Something Adventism MISSES About the Sabbath...

  • Опубліковано 2 жов 2024


  • @michaelcruson3158
    @michaelcruson3158 3 місяці тому +3

    You really are something else. Redemption as a reminder for bringing them out of Eygpt? They were trying to keep it before they left Egypt. Making stuff up!

    • @answeringadventism
      @answeringadventism  3 місяці тому +9

      Right, you haven’t even read Deuteronomy 5.
      ““‘Observe the Sabbath day, to keep it holy, as the Lord your God commanded you. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work, you or your son or your daughter or your male servant or your female servant, or your ox or your donkey or any of your livestock, or the sojourner who is within your gates, that your male servant and your female servant may rest as well as you. You shall remember that you were a slave in the land of Egypt, and the Lord your God brought you out from there with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm. Therefore the Lord your God commanded you to keep the Sabbath day.”
      ‭‭Deuteronomy‬ ‭5‬:‭12‬-‭15‬
      So now God himself is apparently making things up. Dust off your Bible and stop claiming I “made things up.” The sabbath memorializes more than just creation, Michael. That’s the entire point. It memorializes creation, rest, and redemption. You have a uni-dimensional understanding-which is precisely the problem.

    • @saults2577
      @saults2577 3 місяці тому +3

      Typical SDA BS!

    • @michaelcruson3158
      @michaelcruson3158 2 місяці тому +1

      @@saults2577 SDA? It's in the Bible. Have you read the Bible?

    • @saults2577
      @saults2577 2 місяці тому +2

      @@michaelcruson3158 yes I have, but not through the lens of Ellen white and her seal of God BS

    • @michaelcruson3158
      @michaelcruson3158 2 місяці тому

      @saults2577 another Christian that wants to dog on the most accomplished, most prolific female writer in history. You cannot read her writings and not be better off for it. The reason you reject her writings is for the same reason that you reject the Sabbath truth. You simply do not want to be a Christian if it requires anything of you. Pearl of great price...narrow path, is not for you.

  • @clarenceappleton2915
    @clarenceappleton2915 3 місяці тому +15

    This guy is simply doing all kind of mental and biblical gymnastics, taking Bible verses out of context or misinterpreting them to justify disobeying the 4th commandment. For example, Myles claims that there is no evening and morning attached to the Seventh-Day. That's nonsense. The reason evening and morning are not specifically mentioned is because there was nothing being created. It is absurd to think that we don't have to honor the sabbath because of this, especially when God specifically blessed and sanctified the day! He does not seem to be interested in truth, only his personal dislike of Adventism. He is leading many people astray, and some people like listening to him because it makes them feel comfortable in their disobedience to the 4th commandment.

    • @answeringadventism
      @answeringadventism  3 місяці тому +4

      Yes, all Christian’s were doing mental and biblical gymnastics until you all came along to correct everyone. And we’re the ones that are absurd. Lol. What I presented is not unique to me in the slightest. Yet you guys act like this is some novel concept. All it evidences is your lack of familiarity with those that came before you and that you operate in a framework of falsities-like that everyone was confused on the sabbath until your sect came along and they secretly hate the sabbath. Childish level takes.
      You dealt with nothing theologically but just made standard SDA assertions. Congratulations.
      Nowhere does the text tell you the seventh day didn’t have evening and morning because no creation occurred. This is your inference. This is your gymnastics missing the relevance of that fact throughout all of scripture. Which is what we were focused on here. Not little soundbites like you guys like.

    • @wouldlovemyownname
      @wouldlovemyownname Місяць тому +1

      @@answeringadventism its very telling that you make arguments from authority rather then from scropture, like this "Yes, all Christian’s were doing mental and biblical gymnastics until you all came along to correct everyone. And we’re the ones that are absurd. Lol". By that reasoning we all should of stayed Jews because who were those tiny minority chrisitians to rebuke everyone else by living out the present messianic truth , and then we should of all stayed catholics and kept paying our indulgences because who did Martin Luther and his tiny band of cohorts think he was going against a whole christian empire. If youo study history long enough you will see that God always works through the obedient who unfortunately tend to be a minority or remnant. By this I am not making the claim that the Adventists comprise the exclusive remnant, but people are never spiritually safe in blindly following the majority. That is the broad way to destruction.

    • @bjjjools4334
      @bjjjools4334 Місяць тому

      @@wouldlovemyownname Martin Luther believed in the celebration of Mary's Dormition into heaven, Protestants you quote dont believe what the SDA do, the reformers all celebrated Marys feast day. He didnt go against the entire catholic position he went against innovations and instead of going down the chain and reverting to orthodoxy he invented his own church further splintering the church instead of returning to the true church

    • @drluk1523
      @drluk1523 День тому

      Its just money making social media channel. Nothing much. That is why sometimes he dresses funny things on the head, funny tatooes to get views.That is why when they want to attack, they dont say, " the Bible says "DO NOT KILL", They always say" Adventists say"Do not Kill"', an example. They always find it hard to go around ", It is written". Cook funny stories which themselves dont believe, then when cornered start insults such as cult, false prophet, false Jesus. This Myles guy believes that Jesus of the Bible, as quoted from gospels by adaventists, is false. Maybe he also believes that God of the Bible, is false

  • @TheFaithofJesus-bk4wl
    @TheFaithofJesus-bk4wl 3 місяці тому +8

    As SDAs Myles, we haven't missed anything about the Sabbath, you're the one that left, and God has sent you a strong delusion that you should believe a lie, and now you're leading other's into that same lie. May God have mercy on you!

    • @answeringadventism
      @answeringadventism  3 місяці тому +3

      Yup, great engagement with the exegesis of the text. What’s funny about comments like this is that what I presented is not my own unique view or private interpretation. I did not come up with all this.
      Your SDA pioneers stole all of their sabbath arguments from people who held to what I presented here. But they tried claiming they were all universally wrong about the day. Not even understanding that the new day, new song, and the new creation (all things prophesied about in the Old Testament) are interconnected.
      But yeah-strong delusion to believe a lie. Lol

    • @TheFaithofJesus-bk4wl
      @TheFaithofJesus-bk4wl 3 місяці тому

      @answeringadventism So, I guess you're saying your Savior is imperfect? I mean considering everything mine creates is perfect the first time. Evidently your savior has flaws if he has to change or alter something he created.
      Psalms 89:34, Malachi 3:6, and Dueteronomy 7:9, oh and BTW a 1,000 generations hasn't passed since he made this statement. Exodus 20:1 A ND God SPOKE these words saying. Matthew 4:4 Man shall not live by bread alone, BUT BY EVERY WORD THAT PROCEEDS OUT OF THE MOUTH OF GOD.
      You calling Christ a liar, Myles?

    • @jimbob1644
      @jimbob1644 3 місяці тому +1

      ​@@TheFaithofJesus-bk4wlno the real Jesus is perfect the one you serve is the Devil by your own confession of Faith

    • @TheFaithofJesus-bk4wl
      @TheFaithofJesus-bk4wl 3 місяці тому

      @jimbob1644 No, you just refuse to see the evidence that is given you.

    • @jimbob1644
      @jimbob1644 3 місяці тому +1

      @@TheFaithofJesus-bk4wl the very thing that you're accusing me of,, is what you've been doing!!! every Christian in the world ,,reading your comments ,,knows it!

  • @BernardValentine-gd1vc
    @BernardValentine-gd1vc 4 місяці тому +5

    Great Job Myles,God bless you and your ministry ❤.

  • @diasco4869
    @diasco4869 4 місяці тому +15

    I have never heard such confused presentation as this. Can you tell me if the 7th day is still blessed and sanctified. If not, where in the Bible does it say it is no longer blessed and sanctified or transferred to another day. Also, since the Sabbath is rooted in creation, can it ever be changed? People, don't be confused, God is not the author of confusion. Sinners will always try to find clever ways to disobey instead of loving and faithful obedience to God's word. Don't overlook that this ministry is only in existence as an anti adventist ministry. Why not just teach the the Bible truth instead of being an anti adventist ministry. If there were no adventists, what would you be teaching?

    • @answeringadventism
      @answeringadventism  4 місяці тому +5

      You’ve never heard such confused teaching yet this is what the people believed that the SDA pioneers stole from for all of their sabbath arguments but then claimed they were all universally wrong about the day. 😂
      Adam Clarke, John Gill, William Twisse, the Puritans, etc. All these individuals were theological giants that the SDA pioneers constantly tried appealing to to say “see, they believed the sabbath was perpetual” yet they claimed “but they didn’t understand the day correctly.” Lol. And this is “confused” teaching according to you. 😂🤣
      No, you just think in sound bites so looking at things in totality is too overwhelming so you call it confused.
      “Since the sabbath is rooted in creation, can it ever be changed”
      With a new creation, yes. And had you listened I explained this. Jesus entered His rest the first day after accomplishing the redemption of all things and inaugurating the new creation. Not the seventh day. God entered his rest the seventh day in the old creation. God enters his rest after accomplishing the redemption of that creation the first day.
      When you use the silly “disobedience” and “anti Adventist ministry” lines because you can’t actually engage and evidence you didn’t actually watch or comprehend-it evidences you didn’t actually listen.

    • @TheTruthabouttheAdventis-kh9xx
      @TheTruthabouttheAdventis-kh9xx 4 місяці тому

      ​@@answeringadventism See my statement above. There was no Sabbath until Moses and the Early Church Fathers and all the prophets of Old bear witness. People are taking statement of Christ in Mark 2:27-28 way out of context and too far. Christ nor the Apostles taught that "Mankind" was obligated to keep the Sabbath. Only the circumcised people of Israel were obligated to keep the Sabbath. *Likewise only those who are baptized Christians are obligated to observe the first day of the week!*

    • @SolaScriptura21
      @SolaScriptura21 4 місяці тому +4

      Your confusion is because you try to understand what he is saying through your SDA worldview, or sabbatarian worldview.

    • @diasco4869
      @diasco4869 4 місяці тому +1

      @@TheTruthabouttheAdventis-kh9xx there was no 'Thou shall have no other gods before me' either. There was no 'Thou shall not kill' when Cain got into trouble for killing. What is your point?

    • @diasco4869
      @diasco4869 4 місяці тому +1

      @@SolaScriptura21 Would you be kind enough to answer the questions that I asked? Thank you.

  • @YuShudNoe
    @YuShudNoe 4 місяці тому +11

    I remember watching this before but man it’s clicking right now!!

  • @alllthatinacan
    @alllthatinacan 4 місяці тому +9

    The 4th commandment is the only that says to "Remember." Why are we trying to fight so hard to forget it?

    • @bobreese4807
      @bobreese4807 4 місяці тому

      SABBATH trashing reveals that Earthlings are ROM 8:7 LAW trashing, GOD haters!

    • @jimbob1644
      @jimbob1644 4 місяці тому +3

      ​@@bobreese4807.. so if they're God haters why did you hate God so much that you said the devil is doing your atonement? You actually signed the document when you became a member of SDA!

    • @kimartist
      @kimartist 4 місяці тому +1

      ​@@jimbob1644 Wow SDAs have to sign documents affirming heretical beliefs? How diabolical! I pray God not hold it against those who truly "know not what they do." 😢

  • @biasharachemoto555
    @biasharachemoto555 3 місяці тому +3

    Well explained but why is this teaching not core to Sunday preachers, it seems that there is a lot of assumption about this new day on the new creation. I was also wondering if there is any references from early scholars who interpreted the scripture this way.

  • @EricHort-cx1jp
    @EricHort-cx1jp 4 місяці тому +4

    Cindiloo Woo hi. Ex 20 says 6 days( Hed yom) shall you labor but the 7th day (yom) is the Sabbath OF the Lord not IS the Lord . OF mean belongs to through creation . A day ( yom) cant become a man . A day is a day in anyones language . It amazes me what people twist to get out of obeying God including the 4th precept which is an integral part of Gods which cant be destroyed, abrogated or changed by anyone. Us puny mortals THINK we can but Gods law will stand for ever through all eternity Isa 66:22,23.

    • @jimbob1644
      @jimbob1644 3 місяці тому +1

      All that says is ..that (between the Sabbath you're also going to worship him!)

  • @celebrationstate
    @celebrationstate Місяць тому +1

    This is a great resource. About to go public with my story of leaving Adventism, but trying to make sure I am ready to give a reason for the hope that is in me. Thank you for this!

  • @tubeloobs
    @tubeloobs 4 місяці тому +7

    Dude your credibility is in the toilet until you admit you were wrong about the Waldenses not keeping the Sabbath.

    • @motswasele8454
      @motswasele8454 4 місяці тому +3

      With me he would need to be wrong on MANY things like I've noticed with Ellen G White to lose credibility. By the way, I've never met a Christian who is on point on everything, every time. Could you be that Christian who is always right about every thing?

    • @tubeloobs
      @tubeloobs 4 місяці тому +2

      @@motswasele8454 it's not about never being wrong, it's about taking accountability when you are. He's not taking accountability.

    • @SolaScriptura21
      @SolaScriptura21 4 місяці тому +1

      ​​@@tubeloobswill you hold thst same standard to mr bowen and his misuse of the fathers and sabbath? I eagerly wait to see if you have a double standard or not.

    • @tubeloobs
      @tubeloobs 4 місяці тому

      @@SolaScriptura21 prove the misuse

    • @SolaScriptura21
      @SolaScriptura21 4 місяці тому +1

      ​@@tubeloobsI noticed u dodged the question which tells me you do not have equal weights.

  • @BvVb2099
    @BvVb2099 4 місяці тому +12

    I do not agree with your presentation. If Sabbath is to be discarded, all other 9 commandments should be discarded as well... You are cherry- picking Bible verses in order to support your false teachings. Paul the apostle has not given any indication that The Sabbath is no longer binding.

    • @kimartist
      @kimartist 4 місяці тому +10

      "By calling this covenant 'new,' he has made the first one obsolete; and what is obsolete and outdated will soon disappear."
      ~ Hebrews 8 : 13

    • @djklu6550
      @djklu6550 3 місяці тому +2

      @@kimartist if there is no law then how is there sin for sin is the transgression of the law?
      We are called to be upholders of the law.
      Romans 3:31 - "Do we then make void the law through faith? God forbid: yea, we establish the law."

    • @1wallywall
      @1wallywall 3 місяці тому +2

      Read Hebrews. The law is written on your heart.

    • @kimartist
      @kimartist 2 місяці тому +1

      ​@@djklu6550 If the Old Covenant was LAW, then how is the New Covenant NOT LAW? 🤔

    • @MrWaves-oj9ge
      @MrWaves-oj9ge 2 місяці тому

      ​@@djklu6550before the 10 commandments were given people sinned against God. The law was there to show that we couldn't keep it and needed a savior

  • @siranthonybrownpodcast
    @siranthonybrownpodcast 4 місяці тому +3

    Sda's really don't care about none of this. They just say "remember the sabbath" 😂😂

    • @jesusislord77712
      @jesusislord77712 3 місяці тому +1

      Facts 💯

    • @flexx7611
      @flexx7611 2 місяці тому

      And if you love me keep my commandments. 😂😂. If I was to get a dollar for how many times they misquote that scripture I would be filthy rich.

    • @siranthonybrownpodcast
      @siranthonybrownpodcast 2 місяці тому +1

      @@flexx7611 you and I both

  • @RandomTChance
    @RandomTChance 4 місяці тому +1

    Great segment!
    Blessings Brother 🕊️

  • @mattmc9812
    @mattmc9812 3 місяці тому +4

    If adventist are looking for an alternative church that keeps the.sabbath without the huge amount of legalism. Seventh day baptist are a great church snd there are other Sabbath keeping groups

  • @rachelchapman6966
    @rachelchapman6966 4 місяці тому +4

    Great video! I was curious about your thoughts on Seventh Day Baptist’s view of the sabbath?

    • @answeringadventism
      @answeringadventism  4 місяці тому +8

      I think they’re in the same boat as SDAs regarding memorializing the old creation which pointed to Jesus, ultimately. Just like Jews still do and they missed the Messiah, so too other seventh day sabbatarians are memorializing that.
      However, Seventh-Day Baptists don’t anathematize everyone else as apostate, haters of Gods Law, etc. they don’t claim to have a special truth that no one else has and you’ll be lost if you don’t accept it. They simply think worship should be conducted on Saturdays. And they are free to do so.
      They don’t have all the Christological heresies that Adventism does, either, or the great controversy worldview. They’re basically evangelicals that go to church on Saturday.

    • @rachelchapman6966
      @rachelchapman6966 4 місяці тому +2

      Thank you so much! I wish I had these answers 20 years ago! Unfortunately, most clergy don’t have good, thorough answers when it comes to why some christians keep Saturday sabbath and why you’re not required to do so.

    • @fournierro1
      @fournierro1 3 місяці тому +1

      I found that doing it the way structure it is best. Genesis 2 : 1,2, 3.

    • @mattmc9812
      @mattmc9812 3 місяці тому +3

      Actually i think seventh day baptist are a great alternative to the SDA. If there are SDA looking for an escape out of Adventism but want to still keep the Sabbath go to the sdb they are just basically Sabbath keeping Baptist's

  • @fournierro1
    @fournierro1 4 місяці тому +4

    Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. Six days do all your work, but on the Seventh day refrain from work for it is the rest day of the Lord your God. Even God kept it on the week of creation. Hebrews 4 : 4 - 10. How long will the ten Commandments be kept and respected ? Isaiaha 66: 22, 23. Psalms 111 : 7,8, 10.
    What does the Bible say is sin? 1 John 3 : 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10.
    Those who say we do not need to keep God’s law, that He wrote down with His own Hands are justifying sin.

    • @reyr9571
      @reyr9571 Місяць тому

      Well, say my brother Amen.This young man doesn't know what he's talking About. Ellen g white spoke about People like him in the last days.

  • @kimartist
    @kimartist 4 місяці тому +20

    W😮W yet again I am learning things about Christianity I never knew before! And this is why your work (Myles) is worth listening to for its own sake 🙏🤍🕊

    • @timjroughton9931
      @timjroughton9931 4 місяці тому +3

      SDA's aren't Christians, it would be like calling them Catholic :D :) ;)

    • @kimartist
      @kimartist 4 місяці тому +4

      ​@@timjroughton9931 I didn't say SDAs are Christians. Are you reading comprehension impaired?

  • @bobreese4807
    @bobreese4807 3 місяці тому +1

    Hebrews 4:10 in the Bible says, "For anyone who enters God's rest also rests from their works, just as God did from his" Just as??? How close a match does this have to be.... GOD rested after 6 days of creating. Does a man/person have to create for 6 days too and then rest for a day? The next verse is a clue but scholars warp that too. WWJD???? He did it 2000 years ago...WEEKLY!!!!...on the HOLY day made right after creation!!

  • @NubianX1963
    @NubianX1963 4 місяці тому +9

    Creation took 6 days and God Rested on the 7th. Jesus died on the 6th day and Rested in the grave on the 7th Fulfilling our Redemption. . Mark 2:27 Jesus said the Sabbath was made for man. The word 'man' in Greek is "anthrōpos" Strong;s defined it as, ""a human being, whether male or female". If Jesus meant it only for the Jews, He would have said the Sabbath was made for the Jews.

    • @danieloostendorp9286
      @danieloostendorp9286 4 місяці тому +6

      In line with the old covenant God gave his sabbath as a sign of the old covenant hence it was given to ( Jews) men but Jesus was talking to the Jews prior to his death and resurrection and establishing a new covenant .
      In the new covenant establishing the church Jesus prior to his ascension used only one word of remember ...He said communion .Quote ..this is the new covenant in my this in remembrance of me.
      If sabbath were of further significance Jesus would have also enforced by stating remember the sabbath.
      Hebrews states when there is a new covenant there is necessary a change in the law.
      It is true that most of the 10 commandments were reinforced in the new testament church but not the sabbath as the christians started worship on 1st day .

    • @NubianX1963
      @NubianX1963 4 місяці тому

      @@danieloostendorp9286 Colossians 2:14 Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross; What was nailed to the cross were the ceremonial laws not the 10 Commandments. More specially animal sacrifices, Hebrews 10:19, 20 Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus, By a new and living way, which he hath consecrated for us, through the veil, that is to say, HIS FLESH. The earthly Temple (Old Jerusalem) had a vail that separated the Holy from the Most Holy. When Christ died on the cross that vail was torn from top to bottom and Hebrews points out that Vail represented Jesus. And in the Most Holy was the Ark of the Covenant the Law of God the 10 Commandments written in stone. No new Commission never explicitly stated to observe a new day of rest.

    • @jimbob1644
      @jimbob1644 4 місяці тому +2

      ​@@NubianX1963could you show me where Jesus died on the 6th Day show me that verse?

    • @NubianX1963
      @NubianX1963 4 місяці тому

      @@jimbob1644 Mark 15:42 And now when the even was come, because it was the preparation, that is, the day before the sabbath, Luke 23:54And that day was the preparation, and the sabbath drew on. John 19:31 The Jews therefore, because it was the preparation, that the bodies should not remain upon the cross on the sabbath day, (for that sabbath day was an high day,) Mark 16:1, 2 And when the sabbath was past, Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James, and Salome, had bought sweet spices, that they might come and anoint him.Verse 2 And very early in the morning THE First Day of the WEEK, they came unto the sepulchre at the rising of the sun. That's why Christians always celebrate Easter on Sunday ie. Easter Sunday.

    • @jimbob1644
      @jimbob1644 4 місяці тому +2

      @@NubianX1963 what does Mark 16:1 say what does Luke 23 verse 56 say!. When is (high holy Sabbath ) establish for Exodus 12.. The 14th day is preparation.. what is the next day.. how is that established?.ask Google when is (high holy Passover Sabbath The feast of unleavened bread! what day is that?

  • @bobreese4807
    @bobreese4807 3 місяці тому +4

    Guess what??? Almost ALL SUNday preachers are terrified to debate a competent sabbatarian scholar at their church because it would be too embarrassing /humiliating to the SUNday preacher when the group heard that their preacher had FOOLED/DECEIVED/CONNED them into a LIE! That is why it hardly takes place. Also...there goes JOB SECURITY for the SUNday preacher!!

    • @fournierro1
      @fournierro1 3 місяці тому

      But God does take all of that into consideration. That is where faith comes from. Faith comes when one steps out and stands for what He knows is true. I lost my Job because I decided to keep all of God’s Ten Commandments. At that time my wife I lived 250 miles from the nearest church that respected and honored all ten of the commandments God wrote down with His own hands. Psalms 111 : 7,8,10. That was the year 1975. We never missed a thing that we needed.
      When I decided to keep and honor all ten of God’s commandments, he open the way for us. That was the year 1975.

    • @fournierro1
      @fournierro1 3 місяці тому

      Pride goes before the fall. Does one think God does not know. He promised to take care of us. Especially if we have decided to obey come what may. You may think I don’t know what that is like. But I do. We lived 250 miles from the nears city that had intersections like. God took us away from that one horse town and put us in a missionary training school. I after that became a literature Evangelist till my retirement. Never missed a home or meal.

    • @gabrielplaysgenerational6207
      @gabrielplaysgenerational6207 3 місяці тому +3

      SDA 's don't know the about how worship really started and the it started centuries before the Pope by a follower of John get all the facts of history not bits and pieces to build a religion!

    • @jimbob1644
      @jimbob1644 3 місяці тому +1

      It wouldn't matter if you kept the Sabbath you don't have Jesus of Hebrews 7:13. so what's what's your point ?you've got nothing!

    • @fournierro1
      @fournierro1 3 місяці тому

      @@jimbob1644 I just enjoy doing what Jesus asked us to do Matthew 24 : 20 Hebrews 4 : 3 - 11. Ya man shall not live by bread alone,, but by EVERY word that proceeded OUT of the mouth of God.

  • @sweet1mcs
    @sweet1mcs 4 місяці тому +4

    AMEN 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

  • @mavispomaa9672
    @mavispomaa9672 4 місяці тому +8

    God, bless you Miles. Great is your reward in heaven.❤

    • @jimbob1644
      @jimbob1644 4 місяці тому +1

      ​@@timarnett672what did Jesus do in 1 Peter 2:24.?

    • @jimbob1644
      @jimbob1644 4 місяці тому +1

      ​@@timarnett672you got to explain to me how the sins get)( in )Jesus Christ 1 Peter 2:24 and what did he do with those sins?

    • @jimbob1644
      @jimbob1644 4 місяці тому +1

      @@timarnett672 that's true but why are your sins not removed? You're saying that's just the first goat on the cross. The first goat does not bear any sin!

    • @bobreese4807
      @bobreese4807 3 місяці тому

      If he doesn't repent, JESUS will say to him..."I never knew you"

    • @mbrown6837
      @mbrown6837 3 місяці тому

      Unfortunately if Miles continuing on his current path, he will get a reward, but it won't be heaven!
      Jesus Himself stated the following:
      Matt. 5:19a ***Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall *teach men so*, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: ***
      He is LYING about the Bible being the basis for his title "First Day Sabbatarian". He is LYING about the early church rejecting Sabbath for Sunday.
      We are told to LIE NOT TO ONE ANOTHER. And in Rev. we read that "LIARS GO TO THE LAKE OF FIRE."
      Those 7 or so bible verses which supposedly says "First Day of the Week" do not contain the word "Day". Each of these verses refer to "The First of the Sabbaths, or "One of the Sabbaths". There was no authorization of the rejection of Sabbath for Sunday in the New Testament as he erroneously.

  • @DL-yc5ty
    @DL-yc5ty 4 місяці тому +3

    Hi Myles 👋🏾
    What Bible version are you using. The KJV reads differently.
    8 For if Jesus had given them rest, then would he not afterward have spoken of another day.
    It says that if God gave a different day wouldn't He have spoken of another day? And He has not.

    • @answeringadventism
      @answeringadventism  4 місяці тому +2

      The problem is you ignored the preceding verses. The King James still has Psalm 95 which speaks of another day.
      “Seeing therefore it remaineth that some must enter therein, and they to whom it was first preached entered not in because of unbelief: again, he limiteth a certain day, saying in David, To day, after so long a time; as it is said, To day if ye will hear his voice, Harden not your hearts. For if Jesus had given them rest, then would he not afterward have spoken of another day.”
      ‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭4‬:‭6‬-‭8‬ ‭KJV‬‬
      It literally says the same thing as any other translation just in Olde English.
      This is why you should get a translation you can understand. It says the same thing as the ESV but the way it’s worded is causing you to think it says the opposite of what it says.
      Jesus is translated as Joshua in other translations. The KJV actually only further bolsters what was presented here because it shows that what Jesus gave Israel in the earthly promised land wasn’t the true rest. Another day remained which was spoken about by the Psalter.

    • @DL-yc5ty
      @DL-yc5ty 4 місяці тому

      ​@@answeringadventismok I will review and get back to you. Thank you!❤

    • @DL-yc5ty
      @DL-yc5ty 4 місяці тому +1

      @answeringadventism Hi Myles 👋🏾
      So, I reviewed both the KJV and the NIV
      Since the KJV was put out first I will stick with it (precept upon precept). The NIV moves the comma and this changes the whole meaning. KJV reads "Again," meaning to repeat. NIV reads "God again set a certain day" which sounds like he gave another day, except where was that commandment written?
      Do you see this discrepancy?
      God made it very clear when He commanded that we "remember" to keep the 7th Day Sabbath. If He did give another day why don't we see it written so when we are tempted we too can say "It is written" and be able to recite the irrefutable text? Otherwise, we are making up our own conclusions about what God is saying. If you have time kindly advise on this point. Thanks and God bless 🙌🏾 🙏🏾 ❤️

    • @DL-yc5ty
      @DL-yc5ty 4 місяці тому

      @answeringadventism Regarding your point about what God gave the Israelites, I believe you're referring to the ceremonial sacrificial system. These were the judgments against them. We see in Daniel where it is prophesied for Messi ah to be cut off and make an end to the daily sacrifices because He would be the true eternal sacrifice that would redeem us.
      Have you heard of Ron Wyatt and his findings on the Ark of the Covenant? Jesus' blood was found on the mercy seat.

    • @bobreese4807
      @bobreese4807 3 місяці тому

      The MAIN thing that ADVENTISTS miss about sabbath is that it is a day to do LAWFUL/GOOD WORKS!!!!! IS 58:6-12 and JOHN 5:17. ALTRUISM vs ARROGANT, EXCLUSIVE, SELFISH SNOBS!!!..

  • @jonathans.7896
    @jonathans.7896 4 місяці тому +2

    Excellent video!

  • @aclark7970
    @aclark7970 4 місяці тому +4

    The Mishna gives the DAY AND TIME OF DAY for the reaping of the Wave Sheaf:
    Mishnah Menachot 10:3
    How would they do it [reap the omer]?The agents of the court used to go out on the day before the festival and tie the unreaped grain in bunches to make it the easier to reap....All the inhabitants of the towns near by assembled there, so that it might be reaped with a great demonstration. As soon as it became dark he says to them:
    “Has the sun set?”
    And they answer, “Yes.”...
    “Has the sun set?”
    |And they answer, Yes.”
    “With this sickle?”
    And they answer, “Yes.”
    “With this sickle?”
    And they answer, “Yes.”
    “Into this basket?”
    And they answer, “Yes.”
    “Into this basket?”...
    ******On the Sabbath he says to them, “On this SABBATH?” ****
    And they answer, “Yes.”
    *****“On this SABBATH?” *****
    And they answer, “Yes.”
    “Shall I reap?”
    And they answer, “Reap.”
    “Shall I reap?”
    And they answer, “Reap.”...Because of the Boethusians who held that the reaping of the omer was not to take place at the conclusion of the [first day of the] festival.
    From those who were given the ORACLES OF GOD, they attest to the reaping of the OMER, on the Sabbath as the sun sets!

    • @chrislucastheprotestantview
      @chrislucastheprotestantview 4 місяці тому +1

      Yes, I was thinking about this. Thanks for reposting. My last show touched on this. I have brought this up before, but I can't keep track of my notes. So it's appreciated

    • @chrislucastheprotestantview
      @chrislucastheprotestantview 4 місяці тому +2

      I tend to think the Sadducees had it right, that it should be done at the end of the weekly sabbath.
      And i think that just adds to the argument that jesus rose just before end of Sabbath. Jews are not going out to cut something that was still in the ground. What they cut had already risen and was ripe the previous day (sabbath). It does not SUDDENLY become ready just after Sabbath.
      I also found some writings from Gregory of Tours, from about 580ad i think, or maybe earlier. He has that curious comment:
      "I believe the resurrection was on Sunday, not on the Sabbath like MANY BELIEVE."
      Which goes to show, many did believe the resurrection was on sabbath.
      And the quartodecimans had their writings destroyed and were persecuted.
      But the SDA church can't use the quartodecimans as a defense because the SDA church thinks Polycarp was practicing things that were done away with, like Passover.
      The SDA church is a bunch of demons that just make it harder for people who actually do care about honoring God and observing His commandments.

    • @aclark7970
      @aclark7970 4 місяці тому +2

      @@chrislucastheprotestantview Thanks much for your references. I also have many more, and will post as I have time.
      We all need to join in and ask Miles to give us the NAME OF AN APOSTLE, or any other person in the New Testament docments who has described him or herself as a "FIRST DAY SABBATARIAN"! Miles as a Berean, I am asking you to PROVE ALL THINGS and give us the BOOK CHAPTER AND VERSE where you have Biblical Authority to call youself a "FIRST DAY SABBATARIAN".

    • @SolaScriptura21
      @SolaScriptura21 4 місяці тому

      ​@@chrislucastheprotestantview polycarp would not have been keeping passover as the jews did, same applies with all the quartadecimens.

    • @chrislucastheprotestantview
      @chrislucastheprotestantview 4 місяці тому

      @SolaScriptura21 it clearly says he kept it on the 14th. It's historical fact. No one denies it.

  • @byronmitchell3629
    @byronmitchell3629 3 місяці тому +3

    Keeping or observing the weekly 7th day Sabbath really shouldn’t be controversial at all. Here’s why ... It is this very special day that our Creator rested on, blessed, hallowed and sanctified (Gen. 2:2,3; Exo. 20:11) at the creation of our world and asks us to keep holy and celebrate every week as a memorial of His awesome creative power. This day that God calls “My holy day” and that we His people should call a delight and honorable (Isa. 58:13) clearly means a lot to God so it should mean a lot to us. He enshrined it in the very heart of His great 10 commandment moral law which is the only part of the Bible that God directly wrote with His finger on tables of stone signifying its permanence (Exodus 31:18). The weekly 7th day Sabbath was so holy and precious to Jesus that He not only taught the people what was and wasn’t lawful to do on this day (Matt. 12:12) but He encouraged His followers to pray for decades after His death and resurrection that when they needed to flee from tribulation they wouldn’t have to do so on the holy Sabbath (Matt. 24:20). And then again Jesus' grief stricken disciples after His crucifixion knowing His sacred regard for the Sabbath which they shared postponed the embalming of His body until after the Sabbath. As Luke reports on it many years later in Luke 23:56 "Then they returned and prepared spices and fragrant oils. And they rested on the Sabbath according to the commandment." This confirms that the Sabbath is indeed 1 of God's commandments in His "holy, just and good" law (Romans 7:12). This blessed day is so special to God that He promises when He recreates a spectacular brand new world for the redeemed of all nations, “all flesh” will come together every Sabbath to worship and praise Him (Isa 66:23). So let’s in loving obedience to Jesus our God and Creator enjoy and celebrate Him by receiving the special blessing He offers everyone who keeps His holy day (Isa. 58:14). The weekly 7th day Sabbath is a wonderful gift to all of us because it's special, set apart relationship time with our Creator and Redeemer which is why Jesus said "The Sabbath was made (created) for mankind" (Mark 2:27). And if you have any doubt that Jesus wants His saved by grace people to obey His commandments including the 4th commandment 7th day Sabbath out of love for Him and because they are saved you only need to read the following verses: John 14:15 - If you love Me keep My commandments. Ecclesiastes 12:13 - Fear God and keep His commandments for this is the whole duty of man. 1 Corinthians 7:19 - Keeping the commandments of God is what matters. Matthew 5:19 - Whoever therefore breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches men so shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven. 1 John 5:3 - For this is the love of God that we keep His commandments and His commandments are not burdensome. Revelation 14:12 - Here is the patience of the saints who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus. Revelation 12:17 - And the dragon was enraged with the woman and went to make war with the rest of her offspring who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ. Revelation 22:14 - Blessed are those who do His commandments that they may have the right to the tree of life and may enter through the gates into the city. May God bless you all as you open your heart to His leading on this important test of our willingness to obey Him in all things.

  • @bobreese4807
    @bobreese4807 3 місяці тому +3

    The LAW is an indicator of how authentic, genuine, mature one's love trust, and relationship is with GOD and others.

    • @Adrian_Mason
      @Adrian_Mason 3 місяці тому +3

      1Tim 1:5-9: "Now the end of the commandment is charity out of a pure heart, and of a good conscience, and of faith unfeigned: From which some having swerved have turned aside unto vain jangling; Desiring to be teachers of the law; understanding neither what they say, nor whereof they affirm. But we know that the law is good, if a man use it lawfully; Knowing this, that the law is not made for a righteous man, but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and for sinners, for unholy and profane, for murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers, for manslayers," King James Pure Cambridge Edition

    • @1wallywall
      @1wallywall 3 місяці тому +2

      @@bobreese4807 ever read the book of Hebrews? The whole book?

  • @Adrian_Mason
    @Adrian_Mason 4 місяці тому +6

    I have been coming to your way of thinking, but there is one thing I can't answer Adventism on. They keep saying "Hallowed" and by Holy they think something very special. To that, I don't understand how a day can be magical. However I can't answer them, because the "set apart" meaning of "Holy". How can a never ending rest be "set apart"? The word in question is the Hebrew word for "Holy/Sanctified" in Genesis 2:3 below is the BDB definition.
    Original: קדשׁ
    Transliteration: qâdash
    Phonetic: kaw-dash'
    BDB Definition:
    to consecrate, sanctify, prepare, dedicate, be hallowed, be holy, be sanctified, be separate
    to be set apart, be consecrated
    Can you Myles address this in a future Sabbath episode please?

    • @tubeloobs
      @tubeloobs 4 місяці тому +3

      You're asking the right qustions, my brother

    • @fournierro1
      @fournierro1 4 місяці тому

      The Bible defines what sin is. It calls it: “ 1 John 3: 4. the transgression of God’s law. That is why it is the last battle attempt that Satan will do. Revelation 12 : 17. But let us be patient, and maintain our faith in our Savior, Revelation 14 : 12 what Satan wishes to make war against God and His final followers is concerning those who refuse to justify sin. It really hurts me when I hear Christian say that we do not need to keep God’s law any longer. Yes even if the Bible describes sin as the transgression of the law. When I start to name God’s laws one at a time they immediately disagree with what they have said. Exodus 20 gives us a clear name of all the laws God wrote down using his own hands. Please to not be mislead. If you read the only law God wrote down using His own hands and resolve to honor and keep them you will be joining God’s side of the fence, instead of Lucifer’s side. Revelation 12 : 17.

    • @jimbob1644
      @jimbob1644 4 місяці тому +2

      ​@@fournierro1could you explain every verse in Revelation 12 for me please ?start at the top.. make sure you stay in the Bible!

    • @fournierro1
      @fournierro1 4 місяці тому

      @@jimbob1644 sure let’s do it. First off I’m sure you understand that the images are a picture of the great battle between Christ and Satan. Revelation 12 : 17. Yes Revelation 12 is a complete summary of whole book with its purpose. And one can say that it is E mail direct from Jesus Him self. ( Revelation 1 : 1 to be continued.

    • @jimbob1644
      @jimbob1644 4 місяці тому +1

      @@fournierro1 okay what's verse 1 saying?

  • @drluk1523
    @drluk1523 День тому

    Seventhday was like any other day, there in no evidence that the 7TH DAY was indefinate confusion with no night nor day

  • @BramptonAnglican
    @BramptonAnglican 4 місяці тому +9

    Thank you for another great video Myles. 🙏🏿

  • @EricHort-cx1jp
    @EricHort-cx1jp 3 місяці тому +2

    Any religion that is based on excuses NOT to obey God will.not be going anywhere fast . Saul.the king of excusesblost his kingdom because of them and God gave the kingdom to a man after His own heart who delighted to do Gods will because Gods law was in his hearr . I am sure there is a lesson for all of us here 1Cor 10: 6-13. Gods word is given as a warning as to what happens to the disobedient to His commands whatever they may be and whenever He speaks to us Psa 89:43 James 1:17.

  • @katrinalucas5173
    @katrinalucas5173 2 місяці тому

    Not really related to the content as such but I love the graphics and art you put with each session. So bright and beautiful ❤

  • @mbrown6837
    @mbrown6837 Місяць тому

    "Covenant Breakers are Lost"
    Paul states this in Rom. 29-32 "covenant worthy of death"...
    This is my passion to sound the alarm from the Scriptures from Messiah's word only, not from unfounded assumptions from theologians past, accepted without question by denominational leaders today.
    To simply ask people to do "critical thinking"
    and examine that they have been taught vs "what is written".
    Jesus NEVER even spoke the words
    "The First Day of the Week". He therefore NEVER authorized anyone to observe it, and to reject keeping the Sabbath as some erroneously teach.
    Ask any good attorney if after a person dies having made a will, can a:
    Church expect to be added as beneficiaries if they were not included in the will
    We all know resoundingly the answer is NO!
    In like manner, after Messiah's death, Sunday cannot replace Sabbath SINCE HE DID NOT AUTHORIZE IT BEFORE HE DIED!
    What day He rose...
    What day He met with others. (they met every day anyway)
    What day Pentecost occurred,
    are TOTALLY IRRELVANT, makes no difference, since we are addressing the terms of His COVENANT, to which nothing can be added AFTER HIS DEATH!
    Gal. 3:15b
    Don't know how I can make it any plainer!
    P.S. No I am not an SDA.
    Yes, I acknowledge the New Moons.
    In case you didn't realize if you keep Easter, and Pentecost counting 7 weeks from Easter, you are actually observing DAYS, SEASONS and NEW MOONS, determined by the "new moon" in the spring at the equinox. So you must correct your "new moon" observance if you want to criticize or JUDGE others for observing the "New Moons".

  • @Tashana321
    @Tashana321 4 місяці тому +3


  • @fournierro1
    @fournierro1 3 місяці тому +3

    Why would anyone want to leave Seventh Day Adventist

    • @answeringadventism
      @answeringadventism  3 місяці тому +1

      Because Truth matters.

    • @fournierro1
      @fournierro1 3 місяці тому

      @@answeringadventism psalms 111 : 7,8,10.

    • @fournierro1
      @fournierro1 3 місяці тому +1

      @@answeringadventism if truth matters they surely wouldn’t be leaving.

    • @bobreese4807
      @bobreese4807 3 місяці тому

      40% or MORE of baptized Adventists LEAVE. . There is a GROSS difference between the outreach /evangelsitic program that gets them interested and the follow up PATHETIC sermons and sabbath school programs..PATHETIC brow beating ,put down, scolding follow up!!!!! Even EG White criticizes their CRAP nurturing attempts....

    • @jimbob1644
      @jimbob1644 3 місяці тому +1

      ​You got Jesus as the devil in your investigative judgment.. That's your confession of Faith. you don't even have Jesus.. you're breaking the first commandment ..and now you're breaking the 9th!​@@fournierro1

  • @jessemora11
    @jessemora11 Місяць тому

    Unbiblical nonsense

  • @charnelallan7159
    @charnelallan7159 4 місяці тому +7

    Myles God blessé u as an instrument of truth ❤❤❤

  • @EricHort-cx1jp
    @EricHort-cx1jp 4 місяці тому +4

    Adventists believe these three things that's why we keep the Sbbath . Nothing has been missed . People who don't keep this day holy are not yet redeemed . If this Sabbath is in the 10 commands why MESS with Gods law Read Matt 5: 17-19 . The things we try to get around of not wanting to obey Godband keep His DAY ( 24 hours) Holy. Read Isa 58 : 12-14 says it all. IT IS A DAY ( Evening and morning ) as at creation . Why deliberately forget what God has asked us to REMEMBER.

    • @Adrian_Mason
      @Adrian_Mason 4 місяці тому +2

      The Stone Tablets are part of the Old Covenant KJPCE: Exo 34:28: "And he was there with the LORD forty days and forty nights; he did neither eat bread, nor drink water. And he wrote upon the tables the words of the covenant, the ten commandments."

    • @jimbob1644
      @jimbob1644 4 місяці тому +1

      Say you kept them all. but you don't have Jesus of Hebrews 7 13.+14so what difference does it make?

    • @Adrian_Mason
      @Adrian_Mason 4 місяці тому +1

      @@jimbob1644 Are you asking me or Eric?

    • @jimbob1644
      @jimbob1644 4 місяці тому +1

      Either one.​@@Adrian_Mason

    • @Adrian_Mason
      @Adrian_Mason 4 місяці тому +1

      @@jimbob1644 Well I am studying the difference between the Old Covenant and the New Covenant and I think the New replaced the Old as Hebrews says. Many believe that the Old is still the standard, but Jesus gave some New Commandments that aren't in the Old and The Sabbath was the sign of the Old Covenant and Agape love is the sign of the New.
      So how am doing? Your comment was ambiguous as if applied to my comment would seem confusing, but if applied to the first, I would agree with you. 😕 I agree that Jesus is very much the most important thing!

  • @RiseoftheFourthAngel-kj4bz
    @RiseoftheFourthAngel-kj4bz 2 місяці тому

    Paul says the creation is waiting redemption (Rom. 8), obviously indicating that it isn't made new yet. It's clear that the creation is made new after it is DESTROYED at the second coming (2 Pet. 3 and Rev. 21). If we really were in a new creation, the earth wouldn't need to be made new (Rev. 21). It's simple, common logic, notwithstanding all the Biblical evidence, that the creation is not made new yet- that happens after the second coming. To claim we are in a new creation now is insanity and utter insincerity in an attempt to support a doctrine for which there is no true biblical support. Remember Matt. 5:18,19.

    • @kimartist
      @kimartist 2 місяці тому +1

      "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!"
      ~ 2 Corinthians 5 : 17

  • @bimosunupoernomo7120
    @bimosunupoernomo7120 2 місяці тому +1

    Because it is NOT CHRISSTIAN

  • @arthurandteresabeem7142
    @arthurandteresabeem7142 4 місяці тому

    very good job brother.

  • @drluk1523
    @drluk1523 День тому

    thought sabbath was made before sin. If man had chosen not to sin, there would be no need of a redeemer, , sabbath would still exist. There would be no need of a christ. Redemption/need of a saviour/ or a christ, only came when sin entered. Just like you only need a lawyer , when you commit crime. Sin or no sin, sabbath would still exist, a christ would not. Jesus said sabbath was made for Man-when? At creation. Was a gift to man. God didnt need to rest. Was He tired just saying "let there be .." Anti-adventists gospel is weird

  • @bobreese4807
    @bobreese4807 3 місяці тому +1

    The GOSPEL is the good news of grace, or favor, by which man may be released from the condemnation of sin, and enabled to render acceptable obedience to the law. ACTS 20:24, ROM 1:16 One is SAVED/made fit for eternal life by cooperating with grace, SPIRIT, Bible Commandments. (TIT 3:5) The highest form of worship = obedience. "Moreover I also gave them My Sabbaths, to be a sign between them and Me, that they might know that I am the LORD who SANCTIFIES them." EZ 20:12 Sanctification is what makes a person fit for heaven......NEW COVENANT>>>This is the covenant I will make with them after that time, says the Lord. I will put my LAWS in their hearts, and I will write them on their minds. HEB 8:10 AND 10:16

  • @southernisraelite5167
    @southernisraelite5167 4 місяці тому +5

    You still haven't responded to what I said about Full Preterism. If the Sabbaths have been fulfilled in Christ then the Second coming, the judgement and the Ressurection have already happened because those events are foreshadowed in the fall feast sabbaths.

  • @DL-yc5ty
    @DL-yc5ty 4 місяці тому +5

    Hi Miles your 1st point is not biblical. Gen 2 says God rested. Exod 20 explains that we rest because He rested. This rest points back to creation. The feast days you are talking about point to the future with respect to salvation.
    2 Cor speaks of being reborn in Christ. All those who believe and follow must be crucified and reborn in Christ. This refers to spiritual Israel. Remember Jesus came to do what the Israelites refused to do. That's why He says He has come to fulfill the law and not destroy it.
    This is all about eradicating sin. This is per our choice. Remember the law still stands we must stop sinning. 1 John 2 explains this. Remember the 144,000 are the ones who keep the commandments and have the faith and testimony of Jesus.

    • @answeringadventism
      @answeringadventism  4 місяці тому +4

      "Gen 2 says God rested."
      We're aware. I defined what that means. He ceased. He wasn't tired. And He didn't continue working on creation after that rest and repeat.
      I didn't say the first point was that God didn't rest.
      "The feast days you are talking about point to the future with respect to salvation"
      Right, I said this. It points to redemption.

    • @tubeloobs
      @tubeloobs 4 місяці тому

      @@answeringadventism The only reason the sabbath points to redemption is because of God's creative power, which happens to give Him the power to RECREATE. The sabbath in its inception had nothing to do with the plan of salvation or Jesus' sacrifice because there was no need for such an application.

    • @DL-yc5ty
      @DL-yc5ty 4 місяці тому +1

      ​@@answeringadventismCould you factor in that we have a choice. What if we continue to ignore the commandments, will we still receive glorified bodies? Let's look at Ezekiel 9 He says is this a light thing and Job He says Who is this that darkeneth council... We see How God responds to sin. He is unchanging.

    • @answeringadventism
      @answeringadventism  4 місяці тому +3

      @@tubeloobs right-this is your assertion based on the presupposition that God glorifying himself as He so chose-which was to redeem a people from eternity past-was an afterthought response because God was caught off guard somehow.
      The great controversy might claim this. But not the scriptures. The scriptures are clear regarding Gods plan being His free choice. The glorifying of Himself in creation extends beyond just to it declaring how powerful he is in being able to create. But also redeem.
      Which gets us right back to the point. The sabbath is literally about redemption. It is intrinsically tied. It is you locking in Genesis thinking that’s the whole picture but then it got destroyed so Hod had to come up with a new one.
      Whereas-my presentation recognizes that God always had a plan He was working out of which the sabbath was always a part of and serves as the function that it always has. You just have to see past Genesis, my friend. And look at the whole picture. Which is why I said this multiple times in this clip.
      Thanks for actually seeking to engage versus just making silly claims about Satan, though.

    • @qanaqa33174
      @qanaqa33174 4 місяці тому +2

      Before you jump to the GC conclusions on the topic of Sabbath that was literally given to Jews after their freedom Egypt and was specifically given to them and only them...
      Show me where in the NT did Jesus commanded his disciples or anyone to observe the Sabbath as it was commanded thru Moses?
      Show me where in the Jesus or any of his apostles said you must honor the day and tell me where Jesus didn't break the Sabbath.
      Without biblical 🦘 and inserting the SDA GC false claims show it here according to NT?

  • @achristian11
    @achristian11 4 місяці тому +1


  • @MoistVegan
    @MoistVegan 4 місяці тому +2

    If u love me u follow my commandments. Do we still need to rest like commandmemt states.

    • @SolaScriptura21
      @SolaScriptura21 4 місяці тому +2

      Is it a sin for the cow not to rest?

    • @bbsvchic
      @bbsvchic 3 місяці тому +1

      You ever study the Greek words for commandment, it's a different word when referring to law of Moses (nomos) and a different word when referring to Jesus' new covenant commands (entole). SDA teaching would never want you to know that though but the resources are easy to study it yourself.

    • @MoistVegan
      @MoistVegan 3 місяці тому

      @SolaScriptura21 what cow

    • @MoistVegan
      @MoistVegan 3 місяці тому

      @@bbsvchic so what is your point. Am I supposed to follow 10 commandments to be in heaven or not

    • @SolaScriptura21
      @SolaScriptura21 3 місяці тому +1

      @@MoistVegan think about it

  • @mbrown6837
    @mbrown6837 3 місяці тому

    Miles: What YOU are missing about the Sabbath.
    Will be posting the verses about which you are teaching falsely presenting them one verse at a time, and you or your best Greek or Hebrew scholars, can provide the rebuttal:
    Acts 20:7 : "And upon the first day of the week, when the disciples came together to break bread, Paul preached unto them, ready to depart on the morrow; and continued his speech until midnight"
    Much has been written regarding the true translation of the phrase "The first day of the week". The original reads "En de te mia ton sabbaton," and has sometimes been translated "The first of the sabbaths". The Companion Bible has the following note on this point:
    "The first day of the week" - first day of the sabbaths, i.e.
    the first day for reckoning the seven sabbaths to Pentecost.
    It depended upon the harvest
    Proof that this text takes place during the counting of the 7 Sabbaths to Pentecost?
    Note verse six:
    Acts 20:6
    And after the ***Feast of Unleavened Bread*** we sailed from Philippi, and five days later we rejoined them in Troas, where we stayed seven days.
    You can read in Lev. 23, that from the First Fruits/Feast of Unleavened bread there is a counting of 7 Sabbath until Pentecost.
    So NO this text does not support a "change of the Sabbath to Sunday as the primary day of worship. It actually CONFIRMS that the Sabbath had not been abandoned as the Apostles continue to keep the Festivals of the Lord,, ordinances given in Leviticus 23:
    Passover, Firstfruits, Counting the 7 Sabbath until Pentecost.
    YEs, remember also that the reaping of the First Fruits was NOT on Sunday but was Sabbath evening BEFORE the arrival of the First Day of the Week.

  • @purda88
    @purda88 3 місяці тому

    Miles, you made a salad mixture out od this subject, that you cannot understand or eat yourself. Very blurry and complicated what you did here bro. I truly congratulate to those who understand this

    • @answeringadventism
      @answeringadventism  3 місяці тому +1

      I didn’t originate any of this. This is the historic Christian position. Literally hundreds of millions of people have understood this long before me and the modern era.

    • @purda88
      @purda88 3 місяці тому

      Not right. Truth od God is simple. This yours is too complicated

    • @answeringadventism
      @answeringadventism  3 місяці тому

      Then tell that to Peter who plainly says that some of the things in Paul’s writings are difficult to understand, for example. No, not everything in scripture is remedial.
      And you claimed it was very “blurry and complicated” and congratulate anyone who understood what was presented. Yet children have been getting catechized in this teaching for nearly 2000 years. It isn’t our fault that you don’t want to understand.

    • @purda88
      @purda88 3 місяці тому

      The understanding of only BLESSED and SANCTIFIED day as a timeless pillar of creation memory, written in the Stone by the Hand of God Himself for eternity, when there was no Jews, but only Adam and Eve (human kind) is what Peter, Jesus and all the apostles understanded in such simple way, that children can understand it. New created Being in Lord Will follow the Moral Law of God
      (1. John 5,1-4).
      Your salad pholosophy shows that your conciousness is burdened and trying to fight something you allready accepted it, but now you are laboring to prove that you been wrong, but it is the unproveable bro. You Will just exaust your self in laboring. Result Will be your sinking deeper in self deceptive salad theology.

  • @kimberlyweldon340
    @kimberlyweldon340 Місяць тому

    There are nonadventist that observe the 7th day sabbath. I hope you are not leading others a stray.

  • @joycemcgill10
    @joycemcgill10 3 місяці тому

    Healing soul not working in the field.

  • @DaniRiti-q9v
    @DaniRiti-q9v 4 місяці тому +1

    I believe that Jesus will forgive us if we do not respect the Sabbath change and we still keep the one that He sanctified and that He told us to remember! What if we don't all understand as well as you do Scriptura ? Not everyone is as smart as you. I see that everyone is wrong for you including your father. You teach people a more libertine holiness!

  • @linomario258
    @linomario258 4 місяці тому +4

    Someone said that the reason Satan was able to deceive 1/3 of angels in heaven is because God let Satan stay in heaven for so long. To me, myles or miles can lie to me about anything in the Bible. But if you start twisting the Sabbath! That is a red line. And any true Christian should be able to see that. I know God in Heaven has given each and every one of us allotted time on this earth. There is a line we can not cross. We have seen it in Noah's time, and Lot's time. So be careful when you are fighting God.

    • @answeringadventism
      @answeringadventism  4 місяці тому +5

      Right-zero engagement with the plethora of scripture we looked at. Just silly claims about Satan because some SDAs are obsessed with him.

    • @Jessaba
      @Jessaba 4 місяці тому +1

      Your line is the Sabbath and not the identity and divinity of Jesus a Christ Himself. The Sabbath the won’t save you nor is it what make one Christian. Try this line: The SDA church denies that Jesus was alway God but given His divinity. Not knowing who God is that should be more scary and where any Christian line should be. You can’t defend the identity of Christ then you literally don’t know Him. Go to church on Saturday all you want but the God your worship on that day is a false God

    • @BvVb2099
      @BvVb2099 4 місяці тому

      @@Jessaba Going to church on the Saturday - the seventh-day Sabbath is worshipping the wrong god ? I believe we worship The Holy ELOHIM - plural - if you know what that is. You worship "GOD", or GOTT, or Zeus, or DEUS or THEOS, or BURCKAN (Mongolian), or PUCHEKHAME ( aborigine Peruvian; imagine reading: "In the beginning PUCHEKHAME created the heaven and the earth" !) or DIOS or Dieu - names specifically and exclusively but wrongly attributed to The Father, - that is a totally wrong translation in our modern Bibles -- but there are plenty of ELOHIM - ( which should have been translated "DEITY", "DIVINITY", - "GODHEAD", etc.) And from the beginning we are told: ELOHIM sanctified the seventh- day Sabbath... But.. never mind - this kind of teachers will never be able to teach you the genuine truth - sorry...

    • @Jessaba
      @Jessaba 4 місяці тому +1

      @@BvVb2099 ok know your prophet taught a false God and fine a way to make it alright. The SDA organization is hell bent on the sabbath but breaks the first commandment by worshiping a false God

  • @ShmaAdonaiEhad
    @ShmaAdonaiEhad 3 місяці тому

    That was a very interesting take on Hebrews 4:10. I've never seen it that wau before. I understood the rest of chapter but verse ten,I always associated it with the believers. This sabbath subject is very deep indeed. Thank you for your contributions Myles.

    • @bobreese4807
      @bobreese4807 3 місяці тому

      The sabbath subject is a deep SWAMP for SUNday allies!

    • @ShmaAdonaiEhad
      @ShmaAdonaiEhad 3 місяці тому

      @@bobreese4807 what are you trying to say? I don't think that I'm following.

  • @johnnytangent2849
    @johnnytangent2849 4 місяці тому

    Hi Myles. Do you know when the wave sheaf was cut from the ground and what that foreshadowed?

  • @EricHort-cx1jp
    @EricHort-cx1jp 4 місяці тому

    Jim Bob hi. You asked me questions so before I answer I will ask you some. 1. What happened at the cross and why. 2. When was Jesus the Lamb first aymbolically slain. 3. What was the meaning of the blood. 4. Was the cross necessary if Adam had NOT sinned. Waiting for you answers then I will answer yours. Thanks

    • @jimbob1644
      @jimbob1644 4 місяці тому

      Jesus dies.. the first Goat.. He (pays the price with his blood... For for my sins)!.. the (sins are( in) him ( the second Goat!) And He does Isaiah 43:25( on the same day)! with those sins!.. why could you not answer that question first? I asked it first!.

  • @OnBail-gq6cb
    @OnBail-gq6cb 4 місяці тому

    To read the text as is you will come up with the Christian sabbath being on the same day as the Jewish sabbath simply because we are spiritual Jews that have been adopted and grafted into Abraham’s seed the difference is that we follow the spirit of the Law and not the letter. Colossians 2 will indicate that you should not judge people on the days that they keep and esteem which means the SDA are wrong for saying Sunday keepers are sinning however your premise for a Sunday sabbath is based on a mistranslation of the text in matthew for “and on the dawn of the first day of the week” and I’m not ready to admit any part of the KJV Bible has been mistranslated

    • @jimbob1644
      @jimbob1644 4 місяці тому +1

      Could you show me a scripture verse that says your a spiritual Jew?.. are you going to use Revelation 2:9?

  • @cindiloowhoo1166
    @cindiloowhoo1166 4 місяці тому +5

    There was no "evening and the morning" on the 7th Day. We should always keep Our Lord on our minds and in our life of activities. Catholics have the opportunity to attend Mass at Church every single day.

    • @carolynbohannon4602
      @carolynbohannon4602 4 місяці тому +2

      So what is the point😮

    • @cindiloowhoo1166
      @cindiloowhoo1166 4 місяці тому +1

      @@carolynbohannon4602 Seriously?!?
      You are currently in The Sabbath Rest of Jesus Christ right now. Re-Read Genesis and Hebrews. If one is Catholic, one can go to Church every single day, not just the Jewish Sabbath.
      So - What is Your Point?

    • @alllthatinacan
      @alllthatinacan 4 місяці тому +1

      And yet, Jesus who is the creator, knew exactly how to keep the 7th day sabbath when He lived among did His disciples and every new convert to Christianity in scripture.

    • @diasco4869
      @diasco4869 4 місяці тому +3

      Don't get caught up in the fact that God did not mention evening and morning for the 7th day. We don't know why. Just as we don't know why He didn't say that anything was 'good' about the second day. Are we to assume that there is nothing good about the second day? Unless He tells us why something is omitted from a pattern, we shouldn't super impose our thoughts. If there is no mention of evening and morning for the 7th day, it would seem like it never had a beginning either, never mind ending. If there is no 7th day, did God lie when he said He rested on that day. Or if there is no end to the 7th day, when should we work? The smarter we think we are, is the more stupid we look. Folks, it's not hard. Just obey God's word. You'll be fine.

    • @fournierro1
      @fournierro1 4 місяці тому +2

      It’s easy to go to church every day, it is not the issue. God set aside one day for us to spend with Him in a special way. Live 6 days for ourselves and our needs, live one day with Him in a special way. His command is not that difficult. Having the seventh day to spend with Him is for our good. He made the human body and He knows how we would try and burn out none stop.
      Doing as He said is not that difficult to do. It’s for our own good. It also helps us to, not only focus on ourselves but on the giver of all things. Since people have wondered away from God they no longer live to love and know Him.

  • @Thesmokymountainman
    @Thesmokymountainman 4 місяці тому +2

    The 10 Commandments show Jesus is the true Sabbath.
    The first 3 are about God
    The last 6 are to man (6 is mans number).
    The 4th is the link connecting God to man and if the Rest ends every 7th day and the cycle repeats we start back working. We can’t work for salvation we must Rest in Christ and that rest never ends.
    Genesis lays out a pattern that will be repaired in the New Heaven and Earth Revelation 21-22. The rest will never end with the 2nd Adam and his Bride the redeemed Eve .

    • @jimbob1644
      @jimbob1644 4 місяці тому +1

      And you must keep it or you are condemned! And God says you can't do it!

    • @cindiloowhoo1166
      @cindiloowhoo1166 4 місяці тому +2

      And The Entire Planet had it all wrong til Ellie came around with 1844 and other assorted psychobabble.
      "We Cant. We Must. Get it Fixed.
      Do you look forward to your Sabbath's or keep ticking off your list of what you cannot do?

    • @ChrisTian-tz3eq
      @ChrisTian-tz3eq 4 місяці тому

      The 7th Day Shabbat is a foreshadow, and weekly dress rehearsal, for when Yeshua comes for His Bride (Collectively ) .. and She enters into His "Millennial 7th Day Sabbistismos" With Him for 1,000 years.
      ( Do research on an ancient Hebrew Wedding Ceremony)
      See also: John 14 : 1 - 6 .. 1 Thes 4 : 15 - 18 .. Rev. 20 : 4 - 6 .. Heb 4

    • @jimbob1644
      @jimbob1644 4 місяці тому

      @@ChrisTian-tz3eq where does it say that the bride is there for 1000 years?. I'm speaking of the Bride! Alone.

    • @ChrisTian-tz3eq
      @ChrisTian-tz3eq 4 місяці тому

      @@jimbob1644 ....
      Rev. 19 : 6 - 9
      6) "And I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude, and as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of mighty thunderings, saying, Alleluia: for the Lord God omnipotent Reigneth.
      7) Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the Marriage Of The Lamb is come, and His Wife hath made herself ready.
      8 ) And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints.
      9) And he saith unto me, Write, Blessed are they which are called unto the Marriage Supper Of The Lamb. And he saith unto me, These are the true sayings of God."
      Rev. 20 : 4 - 6
      4) "And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; And They Lived And Reigned With Christ A Thousand Years.
      5) But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection.
      6) Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the First Resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, And Shall Reign With Him A Thousand Years."

  • @randolphsloan2263
    @randolphsloan2263 3 місяці тому +2

    You are a false teacher. You teach people to disobey the Sabbath.

    • @jimbob1644
      @jimbob1644 3 місяці тому +1

      And you tell people the devil is your Jesus in the investigative judgment.

    • @randolphsloan2263
      @randolphsloan2263 3 місяці тому

      @@jimbob1644 Jim
      Bob, be reasonable. 1st John 1:9.

    • @jimbob1644
      @jimbob1644 3 місяці тому +1

      @@randolphsloan2263 I told you the truth the the first time if your SDA you said the devil is your Jesus! That's your confession of Faith the investigative judgment!

    • @randolphsloan2263
      @randolphsloan2263 3 місяці тому

      @jimbob1644 here is the contradiction, you are saying a lie. Yahshuah is in charge of the Invesyigative judgment.

    • @randolphsloan2263
      @randolphsloan2263 3 місяці тому

      You simply are like the person who thinks driving on the road with a flat tire is ok!!

  • @EricHort-cx1jp
    @EricHort-cx1jp 3 місяці тому

    If Jesus is the Lord of the Sabbath day ( 24 hours) it makes you wonder who is lord of Sunday . Worth thinking about !!! Could it be the devil????.

  • @One1stah
    @One1stah 3 місяці тому +1

    I’m watching this now, so good. I use to be a seventh day Adventist but left.

    • @bobreese4807
      @bobreese4807 3 місяці тому

      40% or MORE of baptized Adventists LEAVE. . There is a GROSS difference between the outreach /evangelsitic program that gets them interested and the follow up PATHETIC sermons and sabbath school programs..PATHETIC brow beating ,put down, scolding follow up!!!!! Even EG White criticizes their CRAP nurturing attempts.

    • @kimartist
      @kimartist 3 місяці тому +1

      PTL 🙌

  • @aljuric5887
    @aljuric5887 4 місяці тому +2

    The irony; Adventists drive to church on the Sabbath (which is clearly classed as operating machinery), or walk more than a specified distance, equating to "work", which qualifies them for the death penalty under the Law. Praise the Lord of the Sabbath!

    • @bobreese4807
      @bobreese4807 3 місяці тому

      You are a victim of FANATICISM and of LAW trashing, bible warping HERETIC preachers

    • @fournierro1
      @fournierro1 3 місяці тому

      God knows peoples motives. The Israelites did go to the Sabbath services in their days. The idea is not to not breath. That would be extreme. The Sabbath day was to be a blessing, not a curse. It was meant to pay homage to the God, who gives life to all. And it will forevermore be for that.
      Isaiaha 66 : 22, 23. Hope you don’t plan on staying away every Sabbath when this will come to pass.

    • @aljuric5887
      @aljuric5887 3 місяці тому +2

      @fournierro1 You eloquently, yet deceivingly, eluded my comment. God DID command the death of those who walked more than a certain distance to the Temple, and those who worked on the Sabbath (which driving a car would qualify as, for God said that even "picking up a stick" on the Sabbath is illegal). Thus, most, if not all, of the "Adventists" are breaking the Law every Sabbath and are eligible for the death penalty. Fact.

    • @fournierro1
      @fournierro1 3 місяці тому

      @@aljuric5887 well I just think many try and
      Usher this thing to far. God had not intentions to give us a miserable day. It is to be a blessing. Even God rested on that day at creation week.

    • @aljuric5887
      @aljuric5887 3 місяці тому +1

      @fournierro1 Yes, I do understand and agree with you there. If Ellen White didn't hinge our salvation upon the Sabbath day, I would support the Adventists love for the Saturday Sabbath. All the best, and I hope to see you at the Wedding Banquet.

  • @bobreese4807
    @bobreese4807 3 місяці тому

    Most churchgoers are ROM 8:7 & 2 THESS 2:11 ALETHOPHOBES!!

  • @bobreese4807
    @bobreese4807 3 місяці тому

    SABBATH TRASHING insults, JESUS, HOLY SPIRIT and ALL 4 GOSPEL writers.... John’s gospel account, inspired by HOLY SPIRIT and recorded..80-110 AD “Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written.” JN 21:25 John includes at least 8 explanatory and time sequence/chronology editing comments: 2:2, 3:24, 6:71, 7:39, 11:2, 12:16 & 33, 21:19. Why are there ZERO editing words included 50 years or more after JESUS left Earth (New Covenant era) regarding Sabbath cessation, abrogation, abolishing, obliteration, being a shadow, fulfilled by Christ, not valid for gentiles.. in any of the sabbath verses of JOHN's sabbath accounts in JOHN's chapters 5,7 and 9 ???? If it was a big deal enough for JOHN to include 3 sabbath encounters in his gospel account, wouldn't it be obvious that he would mention about the disciples/church trashing it and replacing it with a SUNday/Lord's Day observance???? This argument does not get presented or answered in SABBATH/SUNday-Lord's Day debates. Was JOHN a clueless, crazy, stupid idiot????

  • @bobreese4807
    @bobreese4807 3 місяці тому

    The MAIN thing that ADVENTISTS miss about sabbath is that it is a day to do LAWFUL/GOOD WORKS!!!!! IS 58:6-12 and JOHN 5:17. ALTRUISM vs ARROGANT, EXCLUSIVE, SELFISH SNOBS!!!

  • @bobreese4807
    @bobreese4807 3 місяці тому

    You read HEB 4:1-11 and then went back to eisegete some of it but did not use verse 4 on how it connects to the passage. That makes it so you warp vs 9 &10. VS 9 has the word sabbatismos. Which some bibles in margin show...keeping of the sabbath. Some scholars claimed the Israelites observed the it is not about the 4th commandment. Some were sabbath breaking rebels then just as they were until JESUS came.. That is why the prophets spoke about it. Then the Pharises nit picked the commandment to death to make it a PAIN/.burden so JESUS countered those sons of SATAN, Pharisees in MATT 12, MK 2 & 3, LUKE 6,13, 14, and JOHN 5,7,9 ALL of which is recorded in the NEW testament era with ZERO comment about the cessation of sabbath for LORD's DAY! EVEN Adventists do not enter into the sabbath rest. This is why Adventists preachers present sabbath remedial sermons. They will go to church, kinda observe it a little, but will not keep the commandment!!

  • @EricHort-cx1jp
    @EricHort-cx1jp 3 місяці тому

    Jim Bob. Hi. Read Lev 16: 15-22. The LORDS goat was killed for a sin offering and the blood was taken INTO the sanctuary and sprinkled upon the mercy seat representing Gods forgiveness and mercy. The LORDS goat was FOR THE SINS of the people .When Aaron had made AN END of reconciling ( through the blood of the LORDS goat) the sanctuary, the people and the alter ( the sanctuary service had finished), THEN Aaron placed his hands on the LIVE GOAT and confessed all the forgiven sins ( through the blood that was sprinkled on the mercy seat) on the HEAD of the scapegoat and it was led away into the wilderness WITH THE SINS of the people NEVER TO RETURN. If you say Jesus is the scapegoat, it did not shed its blood, it was not a substitute for anyone not was its blood or lack of sprinkled on the mercy seat which means it did not have the power to forgive sin as did the LORDS goat . Jesus has certainly not gone away NEVER TO RETURN as did the scapegoat .the Bible makes it abundantly cleat that without the shedding of blood there can be NOR FORGIVENESS OF SIN . This is what the Bible us - not my words. Read Rev 20

  • @jessemora11
    @jessemora11 4 місяці тому +2

    No. Its based only on creation originally. But since the Sabbath has a social element, Moses added the motive, in Deoteronmy, of deliverence from slavery. The commandment on the tablet is only what was spoken and written by God. A memorial of God’s rest from creation.

  • @EricHort-cx1jp
    @EricHort-cx1jp 3 місяці тому

    Crudens Concordance re a covenant says it is between God and man for continued eternal life ON CONDITION of obedience ( not a SDA) Gen 2:16,17. . Adam and us have all brokeb the old covenant so God made a new one where obedience to His law ( the conditions for eternal life) is placed within our hearts Jer 31: 31-33. Ezek 36: 24-17 amd God causes us to walk in all His commands. Sinning or disobedienve is not just breaking the law, we are also breaking tje new covenant we make with God for wternal life becuase it means we are still uder the old broken covenant and will pass away with it Heb 8:13.

  • @EricHort-cx1jp
    @EricHort-cx1jp 3 місяці тому

    EGW wrote " the Sabbath wil be the test of loyalty (to God) . It is the point of truth especially controverted" . This is happening today. Who said she wasnt a prophet . All you get on UTUBE are people discrediting Gods holy day of rest and sustituting it for one of their own making . Jesus is nearly here to.end all.this strife and controversy and bring is a kingdom where only righteousness dwells . I cant wait for it!!!

  • @EricHort-cx1jp
    @EricHort-cx1jp 3 місяці тому

    Jim Bob. You don't know what I believe only what you THINK I believe. I certainly don't know what you believe apart from Jesus is your scapegoat. The thought of this would have horrified the Israelites . THEY knew what the scapegoat meant. It was used to clean out the sanctuary for another year of the sin that defiled it and remove them into the wilderness never to return . You don't have to believe this as long as we fear God and keep His commands for this is the whole duty of man because God will bring every work into judgment whether it be good ( obedient) or evil( disobedient)

  • @cindiloowhoo1166
    @cindiloowhoo1166 4 місяці тому

    Was there a Live Chat presentation on this please?

    • @answeringadventism
      @answeringadventism  4 місяці тому +3

      It's in the description box:

    • @billclass5847
      @billclass5847 4 місяці тому

      @@answeringadventism *A couple corrections* Exodus 20:8-10 forbids *"Any work"* period, good or bad. Therefore Christ and His Father were not keeping the Sabbath. And, that is the point of what Christ meant, when He said, He was Lord of the Sabbath, ie, the Sabbath was NOT Lord over Him. Also, *None of the prophets, nor Christ or the Apostles taught that Gentile nations were obligated to keep the Sabbath* *There was no Sabbath until Moses.* Justin Martyr also says the same thing: •
      *It was only those who were circumcised of the flesh, that were obligated to keep the Sabbath and that not until Moses!*
      150AD JUSTIN: ...those who have persecuted and do persecute Christ, if they do not repent, shall not inherit anything on the holy mountain. But the Gentiles, who have believed on Him, and have repented of the sins which they have committed, they shall receive the inheritance along with the patriarchs and the prophets, *and the just men who are descended from Jacob, even although they neither keep the Sabbath, nor are circumcised, nor observe the feasts. Assuredly they shall receive the holy inheritance of God* . (Dialogue With Trypho the Jew, 150-165 AD, Ante-Nicene Fathers , vol. 1, page 207)
      • 150AD JUSTIN: But if we do not admit this, we shall be liable to fall into foolish opinion, *as if it were not the same God who existed in the times of Enoch and all the rest, who neither were circumcised after the flesh, nor observed Sabbaths, nor any other rites, seeing that Moses enjoined such observances... For if there was no need of circumcision before Abraham, or of the observance of Sabbaths, of feasts and sacrifices, before Moses; no more need is there of them now, after that, according to the will of God, Jesus Christ the Son of God has been born without sin, of a virgin sprung from the stock of Abraham.* (Dialogue With Trypho the Jew, 150-165 AD, Ante-Nicene Fathers , vol. 1, page 206)
      • 200AD TERTULLIAN: Let him who *contends that the Sabbath is still to be observed a balm of salvation, and circumcision on the eighth day because of threat of death,* teach us that in earliest times righteous men kept Sabbath or practiced circumcision, and so were made friends of God. .. ...Therefore, since God originated Adam uncircumcised, and *inobservant of the Sabbath,* consequently his offspring also, Abel, offering Him sacrifices, uncircumcised and *inobservant of the Sabbath*, was by Him commended... Noah also, uncircumcised - yes, and *inobservant of the Sabbath* - God freed from the deluge. For Enoch, too, most righteous man, uncircumcised and *inobservant of the Sabbath*, He translated from this world... Melchizedek also, "the priest of most high God," uncircumcised and inobservant of the Sabbath, was chosen to the priesthood of God. (An Answer to the Jews 2:10; 4:1, Ante-Nicene Fathers Vol. 3, page 153)
      There was no Sabbath until Moses and the Early Church Fathers and all the prophets of Old bear witness. People are taking statement of Christ in Mark 2:27-28 way out of context and too far. Christ nor the Apostles taught that "Mankind" was obligated to keep the Sabbath. Only the circumcised people of Israel were obligated to keep the Sabbath. * Likewise only those who are baptized Christians are obligated to observe the first day of the week!*

  • @RichardFarrell-oz1uw
    @RichardFarrell-oz1uw 3 місяці тому

    There is another day only if you have ANOTHER GOD

    • @kimartist
      @kimartist 3 місяці тому +1

      So you admit SDAs have another God/another Gospel?

  • @randolphsloan2263
    @randolphsloan2263 3 місяці тому

    I am an expert on the Investigative Judgment. You have ignored Psalms 77:13. and Isaiah 8:20. You are a false teacher. Repent and be converted.

    • @answeringadventism
      @answeringadventism  3 місяці тому +1

      Uhh, maybe because this video had nothing to do with the investigative judgment.
      Lol. Randolph, Psalm 77 doesn’t teach the investigative judgment. For someone that’s an “expert” you should understand your SDA pioneers read into the KJV translation of the text a foreign concept because of word association fallacy.
      “Thy way, O God, is through the sanctuary” means “your ways, O God, are holy” which is why virtually every other translation translates it this way. It has absolutely nothing to do with the IJ.
      David and Asaph didn’t have great controversy worldviews.
      We’ve already addressed these proof texts countless times.

    • @jimbob1644
      @jimbob1644 3 місяці тому +1

      So if you're an expert how did the sins get in Jesus Christ 1 Peter 2: 24. The first goat does not bear any sin!. So why are their sins on the cross and what did he do with those sins.( This is what creates your investigative judgment)! so answer the question!

    • @kimartist
      @kimartist 3 місяці тому

      ​@@jimbob1644 He can't. He's only an "expert" in repeating what he's been taught, not in thinking critically.

  • @EricHort-cx1jp
    @EricHort-cx1jp 3 місяці тому

    Jim Bob. I didnt say it you did.

    • @jimbob1644
      @jimbob1644 3 місяці тому +1

      You're breaking the ninth commandment ..(this your confession of faith)! when you became a member of SDA!

  • @EricHort-cx1jp
    @EricHort-cx1jp 4 місяці тому

    Adrian Mason . Psa 111:7-10; 89:43 says Gods law is eternal and can't de changed which means it did not start at Sinai but always has and always will be and no one can change it. Crudens Concordance ( not SDA) states God makes a covenant between God and man for CONTIUED or eternal life on CONDITIONS of obedience ( Gen 1:16,17 quoted) . Adam did break the is covenant but God kindly made a new one by slaying the lamb in his stead . Jesus paid whatvwe owed on the old broken covenant ( eternal death) and at the same time established the new one for is at the cross for eternal life with the same conditions of obedience but now the law is put in our hearts . When we sin we are not just breaking the law, we are breaking our covenant with the Life Giver and eternal life will be repossessed or taken off us unless we repent 2Pet 3:9. Only Christ's blood can save us, but obedience is the conditions for Him to restore back to us the Tree of life we lost through disobedience Rev 22: 11 14 .

  • @bobreese4807
    @bobreese4807 3 місяці тому

    MYLES------ after 40 YEARS in the wilderness, the crowd ,led by JOSHUA marched around JERICHO and on one of the 7 days they marched around 7 TIMES instead of just ONCE!!

  • @bobreese4807
    @bobreese4807 3 місяці тому

    At the Council of TRENT, even Catholic Archbishop Reggio countered the SOLA SCRIPTURA claim of the Protestants because they were SUNday observers instead of sabbath observers. Most churchgoers ,including sabbatarians, have never read the whole bible or even whole new testament they just follow preachers/Pharisees instead of JESUS/bible.

  • @thankfully1202
    @thankfully1202 3 місяці тому

    The Father's appointed times are blessed forever, and we are called to meet with Him and our brethren for fellowship. We can choose to show up or not, receive the blessing or not. Everything SDAs teach is not wrong, the 7th day sabbath is not SDA origin. Most SDAs use the same excuse for not keeping all the appointed Mo'edim (feasts) as the Sunday keeper does to not keep 7th day.

  • @bobreese4807
    @bobreese4807 3 місяці тому

    They had the gospel but how many churchians say the gospel is JUST the death, burial , resurrection of JESUS. That didn't happen 3000 years ago.

  • @bobreese4807
    @bobreese4807 3 місяці тому

    99% of preachers (2 PET 3:16) do not support the Saturday sabbath commandment!>>>>MATT 7:14, MATT 7:23, MATT 24:24

  • @ReboneMora-we2oo
    @ReboneMora-we2oo 3 місяці тому

    This brother is important for Adventism... Adventist pay attention

  • @bobreese4807
    @bobreese4807 3 місяці тому

    MYLES you can trash the 7th day Adventist church , but don't trash JESUS!

  • @OnBail-gq6cb
    @OnBail-gq6cb 4 місяці тому

    It is enough to say the Lord (Yahweh) God is the one and only true God and Jesus Christ is His Son who died and resurrected for our sins and all things were created through Him. Attempts to speculate and explain biblical mysteries such as the trinity doesn’t make you heretical. Any real Adventist would agree with the gospel that you have written out in your video description. Ellen White may or may not have had the gift of prophecy, and I’m not sure if spiritual gifts has ceased or not. I feel like her commentary was put forth to attempt to fill in the gaps and provide answers to mysteries in the Bible (which I think we should refrain from personally) not to create a new religion and new God like Mormonism and JWs. You can compile the worst statements of the SDA pioneers and early church doctrine and twist them in a way that projects the wrong message. I could do the same with the Catholic Church or racist southern reformed churches in the 1950s, I could even do it with scripture. I would challenge any one who criticizes the SDA and Ellen White to read the Steps to Christ and then form your opinion if this is a demonic cult or not. The Steps to Christ has brought more people to Christ (SDA or otherwise) and is written by one of the most translated women authors in the world. For the record I was raised SDA but do not belong on any SDA church membership records and am currently studying at a reformed Presbyterian church in Kokomo Indiana. I appreciate the work Myles is doing.

    • @jimbob1644
      @jimbob1644 4 місяці тому +1

      Yeah but how did you get to.. the steps to Christ in. From 457 BC to the fall of 1844 with 2300?.. I can't make that math equation work.. did a true Prophet write the book.?. And who did she steal her information from to write the book?

    • @OnBail-gq6cb
      @OnBail-gq6cb 3 місяці тому

      @@jimbob1644 as far as I know the steps to Christ booklet (it’s only 70 pages long) doesn’t delve into the book of Daniel and the cleansing of the sanctuary. It mainly focuses on Christ love for sinners, personal relationship with God and such. You could look into a sermon on the subject and they will layout exactly how they came up with those dates and then you can choose if they present enough evidence on their interpretation. I tend to stay away from all that, but to each their own. I don’t know if Ellen White has ever been proven to plagiarize and if anyone can provide evidence that anything in the steps to Christ booklet was stolen I’ll stop recommending it.

    • @jimbob1644
      @jimbob1644 3 місяці тому

      @@OnBail-gq6cb Jesus never cleanse a sanctuary. In the levitical law.! the misinterpretation of Daniel 8. Is straight from the devil! because that's where the devil will be at the end of time!.( in that sanctuary)!. SDA never did what Jesus told them to do (in Matthew 24:15 )now they're the cult that is destroyed Jesus Christ himself at the cross since 1844!. And said the devil is doing their atonement in the investigative judgment which got created by that lie! I do know where you can find the information on the question of plagiarization!

    • @jimbob1644
      @jimbob1644 3 місяці тому +1

      @@OnBail-gq6cb get the book by Walter T Rea. The white lie. Jesus never cleanse the sanctuary in the levitical priesthood it's a misinterpretation of Daniel 8
      The Devil Himself is in that Sanctuary at the end of time! That math equation that got them there from Daniel 8 has destroyed Jesus Christ at the cross. So the same person that destroys Jesus Christ at the cross .is writing that book.. but look where they get the material from!

    • @jimbob1644
      @jimbob1644 3 місяці тому

      @@OnBail-gq6cb get the book by Walter T. Rae.. the white lie. !

  • @mbrown6837
    @mbrown6837 4 місяці тому +3

    It is amazing that you are making a presentation about which you have not adequately researched
    The MAJOR error you make when discussing the FIRST FRUITS, is that the
    This corresponds to Matt. 28:1, when the women came to Messiah's tomb AT THE END OF THE SABBATH!
    The FIRST FRUITS WERE OFFERED Sunday morning. The date, not time, of that offering is recorded the text.
    Here is one of the references you should have checked before you presented that erroneous information which you obviously arrived at by GUESSING.
    The Jews who Paul said were given the "oracles of God" preserved this reaping of the Wave Sheaf, the procedure is not in the BIble but they have left the written record. We do need to refer to their records at times. so that what we teach is not based upon ERONNEO9US ASSUMPTIONS as you have in the past and continue to do.
    Alfred Eidersheim shares the following, confirming what I just stated, that the wave sheaf was REAPED IN THE EVENING, whether the Pharisees or Sadducees were in charge. The FIRST FRUITS were removed from the earth and Messiah was removed from the earth at the EXACT SAME TIME OF DAY,----in the EVENNG, which you must acknowledge or deny that He fulfilled every aspect of the Wave Sheaf offering.
    On reference found free online, in the book “the Temple and its Ministry and Services, by Alfred Edersheim who, describes the wave-omer offerings of the second Temple period:
    "When the time for cutting the sheaf had arrived, that is, on
    ***the evening***
    of the 15th of Nisan (even though it were a Sabbath,
    just as the sun went down, three men, each with a sickle
    and basket, formally set to work. But in order clearly to bring out all that was distinctive in the ceremony, they first asked of
    the bystanders three times each of these questions:
    ‘Has the sun gone down?’
    ‘With this sickle?’
    ‘Into this basket?’ ‘
    ***On this Sabbath***
    (or first Passover-day)?’-
    and, lastly,
    ‘Shall I reap?’
    Having each time been answered in the affirmative, they cut down barley to the
    amount of one ephah, or ten omers, or three seahs, which is equal to about three pecks 5
    and three pints of our English measure.
    The time of the reaping was at twilight which still belonged to the passing day.
    But whether at the end of Nisan 15 (for the Pharisees) or the end of the 7th Day Sabbath (For the Sadducees)
    So the 7th Day SABBATH, is the day of His resurrection, which the churchmen have ERRONEOUSLY assigned to SUNDAY.
    So do your research, ask some of your "scholars" whether friends or associates, call a Jewish synagogue and ask a Rabbi, check out the Jewish Encyclopedias and other references online, and when you discover the truth, admit you have been 100% wrong about the TME OF THE REAPING OF THE WAFE SHEAF, then you must reconsider the time of Messiah's resurrection or remove Him from fulfilling all the types of the Wave sheaf offering.

    • @jimbob1644
      @jimbob1644 4 місяці тому +1

      The 16th day of Nissan on crucifixion week. Was on a Friday! Jesus died Nissan 14 preparation April the 25th in the 31.

    • @mbrown6837
      @mbrown6837 4 місяці тому

      @@jimbob1644 Sorry, you need to go back and research this subject.
      The TIME of Messiahs' death, as the antitypical Passover Offering, was at 3:00.
      That time obviously means nothing to you. But the national Passover lamb was NEVER slain at 3:00 P.M. Since the Priests had to accommodate the slaughter of the dozens of 1000s of Passover lambs, the national lamb was slain, closer to 1:30 P.M.
      Regarding the phrase "preparation day" it was used for other "Sabbatical days" in the Jewish calendar as well. Check out any good Greek lexicon and you will discover the truth.

    • @jimbob1644
      @jimbob1644 4 місяці тому +1

      @@mbrown6837 Exodus 12 the 14th. John 1931. Preparation day Nissan 14 the next day is Nissan 15. Nissan 14 is Wednesday. The lambs are killed in the afternoon it doesn't say what time. The Bible says between the third hour and the 9th.....Nissan 16 is on a on a Friday on crucifixion week in the year 31. The day of first fruits. Which is the ( day after) the ( high holy Sabbath) of John 19:31 Nissan Nissan. 15.

    • @mbrown6837
      @mbrown6837 4 місяці тому

      @@jimbob1644 ​ @jimbob1644 I don't have time to go back and forth with you on this today.
      Start here, John 12:1 , where we are told that "Six Days before the Passover" Messiah went to Bethany, where He spent the Sabbath. That was a special Sabbath so He undoubtedly was the "guest of honor". Six days before the Passover makes that Friday the 8th with Passover, the sacrifice falling on the following Wednesday.
      EW Bullinger an Anglican churchman has multiple articles in the appendix of the "Companion BIble" which will address all of the common objections, PROVING the Crucifixion was on Wednesday and the resurrection on Sabbath eve, as we read in Matt. 28:1, "At the end of the Sabbath" the women came to the tomb and found Messiah already risen! That is when the FIRST FRUITS were reaped from the ground!
      "Six Days Before The Passover"

    • @mbrown6837
      @mbrown6837 4 місяці тому

      Additionally the Jews have in their records the day and dates that they:
      1) Selected the Passover Lamb - on a Saturday
      2) Sacrificed the Passover Lamb- on Wednesday afternoon
      3) Left Egypt- on Thursday.
      We have the EXACT SAME PATTERN, of the dates and days of the events, in the fulfillment of the Passover in Messiah's selection, death, as the Israelites had as they left Egypt.

  • @RichardFarrell-oz1uw
    @RichardFarrell-oz1uw 3 місяці тому

    Hes leading you all into apostasy

  • @EricHort-cx1jp
    @EricHort-cx1jp 3 місяці тому +1

    mbrown. Unfortunately when Myles is shown he is on a wrong path he never admits it but contorts his brain to find another one anything ecept the path of righteousness or obedience

    • @jimbob1644
      @jimbob1644 3 місяці тому +1

      How long are you going to say the devil is doing your atonement which is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit if you actually understand what you're doing!