Hey everyone! Thanks for your interest in the video - let me clarify these are back of the envelope calculations at best to debunk any worries you might have that WoT will slow down in the next 5-10 years. Any game that makes this much, as I show, will be around for a very long time. A few things to note... 1) By using 2022 RU server data this exaggerates player numbers as many Ukrainians have left and joined EU since. 2) These are "peak Christmas" player numbers and will be less during the rest of the year. 3) Yes it doesn't include multiple accounts or bots. Accordingly my estimate is likely to be HIGHER than reality, but it's still, in my humble opinion, a solid representation of the situation and even if numbers or revenue was half or a quarter of what I found then WoT will still be a wise investment for WG for a decade.
Interesting data query. It will b a amazing performance to watch how they remake "Abraham's sacrifice of Isaac"... It would make me feel like Rockhound from the movie "Armageddon" shouting: "- Blow the bomb Harry - we're with you." 😹🙃🤣🛼
the sole reason why WoWP survives is becasue WoT survives. because WoT is the chicken of the golden eggs, WG haven't had any reason to close the game that is not giving them dividends, but if the game that gives dividends no longer does, then both games will be gone. Don't think WoT will be gone any time soon tbh
@@HostileGG Project CW is an overwatch style hero shooter dressed up in a tank costume, why close your cash cow to promote a completely different style of game that many players won't switch to
One minor flaw in the maths, taking the RU numbers from 2022, what proportion of those moved to the EU server and make up the 2024 count, in which case you would be double courting them in the projections.
Also QB neglects the fact that many "twink" (secind, third) accounts exist. The number of (played) Patton The Tanks probably correlates better to the number of accounts than to the number of players... not sure about the size of the effect, though
Рік тому+2
@@waynealan3067 Sure. And all that explosion of Cyrylic in the game chat is because so many people in Western Europe learned Russian.
@@taurektaurek6213+ on top of that QB made a Patton the Tank review where he did not recommend to play this tank. So you say that the poll he made on twitter is only showing QB's community wich is not a general view of WoT community
Going to “maintenance only” doesn’t necessarily mean shutting the game down, it probably means WG are switching the majority of its developers onto CW, or another new project, and the current version of WoT, or the version around in 2025, will be left as it is with no, or extremely limited, updating.
This is the thing that i don't understand, As someone who played WoT all the way back from 2012/2013 days (I kind of stopped around 2020 but i still follow the game) I never really thought WoT changed all that much. Sure, wheeled vehicles were one thing but it's not like an entirely new game from year to year. To me WoT development has always been kind of in a maintenance mode, but maybe i'm wrong, I don't know what it takes to run a game of this size.
@@Lunamana They were always looking to introduce new lines and new maps, and improvements in the graphics for both, that’s the sort of updating that we might no longer see on a regular basis.
@@Lunamana Hard to say. Problem with software development is something like creating 80% of functionality takes 20% of time (or ratio is even higher). It has a few bugs, it's rough and unpolished, not much user friendly, but it works when you separate it into smaller prototype projects and glue them together. But then you start adding features that were unforseen or unnecessary in early phase that are making some parts more closely coupled together, some stuff needs major rewrites, code needs refactoring to make it less entangled at the same time, internal logic gets more complicated and harder to understand despite all effort and adding new features is progressively harder and it might be better to learn from mistakes and rewrite some parts from scratch. I play WoT for 11 years without a few days and there are new features. Graphics is way better and there were improvements during 2013 and 2014 already, sound is bettter (i remember when being hit by arty for 1000hp occasionally made no sound), there are new mechanics, new game modes, large portion of xvm is integrated, we dont have 250 tech tree and 15 premium tanks, but uncountable number (one can argue that low tiers are unplayble, tier 10 is unbalanced and we do not play more than 30 tanks anyways), spotting was updated long time ago (remember tanks 400m far jumping and being hard to hit)
Рік тому+6
@@Lunamana I think the best description is "milking mode" - much more resources were directed to creating new tanks than to fixing long-established problems.
I think the concurrent player numbers is the biggest sign, if a game is getting peaks of 200k plus consistently, there is no way most companies are going to give up on that or stop developing for it. The EU server has also been doing that for like 5-6 years with no real signs of dropping off, it drops off in the summer obviously and rebuilds in the winter.
@@hunterboyd1780 yea but a mode with the old pen marker and maybe even mode exclusive armor (like the type 5 cant be penned by just spamming gold. you need to find the weakspots and use them)
for a while there was a Hong Kong server and a sydney server in Asia recently both were combined into a single server, the sydney server would rarely go above 1k players in my experience at peak time
@@ieatbatteries_2615 nah, thats not true... I started playing in Mar2020 in the pandemic, and the ANZ server in ALL of my time playing NEVER peaked into the 2000 players on in a night... the majority of my playing career it ave 900-1200... and lately it was more like 600-1000/night even in peaktimes. Back when i had a few games on my bro's account prior to 2020... occasionally in special events if would get close to /be around 2K...
I was a CC and Moderator on the NA server. We were told that the US server (back in 2012) that the NA server was only around 4% of the total player base at that time. We were told however that NA accounted for around 9% of total income for the game. That was when the RU sever was still part of WG. American players especially spend money on games, a lot of it. I am not sure what the numbers are at this point but if it is still even close to that today, that would be your answer as to why NA still exists and may persist...
Metalgold. Tanatha was in charge of everything back then. It was a good time to play the game and cool to get to be involved with it as it evolved...@@tankranksyt
the game is pay to win, rigged match making where paying players will get better teams and win more. also moderation staff is very corrupt on the forums. pay to win rigged casino game
I think the maths here have been very generous with regards to accuracy... however, as a rough guide its a very interesting calculation. Even if its accuracy is +/- 25%, which is a huge margin for error, its still showing a clear trend of continued profitability.
Just to add i also got the Patton, i'm an active player and haven't even taken it out for one battle. So the 1/3 of players that had the patton, being actually calculated seems pretty ok.
gta 5 sold for $60 for 5 years and for another 6 its been selling at $30. 11 years and still has a big enough market to sell at those prices simply because there is enough of a demand. wot has a large player base that spends money so theres no reason for them to shut down just because its been around for a long time
as a software engineer and based what i got from the post i think the developers will have to prioritize their efforts into 'other projects', maybe that new game that is being developed, i don't know but it seems like the likely candidate. Too me this just means that we'll see more tech tree tanks as premiums going into WoT and we'll have less new content, less bug fixes, less new features in the game. I doubt they will can WoT, the revenue is needed to get a new game to a point where it can be monetized, there is a lot of technical debt that is built up for a new application. thinking about what QB stated about the game client, WG would probably be smart to use the developers to pay off that technical debt that has been accumulating for years, decade+ most likely. I can imagine the configuration manager at WG pull there hair out on every new release with testing the build on three different clients for multiple different platforms like PC, MAC,etc.
I remember doing that more the 10 years ago in 2013-2014 it was my first tank line until 2016 were the best days of this game so many good times after that everything went downhill to the shithole it is now
I did the same thing in 2013. It was disappointing because the Tiger kinda sucked but I sucked too at the time lol. Try the Italian med line the Standard B is still my favorite tank after 11 years of playing it has speed with a turbo, decent camo and good penetration with standard rounds especially if you know the weak points and it can lay down the hurt with that three shot clip. Mostly just double shot and use the third for emergencies and kills. It doesn’t have any armor so you have to be sneaky learn your bush mechanics. I have the lion but it’s just not as fun as my B I like slapping tier 10’s with my tier 9. It sucks if you’re playing against a B and that first round penetrates ringing your bell because two more rounds are coming in quick succession and there isn’t a damn thing you can do about it. Just remember have patience but be aggressive with good early map placements at the same time. Never put yourself in a position or situation that you can’t retreat from try to keep some camping TD’s behind and close enough to support you sometimes you will need to fall back to a better spot usually when your falling back your losing but sometimes it buys you time and spaces out the enemy. Try to stay alive while being productive if you make it to the end of the battle that’s when you can rack up the kills and DMG. Use the mini map and study the battle it takes time but when you learn to cut lose at the end of the battle is key. Good luck.
@@philliphanger8535 War Thunder. World of tanks, airplanes and warships combined but has more realism to it with varying degree as in game modes. Arcade (WOT players fit here best) realistic battle and simulator. Good day.
I have not played Patton Tank, although I am daily active on WoT... and I'm sure there are many other players like me. WG will not stop this game, they make a huge amount of money here. Just think how many players have WoT plus, or how many players buy premium tanks, lootboxes and so on and multiply that number only with few euro/month :) will have an astronomic amount of money...
When I come back to the game every so often, because I like War Thunder so much more, I never have a problem finding a match on the NA servers. There are still a lot of people playing this game on that server.
I just want to say I respect the level of love and detection you have for this game QB. How much research and calculating you do just to let us know what really happens in the game we all love. So much respect good sir.
8:20 Taking RU region stats for Jan 2022 was a mistake, because it included a lot of Ukrainian and Kazakh players that moved to EU later on. So you counted them twice. Total Server population should be at least 100k less to account for that.
I'd add to that that most players are of a higher average age than many other games (mainly adults) so people which may have less time but more money to spend on the game. I'd also add that many people (myself included) may not even have connected around christmas to spend full time with family, go on holidays or personally revise for their end term exams Edit: i dunno if that would count but the chinese servers which is independant from the other servers probably generates alot of money though i dunno if that goes to WG or have any idea of the statistics
@@EldenRingSbreeng alot of the more vocal players in chat are kids obviously + it's the internet everyone trashtalks everyone else and most players can't speak fluent english so they'll come off as even dumber and ruder than they may be
I’d go the opposite way on Patton the tank, as to say there are people with multiple accounts, or even booster service with 100’s of account that just clicked the free tank. They may register as 600,000 accounts but I don’t think that’s the actual player base numbers
I’m not sure if I’m a “tank collector,” but I have amassed around 200 premium tanks since 2011. With that, I probably have spent $300 to $400 USD per year on the game.
WoT will need an engine update at some point in time, so after the "HD update - WoT 1.0" in 2018, there sure will be an "8K update - WoT 2.0" incl. ray tracing, responsive smoke ect. in 2025+. Might be also an good idea to add modern tanks...
8K?? Modern Tanks?? Hope these things never come. Because, it’s tricky. It may be like Warzone, Warzone 2.0 2 different games and if you play the newest you lose all the progress in the previous game.
WoT makes enough money to afford "western" staff. There is no good reason to end the game while it's still profitable. The RU server probably lost a massive amount of players due to international actions in foreign lands.
NA console player here. I play between 7-9pm during the week. My observations are that the Queue time is about 30 seconds with about 110 players in the Queue per tier above tier II. Peak player count is on Friday evening where I have regularly experienced player counts above 150 in each Queue with a Queue time of less than 1 minute.
Yes, I know this is old, but... Every single person I know irl and in-clan/in-game played their Patton tank right away (same for this year's holiday tanks). My household accounted for 3 of those pattons. Two of those are family members who have basically only logged in a few times a year, since registration. They have always only logged in to check out the "new something" that may be good and have never stayed. I was the 3rd. I started playing in 2011, played endless hours until WG made sure the game sucked. Then, played somewhat regularly and tried all the servers, but only played a few days per week max. Then, around 2018ish, dropped to very little play per year because of the annoying, toxic environment that WG let run free. I checked in around the time bz-176 was released, then played until Patton came out...and left again. Just recently checked in for the latest Mirny event, which sucked this year (but I liked every prior year of it). I quit playing all other games after starting wot. And now, couldn't care less if it disappeared because of current game environment. Wot was better when opposing teams could trashtalk and friendly fire (especially from arty) kept bs on your team to a bare minimum. These days, I mostly just play cod mobile, which I don't even really care for, but it's better than WG's current efforts and you almost never have to deal with obnoxious trolls or whiners. Occasional babies crying in the background and 7 y/o kids singing all match a few times per week is annoying, but better than wot's environment...which I just played for a couple hours.
Yeah the weak large cupola is a shot magnet. Ive seen several players trying to hide behind a hill or something and the cupola is still sticking up light tower. After playing against the Patton I decided not to even bother wasting my time in the cupola shot magnet. 🧲
I've been playing the game since Beta and I'm on the NA server, the matchmaker is getting pretty bad and I'd say I get 3 tier spread games pretty often. There aren't nearly as many players on and wait times are getting longer, especially at odd times of the day. I would love to be able to move over to the EU server. I have recently been playing on the EU server and my experience is actually much better. I feel like the matchmaker has way more tanks and players to factor in a games aren't as lopsided. It's really like a 60% chance on NA that you go 0-15 or vise versa, it's getting worse. I'd play on EU permanently but I have literally invested thousands of dollars into my NA account over the 10 years I've been playing and don't want to give that up. Hopefully one day we can connect to EU from NA with the same account, or they just merge the servers, I think that would improve things in more ways than one.
They should. We can't even tell people how much of a shit player they are anymore without catching a chat ban. Censorship is evil and they should feel shame.
I kinda lost interest when they kept doing the trend of an Insanely OP Tier 8 Premium tank to be released annually. World of tanks surely had been fun, but if it gets closed then good riddance.
I watch QB religiously and most of the Tier 8 Premium tanks that are released are pretty meh. Wargaming fleecing the whales. There are some broken tanks but they're not breaking the game.
Been playing since the Alpha back in September 2010 and on the NA server since April 2011. I play almost every day, in the early mornings (EST) and then in the evenings some times. There is about 2-4K players on the NA server between 7-9AM (currently 7K at 9:21 on a Saturday) on the weekdays and about 12-15K in the evenings during prime time. During the Christmas event that goes up to about 18-20K players in the evening. Yeah the game isn't as popular as it was 5-8 years ago but the user count has roughly remained steady.
Wot need Frontline as normale Mode and Heavy Tanks need more HP. Like the Mauerbrecher. Its 5 times Heavyier but only got 150hp more then a Chinese Heavy Tank that drives 50 km/h.
World of Tanks closing? With tens of thousands of concurrent players generating the highest revenue for Wargaming? Un-fuggen-likely. A big patch to modernize the game or even an engine change? I could see that. It's not 2010, after all, Core Engine isn't exactly up-to-date.
Asia server player here. the queue time is fast, unless you're playing arty. and you got high probability of asia mainlanders whale their way in the server
Asia server have a lot of try hard whales, and even the normal people like me have spend few hundreds bucks over the year because I'm an adult and have job now. I have played the game since middle school
I claimed Patton The Tank and played quite a few battles with it, it is not as bad as what players were saying but not a good tank for sure, but what do you expect when you get something for free these days
While i dont think that wot will end 2025, the math used in the estimation on the number of players based on the patton tank is wildly flawed. The numbers are based on a poll that only 1400 people answered. To use that as a basis on a ratio for at least hundreds of thousand players (based on the patton) is not taking the small sample size in cosideration.
@@leo6659 Yes, the numbers in any poll is accurate to what the respondents answer. But with any poll or statistics there is a question of how the data was acquired, who was asked etc. So what i mean with the sample size is that we might be getting a biased result that skew the numbers. for example we can say that the people who answered the poll is people following quickybaby on twitter who saw the poll, these people would then be people who saw for example a tank review that stated that the tank was bad and thus that informed their decision on using the tank or not. Thus there is a concern here that the numbers of the poll might not be directly transferrable to the rest of the WOT playerbase. Another example would be that polling a 1000 individuals in for example an american city on their religious belief might change drastically if only one part of the city in wich one religion is more prominent without it being representative of the majority religious view of the city is. Thus it is important to not draw conclusions too big of a conclusion from the data collected depending on several factors. But you are correct that a 1000 people is a good sample size and i was not clear to what exactly was my issue was, mainly how the data was used and interpreted. But 1000 people of just 100 000 is still only 1% of the total asked.
1.2 billion and they can't make hardly any new maps. Cant balance the high tier tanks, cant make a better MM, can't fix the terrible maps, can't adjust their sub par physics and pay to win economy. I'd spend $ if it seemed like they cared about their own game. We never get to play Frontline and their server performance is not good.
yeah asia server has 13k concurrent players peaked but in those 13k concurrent player there are 10k whales last time with the type 59 gold my friend spent almost 120k gold crazy rich asian server
Left out the deduction for those with multiple accounts thus lowering the true number of participants. Also realize the RU area makes less money than the EU unless Wargaming has changed how they charge for tanks/services. Several years ago I got on the RU server and checked how much the Skorp G cost....It was only $8.00 U.S. currency if you put it in the exchange rate converter to see what that area paid for premium tanks while we were paying over $40 U.S. So Russian players get a huge discount likely due to them making far less money on average.
We also have to factor in the CN playerbase numbers in the CN server. I know it's a different company that handles it but there's no way WG isn't part of decision making in there.
Nope. NA server averages around 10k playing most of the time. The vast majority of matches seem to be -2mm. People complain in game chat about it all the time. Mention it on the forum and people call you crazy, stupid, etc... because EU makes up the majority on the forum too. NA server issues don't exist in their world.
I'm right there with you, though I do think QB is correct, they will probably migrate the NA and Asia servers to the EU region if it gets to that point. That will be the real point of the games decline in my opinion is when that happens more than anything. Though that might be a nice change with a bigger player base. We'll see, I don't expect this game to last my lifetime, and my spending had dropped to loot box's during the Christmas holidays, just because it's the best bang for your buck, but I'm expecting years yet befor it comes to that point.
@paytonestrada7746 i do not understand your logic? How is a person who bought something in previous years on a game they have liked and played for over a decade a loser?
@dragonsaphira2 true. Would be interesting to see if there is a server merger like that and like you I have stopped acquiring new premiums in recent years. Now having the ones acquired throughout my decade of playing.
just to clarify-WOT is not dying anytime soon. However-it is hard to determine(even impossible) how many active players WOT have. WG was smart, and allowed(even promoted) that people have more than one account. Even QB has two, and loads of people made multiple accounts to get "free tanks" via referral programme. It is hart to say is it because "loosing" RU server, or loosing player base-but everybody noticed how much more they are trying to sell us staff. With daily offers, special offers, WOT Plus etc.
Proud f2p here. I'm playing only FV304 since 2020, trolling everyone, especially BZ-176, making its owners cry on chat after the battle. It always makes my day :)
It's a shame *_World of Tanks_* might be shutting down, I'd much prefer if Wargaming closed its doors (and another company took up the reigns). The game is great. The publisher? Yeah . . . not so much. QB I'd like to see a retrospective video two years from now to see exactly how much this prediction has come true.
I would probably spend more on WoT if the game-play was better. I'm in New Zealand and we have to connect to the Singapore server for our gaming since they shut down the Australian server. Because of this I am regularly experiencing ping as high as 260ms. Occasionally it's 140ms and I don't know why. At 260ms the game is playable, but it does have many frustrating moments. A VPN doesn't seem to solve the problem. There was damage done to the main undersea cable a few months ago, but I am unsure if it's still damaged or has been repaired yet.
@@robinkhn2547 i sometimes play WoT with 150 ping on alt on NA server and it is very playable, it is not like Counter strike where 10 ping make massive difference
@@robinkhn2547 not necessarily. I've played on the EU server a few times from NA and I've never had a problem with ping, de-syncs, lag, packet loss, etc.
@@DragonNutz420 Well when QB is playing on the NA server he always gets a ping of 100 ms, which is quite high if you wanna play competitive... So yeah they will never merge these servers but much more likely make one joined client where you can select on which server you wanna play (EU1, EU2 or US)
I wonder if you actually like that game that literally will take WAY more time to even get somewhere and that SURELY will ALSO try to get money out of you. :)
Im pretty sure i know what theyre going to do. They're going to go down a War Thunder type of approach. They're going to put WoT, WoWS, and WoP into one client and even have it accessible under the same garage. They wont integrate gameplay with ine another, which is good, but you will be able to play either WoT, WoWS, or WoP without having to launch a new game application. You'll simply click a different hanger/garage in game and you'll be able to see your tanks, ships, and planes. This also greatly encourages people to play the other games.
Eeeeh, that would be a nice thing for player base, but can they patch 3 in 1 games individually ? What is the % of assets shared between 3 games ? This might be much more complicated than you think, or even impossible, all depends on how things work under the hood.
Thats an incredibly stupid idea for performance. Also they don't even run on the same engine and Big World for WoWS has been tuned for it's requirements. Also easy comparison of resources from WoWS to WoT would hurt WoTs image quite a bit
@@jakobi700 it might take a lot of work to do so, but it makes sense. Imagine getting people hooked one the other two games and doing loot boxes and events like wot. I would be willing to try playing the other games if they were right at my fingertips. I don't think it's impossible to switch them over to the same engine as WoT. A ton of work, yes. It makes sense though
No, do you realise how many players would have to uninstall just because of the sheer size that game would take on your computer? Maybe in the distant future when ssd's are like 2 or 3 terrabyte standard. But in the near future? No way. People like to have some other games on their computers too.
i did not play project CW i just saw videos and streams but i hated it and it felt casually like you re comparing CS (wot) to COD (project CW) and its doesn't give you that rush and feel like wot when you re 1 v 5 or play a light tank and outplay heavies and so one
My speculation is: Wargaming is facing the same issue that many other companies had when splitting up. The game was developed in St. Petersburgh Russia but wargaming has no access to the developers. It is very likely that some parts of the game like RNG formula are known to just a limited group of senior developers. Now new wargaming has not the knowledge to modify certain major aspects of the game. Every year some new tanks came out in christmas event with loot boxes. These tanks were fantastic during the event but got balanced afterwards. The loot box tank of 2023 - the BZ-176 - has still the honeymoon characteristics. It is very likely that new wargaming has no clue how to "normalize" the tank. Today we are still getting content developed by russian wargaming but this will end sooner than later and then we will see how good the handover to new wargaming really was.
So yeah...might be that it will become a support-only game, none with actual development anymore. They're probably going to throw all their resources into the new CW whatever game. Honestly, I do seem to like that game - best to do away with historicity whatsover for a game with a playstyle similar to WoT. I mean the mechanics that were recently added to WoT literally defy physics, and neither is there a shred of historical accuracy about these vehicles.
World of Tanks isnt gonna end, not by a longshot. but it's updates and new additions will at some point, perhaps a lot sooner then we expect. since Wargaming is working on a NEW Tank game that they think is gonna do great, i wouldnt be surprised if World of Tanks stops getting consistent updates and content somewhere between 1 to 3 years from now. it is gonna survive, of course! it has a MASSIVE Player base, so it wont just die. but the updates and content will end at some point, and possibly in the next 2 or 3 years due to new projects taking up the time end effort of the developers.
When the first merged the servers to form the NA server as we know it now back in 2018/2019 there was 25k-30k during peak hours. Most weeknights I only see 8k-11k when there aren't holiday ops going on.
You can't simply extrapolate relatively small poll to the entire playerbase, there will akways be some degree od error, dependent on sample size.. Did you calculate confidence intervals?
I left for 1.5 years and came back to my old 5 clan system on the NA server. What has changed is the daily population has gone from about 20k - 25k in prime time (6-10 pm) to now only 12k to 13k each night. Clan activity has dropped to almost nothing but randoms, and difficult to find battle callers or members that want to gel into a Stronghold/CW team. For every new recruit we get another 2 has dropped out of the game completely. Its not just our clans but other clans we are associated with claim the same thing. So 2025? Its very possible for the NA server to disappear or combine to EU or w/e. Good luck to all.
accounts not players .... see claimed the patton tank ... accounts not plyers i have 7 on 7 accounts 1 player claimed 7. His base math is wrong. how many accounts the avg. play has and claimed the Patton tank on them all.
The reason why world of tanks is dying is there is too much division between console and pc skill has never even picked up the game on console neither have you, Until gamers on pc and console become 1 mind, this game is going to continue to take a steep dive, war thunder in 2024 on console is mint on every corner the community is transparent as a level 95 I must say! I get what I paid for there here over here i am get a pissy community arguing whos PC costs more while my $500 PS5 shits on most $10.000 "GAMING" PC'S that were released the same year
Hey QB.great content once again but imo when it comes to player base estimation you should take in consideration 2 more factors.the 1st is the amount of users that own more than one account and the fact since we don't have data for the RU region after a lot of players migrated from RU servers to EU when the option to do so was provided
I have a hard time believing WOT would close their cash cow, but if they do Ill stick around QB. Ive been watching you for over a decade, no reason to stop now lol
But there are many people like me and my friends, who havent played for a whole year, just logged to get Patton and played a few games with it, soooo....
@@AndrewWhiteKhanty sooo the player count estimated by this method can be cut in half or doubled, QBs calculation is just pure tip. Also QBs audience is not optimal for a pool, because it is more possible they watch tank reviews and that is the reason only 30% played the tank. Casual players always try new vehicle. Sooo, do you get my point now?
World of Tanks used to be great. Now it's a poor shadow of how it used to be. Poor players, too many one sided routs and ridiculous MM. If it was to close I don't think I would be losing any sleep. Despite buying several premium tanks I've had more than my money's worth over the last ten years.
Hey everyone! Thanks for your interest in the video - let me clarify these are back of the envelope calculations at best to debunk any worries you might have that WoT will slow down in the next 5-10 years. Any game that makes this much, as I show, will be around for a very long time. A few things to note...
1) By using 2022 RU server data this exaggerates player numbers as many Ukrainians have left and joined EU since.
2) These are "peak Christmas" player numbers and will be less during the rest of the year.
3) Yes it doesn't include multiple accounts or bots.
Accordingly my estimate is likely to be HIGHER than reality, but it's still, in my humble opinion, a solid representation of the situation and even if numbers or revenue was half or a quarter of what I found then WoT will still be a wise investment for WG for a decade.
Interesting data query.
It will b a amazing performance to watch how they remake "Abraham's sacrifice of Isaac"...
It would make me feel like Rockhound from the movie "Armageddon" shouting:
"- Blow the bomb Harry - we're with you." 😹🙃🤣🛼
I think QB has a statistics degree
@@DarkKnight268v4 could be. However there is some people playing 2 or more account to pleasure or to @#%&$$$!
why don't you disclose that you are a WG employee?
Please, stop.@@noway-o9h
If world of warplanes is surviving with less then 100 concurrent players I don't think wot is dying anytime soon
the sole reason why WoWP survives is becasue WoT survives. because WoT is the chicken of the golden eggs, WG haven't had any reason to close the game that is not giving them dividends, but if the game that gives dividends no longer does, then both games will be gone.
Don't think WoT will be gone any time soon tbh
I loved wowp, but you cant really say that it survives. Most of the time its 1vs1 in higher Tiers, and the rest are Bots... sadly!
wait... world of warplanes have players???
I too loved WOWP. I was one of the best in Europe but really dislike the game when it changed. @@janschaffstall8261
@@janschaffstall8261 "I loved wowp" Wow ! You are a rare individual.
I claimed Patton the Tank and never played a battle in it.
I just played one battle. Only tank I have 100% WR in. 😁
Yup and it’s the same with the Pz IV F2… which is a shame because if that wasn’t badly nerfed, I’d have happily played it.
Same here. Claimed it, but haven't played it
Me too
Haven't watchted vid, but no, WG isn't stupid and isn't going to give up their biggest profit generator.
They could, to promote their new game.
@@HostileGG That would be a huge mistake. New game doesn't look very good.
@@HostileGG Would be highly stupid. If the game is far more succesful than WoT (I doubt that for several good reasons), than most likely yes.
@@HostileGG Project CW is an overwatch style hero shooter dressed up in a tank costume, why close your cash cow to promote a completely different style of game that many players won't switch to
@@HostileGG thats stupid, thats what happened to club penguin
First Hamiltons move and now this!?
glitch in matrix
yeah, and both bs. WG won't close and Hamilton will still lose from Verstappen.
Getting old. Everyone
Didnt expect this comment here, what next alonso to merc?
One minor flaw in the maths, taking the RU numbers from 2022, what proportion of those moved to the EU server and make up the 2024 count, in which case you would be double courting them in the projections.
Agreed, this explains the uptick you see in EU in 2024. He should've taken all 2022 data or disregard the RU in 2024.
Also QB neglects the fact that many "twink" (secind, third) accounts exist. The number of (played) Patton The Tanks probably correlates better to the number of accounts than to the number of players... not sure about the size of the effect, though
@@waynealan3067 Sure. And all that explosion of Cyrylic in the game chat is because so many people in Western Europe learned Russian.
@@taurektaurek6213+ on top of that QB made a Patton the Tank review where he did not recommend to play this tank. So you say that the poll he made on twitter is only showing QB's community wich is not a general view of WoT community
Also that poll means nothing. It is highly unlikely to be a significant represantation of the global wot population
Going to “maintenance only” doesn’t necessarily mean shutting the game down, it probably means WG are switching the majority of its developers onto CW, or another new project, and the current version of WoT, or the version around in 2025, will be left as it is with no, or extremely limited, updating.
This is the thing that i don't understand, As someone who played WoT all the way back from 2012/2013 days (I kind of stopped around 2020 but i still follow the game) I never really thought WoT changed all that much. Sure, wheeled vehicles were one thing but it's not like an entirely new game from year to year. To me WoT development has always been kind of in a maintenance mode, but maybe i'm wrong, I don't know what it takes to run a game of this size.
@@Lunamana this
@@Lunamana They were always looking to introduce new lines and new maps, and improvements in the graphics for both, that’s the sort of updating that we might no longer see on a regular basis.
@@Lunamana Hard to say. Problem with software development is something like creating 80% of functionality takes 20% of time (or ratio is even higher). It has a few bugs, it's rough and unpolished, not much user friendly, but it works when you separate it into smaller prototype projects and glue them together. But then you start adding features that were unforseen or unnecessary in early phase that are making some parts more closely coupled together, some stuff needs major rewrites, code needs refactoring to make it less entangled at the same time, internal logic gets more complicated and harder to understand despite all effort and adding new features is progressively harder and it might be better to learn from mistakes and rewrite some parts from scratch.
I play WoT for 11 years without a few days and there are new features. Graphics is way better and there were improvements during 2013 and 2014 already, sound is bettter (i remember when being hit by arty for 1000hp occasionally made no sound), there are new mechanics, new game modes, large portion of xvm is integrated, we dont have 250 tech tree and 15 premium tanks, but uncountable number (one can argue that low tiers are unplayble, tier 10 is unbalanced and we do not play more than 30 tanks anyways), spotting was updated long time ago (remember tanks 400m far jumping and being hard to hit)
@@Lunamana I think the best description is "milking mode" - much more resources were directed to creating new tanks than to fixing long-established problems.
2025: BZ-176 15v15 STARTS
And they gona bring back old school gold ammo where u actually have to pay gold to use em, 300 HESH Pen lol
BZ isn't even op
What @@Loudnose
@@Hasio-Maszkietnik BZ-176 isn't even op
@@Loudnose Could you say that again I think I misheard what you just said.
Glad to see QB found a use for “Patton the Tank”. 🤣. 🤘😎 Tankers
I think everyone can agree that the main problem with people not playing WoT is the Matchmaking
And to much RNG
I think the concurrent player numbers is the biggest sign, if a game is getting peaks of 200k plus consistently, there is no way most companies are going to give up on that or stop developing for it. The EU server has also been doing that for like 5-6 years with no real signs of dropping off, it drops off in the summer obviously and rebuilds in the winter.
Team fortress 2…
and who provides these numbers playing? oh yeah, WoT, believe everything you want if they say it
Wot is not getting 200k, I’d be surprised if they even reached 90k pr 80k in the last year.
7:46 When you add RU and EU player numbers, you are counting twice those who moved their accounts from RU to EU - and that's a significant amount!
He just gives you the bigger picture, it's pointless to mention that since the numbers for RU are estimates in the first place.
How do you even know it's a significant amount?
@@Ca11mero just go and play on EU3 or EU4 server
Never been on those so I had no idea :)@@-.nisa.-
I think that we should see an OG season, old maps and mechanics for a limited time would be so cool!
or perhaps an extra gamemode called WoT Original. I would play it
I dunno when wot classic came out it was pretty rough
@@hunterboyd1780 yea but a mode with the old pen marker and maybe even mode exclusive armor (like the type 5 cant be penned by just spamming gold. you need to find the weakspots and use them)
Loved wot classic when they brought that back
I mean at that point they are gonna be called out for copying game titans like what fortnite did
So many memories. So many psychological scars. I may cry.
for a while there was a Hong Kong server and a sydney server in Asia recently both were combined into a single server, the sydney server would rarely go above 1k players in my experience at peak time
anz would peak 2k at 10pm - 12am brisbane time
@@ohbleak Use a VPN to reduce ping, it helps!
@@ohbleak get a non-trash ISP. ~110ms from the east coast is perfectly playable and a big improvement over HK
@@ieatbatteries_2615 nah, thats not true... I started playing in Mar2020 in the pandemic, and the ANZ server in ALL of my time playing NEVER peaked into the 2000 players on in a night... the majority of my playing career it ave 900-1200... and lately it was more like 600-1000/night even in peaktimes. Back when i had a few games on my bro's account prior to 2020... occasionally in special events if would get close to /be around 2K...
@@Timbotao that’s probably right, I haven’t taken too much notice since they merged I just remember staying up late to play t10
I was a CC and Moderator on the NA server. We were told that the US server (back in 2012) that the NA server was only around 4% of the total player base at that time. We were told however that NA accounted for around 9% of total income for the game. That was when the RU sever was still part of WG. American players especially spend money on games, a lot of it. I am not sure what the numbers are at this point but if it is still even close to that today, that would be your answer as to why NA still exists and may persist...
what was your cc name?
Metalgold. Tanatha was in charge of everything back then. It was a good time to play the game and cool to get to be involved with it as it evolved...@@tankranksyt
@@mattcarrier3687 can you provide me with some links or old data
the game is pay to win, rigged match making where paying players will get better teams and win more. also moderation staff is very corrupt on the forums. pay to win rigged casino game
And I know at least 3 accounts (mine and 2 others) that have NO battle played in Patton The Tank
I think the maths here have been very generous with regards to accuracy... however, as a rough guide its a very interesting calculation. Even if its accuracy is +/- 25%, which is a huge margin for error, its still showing a clear trend of continued profitability.
i could see WoT enter a sort of "maintenance light" mode for a while after the launch of project CW while they try to get it to take of
I throw £65 nearly every month at the game , unless WOT makes a statement about this I’ll hold fire for now
Just to add i also got the Patton, i'm an active player and haven't even taken it out for one battle. So the 1/3 of players that had the patton, being actually calculated seems pretty ok.
Happy Friday People!
gta 5 sold for $60 for 5 years and for another 6 its been selling at $30. 11 years and still has a big enough market to sell at those prices simply because there is enough of a demand. wot has a large player base that spends money so theres no reason for them to shut down just because its been around for a long time
I feel sad for the premium tanks collectors
Fuck them i pay a 100 boxes every Christmas as my anual fee to keep the game running
thats how I tend to play as well I then just use the gold around my holidays for the premium time and rest of the time play for free.
7 billion gross earnings last year from WoT fraanchise.
@@AtheismF7W not last year, in total.
Sadly nothing you "own" in game is truly yours
@@luke_angelo in the end it's all just 1s and 0s...
Guess what is also zeros and ones.. the money on your bank account ;)
as a software engineer and based what i got from the post i think the developers will have to prioritize their efforts into 'other projects', maybe that new game that is being developed, i don't know but it seems like the likely candidate. Too me this just means that we'll see more tech tree tanks as premiums going into WoT and we'll have less new content, less bug fixes, less new features in the game. I doubt they will can WoT, the revenue is needed to get a new game to a point where it can be monetized, there is a lot of technical debt that is built up for a new application.
thinking about what QB stated about the game client, WG would probably be smart to use the developers to pay off that technical debt that has been accumulating for years, decade+ most likely. I can imagine the configuration manager at WG pull there hair out on every new release with testing the build on three different clients for multiple different platforms like PC, MAC,etc.
WOT is perfect. As a game and as a program. It was very optimized and easy to mods and the gameplay loop is perfect
I play on the NA server and haven’t seen 18k plus players in a very long time. It’s mostly around 4-8k
I just started playing at 25 December 2023, I’ve gotten to the tiger tank and I gotta research the last gun then I’ll be maxed out
I remember doing that more the 10 years ago in 2013-2014 it was my first tank line until 2016 were the best days of this game so many good times after that everything went downhill to the shithole it is now
I did the same thing in 2013. It was disappointing because the Tiger kinda sucked but I sucked too at the time lol. Try the Italian med line the Standard B is still my favorite tank after 11 years of playing it has speed with a turbo, decent camo and good penetration with standard rounds especially if you know the weak points and it can lay down the hurt with that three shot clip. Mostly just double shot and use the third for emergencies and kills. It doesn’t have any armor so you have to be sneaky learn your bush mechanics. I have the lion but it’s just not as fun as my B I like slapping tier 10’s with my tier 9. It sucks if you’re playing against a B and that first round penetrates ringing your bell because two more rounds are coming in quick succession and there isn’t a damn thing you can do about it. Just remember have patience but be aggressive with good early map placements at the same time. Never put yourself in a position or situation that you can’t retreat from try to keep some camping TD’s behind and close enough to support you sometimes you will need to fall back to a better spot usually when your falling back your losing but sometimes it buys you time and spaces out the enemy. Try to stay alive while being productive if you make it to the end of the battle that’s when you can rack up the kills and DMG. Use the mini map and study the battle it takes time but when you learn to cut lose at the end of the battle is key. Good luck.
Don’t waste your time switch to WT like many of us WOT vets much more enjoyable experience
@@krle7970 what is WT?
@@philliphanger8535 War Thunder. World of tanks, airplanes and warships combined but has more realism to it with varying degree as in game modes. Arcade (WOT players fit here best) realistic battle and simulator.
Good day.
I have not played Patton Tank, although I am daily active on WoT... and I'm sure there are many other players like me. WG will not stop this game, they make a huge amount of money here. Just think how many players have WoT plus, or how many players buy premium tanks, lootboxes and so on and multiply that number only with few euro/month :) will have an astronomic amount of money...
When I come back to the game every so often, because I like War Thunder so much more, I never have a problem finding a match on the NA servers. There are still a lot of people playing this game on that server.
Half the "players" now are WoT bots.
I just want to say I respect the level of love and detection you have for this game QB. How much research and calculating you do just to let us know what really happens in the game we all love. So much respect good sir.
The NA server has a SA sub server that only has 2k peak players every day. It is sad our situation
That's why the WoT Blitz abolished the LATAM server
8:20 Taking RU region stats for Jan 2022 was a mistake, because it included a lot of Ukrainian and Kazakh players that moved to EU later on. So you counted them twice. Total Server population should be at least 100k less to account for that.
They destroyed the game, all for money.
Fr would of worships is still good for the most part
I'd add to that that most players are of a higher average age than many other games (mainly adults) so people which may have less time but more money to spend on the game. I'd also add that many people (myself included) may not even have connected around christmas to spend full time with family, go on holidays or personally revise for their end term exams
Edit: i dunno if that would count but the chinese servers which is independant from the other servers probably generates alot of money though i dunno if that goes to WG or have any idea of the statistics
Obviously you are missing ingame chat..coz if that are adults...this world is doomed..
@@EldenRingSbreeng alot of the more vocal players in chat are kids obviously + it's the internet everyone trashtalks everyone else and most players can't speak fluent english so they'll come off as even dumber and ruder than they may be
If anyone didn’t knew what QB would do if WOT close
A new statistician is on the market
QB does have a PhD in Science!
I’d go the opposite way on Patton the tank, as to say there are people with multiple accounts, or even booster service with 100’s of account that just clicked the free tank. They may register as 600,000 accounts but I don’t think that’s the actual player base numbers
that statistic 6mln battles played by 600k+ players. I have it but never played so it would not count my account in.
A lot of ppl saw videos about the Patton and decided to never drive it. I am one of them.
What is the “Patton the tank”?
I’m not sure if I’m a “tank collector,” but I have amassed around 200 premium tanks since 2011. With that, I probably have spent $300 to $400 USD per year on the game.
WoT will need an engine update at some point in time, so after the "HD update - WoT 1.0" in 2018,
there sure will be an "8K update - WoT 2.0" incl. ray tracing, responsive smoke ect. in 2025+.
Might be also an good idea to add modern tanks...
adding modern tanks is kinda tricky, if they want to they need to do like they did on console or it would be an insane power creep.
8k? you do realize the game isnt even using 4k textures right?
We have them on console and it works fine with 2 different modes, WW2 and Cold War
8K?? Modern Tanks?? Hope these things never come. Because, it’s tricky. It may be like Warzone, Warzone 2.0 2 different games and if you play the newest you lose all the progress in the previous game.
If WOT closes the i will make full transition to war thunder
Gotta love it when QB breaks out the Excel sheets! Great video! I didn't take your X (Twitter) poll, but I claimed the Patton and haven't played it.
WoT makes enough money to afford "western" staff. There is no good reason to end the game while it's still profitable.
The RU server probably lost a massive amount of players due to international actions in foreign lands.
I really wish QB would check out the hell that WoT console has become
I still don't get why Wargaming hasn't made WoT cross-platform like Fortnite.
I play it and wdym?
@@AndrewWhiteKhantyWoT Blitz is cross platform more or less. You can play it on phone, pc and nintendo switch
WoT is profitable. Otherwise they wouldn't pay for actors like Schwarzenegger or licenses like Terminator. Those were NOT cheap.
NA console player here. I play between 7-9pm during the week. My observations are that the Queue time is about 30 seconds with about 110 players in the Queue per tier above tier II. Peak player count is on Friday evening where I have regularly experienced player counts above 150 in each Queue with a Queue time of less than 1 minute.
The NA only account for 2% of the player base, but probably 50% of $💵 spent on the game. 🤘😎 Tankers
Nah. Maybe 5-10%
Today they bring it out, all Forums closed...
Step by step
The forums are a joke.
Yes, I know this is old, but...
Every single person I know irl and in-clan/in-game played their Patton tank right away (same for this year's holiday tanks). My household accounted for 3 of those pattons.
Two of those are family members who have basically only logged in a few times a year, since registration. They have always only logged in to check out the "new something" that may be good and have never stayed.
I was the 3rd.
I started playing in 2011, played endless hours until WG made sure the game sucked. Then, played somewhat regularly and tried all the servers, but only played a few days per week max.
Then, around 2018ish, dropped to very little play per year because of the annoying, toxic environment that WG let run free.
I checked in around the time bz-176 was released, then played until Patton came out...and left again. Just recently checked in for the latest Mirny event, which sucked this year (but I liked every prior year of it).
I quit playing all other games after starting wot. And now, couldn't care less if it disappeared because of current game environment. Wot was better when opposing teams could trashtalk and friendly fire (especially from arty) kept bs on your team to a bare minimum.
These days, I mostly just play cod mobile, which I don't even really care for, but it's better than WG's current efforts and you almost never have to deal with obnoxious trolls or whiners. Occasional babies crying in the background and 7 y/o kids singing all match a few times per week is annoying, but better than wot's environment...which I just played for a couple hours.
I watched your video on Patton the Tank and decided that there wasn't a point me playing it lol
Yeah the weak large cupola is a shot magnet. Ive seen several players trying to hide behind a hill or something and the cupola is still sticking up light tower. After playing against the Patton I decided not to even bother wasting my time in the cupola shot magnet. 🧲
I've been playing the game since Beta and I'm on the NA server, the matchmaker is getting pretty bad and I'd say I get 3 tier spread games pretty often. There aren't nearly as many players on and wait times are getting longer, especially at odd times of the day. I would love to be able to move over to the EU server. I have recently been playing on the EU server and my experience is actually much better. I feel like the matchmaker has way more tanks and players to factor in a games aren't as lopsided. It's really like a 60% chance on NA that you go 0-15 or vise versa, it's getting worse. I'd play on EU permanently but I have literally invested thousands of dollars into my NA account over the 10 years I've been playing and don't want to give that up. Hopefully one day we can connect to EU from NA with the same account, or they just merge the servers, I think that would improve things in more ways than one.
I doubt it
They should. We can't even tell people how much of a shit player they are anymore without catching a chat ban. Censorship is evil and they should feel shame.
I kinda lost interest when they kept doing the trend of an Insanely OP Tier 8 Premium tank to be released annually. World of tanks surely had been fun, but if it gets closed then good riddance.
I watch QB religiously and most of the Tier 8 Premium tanks that are released are pretty meh. Wargaming fleecing the whales. There are some broken tanks but they're not breaking the game.
as a not really that frequent player of WOT in sea server, i might just restart my progress and move to EU.
Yeah that won't be fun if you have to play constantly with a ping of like 300 I guess
Been playing since the Alpha back in September 2010 and on the NA server since April 2011. I play almost every day, in the early mornings (EST) and then in the evenings some times. There is about 2-4K players on the NA server between 7-9AM (currently 7K at 9:21 on a Saturday) on the weekdays and about 12-15K in the evenings during prime time. During the Christmas event that goes up to about 18-20K players in the evening.
Yeah the game isn't as popular as it was 5-8 years ago but the user count has roughly remained steady.
Wot need Frontline as normale Mode and Heavy Tanks need more HP. Like the Mauerbrecher. Its 5 times Heavyier but only got 150hp more then a Chinese Heavy Tank that drives 50 km/h.
World of Tanks closing? With tens of thousands of concurrent players generating the highest revenue for Wargaming? Un-fuggen-likely.
A big patch to modernize the game or even an engine change? I could see that. It's not 2010, after all, Core Engine isn't exactly up-to-date.
Asia server player here.
the queue time is fast, unless you're playing arty.
and you got high probability of asia mainlanders whale their way in the server
Almost without exception SEA players are garbage. I hate being stuck on it but won’t start another account. HATE the players on that server.
Asia server have a lot of try hard whales, and even the normal people like me have spend few hundreds bucks over the year because I'm an adult and have job now. I have played the game since middle school
@@omuffin1854 yeah.
we got alot of gold spam.
they dont care about how they'll gain credits. they'll just buy a bundle with gold/prem and credits.
I spend about 800$ a year on tanks on NA. This makes me feel better after thinking about this for a while. Good vid QB.
I claimed Patton The Tank and played quite a few battles with it, it is not as bad as what players were saying but not a good tank for sure, but what do you expect when you get something for free these days
I like Patton the Tank. I often tell myself that I would have been able to do better in a different tank, but I do that with lots of other tanks too.
How to make more money? Remove +2 matchmaking. Instant profit
While i dont think that wot will end 2025, the math used in the estimation on the number of players based on the patton tank is wildly flawed. The numbers are based on a poll that only 1400 people answered. To use that as a basis on a ratio for at least hundreds of thousand players (based on the patton) is not taking the small sample size in cosideration.
no no its valid, 1000 ppl is very accurate in statistics and its used very often. anything u see on tv or any pools 1k is on point
@@leo6659 Yes, the numbers in any poll is accurate to what the respondents answer. But with any poll or statistics there is a question of how the data was acquired, who was asked etc. So what i mean with the sample size is that we might be getting a biased result that skew the numbers. for example we can say that the people who answered the poll is people following quickybaby on twitter who saw the poll, these people would then be people who saw for example a tank review that stated that the tank was bad and thus that informed their decision on using the tank or not. Thus there is a concern here that the numbers of the poll might not be directly transferrable to the rest of the WOT playerbase.
Another example would be that polling a 1000 individuals in for example an american city on their religious belief might change drastically if only one part of the city in wich one religion is more prominent without it being representative of the majority religious view of the city is. Thus it is important to not draw conclusions too big of a conclusion from the data collected depending on several factors.
But you are correct that a 1000 people is a good sample size and i was not clear to what exactly was my issue was, mainly how the data was used and interpreted. But 1000 people of just 100 000 is still only 1% of the total asked.
1.2 billion and they can't make hardly any new maps. Cant balance the high tier tanks, cant make a better MM, can't fix the terrible maps, can't adjust their sub par physics and pay to win economy. I'd spend $ if it seemed like they cared about their own game. We never get to play Frontline and their server performance is not good.
yeah asia server has 13k concurrent players peaked but in those 13k concurrent player there are 10k whales last time with the type 59 gold my friend spent almost 120k gold crazy rich asian server
Left out the deduction for those with multiple accounts thus lowering the true number of participants. Also realize the RU area makes less money than the EU unless Wargaming has changed how they charge for tanks/services. Several years ago I got on the RU server and checked how much the Skorp G cost....It was only $8.00 U.S. currency if you put it in the exchange rate converter to see what that area paid for premium tanks while we were paying over $40 U.S. So Russian players get a huge discount likely due to them making far less money on average.
We also have to factor in the CN playerbase numbers in the CN server. I know it's a different company that handles it but there's no way WG isn't part of decision making in there.
Did not know NA server population was that low. I thought it'd be about half as much as EU.
Nope. NA server averages around 10k playing most of the time. The vast majority of matches seem to be -2mm. People complain in game chat about it all the time. Mention it on the forum and people call you crazy, stupid, etc... because EU makes up the majority on the forum too. NA server issues don't exist in their world.
I hope QB is right. As an NA player with a few too many premiums. I'd be pissed of they closed NA
I hope they close NA just for losers who bought premiums.
I'm right there with you, though I do think QB is correct, they will probably migrate the NA and Asia servers to the EU region if it gets to that point. That will be the real point of the games decline in my opinion is when that happens more than anything. Though that might be a nice change with a bigger player base. We'll see, I don't expect this game to last my lifetime, and my spending had dropped to loot box's during the Christmas holidays, just because it's the best bang for your buck, but I'm expecting years yet befor it comes to that point.
@paytonestrada7746 i do not understand your logic? How is a person who bought something in previous years on a game they have liked and played for over a decade a loser?
@dragonsaphira2 true. Would be interesting to see if there is a server merger like that and like you I have stopped acquiring new premiums in recent years. Now having the ones acquired throughout my decade of playing.
@@corathus Someone who supports scammers is a loser.
In WoT theres hardly any real players left. Im playing at least with and against bots in 70% of the time. Its a dead a game for years already 😢
WG doesn't have a western development team. They are located in Belgrade, Serbia and most of their old devs moved there.
just to clarify-WOT is not dying anytime soon. However-it is hard to determine(even impossible) how many active players WOT have. WG was smart, and allowed(even promoted) that people have more than one account. Even QB has two, and loads of people made multiple accounts to get "free tanks" via referral programme. It is hart to say is it because "loosing" RU server, or loosing player base-but everybody noticed how much more they are trying to sell us staff. With daily offers, special offers, WOT Plus etc.
I have claimed Patton the tank and it has never left the garage
Unless they are getting ready to roll out with WoT 2.0 in late 2025 or 2026, I cant see it outright going on the maintenance life support yet.
Proud f2p here. I'm playing only FV304 since 2020, trolling everyone, especially BZ-176, making its owners cry on chat after the battle. It always makes my day :)
It's a shame *_World of Tanks_* might be shutting down, I'd much prefer if Wargaming closed its doors (and another company took up the reigns). The game is great. The publisher? Yeah . . . not so much.
QB I'd like to see a retrospective video two years from now to see exactly how much this prediction has come true.
What a good thing to have a content creator with PhD
I would probably spend more on WoT if the game-play was better. I'm in New Zealand and we have to connect to the Singapore server for our gaming since they shut down the Australian server. Because of this I am regularly experiencing ping as high as 260ms. Occasionally it's 140ms and I don't know why. At 260ms the game is playable, but it does have many frustrating moments. A VPN doesn't seem to solve the problem. There was damage done to the main undersea cable a few months ago, but I am unsure if it's still damaged or has been repaired yet.
I just hope they merge the us and eu servers. it gets hard to find a match sometimes.
that would be stupid af considering the massive difference in ping
@@robinkhn2547 i sometimes play WoT with 150 ping on alt on NA server and it is very playable, it is not like Counter strike where 10 ping make massive difference
That would ruin the game
@@robinkhn2547 not necessarily. I've played on the EU server a few times from NA and I've never had a problem with ping, de-syncs, lag, packet loss, etc.
@@DragonNutz420 Well when QB is playing on the NA server he always gets a ping of 100 ms, which is quite high if you wanna play competitive... So yeah they will never merge these servers but much more likely make one joined client where you can select on which server you wanna play (EU1, EU2 or US)
A lot of WoT gamers ran to WarThunder in these 5 years period....
Yup, I did about a year ago and have no regrets.
I wonder if you actually like that game that literally will take WAY more time to even get somewhere and that SURELY will ALSO try to get money out of you. :)
Im pretty sure i know what theyre going to do. They're going to go down a War Thunder type of approach. They're going to put WoT, WoWS, and WoP into one client and even have it accessible under the same garage. They wont integrate gameplay with ine another, which is good, but you will be able to play either WoT, WoWS, or WoP without having to launch a new game application. You'll simply click a different hanger/garage in game and you'll be able to see your tanks, ships, and planes. This also greatly encourages people to play the other games.
Eeeeh, that would be a nice thing for player base, but can they patch 3 in 1 games individually ? What is the % of assets shared between 3 games ? This might be much more complicated than you think, or even impossible, all depends on how things work under the hood.
Thats an incredibly stupid idea for performance. Also they don't even run on the same engine and Big World for WoWS has been tuned for it's requirements. Also easy comparison of resources from WoWS to WoT would hurt WoTs image quite a bit
@@jakobi700 it might take a lot of work to do so, but it makes sense. Imagine getting people hooked one the other two games and doing loot boxes and events like wot. I would be willing to try playing the other games if they were right at my fingertips. I don't think it's impossible to switch them over to the same engine as WoT. A ton of work, yes. It makes sense though
No, do you realise how many players would have to uninstall just because of the sheer size that game would take on your computer? Maybe in the distant future when ssd's are like 2 or 3 terrabyte standard. But in the near future? No way. People like to have some other games on their computers too.
While I don't think WOT is dying soon, this might explain why WG is starting the new Cold War game.
i did not play project CW i just saw videos and streams
but i hated it and it felt casually like you re comparing CS (wot) to COD (project CW)
and its doesn't give you that rush and feel like wot when you re 1 v 5 or play a light tank and outplay heavies and so one
My speculation is: Wargaming is facing the same issue that many other companies had when splitting up. The game was developed in St. Petersburgh Russia but wargaming has no access to the developers. It is very likely that some parts of the game like RNG formula are known to just a limited group of senior developers. Now new wargaming has not the knowledge to modify certain major aspects of the game. Every year some new tanks came out in christmas event with loot boxes. These tanks were fantastic during the event but got balanced afterwards. The loot box tank of 2023 - the BZ-176 - has still the honeymoon characteristics. It is very likely that new wargaming has no clue how to "normalize" the tank. Today we are still getting content developed by russian wargaming but this will end sooner than later and then we will see how good the handover to new wargaming really was.
And the development has clearly showed down. RU gets new lines what we got in addition they are getting new type of artillery and flamethrower tanks
So yeah...might be that it will become a support-only game, none with actual development anymore. They're probably going to throw all their resources into the new CW whatever game. Honestly, I do seem to like that game - best to do away with historicity whatsover for a game with a playstyle similar to WoT.
I mean the mechanics that were recently added to WoT literally defy physics, and neither is there a shred of historical accuracy about these vehicles.
WoT was never historically accurate... most of the popular tanks are made up... it's not War Thunder...
World of Tanks isnt gonna end, not by a longshot.
but it's updates and new additions will at some point, perhaps a lot sooner then we expect.
since Wargaming is working on a NEW Tank game that they think is gonna do great, i wouldnt be surprised if World of Tanks stops getting consistent updates and content somewhere between 1 to 3 years from now. it is gonna survive, of course! it has a MASSIVE Player base, so it wont just die. but the updates and content will end at some point, and possibly in the next 2 or 3 years due to new projects taking up the time end effort of the developers.
World of Tanks NA maybe but not the Rest
Nah NA is gonna merge with EU eventually.
@@jarretticeearthguard8614 Sound Plausible since that would suck for the NA playerbase if they shut it down for good in NA
I know the NA server, from about 3pm to midnight east coast time, has about 12k - 14k players nightly
When the first merged the servers to form the NA server as we know it now back in 2018/2019 there was 25k-30k during peak hours. Most weeknights I only see 8k-11k when there aren't holiday ops going on.
I love how QB loves his Excel sheets
I never played my Patton the Tank
You can't simply extrapolate relatively small poll to the entire playerbase, there will akways be some degree od error, dependent on sample size.. Did you calculate confidence intervals?
I left for 1.5 years and came back to my old 5 clan system on the NA server. What has changed is the daily population has gone from about 20k - 25k in prime time (6-10 pm) to now only 12k to 13k each night. Clan activity has dropped to almost nothing but randoms, and difficult to find battle callers or members that want to gel into a Stronghold/CW team. For every new recruit we get another 2 has dropped out of the game completely. Its not just our clans but other clans we are associated with claim the same thing. So 2025? Its very possible for the NA server to disappear or combine to EU or w/e. Good luck to all.
I think it's a bit less then 70%, there is probably a bias of QB followers, but still, it's like 1.5M active players, big number
accounts not players .... see claimed the patton tank ... accounts not plyers i have 7 on 7 accounts 1 player claimed 7. His base math is wrong. how many accounts the avg. play has and claimed the Patton tank on them all.
The reason why world of tanks is dying is there is too much division between console and pc skill has never even picked up the game on console neither have you, Until gamers on pc and console become 1 mind, this game is going to continue to take a steep dive, war thunder in 2024 on console is mint on every corner the community is transparent as a level 95 I must say! I get what I paid for there here over here i am get a pissy community arguing whos PC costs more while my $500 PS5 shits on most $10.000 "GAMING" PC'S that were released the same year
Hey QB.great content once again but imo when it comes to player base estimation you should take in consideration 2 more factors.the 1st is the amount of users that own more than one account and the fact since we don't have data for the RU region after a lot of players migrated from RU servers to EU when the option to do so was provided
The Asia server has gone up around 2k a night from this time last year when they migrated to new server architecture.
RU is a lot lower. Probably more than half of CIS region migrated to EU
There are statistics for this on wotexpress
According to wotexpress 1.5 million ru players are now on eu
I have a hard time believing WOT would close their cash cow, but if they do Ill stick around QB. Ive been watching you for over a decade, no reason to stop now lol
But there are many people like me and my friends, who havent played for a whole year, just logged to get Patton and played a few games with it, soooo....
"soooo...." ...? Sooo ... what? What's your point?
@@AndrewWhiteKhanty sooo the player count estimated by this method can be cut in half or doubled, QBs calculation is just pure tip. Also QBs audience is not optimal for a pool, because it is more possible they watch tank reviews and that is the reason only 30% played the tank. Casual players always try new vehicle. Sooo, do you get my point now?
World of Tanks used to be great. Now it's a poor shadow of how it used to be. Poor players, too many one sided routs and ridiculous MM. If it was to close I don't think I would be losing any sleep. Despite buying several premium tanks I've had more than my money's worth over the last ten years.