Why The Best Renekton NA Starts E Level 1 - Challenger Renekton E Start Guide
- Опубліковано 9 лют 2025
- The Renekton E start tech is one of my absolute favorites. I hope this helps you guys understand it better! I can get more in depth on specific matchups in matchup guides later.
E start cheat sheet: imgur.com/FZvESuH
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#renekton #leagueoflegends #toplane #guide
I've heard a lot of great things about aggressive E start in lower MMR where I think you can get away with a lot more. Go crazy with it and let me know how it goes for you guys!
This is so helpful ty! Looking forward to matchup specific guides at some point too
Boom whatup solorenektononly here today we will do an e dash trade e dashauto auto auto edash WTF HOW DID I DIE?
Amazing video and insight my man, gonna apply a lot of these to my gameplay
oh my god this is a god's send i always wanted this type of guides for renekton
Holy Moly 3in1warrior
I tend to start E vs teemo, run into a bush and wait for him trying to cheese me.
Then I just run them down unless they blow flash.
I'm gold/plat so people don't tend to respect the croc damage so it works every time 50% of the time
I think you can get away with aggressive E start a lot more in lower mmr for sure!
Every time, 50% of the time. I love that haha
taking notes taking notes
pease keep uploading. you are the goat!
his croc is HUGE
I was experimenting with Serylda's grudge. Gore drinker procs it, so does Q,E, and his ult procs it per second. It always made more sense to me over bork, what do you think? Also, Spear of Sojin got buffed and ability spam is pretty crazy, dont know if its better over Steraks though. Got W down to 3 seconds, thought it was funny.
Loving the content keep it coming! 👍
17:00 gotta love the Top Gear SNES music - whats the playlist ??!
I love 3 in 1 :3
Thank god it's the official video!!! I was watching the unofficial one and realized it
Glad you made it
@@3in1warrior Thanks for your content your channel is a goldmine I'm improving a lot thanks to your videos
Superb video and easy to follow explanations/demonstrations. I'll be giving the E start a try. Could you briefly explain the significance of the early push? Is it the potential of a cheater recall + priority if your jungler is starting botside?
coach chippys has a renekton guide that supplments 3in1's content a lot. the two resources combined have helped me tremendously
vs urgot lv1, cant u just let him auto u once so the wave pushes towards u, and maybe not lose cs that way?
hey Mr.Warrior, what do u use to record games? what's that software?
I used insights.gg, free version has ads
ty Mr.Warrior@@3in1warrior
imma chilling and watching this☕ cuz E start fked me 😂💪🏼 didnt work with me . will see if it will after i watch 🔥
at a time i was starting w with renek and all in at lvl 2 with the e and full fury
How are you not losing push to kennen with e start? Wouldn't kennen just be able to force you to use e2 to ever reach him and he'd trade aa-q-aa and begin walking away letting minions hit you. And if the kennen knows you which is highly likely if you're playing in challenger wouldn't they just start e (imo just a better start in general) and you'd just lose off of the e strat? - Watching a vod of kennen vs renek in chall where the renek was able to get shove lvl 1 with q, but lost half of his hp getting lvl 2 first to not be able to crash until the end of the 4th wave which kennen was just able to pull the last minion denying reneks base and renek died on the 5th wave. And another vod where renek starts e and is able to get onto kennen lvl 1 from hiding in river bush just to only be able to get 1 auto off since kennen started e, as well as denying kennen his first strike proc. This renekton also got lvl 2 first but only by about ~1-2 seconds and looked for a trade onto kennen that cost him the early laning phase until kennen made a real bad play lvl 4 engaging onto full fury renekton and greeding for cannon after renekton all inned him. I'm also confused for rumble, since I don't get how e start would work since he'd just cook you, but I don't play rumble so I wouldn't know but I know his q has insanely high base dmg.
Hello. I have made it here too, son.
my goat
Can you share setting graphis in game please ?
Isn’t e start vs Darius good too? I started q once and just got ran down level 1…
It can be decent, I'll experiment with it more. I really like the way I play with spacing my q's on him. Going to do a video on the matchup soon tm
love your videios!
Let me tell you as a Singed otp i have never ever gotten first blood as Singed with E start.
You have to slow push the first wave with Q and then get lvl 2 first. Then you play around you E fling and win the 1v1
The video is talking about starting e as renekton...
why not crash third wave, cheat recall come back to lane with item advantage + wave pushing to you?
not sure what to think about the content of someone banning Illaoi as Renekton.
às à renek màin 5 milion pts, illàoi càn be problem (I love thàt match up personally, because it's all àbout E ànd dodge her Q)
mostly agree with the list, I'm just gonna list couple of things that's on my mind after watching the video:
isn't yorick easy if you go w start?
in low elo lots of jax players don't play aggro, so starting q is usually better (if they leash, q start is probably better in high elo as well)
against darius, you can also start e and give him push or w if he's playing aggro
against riven, if she's not playing to zone you off minions I think e is better
against aatrox, I think going pta over conq just makes life easier
what's the idea behind starting w against trynd ? I can't make sense of it
if urgot is camping the bush, that's next to your tower aren't you fucked ?
hope that wasn't too much just curios.
I can answer some of this.
Yorick: Will either be smart and stand a mile away using his E to last hit in which case you need E or he is dumb and starts Q in which case you beat him with any start, but with Q or E you can get more damage in.
Tryndamere: Any decent one will try to AA+E (out) against you Lv1 if you are running ignite and especially if you are running the YXY Ignite+Exhaust special, so you start W so you can AA+W when he tries his short trade and just win that trade and then lv2 he will probably try to allin you with his AD powerspike from Q and then you definitively want to have a W. On a sidenote: If he finds you in a bush before waves shows up you start E into trynda and kite out unless you have the YXY special similar to Olaf.
Urgot: That's honestly probably why you should just run into first bush immediately instead of guarding Tri-bush.
Darius: You wanna have Q level 1 because that way you can trade into him from lv1 onwards. Basically you can clip him with Q and still dodge his Q or at worst hit him right after he hits you with Q so he gets less heal out of it while you get full value. And if he starts W and tries to play super aggressive you can man fight him in wave with Ignite+Conq and Q start as it actually takes quite a bit of time for him to stack his passive lv1 and he isnt that tanky overall - just make sure your 2nd Q is an empowered one. W start does nothing for you in the matchup and E start auto forfeits the first levels, you can still go Q, be safe and give push for free if you really want that.
Riven: Honestly if she doesnt try to leverage her lv1 advantage, why is she even playing Riven?^^
Jax: That's true, if they dont show up level 1 or play timidly you might aswell harass them with Q, I usually always skill late because you see very quickly what kind of Jax it is.
@@MrDrageno yorick: I think if he plays safe it doesn't matter what you start and you can just crash 3rd wave recall get long sword and kill him at rebound or freeze (he'll have low mana at this point as well), the only time where he can do smt is if he walks up. if he walks up and you have q you will automatically push the wave (even then you are fine though, safest way to gain a lead in this matchup is just perma pushing and attacking his mana pool playing similarly to gragas matchup).
tryndamere: I've tried exhaust ignite in jax matchup, it's playable but I think alternatives are better overall and if you are running flash ign in this matchup I feel like if you ever try to AA+W he will just E on you chunk you and zone you from xp, W first makes sense to me if you are afraid of pushing the wave and when he tries to zone you from xp you just trade with w under your tower and get xp.
darius: I'm not sure if you win against darius in ranged minions lvl1 if that's true Q is probably better, if not all 3 starts are probably possible.
riven: lots of rivens in all elos don't try to cheese renek lvl1 and in that case you can just walk up to the wave and E E back
I'm not sure in what I've said but that's the feeling I get after watching high elo vods of this matchups, I've probably gotten stuff wrong, would have to try in game to see.