rock/all kind of music fans is also not so far away from Berlin (and from Germany in general being neighboring countries)
Polecam obejrzeć Ghost Division z tego samego koncertu. Piosenka o niemieckie armii, jej zawrotnej szybkości i profesjonaliżmie. Tak samo gorąco przyjęta przez polską publiczność.
We invite you to the Pol'and'Rock Festival (formerly Polish Woodstock) in Czaplinek From August 1 to 3, music non-stop. Admission to all concerts and festival events is completely free. Come to Poland and experience these days together with several hundred thousand music fans. The thirtieth Polish Pol'and'Rock Festival (formerly Polish Woodstock) in Czaplinek invites you and is waiting for you.
@@Oderoderuchte Zusätzliche Sonderzüge 26 Züge von Czaplinek nach Szczecinek. 8 Züge von Czaplinek direkt nach Stettin 2 Züge von Czaplinek nach Szczecin mit Umstieg in Runów Pomorskie
Hi Chris! Nice video :) I have another video for you to react "America first Poland firster" ist realy giid video to react and i fhink you will like it (but not the last few words. if you will see you will understand) have fun ;)
I (as a polish person), Might have a bit of an unpopular opinion about the uprising. I don't blame the allies at all for "not helping", and I think the "help that never came" line is really just not true. The Allies tried sending in supplies to the insurgents, there's even a momument of allied pilots in Michalin just south to Warsaw where an allied supply plane crashed with RAF and SAAF pilots. They tried to help, but literally simply couldn't. Even if the Soviets gave access to the airports to allow the British to help us, it might not have helped at all as getting there in the first place would be just as unlikely as without it. I even believe the Allies quietly really hoped that the uprising would succeed, as then there would be a real chance of a non-communist or independent Poland, just like it happened with Yugoslavia and Josip Tito. The perspective on the uprising is very one-sided, and it's just a view of "we lost because nobody helped us", and yeah, that statement is true, however I wouldn't blame our allies for not helping as they very much tried, just simply failed. Blaming the Soviets for not helping us is understandable, however if you put yourself in the Soviet perspective, they would gain absolutely nothing from this, only would loose an otherwise guaranteed puppet state
Who cares about the soviet perspective? Perhaps we should take the natzi perspective under consideratpn too? Well, I don't blame them, Poland was weak and they just wanted to get rich so good on them. As a polish person my arse man. Perhaps you are somewhat 'polish' but not really.
@Denmarmk: you are aware that the Sovjets were not only part of the aggressors (they attacke Finland before) but had also with the Nazis (Hitler-Stalin pact) conspired to share Poland (actually Eastern Europe) between each other? They were at the Polish border not to help but to invade themself. ARE YOU AWARE ABOUT THAT? ´The so called 'help' is a Sovjet propaganda - a twisted story after the Nazis attacked the Sovjets as well. Now, what also often is forgotten or even unknown to many: Stalin wanted 'export' the revolution especially to Germany as biggest leverage with the goal to 'conquer' ideologically whole of Europe as well ideologically. It was NOT only the case that Hitler attacked the Sovjets but they also planned and did all the time trying to infiltrate Germans for a socialist/communist revolution! That started already before WW2 ...
If you like crowd singing with the artist, I highly recommend you to react to Dawid Podsiadło "Nieznajomy" (versions from Stadion Narodowy). Hope you didn't react to it yet.
it is not about "not giving up..." 🤦 if you hear people who took part in Warsaw Uprising... people were suffering 4 years... 4 years of having seen people sent to death camps and 4 years of terrible work places... 4 years of have seen terrible things... it was just what normal person with empathy felt: a lots of frustration, a lots of anger and a lots of disagreement how things were... some people just lost everything, all family... 😢 Please search about Niklas Frank. Do you know that Germany allowed so late (after 2000 year) give widow/ retairement money to people who were against Nazi System? It wss taken away from them... why so late? why so late Niklas Frank was listened? So many years he was told as crazy or he should have not spoken about his father...🙈 Please ask more questions, read more about history. Try understand and find more informations than just saying what do you thing about situations from past. Listen people who were there and their feelings, lessons... Sorry but still there is a lots of work to do... How many German people in Your age have heard about Niklas Frank? How many at Your age listen interviews with him? I do not think many... 😢 He is a brave man, who could have been against the system and he talked about his memories, his father, about how wrong was his behaviour and he showed that people with simillar memories should have not been quiet....should talk... However too many stayed quiet 💔
only for people who like to have/create enemies instead of sharing with likeminded people similar views about historical events - independent from where you are from.
It's not that easy to say that. It depends of your perspective and perspective of the people who were a part of it. It's easy to judge after years of comfortable living in an independent country
@@Dreju78Exactly, You're right. And it also so easy to say now, living for the whole life in a safe country. Not having to watch how Your family, neighbours, close ones are murdered, since 1939 - people wanted so much to fight, because of all they had to go through earlier.
Nie oceniaj tamtych czasów.To się nigdy nie uda.Mojego taty siostra została przysypana w piwnicy.Byla siostra zakonna.Piekly dla powstańców chleby.przezyla.Miala do końca życia problemy z kręgosłupem.Mojego taty najstarszy brat był pilotem.Robil zrzuty dla powstańców.Zestrzelili go.Przezyl.Mial odłamki blisko kręgosłupa - nieoperacyjne.Nikt z nich nie powiedział, że nie warto było. Nie kalkulowali warto - nie warto.Poprostu trzeba bylo i tyle.
Chris, jakiś czas temu napisałem, że musisz odwiedzic Muzeum Powstania Warszawskiego, skoro już jechałeś do Warszawy. Zrobiłeś to, czy wolałeś jedynie spotkać się ze swoimi widzami?
You are smiling and I was in tears listening to this song.
Fighting Poland (PW) - a symbol in the shape of an anchor, the P-shaped part of which symbolizes Poland, and the arms of the letter W - the fight or "anchor" - a symbol of hope for regaining the independence of Poland occupied by Nazi Germany. Widely used during World War II.
PW = Polska Walcząca (Fighting Poland)🇵🇱
The fact that the audience reacts this way is primarily, because the foreign team was able to see this Great Event, which was the Warsaw Uprising during the German occupation. For Poles, this was a great event, which can be compared to the fight of David and Goliath. Although there was no chance of victory, the event was to show the spirit of the Polish nation and that it will not break despite so many wrongs and suffering.
I love that song so much, in this concert version.
I was there. I was jumping under the flag, I was so close to rhe stage.
The energy was so unbelievable, I still cry when I rewatch recording from this epic event :D
At the event there was up to 750 thousand people. The song after this was "40 to 1" where the crowd bringed gigantic polish flag and at the end they singed polish national anthem as a thank you.
już reagował na 40:1
Przecież chłop mówi, że reagował już na 40:1 xD
Masz nieaktualne wiadomości,ogarnij sie.
The 750K attendance was for all days the festival lasted. Not just here watching Sabaton
Byłem tam pod sceną, nie jesteś w stanie sobie tego
odtworzyć. Tam trzeba było być. Pozdrawiam,
Sabaton's songs that has Poland in its context:
- Winged Hussars - about Jan III Sobieski and hussars saving besieged Vienna in 1683
- 40:1 - about battle of Vizna 1939
- Uprising (above) - about Warsaw Uprising 1944
- Inmate 4859 - about Witold Pilecki (see as well)
- Aces in Exile - not only Polish but all foreign squadrons of RAF during Battle of Britain
- Glorious Land - about Polish-Soviet war 1920-21 (I am not sure from which perspective)
- Union (not really about Poland, but about Battle of Monte Cassino, where Poles has big impact, and Wojtek the bear also)
Talking about the genre of the music. It is called Power Metal.
Sabaton song out of Polish context but worth seeing: 1916 - about battle of Somme. I've seen reactions on music video for this actually cover of Motorhead, that make adult hard men cry.
It's good that you're watching the live version, Chris, because I don't know if you'd be able to watch the official music video for this song to the end as a German.
Thank you for this reaction! Any Sabaton song from this concert is great!
That symbol "PW" means "Polska Walcząca"
"Polska Walcząca" - Poland Fighting
PW Kotwica - "the anchor" (the P vertically fading in to the W) means Polska Walcząca (Poland Fighting), but (following the Wiki):
"It was created in 1942 by members of the Wawer minor sabotage unit within the AK, as an easily usable emblem for the struggle to regain the country's independence. The initial meaning of the initialism PW was "pomścimy Wawer" ('We shall avenge Wawer')" in reference to the 1939 Wawer massacre, which was considered to be one of the first large scale massacres of Polish civilians by German troops in occupied Poland.
At first, Polish scouts from sabotage units painted the whole phrase upon walls. However, it was soon abbreviated to PW, which came to symbolise the phrase "Polska walcząca" ('fighting Poland'). In early 1942, the AK organised a contest to design an emblem to represent the resistance movement, and the winning design by Anna Smoleńska, a member of the Gray Ranks who herself participated in minor sabotage operations, combined the letters P and W into the kotwica Smoleńska was arrested by the Gestapo in November 1942, and died in Auschwitz in March 1943, at the age of 23."
As an American who knows history behind this the line, "and help that never came" hits hard. Most think of the British and French abandoning them at the start of the war but it happened again during the uprising and it's things like this and US abandoning the kurds more recently that make me question our values. Yes we try and do what's right but when you don't it still sucks.
You know, even more painful for us is watching pictures about how people in the US and Western European countries celebrated the end of the WW II in 1945 and pictures from the Jalta and Potsdam Conferences of UK and USA with Stalin. Because for us it was the beginning of another occupation (under communists installed by Soviets). And the Stalinist times, up to about 1956 were really dark, bad, with many horrible things happening because of that. And also later, it was not easy at all - up to the fall of communism in 1989. So even up till now we still face the consequences of the lost years and exploitation of country and nation during communist system. We went through so much that we want others to know and understand this - so we are grateful if someone wants to find out more about our history and to understand it better, because many are ignorant or even worse, suscetible to some fake propaganda for instance of the Russian regime or other.
7:28 the symbol is call is Polska Walcząca.
Super kocham ten zespół❤❤❤Pozdrawiam z Polski 😊🇵🇱🇵🇱
I like your reaction to this song. Thursday will be the anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising, so I will sing it and the best celebration will be in an hour outbreak of the Warsaw Uprising, i.e. at 5 p.m. the Polish anthem will be sung and sirens will be howled throughout the country in memory of all those who died during the uprising. I attended their concert in Łódź it was about 3 years ago and after that concert I had no voice for 3 days, we were screaming so much and that's what you can see in this live.
Popraw tę literówkę, bo oczy bolą. xD
@@_.AlterFeind._ to nie patrz jak cię oczy bolą xd a jak już widzisz to gdzie ta literówka jak mi powiesz to poprawie jak nie to nie xd a po za tym każdy może popełnić błąd w czymś i to jest normalne a nie ale jak ci coś nie pasuję to powiedz gdzie ta literówka xd
@@nataliazachariasz9427 Za dużo tego "xd"
@@nataliazachariasz9427 A jednak edytowałaś. Chodziło oczywiście o "Warszawo walsz" zamiast "walcz".
Niby nic, ale biorąc pod uwagę, że komentarze czyta też obcokrajowiec, mogło to wprowadzać przypadkowo w błąd.
wiem, że to fajnie wygląda i jest fun. Weź tylko pod uwagę, że w 1944 dużo młodsi ludzie od Ciebie ginęli tysiącami... Od 150 do 200 tyś ludzi zginęło w powstaniu. To nie jest zabawne. I Sabaton stara się uczcić ich pamięć na swój sposób. Wielokrotnie o tym mówili....
Napisałem, podobnie jak Ty, tyle, że podałem bardzo dokładne liczby. Ale myśl ta sama to nie jest fajna, emocjonalna pioseneczka. Tyle, że napisałem to po niemiecku. Cieszę się, że myślisz podobnie jak ja. Pozdrawiam -też Tomek :)
Tylko weź pod uwagę, że ktoś się dopiero uczy, i nie będzie płakał, bo Ty tak chyba oczekujesz.
@@emiliaw5186 Szanowna Pani Emilio dziękuję za wpis. Nie oczekuję niczyjego płaczu. Wziąłem pod uwagę, że ktoś się uczy, może w podręcznikach niemieckich do historii inaczej przedstawiane są fakty o Powstaniu Warszwskim. Dlatego podałem precyzyjne dane, które przy odrobinie dobrej woli w zakresie "dopiero uczenia się" można szybko znaleźć, choćby w Internecie. À propos płaczu, to mam wrażenie, że Chris jako Influencer, raczej jest zainteresowany pozyskiwaniem jak największej grupy fanów, a pieśń „Uprising“, w takt, której radośnie się buja, służy mu tylko do tego celu. Poza tym nie odpowiedział na mój wpis, co uznaję jako zachowanie nieeleganckie, zwłaszcza u kogoś, kto "dopiero się uczy" i chce poznawać naszą historię, kulturę po to, by chociaż próbować zrozumieć jaka jest nasza tożsamość narodowa. To tyle, co chcę Pani odpowiedzieć na Pani wpis. A tak na marginesie, to przejście "na ty" jest dla mnie trochę krępujące, zwłaszcza, że nie ukrywam się pod nick"iem, a występuję pod imieniem i nzwiskiem. Pozdrawiam Panią.
Myślę że koncert by im się spodobał, i tłum, entuzjazm i śmiech też🇵🇱
Dobry Jezu, a nasz Panie, daj im wieczne spoczywanie❤️🔥
If you like historical music you can listen to polish singer Jacek Kaczmarski, he sang (Because he died.) about many historic events.
I was on this concert and under flag. It's one of my favourite and most important memories
Pozdrowienia oby pokój zagościł między ludźmi.
Warszawo walcz!
The song is empowering and acknowledging the strength and bravery of the Poles, so I think it's okay for you to smile, buddy 😊
Takie piosenki robią na nas tak wielkie znaczenie tylko dlatego, że Polak jest dobrym człowiekiem, który jest w stanie oddać życie za rodzinię i to, żeby była w przyszłości bezpieczna. Nic więcej
This is a power metal type of song
There is an amazing polish film about Warsaw Uprising "Miasto 44) I recommend to watch
Will you be still in Poland on Thursday 5 pm? 1st August is the anniversary of Warsaw uprising.
W czwartek jest 1 sierpnia..
@@elzbietafilbrandt8155 no tak dzięki poprawilam
Nice reaction.
Please watch "city that stops for a minute.
Tomorrow 5pm, always remember.🇵🇱
More sabaton, please
They are great.
Ale oni mają jeszcze tylko dwie piosenki o Polsce, których nie komentował. Niezbyt duży wybór. XD
@@_.AlterFeind._ vielleicht nicht nur auf Polen?
Aber der Kanal ist spezifisch auf polen. Also mhm?
to jest symbol Polska walcząca
hey, next sabaton song you shold react to is Inmate 4859, as well as the sabaton history video about that song
It is not Warshau, it is Warszawa
Odpuść gościu.. w j. niemieckim Warszawa mówi się Warschau. Podobnie jak po polsku mówisz Włochy a nie Italia czy Italy. Troszkę ogłady :)
Sabaton is the largest Polish Ambassador
About 750k crowd.
Thx bruh for all 😊
Sabaton is power metal.
Polecam więcej ich piosenek
Np In de Army Now
Dotyczący wojny z Rosją w 1920
Why you are feeling guilty for history? You can smile and have fun. Greetings from Poland!
Great reaction brother.Check out the sabaton history channel about the song,Inmate 4859,a Polish hero that did some of the most crazy things for his country.If there's ever a hero,it's him.
The Polish Anchor have two meanings.
The generally whell known Polska Walcząca "Fighting Poland"
the second one is "Pomścimy Wawer" eng we We shall avenge Wawer (and if im not mistaken it is the original meaning of the symbol)
there was also a symbol of Wawer 27 XII 39
it refers to a german war crime in 27 XII 39 where german polizei murdered 107 people in a small Warsaw district of Wawer
Für mich ist es Heavy Rock, aber ich stimme zu, dass sie die Geschichte ohne Betäubung präsentieren. 🤟
Thank You Mordo. Mahs gut.
you go to uprising god for you for germany young populations we need remember + for you bru
Czemu nie śpiewasz "Warszawo, walcz!"? Sing mit! 😂
I am aware that u are to young to be responsible for the Nazi Germany, and i like that u are doing reactions about this. I have talked to Germans who really hate Naziism and then i have talked to Germans who only feel sad about loosing the war. This song is sad at same time its uplifting. Poland used to be considered a joke by some countries me included, but after the history lessons of Sabaton, i have changed my mind and think Poland deserves respect. Be safe all
Guten Abend Chris, das Lied, das Du vom Konzert „Uprising“ (Live Woodstock 2012) als künstlerisches Ereignis präsentierst, hat für mich eine ganz andere Bedeutung. Der Warschauer Aufstand begann am 1. August 1944 nach fünf Jahren deutscher Besatzung und vor der bevorstehenden sowjetischen Besatzung. Der Aufstand sollte Warschau befreien und der kommenden Roten Armee zeigen, wer Polen regieren würde. Leider hat es nicht geklappt, wir haben praktisch keine Hilfe bekommen - auch nicht aus den Ländern, in denen unsere Soldaten gekämpft haben. Nach dem Niederschlag des Aufstands beliefen sich unsere Verluste auf 18.000 getötete und 25.000 verletzte Aufständische. Etwa 15.000 von ihnen gerieten in deutsche Kriegsgefangenschaft, von denen viele nicht überlebten.
Durch die Kämpfe in der Hauptstadt starben 180.000 Menschen. zivile Einwohner Warschaus. Von 40 bis 60 Tausend wurden während des Wola-Massakers ermordet - dem größten Einzelverbrechen während der deutschen Besatzung.
Nach Ausbruch des Warschauer Aufstands und seiner Niederschlagung deportierten die Deutschen 550.000 Menschen. Stadteinwohner und 100 Tausend Menschen aus der unmittelbaren Umgebung. Sie wurden in ein eigens eingerichtetes Durchgangslager in Pruszków gebracht. 55 Tausend Von dort wurden Menschen in Konzentrationslager transportiert, darunter 13.000. nach Auschwitz.
Insgesamt wurden seit Beginn des Zweiten Weltkriegs über 80 % von Warschau zerstört. „Bahnhöfe, Brücken, Telefon- und Fluginfrastruktur wurden zu 100 Prozent zerstört.
Für mich, für uns Polen, die wir über 50 Jahre lang den Aufstand nicht einmal erwähnen konnten, um die Russen nicht zu verärgern, ist das kein schönes, emotionales Sabathon-Lied. Der Refrain dieses Liedes „Warszawa walcz“ ist für uns ein Zeugnis derer, die für unsere Freiheit gekämpft haben, damit wir, wenn es nötig ist, auch gegen jeden Feind für die Freiheit kämpfen werden. Und leider kann es schneller sein, als manche Leute denken.
Schauen Sie sich diese Version dieses Liedes an - sie ist nicht mehr so fröhlich. Beste Grüße, Tomek
You might be interested to hear that at that concert the largest non-Polish group there were Germans. ;) (usually is). Good music unite people. Sabaton should definitely keep up their great work.
Germans are also the biggest tourist group in Poland. And the Polish Rock Festival (former Woodstock) which over time grew significantly to an important event for metal/rock/all kind of music fans is also not so far away from Berlin (and from Germany in general being neighboring countries)
My favourite song of Sabaton ❤❤ BTW What have you done to your hair Chris? You look 10 years older.
Polecam obejrzeć Ghost Division z tego samego koncertu. Piosenka o niemieckie armii, jej zawrotnej szybkości i profesjonaliżmie. Tak samo gorąco przyjęta przez polską publiczność.
I hate how german history is stained by one man
Od zawsze chcieli nas ,........
We invite you to the Pol'and'Rock Festival (formerly Polish Woodstock) in Czaplinek
From August 1 to 3, music non-stop. Admission to all concerts and festival events is completely free.
Come to Poland and experience these days together with several hundred thousand music fans.
The thirtieth Polish Pol'and'Rock Festival (formerly Polish Woodstock) in Czaplinek invites you and is waiting for you.
Ist nich mehr in der Neumark(Küstrin)😢sondern in the middle of Nüscht
Juz nie w Kostrzynie tylko na zadupiu ze slabym dojazdem😓
@@Oderoderuchte Zusätzliche Sonderzüge
26 Züge von Czaplinek nach Szczecinek.
8 Züge von Czaplinek direkt nach Stettin
2 Züge von Czaplinek nach Szczecin mit Umstieg in Runów Pomorskie
@@MarekAcro ze Szczecina to moze dalabym rade, ale mam prace ok
I wonder if you could react to Zakazane Piosenki, maybe somebody can translate it
Hi Chris! Nice video :)
I have another video for you to react "America first Poland firster" ist realy giid video to react and i fhink you will like it (but not the last few words. if you will see you will understand) have fun ;)
I (as a polish person), Might have a bit of an unpopular opinion about the uprising. I don't blame the allies at all for "not helping", and I think the "help that never came" line is really just not true. The Allies tried sending in supplies to the insurgents, there's even a momument of allied pilots in Michalin just south to Warsaw where an allied supply plane crashed with RAF and SAAF pilots. They tried to help, but literally simply couldn't. Even if the Soviets gave access to the airports to allow the British to help us, it might not have helped at all as getting there in the first place would be just as unlikely as without it. I even believe the Allies quietly really hoped that the uprising would succeed, as then there would be a real chance of a non-communist or independent Poland, just like it happened with Yugoslavia and Josip Tito. The perspective on the uprising is very one-sided, and it's just a view of "we lost because nobody helped us", and yeah, that statement is true, however I wouldn't blame our allies for not helping as they very much tried, just simply failed. Blaming the Soviets for not helping us is understandable, however if you put yourself in the Soviet perspective, they would gain absolutely nothing from this, only would loose an otherwise guaranteed puppet state
Who cares about the soviet perspective? Perhaps we should take the natzi perspective under consideratpn too? Well, I don't blame them, Poland was weak and they just wanted to get rich so good on them. As a polish person my arse man. Perhaps you are somewhat 'polish' but not really.
@Denmarmk: you are aware that the Sovjets were not only part of the aggressors (they attacke Finland before) but had also with the Nazis (Hitler-Stalin pact) conspired to share Poland (actually Eastern Europe) between each other? They were at the Polish border not to help but to invade themself. ARE YOU AWARE ABOUT THAT? ´The so called 'help' is a Sovjet propaganda - a twisted story after the Nazis attacked the Sovjets as well. Now, what also often is forgotten or even unknown to many: Stalin wanted 'export' the revolution especially to Germany as biggest leverage with the goal to 'conquer' ideologically whole of Europe as well ideologically. It was NOT only the case that Hitler attacked the Sovjets but they also planned and did all the time trying to infiltrate Germans for a socialist/communist revolution! That started already before WW2 ...
Sure Upload the second vid.
Twoja Twarz Brzmi Znajomo - Odcinek 9 - Filip Lato jako Czesław Niemen - Sen o Warszawie
hey i just want to say that in your banner on the chanel you have that shape of Poland but it's wrong because there is Kaliningrad region added to it
Mateusz Ziółko jako Zbigniew Wodecki - Twoja Twarz Brzmi Znajomo
Poska Walcząca
I think You should listen to niewygodna prawda from Tadek, it's also good but in Polish so You should have subtitles
Can you react to countryhumans Poland and Poland & Germany ?🇵🇱♥️🇩🇪♥️
If you like crowd singing with the artist, I highly recommend you to react to Dawid Podsiadło "Nieznajomy" (versions from Stadion Narodowy). Hope you didn't react to it yet.
Szwedzi muszą wbijać Niemcom prawdę o Powstaniu ?
Obejrzyj "Miasto 44" dzieciaku
dlaczego nie pokazesz polskiej flagi
Panie Krystianie przestan udawać Niemca przecież jestes Polakiem
it is not about "not giving up..." 🤦
if you hear people who took part in Warsaw Uprising... people were suffering 4 years... 4 years of having seen people sent to death camps and 4 years of terrible work places... 4 years of have seen terrible things... it was just what normal person with empathy felt: a lots of frustration, a lots of anger and a lots of disagreement how things were... some people just lost everything, all family... 😢 Please search about Niklas Frank. Do you know that Germany allowed so late (after 2000 year) give widow/ retairement money to people who were against Nazi System? It wss taken away from them... why so late? why so late Niklas Frank was listened? So many years he was told as crazy or he should have not spoken about his father...🙈
Please ask more questions, read more about history. Try understand and find more informations than just saying what do you thing about situations from past. Listen people who were there and their feelings, lessons... Sorry but still there is a lots of work to do... How many German people in Your age have heard about Niklas Frank? How many at Your age listen interviews with him? I do not think many... 😢 He is a brave man, who could have been against the system and he talked about his memories, his father, about how wrong was his behaviour and he showed that people with simillar memories should have not been quiet....should talk... However too many stayed quiet 💔
albo co mowil wokalista sabatonu . Typowa niemiecka propaganda xd
and is so strong bro yep 1 mins
Chris, this time total lack of tact. If you just want to react to songs - just react to songs on different topics
A german reactin too uprising feels wrong
only for people who like to have/create enemies instead of sharing with likeminded people similar views about historical events - independent from where you are from.
This is not an important historical moment for Poles. What would have changed if the Warsaw Uprising had not happened? Nothing.
go be german somewhere else
It's not that easy to say that. It depends of your perspective and perspective of the people who were a part of it. It's easy to judge after years of comfortable living in an independent country
outright incorporation into USSR maybe? Priwislanski kraj again?
Saving the rebelious spirit of the nation counts for something too.
@@Dreju78Exactly, You're right. And it also so easy to say now, living for the whole life in a safe country. Not having to watch how Your family, neighbours, close ones are murdered, since 1939 - people wanted so much to fight, because of all they had to go through earlier.
Nie oceniaj tamtych czasów.To się nigdy nie uda.Mojego taty siostra została przysypana w piwnicy.Byla siostra zakonna.Piekly dla powstańców chleby.przezyla.Miala do końca życia problemy z kręgosłupem.Mojego taty najstarszy brat był pilotem.Robil zrzuty dla powstańców.Zestrzelili go.Przezyl.Mial odłamki blisko kręgosłupa - nieoperacyjne.Nikt z nich nie powiedział, że nie warto było. Nie kalkulowali warto - nie warto.Poprostu trzeba bylo i tyle.
Chris, jakiś czas temu napisałem, że musisz odwiedzic Muzeum Powstania Warszawskiego, skoro już jechałeś do Warszawy. Zrobiłeś to, czy wolałeś jedynie spotkać się ze swoimi widzami?
React to "rota"
React to warsaw 44