Nord VPN doesnt work for streaming uk tv channels anymore, i bought it last month and tried to use it to watch various channels but it dint work so waste of money for me
Indeed so. An attempt at gerrymandering by an honest, open and transparent Prime Minister and a cabinet that has never contained any convicted criminals nor ever accepted money in suspicious circumstances? Surely not.
Our American cousins had some pithy commentaries on taxation without representation too. Perhaps the council tax needs to go unpaid across every affected council borough for each day the election is delayed.
Stop for good all foreign aid and giving away of millions and billions of taxpayers money to foreign countries! When we are trillions in debt, and higher and higher taxes for us!!!
Too many layers of beaurocrats already. Does one big unitary authority improve or worsen this? Probably worsen it as these structures seem to require armies of highly paid executives propped up by armies of pen-pushers and another massive army of consultants to tell the highly paid executives what to do. Little wonder taxes are so high and services so poor.
Him saying "for one reason or another" is correct. Him saying it's only been "extreme circumstances" is wrong. Our council being reorganised delayed the election (as the Tories feared losing the council) so it's just what goes around comes around, sadly.
I've read in a few places people saying no taxation without representation. What are the implications of stopping standing orders or other means of paying council taxes on the date when elections should be held? Put the money into a savings account until the situation is resolved
It's completely legal. There's mergers going on with some councils which will delay local elections in some affected areas. No one ever made a big deal about it when the tories did it. Labour hate for the sake of Labour hate as usual
Yes - and the government is BORROWING money to give away, fgs! How stupid. How much more contempt for the British people will Starmer and his goons show?
We signed a peace agreement with Ukraine and we should accept Hong Kong refugees and NATO and it's partners obligations, apart from that we should not fund foreigners due to bad governance or unfriendly countries, only for natural disasters or short term hardship caused by unforeseen circumstances, i.e. not doling money out to corrupt dictators pockets!?!
@@briananderson2675 Exactly - by the money we generate....we have NO idea - that is the point. It all needs to be open and transparent. Over £1,000 on a couple of leather clad files.....
@@gerrythompson1721 He doesn't look, sound or act anywhere near to a communist. He's not advocating for a radical people powered movement and not moving to dismantle the capitalist modes of production. He's doing what all centrists do and making the right token gestures to please the right people be that big businesses or voters. He aims to please more people than he angers, but unfortunately for him, the whole political class is vastly out of touch with workers and most workers are vastly out of touch with reality thanks to our substandard education.
I live in North Yorkshire Council plus Mayor …when we had small councils , you could talk to someone, get advice , send emails and get a reply. Since North Yorkshire came into being , you can’t speak to anyone , can’t discuss what is happening in your local area , no one replies to emails etc. Not sure what the Mayor (Lab) does as no one has seen him and he answers nothing …Having a large council so Government has more power, does NOT work..we just get ignored and they do what they want and not want suits the electorate..😡
@@xenosscape8573 Oh I know, they are awful. That's why these elections are important, people locally are starting to wake up by me. Making it into a system like London though, will just be the final nail in the coffin. Next ULEZ.
The problem with Keir is, he doesn't think, or operate, like a normal person? Not so many years ago, he would have been quickly diagnosed and installed into an Asylum! Seems that 'Care in the Community' doesn't work whatsoever, given we have 10 Downing Street occupied by a nutter!
So did Manchester but the local council override the vote we ended up with cycling lanes and cargo bikes and a assistant mayor that's costing nearly a quarter of a million + pension avoid at all costs
there are MANY people who have withheld council tax for years. theres a whole back story to why CT shouldnt be paid but the overarching point to NOT paying it is - councils AND 'govt' CANNOT evidence ANYONES obligation TO pay it.
That can only happen if majority of council tax payers get together and legally challenge it in court as a ‘Class Action’… I believe the local council taxpayers would win in high court! 😉
As sir starmer said, the door is open for anyone to leave....has anyone heard any our past leaders say such a thing? I'm 71, and never heard that said. Peace and goodwill
This is a dreadful insult to British subjects, and a move that no patriotic PM in the past has ever chosen to resort to. Why should we be forced to flee from our own country, by this dictatorial government ?
What is the purpose of a regional mayor? We have a mayor in Leicester and one in the new 'county' of East Mids (Notts and Derbys) that I am at a loss as to what they do other than create 'the office of the mayor', which seems to be a job for the boys.
We don’t need mayors and we don’t need police commissioners . They both cost the local tax payer and they are usually very political and it’s bad enough when the elected county councillors spend more time arguing against each other rather than working with each other for the benefit for all ….of us. Re elections next year. It seems that once again Labour wants to fiddle with electoral areas so that it either strengthens their hold on certain areas or weakens the opposition.
Hampshire County Council has reduced the brightness of our street lighting in Gosport to the point that, If someone came up and attacked you, you would not be able to pick them out in a police line up. Then the lights go off completely at 1AM. If you watch back to the lighting of the streets in the early 1900's, they had better lighting than we do now. Totally discusting and totally unsafe these days to be out at night. If Labour get their way, I think things will go down hill further.
This is about reducing local voting power as they’ll be every few years instead of every year where you can dump who you don’t want, they’ve lost loads of seats so this is their way to keep control and increase it at the same time.
But they have all the immigrants, welfare dossers, public sector workers and muslims to fall back on, not to mention the immature 18-30's, soon to be 16-30's to boost their vote share.
"A fish rots from the head down." This statement applies perfectly to the state of our country and its trajectory due to the actions of our governing class.
@@clivewilliams3661 They're a puppet show, to make the masses believe they have a say - When in truth all they can choose is the face to blame; to target the symptom and not the cause.
They don’t “govern” they try to convince you they do, they administer on behalf of the people by our consent, they are a gang, which make up the “rules” as they go…WE the people have all the power, our eventual realisation terrifies them
Won't be able to if they cancel elections! Essex, Suffolk and Norfolk affected , i do know - and a good Reform prescence therd, i believe. Essex has 2 reform mp's at least. They want us to be unable to vote for them! We need help on how this can be fought constructively!
At the height of the British Empire we had around 40,000 civil servants, in 2024 in the UK we now have over 542,000 civil servants, just let that sink in.
Meanwhile we have super computers that do trillions of things per second. And still we need 500,000 people out 70m. Jesus fk. And the council still cant even receive an email. And when you tell them about it they ignore you and just discard anything you say.
Charity begins at home. You put your own house in order first and then and only then can you help others!! This Government is helping no-one in the long run making the UK poorer ! @@MargaretBanks-f9s
Perhaps thats why we have a lot of the worlds tax havens in our over seas territories, a charitable gesture to our rich and famous so they can avoid helping out as much. The previous gov was much more home charitable especially with home supporters and donors with PPE contracts at exorbitant rates many of which weren't delivered/useable.
@Ricardo-i3s7f Its a unitary one. There were going to be savings galore ! Every contact they give out, the contractors run rings round them. Over price every single time. However, did give you time to read and comment on you tube videos on a child Tuesday afternoon 🤣
You must be one of the rare few that actually work for a council, because few employees don't. They are however, very good at ping pong, where no decisions are made.
Dainel has well and truly been "red pilled". Its great to see him attacking these issues head on and bringing them to light for those who may not be aware what is happening. I hope they dont end up going for him professionally like we've seen with others in the past, Russell Brand for example. Stay safe, stay true.
Thank you Daniel, Taking money from the elderly,who have paid into the system all their working lives, then giving billions to countries for war,is not right.
Will there be a "Next Election"? Dictators like Starmer understand 'delay' & 'deny' only too well. It would be nice were 'depose' to apply, without bloodshed if possible: but go he must, & quickly.
I doubt they've thought it through that far. More likely, they know the local elections are going to be a massive rejection, so they are delaying some of them.
Why do think they're pro immigration? They don't like foreigners. They just hate natives because they're informed and are less likely to resist their authoritarianism...
Having spoken to several friends and family who voted LABOUR at the last election, they have ALL now regretted that vote and wish they'd have voted for REFORM UK . That's how lied to and let down they feel now by labour.
yet not yet even 3 million people have signed the vote of no confidence for Starmer.. where are all the Labour voters when it comes to responsibility? Hmm.. I think I know - lefties don't change.
All you Labour voters were warned not to trust Labour after the last lot destroyed the country, but you all still voted them in and now, we all have to suffer these consequences, so thank you very much for destroying democracy in this country and for voting in the biggest bunch of fraudsters I have ever seen!
If my vote for the council is denied then why should I pay the council tax? No council election, no payment. Lots of mayors running around will stick taxes up.
I think they will look at Labour strongholds and merge them with seats that are closely held by opposition parties and can dilute their vote by doing this.
Article 3 Protocol 1 of the ECHR states we have the right to free and fair elections...surely, he is in clear breach of this? Imagine it..he cancels these elections until 2027.- How many more newcomers will have arrived by then, all expected to vote for him? An extra 3 million? 4 million? HE CANNOT STOP THE MAY VOTING.
Clearly we're all paying too much tax for them to be splashing it around! Imagine how great the country would be if we kept our dosh and spent it at home... 😮
@@johnj4860 But they send a summons within a month of your first missed payment. They seem to have resources for that but not the resources for staff in their office for you to speak to & sort it out.
they change it like blair did with the traitor law to suit there agenda or narrative when they please once in power, they do has they wish ,and yes we had gov so the royals dont screw us all now the gov and royals are screwing us , we screwed them all with brexit i guess they lost millions lol so now they hate us with a passion and hitting out like bully boys but we will win over they theresmore of us than themand they know it hence starmer trying to stop local election because its then that we destroy labour at local elections that should of been done yrs ago
Local goverment reform and reorganisation has happened for years, usually at the request of the councils. I don't recall BBB being outraged when us in Northamptonshire were denied a vote for quite a few years whilst the county and borough councils slowly converted to 2 unitaries.
Becasue who is actually going to physically deal with them? Its a question of power not morals, legality or social obligation. Those are just terms of deception to fool slaves with. They have absolutely no reason to submit, for the most part because they are corrupted and controlled by hidden groups we all know >>>who"""
Unitary councils for regions will end up costing more, due to the usual reasons. The people at the top will demand ever higher pay and have ever more people under them in order to justify this increase in pay. We have seen it with the NHS, the GLC big corporations etc and of course in states like Russia where the bureaucracy increases exponentially. (Edit) And I forgot the palaces (offices) they will build to run this all.
Could give rise to local corruption for votes and money not going back to the 1800's where the borough's were corrupt. Just like Caerphilly when the councillor took a large sum the tax money and put it in his pension even though he was caught, he was suspended on full pay for a year and no more was said.
@@prestoncrewnarrowboaters8619 I fear that by crushing freedom of speech and creating a Stazi police force and judiciary and an overwhelming majority in Parliament, oppression of the common man is now all too easy.
Parish councils, councillors, district councils are a fundamental element of the UK. This needs to be halted completely. Many district and county councils already use shared services, often outsourced too, and a lot have moved to more standardised online platforms. One area that could be improved is council tax. HMRC could create a local taxation department, as many other countries do. This would allow a default council tax payment via the tax system, which would be overridden when your home address is selected and the council tax paid. Parish councils spend very little indeed, but it is highly effective and keeps residents involved. An important function of Parish Councils is in the review of planning applications, where the plans are discussed and comments received, allowing the Parish Council to submit comments on planning applications which are not from neighbours, individual households, and I think adds more weight to the obesrvations and questions. Already other areas of local government are not working, social services for example, where it is extremely difficult to make contact, hold them to account.
It's interesting that Thames Water is driving itself into the ground at a time when Labour wants to take it back from shareholders and nationalise water. It's interesting that so many councils are pleading poverty at a time when Labour wants to install mayors and create unitary authorities. It's also interesting that after years of accusing the Tories of selling of British assets abroad, the postal service is being sold to foreign ownership.
Next time you get a council tax bill ,tell them you are willing to pay but they must provide an invoice, then watch them lie with excuses,threats ect .
Looking at the rising levels of crime in London and the mayor there suggesting it's just part of city life and refusing to address the issue, I'm not sure having a lot more regional mayors is the answer? Certainly not for citizens who want a democratic representative.
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Nord VPN doesnt work for streaming uk tv channels anymore, i bought it last month and tried to use it to watch various channels but it dint work so waste of money for me
BlackbeltBarrister have you read the Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx 10 steps. Seems to be a blueprint of whats going on.
I'm presently using Saily by Nord VPN, but I use Norton for my virtual private network
Starmer said to Emily Maitless he preferred the DAVOS way of doing things....
Odds on another "Pandemic" will be concocted next year or some other kind of "emergency".
To paraphrase the old adage, “Democracy delayed is democracy denied.”
As i also like to say "Democracy is dictatorship being polite."
Indeed so. An attempt at gerrymandering by an honest, open and transparent Prime Minister and a cabinet that has never contained any convicted criminals nor ever accepted money in suspicious circumstances? Surely not.
Anything other than a democracy is the fast track to a Middle East sh1t hole
Our American cousins had some pithy commentaries on taxation without representation too. Perhaps the council tax needs to go unpaid across every affected council borough for each day the election is delayed.
22 billion black hole? Stop giving aid to other countries for a year and plug that hole.
Stop for good all foreign aid and giving away of millions and billions of taxpayers money to foreign countries!
When we are trillions in debt, and higher and higher taxes for us!!!
The U.K. national debt is £3 trillion. The £22 billion is a distraction, a tiny amount compared to £3 trillion.
Stop interfereing in those countries then.
They need foreign aid to fund their mass migration operations.
That old chestnut...the black hole...
We don't need any more mayors.
Let's stop the bureaucracy and waste
More waste of tax payer hard earn cash.
If they're anything like the influential one in London, no thanks. A knight of the realm! The irony of the Crusades.
Khan a good example for not having mayors 🤷🏻♂️
They are already bringing this into Lincoln. I said, oh wonderful......
Too many layers of beaurocrats already. Does one big unitary authority improve or worsen this? Probably worsen it as these structures seem to require armies of highly paid executives propped up by armies of pen-pushers and another massive army of consultants to tell the highly paid executives what to do. Little wonder taxes are so high and services so poor.
This delay is arguably unconstitutional and should be challenged in court.
Unfortunately it's happened many times before including under the last Tory government
Him saying "for one reason or another" is correct. Him saying it's only been "extreme circumstances" is wrong. Our council being reorganised delayed the election (as the Tories feared losing the council) so it's just what goes around comes around, sadly.
I've read in a few places people saying no taxation without representation. What are the implications of stopping standing orders or other means of paying council taxes on the date when elections should be held? Put the money into a savings account until the situation is resolved
It's completely legal. There's mergers going on with some councils which will delay local elections in some affected areas. No one ever made a big deal about it when the tories did it. Labour hate for the sake of Labour hate as usual
@@johnj4860then you'll be in prison. Good luck with that
Taking London as an example installing a mayor is not always a good idea!
So it’ll be like having more Khans implementing WEF policy.
It’s obscene how much money is spent outside the UK and our country is on its knees!
Yes - and the government is BORROWING money to give away, fgs! How stupid. How much more contempt for the British people will Starmer and his goons show?
It’s all a govn’t plan, look up the United Nations Replacement Migration Paper from 2000
Think you will be surprised how much is spent on crap within the UK.
We signed a peace agreement with Ukraine and we should accept Hong Kong refugees and NATO and it's partners obligations, apart from that we should not fund foreigners due to bad governance or unfriendly countries, only for natural disasters or short term hardship caused by unforeseen circumstances, i.e. not doling money out to corrupt dictators pockets!?!
@@briananderson2675 Exactly - by the money we generate....we have NO idea - that is the point. It all needs to be open and transparent. Over £1,000 on a couple of leather clad files.....
Meanwhile Comrade Starmer travelling the globe on the UK Tax Payers Credit Card ! 😡😡
Not our comrade
Commie Wankier
Are you implying that a neoliberal capitalist is a communist? lol
@@DemonXeron if it walks like a duck...
@@gerrythompson1721 He doesn't look, sound or act anywhere near to a communist.
He's not advocating for a radical people powered movement and not moving to dismantle the capitalist modes of production. He's doing what all centrists do and making the right token gestures to please the right people be that big businesses or voters. He aims to please more people than he angers, but unfortunately for him, the whole political class is vastly out of touch with workers and most workers are vastly out of touch with reality thanks to our substandard education.
Kudos to you for calling out the worst, socialist Government ever. 👍
It's certainly not socialist lol. It's a neoliberal centrist capitalist government.
what have they done that's socialist?
@tarqinquentinsson-obviousl957 RIGHT! NOTHING! Make poor people poorer and colder.
Not socialist at all
I live in North Yorkshire Council plus Mayor …when we had small councils , you could talk to someone, get advice , send emails and get a reply. Since North Yorkshire came into being , you can’t speak to anyone , can’t discuss what is happening in your local area , no one replies to emails etc. Not sure what the Mayor (Lab) does as no one has seen him and he answers nothing …Having a large council so Government has more power, does NOT work..we just get ignored and they do what they want and not want suits the electorate..😡
Coming to Lincoln now. 🤮
MPs are like the police ... what do they actually do for their wages?
@@FoxyFoxlyn LLC is the same , takes months to fill a pot hole from request to someone turning up..
@@xenosscape8573 Oh I know, they are awful. That's why these elections are important, people locally are starting to wake up by me. Making it into a system like London though, will just be the final nail in the coffin. Next ULEZ.
That's probably their intention.
Just when I thought that this dreadful governing party could not possibly get worse .....they go and prove me wrong. How far we have fallen !
Kier just can't help but keep earning the hate of the people.
The problem with Keir is, he doesn't think, or operate, like a normal person? Not so many years ago, he would have been quickly diagnosed and installed into an Asylum! Seems that 'Care in the Community' doesn't work whatsoever, given we have 10 Downing Street occupied by a nutter!
It doesn't matter. The WEF and the CCP have his back.
@@Bugsy85 Cause he's obeying his masters like any other in his position will. It means nothing to him - the dull masses will keep voting anyway.
It's as if they deliberately do things which are of no value to them, no value to the UK in general, and are designed to make people boil with anger.
Conspiracy theroy is he is going on like this to make way for the Tony Blair
Look what a mayor has done for London.
We don't need Mayor's it's just more governance.
And Birmingham & Manchester
More tiers of bureaucracy never helped anyone - except bureaucrats
And some how the cheeky, useless, clueless, anti British m0r0n is getting Knighted? for destroying a city.
Nothing wrong with the London mayor he’s done a great job that’s why he keeps winning
Get rid of the mayor's full stop. We don't need or want them. Look at london and Luton.
Luton council outright abuse their workers, I have a friend that works for them and the stories I've heard are almost unbelievable
I really can’t take much more of this government. It is having an affect on my mental health
Thank you B.B.B keep exposing the corruption, you deserve a top job when we get the government we deserve
I'm afraid you've already got the government you deserve. I mean you voted them in on a landslide.
Corruption ? In the UK ? Surely not 😂🤣👍
Cornwall Rejected The Idea of a Mayor
So did the west midlands but guess what we got one plus the black country redevelopement agency and others
Stoke-on-Trent had one, then voted to remove it a few years later.
*Kernow!* ❤️
It looks like they don't want the country to have a choice... Have you seen how unhappy folks are in London?
So did Manchester but the local council override the vote we ended up with cycling lanes and cargo bikes and a assistant mayor that's costing nearly a quarter of a million + pension avoid at all costs
Keir Stalin is building more prisons for a reason - he expects more political prisoners.
The fool because very soon they will be filled with Labour MPs.
it is probably a soft form of Stalinism
He can have more
their were already a bunch of massive prisons being built during lock down.. then we never heard of them again, wonder whats happening with them no
To lock up the far right , maybe 2 million reform voters .The prisons will probably fall down in 6 months
how about if we get no vote we all stop paying the council tax
there are MANY people who have withheld council tax for years. theres a whole back story to why CT shouldnt be paid but the overarching point to NOT paying it is - councils AND 'govt' CANNOT evidence ANYONES obligation TO pay it.
That can only happen if majority of council tax payers get together and legally challenge it in court as a ‘Class Action’…
I believe the local council taxpayers would win in high court! 😉
Prison, along with our facebook buddies lol
@@Maugirl2America should sound a warning no taxation without representation
Your terms are acceptable 👍
As sir starmer said, the door is open for anyone to leave....has anyone heard any our past leaders say such a thing? I'm 71, and never heard that said. Peace and goodwill
This is a dreadful insult to British subjects, and a move that no patriotic PM in the past has ever chosen to resort to. Why should we be forced to flee from our own country, by this dictatorial government ?
@@christophermackley8084declare your self an independent country if your free to leave he will let you do it
I wish the SNP had the balls to call him on this.
Peace and goodwill to you Sir xxx
Gerrymandering on a huge scale which should have been in the manifesto.
Raynor wants a Mayor in every region…more like a nightMARE…vote Reform 🇬🇧
I would be cautious to vote for reform. Their interests are with themselves and not the people as well.
Raynor herself is a 'Mare' - she likes to be ridden hard and whipped...allegedly !
What is the purpose of a regional mayor? We have a mayor in Leicester and one in the new 'county' of East Mids (Notts and Derbys) that I am at a loss as to what they do other than create 'the office of the mayor', which seems to be a job for the boys.
You can't now they've cancelled the Council elections for next year .
@DemonXeron Bollox , so you'd prefer this Dictatorship of a lying Labour government 🤔
Deeply worrying as it is. I am not surprised sadly. Evil walks amongst us.
Leaving a slimy trail behind it.
@@simontemplarGB That's just Angela Rayner, right?!
We don’t need mayors and we don’t need police commissioners . They both cost the local tax payer and they are usually very political and it’s bad enough when the elected county councillors spend more time arguing against each other rather than working with each other for the benefit for all ….of us.
Re elections next year. It seems that once again Labour wants to fiddle with electoral areas so that it either strengthens their hold on certain areas or weakens the opposition.
Evil walks amongst us . . . . and its name is Blair 😈
01 \/£y, we remain blameless and off the radar still!
How can this not be corruption and treasonous
Hampshire County Council has reduced the brightness of our street lighting in Gosport to the point that, If someone came up and attacked you, you would not be able to pick them out in a police line up. Then the lights go off completely at 1AM. If you watch back to the lighting of the streets in the early 1900's, they had better lighting than we do now. Totally discusting and totally unsafe these days to be out at night. If Labour get their way, I think things will go down hill further.
Parliament needs to boot him out.
Labours always held the councils now they know they are going to lose them they change the rules.
This is about reducing local voting power as they’ll be every few years instead of every year where you can dump who you don’t want, they’ve lost loads of seats so this is their way to keep control and increase it at the same time.
Straight from the Putin handbook.
They did the same with changing the electoral boundaries before this election. No objection by Labour MPs
They are going to loose anyway. Reform are already streets ahead of Labour. Starmer and his wacky Party are poor loosers.
Council of Mayors? Sounds a little communisty
Mayor of Manchester is in charge of the Nhs in his area, let that sink in
How about border command 😊
A Politburo, if you will.
It's straight from the UN, WEF, Globalist playbook. This has been on their agenda for years.
A bit like the Council of Ministers in EU?
Everyone getting a Muslim mayor then ?
true. we get ours. hes called andy burnham
Sharia law will be next
@deadwellbetterer4916 sh a r ia law next
Fascist youtube keeps deleting my response.. starmer has had a word with youtube
@@labouraredangerous NEVER!
Foreign funding must STOP!!!
Charity begins at home!
Labour never ever makes change that benefits the people, only the party.
Stalin Starmer more interested in following the WEF AGENDA. Labour have lost the huge backing of british working class people.
But they have all the immigrants, welfare dossers, public sector workers and muslims to fall back on, not to mention the immature 18-30's, soon to be 16-30's to boost their vote share.
"A fish rots from the head down." This statement applies perfectly to the state of our country and its trajectory due to the actions of our governing class.
The governing are just the puppets - havent you realised that yet??
They may govern but they are not a class in any sense of the word.
It's not OUR government anymore.
@@clivewilliams3661 They're a puppet show, to make the masses believe they have a say - When in truth all they can choose is the face to blame; to target the symptom and not the cause.
They don’t “govern” they try to convince you they do, they administer on behalf of the people by our consent, they are a gang, which make up the “rules” as they go…WE the people have all the power, our eventual realisation terrifies them
Just another reason Labour will never get my vote
Starmer does not want to stand up and be counted. The very thing he accused many of when he was in opposition - Cowards.
Welcome to 1984... Orwell tried to warn us but as usual we decided to take it as a challenge.
Starmer and his crew give us even more reasons to vote for Reform UK.
But we won’t get that chance for another 4 1/2 years. The country will be a communist wasteland by then
Won't be able to if they cancel elections! Essex, Suffolk and Norfolk affected , i do know - and a good Reform prescence therd, i believe. Essex has 2 reform mp's at least. They want us to be unable to vote for them!
We need help on how this can be fought constructively!
Have either of you got GUY FAWKES phone number i could borrow
@@franadams6389 Nigel and Reform won't sit and watch this happen, none of us should let this happen.
We will never get to vote again, as long as Starmer holds power.
Can we not prosecute him for being a dictator and a cheat???
Once we get him out, I'm sure we can have him charged and put on trial.
@@gemlouise1260 that would be the justice that we all patriots seek.
At the height of the British Empire we had around 40,000 civil servants, in 2024 in the UK we now have over 542,000 civil servants, just let that sink in.
Its like having a growing family so the money keeps spreading to the relatives.
Meanwhile we have super computers that do trillions of things per second. And still we need 500,000 people out 70m. Jesus fk.
And the council still cant even receive an email. And when you tell them about it they ignore you and just discard anything you say.
appeal to tradition fallacy
Lotus eaters did a video on activists in British government.
Think we need another government group set up to look in to that.
Vote Reform U/K
If you do not like it, there is a door you can leave.
Ex-Labour Pete from England.
Is there any way, lawfully, to stop Starmer?
There is an old saying "charity starts at home" something the government need to learn.
The full saying is charity begins as t home but shouldn't end there.
Charity begins at home. You put your own house in order first and then and only then can you help others!! This Government is helping no-one in the long run making the UK poorer ! @@MargaretBanks-f9s
I think Whitehall etc practice it very well, good pensions, employment security, no monthly cashflow issues just tax the mugs
Perhaps thats why we have a lot of the worlds tax havens in our over seas territories, a charitable gesture to our rich and famous so they can avoid helping out as much.
The previous gov was much more home charitable especially with home supporters and donors with PPE contracts at exorbitant rates many of which weren't delivered/useable.
I don't think they're bothered
I work for a council and even I don't understand it. !
All the more reason to introduce it?
@Ricardo-i3s7f Its a unitary one. There were going to be savings galore ! Every contact they give out, the contractors run rings round them. Over price every single time. However, did give you time to read and comment on you tube videos on a child Tuesday afternoon 🤣
Looking from the inside out I’m not surprised you don’t see anything!
You must be one of the rare few that actually work for a council, because few employees don't. They are however, very good at ping pong, where no decisions are made.
@ or is that pong ping? I’m sure the council could have a meeting, a committee and a working group on it and still not come to a conclusion!
Enough is enough! This just can’t be permitted to happen! You’re not cynical Dan, it’s crystal clear what’s going on here! This needs to be challenged
Dainel has well and truly been "red pilled". Its great to see him attacking these issues head on and bringing them to light for those who may not be aware what is happening. I hope they dont end up going for him professionally like we've seen with others in the past, Russell Brand for example. Stay safe, stay true.
Thank you Daniel, Taking money from the elderly,who have paid into the system all their working lives, then giving billions to countries for war,is not right.
100% agree
It is disgusting.
100% agree with you.
I dread to think what the state the uk will be in by the next election. I don’t think the uk will recover in my life time.
I beg to differ, sometimes you need to sink so low to bring about real change.
@ it’s going well past that point.
Will there be a "Next Election"? Dictators like Starmer understand 'delay' & 'deny' only too well. It would be nice were 'depose' to apply, without bloodshed if possible: but go he must, & quickly.
Sounds very much like divide and conquer.
Yes you are correct just like they do in the middle east 😎
I doubt they've thought it through that far. More likely, they know the local elections are going to be a massive rejection, so they are delaying some of them.
Why do think they're pro immigration? They don't like foreigners. They just hate natives because they're informed and are less likely to resist their authoritarianism...
I find it quite sadistic. Bullies.
@@RoccoMacloud This is why diversity is 'their' strength. It is easier to rule the peasants if they can't unite to overthrow you.
Everyone pisses and complains ,but nobody does anything. Cos they are now even scared to think it!.
There will be a lot of very angry people if this happens!
The fuse is burning!!
Having spoken to several friends and family who voted LABOUR at the last election, they have ALL now regretted that vote and wish they'd have voted for REFORM UK . That's how lied to and let down they feel now by labour.
I’m pretty sure that the whole of Britain regret it, to be honest.
Just some more than others. ☹️
yet not yet even 3 million people have signed the vote of no confidence for Starmer.. where are all the Labour voters when it comes to responsibility? Hmm.. I think I know - lefties don't change.
67% of us who cast a vote knew how bad it would be .... that's why we had the IQ NOT to vote Liebour in...
At least you know the IQ of those people is on a par with weeds in your garden - half a brain told you labour would be a disaster!!!
All you Labour voters were warned not to trust Labour after the last lot destroyed the country, but you all still voted them in and now, we all have to suffer these consequences, so thank you very much for destroying democracy in this country and for voting in the biggest bunch of fraudsters I have ever seen!
I am beyond sickened by this farce of a Govt. now.
If my vote for the council is denied then why should I pay the council tax? No council election, no payment. Lots of mayors running around will stick taxes up.
if you live in a council bungalow you dont pay it lucky me
As a British tax payer I have a right to vote in every election it is my right cowed labour no back bone 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧
Britain our only hope is Reform UK period!
And also look at where they’re cancelling them. Reform heartlands and places Reform are likely to take their seat.
It's so obvious, it's almost funny
It's literally the actions of a third world dictatorship.
don't think Scotland Wales and Northern Ireland will have this problem as they are dissolved assemblies
I think they will look at Labour strongholds and merge them with seats that are closely held by opposition parties and can dilute their vote by doing this.
Article 3 Protocol 1 of the ECHR states we have the right to free and fair elections...surely, he is in clear breach of this?
Imagine it..he cancels these elections until 2027.- How many more newcomers will have arrived by then, all expected to vote for him? An extra 3 million? 4 million?
And just maybe a Reform council would prioritise British families for housing above immigrants or am I being a cynic
@mobob75 which they would, or at least make it fair and equitable.
Go bring a claim against the government then.
No? I thought so.
The ECHR is outdated and useless they only ever get involved if the UK wants to deport foreign criminals, otherwise they do not care
@@TheTacticalHaggis We will.
Clearly we're all paying too much tax for them to be splashing it around! Imagine how great the country would be if we kept our dosh and spent it at home... 😮
While they have the nerve to CUT WINTER PAYMENTS for our pensioners!!
Worse than morons: morons cannot help their shortcomings. Starmer & his minions are deliberately evil thus deserve neither sympathy nor mercy.
Don't pay the council tax.
Not an option when you are on UC, they just take you to court & deduct it from your benifits
@@StevieZalathe idea is getting enough in numbers to do it to make any action they take impossible. It requires a massive majority.
@@StevieZala that takes time and resources.
@@johnj4860 But they send a summons within a month of your first missed payment. They seem to have resources for that but not the resources for staff in their office for you to speak to & sort it out.
How is government legally allowed to do whatever they want? They are after all servants of the people. How do they manage to be above the law?
they change it like blair did with the traitor law to suit there agenda or narrative when they please once in power, they do has they wish ,and yes we had gov so the royals dont screw us all now the gov and royals are screwing us , we screwed them all with brexit i guess they lost millions lol so now they hate us with a passion and hitting out like bully boys but we will win over they theresmore of us than themand they know it hence starmer trying to stop local election because its then that we destroy labour at local elections that should of been done yrs ago
Local goverment reform and reorganisation has happened for years, usually at the request of the councils.
I don't recall BBB being outraged when us in Northamptonshire were denied a vote for quite a few years whilst the county and borough councils slowly converted to 2 unitaries.
Becasue who is actually going to physically deal with them? Its a question of power not morals, legality or social obligation. Those are just terms of deception to fool slaves with. They have absolutely no reason to submit, for the most part because they are corrupted and controlled by hidden groups we all know >>>who"""
More Khan's, what a great idea!.......................... For you who do not understand this is sarcasm.
It's true though
They are literally moving the goalposts. They will ensure that any potential ReformUK seats are eaten up by Labour strongholds
Unitary councils for regions will end up costing more, due to the usual reasons. The people at the top will demand ever higher pay and have ever more people under them in order to justify this increase in pay. We have seen it with the NHS, the GLC big corporations etc and of course in states like Russia where the bureaucracy increases exponentially. (Edit) And I forgot the palaces (offices) they will build to run this all.
Just 6 months ago we looked down on China and their political methods. Now we're worse.
This is the kind of event that would happen in the Soviet Union {Russia}
what a surprise Labour. Go Vote Reform.
They get all their ideas from failed states and election losers.
And they have the cheek to suggest Reform are a risk to democracy
This is a dangerous development.
But how corrupt is this and how can starmmer be allowed to get away with this. where is the conservative party that they are not opposing this
See what happens when we don't have a real constitution??
Trying to avoid the embarrassment of losing councils and the press scrum that will follow. Starmer is like a tourist right now anywhere else but home.
Mayors? You mean Commisars.
This is not going to end well for the labour party
It's not going to end well for us.
@@MalachiCove don't underestimate the depth of anger now built up in the population, crappot weird is in for a rough ride
Could give rise to local corruption for votes and money not going back to the 1800's where the borough's were corrupt. Just like Caerphilly when the councillor took a large sum the tax money and put it in his pension even though he was caught, he was suspended on full pay for a year and no more was said.
@@prestoncrewnarrowboaters8619 I fear that by crushing freedom of speech and creating a Stazi police force and judiciary and an overwhelming majority in Parliament, oppression of the common man is now all too easy.
Just look at london and look how that turned out!!
We should start a crowd funder to take Labour the European Court of Human Rights for trying to deny the British people's right to a fair election.
Parish councils, councillors, district councils are a fundamental element of the UK. This needs to be halted completely. Many district and county councils already use shared services, often outsourced too, and a lot have moved to more standardised online platforms. One area that could be improved is council tax. HMRC could create a local taxation department, as many other countries do. This would allow a default council tax payment via the tax system, which would be overridden when your home address is selected and the council tax paid.
Parish councils spend very little indeed, but it is highly effective and keeps residents involved. An important function of Parish Councils is in the review of planning applications, where the plans are discussed and comments received, allowing the Parish Council to submit comments on planning applications which are not from neighbours, individual households, and I think adds more weight to the obesrvations and questions. Already other areas of local government are not working, social services for example, where it is extremely difficult to make contact, hold them to account.
This load of clowns know they in trouble. How on earth do we get them out if we can't vote??
Revolution is actually the only answer.
I just don’t know how we could organise this.
Abuses powers to scumm us
Simple, you can’t.
@@tonymarkey6525 When things get bad enough so many people rise up that it appears organised. It rarely is
@@tonymarkey6525word of mouth is the best way, do it with tech and you'll be rumbled
Surely not all politicians agree with these 2 why don’t they speak up 🤬
Utter cowardice and complete absence of integrity and accountability.
This is a terrifying direction 😨
& wholly predictable. Peter Hitchens warned us about this well-documented authoritarian Trotskyist.
We were subjected to a taste of this with the abolition of AVDC and now everything is Bucks Council.
And its terrible.
More cost, more red tape, more bureaucracy.
It's interesting that Thames Water is driving itself into the ground at a time when Labour wants to take it back from shareholders and nationalise water.
It's interesting that so many councils are pleading poverty at a time when Labour wants to install mayors and create unitary authorities.
It's also interesting that after years of accusing the Tories of selling of British assets abroad, the postal service is being sold to foreign ownership.
This is outrageous what Labour are doing with elections and surely there is some law to protect our rights to vote in may as should have been?
This is about increasing mayors powers to activate the c40 cities they want implementing
So democracy is dangerous to democracy.
Oh ... you mean Populism.
@@lindsayheyes925 Look up the origins of the word Populism , it's meaning has been changed to suit Left Wing Activists , FACT !
@@lindsayheyes925 Populisim = Those who put the ordinary person before the Elite or Wealthy ! ☺
Reform are a threat to the illusion of democracy. That's what they mean.
Democracy is dangerous to totalitarianism.
If you are denied democracy in your constituency then it is your duty to withhold council tax. No taxation without representation.
We need a Referendom on spending, itemized on the Referendom form each spending lump of money. BECAUSE ITS OUR MONEY !
They keep digging their hole even deeper. Don't let them get away with it!
Love your work. Keep it coming. Thank you. ❤
Would it be legal to withhold council tax if elections are denied as no taxation without representation
No council can prove liability of Notice
@@dama054 yes if we make a case for it.
Next time you get a council tax bill ,tell them you are willing to pay but they must provide an invoice, then watch them lie with excuses,threats ect .
@@Roatanlova68fmp71lliiiak then we need to start the process
Great idea, but I bet we would be chucked in jail for not paying our council tax.. 😥😥😥
Don't forget... Hitler was a socialist too....
Neither Hitler or Starmer were/are socialist.
A national one, the international ones wanted to give the country away just like our PM.
He also denied people their democratic rights to vote and imprisoned opponents
Thing is, he didn't turn on his own people like this lot!
George Bernard Shaw was a leading Fabian Socialist (as is Starmer) and he said in 1934 that Adolf was great and everyone should be happy.
Labour 2024, the largest, intake of one term MPs EVER!!!
I would like to challenge the government to prepare a line-by-line itemized ledger to account for the alleged UKP22b black hole.
We are at the point where we have so many layers of administration, there will be no one left to actually do anything.
Tax and spend. It’s the Labour way.
Big fan of your videos. Thanks so much for all you hard work.
Restructuring until it's totalitarian and starmer will be in forever, his moves should be strongly opposed.
Looking at the rising levels of crime in London and the mayor there suggesting it's just part of city life and refusing to address the issue, I'm not sure having a lot more regional mayors is the answer?
Certainly not for citizens who want a democratic representative.
Removing the local people - removing people who might be obstacles ! Labour removing opposition!
If you can’t vote in your council then surely you won’t pay council tax
Well it's looking like we the people who have UNALIENABLE RIGHTS are going to have to do something about this parliament 🇬🇧💙🙏
Here in the heart of England ( leicester)....we already financially support two mayor's yes 2 !
Mo and Mo not doubt ?
@@anglosax-on1 M&M 😂😂
Why 2 when there is only 1 town?
@@junehitchcock170East and West Midlands regional mayors,then each town/city mayor hence two mayors.
Ah a fellow Leicesterian.
How can this madness be protested ❤ why not Britain first
This is the kind of tactic we expect from banana republics, not a parliamentary democracy. Get rid of this disgusting government.