Witchers 1 & 2 were out when the video was made. The issue is that neither were ever released on a PS platform (only Xbox & PC), which bars them from entry on a PS channel's list. That being said, Witcher 2's variety of choices & consequences were so many, people needed flow charts & other detailed descriptions of everything that would happen based on the different routes taken. Honestly, The Witcher 2 didn't have as MANY choices as Witcher 3 or the Mass Effect series, but it had more closed-path choices, whereby each route would prevent you from experiencing a lot of the story and quests...they would even prevent you from seeing entire settlements! Make this list about All Games rather than PS ones, and I don't see how you could exclude it.
+Jason Collins da origins made me love da2 even after all the bad reviews. I'm playing da:I right now and it's my 2nd play through I still love it. Idk what it is with dragon age that I love lol
Would you recommend Dragon Age Origins and 2 to me? I bought Inquisition and find it really cool, I like a lot of the stuff in this game even if it's a bit special as a rpg ^^
+Akatsubasa yeah origins is a more serious and dark story line and it's harder you actually gotta use strategy in battles but that's what I loved about it the story was great the combat was challenging and the characters are good, I personally like it the most out of all of em
I'm glad Dishonored is on here, as I played through it 4 times. The first time I tried to play stealthy, but didn't do great at it. The second time, I was a whirlwind on blood and death, and pretty much left Dunwall as a ghost town. The third time, I succeeded in a perfect stealth run never being seen, or having to kill. The fourth was just to clean up the few remaining trophies I needed for the Platinum ( my first, and currently only ).
neet tomate i would get to the point where i could collect those Special Rocket Launchers (the one that Ada tosses to you at the final boss), and would have a case full of like 4 or 5 of them at once XD i mean all i needed to progress was the Typewriter and Ashley's Knight Armor costume and i was untouchable ill also give a shoutout to the Ratchet and Clank games, especailly Up Your Arsenal. could play each of those games no less than several dozen times each and would never get enough of them
Most Resident Evil games are great for multiple playthroughs. In fact, New Game+ was Capcom's shtick in PS1/2 era, almost no other devs. made that mode, but you got bonuses, extra goodies and modes after finishing Dino Crisis or Onimusha, but RE2 (original, not remake) got the most mileage from minimum four playthroghs to see the whole game (Claire and Leon A/B). Remake needs just two, B was ruined. But RE4/5/6 are great to replay even just for the combat, yeah!
Dishonoured is such an amazing game. I really hope we see a sequel to it at E3, if they announced a remastering of the first one i'd be one happy Quarian : ).
Scarce Hyperion I'd bet money on Dishonored 2 being made right now, but there is no proof it's 1. called Darkness of Tyvia and 2. being released in 2016.
Search Dishonored Darkness of Tyvia on UA-cam and there's a trailer. Also there are images of the Darkness of Tyvia logo on Google. It says it's only on the next gen consoles as well.
7 games you have to play at least twice (Nicholas Edition): 1. Persona 3 FES (using different personas, tackling different Social Links, trying out all the vendors and finding the Easter eggs for other games/anime, etc). 2. Spec Ops: The Line (FUBAR difficulty alone is enough to tackle a second run through this game, as well as playing through the game again, this time trying not to die at all so that your visions of lunacy stay intact until the very end for the endgame recount of your actions, and how they differ depending on whether or not you hear the game without dying as well the choices you made). 3. The "Uncharted" series (rich visuals to just sit back and stare at for hours, witty dialogue to hear, brilliantly choreographed action sequences, and an illustrious cast to admire through many playthroughs, collecting all the treasures, finding the Easter eggs, and seeing if you can locate all the secret areas within each chapter's map. 4. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (perhaps you started playing as an Imperial warrior who faced every threat head-on, sword and shield in tow, but now you wish to be a wood elf archer who stealthfully punishes enemies from afar while budding a romance with a Thief Guild member named Styra. There are infinite possibilities to uncover in Skyrim, so much so that you may never want to leave after the halfway-point of that first goal). 5. Any Telltale episodic adventure made after the release of "The Walking Dead: Season 1" (what more needs to be said beyond trying out new combinations of choices, and seeing how they play out for you? Whether it's investigating new leads in "The Wolf Among Us," ruling honorably or with an iron fist in "Game of Thrones," or watching Clementine grow up in the later seasons of TWD, TellTale chapter games are phenomenally easy to replay and explore. 6. The "Fire Emblem" franchise (Notably, "Blazing Sword," "Radiant Dawn," and "Awakening;" this series of fantasy-set strategy RPGs were built for instant replay value, carefully constructing vast worlds and lore that surround hundreds upon hundreds of characters for you to learn about, study how they fight together, craft new strategies for clearing each chapter, and discovering secrets either through conversations and marriages between characters, or through hidden parts of the chapter maps). 7. "Catherine" (this particularly strange yet vivid Altus title is by its own nature made for two playthroughs or more, based on your initial decision of which C/K atherine you'd like to pursue; do you desire stability and an assured partner who will stand by you? Or do you want ruthless sexual abandon, and no obligation to grow up and claim responsibility? Or maybe you want to play a third time, and carve your own path? There are actually 9 different possible ways to play "Catherine," all depending on which ending you want to see for yourself, and all the while honing your block-ladder-puzzle solving capabilities for the Babel Challenge Mode). 😊
Spec Ops The Line was good. Shame not many games are like it. Story aside, are there games that have the same gameplay/flow? Just progressing through the levels (not open world, designed stages), killing tons of enemies, shooting environment, using melee and special finish attacks while commanding your squad while immersing in the atmosphere. I love third person combat but apart from Mass Effect, Spec Ops and Resident Evil, I haven't played many good 3P shooters.
I played through Final Fantasy X-2 at least 4 times using New Game Plus. You get to keep all your equipment, skills, and story points, which helps when going for that magical 100% completion. You also can choose a different set of options during the game and see a different side of the story.
ive been watching a bunch of your videos lately and have noticed that you pretty much use the same games for every single countdown. FF7, Dark Souls, Mass Effect, and MGS are in almost every countdown.
Ratchet and clank were some of my favorites to play over and over again. I remember when I was around ten and I got the first one for my birthday, i played for multiple all nighters, and everytime a new one was introduced to me I'd get the urge to just go through and play all the others again. It ended up being an almost yearly thing for me, just everytime it popped into my head I'd go back and play through them all
+Draven Flores ME1 being quit dated it could be not to your liking,2&3 are just superb,buy them used ,cheap and loads of fun . Renegade Femshep is the best character you'll play .
The best thing about Metal Gear being so complicated is that you forget some details of the story after a year so you play it again. Also, it's like one of those movies you can watch 50 times without getting boring.
I agree. I think MGS is probably my most 'clocked' game. I'm struggling to think of any other game I've played through as much... Resident Evil 4 and Tenchu are not far behind though.
I played them all on the second highest difficulty the first time as the good guy. Then played them on the hardest as the bad guy. Even though the game was technically harder, the fact that I could just cause massive levels of mayhem and not have to worry about casualties made it easier in a way.
Dragon Age: Origins 5 times in a row. Half of them were my same broken Arcane warriro/spirit healer/battle mage. Tanked better than Alistair. Out melee dps'd a 2 hander, out healed Wynne and outcasted Morrigan. Once her build got going, nightmare was a joke aside from the high Dragons.
I like playing infamous second son multiple times trying out both the good route and the evil route + I love using the neon power during the night missions
What I would do (and did) is play it on easy and then normal then hard then survival then grounded! Thank you for the respect and I'm never going to do that again!
@S G Enemies don't have more health. The just do triple the damage and supplies are rare. Some things are even easier. In grounded the Revolver is a one shot kill on non armored targets.
Indeed all Bioware games and Bethesda games must each be played several times. For me personally, there's also Witcher 3, Batman Arkham City (new game +), Bioshock Infinite (1999 mode), and certain Telltale games.
oh man, you're one of the best gamers I've seen in my entire life, because of your good taste in making this lists, and also you're one of the original fans of mgs 😊😁👌👌👌
I've played Red Dead Redemption 4 times... each time I played it slightly differently. My favorite game of all-time (Mass Effect is a close second and I've played each one 3 times)
Chrono Cross and Chrono Trigger, there are so many endings and sub quests to those 2 games you just can't finish it on your first play trough. Tales of Phantasia, I finished the Snes version, the PSX version, the PSP Version... If it's released on the Vita I'll buy it there and finish it again.
fieryelf yeah i was thinking both cross/trigger as well as vagrant story and resident evil 2 the whole time i watched this. i never replayed phantasia tho.
definetly suikoden II (the first one I played), I remember the feeling when I found out I can recruit 108 characters, and I got 60 or so, next playthrough got up to 70, next one a bit more and so on and so on, until my 14th playthrough after few years and learning that there are this fun things online called 'walkthroughs'. I was sooo happy when I saw the true ending
+KeybladeWielderXV My favourite still remains KH II. As for 358/2 Days I've only seen the cutscenes included in HD I.5 ReMix. I cried like hell at the end :( Anyway, I have decided I will get it and Re: Coded for my 2DS so I can play them as well
Its well worth it. The game is a lot better than the cutscenes. The remake was just empty. It added everything the original needed, but stripped away what it already had in the first place.
So true, definetly 358/2 Days is my favourite game specially because it was the first ARPG I ever had (RPG are my favourite types of games) Roxas was amazing and the battles were awesome I remember that *SPOILER* in the battle against Saix I was thinking "Roxas get him and throw him out the castle through a window" *SPOILER ENDS* The two final battles were amazing too.
I've played through Legend of Dragoon 5 times. Once on PS1, twice on PS2, and twice on PS3 after buying it from the network store (4 disc game for $6, how could you not). Absolute favorite game hands down
Bloodborne has replayability also due to the subtle exchanges with NPC's. Not that I've finished it yet, but already have a list of things I need to do next time round.
Frank Thepug Even when you do speak to some NPC's your interactions with others might influence them. I'm avoiding spoilers but second time round will delve deep into the Guide and also a couple of channels on here that cover lore etc.
spookster23 God .. I *need* about $600 to fall out of the sky so that I can afford a PS/4 and some games for it. >sigh< I've been reduced to watching some "lets plays" of Bloodborne _before_ playing it myself instead of _after_, and if I watch much more, I'll be in real 'spoiler territory'. Aaaaaaaah!
Every Jak and daxter,ratchet and clank,sly cooper, LBP, and infamuos but i didnt waste my time by replaying TLOU because it is the same freaking game but with new outfits
Connor Stone i didnt bother to replay it because its like a great book you've read or a great movie you've seen so watching it again or reading it again wouldnt effect you as the first time so i left that great story behind me and never looked back at it again
Ken Kaneki well i guess so ..i mean was it 30 different outcomes ? plus the game takes 200 hours to complete and another 30 for every expansion so 6000 hours to see every outcome ..
yousef mn Nah finishing the game will not take anywhere near 200+ hours the developers are just including EVERYTHING possible to do in the game i'd say main story+sidequests will take about 80-120 hours,which is still alot but not 200,also to see all 36 endings you will need to skip some sidequests. Don't get me wrong,i'm not trying to down talk the game,i've pre-orederd and i can hardly wait to play it,but the game will not take 200 hours to finish.
+Zukasa Gaming everyone who thinks that his console is way better than a pc, is just a little fanboy. I wish them Fun buying new Consoles every year to play new games. PC Masterrace.
All of the Soul game series and Bloodborne I have done more and a few dozen playthroughs. They call me back to do the madness all over again to rise up and kill everything in my sight with a different class. What a beauty haha
Bethesda games always had the best replayability, there was always so much to explore and so many options. I spend most of my time switching between fallout and the elder scrolls games.
Gilgamesh Ultima I never kept track of how many times, but *if* I remember correctly, the last time I had that PS/3 (hard drive) I had max-levelled three Commandos, two Assassins, one-and-a-half Sirens, and one-third of a Gunzerker. Oh .. and one Mechromancer and one Psycho... God, that was a fun multiplayer game.
Star Wars; Knights Of The Old Republic 1 & 2 I've played through them both several times. Good, Evil, Neutral. And I still love going back and playing again.
Rich Mond Dead Space 1 is such a good game. I unlocked the platinum in just 2 playthroughs but I must've replayed it at least 10 times. The rest of the series didn't keep my interest.
The tales series is a good example, my person favorite being tales of the abyss; the grade shop new game plus feature is amazing, you get to change game mechanics like exp and gold amounts received from battle, and choose things to carry over, by using currency you get by doing well in battles to buy them.
yeah. I played Abyss two times i think (will play another one soon) but the one I played the most is Tales of Symphonia, at least 10 times xD (you need at least 5 playthroughs to get the platinum in PS3)
***** The story of the last of us is incredible, the environement, the chracters, the theme, all that is incredible, but the gameplay is at an incredibly low level compared to any game 10 years older, its just incredibly... poor in that regard
Was going to mention Persona...Persona in general is an amazing series, and NG+ is always interesting.....gotta love trying to make the best possible persona for each stage of the game! Its like...pokemon, if at the end of pokemon you could start at the beginning, and, given you had spent enough time in the new game, you could call out your old pokemon!
The Last of Us is one of my favorite games of all time! I absolutely love it! But I only played it like a handful of times. What I do is, I'll play it and I'll go a good 6 to 12 months, maybe longer, and I'll probably go back to it. I wait that long because I want it to feel fresh when I replay it. It won't feel new, obviously but that way, I won't get sick of it by playing it again so soon. I don't know if I would get sick of it but I want it to feel fresh each time. When I do replay it, I'll play on Normal because I want to enjoy it, and not hate myself by playing it on Grounded. I don't know if I'll ever play it on grounded.
over the course of my life i've beaten a ratchet and clank game at least 70 times. predominantly up your arsenal and, tools of destruction and crack in time
I love playing Castlevania, Mirror of Fate. The sound track, the visuals, the combat... It's beautiful. I must have played it through a dozen times already, not including replaying the big boss fights against Dracula.
dave is not the only one, i play the dragon age origin like 5 or 6 times and i always romance leliana then play the marathon to the inquisition which again 7 times and all 7 i romance sera
Your Mass Effect reasoning is more true to traditional RPGs, like other Bioware games or Black Isle/Obsidian RPGs like KOTOR, Planescape: Torment, NWN, Fallout or Baldur's Gate, where you can be EITHER good or evil - in ME, you don't have to be full Paragon on Renegade in a run: thankfully, the morality points are not deducted, unlike most games (Fallout karma, Light/Dark side points, Lawful/Good to Chaotic/Evil in DnD). No reason to go back and forth in your alignment to do everything in Mass Effect, so... Biggest real reason is to replay the trilogy are mutually exclusive stuff: the extra dialogue, unique quips of each party member on various missions, different characters existing (Kaidan/Ashley, 2 diff sets of Councils, Wreav/Wrex - that's just some of ME1 picks), side-quests and different outcomes based on your playthrough, which are not just binary good/bad choices. You can have paragon outcomes in ME2/3 to events that happen if you kill Wrex and Rachni Queen, for example. Restore Spectre status in ME2 if you save the council, OR screw them and get opposite NPC reactions. There are at least 3 ways to solve most quests, male and female Sheps have different romance combinations (Tali and Liara getting jealous at each other is different to either one vs. Ashley), all six classes have exclusive powers, and so on - simply doing full paragon and full renegade playthroughs will miss out on a lot. Hell, based on mission order, you can have either Mordin on Grunt's recruitment, or Grunt on Mordin's, and both have great lines, in 3, Tali is fun on Krogan Team but then if you do it before getting her, you can bring her and VS to Bomb mission instead, and so on... everybody has great Niftu Cal the Biotic God lines. For ALL outcomes. It's insane! P.S. Special props for singling out FF8 out of them all, it's often overlooked. P.P.S. Yes, the green stealth "Uh-uh-uh-uh-uh..." choking monster. Playing MGS with stealth is must thing for every gamer. Especially nice for when you were a kid and didn't know what stealth is, learning some basic mechanics of Metal Gear on SECOND playthrough! xD
Ultimate Doom, Doom 2, Doom 3, Doom 2016, Quake, Demon's Souls, Dark Souls, 2&3 Bloodborne, Bioshock 1&2 Borderlands 1,2&presequel dead space1-3 dead rising 1,2 To name a few I played through many many times... been playing Demon's since 2009 I have over 1000hours on two characters borderlands 2 been playing since release now again on PS4 just can't get enough of these games👆🏻
My favorite game, that no matter what I have always played to the very end countless times, is Azure Dreams. I absolutely love this game, and ever since I was 4 years old, I've played it more times than I can count.
Isn't it a 400+ hour game with all the side quests and dlc, I don't know anyone that has completed it once, let alone twice! There are only like 5 games i have over 400 hours in, Resident Evil 5 and Lost Planet 2 being the only ones where i know i don't have to check play time on campaign.
yeah I was going to say most ppl just keep playing the first save up to 1000 hrs for some ppl. My first was 450+. Only Hardcore "Role Players" usually make multiple playthroughs like thief, archer, mage, or even more intricate stuff like idk a hunter with a specific backstory who just hunts and survives. The latter ppl are usually modders as well.
I played Metal Gear Solid through so many times! I got the bandana and the stealth suit. But there were so many hidden things as well. If you found the camera you could take 'ghost' pictures. And on the third play through everyone's costumes changed. Also played Final Fantasy X-2 through several times because of new game plus and the promise of 100%-ing the game with all the hidden little cut scenes and extras.
Tʜᴇ Gᴀᴍᴇ Cʜᴀɴɢᴇʀ Somehow when I was little I decided to play Ratchet Deadlocked literally over 20 times (I think the challenge mode number on my profile reached 22). Looking back R&C3 and Crack in Time are better as general games, but between those 3 they're fantastic for replaying and probably my favorites in the series.
Tʜᴇ Gᴀᴍᴇ Cʜᴀɴɢᴇʀ you mean up your arsenal? the most beloved game in my history and my first excursion into the microphone on head online world. yes sir an underated god of its time.
Resident Evil games all of them unlock new things after you beat them including the infinite rocket launcher which makes going through them so much fun knowing you're going to destroy everything one of my favorite all-time unlockables is the Tommy Gun and gangster suit from RE 4
megarockmanz Resident Evil and Souls games are my 2 favourite game series and the best thing is that they are so replayable. Hell, I've never beaten RE3 (damn you water puzzle!) but I've played it like 10 times. And that's on the low end of playthroughs.
***** In grounded though the only respawns are at the beginning middle or end of the level. So over an hour of work can be completely gone if you die. I love both games, but I personally found Last Of Us Grounded to be harder.
The Last of US is a different kind of hard. Its not the kind of hard that you can learn from and have a flawless run. AI is very rng based and a loss can come to even the best player at no fault of theirs and that's not a satisfying hard. With DS and games of that ilk they are very hard but the more you learn and skilled you become the faster and easier it feels. That doesn't mean the games any easier you've just mastered the difficult gameplay.
Lone Star ugggh Ninja Gaiden on Sega Genesis was infuriating. Yeah that series is hard in its own right but. That's another one that takes lucky runs mixed with skill that's why it FEELS hard. Similar to TLoU on Grounded just not to the same degree.
Yeah, it's early RPGs that have either dark or light path, ME has so many variations to each outcome, it's impossible to see it all in just two runs... There's like five ways to kill Wrex alone)))
Ratchet and Clank, Prey, Elder Scrolls, Fallout, Arkham series, Dead Space, Infamous, any Lego game, basically anything with new game +. The list goes on and on.
Suikoden III (which is never mentioned in Rob's ramblings), Final Fantasy VII, Resident Evil 4 & Last of Us were games I finished and immediately wanted to play again
+Meechy ikr there's something satisfying about seeing all ratchets guns change as they upgrade into more ludicrous weapons of mass destruction and jak games had a good story despite some of the stupid difficult side missons in the later games..... hover bikes were the bane of my existence in jak 2
I love re-playing my favourite games. For example Batman Arkham Asylum and City, Uncharted 2 and 3, infamous 1 and 2, Burnout Paradise, AC1 and some others. Because I have to play them in every difficulty (and get 100% in each), in different languages, for different game styles and also in 3D! It's just great!
for me wolfenstein old blood and the new order best games to play twice and more . otherwise I didnt like dark soul I prefer the lords of the fallen .. but nothing will compare these games with "God of War " .
W.S music Production That's interesting, I hated Lords of the Fallen. Have you tried Bloodborne? In my opinion, Bloodborne and Demon's Souls are by far the best in the Souls series.
@@angelodeavila At least it's not X-2. 100% completion on that game requires a Newgame+, and it unlocks a special uber dungeon. The reward for clearing the new dungeon? A dressshpere that you will have no use for unless you do ANOTHER newgame+! Ok technically you can go around post-completion thwacking all the things that respawn after you kill them. But you don't get to use it in any real boss fights.
played all those games multiple times too crysis and deus ex you can also play stealthily or go all out but the one game i have played i dont even know how many times was the 1st Diablo it took me like 5 playthroughs on nightmare to get a character from level 33 to level 34 alone
Witcher. Multiple endings,multiple different choices and outcomes and the character abilities can be changed drastically in each play through
Abrar Shahid Don't think it was out when this list was made
Sean Wattsmoore Guess the same can't be said about Witcher 1&2
Witchers 1 & 2 were out when the video was made. The issue is that neither were ever released on a PS platform (only Xbox & PC), which bars them from entry on a PS channel's list.
That being said, Witcher 2's variety of choices & consequences were so many, people needed flow charts & other detailed descriptions of everything that would happen based on the different routes taken. Honestly, The Witcher 2 didn't have as MANY choices as Witcher 3 or the Mass Effect series, but it had more closed-path choices, whereby each route would prevent you from experiencing a lot of the story and quests...they would even prevent you from seeing entire settlements!
Make this list about All Games rather than PS ones, and I don't see how you could exclude it.
Im still trying to beat its dlc
@@Robodragon17 I just beat both dlc the other day
Dragon age origins is the one game I went back and beat more then once. One of the greatest rpg's I've ever played.
even better with mods
done at least 1 play through for each of the back stories all the way through da3
+Jason Collins da origins made me love da2 even after all the bad reviews. I'm playing da:I right now and it's my 2nd play through I still love it. Idk what it is with dragon age that I love lol
Would you recommend Dragon Age Origins and 2 to me? I bought Inquisition and find it really cool, I like a lot of the stuff in this game even if it's a bit special as a rpg ^^
+Akatsubasa yeah origins is a more serious and dark story line and it's harder you actually gotta use strategy in battles but that's what I loved about it the story was great the combat was challenging and the characters are good, I personally like it the most out of all of em
Youngpoonslayer Ok thanks for the info, it's really tempting now ^^ and what about 2?
Mass Effect is one of those games I havent played but I really want to.
It's amazing
Do it I just finished the trilogy amazing games .
What are you waiting for???? Hurry up before Andromeda comes out!!!!!
Just do it !
Jo Lesssgo You only think that becoz u haven't played the 1st two
now make 7 games you dont want to play twice
That would be smart
Cod advanced warfare multiplayer, playing it once was bad enough
***** I couldn't even do one playthrough of Knack. I wanted to murder someone.
Man1ac123 it would be full of cod
Bioshock Infinite - so boring and nonsensically stupid.
I'm glad Dishonored is on here, as I played through it 4 times. The first time I tried to play stealthy, but didn't do great at it. The second time, I was a whirlwind on blood and death, and pretty much left Dunwall as a ghost town. The third time, I succeeded in a perfect stealth run never being seen, or having to kill. The fourth was just to clean up the few remaining trophies I needed for the Platinum ( my first, and currently only ).
That "sick day" look is gold!
Resident Evil 4
No joke, played it no less than *50 times* at least
+5persondude Me too. Love this game. I even did speedruns.
neet tomate i would get to the point where i could collect those Special Rocket Launchers (the one that Ada tosses to you at the final boss), and would have a case full of like 4 or 5 of them at once XD i mean all i needed to progress was the Typewriter and Ashley's Knight Armor costume and i was untouchable
ill also give a shoutout to the Ratchet and Clank games, especailly Up Your Arsenal. could play each of those games no less than several dozen times each and would never get enough of them
Jeez ive played it about 3 times to completion.. Thought that was a lot. Apparently not.
Most Resident Evil games are great for multiple playthroughs. In fact, New Game+ was Capcom's shtick in PS1/2 era, almost no other devs. made that mode, but you got bonuses, extra goodies and modes after finishing Dino Crisis or Onimusha, but RE2 (original, not remake) got the most mileage from minimum four playthroghs to see the whole game (Claire and Leon A/B). Remake needs just two, B was ruined. But RE4/5/6 are great to replay even just for the combat, yeah!
Dishonoured is such an amazing game. I really hope we see a sequel to it at E3, if they announced a remastering of the first one i'd be one happy Quarian : ).
There is a Dishonored sequel coming in 2016. It's called darkness of Tyvia.
Scarce Hyperion
Where did you get the info from?.
Scarce Hyperion I'd bet money on Dishonored 2 being made right now, but there is no proof it's 1. called Darkness of Tyvia and 2. being released in 2016.
Search Dishonored Darkness of Tyvia on UA-cam and there's a trailer. Also there are images of the Darkness of Tyvia logo on Google. It says it's only on the next gen consoles as well.
Scarce Hyperion the trailer I found was fake (the one in the snow) and I only found rumours about an obviously false gc 2014 reveal rumour
When you say twice you mean 30+ right?
Daniel Phillips OFC
Me and skyrim
@@Robodragon17 I figured it was short-hand for "more than once". especially since he mentioned Dark Souls and Newgame+6.
Daniel Phillips like nier automata lol
7 games you have to play at least twice (Nicholas Edition):
1. Persona 3 FES (using different personas, tackling different Social Links, trying out all the vendors and finding the Easter eggs for other games/anime, etc).
2. Spec Ops: The Line (FUBAR difficulty alone is enough to tackle a second run through this game, as well as playing through the game again, this time trying not to die at all so that your visions of lunacy stay intact until the very end for the endgame recount of your actions, and how they differ depending on whether or not you hear the game without dying as well the choices you made).
3. The "Uncharted" series (rich visuals to just sit back and stare at for hours, witty dialogue to hear, brilliantly choreographed action sequences, and an illustrious cast to admire through many playthroughs, collecting all the treasures, finding the Easter eggs, and seeing if you can locate all the secret areas within each chapter's map.
4. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (perhaps you started playing as an Imperial warrior who faced every threat head-on, sword and shield in tow, but now you wish to be a wood elf archer who stealthfully punishes enemies from afar while budding a romance with a Thief Guild member named Styra. There are infinite possibilities to uncover in Skyrim, so much so that you may never want to leave after the halfway-point of that first goal).
5. Any Telltale episodic adventure made after the release of "The Walking Dead: Season 1" (what more needs to be said beyond trying out new combinations of choices, and seeing how they play out for you? Whether it's investigating new leads in "The Wolf Among Us," ruling honorably or with an iron fist in "Game of Thrones," or watching Clementine grow up in the later seasons of TWD, TellTale chapter games are phenomenally easy to replay and explore.
6. The "Fire Emblem" franchise (Notably, "Blazing Sword," "Radiant Dawn," and "Awakening;" this series of fantasy-set strategy RPGs were built for instant replay value, carefully constructing vast worlds and lore that surround hundreds upon hundreds of characters for you to learn about, study how they fight together, craft new strategies for clearing each chapter, and discovering secrets either through conversations and marriages between characters, or through hidden parts of the chapter maps).
7. "Catherine" (this particularly strange yet vivid Altus title is by its own nature made for two playthroughs or more, based on your initial decision of which C/K atherine you'd like to pursue; do you desire stability and an assured partner who will stand by you? Or do you want ruthless sexual abandon, and no obligation to grow up and claim responsibility? Or maybe you want to play a third time, and carve your own path? There are actually 9 different possible ways to play "Catherine," all depending on which ending you want to see for yourself, and all the while honing your block-ladder-puzzle solving capabilities for the Babel Challenge Mode).
Spec Ops The Line was good. Shame not many games are like it. Story aside, are there games that have the same gameplay/flow? Just progressing through the levels (not open world, designed stages), killing tons of enemies, shooting environment, using melee and special finish attacks while commanding your squad while immersing in the atmosphere. I love third person combat but apart from Mass Effect, Spec Ops and Resident Evil, I haven't played many good 3P shooters.
how is Skyrim not on here?
Because no one's even completed it one time, let alone more than once.
+daemonCaptrix ha
I've finished it twice
Carnivorous Mower You completed every quest and sidequest not only on one playthrough, but two?
No, I completed the main storyline twice, and all the non-random sidequests once. I recently acquired the DLC and am working through that
I played through Final Fantasy X-2 at least 4 times using New Game Plus. You get to keep all your equipment, skills, and story points, which helps when going for that magical 100% completion. You also can choose a different set of options during the game and see a different side of the story.
Quick tip, don't put the featured game in the description it ruins the point of it being a countdown
We never used to, but got loads of comments asking us to put them in!
***** Put them in such a way that you can only see the list when you expend the description. Everybody will be happy ;)
***** Yeah make it so that you can only see it when you expand the description, because you can see them before you even click the video otherwise
***** Yes.
I should have been there.
You can't get the platinum trophy without playing it twice.
I thought it would be there
***** Better Tip: Watch the video before scrolling down to the comments, moron.
ive been watching a bunch of your videos lately and have noticed that you pretty much use the same games for every single countdown. FF7, Dark Souls, Mass Effect, and MGS are in almost every countdown.
Well I'll be damned.....
+auneakeffect Spot on. But these games are bloody good. So, no complaints about repetation in some videos.
and metal gear
+Zeno Bonk he said mgs already
+auneakeffect he said that its his list.
Ratchet and clank were some of my favorites to play over and over again. I remember when I was around ten and I got the first one for my birthday, i played for multiple all nighters, and everytime a new one was introduced to me I'd get the urge to just go through and play all the others again. It ended up being an almost yearly thing for me, just everytime it popped into my head I'd go back and play through them all
Dragon's Dogma, Skyrim, etc.
+Draven Flores Dragons Dogma I finished maybe 20 times,one of the best games ever. Skyrim the 2nd best game ever after Mass Effect .
EJ Kr I've personally never played Mass Effect, but Dragon's Dogma and Skyrim are some of my favorites as well.
+Draven Flores ME1 being quit dated it could be not to your liking,2&3 are just superb,buy them used ,cheap and loads of fun . Renegade Femshep is the best character you'll play .
Skyrim, Deadpool, (any) Spider-Man, (any) Crash Bandicoot, Spyro New Beginning, (any) Sonic the hedgehog, (any) Mortal Kombat, Starwars Force Unleashed 2, Marvel Ultimate Alliance 1&2, Limbo, 'Splosion Man, Black, Rise to Honor, Spy vs Spy (ps2/xbox), Looney Tunes Acme Arsenal, Looney Tunes Duck Amuck, Iron Man 1&2 maybe 3, (any) God of War, (any) Medievil, Ghost Rider (ps2), (any) Hulk, Asterix at the Olympic Games, etc
+Jargon Madjin God of war 2 playing multiple times to play as a burning fish
The best thing about Metal Gear being so complicated is that you forget some details of the story after a year so you play it again. Also, it's like one of those movies you can watch 50 times without getting boring.
I agree. I think MGS is probably my most 'clocked' game. I'm struggling to think of any other game I've played through as much... Resident Evil 4 and Tenchu are not far behind though.
This is completely true
You could do this one again. After four years, there are all kinds of games that are worth playing again immediately.
Is Rob Sponsered By Dr. Pepper By Any Chance
aynaaz zaneefer No but that's become a running joke
aynaaz zaneefer No, Dr. Pepper gave birth to Rob
Mr Hashwag Makes Sense
aynaaz zaneefer
He's Forrest Gump in disguise! :) .
aynaaz zaneefer whats doctor pepper? is it some american thing? british thing? (idk where these guys are set up)
I played Infamous 1 and 2 twice to see the Good and Evil routes.
Same with Second Son! Just about every InFamous game was like that!
I played them all on the second highest difficulty the first time as the good guy. Then played them on the hardest as the bad guy. Even though the game was technically harder, the fact that I could just cause massive levels of mayhem and not have to worry about casualties made it easier in a way.
Dragon Age: Origins 5 times in a row. Half of them were my same broken Arcane warriro/spirit healer/battle mage. Tanked better than Alistair. Out melee dps'd a 2 hander, out healed Wynne and outcasted Morrigan. Once her build got going, nightmare was a joke aside from the high Dragons.
Mass effect trilogy and Bioshock Saga are the most beautiful games out there... no match
+Martin Rebord And Dishonored is one hell of a game too...
What about now 4 years later???
Ratchet and Clank series for me.
Oh yes
robs smile is literally why I always come back to this channel.
I always romanced Morrigan in Dragon Age Origins, Isabella in Dragon Age 2 and (don't kill me) Cassandra in Dragon Age Inquisition.
No Infamous? That's disappointing. Infamous 1 & 2 are actually the only games I've ever replayed immediately.
would replay it if the controls were manageable for me
+Jason Collins Just bought it recently, and you're right the controls are a bit clunky... I died mostly because of them --'
To be fair, I haven't played them since release.
Kevin Bradley yep cause the alternate karmic endings
Kevin Bradley liarr
I like playing infamous second son multiple times trying out both the good route and the evil route + I love using the neon power during the night missions
I've compleated The Last Of Us on every difficulty! XD
What I would do (and did) is play it on easy and then normal then hard then survival then grounded! Thank you for the respect and I'm never going to do that again!
The Doctor but did you play new game plus?
@S G Enemies don't have more health. The just do triple the damage and supplies are rare.
Some things are even easier.
In grounded the Revolver is a one shot kill on non armored targets.
Brick or bottle???
Indeed all Bioware games and Bethesda games must each be played several times.
For me personally, there's also Witcher 3, Batman Arkham City (new game +), Bioshock Infinite (1999 mode), and certain Telltale games.
Add Black Isle/Obsidian to Bioware. I personally enjoyed NWN2 and KOTOR 2 more than first games. Even if they were a buggy mess.
oh man, you're one of the best gamers I've seen in my entire life, because of your good taste in making this lists, and also you're one of the original fans of mgs 😊😁👌👌👌
I've played Red Dead Redemption 4 times... each time I played it slightly differently. My favorite game of all-time (Mass Effect is a close second and I've played each one 3 times)
Chrono Cross and Chrono Trigger, there are so many endings and sub quests to those 2 games you just can't finish it on your first play trough.
Tales of Phantasia, I finished the Snes version, the PSX version, the PSP Version... If it's released on the Vita I'll buy it there and finish it again.
fieryelf Chrono cross you had to make cast decisions go this way get this character go that way get that character but you can only get either or.
fieryelf yeah i was thinking both cross/trigger as well as vagrant story and resident evil 2 the whole time i watched this. i never replayed phantasia tho.
definetly suikoden II (the first one I played), I remember the feeling when I found out I can recruit 108 characters, and I got 60 or so, next playthrough got up to 70, next one a bit more and so on and so on, until my 14th playthrough after few years and learning that there are this fun things online called 'walkthroughs'. I was sooo happy when I saw the true ending
kingdom Hearts 😀the first one was amazing.
+Jakub Szymaniak i love you
My favourite is Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days
+KeybladeWielderXV My favourite still remains KH II. As for 358/2 Days I've only seen the cutscenes included in HD I.5 ReMix. I cried like hell at the end :( Anyway, I have decided I will get it and Re: Coded for my 2DS so I can play them as well
Its well worth it. The game is a lot better than the cutscenes. The remake was just empty. It added everything the original needed, but stripped away what it already had in the first place.
So true, definetly 358/2 Days is my favourite game specially because it was the first ARPG I ever had (RPG are my favourite types of games) Roxas was amazing and the battles were awesome I remember that *SPOILER* in the battle against Saix I was thinking "Roxas get him and throw him out the castle through a window" *SPOILER ENDS* The two final battles were amazing too.
I lost count of how many times I played through assassins creed 2. I think about 15-16 times
Frank Thepug Woah. that's INTENSE.
True story
Same my favorite of the series
Frank Thepug I wasn't able to finishing ac2. I beat the first one, but when I got about half way though the second, I got burnt out on the gameplay.
I've played through Legend of Dragoon 5 times. Once on PS1, twice on PS2, and twice on PS3 after buying it from the network store (4 disc game for $6, how could you not). Absolute favorite game hands down
Bloodborne has replayability also due to the subtle exchanges with NPC's. Not that I've finished it yet, but already have a list of things I need to do next time round.
Same I've already killed a few important npcs accidentally
Frank Thepug Even when you do speak to some NPC's your interactions with others might influence them. I'm avoiding spoilers but second time round will delve deep into the Guide and also a couple of channels on here that cover lore etc.
oh i plan to
spookster23 God .. I *need* about $600 to fall out of the sky so that I can afford a PS/4 and some games for it. >sigh<
I've been reduced to watching some "lets plays" of Bloodborne _before_ playing it myself instead of _after_, and if I watch much more, I'll be in real 'spoiler territory'. Aaaaaaaah!
Every Jak and daxter,ratchet and clank,sly cooper, LBP, and infamuos but i didnt waste my time by replaying TLOU because it is the same freaking game but with new outfits
LBP requires multiple plays if you want the trophies. No choice lol
ceLLCUbe0618 i am lucky to have three brothers so i had to replay some levels instead of the whole game
Mazin Al-ghammari I played it eight times just for the story. Hmm.
Connor Stone i didnt bother to replay it because its like a great book you've read or a great movie you've seen so watching it again or reading it again wouldnt effect you as the first time so i left that great story behind me and never looked back at it again
Mazin Al-ghammari Alrighty then, I can understand that.
The second I finished The Witcher 3's main story, I went straight in to a second playthrough. Love that game.
Witcher 3 is one of the most replayable games
Soon we'll add The Witcher 3 to this list
Ken Kaneki well i guess so ..i mean was it 30 different outcomes ? plus the game takes 200 hours to complete and another 30 for every expansion so 6000 hours to see every outcome ..
yousef mn lol , that's like playing it forever and still not completing it
yousef mn No branching story lines or choices in Witcher 3.
yousef mn Nah finishing the game will not take anywhere near 200+ hours the developers are just including EVERYTHING possible to do in the game i'd say main story+sidequests will take about 80-120 hours,which is still alot but not 200,also to see all 36 endings you will need to skip some sidequests. Don't get me wrong,i'm not trying to down talk the game,i've pre-orederd and i can hardly wait to play it,but the game will not take 200 hours to finish.
Ken Kaneki Shame Witcher 2 never came to PS3 or heck PS4 as that would be here thanks to Roche's and Ioverths paths.
absolutely with you naming mass effect in multiple videos.. quality epics
This is why I love Friday! =D
Skyrim, Skyrim, Skyrim (on pc though, way more fun with mods to expand what bethesda put no effort into)
PC is weaksauce
There is a little typingerror. you meant to write masterrace
+Zukasa Gaming Yeah i want PC legendary edition suh baddddd but im broke XD
+Zukasa Gaming everyone who thinks that his console is way better than a pc, is just a little fanboy. I wish them Fun buying new Consoles every year to play new games. PC Masterrace.
Curtis Dodsworth
All of the Soul game series and Bloodborne I have done more and a few dozen playthroughs. They call me back to do the madness all over again to rise up and kill everything in my sight with a different class. What a beauty haha
The Arkham games and The bioshock series
Jake Johnson Most definitely brother.
Bioshock yes
blunder buss Praise the sun buddy
Fallout, fallout 2, fallout 3, fallout New Vegas, fallout 4
Are FO3 and 4 good? I haven't played them, but New Vegas was on par with Fallout 2.
Star wars knight of the old republic 1 and 2. I played these 2 games sooooooo many times over and over. Still love them to this day..
Really? No Skyrim? No Oblivion? No Fallout New Vegas? For shame!
Indeed i played skyrim for like a hunderd times fallout 3 two times and with new Vegas is stopped counting
Omfg so true i played skyrin to be a socerer a warrior a theif and a mock account (i even bought the game on pc to get everything)
+Aleks Mcallister I thought that but having Mass Effect 2 in there made up for it, what a game!
Bethesda games always had the best replayability, there was always so much to explore and so many options. I spend most of my time switching between fallout and the elder scrolls games.
+Aleks Mcallister Most of those games don't necessarily have an end.
Borderlands 2!!!!!!!
I just recently got my 6 character to lvl 61, only got a few dlcs tho. :(
Thank you I got the game of the year and have two maxed out characters and I can't stop
Wizborg I've beaten it a total of 19 times over PS3 and PS4...
Gilgamesh Ultima I never kept track of how many times, but *if* I remember correctly, the last time I had that PS/3 (hard drive) I had max-levelled three Commandos, two Assassins, one-and-a-half Sirens, and one-third of a Gunzerker. Oh .. and one Mechromancer and one Psycho...
God, that was a fun multiplayer game.
Star Wars; Knights Of The Old Republic 1 & 2 I've played through them both several times. Good, Evil, Neutral. And I still love going back and playing again.
Borderlands literally should've obviously been included.
i was thinking infamous would have been included
it takes 12-24 hours if u have common sense it doesn't take long at all
Anarchy yeah, if you do only the story, no hidden bosses, DLC or whatsoever. and that's not even half of the game
Anarchy Good, release the anger, its what helps the world go round.
I was never able to finish Borderlands, lost interest after a while. Good games though.
Dead Space for me, played it 4 or 5 times in a row.
Rich Mond true. i played through 1,2 and 3 several times
DS2 is probably my favorite though
Rich Mond Dead Space 1 is such a good game. I unlocked the platinum in just 2 playthroughs but I must've replayed it at least 10 times.
The rest of the series didn't keep my interest.
got the platinum, so yeah, i've replayed it a "couple" of times
The tales series is a good example, my person favorite being tales of the abyss; the grade shop new game plus feature is amazing, you get to change game mechanics like exp and gold amounts received from battle, and choose things to carry over, by using currency you get by doing well in battles to buy them.
yeah. I played Abyss two times i think (will play another one soon) but the one I played the most is Tales of Symphonia, at least 10 times xD (you need at least 5 playthroughs to get the platinum in PS3)
Last of Us.. Best Game ever!!
The last of us is much better than all of them!
***** The story of the last of us is incredible, the environement, the chracters, the theme, all that is incredible, but the gameplay is at an incredibly low level compared to any game 10 years older, its just incredibly... poor in that regard
Jaimie Gleitz how is that? I have played most of those games and the last of us is miles better
Jaimie Gleitz play the multiplayer
anthonylovesgaming I think TLOU is overestimated, but it's great game.
But how could be this game better than Shadow of thr Colossus?!
I think I played persona 3 portable 3 times in like a week. Shouldn't have been possible but there was just nothing else.
Was going to mention Persona...Persona in general is an amazing series, and NG+ is always interesting.....gotta love trying to make the best possible persona for each stage of the game! Its like...pokemon, if at the end of pokemon you could start at the beginning, and, given you had spent enough time in the new game, you could call out your old pokemon!
p3p 4 times persona 4 6 times
persona 3 fes 3 times and persona 4 golden 4 times
and counting
Is this true? How did you manage that? Hours a day? I'm impressed lol
Speedrun tactics. No sleep. Very little Tartarus,
How many times y'all finished persona 5 now?
I've played mgs2 and mgs3 sooo many times, I couldn't possibly say how many, I was obsessed
this is why I hate good games, you feel empty after u beat it because you just want to live in that world
Jared Saliman yes thats us so true
tge game i've finished and replayed more times is dragon's dogma on ps3 and finnaly got it for pc
replayed but never finshed for me sadly
+Jason Collins you should its a great game... im lvl 130 + on ps3 and i'm going to begin on pc today
Killith Senpai ya i know
i always screw up on my char stats /build
so i get to the dragon and well die die and die
+Jason Collins play on easy
already do
The Last of Us is one of my favorite games of all time! I absolutely love it! But I only played it like a handful of times. What I do is, I'll play it and I'll go a good 6 to 12 months, maybe longer, and I'll probably go back to it. I wait that long because I want it to feel fresh when I replay it. It won't feel new, obviously but that way, I won't get sick of it by playing it again so soon. I don't know if I would get sick of it but I want it to feel fresh each time. When I do replay it, I'll play on Normal because I want to enjoy it, and not hate myself by playing it on Grounded. I don't know if I'll ever play it on grounded.
over the course of my life i've beaten a ratchet and clank game at least 70 times. predominantly up your arsenal and, tools of destruction and crack in time
Up your arsenal I think I've played like 16times through, that game is an absolute gem
I've played fallout 4, 3 and New Vegas 18 times altogether
I love playing Castlevania, Mirror of Fate. The sound track, the visuals, the combat... It's beautiful. I must have played it through a dozen times already, not including replaying the big boss fights against Dracula.
dave is not the only one, i play the dragon age origin like 5 or 6 times and i always romance leliana then play the marathon to the inquisition which again 7 times and all 7 i romance sera
Yay, Sera for the win ;)
You forgot the borderlands games!!!!!!!!
I restarted the borderlands games soo much
Your Mass Effect reasoning is more true to traditional RPGs, like other Bioware games or Black Isle/Obsidian RPGs like KOTOR, Planescape: Torment, NWN, Fallout or Baldur's Gate, where you can be EITHER good or evil - in ME, you don't have to be full Paragon on Renegade in a run: thankfully, the morality points are not deducted, unlike most games (Fallout karma, Light/Dark side points, Lawful/Good to Chaotic/Evil in DnD). No reason to go back and forth in your alignment to do everything in Mass Effect, so...
Biggest real reason is to replay the trilogy are mutually exclusive stuff: the extra dialogue, unique quips of each party member on various missions, different characters existing (Kaidan/Ashley, 2 diff sets of Councils, Wreav/Wrex - that's just some of ME1 picks), side-quests and different outcomes based on your playthrough, which are not just binary good/bad choices. You can have paragon outcomes in ME2/3 to events that happen if you kill Wrex and Rachni Queen, for example. Restore Spectre status in ME2 if you save the council, OR screw them and get opposite NPC reactions. There are at least 3 ways to solve most quests, male and female Sheps have different romance combinations (Tali and Liara getting jealous at each other is different to either one vs. Ashley), all six classes have exclusive powers, and so on - simply doing full paragon and full renegade playthroughs will miss out on a lot.
Hell, based on mission order, you can have either Mordin on Grunt's recruitment, or Grunt on Mordin's, and both have great lines, in 3, Tali is fun on Krogan Team but then if you do it before getting her, you can bring her and VS to Bomb mission instead, and so on... everybody has great Niftu Cal the Biotic God lines. For ALL outcomes. It's insane!
P.S. Special props for singling out FF8 out of them all, it's often overlooked.
P.P.S. Yes, the green stealth "Uh-uh-uh-uh-uh..." choking monster. Playing MGS with stealth is must thing for every gamer. Especially nice for when you were a kid and didn't know what stealth is, learning some basic mechanics of Metal Gear on SECOND playthrough! xD
Ultimate Doom, Doom 2, Doom 3, Doom 2016, Quake, Demon's Souls, Dark Souls, 2&3 Bloodborne, Bioshock 1&2 Borderlands 1,2&presequel dead space1-3 dead rising 1,2
To name a few I played through many many times... been playing Demon's since 2009 I have over 1000hours on two characters borderlands 2 been playing since release now again on PS4 just can't get enough of these games👆🏻
is access actually connected to Sony
***** coolio
More important question: are they connected to Doctor Pepper?
+PunchAkainu that is
Even more important, is Doctor Pepper connected to KFC?
+Powermove Promotions mind=blown
My favorite game, that no matter what I have always played to the very end countless times, is Azure Dreams. I absolutely love this game, and ever since I was 4 years old, I've played it more times than I can count.
OK so The ES V: Skyrim isn't on here so I'm making an official complaint
Isn't it a 400+ hour game with all the side quests and dlc, I don't know anyone that has completed it once, let alone twice! There are only like 5 games i have over 400 hours in, Resident Evil 5 and Lost Planet 2 being the only ones where i know i don't have to check play time on campaign.
yeah I was going to say most ppl just keep playing the first save up to 1000 hrs for some ppl. My first was 450+. Only Hardcore "Role Players" usually make multiple playthroughs like thief, archer, mage, or even more intricate stuff like idk a hunter with a specific backstory who just hunts and survives. The latter ppl are usually modders as well.
I played infamous 2 9 times XD
15 times
Bear hood21 Bout 11
About the same. I didn't even decide to get the Platinum until almost a year ago.
Because it's a BEARy good game
I played Metal Gear Solid through so many times! I got the bandana and the stealth suit. But there were so many hidden things as well. If you found the camera you could take 'ghost' pictures. And on the third play through everyone's costumes changed.
Also played Final Fantasy X-2 through several times because of new game plus and the promise of 100%-ing the game with all the hidden little cut scenes and extras.
RE 3 for mercenary survival mode rewards
Ratchet and Clank 3?
Tʜᴇ Gᴀᴍᴇ Cʜᴀɴɢᴇʀ Somehow when I was little I decided to play Ratchet Deadlocked literally over 20 times (I think the challenge mode number on my profile reached 22). Looking back R&C3 and Crack in Time are better as general games, but between those 3 they're fantastic for replaying and probably my favorites in the series.
Yeah and 2 and gladiator. Although 3 is bae. And deadlocked was so easy I completed it a bajillion times, but enjoyed every bit of it.
harryweisner99x I love 1, 2, 3, and 4 equally, but overall i think 3 is the most polished
Tʜᴇ Gᴀᴍᴇ Cʜᴀɴɢᴇʀ you mean up your arsenal? the most beloved game in my history and my first excursion into the microphone on head online world. yes sir an underated god of its time.
ultimasurge yeah. in the UK it's 1, Locked and Loaded, 3 & Gladiator
Resident Evil games all of them unlock new things after you beat them including the infinite rocket launcher which makes going through them so much fun knowing you're going to destroy everything one of my favorite all-time unlockables is the Tommy Gun and gangster suit from RE 4
i've beaten RE5 like 5+ times
megarockmanz Resident Evil and Souls games are my 2 favourite game series and the best thing is that they are so replayable. Hell, I've never beaten RE3 (damn you water puzzle!) but I've played it like 10 times. And that's on the low end of playthroughs.
I beat Resident Evil 4 on the GameCube 7 times, Ps2 6 times and the Ps3 4 times.
its one of my fav game... including mass effect 2-3 and dragon age..😀😀😀
Last of Us Grounded is 100% my favorite game of all time, and definitely MUCH harder than dark souls ever got
***** In grounded though the only respawns are at the beginning middle or end of the level. So over an hour of work can be completely gone if you die. I love both games, but I personally found Last Of Us Grounded to be harder.
The Last of US is a different kind of hard. Its not the kind of hard that you can learn from and have a flawless run. AI is very rng based and a loss can come to even the best player at no fault of theirs and that's not a satisfying hard. With DS and games of that ilk they are very hard but the more you learn and skilled you become the faster and easier it feels. That doesn't mean the games any easier you've just mastered the difficult gameplay.
Pfft. The Last of Us. Hard?
Play Ninja Gaiden Black on master difficulty and come back and tell me TLOU is hard.
Lone Star ugggh Ninja Gaiden on Sega Genesis was infuriating. Yeah that series is hard in its own right but. That's another one that takes lucky runs mixed with skill that's why it FEELS hard. Similar to TLoU on Grounded just not to the same degree.
Tales of Symphonia and Vagrant Story. Such amazing new game+ modes on those.
Mass Effect is one of those game you'll play more than twice
Yeah, it's early RPGs that have either dark or light path, ME has so many variations to each outcome, it's impossible to see it all in just two runs... There's like five ways to kill Wrex alone)))
Liked at "Alistair. Alistair. ..."
Ratchet and Clank, Prey, Elder Scrolls, Fallout, Arkham series, Dead Space, Infamous, any Lego game, basically anything with new game +. The list goes on and on.
I've played through Bayonetta 6 times...
inFamous should be on this list. Any one of them.
Jason Galang no. just no.
Suikoden III (which is never mentioned in Rob's ramblings), Final Fantasy VII, Resident Evil 4 & Last of Us were games I finished and immediately wanted to play again
You missed Knights of the Old Republic!
+Midnight Lost Gaming that wasent on PlayStation and to these guys if its not on PlayStation then it never existed
+dylan williams They're tied to Sony, so I'm not sure if they're even allowed to talk about games that weren't on PlayStation.
+Logan Palmer they are. it is frowned upon
Ratchet and clank and jak
+Meechy ikr there's something satisfying about seeing all ratchets guns change as they upgrade into more ludicrous weapons of mass destruction and jak games had a good story despite some of the stupid difficult side missons in the later games..... hover bikes were the bane of my existence in jak 2
+The Abhorred Dread OH MY GOD THE RYNO!!!!!
I love re-playing my favourite games. For example Batman Arkham Asylum and City, Uncharted 2 and 3, infamous 1 and 2, Burnout Paradise, AC1 and some others. Because I have to play them in every difficulty (and get 100% in each), in different languages, for different game styles and also in 3D!
It's just great!
You forgot heroin
yeah you deff don't only do that once
Heroin hero is wonderful
*has played fallout 2 5 times at least*
The games I used to replay were all three of the Uncharted series (Drake's Fortune, Among Thieves and Drake's Deception). They are just incredible.
Arkham City
Alan Carr the second
Final Fantasy Tactics. I've played it on iOS ps one and psp.
Love it!!!!!
Oh a Sonic 2 for some crazy reason. Beaten that game maybe 10+ times.
for me wolfenstein old blood and the new order best games to play twice and more . otherwise
I didnt like dark soul I prefer the lords of the fallen .. but nothing will compare these games with "God of War " .
W.S music Production That's interesting, I hated Lords of the Fallen. Have you tried Bloodborne? In my opinion, Bloodborne and Demon's Souls are by far the best in the Souls series.
Walamonga 1313 well u should all try nioh
That s a challenge
ff8 seriously? thats 200+ hours.
When you gotta get some ff, you just gotta get some ff.
Kosteri x naaah maximum 150...
@@angelodeavila At least it's not X-2. 100% completion on that game requires a Newgame+, and it unlocks a special uber dungeon. The reward for clearing the new dungeon? A dressshpere that you will have no use for unless you do ANOTHER newgame+! Ok technically you can go around post-completion thwacking all the things that respawn after you kill them. But you don't get to use it in any real boss fights.
HITMAN! You can do SO much to complete missions! (Especially in Blood Money and the new one)
I'm way too late in this vid but no infamous
played all those games multiple times too
crysis and deus ex you can also play stealthily or go all out but the one game i have played i dont even know how many times was the 1st Diablo
it took me like 5 playthroughs on nightmare to get a character from level 33 to level 34 alone