@@SoloWingGutman im actually surprised that this years lootboxes only featured quite balanced yet interesting tanks. they had to be shit scared after the bz lmao
@@seelenwaechter Well they didn't really nerf it by reducing the pen by 3 or 6 if I remember correctly. The only thing they did was make it ugly with that stock muzler on a longer gun. And the premium is called ISU-152K instead of ISU-152-2 as the real world BL-10 version was called.
Love it when they did that, "the BL-10 has too high penetration at tier 8 and too high damage" but the tank overall blows, that was the only redeeming quality about the tank. The accuracy sucks, the thing is big so it barely has any camo rating, it's slow, no armor, long reload, etc. etc. But then we have tanks that hits less but have the same pen, better camo rating, well way better not even in the same ball park, better reload, and much quicker, and way more accurate just no armor, the two tanks I am talking about is the STRV S1 and the UDES 03. But the ISU-152 is broken. I would consider it to be balanced with the BL-10 if not under powered, the only good thing about the tank was the gun.
just a small correction, at the Time the FCM 36 PaK 40 was added, it was simply a slower, worse Marder II. Then they nerfed everything's view range, but the 36 PaK 40 got to keep its 390m, which is what makes it broken today, but at the time it was added it was shit
I agree. Back in the day most low tier premiums premium thing was the primary mm and making more credits/xp. They were no better than their tech tree counterparts. This includes the PZ II J. It used to have weakspots all around it.
@@benzol123456 notice that they simplified physical models as they updated to HD, now tanks are full of obsolete crap that does not even have a hitbox. What is that exactly? Machine gun ports on the hull and front wheel mounts (lower plate)
Because shells that have been fired leaving a straight barrel and then proceed to deviate 10° to 15° in any given direction instead of relatively straight is a g r e a t mechanic... If the gun isnt anywhere near fully aimed yea sure thats fine but if you're just sitting there pouring fire onto a bot who drove into the open and you miss half of your fully aimed shots, thats the big problem.
Because luck mechanics destroys competitive value. It's one thing to get unlucky with bad teammates, but it's another thing to get unlucky and be the bad teammate yourself, purely due to luck.
I have a strong belive that italin TDs were rushed. 1. Icons for these tanks were white instead of blue (on side bars and while loading some clases have colored icons. TDs have blue and arty have brown. After CT patch it was fixed but not every tank) 2. tier 8 didn't even have an icon. it was added later but it's white not blue. 3. if you play battles in team training with frineds you would realize they are completely broken. I'm sure they have spend over thousand hours testing, balancing and polishing without realizing anything.... + i'm sick of seeing that almost every new tank they are adding is following hulldown meta trends. They are advertising this game as "we have hundreds of tanks" but like half of them are hulldown tanks and each of them plays almost exactly the same. very cool
I think they did it on purpose, to explain for idiots that you don't need hide behind a bushes on this TD same as 268/4 , e3/e4 , badger, and other heavy tanks without turret, but they still gonna do it
@@THE_PeKa does it's stop people from sitting in bushes? There is only two TD in this game strv103b and maybe fv4005 , others are heavy tanks without turrets, because until you gonna call rest of them as TD they gonna sit on the base hiding behind bushes
@@_blackdeep_3518 WG would think that better introduce autopilot in the game that will just play for you... but seriously that is a problem with this very broad categorization. TDs aren't equal. E3 isn't the same TD as Grille and Maus does not play the same role as AMX 50 B or even 277. We know that these people are morons playing just to play without thinking "what and why am I doing this?", but at this point what can you do? WG is interested in spamming new content with mixed reception insted of improving what is already in the game.
@@THE_PeKa now look , because all of them are TD they have better comuflage coefficients that's why you can't see them behind bushes and after you will see them there is very high chance of you won't penetrate them that's what I mean by saying we have only two (three ) TD : strv , fv , and grile, rest of the TD are the HT without or with turret , so my idea is call them all a Heavy tank because person who sitting in bushes on e3 (for example) thinks :"hm I'm playing on TD i should sit in bushes on base " and he don't care about this is assault TD or what ever else, also other whay you can bully them but i don't think it's gonna work
It started as a chill video with happy music. It ended as a scary video with music that resembles going to hell, bells ringing, maybe they're ringing for the game's death. Even the color of each patch got slowly from green to a bright red, the happy music got faster and faster until having a sad tone hardly hearable as the patches got worse and worse. Nice video, i wanted to do something similar about another f2p game I've been playing since 2010. Nothing else to say aside that i just hope one day common sense and customer happiness will prevail over the greediness of a company. EDIT: i know the music used comes from another game, it being "sad" were just the vibes it gave me together with the footage shown in the video. To you it can mean something else, but nothing i can do about that.
i dont think this game will die soon. many players are even saying they would come back because of update 1.18. everthing in this update is good excepte the italian TDs
@@silbergold9832 it's not about it dying or not. The game can still be afloat but the core of it is dead, it simply isn't fun anymore, +2/-2 mm ruins everyone's experience, you cannot play above tier 8 without losing money because to play at tier 9-10 you need premium account or you'll simply lose credits every game. Absurdly overpowered tanks given to "skilled" players that cannot be fought against, sometimes even by shooting premium ammo. And of course, premium ammo itself that makes angling and armor knowledge pointless, but this was made worse by the noob-friendly reticle that tells you if you can pen or not and WG making everything unpennable with standard shells. Honestly i could keep on listing but I'm not going to.
My man, I got you... Not to mention loading up KV-2's in team battles only to find British medium swarm and one-tap everyone on sight. Or memeing at tier 10 and still doing more damage than most on your team... Good times indeed...
Same man, worst update for me too. I remember I said if they introduce that update I would never play the game again. And here I am still playing, looks like I never learn...
Only dumbs (who don't know weak spots and how penetration works) were shooting armored tanks with HE. This is the best they did to the game since a long time.
True, it was at this time I totally gave up on the game, didn’t have any fun anymore, despite having good results, it was not the WoT I started to play back in 2014, almost all the people I had fun with left as well. Sad what WG did to the game.
One other minor change you missed was the removal of soviet turret roof over matching zones. For years the is3 was balanced because the rook was 20mms, a panther could over match it. The same was true for the object 140 at tier 10 and the is4. There were a bunch of soviet tanks where that weakness was one of the few ways to fight them while they were hull down. This is was one of the changes that gradually built up to the stupid hull down meta we have now.
Yeah, thats why IS-7 was good, despite having pennable hull. Also, when they changed gold ammo to be able to get for silver some tanks (mainly russian heat spammers like T54, or US T69) were unballanced as fuuuuuuck. Also number 2, when game went from SD to HD shitton of tanks were nerfed to the ground: example being bulldog, ELC, JPanther2 massively, some frenchies got bigger cupolas, Obj140 got for some reason unpenable roof, T62A was burried into the ground and tons of tanks got their weakspots removed. Oh I almost forgot, SD to HD was a fucking disaster, there were at least 3 tanks with broken collision models, one being US 9 tier arty I think that you couldn't pen in the turret, and at that time everyone was using them in CW.
Oh yeah i can still remember. I loved to into a facehug with my E100 onto an IS4 and overmatching the roof. First WG removed the ammo storage in the turret back, so no blow ups would happen. And a lot later the roofs got extremly buffed.
The is3 and is3a still have their 20mm plate you can overmatch. Fought 2 is3a’s yesterday and penned them there. But about the other tanks mention you’re right, those did all have their roof armor get buffed. Now if i see a is4 in my e100 i either shoot gold or buy a lottery ticket with my ap shells.
Basically the whole Armor Simplification. Removed nearly all of the weakpoints like driver's port, MG ports which dumbed the whole game down so much imho.
It’s like one of those documentaries where they talk about how a “unsinkable” ship made some critical errors and sunk with a recipe of circumstances spelling disaster. And this really is no different. They made some horrific choices they can’t back out now and combine that with greed motivated choices at a direct detriment to our experience this really paints a picture of a ship that’s heading into a storm and can still maneuver out of the way even in its sad state or is already sinking with a one way ticket to the sea floor. Guess we’ll be finding that out soon maybe
Don't matter. Casual scrubs will eat and buy it all up anyway. WG knows this and banks on it. You and I could leave, and four would take our place. Is what it is. That is how these messed up companies stay afloat.
@@KineticRhyme i used to play that for a while but i with my limited understanding of the game decided it was not worth it and the game was to far gone i wanted to play the yamato and bismarch like every ww2 nerd but even after a pretty long time I wasn’t even close and still had no idea wtf i was doing at all bc it’s so unique but also hard to learn, also report this guy that also replied to me bc that is text book harassment (not that i feel scared but he deserves it for mildly inconveniencing me lol.)
Ah yes, this brings me back to the good old times where I quit the game in mid 2014 after playing it for 1,5 years, thinking that the game devolved into its worst state yet. Didn't think it could get much worse back then. I am sorry for everyone who tried building up a career on this trash software.
Bro, this is a video (made for a troll xD) pointing only bad things... you are missing a lot there. Italian nerfs: Yes a bad thing, but first, they are still decent and fun and 2nd, Nerfing them as funny tanks means we had a funny new line of meme tanks, the spaguettis, which was a good thing in the game Stell hunter nerfs: Yes, another bad change, but first, the game mode is still here, they change things every time the gamemode come back, sometimes is better and sometimes is worst. And 2nd, nerfing a fun mode means Wg introduced a brand new and funny mode that everyone loved at least at the start Tier 9s in frontline: Another bad change... that WG didnt push, they made a step backward, showing that even them can change their mind... And 2nd, we have a gamemode called frontline that was god at the start, Dezgames showed that the first test of this gamemode in the real servers got such an amount of players that the queue wasnt big enough to manage that... good mode, they made some changes, some goods, some bads, but still a good mode. Insivible walls in the maps: for sure a bad change, that only helped a bit in the game balance... Nothing to say about.. except that WG also reworked a lot of maps, (like ruinberg which is now bigger and with a lot of more playable space) making them in general better, not all (berlin) but most of them, and WG even made a game mode called recon mission, where we tested a lot of new maps, and even 1 of them are comming with the patch 1.18, a new map choosed by the community btw... HE changes, bad for few tanks like derps machines... But after some time worked as intentended, even when it was one of the most hated changes... The arty nerf that came with the HE changes helped a lot, the HE became less efficient against armored tanks, but since WG reworked the intuition skill making a new one usefull that alows you to switch ammo types, you can use HE only when its needed, which made the ammo type more efective, and made derps more consistant, because you dont need to wait 20s to change from he to gold and so on... In this video they are missing the leo1, stb, kranvg, e100, is4 rework, good changed that everyone loved... A tiny 430u nerf, the nerfs to the wheeled clown cars, the battle pass with a lot of free staff for F2Ps, even reward tank for them by not investing a single dollar... The tour of duty, improved consumables in skimirshes, nerfs to the low tier sealclubbers, the equipment 2.0 which was an amazing improvement for the game and a lot of good staff... I have been playing for like 4 or 5 years, hearing people say: "this game will die in 1 year" every single year... and in fact WG made a lot of mistakes, which are pointed on this video, but also made a lot of good things, and since they leave russia, the good changes increased a lot.... just go and see the video of 1.18, tanks rebalance, map rebalance, a little new graphics, MM rebalance, a new line which is the only bad things because as chems say the armour, is op... but as some op tanks (objv4 which was op and now its nerfed) they will nerf it after some time, since its only a tech tree tank...
@@juanfranciscotorresmenez5088 As much as I use to love and play WoT, and sometimes still hop back on to play, I got to say you need to take off the rose-tinted glasses and realize that the game has been in a downwards spiral for a while now and has only gotten worse. I mean yeah, they've added really good modes and fun lines but the changes that followed them were so much worse that any good that was done by them was so extremely and indisputably canceled out by the bad changes that they didn't matter.
The UI they added for premiums on the tech tree panel are still kind of clunky and obnoxious if you slip your cursor too far. The separate UI for equipment and cons is also a lot laggier on lower end PCs, and doesnt scale properly with certain resolutions. The store page and bonds store have also had issues loading properly. Field mods are recent and have decent UI, but it seems like other stuff needs optimation.
Damn Chems, you just made me relive the slow agonizing death of my favorite childhood tank game. Started back in 2014. Got pretty good at it. 12000 battles later I played my last one in early 2020. Think it was in a Jackson on Malinovka, reminded me of the good old days. Sad to see what greed has done to this once great game. I swear I never want to play a fucking random battle ever again.
Mhm, same, I remember playing WoT when I was like 7. It was the first real game I played, and the first multiplayer. Oddly enough, my child brain thought for a second that the "diamonds" were targets, and couldn't get past tier 5 because selling a tier 5 required you to use a colon. I played that game for over 10 years, and it's just a heart break to see the game I've grown up with become a shell of its former self.
What about the armor penetration indicator? For me that was one of the worst updates because it now doesn't require you to learn a tank's armor layout overall making easier for new and bad players
Mhm before people actually had to know the game to be good. Now wargaming puts all the information you had to learn on your own as common knowledge and desplay it for the noobs to use s m h
the only reason i disagree with that being a bad thing is because wargaming had AND STILL HAS NO way for players to view armor models in game. all of that information has to come from 3rd party sources.
It is not net bad because you can't learn armor layouts without leaving the game and this skill was behind a pay/grindwall anyways so you didn't need skill before either.
and torvagn. Retarded tank to play against and boring tank to play, u just drive to hulldown and shoot. But yeah including more would have made the video too long
Dear god the Type-59 was so infuriating, I remember using the pershing and I literally couldn't do anything against them Also the HE nerf killed the game for me, was so fun to run around in a Jumbo or KV-2 and leave everything to RNG gods
I think the only completely over powered tank you missed was the tier 10 russian reward tank the t22 medium. The very first tank in game with a v shaped hull. It was practically unkillable on release because it could be angled at around 40 degrees and the combine of the v shape and tank positioning made it ricochet everything.
not to mention, it was quite difficult to obtain unless you somehow "rigged" the gamemode with friends (because it was a gamemode that almost nobody played so there was a decent chance you'd get into the same game on opposite teams and whatnot) so people mass-reported T-22 mediums because they instantly assumed you cheated to get it. no doubt some people did, but i would bet some legitimately good players lost their accounts over it as well.
@@TescoRoadman it was by far the best tank in the game when it first came out. it was like a pz2j but tier 10. i remember teams begging arty to focus the t22 over every other tank. one even said forget the wtf100 normal tanks can still damage that but artys the only consistent damage against a t22. one game on malinocka i wont forget back in the patch it first came out. there were two tier 10s per side, we got one arty at tier 8 the t92 i think and an e100. i saw the t22 on the enemy team and mesaged in the chat we need to kill it or this is a loss. i asked the e100 to stay concealed at the bottom of the hill on which he said "duh im not gonna make it to the hill top before that thing" i had binoculars on my tiger 2 and had a huge view range so i remained in bushes to the side to get the first shot. t22 was the only tank to rush over the hill and drove around at the top to bait shots. two people fired and bounced. after 15s it came down at a 50 degree angle, 7 tanks fired and we took off its tracks but it didnt bother repairing. all the tanks bounced except the object 704 who penned once. the e100 reversed in to the map border to avoid the circle of death but the t22 just stopped as the e100 was pre turning his turret, t22 broke the e100s tracks then just started ripping appart his health. arty fired a shot after the e100 bounced his last one which killed the e100 and did about 300hp to the t22. the t22 sat still for a while and went unspotted because of the bushes and the e100 no longer proxy spotting. i moved forward to respot but the t22 was already coming towards me. it repeated the process of side higging my tank and i told the arty to fire at me but his reload was too slow. i died before the arty shot landed and my corpse absorbed the shot. the t22 only had 600hp but that didnt matter. the 704 had taken damage from being spotted earlier so died in 2 shots, the arty drowned itself before the t22 got to it and the rest of the team could do nothing to the t22. i think it took damage one more time from a td firing high explosive rounds but it was a tiny amount. the enemy team had only three tanks die. one was a one shot kill by our arty at the beginning, another was a scout tank trying to spot from the field and the last was a tank destroyer who pushed forward before the t22 spotted the last of our team. overall i think it took over 60 hits and was penned once. i think it finished that game on 7 kills and around 6000 damage.
This years christmas lootboxes are going to be on another level of broken I feel. I can't wait for all the CCs to complain about them for like the 5th year in a row now but then happily open up their 200 free lootboxes they got from WG for all their viewers to see because surely that'll teach them. But ey who cares anyways as long as the CCs and we all get twitch drops! 👍
The CCs complain about everything that gets added to the game but wargaming is simply far past the point of caring about CCs. Just look at what they did to the world of warships CC program, if the world of tanks CC program still exists then it probably isn't far off of being removed too
I haven't played the game since may 2017. It's really upsetting to see how the WoT changed for worse. I remember when I WG announced 252u and released tt's tank guide. I was like "What the hell?! How am I supposed to fight this thing with my Churchill VII?!" which was at the time my highest tier tank. Poor choice? Maybe, but I was nevertheless having fun. Like a Maus on tier VI. I managed to get the Black Prince, but I soon after my laptop broke and I haven't played the game since. I've got my gaming PC now. I considered returning to the game but I see there's nothing to return to. Really sad. Funny enough I play now World of Warplanes. I know, it's crazy, but despite being made by the same company WG treats WoWp players far more generously than WoT players with better Economy and constant giveaways of Gold and premium planes. I currently have dozens of premium planes (including tier VIIs) and thousands of gold and I haven't spent a single dime on this game. The best part is that both WoT and WoWp share it's credits, gold and free XP (not sure about premium days), so whenever I decide to come back to WoT, I would have a huge boost. That being said it's a shame that the game took the turn the way it is now.
Yeah. I played the game from early 2014 to early 2018. Made a lot of good memories and had a lot of fun in the game. Actually one of the first multiplayer games I ever played. But eventually I just quit. All the crap started accumulating and I've had enoguh. So I just went. Eventually, I decided to try World of warships, but didn't like it. Didn't bother with World of warplanes. The gameplay just looked stale, the prototype planes uninteresting and the playerbase basically dead. So I ended up sticking with warthunder instead. Which I also ended up quitting and rejoining multiple times, going all the way back to 2015. And even though I though about it often, I never went back to WoT. Seeing as while I would absolutely love to play the good old WoT I loved so much back in 2015, I didn't want this new "WoT" to ruin my memories. A true shame what they did to this game. It could've been amazing.
its like looking at a world population graph. At the start, there wasn't much. And then as time progresses there are way more problems and eventually it explodes
A logical continuation of the video "World of Nostalgia". Remembering the best and just good times, you start to wonder when the **wrong turn** was made. Looking back, you realize that they were all along the way. At the same time, somewhere before 2014-2015, WG managed to keep the game on a "straight line". But in the end, the "wrong turns" became steeper and steeper, throwing out more and more passengers, leaving only "whales", jerks and inert vegetables who come to play "with a beer". Less and less fun, more and more grind. Fun modes turned into a grind, and later into a grind with a donation. Events one after another, without giving players a rest. If I were to make a graph where "WTF-emotion" depends on next updates, I would get exponential growth. My comparison would be at least 2 times more. Even considering that I sold the account almost a year ago. :Harold: Now I can thank the "potato" for one thing - they destroyed the game enough for me to let it go. Hi from ru-region ex-player Aug. 23, 2011 - Sep. 28, 2021
Not really, it was actually more of a rollercoaster... And now since the HE nerfs it's a ride down straight to hell. Basically it went like this - they got an amazing concept in their hands back in the day, and at first it was just extremely raw, so they refined it just a little and that was enough to get people hooked... That was around 2014. Then the game started to get increasingly more popular and make them more and more money, so wg was happy! What did that translate to for the players? FULL neglect! Instead of cherishing their golden cash cow, they abandoned it to rot, with the only 'updates' being more new nations (also removing maps! and a bunch of other questionable and shit small and some big changes like say accuracy nerf) and vehicles that all played the same and where just there to get them more money with more grinding (free exp and gold rounds needed) and prem sales. They then half pocketed and half used all that money for OTHER (and shitty) projects instead, making that one game that failed, world of planes warships... But those where crappy games that made them basically no income unlike their old faithful, despite it being almost dead! They only finally begrudgingly decided to give it attention when it almost died, with the graphics and physics overhaul... Basically made in a panic because they realized their cash cow is gonna die! Assholes... But then a good era came, they updated the tick rate so tanks now moved instead of teleporting, changed the draw distance square to a circle, finally started making fun events like they should have done ages ago, started introducing some maps again... And then, what's that? The cash cow recovered? Okay, great, time for another neglect and fuck you streak! And so they did, with basically no cool events, nothing aside a couple prems and new tech trees... So the people that got back, and new people got bored and started leaving again. What do they do? DOUBLE DOWN! Time for the new shitprems (defender, scorpion, SU-scorpion)... But then even more people left and it started dying again! So once more they begrudgingly came back to help their dying cow. Fun events came back. Equipment 2.0 that allowed to revitalize old or problematic tanks you like and otherwise add diversity, battle pass that got you something else to play for and hot some great rewards even for free players... There where still a lot of priblems but it was starting to look up again... But just as these waves go, they had to fuck up, start the decline, and then make it worse. First of all they introduced a ton of hull down changes to maps and a lot of hull down op tanks and reward crap. Then they added special even stronger bond and bounty equipment, and the game was becoming unplayable once more... But there was still a balancing factor against hull down - HE. And since the people dominating via hull down are unicums who pay the most, and they bitched about getting damaged in their op premium and reward crap, that had to go too! And well, at that point they finally killed it. I left immediately, many bad and normal players left over time too. Then the unicums followed because the games became even more turbowins and losses than before, and that's no fun, also unicums hate playing against unicums... And so the player and paycow base shrunk like crazy again! And so here we are with them trying to double down instead of fixing their shit, with wot+ and even more crazy op premiums... But this time they fucked up so hard that it's basically unsalvageable. They're still trying with stuff like dynamic events and other stuff coming, but this time due to the powercreep and HE removal (which was the saving grace for low tiers to still do something and also grind trees while stock) to revive they'll need something extremely drastic and far more work consuming, like, idk matchmaking rebalance, introducing proper bots and semi singleplayer that you can use for fun, total rebalance of most normal tech trees and many other massive and fundamental things... Ну короче пошла картошка нафиг, когда то можно и вернутся если всё же за ум возьмутся.
@@mkzhero для меня это было именно стабильное падение, без горок. Любые положительные изменения с 2016 постоянно сопровождались чем-то негативным, а то и больше было плохого, чем хорошего Взять то же обновление графики - классно, да. Но вместе с ними переделали кучу карт таким образом, что большинство из них стали откровенным калом. И если до HD было, условно, 12 любимых карт, то после их стало всего пара штук. Не говоря уже о "вазелиновых скалах" с нулевым сопротивлением. И такое сопровождалось очень часто. В добавок, в 17-18 годах побывал в качестве тостера картопли. Мягко говоря, впечатление не очень хорошее. Причём там проблема было как в "руководстве", так и непосредственно в тостерах. Очень весело, когда чувак с гордостью рассказывает, как у него на акке скопилось 200к+ голды, просто потому что он не играет на основе, а сидит на тесте. Представляем, что такой индивид может натестить и какой фидбэк выс... выдаст.
@@_JaC насчёт карт абсолютно согласен, правда по мне так всё ещё хуже, любимых вообще не стало, осталось три- четыре 'играбелтных' и остальные которые или просто плохие, или совсем отвратные. Но всё равно в целом после того что за игру 'взялись' стало чуток лучше - Арту понерфили, и несмотря на вой про стан, по мне так стало намного лучше чем ван шоты на тяже на полном ходу или годовым бб в лицо. С новой физикой убрали надоедливые залипания в складках местности, помнишь как раньше было? Едешь около горы или горки, чуток тонешь невидимую линию, и всё, танк в секунду полностью остановился и застрял секунды на три-пять! Но вообще да, они мало что делали попутно не обосравшись, но по мне те три~ волны были что то вроде три шага вперёд, два назад... То есть в ЦЕЛОМ какое-то время всё же становилось лучше. Но вот потом во время затишья на пике волн и в их низине вообще нифига не было, а на падениях с волны вообще одна-две хорошие вещи, и пять-шесть плохих. Короче не знаю, у меня конкретно было вот так - в начале (начал в 2014~) играть было всё же в целом веселее всего, но очень бесило залипание у гор, движение танков "телепортации" (низкий тик-рэйт, особенно в далеке, если помнишь танки прыгали по пять-петнадцать метров далее 250-300 метров каждую секунду -три), в целом плохая физика, графика и несмотря на это всё равно убогая производительность... Ну и Арта которая могла в миг обосрать всю игру даже если ты бронированный и с полными хп. А после ХД бесила нехватка карт, перепланировка точности, балансер... А в следующем улучшении, всё ещё нехватка карт, та же точность, и новые странные накрученных танки, и то что карты изменили под hull down тяжей, опять же балансер. Но hull down всё ещё чуток нивилировался фугасами. Короче не знаю что сказать, но точно после убийства фугасов и новых-НОВЫХ танков играть стало вообще мерзопакостно, а до этого было ещё терпимо. Да и вообще фугасы считай добавляли треть игровых механик, и добрую половину причины играть в этот кал с самого начала, особенно мелко и среднекалиберные, считай пол игры стёрли! И карты тоже с пол игры стёрли, что вообще осталось?
Let's not forget when they "accidentally" made the T110E5's mini-turret weakspot immune to non-gold ammo, creating a tank that had arguably better front armor than an IS-7 (only true weakspot became some really inconsistent patches of the lower glacis) with near-medium tank mobility and one of the best Tier 10 HT guns at the time.
@@Bot_Schneck E5 was always a good-but-not spectacular HT? At least before the buff, and once again after the nerf. Has it really been power-creeped that bad? Also, what the fuck is an S Conq? Oh, right, they replaced the FV 215(b), didn't they?
@@427Arbok it's literally a conqueror with extra spaced armor everywhere, but you have +220mm effective armor/auto bonce on the cupolla than bonce most ap and apcr shells... simplee stupid ap proof tank
This was one of the most exciting videos you have made my friend, I loved it. Good luck in the future content creating, and I'm really mad about they just demolished your persistent work over the years. R.I.P the God of Trolling.....
no its not,and no I am NOt a arty player it is just good at its job and well if you do not know your Tank and its role and then Do that you do end up losing more Arty is the only tank line that gets nerf for doing its Job right.. understand that fact because the nail that sticks out gets hammered.. and arty has had the most Nerfs in the history of WOT and it STILL does its job what is YOUR excuse for not doing yours ?
@@DeceptiveCobras as a basically only heavy tank player it is unfair and broken. They shoot in a 12 mile radius of me and I take 400 dmg and am stunned for 20 seconds. Don’t even begin when there is 2 or 3 arty on the other team or the French arty. You get Perma stunned the whole game. There is nothing fun about my tank being useless and losing health to some brain dead bot in the back of the map just left clicking. I literally cannot play the game, there would be little problem with arty if the stuns didn’t exist, but they do.
@@iyten then learn to not Drive out in the Open again if you make mistakes You get Punished that is what Arty is FOR .. its meant for YOU to learn and because its to hard for you to learn that lesson you want the "test" in this case Arty to be Nerf time and time again you will NEVER learn,my point I and many others was making is has the WHOLE heavy tank line or the TD or the Meds been HIT with a NERF ? No.. only Arty has time and time again because IT is doing its job and FYI I am a Med/TD player and I get killed by Arty and all I have to say is my bad I was out in the open and the arty found a Good spot to Shot from not WAAAAAAAAAAA WG PLEZ NEF stop Crying about it and Learn From each and every Death you have in the Game the more you know the better you become same as your Crew work on your Crew People if you think your crew Dont help Buy a 50% Crew for your Fav Tank and put them in it and play 5 games then add your Normal Crew and play 5 games and YOU tell me you cannot see a difference in how your Tank plays ?,so TLDR stop playing like a scrub Think for yourself learn from your mistakes and stop blaming arty for you making mistakes.. that simple other wise what would happen if WG Nerf ALL of the HEAVYS Cut your DPM in HALF nerf your view Range,and then halfed your PEN for your Ammo all of them and then gave you Skills that DO NOT apply to your Tank like Deadeye ( it only works with AP shells not HE FYI )
3:28 When they added the T10 lights, all lights got nerfed. Not only the ELC. And it is fully understandable since they went from having -1 +3 mm to -2 +2 like everyone else.
Some things missing (or corrected): - Huge TD nerf that led to the rise of gold shooting medium power -> Tier 3 french TD now became op - Tier 2 gift tanks to balance the percentage of gold anmo used (Light Vic, T7 car…) - Super Pershing (and its numerous nerfs) - 430U - Clan wars reward vehicle buffs to gold ammo pen… to sell more gold ammo - Bond equipment (and the limited ones like bond turbo) - Black market auction sales - Map changes to favor hulldown instead of angling armor
i think on of the last nails in thte coffin for me caring about playing this game was when they took away the 105mm from the VK 28.01. it wasnt even that good, it was just a fun tank to play with. i think they also took away the chinese light autoloader at the same timeframe, and even though i never played that line myself i heard similar lamentations about it losing essential character that made it stand apart from other light tank counterparts.
Didnt they start removing the fun spots and climbs around the time they made the graphics update? I could've sworn some of those spots started vanishing prior to 2020
Very good and informational video, just like the wot iceberg one. I created my wot account in 2011, i used to play a lot more than in the last 5 years... Ive never been a competitive clan player, but i liked to be aware of who were them, and ive seen big clans die, good players leaving the game forever, the community suffering. And all of this, is wargamming fault.
god i miss the older videos which just showed games of the community playing instead of shitty boring games made by the creators 'cough, cough, quickybaby', I also miss being able to climb up into different spots as a Maus and just sitting there all game, so funny watching the enemy try to climb up to you.
1. You forgot Object 430 changed to OBject430U. 2. There was Object 907 the ultimate OP clan reward tank. 3. T-22 before nerf. 4. Arnie tank making Super Pershing and all other old US tier 8 premium tank useless. 5. Pen buffing all Premium tier 8 tanks except the tech tree tanks like Pershing. 6. BZ-176 one shotting tier 6s 7. Cobra clipping a T110E3 instant death. 8. All premuim LT similar to Bulldog got buffed except Bulldog which got nerfed to unplayable and nothing about it was unique. 9. Christmas gamble for Object 283 10. Type59 G black market gamble. 11. Bourrassque release making LT scouting obsolete. 12. Skoda T56 release was unmatchable and could not be penned by tier 6. It is OP and better than Tech tree counterpart even though WG said Premium is not suppose to be better than tech tree tanks. 13. Caiban that can clip tier 6 tanks in instant kill, but to pen the same tier above is basically gold spam. 14. IS3A with lack of weakspot worst than Defender Release that can clip a tier 7 tank to death. 15. Unpenetrable Viperia similar problem when Skoda release. Premuim better than Tech tree but even worst offender.
The fact that I remember so many of these updates coming out as a child and then looking at the date above them now and seeing it was released like 6 years ago makes me feel old af lmao. Great video, really hurts to see a game we all loved at some point slowly being ruined time and time again. Honestly glad I stopped playing it.
Ah my very first PC game i ever played. I remember booting up my lil T1 cunningham. Exploreing the maps and flying spots. I remember all the fun i had and my fascination with world of tanks artillery i loved the concept of being the arty your self. Trying to predict movments and bring down the hammer of God upon your enemies if you lined up your cards right. Through blood sweat n tears 100s of $ i played this game for so many years but never could get a teir 10. But my love for artys grew despite the negativity around it. But my love soon went down the damn gutter once i logged on and suddenly my hummel wasnt doing 950dmg.. it was doing more like 700 max. All i could do was slap people for 200hp. I felt useiess being in a russian arty that had a 203mm gun. I played arty for the long range fire power not to annoy and stun people. But what broke me was the HE and armor changes now i barely even play wot. My refuge used to be xbox wot as arty wasnt affected yet and in general was fun. Until i logged on and saw my teir 9 german artys dmg was nerfed into the ground and all i was doing was spitballing at tanks. Combat with heavies changed i could no longer have fun being a heavy as gold rounds simply became the norm. And so my only tie left is a leman russ i bought on xbox ver of wot. The only reason i stick around any more. For the mighty 200+mm guns of mine has simply stopped fireing probably forever.
nah, the game was already cursed, letting the old system was an advantage for smol PP whos using full gold with their Credit Card, now at least F2P players can have Gold ammo, thats more balanced but the game experience is now worse du to constant Gold ammo. I am mainly a Japanese tech tree fan and playing the Super heavys lost everything, ur taking 100% full gold 75% pen, ur not so "Super" Heavys, it seems im playing a med with a dead engine. And with the HE nerf i can't fight back Best is probably to trash these Gold ammo whose ruining this game, who need Apcr or Heat? Ap and He ammo does the job
@@clementmoulevrier5239 yeah there was a lot of other stuff that sucked about the game, but now because you can technically get gold ammo for 'free' WG can balance around everyone firing nothing but gold. Before when you got shot by gold ammo you at least had the satisfaction of knowing someone was willing to spent real money to try and beat you.
@@clementmoulevrier5239 that's a complete shit take on the premium ammo for credits issue. Back when premium ammo was only available for gold, it was extremely rare to see gold ammo used outside of clan battles. Armor and weak spots actually meant something back then since most people couldn't press 2 to make all armor aside from super heavy tanks irrelevant, you had alternatives to fighting super heavy tanks without premium ammo, and they didn't have to make tanks obscenely well armored to make their armor matter against premium ammo. Offering premium ammo for credits basically completely ruined any tank that relies on its armor under tier 8 or so (when you're top tier that is) and encouraged the sale of more premium tanks so people could actually afford the premium ammo. That change was literally only good for wargaming's bank account and whales who buy obscene amounts of gold to P2W their way through the game
@@Etaoinshrdlu69 it doesn't level it tho, just allows WG to balance around everyone shooting gold. Most armor becomes either irrelevant or completely unpennable, and weakspots have been basically removed completely
Since 2012 this game was my childhood, but seeing it going that way makes me wanna cry. I spent many hours playing and earning powerful 10 tier tanks just to get destroyed after years by 8 tier premium overfuckingpowered tank.
I think you missed the patch where they made gold ammo available for credits, prior to that people were alot more cautious with using gold ammo because it actually cost money then overnight everyone started slinging it like it was standard ammo
when i was younger i used to no life wot i reached is-3 and stopped playing, few years back i started playing WT and got around 1k hours in it i decided to go back to WoT for nostalgia sake, the first round i played in my t-44 after years i tried to shoot at an enemy tank (of course i waited till the aim circle got small) i fired and the damn round missed even though i aimed dead on... i left the match and uninstalled the game. i spent my childhood playing this god awful game not knowing how bad it really is
Here are the big ones for me: 1) All chat removed 2) Team killing removed 3) Retarded Obj 279e "reward tank" and Chieftain 4) For me personally CLAN WARS and Campaign. I stopped playing pubs in 2016 only did clan activity until 2020. 5) G@y Arty 6) Dumb Physics and invisible walls 7) Anime clans 8) WG releasing the dumbest tier 8 & 9 prem and reward tanks.
You forgot this update were they pointlessly increased all low tier HP to make noobs would live a little longer in battle and dumbed down tech trees which removed early game diversity and fun to reach different lines. Also by killing low tier fun they wanted to scare away as many players as possible to high tier where they obviously spend more money. For me symbolic end of the game.
+1. man i really want to live those times once again, when everything was new and different. When buying your first 4 tier was like entering a new level of initiation. When grinding through all those little loltier panzers, cruisers/mediums, funny tank destroyers and nightmares like type 95 heavy, DW2, archer, or kv4, which were that bad that if you've done some real harm to the enemies you were proud of yourself. When knowledge and effort put into learning game and its mechanics were the basis of the basics.
I don't know if Chems is just a joke channel at this point, I never watched him before but UA-cam REALLY wants me to watch these videos and keeps putting them in my auto play. That said... Artillery is literally fine and it's so bad now I'd rather the enemy team have 6 arty than 3 more hull down unpennable heavies. Type 59 wasn't just "the best premium" it was possibly the best tier for tier vehicle in the game. Wasn't very fun to play though. FCM Pak 40 hasn't been good since premium rounds for credits, it was only good when it was introduced because global pen was lower and it had armor, now it's made of paper but the gun is still good. E-25 gets better the better you are at game mechanics, but also by today's standard you have so little pen you can't pen half of what you're fighting even with gold, and half of what you're fighting can pen you with HE since tanks are now getting massive HE pen to make up for non-penning HE doing literally nothing. I miss the Waffeltrigger, at least it was fun to play against unlike the FV4005/183. Obj 260 is bullshit, and it requires some pretty massive luck to acquire naturally which honestly is the only reason it's so bullshit. If everybody had it, nobody would even care. Global accuracy buff was a mistake. Guns that do 390 at tier 7 when everybody else is doing ~150-240 SHOULD be inaccurate, but it doesn't really matter when we talk about accuracy nowadays all we mean is "can it cupola snipe at 250m or further?" The new BZ with its 800 damage 225 pen HE is now more accurate than older heavies used to be. Japanese heavies have always been garbage. "They require gold to pen" also means "You used gold and you negated the frontal armor of this tank, it now has no upsides and is ALL down sides." You can't pen almost any non-german non-japanese heavy's turret even with gold, and the type 5's gun was nerfed to be literally worse than a KV-2's, and HE was nerfed, so why continue to complain about an absolutely unplayable tank line even after complaining so much it got nerfed to that point? Skorp G was by far, BY FAR not the first "better than its counterpart" premium tank to be added before 2016.... Also no need to qualify it, it's straight up better than tech tree. When's the last time you even saw a Ferdinand? RHM also got nerfed so hard you almost never see it anymore. All chat removal was stupid and I think the excuse of "People would reveal positions" was made up. Even in the rounds where somebody would scream out an allied position it almost never changed anything, enemy team wouldn't even listen most of the time, but you also had times where your whole team would come together and give a fake location and saw "He's AFK GG" and all that did was bait them into line of fire. Kranvagn was actually kinda bad at release, but it got buffed pretty sure as well as maps being constantly reworked in favor of hulldown gun depression meta. Not so much the tank itself that was cancer, but the entire hulldown turret armor meta that's cancer. Again, Type 4/5 was never good and if you complain about taking 200-400 damage from HE every 20 seconds while doing as much or more back to it (By type 5's release, 650-750 damage tier 10 guns were already very common, and the 4005/183 can pen any part of the front of it with standard AP for 1150.) you must have been playing something like a chieftain or something hulldown where you expect your position to make you literally untouchable. There needed to be some kind of counterplay to it, too bad all counterplay to hulldown got nerfed until it was useless! :^) 3-5-7 is still shit but to be fair I hate 15v15 same tier matches too and that's the majority of matches at 8 and 10 now. Give me back my old light tanks I don't want this new garbage, I miss playing my T49 and RU. This video is scrolling too slow, I'm done.
I agree with most of these, though The tier IX strv, I Never found it op or broken in its own tier, but that doesnt mean more Will come. The BIGEST thing that broke The game and ruins The games you enter is ebrs there is NO downside to them they have more g-force capabilites than a f1 car and cant be "tracked" like normal lights If they keep The speed on them but make it almost unturnable and more or less garantued to be tracked all The otherthings, being bad but not as gamebreaking as The ebrs. The Only downside to ebrs is The player drivning it
It was not about the Strv K in itself, but more about the fact WG destroyed Tier 8 with all the OP premiums and are now selling their crap tanks at T9, soon top tiers are going to be unplayable
The problem with the tier 9 premium is simply the fact that it exists. Wargaming publically went out and stated that there would never be premium vehicles above tier 8 for almost all of world of tanks's lifespan, now that they have seen the success of WoWs tier 9/tier 10 premiums and the increasingly fast decline of world of tanks, they are going back on their word to add tier 9 premiums to squeeze the last bits of cash out of world of tanks before its player base shrinks so far that it isn't profitable to run the servers
We truly live in a cursed timeline. 279(e) introduction, Chieftain introduction, 279(e) buff, wheeled tanks introduction, and Kranvagn buffs all back to back....
They keep selling the leFH18B2, despite the fact this thing still thinks the highest tier arty is Tier 8. It ruins games because it's stuck with the old arty system. I looked at the patch notes for 8.2. From what I can tell, the Type 59 received more buffs than nerfs (that are officially noted anyway). The only nerfs it received were increase of hull weight (15,400 to 16,400), increase in reload time (8.0 to 8.7 seconds), and reduction of hull side armour (65mm to 60mm). Oh, and it's engine became more expensive to repair. It received higher pen and damage values, decreased ground resistance, slightly higher traverse speed, and thicker turret frontal armour in return however. Gun aiming time was also reduced, but it was negligible, 2.86 to 2.9.
1:00 "WG have never nerfed a premium tank since" T26E4 says hi. Lost his 2nd spaced plate on the hull, and the armor value of it was added to the hull value from the MG port and down. So Tigers with auto aim could pen it easy. It backfired so bad even with full refunds that WG said they would not nerf premiums again... Until the KV-5 "buff" suggestion that is. Tho for me, 3-5-7 and the era around it is still the worst time I've played WOT in my 10 years there.
Im just glad i tried WarThunder and never came back after 2018 WoT update shinenigans. The game became not fun to me without the all chat, the dumb HE changes, the OP prem tank spamming, Best maps getting removed many more
In my opinion, the worst changes was the HE change. The release of Japanese heavy just reminded people or told people that HE is more powerful than we all thought. The other OP tanks did not seem to be that OP before the change of the HE shells. If you get a high caliber gun but cannot pen those well armored turret, then just shoot HE. Also HE play gave some more fun to the game. Sure it is pretty brainless, but the unsureness is the point of fun. Also, more importantly, to counter the hull down monsters in the game.
The nerf of the german RU 251 was forgotten. Topspeed of 80 km/h was limited to 70 km/h. Wargaming said, they have done this, because the RU 251 is to fast to get hitted by the opponents. 2-4 (?) years later they have brought the EBRs......
I didn't realize so many of these changes happened in like 2014. This game really hasn't been good in almost 8 years, it's amazing that it still has a player base
Eh. 2014-2015 WoT was still very good. 2016 it was a bit worse, but still managable. 2017 was when it truly started to turn bad. And 2018 and beyond was when it turned into a full-on dumpster fire.
It's just because there isn't any other option similiar to WoT to play with. There is WT but it is almost the same shit with kill cams, premium tanks, too much grinding, revenge planes and so on.
April 18, 2017. The day that I lost my favourite tank ever in World of Tanks. ELC AMX is now roaming the battlefields in the sky along the OG AMX 13 75 / 90, the OG M41 and a few other light tanks that were a menace back then.
Yes!!! Exactly! I left after they added cars. I figured it out that they are going 100% for money and not for making a good game unlike Gajin where there ia st least ballance (not less than 99% for money to 1% making a good game)
I remember the type 59 introduction, 22 type 59s per game. My best time against a type 59 was Swamp when one stuck its lfp in my m103s face and got nuked in 1 shot
As someone that has played the PC version from 2019-2021 (playing mobile and console versions since 2014) and is russian (this is important later, believe it or not), the game will NOT get better, it will only get worse. Despite not playing the PC version for very long, I have been following various creators for this game since 2015-2016 or so, so I know quite a lot about the most important part of any MMO - the target audiende (TA). The target audience for this gamr are 40-year old russian men who are completely inept at playing videogames (which is fine, there's nothing wrong with being bad at videogames), but there are 2 major problems with TA like this: 1. Most of them are extremely toxic (people in the russian sphere constantly say that "Oh, you just haven't played Dota 2!", No, it's just you never played World of tanks) meaning they play HORRIBLY and blame it on you for playing aggresive (Also they are the reason that the all-chat was removed since giving your allies's position away was much more common on RU cluster of servers) and 2. Because they are the *target* audience, the majority, and because of reason 1 the game is made WITH their inability to play videogames at all in mind (This is way almost every single map rework started featuring rocks hidden by bushes near the base, making it impossible to approach at times). TL:DR: AS long as the target audience for this game are are 40-yer old russian men, who can't play videogames for shit (which will never change) - the game will be made with their lack of skill in mind and will only get worse with each update.
Не стоит забывать главного С 14-15 года картоха целенаправленно оставляли эту аудиторию, выдавливливая других. Просто потому, что: 1) Среди них есть киты (скорее всего большинство из них) 2) Ими проще манипулировать 3) Они терпеливее и менее привередливы У меня есть чёткий момент, когда варгеи показали по какому пути идут - марафон на E25. И мне, как купившему танк, было безразличен сам марафон. Но компенсация серебром сказало о многом
Reminds me of the game Genshin Impact. The game will not get harder due to the crying casual players that can't do hard content when funnily enough the game is easy, they just don't know how to manage their resources properly. Also since the target of the game are the casual players, it will not get hard content at least in the next 5 years.
I remember how people on the forums thought the Type 59 was gonna be bad before it released lol. Also accuracy was changed twice. Tanks were a LOT LESS accurate during the closed beta. Then things got very accurate and then the accuracy was toned down but still better than what it was during beta.
Started in 2015 and stopped in early 2022. I think after all this stupid ass „updates“ I was more than frustrated how the game worked more and more to be played by monkeys instead of humans. That’s how stupid these changes were at times. The armor layout indicator and the Steel Hunter for example. I just felt like this wasn’t the game I liked all those years. I was so frustrated I even switched to War Thunder. Played it since then and it’s definitely more fun than the current state of WoT for me
it was really fun. It wasnt op and you would usually lose against any other tier 5 light if in 1vs1 situation. they nerfed it for no reason like it was said in the video
@@_Daniel_Plainview maybe I have one, if you play a fun standard tank you don't need to buy a superior premium tank, there has to be a financial decision behind that
sorry for my bad english, i'm not nativespeaker but i was playing WOT between june 2013 to end of august 2019, with minor breaks. I still have many of really good memories connected with playing the game. It was the game that i spend most time at playing than any other. One word for all of those - nostalgia. Fun with clanmates, playing platoons, strongholds, halloween events, frontline etc, Tons of text read on forums, hundreds of hours watching videos, streams, tutorials. A big part of my life. First moe, first pool medal, first 10 tier, first premium tank, first ban on chat ;) or heroic actions that ended on wotreplays. Every time i want to reinstall the game i watch this kind of videos to remind myself why i quit. The game was more and more frustrating, rng, unpenetrable tanks, changes to the maps, all the noob-friendly stuff for kids, continual grinding of all kind, arty, two minute long matches, shitty matchmaking system, bots on servers, finally most of my in game friends left. I didn't even log in to wot since 2019. I just want good memories to stay good memories, and not walking into a cementary. Today when i check wotlife my clan is totally dead, nobody of them is playing wot nowadays. It's really sad what WG made this game look like. I feel like watching my old dog, a friend with whom i grew up slowly gets weaker and more ill, to the point of no return.
I haven't played World of Tanks in about 5 months. I've been playing since 2018 but was a follower of the game since 2014, I was just never able to play it due to a lack of my own PC for years. I watched quickybaby, Jingles, foch, circon... Many hilarious moments to watch, but unfortunately, they rarely ever happen to you in battle. Wargaming has perfected the art of "make our game so addictive that players will fish for that one in a thousand game that makes them happy while making hundreds or thousands of dollars off of them just so they can be competitive." If you don't have everything unlocked in the game like chems does, you're not going to have a good time and should probably quit if you get too frustrated. Would be best for your mental health if you did. In some cases, quitting video game altogether would probably be a wise choice. After watching this video, I've decided that I'm going to quit WoT PC for good and uninstall it. My only WoT PC account will forever sit at around 6000 battles and 55 winrate (I was good at the game before I started because I already knew it inside and out thanks to WoT Blitz and all the WoT PC youtubers). I have however played World of Tanks blitz since 2014, which I still play today and have every tier 10 in my garage. Strange to think how a mobile game can be a better experience than its PC multi-billion dollar counterpart (no seriously, its actually much better and not unbalanced, hence why I still play it.) The blitz devs make balance changes every update and just made significant changes to around 40 tier 10 tanks, most of them good. The maps are well thought out and perfectly balanced, and there's like 30 of them which is pretty good. Blitz also has 5 "fun modes" like Burning Games where you slowly lose HP over time but you can heal allies with your shells and heal yourself by hitting enemies. Overall good game, you'd be surprised.
Blitz has a lot of good things going on for it, but the maps, graphics and 7v7 battles are complete trash. Tank balance was definitely better on low tiers when i played, haven't really played high tiers, but i heard mixed opinions about it. Bonus game modes were pretty cool. For a mobile game it's fine, but don't see any reason to play it on PC. Also they should update the graphics, they were fine in 2014-2016 maybe, but now every mobile game looks way better.
@@MGLpr0 the maps aren’t complete trash, they’re really good. Every map has positions for every class and every tank to do well in. Can’t say the same for PC. Also the graphics are being updated, they are slowly adding tanks with updated HD (PBR) graphics and there’s every a remastered PBR map. Good. Game.
You missed the kv1s tier vi slaughter patch , that instead of just nerf it they change the name ro kv 85, the look of the gun and add one more tank research
I played WoT on console for around 5 - 6 years and I always looked at the pc version as the better game, and I think it always was. Then update 6.0 came out on console which made it awful, basically like a mobile game that's a few years old. I stopped playing altogether nearly 2 years ago and really considered switching to this. But now I feel glad that I switched to War Thunder instead
Unfortunately war thunder has the same problems for the most part (overpowered event/premium vehicles that define a new meta every patch) among others (certain gameplay dynamics such as people being able to hop into a fully loaded strike aircraft after capping a point and getting an assist).
Around September 2017 till about May of 2018 was my peak playing this game. It was mostly because of the Clan I was in and the members I played with that made the game so much more fun. We had a TeamSpeak and a Facebook group, everyone got to know each other quite well and it was actually a very close-knit clan. Our clan commander passed away very suddenly in real life and things began to fall apart between everyone since no one wanted to take that commander position and I supposed we were all grieving as well. I quit the game entirely up til about 2022 and I've seen been online again.
I was playing wot for 5 years and spent more money then I would like to but I had to stop because of the way the game is developing. I agree with your opinions in 90%. Thanks for the content.
I got so frustrated by this game I stopped playing altogether over 4 months ago, never regretted it. The better the optical quality, the shittier the game gets. Got tired of WG fucking me over and over with their constant power creep and vehicle stat changes. Not to mention hidden stats.
Imagine if all climbs were brought back, old maps would come back, all chat would be enabled and stun would be removed. That alone would improve the game a lot.
Thanks for keeping me updated about what happened the last four years! And thank you for reminding me of the great decision to quit playing the game four years ago!
An exceptional work of art, I had to watch it again, and I experience a cathartic experience, the innocent happy music from the beginning that gradually turns into hellish horror.
2023: BZ-176
tru i fucking hate that tank
Wg seems to now be scared of releasing op tanks after the BZ, hope they come to their senses and nerf it, even tho i really doubt they will.
Speed boost + derp gun + thicc armor = an obnoxious tank
@@SoloWingGutman im actually surprised that this years lootboxes only featured quite balanced yet interesting tanks. they had to be shit scared after the bz lmao
@@rydz3442 the only one that's quite overpowered is 752, but everything else is meh at best
You forgot the ISU-152. The bl-10 was removed "because it is too strong" and now we have a premium that is fair and balanced.
Yes, back then the original Bl-10 on T8 ISU was broken, but the game has changed alot. That premium ISU is pretty shitty.
@@seelenwaechter Well they didn't really nerf it by reducing the pen by 3 or 6 if I remember correctly. The only thing they did was make it ugly with that stock muzler on a longer gun. And the premium is called ISU-152K instead of ISU-152-2 as the real world BL-10 version was called.
in wotb isu still has Bl-10 which makes the tank tier 9 but without hp/armor
Love it when they did that, "the BL-10 has too high penetration at tier 8 and too high damage" but the tank overall blows, that was the only redeeming quality about the tank. The accuracy sucks, the thing is big so it barely has any camo rating, it's slow, no armor, long reload, etc. etc. But then we have tanks that hits less but have the same pen, better camo rating, well way better not even in the same ball park, better reload, and much quicker, and way more accurate just no armor, the two tanks I am talking about is the STRV S1 and the UDES 03. But the ISU-152 is broken. I would consider it to be balanced with the BL-10 if not under powered, the only good thing about the tank was the gun.
@@dtater1898 "too high penetration at tier 8" but then they add tier 10 pen tanks for tier 8 that's not even TDs
The Chems part "i had strings but now i am free'' is kinda scary
Badass af
i want to see the world burning down
Ngl kinda is
did you just spit?
Sry that I don't know, but why did he get permanently banned?
just a small correction, at the Time the FCM 36 PaK 40 was added, it was simply a slower, worse Marder II. Then they nerfed everything's view range, but the 36 PaK 40 got to keep its 390m, which is what makes it broken today, but at the time it was added it was shit
I agree. Back in the day most low tier premiums premium thing was the primary mm and making more credits/xp. They were no better than their tech tree counterparts. This includes the PZ II J. It used to have weakspots all around it.
@@benzol123456 notice that they simplified physical models as they updated to HD, now tanks are full of obsolete crap that does not even have a hitbox. What is that exactly? Machine gun ports on the hull and front wheel mounts (lower plate)
Yeah true
Remember way back the Marder 2 is actually op ASF
Exactly, and this is why WG should refund my FCM 36 Pak 40
Honestly 9.6 is underrated in how cancer it was. Missing more fully aimed shots always less fun, for shitters and good players alike
Because shells that have been fired leaving a straight barrel and then proceed to deviate 10° to 15° in any given direction instead of relatively straight is a g r e a t mechanic... If the gun isnt anywhere near fully aimed yea sure thats fine but if you're just sitting there pouring fire onto a bot who drove into the open and you miss half of your fully aimed shots, thats the big problem.
Because luck mechanics destroys competitive value. It's one thing to get unlucky with bad teammates, but it's another thing to get unlucky and be the bad teammate yourself, purely due to luck.
@@v-sion Imagine, i have less to 45% hit ratio. Most of my shoot warp or "armor not hit". Thay why i was playing derp gun
I had been playing a year when that trash dropped it sucked
I have a strong belive that italin TDs were rushed.
1. Icons for these tanks were white instead of blue (on side bars and while loading some clases have colored icons. TDs have blue and arty have brown. After CT patch it was fixed but not every tank)
2. tier 8 didn't even have an icon. it was added later but it's white not blue.
3. if you play battles in team training with frineds you would realize they are completely broken. I'm sure they have spend over thousand hours testing, balancing and polishing without realizing anything....
+ i'm sick of seeing that almost every new tank they are adding is following hulldown meta trends. They are advertising this game as "we have hundreds of tanks" but like half of them are hulldown tanks and each of them plays almost exactly the same. very cool
I think they did it on purpose, to explain for idiots that you don't need hide behind a bushes on this TD same as 268/4 , e3/e4 , badger, and other heavy tanks without turret, but they still gonna do it
@@_blackdeep_3518 just in case if pepole miss info under a tank in garage that says "Assault Tank Destroyer". You know. Just to make sure
@@THE_PeKa does it's stop people from sitting in bushes? There is only two TD in this game strv103b and maybe fv4005 , others are heavy tanks without turrets, because until you gonna call rest of them as TD they gonna sit on the base hiding behind bushes
@@_blackdeep_3518 WG would think that better introduce autopilot in the game that will just play for you... but seriously that is a problem with this very broad categorization. TDs aren't equal. E3 isn't the same TD as Grille and Maus does not play the same role as AMX 50 B or even 277. We know that these people are morons playing just to play without thinking "what and why am I doing this?", but at this point what can you do? WG is interested in spamming new content with mixed reception insted of improving what is already in the game.
@@THE_PeKa now look , because all of them are TD they have better comuflage coefficients that's why you can't see them behind bushes and after you will see them there is very high chance of you won't penetrate them that's what I mean by saying we have only two (three ) TD : strv , fv , and grile, rest of the TD are the HT without or with turret , so my idea is call them all a Heavy tank because person who sitting in bushes on e3 (for example) thinks :"hm I'm playing on TD i should sit in bushes on base " and he don't care about this is assault TD or what ever else, also other whay you can bully them but i don't think it's gonna work
It started as a chill video with happy music.
It ended as a scary video with music that resembles going to hell, bells ringing, maybe they're ringing for the game's death.
Even the color of each patch got slowly from green to a bright red, the happy music got faster and faster until having a sad tone hardly hearable as the patches got worse and worse. Nice video, i wanted to do something similar about another f2p game I've been playing since 2010.
Nothing else to say aside that i just hope one day common sense and customer happiness will prevail over the greediness of a company.
EDIT: i know the music used comes from another game, it being "sad" were just the vibes it gave me together with the footage shown in the video. To you it can mean something else, but nothing i can do about that.
i dont think this game will die soon. many players are even saying they would come back because of update 1.18. everthing in this update is good excepte the italian TDs
@@silbergold9832 it's not about it dying or not. The game can still be afloat but the core of it is dead, it simply isn't fun anymore, +2/-2 mm ruins everyone's experience, you cannot play above tier 8 without losing money because to play at tier 9-10 you need premium account or you'll simply lose credits every game. Absurdly overpowered tanks given to "skilled" players that cannot be fought against, sometimes even by shooting premium ammo. And of course, premium ammo itself that makes angling and armor knowledge pointless, but this was made worse by the noob-friendly reticle that tells you if you can pen or not and WG making everything unpennable with standard shells. Honestly i could keep on listing but I'm not going to.
which game ? War thunder?
It never will because shitters and chuds keep funding the company that's ruining the game.
@@silbergold9832 my account is a few years old and I actually still enjoy the game. But making a new account today must suck as a new player
The HE nerf really killed the game for me. Even if you were having a bad time you could load up in a KV2 and all was good for that 15min or less.
My man, I got you...
Not to mention loading up KV-2's in team battles only to find British medium swarm and one-tap everyone on sight.
Or memeing at tier 10 and still doing more damage than most on your team...
Good times indeed...
Same man, worst update for me too. I remember I said if they introduce that update I would never play the game again. And here I am still playing, looks like I never learn...
Also you could still damage unpennatrateble hull down tanks
The HE change should have only been applied to Hesh Shells, bc THATS WHAT THE REWORK DID
Only dumbs (who don't know weak spots and how penetration works) were shooting armored tanks with HE. This is the best they did to the game since a long time.
the fact that 9.18 is mentioned 6 times says everything about that update. 9.18 and 1.0 the worst updates ever imo
Certainly the reason I quit.
True, it was at this time I totally gave up on the game, didn’t have any fun anymore, despite having good results, it was not the WoT I started to play back in 2014, almost all the people I had fun with left as well. Sad what WG did to the game.
I quit shortly after 1.0 , for me its the point where game died
1.0 new graphic?
One other minor change you missed was the removal of soviet turret roof over matching zones.
For years the is3 was balanced because the rook was 20mms, a panther could over match it. The same was true for the object 140 at tier 10 and the is4.
There were a bunch of soviet tanks where that weakness was one of the few ways to fight them while they were hull down. This is was one of the changes that gradually built up to the stupid hull down meta we have now.
Yeah, thats why IS-7 was good, despite having pennable hull.
Also, when they changed gold ammo to be able to get for silver some tanks (mainly russian heat spammers like T54, or US T69) were unballanced as fuuuuuuck.
Also number 2, when game went from SD to HD shitton of tanks were nerfed to the ground: example being bulldog, ELC, JPanther2 massively, some frenchies got bigger cupolas, Obj140 got for some reason unpenable roof, T62A was burried into the ground and tons of tanks got their weakspots removed.
Oh I almost forgot, SD to HD was a fucking disaster, there were at least 3 tanks with broken collision models, one being US 9 tier arty I think that you couldn't pen in the turret, and at that time everyone was using them in CW.
Why does chems sound like, follows chalk from fallout New Vegas
Oh yeah i can still remember.
I loved to into a facehug with my E100 onto an IS4 and overmatching the roof.
First WG removed the ammo storage in the turret back, so no blow ups would happen.
And a lot later the roofs got extremly buffed.
The is3 and is3a still have their 20mm plate you can overmatch. Fought 2 is3a’s yesterday and penned them there. But about the other tanks mention you’re right, those did all have their roof armor get buffed. Now if i see a is4 in my e100 i either shoot gold or buy a lottery ticket with my ap shells.
Basically the whole Armor Simplification. Removed nearly all of the weakpoints like driver's port, MG ports which dumbed the whole game down so much imho.
It’s like one of those documentaries where they talk about how a “unsinkable” ship made some critical errors and sunk with a recipe of circumstances spelling disaster. And this really is no different. They made some horrific choices they can’t back out now and combine that with greed motivated choices at a direct detriment to our experience this really paints a picture of a ship that’s heading into a storm and can still maneuver out of the way even in its sad state or is already sinking with a one way ticket to the sea floor. Guess we’ll be finding that out soon maybe
Don't matter. Casual scrubs will eat and buy it all up anyway. WG knows this and banks on it. You and I could leave, and four would take our place. Is what it is. That is how these messed up companies stay afloat.
Warships is more or less the same kind of thing. Both games are like sinking ships that are sinking faster and faster with every bad update.
@removethatpfp yousubhumansackofshitcuntprick thats cool bro but who tf asked
@@KineticRhyme i used to play that for a while but i with my limited understanding of the game decided it was not worth it and the game was to far gone i wanted to play the yamato and bismarch like every ww2 nerd but even after a pretty long time I wasn’t even close and still had no idea wtf i was doing at all bc it’s so unique but also hard to learn, also report this guy that also replied to me bc that is text book harassment (not that i feel scared but he deserves it for mildly inconveniencing me lol.)
As said by Dez recently, if the mission is "win 1 battle" it could take all day
Ah yes, this brings me back to the good old times where I quit the game in mid 2014 after playing it for 1,5 years, thinking that the game devolved into its worst state yet. Didn't think it could get much worse back then. I am sorry for everyone who tried building up a career on this trash software.
I quit shortly after the Sirfoch incident.
nothing is so bad that it can't get worse
@@alexcanplaygames5270 Yeah, after that time I went from almost wot only to wot every once in a year just to see how shitty it gets.
Bro, this is a video (made for a troll xD) pointing only bad things... you are missing a lot there.
Italian nerfs: Yes a bad thing, but first, they are still decent and fun and 2nd, Nerfing them as funny tanks means we had a funny new line of meme tanks, the spaguettis, which was a good thing in the game
Stell hunter nerfs: Yes, another bad change, but first, the game mode is still here, they change things every time the gamemode come back, sometimes is better and sometimes is worst. And 2nd, nerfing a fun mode means Wg introduced a brand new and funny mode that everyone loved at least at the start
Tier 9s in frontline: Another bad change... that WG didnt push, they made a step backward, showing that even them can change their mind... And 2nd, we have a gamemode called frontline that was god at the start, Dezgames showed that the first test of this gamemode in the real servers got such an amount of players that the queue wasnt big enough to manage that... good mode, they made some changes, some goods, some bads, but still a good mode.
Insivible walls in the maps: for sure a bad change, that only helped a bit in the game balance... Nothing to say about.. except that WG also reworked a lot of maps, (like ruinberg which is now bigger and with a lot of more playable space) making them in general better, not all (berlin) but most of them, and WG even made a game mode called recon mission, where we tested a lot of new maps, and even 1 of them are comming with the patch 1.18, a new map choosed by the community btw...
HE changes, bad for few tanks like derps machines... But after some time worked as intentended, even when it was one of the most hated changes... The arty nerf that came with the HE changes helped a lot, the HE became less efficient against armored tanks, but since WG reworked the intuition skill making a new one usefull that alows you to switch ammo types, you can use HE only when its needed, which made the ammo type more efective, and made derps more consistant, because you dont need to wait 20s to change from he to gold and so on...
In this video they are missing the leo1, stb, kranvg, e100, is4 rework, good changed that everyone loved... A tiny 430u nerf, the nerfs to the wheeled clown cars, the battle pass with a lot of free staff for F2Ps, even reward tank for them by not investing a single dollar... The tour of duty, improved consumables in skimirshes, nerfs to the low tier sealclubbers, the equipment 2.0 which was an amazing improvement for the game and a lot of good staff...
I have been playing for like 4 or 5 years, hearing people say: "this game will die in 1 year" every single year... and in fact WG made a lot of mistakes, which are pointed on this video, but also made a lot of good things, and since they leave russia, the good changes increased a lot.... just go and see the video of 1.18, tanks rebalance, map rebalance, a little new graphics, MM rebalance, a new line which is the only bad things because as chems say the armour, is op... but as some op tanks (objv4 which was op and now its nerfed) they will nerf it after some time, since its only a tech tree tank...
@@juanfranciscotorresmenez5088 As much as I use to love and play WoT, and sometimes still hop back on to play, I got to say you need to take off the rose-tinted glasses and realize that the game has been in a downwards spiral for a while now and has only gotten worse. I mean yeah, they've added really good modes and fun lines but the changes that followed them were so much worse that any good that was done by them was so extremely and indisputably canceled out by the bad changes that they didn't matter.
2:47 made this tank significantly than its tech tree counterpart
Truly one of the premiums ever
Truly incredible how they made that tank one of the premiums ever
Delete artillery
Artillery is unfair and broken
You should team kill arty, NOW!
Delete artillery
"I don't think artillery is broken it can easily be countered just get close" 🤓
It's weird to think that it's already been 5 years since the artillery stun mechanic was introduced, how quickly time flies.
I was very sad when they remade tech tree, this was one of the first updates that made playing this game not fun for me anymore
The UI they added for premiums on the tech tree panel are still kind of clunky and obnoxious if you slip your cursor too far. The separate UI for equipment and cons is also a lot laggier on lower end PCs, and doesnt scale properly with certain resolutions. The store page and bonds store have also had issues loading properly. Field mods are recent and have decent UI, but it seems like other stuff needs optimation.
Damn Chems, you just made me relive the slow agonizing death of my favorite childhood tank game. Started back in 2014. Got pretty good at it. 12000 battles later I played my last one in early 2020. Think it was in a Jackson on Malinovka, reminded me of the good old days. Sad to see what greed has done to this once great game. I swear I never want to play a fucking random battle ever again.
Mhm, same, I remember playing WoT when I was like 7. It was the first real game I played, and the first multiplayer. Oddly enough, my child brain thought for a second that the "diamonds" were targets, and couldn't get past tier 5 because selling a tier 5 required you to use a colon. I played that game for over 10 years, and it's just a heart break to see the game I've grown up with become a shell of its former self.
What about the armor penetration indicator? For me that was one of the worst updates because it now doesn't require you to learn a tank's armor layout overall making easier for new and bad players
Mhm before people actually had to know the game to be good. Now wargaming puts all the information you had to learn on your own as common knowledge and desplay it for the noobs to use s m h
i forgot about that one💀
the only reason i disagree with that being a bad thing is because wargaming had AND STILL HAS NO way for players to view armor models in game. all of that information has to come from 3rd party sources.
@@Enigmaticmuffin27 yes but people should want to learn armor profiles of tanks if the armor pen indicator is on nominal
It is not net bad because you can't learn armor layouts without leaving the game and this skill was behind a pay/grindwall anyways so you didn't need skill before either.
Oh so adding Škoda T56 (potential of doing 1000 dmg within 2 seconds) was a healthy move from wargaming
Why not? What's the reload?
@@anonymoususer3561 around 20 sec, how does that matter waffentrager had reload time 56 seconds but was a problem with 3k dmg in 6 seconds
and torvagn. Retarded tank to play against and boring tank to play, u just drive to hulldown and shoot. But yeah including more would have made the video too long
No, T56 is OP
@@mathieuschafer1360 It was ironical, necause rhis addition isn't featured into the video.
Dear god the Type-59 was so infuriating, I remember using the pershing and I literally couldn't do anything against them
Also the HE nerf killed the game for me, was so fun to run around in a Jumbo or KV-2 and leave everything to RNG gods
And now it's a subpar tank.
The most anoying thing to me is feeling they only make decisions based on profit and never towards to increase fun... is ridiculous
I think the only completely over powered tank you missed was the tier 10 russian reward tank the t22 medium. The very first tank in game with a v shaped hull. It was practically unkillable on release because it could be angled at around 40 degrees and the combine of the v shape and tank positioning made it ricochet everything.
Oh yeah. I remember seeing a trailer for it talking about how OP it is. From WG youtube channel, no less
Even after WG nerfed it, it's still op ASF
not to mention, it was quite difficult to obtain unless you somehow "rigged" the gamemode with friends (because it was a gamemode that almost nobody played so there was a decent chance you'd get into the same game on opposite teams and whatnot) so people mass-reported T-22 mediums because they instantly assumed you cheated to get it. no doubt some people did, but i would bet some legitimately good players lost their accounts over it as well.
T22 medium Op OMEGALUL
@@TescoRoadman it was by far the best tank in the game when it first came out. it was like a pz2j but tier 10. i remember teams begging arty to focus the t22 over every other tank. one even said forget the wtf100 normal tanks can still damage that but artys the only consistent damage against a t22.
one game on malinocka i wont forget back in the patch it first came out. there were two tier 10s per side, we got one arty at tier 8 the t92 i think and an e100. i saw the t22 on the enemy team and mesaged in the chat we need to kill it or this is a loss.
i asked the e100 to stay concealed at the bottom of the hill on which he said "duh im not gonna make it to the hill top before that thing" i had binoculars on my tiger 2 and had a huge view range so i remained in bushes to the side to get the first shot.
t22 was the only tank to rush over the hill and drove around at the top to bait shots. two people fired and bounced. after 15s it came down at a 50 degree angle, 7 tanks fired and we took off its tracks but it didnt bother repairing. all the tanks bounced except the object 704 who penned once. the e100 reversed in to the map border to avoid the circle of death but the t22 just stopped as the e100 was pre turning his turret, t22 broke the e100s tracks then just started ripping appart his health. arty fired a shot after the e100 bounced his last one which killed the e100 and did about 300hp to the t22.
the t22 sat still for a while and went unspotted because of the bushes and the e100 no longer proxy spotting. i moved forward to respot but the t22 was already coming towards me. it repeated the process of side higging my tank and i told the arty to fire at me but his reload was too slow. i died before the arty shot landed and my corpse absorbed the shot. the t22 only had 600hp but that didnt matter. the 704 had taken damage from being spotted earlier so died in 2 shots, the arty drowned itself before the t22 got to it and the rest of the team could do nothing to the t22. i think it took damage one more time from a td firing high explosive rounds but it was a tiny amount. the enemy team had only three tanks die. one was a one shot kill by our arty at the beginning, another was a scout tank trying to spot from the field and the last was a tank destroyer who pushed forward before the t22 spotted the last of our team.
overall i think it took over 60 hits and was penned once. i think it finished that game on 7 kills and around 6000 damage.
This years christmas lootboxes are going to be on another level of broken I feel. I can't wait for all the CCs to complain about them for like the 5th year in a row now but then happily open up their 200 free lootboxes they got from WG for all their viewers to see because surely that'll teach them. But ey who cares anyways as long as the CCs and we all get twitch drops! 👍
The CCs complain about everything that gets added to the game but wargaming is simply far past the point of caring about CCs. Just look at what they did to the world of warships CC program, if the world of tanks CC program still exists then it probably isn't far off of being removed too
King harlaus? You are on youtube and not feasting?
Ooh I actually would count holiday ops 2023 as the single worst update ever.
Or, no, 1.20.1 with wot+ is the worst update ever.
I haven't played the game since may 2017. It's really upsetting to see how the WoT changed for worse. I remember when I WG announced 252u and released tt's tank guide. I was like "What the hell?! How am I supposed to fight this thing with my Churchill VII?!" which was at the time my highest tier tank. Poor choice? Maybe, but I was nevertheless having fun. Like a Maus on tier VI. I managed to get the Black Prince, but I soon after my laptop broke and I haven't played the game since. I've got my gaming PC now. I considered returning to the game but I see there's nothing to return to. Really sad.
Funny enough I play now World of Warplanes. I know, it's crazy, but despite being made by the same company WG treats WoWp players far more generously than WoT players with better Economy and constant giveaways of Gold and premium planes. I currently have dozens of premium planes (including tier VIIs) and thousands of gold and I haven't spent a single dime on this game. The best part is that both WoT and WoWp share it's credits, gold and free XP (not sure about premium days), so whenever I decide to come back to WoT, I would have a huge boost.
That being said it's a shame that the game took the turn the way it is now.
I played the game from early 2014 to early 2018. Made a lot of good memories and had a lot of fun in the game. Actually one of the first multiplayer games I ever played.
But eventually I just quit. All the crap started accumulating and I've had enoguh. So I just went.
Eventually, I decided to try World of warships, but didn't like it. Didn't bother with World of warplanes. The gameplay just looked stale, the prototype planes uninteresting and the playerbase basically dead.
So I ended up sticking with warthunder instead. Which I also ended up quitting and rejoining multiple times, going all the way back to 2015.
And even though I though about it often, I never went back to WoT. Seeing as while I would absolutely love to play the good old WoT I loved so much back in 2015, I didn't want this new "WoT" to ruin my memories.
A true shame what they did to this game. It could've been amazing.
Im playing WoT Blitz and its actually fun for me unlike normal WoT.
its like looking at a world population graph. At the start, there wasn't much. And then as time progresses there are way more problems and eventually it explodes
A logical continuation of the video "World of Nostalgia". Remembering the best and just good times, you start to wonder when the **wrong turn** was made.
Looking back, you realize that they were all along the way. At the same time, somewhere before 2014-2015, WG managed to keep the game on a "straight line". But in the end, the "wrong turns" became steeper and steeper, throwing out more and more passengers, leaving only "whales", jerks and inert vegetables who come to play "with a beer".
Less and less fun, more and more grind. Fun modes turned into a grind, and later into a grind with a donation. Events one after another, without giving players a rest.
If I were to make a graph where "WTF-emotion" depends on next updates, I would get exponential growth.
My comparison would be at least 2 times more. Even considering that I sold the account almost a year ago. :Harold:
Now I can thank the "potato" for one thing - they destroyed the game enough for me to let it go.
Hi from ru-region ex-player
Aug. 23, 2011 - Sep. 28, 2021
Not really, it was actually more of a rollercoaster... And now since the HE nerfs it's a ride down straight to hell. Basically it went like this - they got an amazing concept in their hands back in the day, and at first it was just extremely raw, so they refined it just a little and that was enough to get people hooked... That was around 2014. Then the game started to get increasingly more popular and make them more and more money, so wg was happy! What did that translate to for the players? FULL neglect! Instead of cherishing their golden cash cow, they abandoned it to rot, with the only 'updates' being more new nations (also removing maps! and a bunch of other questionable and shit small and some big changes like say accuracy nerf) and vehicles that all played the same and where just there to get them more money with more grinding (free exp and gold rounds needed) and prem sales. They then half pocketed and half used all that money for OTHER (and shitty) projects instead, making that one game that failed, world of planes warships...
But those where crappy games that made them basically no income unlike their old faithful, despite it being almost dead! They only finally begrudgingly decided to give it attention when it almost died, with the graphics and physics overhaul... Basically made in a panic because they realized their cash cow is gonna die! Assholes... But then a good era came, they updated the tick rate so tanks now moved instead of teleporting, changed the draw distance square to a circle, finally started making fun events like they should have done ages ago, started introducing some maps again... And then, what's that? The cash cow recovered? Okay, great, time for another neglect and fuck you streak! And so they did, with basically no cool events, nothing aside a couple prems and new tech trees... So the people that got back, and new people got bored and started leaving again. What do they do? DOUBLE DOWN! Time for the new shitprems (defender, scorpion, SU-scorpion)... But then even more people left and it started dying again! So once more they begrudgingly came back to help their dying cow.
Fun events came back. Equipment 2.0 that allowed to revitalize old or problematic tanks you like and otherwise add diversity, battle pass that got you something else to play for and hot some great rewards even for free players... There where still a lot of priblems but it was starting to look up again... But just as these waves go, they had to fuck up, start the decline, and then make it worse. First of all they introduced a ton of hull down changes to maps and a lot of hull down op tanks and reward crap. Then they added special even stronger bond and bounty equipment, and the game was becoming unplayable once more... But there was still a balancing factor against hull down - HE. And since the people dominating via hull down are unicums who pay the most, and they bitched about getting damaged in their op premium and reward crap, that had to go too! And well, at that point they finally killed it. I left immediately, many bad and normal players left over time too. Then the unicums followed because the games became even more turbowins and losses than before, and that's no fun, also unicums hate playing against unicums... And so the player and paycow base shrunk like crazy again! And so here we are with them trying to double down instead of fixing their shit, with wot+ and even more crazy op premiums... But this time they fucked up so hard that it's basically unsalvageable. They're still trying with stuff like dynamic events and other stuff coming, but this time due to the powercreep and HE removal (which was the saving grace for low tiers to still do something and also grind trees while stock) to revive they'll need something extremely drastic and far more work consuming, like, idk matchmaking rebalance, introducing proper bots and semi singleplayer that you can use for fun, total rebalance of most normal tech trees and many other massive and fundamental things... Ну короче пошла картошка нафиг, когда то можно и вернутся если всё же за ум возьмутся.
@@mkzhero для меня это было именно стабильное падение, без горок. Любые положительные изменения с 2016 постоянно сопровождались чем-то негативным, а то и больше было плохого, чем хорошего
Взять то же обновление графики - классно, да. Но вместе с ними переделали кучу карт таким образом, что большинство из них стали откровенным калом. И если до HD было, условно, 12 любимых карт, то после их стало всего пара штук. Не говоря уже о "вазелиновых скалах" с нулевым сопротивлением.
И такое сопровождалось очень часто. В добавок, в 17-18 годах побывал в качестве тостера картопли. Мягко говоря, впечатление не очень хорошее. Причём там проблема было как в "руководстве", так и непосредственно в тостерах. Очень весело, когда чувак с гордостью рассказывает, как у него на акке скопилось 200к+ голды, просто потому что он не играет на основе, а сидит на тесте. Представляем, что такой индивид может натестить и какой фидбэк выс... выдаст.
@@_JaC насчёт карт абсолютно согласен, правда по мне так всё ещё хуже, любимых вообще не стало, осталось три- четыре 'играбелтных' и остальные которые или просто плохие, или совсем отвратные. Но всё равно в целом после того что за игру 'взялись' стало чуток лучше - Арту понерфили, и несмотря на вой про стан, по мне так стало намного лучше чем ван шоты на тяже на полном ходу или годовым бб в лицо. С новой физикой убрали надоедливые залипания в складках местности, помнишь как раньше было? Едешь около горы или горки, чуток тонешь невидимую линию, и всё, танк в секунду полностью остановился и застрял секунды на три-пять!
Но вообще да, они мало что делали попутно не обосравшись, но по мне те три~ волны были что то вроде три шага вперёд, два назад... То есть в ЦЕЛОМ какое-то время всё же становилось лучше. Но вот потом во время затишья на пике волн и в их низине вообще нифига не было, а на падениях с волны вообще одна-две хорошие вещи, и пять-шесть плохих. Короче не знаю, у меня конкретно было вот так - в начале (начал в 2014~) играть было всё же в целом веселее всего, но очень бесило залипание у гор, движение танков "телепортации" (низкий тик-рэйт, особенно в далеке, если помнишь танки прыгали по пять-петнадцать метров далее 250-300 метров каждую секунду -три), в целом плохая физика, графика и несмотря на это всё равно убогая производительность... Ну и Арта которая могла в миг обосрать всю игру даже если ты бронированный и с полными хп.
А после ХД бесила нехватка карт, перепланировка точности, балансер... А в следующем улучшении, всё ещё нехватка карт, та же точность, и новые странные накрученных танки, и то что карты изменили под hull down тяжей, опять же балансер. Но hull down всё ещё чуток нивилировался фугасами. Короче не знаю что сказать, но точно после убийства фугасов и новых-НОВЫХ танков играть стало вообще мерзопакостно, а до этого было ещё терпимо. Да и вообще фугасы считай добавляли треть игровых механик, и добрую половину причины играть в этот кал с самого начала, особенно мелко и среднекалиберные, считай пол игры стёрли! И карты тоже с пол игры стёрли, что вообще осталось?
Let's not forget when they "accidentally" made the T110E5's mini-turret weakspot immune to non-gold ammo, creating a tank that had arguably better front armor than an IS-7 (only true weakspot became some really inconsistent patches of the lower glacis) with near-medium tank mobility and one of the best Tier 10 HT guns at the time.
yeah okay, but today E5 is one of the worthless tanks in game, why play E5 when you can play s conq???
@@Whiteghost785 sconqs turret sucks against gold (what a surprise) but even against standard it isnt incredible. The chieftains turret is indeed OP
@@Bot_Schneck E5 was always a good-but-not spectacular HT? At least before the buff, and once again after the nerf. Has it really been power-creeped that bad?
Also, what the fuck is an S Conq? Oh, right, they replaced the FV 215(b), didn't they?
@@427Arbok it's literally a conqueror with extra spaced armor everywhere, but you have +220mm effective armor/auto bonce on the cupolla than bonce most ap and apcr shells... simplee stupid ap proof tank
@@427Arbok i dont know why fv 215b is fucking copy form s.cuenor but fv 215 is most bad for armor front armor is 30 mm and penetraed is so easy.
This was one of the most exciting videos you have made my friend, I loved it. Good luck in the future content creating, and I'm really mad about they just demolished your persistent work over the years. R.I.P the God of Trolling.....
You forgot "Historical" battles and "Nation-wise" matchmaking where you basically faced a Germany team composted of WT E100s every game.
Historical battles were awesome. WG butthurted that German tech is better than soviet
Artillery is unfair and broken
Are you sure? One of Russian says that it needs buff🤡.
no its not,and no I am NOt a arty player it is just good at its job and well if you do not know your Tank and its role and then Do that you do end up losing more Arty is the only tank line that gets nerf for doing its Job right.. understand that fact because the nail that sticks out gets hammered.. and arty has had the most Nerfs in the history of WOT and it STILL does its job what is YOUR excuse for not doing yours ?
@@DeceptiveCobras as a basically only heavy tank player it is unfair and broken. They shoot in a 12 mile radius of me and I take 400 dmg and am stunned for 20 seconds. Don’t even begin when there is 2 or 3 arty on the other team or the French arty. You get Perma stunned the whole game. There is nothing fun about my tank being useless and losing health to some brain dead bot in the back of the map just left clicking. I literally cannot play the game, there would be little problem with arty if the stuns didn’t exist, but they do.
@@iyten then learn to not Drive out in the Open again if you make mistakes You get Punished that is what Arty is FOR .. its meant for YOU to learn and because its to hard for you to learn that lesson you want the "test" in this case Arty to be Nerf time and time again you will NEVER learn,my point I and many others was making is has the WHOLE heavy tank line or the TD or the Meds been HIT with a NERF ? No.. only Arty has time and time again because IT is doing its job and FYI I am a Med/TD player and I get killed by Arty and all I have to say is my bad I was out in the open and the arty found a Good spot to Shot from not WAAAAAAAAAAA WG PLEZ NEF stop Crying about it and Learn From each and every Death you have in the Game the more you know the better you become same as your Crew work on your Crew People if you think your crew Dont help Buy a 50% Crew for your Fav Tank and put them in it and play 5 games then add your Normal Crew and play 5 games and YOU tell me you cannot see a difference in how your Tank plays ?,so TLDR stop playing like a scrub Think for yourself learn from your mistakes and stop blaming arty for you making mistakes.. that simple other wise what would happen if WG Nerf ALL of the HEAVYS Cut your DPM in HALF nerf your view Range,and then halfed your PEN for your Ammo all of them and then gave you Skills that DO NOT apply to your Tank like Deadeye ( it only works with AP shells not HE FYI )
@@DeceptiveCobras just fk off dude you just crapping bullshit
3:28 When they added the T10 lights, all lights got nerfed. Not only the ELC. And it is fully understandable since they went from having -1 +3 mm to -2 +2 like everyone else.
Or WG could've just made the ELC a Tier 6 light and buff its health. But y'know, ruining fun tanks is what they do best.
Some things missing (or corrected):
- Huge TD nerf that led to the rise of gold shooting medium power
-> Tier 3 french TD now became op
- Tier 2 gift tanks to balance the percentage of gold anmo used (Light Vic, T7 car…)
- Super Pershing (and its numerous nerfs)
- 430U
- Clan wars reward vehicle buffs to gold ammo pen… to sell more gold ammo
- Bond equipment (and the limited ones like bond turbo)
- Black market auction sales
- Map changes to favor hulldown instead of angling armor
its not Vic, its VI C - Light mark VI C
i think on of the last nails in thte coffin for me caring about playing this game was when they took away the 105mm from the VK 28.01. it wasnt even that good, it was just a fun tank to play with. i think they also took away the chinese light autoloader at the same timeframe, and even though i never played that line myself i heard similar lamentations about it losing essential character that made it stand apart from other light tank counterparts.
Didnt they start removing the fun spots and climbs around the time they made the graphics update? I could've sworn some of those spots started vanishing prior to 2020
Very good and informational video, just like the wot iceberg one. I created my wot account in 2011, i used to play a lot more than in the last 5 years... Ive never been a competitive clan player, but i liked to be aware of who were them, and ive seen big clans die, good players leaving the game forever, the community suffering. And all of this, is wargamming fault.
god i miss the older videos which just showed games of the community playing instead of shitty boring games made by the creators 'cough, cough, quickybaby', I also miss being able to climb up into different spots as a Maus and just sitting there all game, so funny watching the enemy try to climb up to you.
Trying to get the goat cunt from up there was fun too, lot's of pressure
honestly even skill became toxic and boring,the only youtuber I like is actually DezGamez
@@DV-1701 if you think skill is boring then how on earth do you find dezgamez entertaining
@@chems what do you think of jingles?
@@chems preference I guess, and Dez is better at English than skill and skills voice annoys me
1. You forgot Object 430 changed to OBject430U.
2. There was Object 907 the ultimate OP clan reward tank.
3. T-22 before nerf.
4. Arnie tank making Super Pershing and all other old US tier 8 premium tank useless.
5. Pen buffing all Premium tier 8 tanks except the tech tree tanks like Pershing.
6. BZ-176 one shotting tier 6s
7. Cobra clipping a T110E3 instant death.
8. All premuim LT similar to Bulldog got buffed except Bulldog which got nerfed to unplayable and nothing about it was unique.
9. Christmas gamble for Object 283
10. Type59 G black market gamble.
11. Bourrassque release making LT scouting obsolete.
12. Skoda T56 release was unmatchable and could not be penned by tier 6. It is OP and better than Tech tree counterpart even though WG said Premium is not suppose to be better than tech tree tanks.
13. Caiban that can clip tier 6 tanks in instant kill, but to pen the same tier above is basically gold spam.
14. IS3A with lack of weakspot worst than Defender Release that can clip a tier 7 tank to death.
15. Unpenetrable Viperia similar problem when Skoda release. Premuim better than Tech tree but even worst offender.
The fact that I remember so many of these updates coming out as a child and then looking at the date above them now and seeing it was released like 6 years ago makes me feel old af lmao. Great video, really hurts to see a game we all loved at some point slowly being ruined time and time again. Honestly glad I stopped playing it.
Ah my very first PC game i ever played. I remember booting up my lil T1 cunningham. Exploreing the maps and flying spots. I remember all the fun i had and my fascination with world of tanks artillery i loved the concept of being the arty your self. Trying to predict movments and bring down the hammer of God upon your enemies if you lined up your cards right.
Through blood sweat n tears 100s of $ i played this game for so many years but never could get a teir 10.
But my love for artys grew despite the negativity around it. But my love soon went down the damn gutter once i logged on and suddenly my hummel wasnt doing 950dmg.. it was doing more like 700 max. All i could do was slap people for 200hp. I felt useiess being in a russian arty that had a 203mm gun. I played arty for the long range fire power not to annoy and stun people.
But what broke me was the HE and armor changes now i barely even play wot. My refuge used to be xbox wot as arty wasnt affected yet and in general was fun.
Until i logged on and saw my teir 9 german artys dmg was nerfed into the ground and all i was doing was spitballing at tanks.
Combat with heavies changed i could no longer have fun being a heavy as gold rounds simply became the norm.
And so my only tie left is a leman russ i bought on xbox ver of wot. The only reason i stick around any more. For the mighty 200+mm guns of mine has simply stopped fireing probably forever.
Nowadays if I need my WoT fix, I usually just watch the original replay contest Jingles did. So much nostalgia for that period of world of tanks.
Actual worst update:
World of Tanks was added
unironically true
8:19 oh look, crew 2.0
One change I hated was letting prem ammo be sold for credits, really turned the game down a bad path
nah, the game was already cursed, letting the old system was an advantage for smol PP whos using full gold with their Credit Card, now at least F2P players can have Gold ammo, thats more balanced but the game experience is now worse du to constant Gold ammo.
I am mainly a Japanese tech tree fan and playing the Super heavys lost everything, ur taking 100% full gold 75% pen, ur not so "Super" Heavys, it seems im playing a med with a dead engine. And with the HE nerf i can't fight back
Best is probably to trash these Gold ammo whose ruining this game, who need Apcr or Heat? Ap and He ammo does the job
@@clementmoulevrier5239 yeah there was a lot of other stuff that sucked about the game, but now because you can technically get gold ammo for 'free' WG can balance around everyone firing nothing but gold. Before when you got shot by gold ammo you at least had the satisfaction of knowing someone was willing to spent real money to try and beat you.
@@clementmoulevrier5239 that's a complete shit take on the premium ammo for credits issue.
Back when premium ammo was only available for gold, it was extremely rare to see gold ammo used outside of clan battles. Armor and weak spots actually meant something back then since most people couldn't press 2 to make all armor aside from super heavy tanks irrelevant, you had alternatives to fighting super heavy tanks without premium ammo, and they didn't have to make tanks obscenely well armored to make their armor matter against premium ammo.
Offering premium ammo for credits basically completely ruined any tank that relies on its armor under tier 8 or so (when you're top tier that is) and encouraged the sale of more premium tanks so people could actually afford the premium ammo. That change was literally only good for wargaming's bank account and whales who buy obscene amounts of gold to P2W their way through the game
@@user-jm8sy5ox2j well said
@@Etaoinshrdlu69 it doesn't level it tho, just allows WG to balance around everyone shooting gold. Most armor becomes either irrelevant or completely unpennable, and weakspots have been basically removed completely
Since 2012 this game was my childhood, but seeing it going that way makes me wanna cry. I spent many hours playing and earning powerful 10 tier tanks just to get destroyed after years by 8 tier premium overfuckingpowered tank.
If you're getting beat by "OP" tier 8 in your 10 then you just suck at the game.
@@7th_CAV_Trooper ya saw that udarnity thing lol
@@7th_CAV_Trooper I meant that if those tanks will be added to the game. Not now ;d
@@Majsterihno fair enough 😀
I think you missed the patch where they made gold ammo available for credits, prior to that people were alot more cautious with using gold ammo because it actually cost money then overnight everyone started slinging it like it was standard ammo
History of pain
when i was younger i used to no life wot i reached is-3 and stopped playing, few years back i started playing WT and got around 1k hours in it i decided to go back to WoT for nostalgia sake, the first round i played in my t-44 after years i tried to shoot at an enemy tank (of course i waited till the aim circle got small) i fired and the damn round missed even though i aimed dead on... i left the match and uninstalled the game. i spent my childhood playing this god awful game not knowing how bad it really is
Here are the big ones for me:
1) All chat removed
2) Team killing removed
3) Retarded Obj 279e "reward tank" and Chieftain
4) For me personally CLAN WARS and Campaign. I stopped playing pubs in 2016 only did clan activity until 2020.
5) G@y Arty
6) Dumb Physics and invisible walls
7) Anime clans
8) WG releasing the dumbest tier 8 & 9 prem and reward tanks.
You forgot this update were they pointlessly increased all low tier HP to make noobs would live a little longer in battle and dumbed down tech trees which removed early game diversity and fun to reach different lines. Also by killing low tier fun they wanted to scare away as many players as possible to high tier where they obviously spend more money. For me symbolic end of the game.
+1. man i really want to live those times once again, when everything was new and different. When buying your first 4 tier was like entering a new level of initiation. When grinding through all those little loltier panzers, cruisers/mediums, funny tank destroyers and nightmares like type 95 heavy, DW2, archer, or kv4, which were that bad that if you've done some real harm to the enemies you were proud of yourself. When knowledge and effort put into learning game and its mechanics were the basis of the basics.
@@kaka123150bro the tech tree change was do horrible, i wish i played back then
Bro, you are the noob complaining, hetzers were basically undestructbile before the HP buffs
I just miss the old maps and old memories
I don't know if Chems is just a joke channel at this point, I never watched him before but UA-cam REALLY wants me to watch these videos and keeps putting them in my auto play.
That said...
Artillery is literally fine and it's so bad now I'd rather the enemy team have 6 arty than 3 more hull down unpennable heavies.
Type 59 wasn't just "the best premium" it was possibly the best tier for tier vehicle in the game. Wasn't very fun to play though.
FCM Pak 40 hasn't been good since premium rounds for credits, it was only good when it was introduced because global pen was lower and it had armor, now it's made of paper but the gun is still good.
E-25 gets better the better you are at game mechanics, but also by today's standard you have so little pen you can't pen half of what you're fighting even with gold, and half of what you're fighting can pen you with HE since tanks are now getting massive HE pen to make up for non-penning HE doing literally nothing.
I miss the Waffeltrigger, at least it was fun to play against unlike the FV4005/183.
Obj 260 is bullshit, and it requires some pretty massive luck to acquire naturally which honestly is the only reason it's so bullshit. If everybody had it, nobody would even care.
Global accuracy buff was a mistake. Guns that do 390 at tier 7 when everybody else is doing ~150-240 SHOULD be inaccurate, but it doesn't really matter when we talk about accuracy nowadays all we mean is "can it cupola snipe at 250m or further?" The new BZ with its 800 damage 225 pen HE is now more accurate than older heavies used to be.
Japanese heavies have always been garbage. "They require gold to pen" also means "You used gold and you negated the frontal armor of this tank, it now has no upsides and is ALL down sides." You can't pen almost any non-german non-japanese heavy's turret even with gold, and the type 5's gun was nerfed to be literally worse than a KV-2's, and HE was nerfed, so why continue to complain about an absolutely unplayable tank line even after complaining so much it got nerfed to that point?
Skorp G was by far, BY FAR not the first "better than its counterpart" premium tank to be added before 2016.... Also no need to qualify it, it's straight up better than tech tree. When's the last time you even saw a Ferdinand? RHM also got nerfed so hard you almost never see it anymore.
All chat removal was stupid and I think the excuse of "People would reveal positions" was made up. Even in the rounds where somebody would scream out an allied position it almost never changed anything, enemy team wouldn't even listen most of the time, but you also had times where your whole team would come together and give a fake location and saw "He's AFK GG" and all that did was bait them into line of fire.
Kranvagn was actually kinda bad at release, but it got buffed pretty sure as well as maps being constantly reworked in favor of hulldown gun depression meta. Not so much the tank itself that was cancer, but the entire hulldown turret armor meta that's cancer.
Again, Type 4/5 was never good and if you complain about taking 200-400 damage from HE every 20 seconds while doing as much or more back to it (By type 5's release, 650-750 damage tier 10 guns were already very common, and the 4005/183 can pen any part of the front of it with standard AP for 1150.) you must have been playing something like a chieftain or something hulldown where you expect your position to make you literally untouchable. There needed to be some kind of counterplay to it, too bad all counterplay to hulldown got nerfed until it was useless! :^)
3-5-7 is still shit but to be fair I hate 15v15 same tier matches too and that's the majority of matches at 8 and 10 now.
Give me back my old light tanks I don't want this new garbage, I miss playing my T49 and RU.
This video is scrolling too slow, I'm done.
I agree with most of these, though The tier IX strv, I Never found it op or broken in its own tier, but that doesnt mean more Will come.
The BIGEST thing that broke The game and ruins The games you enter is ebrs there is NO downside to them they have more g-force capabilites than a f1 car and cant be "tracked" like normal lights If they keep The speed on them but make it almost unturnable and more or less garantued to be tracked all The otherthings, being bad but not as gamebreaking as The ebrs.
The Only downside to ebrs is The player drivning it
there was no reason whatsoever for wg to add EBRs to the game, no one asked for it and they are not really "tanks". But they did anyway. So sad
they are literally not a problem anymore, I see EBR 105 rarely, but I love to play with K-91,not even EBR can escape 1700 m/s shell velocity
It was not about the Strv K in itself, but more about the fact WG destroyed Tier 8 with all the OP premiums and are now selling their crap tanks at T9, soon top tiers are going to be unplayable
The problem with the tier 9 premium is simply the fact that it exists. Wargaming publically went out and stated that there would never be premium vehicles above tier 8 for almost all of world of tanks's lifespan, now that they have seen the success of WoWs tier 9/tier 10 premiums and the increasingly fast decline of world of tanks, they are going back on their word to add tier 9 premiums to squeeze the last bits of cash out of world of tanks before its player base shrinks so far that it isn't profitable to run the servers
@@DV-1701 Ah, I see you are a man of culture. The K-91 is underrated af, even in todays meta.
survived all of them. a true WoT gamer uses his own team mate to bait the enemy and kill it before his team mate dies
We truly live in a cursed timeline. 279(e) introduction, Chieftain introduction, 279(e) buff, wheeled tanks introduction, and Kranvagn buffs all back to back....
+ Pz II J 💀
Kranwagen got nerfed (2022)
@@Wariumnichti1 but that's the good timeline
I think you messed up the first update of WoT ever.
The first and bigger mistake was the development of the game.
You forgot the FV(183), absurd 270 pen on a 1750 alpha and when it didn't pen it still took ~700 hp away.
what are you talking about?
@@Aries0419 When it was introduced the FV(183) had 270 pen on its HESH shell, it was later nerfed to around 230
@@jellevandervelde704 the shitbarn?
They keep selling the leFH18B2, despite the fact this thing still thinks the highest tier arty is Tier 8. It ruins games because it's stuck with the old arty system.
I looked at the patch notes for 8.2. From what I can tell, the Type 59 received more buffs than nerfs (that are officially noted anyway). The only nerfs it received were increase of hull weight (15,400 to 16,400), increase in reload time (8.0 to 8.7 seconds), and reduction of hull side armour (65mm to 60mm). Oh, and it's engine became more expensive to repair.
It received higher pen and damage values, decreased ground resistance, slightly higher traverse speed, and thicker turret frontal armour in return however.
Gun aiming time was also reduced, but it was negligible, 2.86 to 2.9.
Im very scared they add those tier VIII premium tanks.
Or rather of the day when they get added.
2024: contradictius added
1:00 "WG have never nerfed a premium tank since" T26E4 says hi. Lost his 2nd spaced plate on the hull, and the armor value of it was added to the hull value from the MG port and down. So Tigers with auto aim could pen it easy. It backfired so bad even with full refunds that WG said they would not nerf premiums again... Until the KV-5 "buff" suggestion that is.
Tho for me, 3-5-7 and the era around it is still the worst time I've played WOT in my 10 years there.
Im just glad i tried WarThunder and never came back after 2018 WoT update shinenigans. The game became not fun to me without the all chat, the dumb HE changes, the OP prem tank spamming, Best maps getting removed many more
I played wot from 2013-2016. Makes me quite sad to see what has happened to this game. I remember it being really fun before I moved onto warthunder
In my opinion, the worst changes was the HE change. The release of Japanese heavy just reminded people or told people that HE is more powerful than we all thought. The other OP tanks did not seem to be that OP before the change of the HE shells. If you get a high caliber gun but cannot pen those well armored turret, then just shoot HE. Also HE play gave some more fun to the game. Sure it is pretty brainless, but the unsureness is the point of fun. Also, more importantly, to counter the hull down monsters in the game.
The nerf of the german RU 251 was forgotten. Topspeed of 80 km/h was limited to 70 km/h. Wargaming said, they have done this, because the RU 251 is to fast to get hitted by the opponents. 2-4 (?) years later they have brought the EBRs......
RU 251 is such garbage now...
2023 Major update: There is now an in-game option to donate money directly to wargaming.
I didn't realize so many of these changes happened in like 2014. This game really hasn't been good in almost 8 years, it's amazing that it still has a player base
yep, or perhaps most of the player-base are comprised of bots.
2014-2015 WoT was still very good. 2016 it was a bit worse, but still managable. 2017 was when it truly started to turn bad. And 2018 and beyond was when it turned into a full-on dumpster fire.
It's just because there isn't any other option similiar to WoT to play with.
There is WT but it is almost the same shit with kill cams, premium tanks, too much grinding, revenge planes and so on.
You are showing not only the worst updates in that game, but also how the game slightly dies.
may 17, 2011 was one of the worst days in humanities history
Artillery is unfair and broken
Funnily enough, the most fun I had in this game for the past few years was when I got to play against bots after a year hiatus lol
Anyone still playing WoT is a masochist.
April 18, 2017. The day that I lost my favourite tank ever in World of Tanks. ELC AMX is now roaming the battlefields in the sky along the OG AMX 13 75 / 90, the OG M41 and a few other light tanks that were a menace back then.
It wasn't a patch but the Crew 2.0 thing was a massive joke.
Yes!!! Exactly!
I left after they added cars. I figured it out that they are going 100% for money and not for making a good game unlike Gajin where there ia st least ballance (not less than 99% for money to 1% making a good game)
Despite you were banned, you still make good content. It's cool.
I remember the type 59 introduction, 22 type 59s per game.
My best time against a type 59 was Swamp when one stuck its lfp in my m103s face and got nuked in 1 shot
Still hurt me the HE Nerf...
I have in my KV-2 one mark thanks for the old HE
WTF are even half these tanks. Last I played was in like 2014 with my TOG II.
As someone that has played the PC version from 2019-2021 (playing mobile and console versions since 2014) and is russian (this is important later, believe it or not), the game will NOT get better, it will only get worse. Despite not playing the PC version for very long, I have been following various creators for this game since 2015-2016 or so, so I know quite a lot about the most important part of any MMO - the target audiende (TA). The target audience for this gamr are 40-year old russian men who are completely inept at playing videogames (which is fine, there's nothing wrong with being bad at videogames), but there are 2 major problems with TA like this: 1. Most of them are extremely toxic (people in the russian sphere constantly say that "Oh, you just haven't played Dota 2!", No, it's just you never played World of tanks) meaning they play HORRIBLY and blame it on you for playing aggresive (Also they are the reason that the all-chat was removed since giving your allies's position away was much more common on RU cluster of servers) and 2. Because they are the *target* audience, the majority, and because of reason 1 the game is made WITH their inability to play videogames at all in mind (This is way almost every single map rework started featuring rocks hidden by bushes near the base, making it impossible to approach at times).
TL:DR: AS long as the target audience for this game are are 40-yer old russian men, who can't play videogames for shit (which will never change) - the game will be made with their lack of skill in mind and will only get worse with each update.
Не стоит забывать главного
С 14-15 года картоха целенаправленно оставляли эту аудиторию, выдавливливая других. Просто потому, что:
1) Среди них есть киты (скорее всего большинство из них)
2) Ими проще манипулировать
3) Они терпеливее и менее привередливы
У меня есть чёткий момент, когда варгеи показали по какому пути идут - марафон на E25. И мне, как купившему танк, было безразличен сам марафон. Но компенсация серебром сказало о многом
Reminds me of the game Genshin Impact. The game will not get harder due to the crying casual players that can't do hard content when funnily enough the game is easy, they just don't know how to manage their resources properly. Also since the target of the game are the casual players, it will not get hard content at least in the next 5 years.
@@sakamoto8354 Though with genshin, difficulty isn't the issue.
The grind and horrid gacha system are.
Well thats why i stopped playning WOT and started playning with War Thunder.... Its been a beutiful times , like 2016-2020 for wot
I remember how people on the forums thought the Type 59 was gonna be bad before it released lol. Also accuracy was changed twice. Tanks were a LOT LESS accurate during the closed beta. Then things got very accurate and then the accuracy was toned down but still better than what it was during beta.
Started in 2015 and stopped in early 2022. I think after all this stupid ass „updates“ I was more than frustrated how the game worked more and more to be played by monkeys instead of humans. That’s how stupid these changes were at times. The armor layout indicator and the Steel Hunter for example. I just felt like this wasn’t the game I liked all those years. I was so frustrated I even switched to War Thunder. Played it since then and it’s definitely more fun than the current state of WoT for me
I miss the old ELC AMX. I have such fond memories of it.
it was really fun. It wasnt op and you would usually lose against any other tier 5 light if in 1vs1 situation. they nerfed it for no reason like it was said in the video
@@_Daniel_Plainview maybe I have one, if you play a fun standard tank you don't need to buy a superior premium tank, there has to be a financial decision behind that
now its tier 6 premium on console WoT ver. lol.
sorry for my bad english, i'm not nativespeaker but i was playing WOT between june 2013 to end of august 2019, with minor breaks. I still have many of really good memories connected with playing the game. It was the game that i spend most time at playing than any other. One word for all of those - nostalgia. Fun with clanmates, playing platoons, strongholds, halloween events, frontline etc, Tons of text read on forums, hundreds of hours watching videos, streams, tutorials. A big part of my life. First moe, first pool medal, first 10 tier, first premium tank, first ban on chat ;) or heroic actions that ended on wotreplays. Every time i want to reinstall the game i watch this kind of videos to remind myself why i quit. The game was more and more frustrating, rng, unpenetrable tanks, changes to the maps, all the noob-friendly stuff for kids, continual grinding of all kind, arty, two minute long matches, shitty matchmaking system, bots on servers, finally most of my in game friends left. I didn't even log in to wot since 2019. I just want good memories to stay good memories, and not walking into a cementary. Today when i check wotlife my clan is totally dead, nobody of them is playing wot nowadays. It's really sad what WG made this game look like. I feel like watching my old dog, a friend with whom i grew up slowly gets weaker and more ill, to the point of no return.
I haven't played World of Tanks in about 5 months. I've been playing since 2018 but was a follower of the game since 2014, I was just never able to play it due to a lack of my own PC for years. I watched quickybaby, Jingles, foch, circon... Many hilarious moments to watch, but unfortunately, they rarely ever happen to you in battle. Wargaming has perfected the art of "make our game so addictive that players will fish for that one in a thousand game that makes them happy while making hundreds or thousands of dollars off of them just so they can be competitive." If you don't have everything unlocked in the game like chems does, you're not going to have a good time and should probably quit if you get too frustrated. Would be best for your mental health if you did. In some cases, quitting video game altogether would probably be a wise choice.
After watching this video, I've decided that I'm going to quit WoT PC for good and uninstall it. My only WoT PC account will forever sit at around 6000 battles and 55 winrate (I was good at the game before I started because I already knew it inside and out thanks to WoT Blitz and all the WoT PC youtubers).
I have however played World of Tanks blitz since 2014, which I still play today and have every tier 10 in my garage. Strange to think how a mobile game can be a better experience than its PC multi-billion dollar counterpart (no seriously, its actually much better and not unbalanced, hence why I still play it.) The blitz devs make balance changes every update and just made significant changes to around 40 tier 10 tanks, most of them good. The maps are well thought out and perfectly balanced, and there's like 30 of them which is pretty good. Blitz also has 5 "fun modes" like Burning Games where you slowly lose HP over time but you can heal allies with your shells and heal yourself by hitting enemies. Overall good game, you'd be surprised.
Blitz has a lot of good things going on for it, but the maps, graphics and 7v7 battles are complete trash.
Tank balance was definitely better on low tiers when i played, haven't really played high tiers, but i heard mixed opinions about it.
Bonus game modes were pretty cool.
For a mobile game it's fine, but don't see any reason to play it on PC.
Also they should update the graphics, they were fine in 2014-2016 maybe, but now every mobile game looks way better.
@@MGLpr0 the maps aren’t complete trash, they’re really good. Every map has positions for every class and every tank to do well in. Can’t say the same for PC.
Also the graphics are being updated, they are slowly adding tanks with updated HD (PBR) graphics and there’s every a remastered PBR map. Good. Game.
"Pablus, I drowned on the ground, Pablus! Fucking Rubicon...." Rubicon is on first place :/
Reference: Update 10.0 was called Rubicon.
2024: XM57
Man the background music.... Makes me think that somewhere, a Hylian going insane out of frustation playing the game after all the bad updates.
You missed the kv1s tier vi slaughter patch , that instead of just nerf it they change the name ro kv 85, the look of the gun and add one more tank research
I deleted this game and never returned
This was enjoyable!
Thanks for the detailed history of war gaming raping thier game.
POV: world of tanks only has 5 updates before it dids
I played WoT on console for around 5 - 6 years and I always looked at the pc version as the better game, and I think it always was. Then update 6.0 came out on console which made it awful, basically like a mobile game that's a few years old. I stopped playing altogether nearly 2 years ago and really considered switching to this. But now I feel glad that I switched to War Thunder instead
War Thunder is equally cursed tho, snails and potatoes equally dont listen to the playerbase at all
@@ikstarven this is true
Unfortunately war thunder has the same problems for the most part (overpowered event/premium vehicles that define a new meta every patch) among others (certain gameplay dynamics such as people being able to hop into a fully loaded strike aircraft after capping a point and getting an assist).
Around September 2017 till about May of 2018 was my peak playing this game. It was mostly because of the Clan I was in and the members I played with that made the game so much more fun. We had a TeamSpeak and a Facebook group, everyone got to know each other quite well and it was actually a very close-knit clan. Our clan commander passed away very suddenly in real life and things began to fall apart between everyone since no one wanted to take that commander position and I supposed we were all grieving as well. I quit the game entirely up til about 2022 and I've seen been online again.
I was playing wot for 5 years and spent more money then I would like to but I had to stop because of the way the game is developing. I agree with your opinions in 90%. Thanks for the content.
i don't know why everything is so expensive for level 8 and when you buy it it's crap especially if you struggle with levels 9 and 10
I got so frustrated by this game I stopped playing altogether over 4 months ago, never regretted it.
The better the optical quality, the shittier the game gets.
Got tired of WG fucking me over and over with their constant power creep and vehicle stat changes.
Not to mention hidden stats.
Imagine if all climbs were brought back, old maps would come back, all chat would be enabled and stun would be removed. That alone would improve the game a lot.
id might actually try it out after many years
Yeah but that would be still not enough to convince me in playing it lol
also MT-25 autoloader got removed, i used to play that thing all the time, rushing into enemy base and clipping 2-3 artys or a whole Rhm at tier 8
Thanks for keeping me updated about what happened the last four years!
And thank you for reminding me of the great decision to quit playing the game four years ago!
An exceptional work of art, I had to watch it again, and I experience a cathartic experience, the innocent happy music from the beginning that gradually turns into hellish horror.