2 in 1 ABS AND BOOTY No Equipment Home Workout (20 min)

  • Опубліковано 2 гру 2024


  • @trudiem6805
    @trudiem6805 5 років тому +1054

    Girl I’ve been working out for a whole month straight and started eating super clean. Literally the longest I’ve ever gone and I owe a huge thank you to you! You motivated me to stop making excuses. Your workouts leave me super sweaty and I’ve noticed change in my body already. Can’t wait to continue working out with you & see where this journey takes me:)

    • @valentinavisintin
      @valentinavisintin 5 років тому +10

      Same here! You are a true inspiration and motivator!

    • @daynaaugustnails1501
      @daynaaugustnails1501 5 років тому +10

      I here you gurl and feel the same. Wishing you further success.

    • @alessiamartina
      @alessiamartina 4 роки тому +7

      How has is gone so far?

    • @its_me9869
      @its_me9869 4 роки тому +5

      Did you have a bigger butt? Sorry for asking but i had to!

    • @LifeWithLariss
      @LifeWithLariss 4 роки тому +1

      workout with me real time!

  • @ericappiah5235
    @ericappiah5235 Рік тому +39

    Packaging: It came in a sturdy rectangular cardboard box that said Yoga on it. ua-cam.com/users/postUgkxZkaD2JsPC-fUMkF3vxJ2echoiXZ3T9aM I didn't like how it let possible package thieves know what might be contained inside but great packaging otherwise. The yoga mat came rolled up in a plastic wrap, which was fairly easy to remove.Contents: I got the green yoga mat and it came with an adjustable velcro carrying strap already secured to the mat. There was also a warranty card. There was a bit of a plastic smell coming form the yoga mat but it quickly dissipated after using it once.I've only used the yoga mat twice so far but I am loving it. It's such a game changer to my work outs, especially compared to my bed and floor, haha! I can confirm that it very thick, slip resistant, and comfortable. i didn't look at the dimensions prior to buying the mat, but it is so much longer than I expected! Width is normal size in my opinion. I don't know if it really is tear resistant yet... only time will tell!

  • @markoaurelioooo8140
    @markoaurelioooo8140 4 роки тому +1940

    Who's doing this while on quarantine?

  • @amandajoyloveland
    @amandajoyloveland Рік тому +1


  • @marinataylor3841
    @marinataylor3841 4 роки тому +178

    This workout kicked my ass 😫😩 I’m out of breath and sweating !! I’m gonna do this every day
    Update: it’s been about a week and I’m already seeing changes in my body! Truly didn’t believe that I would see results this quickly 😭 motivation to keep going 💪

    • @eliyanaeliki-jones937
      @eliyanaeliki-jones937 3 роки тому +6

      hey, just wondering, did you do anything else to see results so quickly ? like did you eat healthy or anything ?

  • @littleMonsterAlexis
    @littleMonsterAlexis 4 роки тому +256

    I am so glad I found this page!! I am going to be looking SNATCHED after this quarentine!! Thank you!

  • @Lydia-pp3dk
    @Lydia-pp3dk 4 роки тому +481

    Feel like my "form" for these exercises is bad, but I'm doing my best lmao

    • @whitneytatenda713
      @whitneytatenda713 4 роки тому +32

      Girl I swear I be feeling the same about that 😭🤣but we do be trying

    • @natasyli
      @natasyli 4 роки тому +5

      Same lol

    • @ahshanti4185
      @ahshanti4185 3 роки тому +12

      same but i figured my form will improve the more i workout LOL

    • @naomidovrat6470
      @naomidovrat6470 3 роки тому

      @Gabrielle Tittel

    • @naomidovrat6470
      @naomidovrat6470 3 роки тому

      @Gabrielle Tittel ששזזזזזזזזזזזזזזזזזזזזזזזזזזזזזזזזזזזזזזזזזזזזזזזזזזזזזזזזזזזזזזזזזזזזזזש

  • @jordynhayden4258
    @jordynhayden4258 5 років тому +203


  • @lolamatrix109
    @lolamatrix109 5 років тому +110

    5 min ago i struggled if Im going to the gym or chill at home... I think Im staying at home and do this workout :D best alternative! Thanks :)

  • @brigettefagan939
    @brigettefagan939 4 роки тому +8

    Thank you so much for these "No Equipment Home Workout" videos! I've been a ballerina my whole life, but I just had my first baby in January, which stopped me from dancing and working out for the past few months. So these videos are really helping me get back into shape, even though I have to be at home with my baby for now! And you're so inspiring and positive. Love your stuff! Keep it up XOXO

  • @jennifermcintosh9248
    @jennifermcintosh9248 5 років тому +281

    Hey mad. I'd love to do a ballet exercise. Maybe you could do a ballet themed workout where you incorporate alot of the dance moves you learnt. Thanks

  • @winnie.bloomin
    @winnie.bloomin 4 роки тому +11

    just finished as best as I could, I know if I do this most days I will only get better
    LOVE! sending positive vibes!

  • @Zeynep16th
    @Zeynep16th 5 років тому +40

    First time ever I managed to complete 90% of your routine. Not bad for someone with still 30lb excess :)

  • @lemorahbenbow9458
    @lemorahbenbow9458 4 роки тому +14

    LOVE THESE 2 in 1 ones!! Love working on 2 different parts of my body using 1 whole exercise. IT'S CLEVER - and therefore fun to do. Please do more of these!! THANK YOU :)

  • @ginacipriano2085
    @ginacipriano2085 5 років тому +3

    i’ve done a LOT of your workouts, but this is probably one of my fav leg/ab combos

  • @Alejandra.p.6577
    @Alejandra.p.6577 4 роки тому +7

    I started my fitness/weightloss journey almost 2 months ago now and I have to say this is my favorite work out so far 😅❤

  • @marisamccall5406
    @marisamccall5406 4 роки тому +7

    I just want to thank you.. I've been doing one of your workouts a day followed by your "inflexible" flexibility stretches. I am much more flexible and getting stronger. Thanks for making quarantine a positive for me and Im sure many others

  • @abbytokish2367
    @abbytokish2367 4 роки тому +1

    I appreciate you taking your time to film this for everyone. I would’ve loved to be able to hear the timer because I am not constantly looking at my phone and it’s very difficult to know when to stop and start. Again thanks

  • @Abbey.butler
    @Abbey.butler 5 років тому +25

    You should make a video on weekly workout routine and schedule!

  • @elenavrk420
    @elenavrk420 4 роки тому +18

    I always hated doing a workout through Internet at home but you made me change my mind ! today I did my second workout with you and I’m feeling myself ❤️

  • @cierradaniellejackson3233
    @cierradaniellejackson3233 4 роки тому +3

    Thanks girl! Day 2 of quarantine workout in full effect!

  • @its_me9869
    @its_me9869 4 роки тому +170

    All the freaking comments are "1 week ago" ; "2 days ago" ; etc. Like...damn quarantine got people motivated! LOL

  • @talipariser3009
    @talipariser3009 5 років тому +3

    Great workout. I need to keep it up so the balance will improve. A great way to get back in the swing of things after a long pause due to injuries and then procrastination. Thank you!

  • @sasukeandnaruto25
    @sasukeandnaruto25 Рік тому +3

    This is my second time going along with one of your ab and booty work outs and I love how fast and easy they are! Thanks so much! ❤

  • @charlottestellar4774
    @charlottestellar4774 4 роки тому +5

    Love it when i find it a bit tricky. Means I'm challenging myself and growing. Thank u.

  • @khadeejas9403
    @khadeejas9403 4 роки тому +65

    Hi, have you considered making your rest periods a few seconds longer so you can do the demo before the actual interval time starts? I end up having to pause several times to see how the exercise is done and that cuts into the time to do the exercise for the 45 seconds. Thanks for your videos!

    • @fernandalillywhite7972
      @fernandalillywhite7972 4 роки тому +1

      Maybe that’s better bc I think it’s easier to pause as opposed to fast forward 😋

  • @creativephebecooks
    @creativephebecooks Рік тому +1

    This was a lovely way to start the weekend. I appreciated the different moves for the workout. Thanks Maddy!

  • @gracefalvey7206
    @gracefalvey7206 4 роки тому +357

    who else is doing these because of quarantine?

  • @TaniellePowell
    @TaniellePowell 5 років тому +15

    i've been doing your workouts and all i can say is that you are my favorite!!! your workouts are fun and different! (and it means a lot for my lazy butt) thank you so much!!!

  • @annietaylor228
    @annietaylor228 4 роки тому +1

    This was a super hard work out for me as I have a poor core, feeling good now though. Definitely the best home workouts I have come across.

  • @carolinavalencia3926
    @carolinavalencia3926 5 років тому +21

    Your coordination is perfect! Love it! Thank u🤩

  • @adrianarojas2789
    @adrianarojas2789 4 роки тому +1

    Thank you!
    One of my favorites , I have a hard time doing floor exercises because of my back . This routine was perfect

  • @vanniachavez5372
    @vanniachavez5372 Рік тому

    your channel is amazing!! thank you so much gor the home workout... (I have social anxiety and every time I try the gym I quit cause I feel everybody is staring and laughing at how do the work out, but now that found your channel I can do it at peace. A MASSIVE THANK YOU!!!

  • @FangsAndWands1
    @FangsAndWands1 4 роки тому

    Please make a spotify playlist with all the music you use in your videos! Love your workouts!

  • @roxanegalvan6933
    @roxanegalvan6933 Рік тому

    Hello, I have been doing your video for 12 day straight and I feel great . Thank u so much . I enjoy working out to your video.

  • @nancydoubleday2716
    @nancydoubleday2716 5 років тому

    I like the length of your video, the timer, and the music that plays. Well done

  • @kayleenewsom1993
    @kayleenewsom1993 4 роки тому +5

    That one workout got me on the balance! I need to work on that haha! Happy I found your channel!

  • @theodorepowell9825
    @theodorepowell9825 4 роки тому +1

    Let me say this.. I thought I was in shape until my body met you. These workouts have me huffing and puffing. Another session that I have truly enjoyed. See you tomorrow!

  • @ameliakapur5842
    @ameliakapur5842 3 роки тому

    Really like the combo of flutes and abs and the length was perfect! Thanks again Maddie!!

  • @lauriebeland-turgeon6574
    @lauriebeland-turgeon6574 5 років тому +50

    I loved this workout!! However the beeping sound for the countdown 5 sec was hard to hear... I hope you have a wonderful day ☀️🧘🏻‍♀️🌱

    • @femmeNikita27
      @femmeNikita27 4 роки тому +1

      Indeed. The music is a bit too loud to hear the timer and your instructions at times. Especially for parts of workour when we have to lie down and cannot gaze at the screen all the time and rely on what we can hear.

    • @KaleidoscopeEyes8
      @KaleidoscopeEyes8 4 роки тому

      @@femmeNikita27 There was a beeping sound?! I certainly couldn't hear it over the music and kept having to look up at the screen!

  • @alexismcc2668
    @alexismcc2668 5 років тому +6

    This was exactly what I needed right now!

  • @kittenpawsbb
    @kittenpawsbb 2 роки тому +1

    This was definitely tough for an unfit to beginner. I was able to most, except where I had to hold my weight up. The exercises that were most difficult, I modified, knowing which muscle it was focusing on. Thank you🏋🏽‍♀️

  • @eunice1085
    @eunice1085 4 роки тому +2

    You're incredible! I absolutely loved this workout at the end of my long work day.

  • @lilychevalier-watts4587
    @lilychevalier-watts4587 4 роки тому +1

    I try a new workout of yours everyday and I love all of them! I like to put several videos together so I get a good hour and half/two hours worth of exercise! your work outs are excellent!

  • @alisontong3953
    @alisontong3953 5 років тому +2

    i like your videos because you look so strong and i wanted to be like the way you are showing. the strength and the power that makes me feel good. Just finished it btw! thanks!

    • @haz.fellie
      @haz.fellie 5 років тому

      Alison Tong keep working-you’ll get there!

  • @OliviasCatastrophe
    @OliviasCatastrophe Рік тому +3

    This was such a good workout and it felt so specifically targeted to the muscle groups which I loved! Thank you 🔥

  • @tonkica82
    @tonkica82 4 роки тому +2

    Loved this one, I am an absolute beginner and it was perfect for my level of (no) fitness

  • @nikkitara4483
    @nikkitara4483 4 роки тому +2

    I want to preface by saying I love your work outs! Thank you so much for them! One thing though, sometimes in your harder workouts I find it hard to know the best places to take breaths. Would you mind please incorporating that instruction into your routines? I think it would better my form! Thanks!

  • @amandamcmaster5668
    @amandamcmaster5668 4 роки тому

    Love that this workout isn’t super repetitive! Thank you!!

  • @devmacc317
    @devmacc317 4 роки тому +1

    this was AWESOME!!! I did this in my very humid room and im SOAKED!! thank you!

  • @lottabjorklundlarsen4315
    @lottabjorklundlarsen4315 4 роки тому +1

    I really like your exercise and the calm style you engage us in them. Heartfelt thank you!

  • @SY67892
    @SY67892 4 роки тому +4

    I’m 52 and Due to time I love doing your quick work outs. I feel they’re motivating and effective to help me to want to continue workouts daily! I’ve been doing them a couple months now and randomly found you on UA-cam. Thank you for your hard dedication and time you spend to make these!
    Keep it up and don’t give up because helps us to stay motivated!
    Blessings on you! 🥰🙏🏻

  • @oliviat8982
    @oliviat8982 4 роки тому

    Used weights for the squats and ankle weights with the glute bridges. Great workout!

  • @mirakewl
    @mirakewl 5 років тому +8

    Killer workout! Those glute bridge crunches were deadly!! 💦

  • @l1feisacrazyth1ng
    @l1feisacrazyth1ng 4 роки тому +1

    Thank you for these non bullsh*t workouts! I love that you cut to the chase

  • @Natalia-dy8xt
    @Natalia-dy8xt 5 років тому +19

    Perfect timing! I really appreciate the work you put in to get content out regularly! Thank you! ❤️ ☺️

  • @elmabirchall5363
    @elmabirchall5363 4 роки тому

    This workout is so good for balance. I need to remember to visit this at least once a week!

  • @RozyGlowOfficial
    @RozyGlowOfficial 3 роки тому +1

    I LOVE these workouts! Every exercise is FUN...it makes me want to do more. I'd love to try one that is 10 mins cardio/fat burn and 20 mins targetting like this-abs, booty, legs, arms etc. Thanks for your creativity! x

  • @eleanor2100
    @eleanor2100 4 роки тому +1

    Thanks keeping me fit and hopefully gonna give me a glow up

  • @tauratonge8984
    @tauratonge8984 4 роки тому +3

    This exercise is perfect while we are on lockdown

  • @elmabirchall5363
    @elmabirchall5363 4 роки тому

    This is my revisit and my balance is definitely better than it was first time around. Revisit regularly.

  • @kathrynalexander866
    @kathrynalexander866 3 роки тому +8

    I recently turned 50, and have been in good shape all my life until Covid hit. I don't even recognize my body anymore! Sad. Of course having 2 kids and hormones hitting might be contributing to the extra belly fat. This workout was PERFECT for what I needed to get me started again for the Spring and start working up my confidence level again. Thank you so much for this contribution towards my personal growth!!

  • @anastasiaeren9615
    @anastasiaeren9615 4 роки тому +1

    Thanks so much for this great workout, we are doing it as a family and would appreciate it if you count and provide instant guidance as you instruct each exercise. thanks again

  • @ghrinfhildfelix6584
    @ghrinfhildfelix6584 3 роки тому

    Thank you. I'm glad you're there.

  • @quiellebosland8439
    @quiellebosland8439 4 роки тому

    One of my favourites. You are the only fitness person on youtube that i can workout with every single day. Thank you so much.

  • @jenniferfukala98
    @jenniferfukala98 4 роки тому

    Loved it! Just want I needed today. I like that you have short videos that I can work into my day.

  • @macymentz296
    @macymentz296 4 роки тому

    Love your workouts!! I personally don’t like weight training and gravitate towards more body weight exercises so all of these workouts are amazing!

  • @elmabirchall5363
    @elmabirchall5363 4 роки тому

    I'm so much enjoying every workout that you put up for us. I try to do at least two every day!

  • @yuliyapike8817
    @yuliyapike8817 4 роки тому

    I know you already have a million comments here but This.Video. Is. So. Helpful!!!!! So thankful I found your youtube channel.

  • @codystokes9289
    @codystokes9289 3 роки тому

    your workouts are amazing. they just fit me and what i like to do really well! You also do some things that ive never seen before and LOVE. So thank you for these videos, they're really amazing!!

  • @ChristinaAaliyah
    @ChristinaAaliyah 4 роки тому

    My new morning workout! 💪🏽

  • @amyamnguyen
    @amyamnguyen 4 роки тому +2

    The best work out to start a self isolated day!

  • @rochellemella5735
    @rochellemella5735 4 роки тому +1

    We cannot go to the gym for how may months-ugh!! You are my savoir- thank you!!

  • @kimg.4015
    @kimg.4015 4 роки тому +1

    Awesome workout!! 100% recommended!!

  • @hollyboss5476
    @hollyboss5476 4 роки тому

    I love your workouts! One suggestion from an anatomical/body mechanics perspective : would you consider offering some modifications for people who don't have that much rotation at the hip joint for the table top hip circles? Most non-dancers don't have enough hip mobility to do that exercise correctly.

  • @chinami6790
    @chinami6790 4 роки тому +4

    I never do workout but quarantine somehow leads me to this page

  • @Nixreads
    @Nixreads 4 роки тому

    great workout! the side dips are the hardest for me!

  • @amul0892
    @amul0892 2 роки тому

    Full of energy.. thanks for such wow workout

  • @chelsacaruso1131
    @chelsacaruso1131 5 років тому +1

    This was a perfect workout while I’m traveling for the holidays to amp up my metabolism without needing equipment!!

  • @judymichellenathan8
    @judymichellenathan8 Рік тому

    Those are techniques.I would like to keep up with and try and work it out till the end. I enjoy watching the same as working out with you. I am losing weight from it and hope it keeps it up. I enjoy😁

  • @kimiff546
    @kimiff546 4 роки тому

    Thank you Maddie for all your videos! I'm so motivated to work out thanks to you!

  • @cara2971
    @cara2971 5 років тому

    I did the entire workout and I didn't look as graceful as you 😂 you make it look so easy! ❤️

  • @Tenajeh
    @Tenajeh 4 роки тому +1

    I thought I was decently fit with regularly running almost 10km and managing to swim over 5km during the summer. But THIS exercise left me shaking and aching. Thanks a lot. I think it's perfect to work on my fitness over the winter ♥

  • @daxna3668
    @daxna3668 5 років тому +1

    7 months ago I started a workout routine in my house, I looked for some videos on internet and I found madfit channel, so I start make 3 workout dance routine video ( boy w luv, level up an 7 rings) now I could lost 15 pounds.

  • @mayasmom100
    @mayasmom100 4 роки тому

    great video, I love 20 minutes workout. Thank you Maddie!

  • @paparia821
    @paparia821 4 роки тому


  • @CreativeOnTheRoad
    @CreativeOnTheRoad 3 роки тому

    Thank you so much for this amazing workout! This is the first workout that I could pull myself through.

  • @rhemasartspace
    @rhemasartspace 4 роки тому

    I wish these UA-cam ads won't bother me while I'm in the middle of the workout :( I always enjoy your vids, Maddie. They are my lifesavers this quaratine. ❤

  • @tarathornhil1554
    @tarathornhil1554 5 років тому +3

    Perfect timing! Thank you soooo very much !!!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️much love Maddie!!

  • @weirdkid8047
    @weirdkid8047 2 роки тому +1

    Thank you so much, its an inspiration.

  • @CrissySims
    @CrissySims 4 роки тому +10

    Amazing-looooving your workouts so much. You’re my personal trainer❤️

  • @veroniquerussell7812
    @veroniquerussell7812 4 роки тому

    SUCH A GOOD WORKOUT! sweated so much today

  • @vee.t
    @vee.t 4 роки тому +1

    I love all of your videos. Not as brutal as HIIT but definitely feel the burns & keep wanting more! Thank you Maddie! 😘

  • @demonllama372
    @demonllama372 5 років тому +1

    Thanks for the new video 😁

  • @ChrissytWatt
    @ChrissytWatt 2 роки тому

    Great workout! hit lots of areas in a short time! will come back to this one!

  • @adrianaforero7359
    @adrianaforero7359 4 місяці тому

    super clase !! gracias lindo dia

  • @amadeja156
    @amadeja156 5 років тому +5

    Great workout, just did it! 😁💪

  • @nadineb2068
    @nadineb2068 3 роки тому

    Love this workout. It's challenging but not overwhelming. So it keeps me motivated :)

  • @beckyharris7390
    @beckyharris7390 4 роки тому

    Love ur workouts short but very effective

  • @kelsiejohnson2510
    @kelsiejohnson2510 4 роки тому