Ode to Spot

  • Опубліковано 30 вер 2024


  • @TheCatMurgatroyd
    @TheCatMurgatroyd 10 років тому +23

    i still don't get why the people in that room don't like it...
    as soon as i was finished with the episode i copied the poem and saved it in word^^

  • @coolness06
    @coolness06 17 років тому +6

    That's got to be the most beautiful poem ever made. And it uses words like taxonomic nomenclature. GO DATA!

  • @coolness06
    @coolness06 17 років тому +4

    That is hilarious when Data says, "Commander, you have anticipated my denouement. However, the sentiment is appreciated. I will continue."

  • @stefanboro
    @stefanboro 16 років тому +4

    BEST SCENE EVER! It never gets old for me either.
    I always watch it with a growing smile.

  • @LouisLambert
    @LouisLambert 17 років тому +3

    The thing in TNG that never ever fails to make me laugh is Riker's various reactions to Data. X-D

  • @MoltenPlastic
    @MoltenPlastic 11 років тому +2

    I really don't see how the crew can find that poem boring; it's a brilliant inside look into his mind, scientific and categorizing. I would at least expect them to find it amusing, but certainly not boring (at least not after just twenty seconds, what kind of attention span does this crew have?)

  • @LittleNerd
    @LittleNerd 16 років тому +2

    I never understand why this poem was not well-received. It is perfectly and pleasingly formed. :D
    Riker - hah!

  • @ShadowArtist
    @ShadowArtist 11 років тому +2

    there's a reason for Riker's reaction (his sleepyness relates to the plot of the episode), everyone else more surprised by the very unusual poem, that was more a non-sequitor and too literal a scientific description of a cat with a few phrases that rhymed. Sure it was creative but a little awkward and too literal.

  • @buddatobi
    @buddatobi 11 років тому +2

    the internet has ruined it for him

  • @MoltenPlastic
    @MoltenPlastic 11 років тому +2

    Good point, I'd forgotten that the plot of the episode was Riker's difficulty sleeping.

  • @Roobitz
    @Roobitz 14 років тому +1

    Felis Cattus, is your taxonomic nomenclature,
    an endothermic quadruped carnivorous by nature?
    Your visual, olfactory and auditory senses
    contribute to your hunting skills, and natural defenses.
    I find myself intrigued by your subvocal oscillations,
    a singular development of cat communications
    that obviates your basic hedonistic predilection
    for a rhythmic stroking of your fur, to demonstrate affection.
    A tail is quite essential for your acrobatic talents;
    you would not be so agile if you...

  • @Chris82bc
    @Chris82bc 15 років тому +1

    I've never heard such vocabulary used to describe a cat. It would be awesome of everyone spoke as well as Data.

  • @Roobitz
    @Roobitz 14 років тому +1

    ... lacked its counterbalance.
    And when not being utilized to aide in locomotion,
    it often serves to illustrate the state of your emotion.
    O Spot, the complex levels of behaviour you display
    connote a fairly well-developed cognitive array.
    And though you are not sentient, Spot, and do not comprehend,
    I nonetheless consider you a true and valued friend.

  • @myuphrid
    @myuphrid 13 років тому +1

    What is quite interesting about this little ode is that you could just about sing it, specifically to the tune of Gilbert and Sullivan's "Modern Major-General". It doesn't quite scan, but it's still very close.
    Either way, it's a wonderful poem! Nicely done, Data!

  • @DazeWolf
    @DazeWolf 14 років тому +1

    This is a freaking awesome poem. I seriously can't understand why the crew isn't marveling at it.

  • @shrinerspark
    @shrinerspark 16 років тому +2

    This poem makes me grin every time I hear it. XD

  • @11magicmel11
    @11magicmel11 14 років тому +1

    This poem is beautiful! I can't see why the crew don't find it so :( poor data

  • @BeatleSoph
    @BeatleSoph 16 років тому +1

    I don't get why they're all so bored after 30 seconds, though :D
    love Data

  • @SamaCWNS
    @SamaCWNS 15 років тому +2

    I love it! Only Data!

  • @startrekkin1701
    @startrekkin1701 13 років тому +1

    I memorized this poem for my class last week. :) They loved it.

  • @jcortese3300
    @jcortese3300 4 роки тому +1

    That is easily the most awesome thing they ever had on that show. :-)

  • @Pettyartist
    @Pettyartist 14 років тому +1

    Data would make a killer rap artist in this century.

  • @jenlinkitty
    @jenlinkitty 14 років тому +1

    I love this. :D From first seen to even now.

  • @drwierd
    @drwierd 16 років тому +1


  • @hfelgob
    @hfelgob 12 років тому

    On the other hand, if you're saying the definition of morality is not relative, then fine. But even on this question there is dispute. There are plenty of people, and plenty of philosophers, who argue that one may make moral judgements concerning the treatment of animals. If it were simply a matter of your dictionary definition, then there could be no dispute - but yet there is. Because morality concerns the moral sense of individuals, and many individuals have a moral sense regarding animals.

  • @hfelgob
    @hfelgob 12 років тому

    It goes without saying, for example, that you do not agree with every religion. This does not mean that you don't accept that they are religions. What you are doing is tantamount to "proving" that Islam is not a religion by pointing out that the definition of religion excludes Islam - and this despite the fact that almost everybody else accepts that Islam is a religion even if they think religion is a good thing but hate Islam.

  • @hfelgob
    @hfelgob 12 років тому

    A definition of moral statements is derived from nothing more than the sum total of moral statements. Even, for example, philosophers who don't agree that torturing animals is wrong accept that considering torturing animals to be immoral is a moral judgement. What is moral or not is relative. What is less relative, and what the subject of our debate is, is what constitutes a moral statement. This is a matter of language and definition, and your definition is completely at odds with common usage.

  • @hfelgob
    @hfelgob 12 років тому

    The first sentence of your syllogism is not correct. This is not the definition of a moral statement. Almost nobody else believes it is. Therefore your argument is faulty.
    And if you're suggesting that a moral statement is anything other than something in that category of things that people consider to be moral statements, your going to have to tell me where you're getting your inside information about objective truth from.

  • @hfelgob
    @hfelgob 12 років тому

    I'm not trying to convince you to believe that eating animals is wrong. I'm saying that when I say eating animals is wrong, it is part of a moral code - and you agree that it is part of a moral code Therefore it is not impossible to make a moral decision regarding an animal, since I do so every day of the week when I refuse to eat meat.
    And on another issue, you say that a sperm whale is not a moral agent - then how can you try to JUSTIFY humans eating meat by adducing what a sperm whale does?

  • @hfelgob
    @hfelgob 12 років тому

    But for all we know some people may apologize when they eat a salad. That may be their moral code. Even if you don't agree with other people's morality, you can't deny that somebody who considers killing or eating animals to be immoral is in possession of a moral code. So there are plenty of moral agents, including me, who apply moral decisions to animals. And anyway you continue to reinforce my original point by insisting the behaviour of sperm whales and humans simply can't be compared.

  • @hfelgob
    @hfelgob 12 років тому

    Being a moral agent is not the same thing as being capable of having moral decisions applied to you. It is perfectly valid to consider it immoral to torture an animal, even if the object of that sentiment is not itself a moral agent. And if you see an animal suffering, and in spite of your natural empathy fail to find it disturbing because your intellect tells you that it's not a moral agent, then you're probably a psychopath.

  • @hfelgob
    @hfelgob 12 років тому

    Look up some pig abattoir videos on youtube and get back to me. The only way you can be sure the animal hasn't suffered is if you've killed it humanely yourself.
    Is there a difference between throwing a rock off a wall and throwing a dog off a wall? If there is, then they're not the same thing. Just because animals aren't moral agents doesn't mean we shouldn't act morally towards them. Would you throw a baby off a wall because it's not a moral agent?

  • @forpublicuseonly
    @forpublicuseonly 12 років тому

    I think that all creatures are sentient to some level. Even a fly. But I think that some animals have such a low level of sentients that I don't really care. Out of curiosity, why do you say pigs are sentient and other animals not? When I say nature, I mean our (and other animal's) inherent and biological ability to eat meat being a reason too. Just because the animal kingdom does it does not mean it's right. Logically, I think that eating animals is wrong. Unfortunately, my stomach disagrees.

  • @forpublicuseonly
    @forpublicuseonly 12 років тому

    I agree with your "idea", but just because other animals eat other animals doesn't mean we should. Assuming (you may not agree) that animals have some sentients (to a lower degree then us) it is cruel to eat them. They have feelings too. I hate when people us "nature" as a reason why cruelty is ok (which, to me, is sort of what you're saying). Nature is about who survives and not what "nature" intended. It can't intend anything. By the way, I'm not a vegetarian.

  • @forpublicuseonly
    @forpublicuseonly 12 років тому

    All of the evidence points to animals being sentient. Though I love star trek, there is a flaw in this logic. How are random creatures from all around the galaxy somehow sentient, but a cat is not? But I love my cat and I eat meat. You're judging people way too much. Also, assuming there is a such thing as sentients (which I don't actually believe anyway) it would make sense that the smarter a creature is, the more sentient. I mean, a computer or a germ is too "stupid" to be sentient.

  • @100thmonkey
    @100thmonkey 12 років тому

    It's called poetic licence, nothing to do with eating meat.
    Relating to the idea that Spot doesn't 'comprehend' in order to rhyme with 'friend', ie. 'not being sentient' can be taken to mean a lower level of awareness.
    If all 'factually incorrect' poems were thrown out then not many would remain - yet they are enjoyed on a different level than that - as Geordi tried to explain to Data later in this episode, that merely rhyming (eg. 'comprehend' / 'friend') is not the only way to write a poem.

  • @OiseauHiver
    @OiseauHiver 12 років тому

    @amitabho123 I noticed that too. Keep in mind this is not the REAL Ode to Spot; in the alternate universe where a reasonable parallel of these events is taking place I'm sure Data used a word that actually made sense.
    Yes, I'm probably crazy. But I'd like to believe there are infinite universes where infinite things are happening. Thus everything that happens in any television show, book, dream or daydream, is happening in another universe somewhere. Even Data using the right word.

  • @catspringginny
    @catspringginny 15 років тому

    DL is what makes the work of Joel Chandler Harris ("Uncle Remus" stories) so cool. Harris saw an entire way of communication changing before his eyes (albeit for the better) and sought to preserve the familiar and beloved sounds of his childhood stories as they were told. Since the invention of recorded sound was still 20 years away (and practical application some 50 years in the future), Harris reproduced that unique manner the only way he could--by spelling phonetically.

  • @catspringginny
    @catspringginny 15 років тому

    While adverbs can normally go either before or after verbs, the use of "to" with the verb indicates an infinitive verbal, and it is NEVER correct to split an infinitive, no matter WHAT James Tiberius Kirk said. It "sounds" right because it is one of the most common grammatical mistakes by native English speakers.
    In the immortal words of Prof. Henry Higgins: "Why can't the English teach their children how to speak...In America, they haven't used it for years!"

  • @KittyHerder
    @KittyHerder 17 років тому

    The poem is, of course, not an accurate depiction of a relationship between a cybernetic faux organism, but it is a reflection of the complexities of the assigning concepts of sentience and emotionality to a member of the class carnivora by a member of the dominant species of the class primata. I salute the screenwriter for the erudite poem and the actors for the charming exposition of the difficulty of the modern intellectual in a paramilitary environment.

  • @hfelgob
    @hfelgob 12 років тому

    You claimed that morality is not relative, and you adduced the existence of ethics as proof of this. This is like saying that absolute morality must exist because people are looking for it. That's like saying the remote control must be under the couch because I'm looking for it under the couch! Or that unicorns must exist because some people are looking for unicorns.

  • @hfelgob
    @hfelgob 12 років тому

    But that's not the issue because we're not talking about the contents of moral codes - we're talking about the definition of morality.
    Some people, like me, happen to that think morality and aesthetics are quite similar. You seem incapable of understanding that morality can be relative - that people generally don't agree with each other about it!

  • @hfelgob
    @hfelgob 12 років тому

    Repeating the same thing over and over doesn't make it more true. My own morality says that it is wrong to torture chickens because chickens probably suffer. Is that not valid? Anyway, morality is only a matter of personal opinion when you come right down to it. However what constitues a moral code is probably not, and your definition of that is too restrictive.

  • @Dredsina
    @Dredsina 15 років тому +1

    The end is so adorable.

  • @wenaolong
    @wenaolong 3 роки тому

    Spot is sentient. He simply lacks higher-order cognition. Data should have known this.

  • @MaterialIssueFan
    @MaterialIssueFan 17 років тому

    it's the only poem to ever use the words 'taxonomic', 'nomenclature' and 'endothermic quadroped'! In a later episode there is a computer glitch that causes Riker to read this poem instead of the Shakespeare play he is practicing.

  • @ChazzaBB
    @ChazzaBB 13 років тому

    O Spot, the complex levels of behavior you display
    connote a fairly well-developed cognitive array.
    And though you are not sentient, Spot, and do not comprehend,
    I nonetheless consider you a true and valued friend. LOL!

  • @diskatopia
    @diskatopia 14 років тому

    Data's memory array must have... glitched on thedefinition of the word word "obviates"... it does not mean what he* thinks.
    Ahh well no one/no thing is perfect.
    *okay,jk, I mean what the writers think

  • @PrFTW
    @PrFTW 14 років тому

    They've all been listening to his poems for hours (being an android he can write a LOT of poems very quickly n he recited them all). Riker was sleeping because in this episode he barely gets any sleep due to the plot

  • @brav0wing
    @brav0wing 15 років тому

    This is from episode "Schisms", when Riker was abducted every night by an interdimensional species for energy sucking (if i remember correctly). That's why he can't stay awake!
    The "Ode To Spot" poem is spotless!

  • @Monica17N
    @Monica17N 14 років тому

    Sorry...I meant I watch Star Trek for Data AND Spot

  • @hfelgob
    @hfelgob 12 років тому

    An equivalent statement to that might be: unicorns must exist, because otherwise they do not exist, which is in direct conflict with the purpose of unicorn-searcherism, which is to find unicorns.

  • @hfelgob
    @hfelgob 12 років тому

    Prove to me that the statement "it is wrong to torture chickens" is not a moral statement. Since almost everybody in the world thinks it is, it'll have to be quite a convincing and counterintuitive proof.

  • @redconversetheorem
    @redconversetheorem 14 років тому

    Right, just as dogs are "canis lupus familiaris." The "familiaris" distinguishes them from wolves. I suspect it's the same for cats and other larger felines with the "domesticus" part.

  • @valsauramaa5817
    @valsauramaa5817 11 років тому

    Guys... You're arguing morality over a poem written by an android for it's feline companion. Can we please just watch the video & giggle like idiot humans together?

  • @brav0wing
    @brav0wing 13 років тому

    @Susie7760 Good episode, but funny? Maybe this scene, but the episode was fucking creepy. Those aliens kidnapping the personnel to experiment on them while sleeping...

  • @hfelgob
    @hfelgob 12 років тому

    Well that's your opinion, and nothing else. The point of my comment is that what the sperm whale does is irrelevant to what humans do. And you seem to agree.

  • @catspringginny
    @catspringginny 15 років тому

    Prof. Higgins, though, took it to a comical and annoying extreme (no one could read it but him--and maybe Col. Pickering). Dude definitely needed a life! :D

  • @drenandtarb
    @drenandtarb 15 років тому

    my very very faveorite poem every!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and my very favorite android ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and my favorite ever program ever!!!!!!!!!!

  • @Tylerpierre99
    @Tylerpierre99 15 років тому

    haha, Troi and Riker in this scene are hillarious, so is Capt Picard and the Female Ensign next to him, their faces say it all! lol

  • @1metallica1
    @1metallica1 16 років тому

    A tail is quite essential for your acrobatic talents.
    You would not be so agile if you lacked its counterbalance.
    And when not being utilized to aid in locomotion
    It often serves to illustrate the state of your emotion.
    Oh Spot, the complex levels of behavior you display
    Connote a fairly well developed cognitive array.
    And though you are not sentient Spot and do not comprehend,
    I nonetheless consider you a true and valued friend.

  • @1metallica1
    @1metallica1 16 років тому

    Felis Cattus, is your taxonomic nomenclature
    An endothermic quadruped, carnivorous by Nature
    Your visual, olfactory and auditory senses
    Contribute to your hunting skills and natural defenses.
    I find myself intrigued by your subvocal oscillations
    A singular development of cat communications
    That obviates your basic hedonistic predilection
    For a rhythmic stroking of your fur, to demonstrate affection.

  • @Qermaq
    @Qermaq 12 років тому

    And while Data told a tale of Spot
    With language broad and deep
    Mighty Riker merely closed his eyes
    And snored, and fell asleep.

  • @MsMaeC
    @MsMaeC 15 років тому

    Picard looks like he's trying to decide if its worth setting the self destruct just to give him an excuse to get out of there.

  • @unf0rtunatetwinkie
    @unf0rtunatetwinkie 16 років тому

    Yes, because I find latex inflatables really hot when they are dressed up in things I would find on the floor of your closet.

  • @AmbrosiaDreamWeaver
    @AmbrosiaDreamWeaver 13 років тому

    @Susie7760 CHEERS GOOD CAT FELLOW!!!! definitly intelligent creatures.. they know mann.. they just prefer not to say... ;3

  • @WolfySnackrib666
    @WolfySnackrib666 13 років тому

    @ObiJoe808 It wasn't Riker's fault! Every night when he goes to sleep aliens abduct him to saw his arm off and reattach it, and they tranquilize him with something. That's why he was so tired in this episode, I shit you not.

  • @hfelgob
    @hfelgob 12 років тому

    If almost everybody believed it was a religion, then the definition of religion would change to include it.

  • @necromanzer52
    @necromanzer52 15 років тому

    After studying many poems in my english class I can safely say none of them are anywhere near as good as this.

  • @lifeofawarrior
    @lifeofawarrior 13 років тому

    I have memorized this entire poem and i can recite it at top speed...however i cannot remember my homework

  • @FuzzyOrangeHat
    @FuzzyOrangeHat 14 років тому

    @cockroachafro IDK ,but it was one of the special effects people on the show. They did an intriguing job!!!

  • @1metallica1
    @1metallica1 16 років тому

    In a later episode there is a computer glitch that causes Riker to read this poem instead of the Shakespeare play he is practicing.

  • @1metallica1
    @1metallica1 16 років тому

    Why the hell would you fall asleep during someone's performance

  • @AizicToxemia
    @AizicToxemia 16 років тому

    naaaaaw I am dyin inside ^^ orsomething... I can not feel all that good :P But data is so cuuuute!

  • @OiseauHiver
    @OiseauHiver 12 років тому

    @p00pynuggeteer You plagiarized Data's work! He would be so disappointed in you, you plagiarizer.

  • @redplague
    @redplague 13 років тому

    Who's the actress in the blue dress sitting next to Picard, she was in a few episodes as an extra.

  • @pinoypizza
    @pinoypizza 11 років тому

    Man after listening to the rap rendition so many times, hearing the original is just so slow.

  • @lrthorne
    @lrthorne 17 років тому

    That's got to be right up there with "resistance is futile" as one of the classic TNG moments!

  • @TRUMPER007
    @TRUMPER007 14 років тому

    Brent Spiner is simp[ly brilliant in the role of Data - a joy to watch over and over again!

  • @FuzzyOrangeHat
    @FuzzyOrangeHat 14 років тому

    @CatCommunication Yeah, I am. Riker goofed up and did it too in 'A Fistful of Datas'. ;^D

  • @MistressD
    @MistressD 17 років тому

    Dude, I don't know why they're all acting bored. This poem makes me laugh every time. XD

  • @RprtBak
    @RprtBak 14 років тому

    @GypsyCupcakes I SURE AM! If I could write poems like that I'd be rich! Or doing poems for star trek, either way, awesome. lol :)

  • @pinoypizza
    @pinoypizza 14 років тому

    Riker is mad enough that Data cloned his beard, now Data has to own him in poetry too.

  • @terminat1
    @terminat1 13 років тому

    Look at Riker's face at 1:00: he's thinking, "Uh-oh, Data's going to kick my butt!"

  • @major600
    @major600 14 років тому

    Well, you have to admit, no poem has better reflected the personality of its author.

  • @zindi1138
    @zindi1138 2 роки тому

    Alien abduction in the 24th century..dang

  • @DioIon
    @DioIon 13 років тому

    denouement - It's french, means the conclusion of something usually.

  • @ChaosDarkie
    @ChaosDarkie 15 років тому

    Pathetic as it may be, I actually have this memorized.... I love Data and Spot. 8D

  • @astrophonix
    @astrophonix 12 років тому

    This could rank alongside Vogon poetry! See also Dalek poetry, e.g. Daffodils; "Daffodils! Exterminate daffodils!"

  • @Archedgar
    @Archedgar 14 років тому

    LOL at Riker.
    Ode to Spot kicks ass, I'm going to learn it and recite it somewhere to see if someone catches on.

  • @Susie7760
    @Susie7760 13 років тому

    Good poem, funny episode...one remark in defense of cats, they are sentient.

  • @Morgaine845
    @Morgaine845 14 років тому

    I loved when they gave nods to prior episodes or current (or past) pop culture

  • @AppleEarring
    @AppleEarring 17 років тому

    Oh cats understand. They just act all superior. LOL. Too funny. ROTFLMAO even.

  • @gearsofhaloauto
    @gearsofhaloauto 13 років тому

    yyyyyyyyyaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwnnnn, i mean yay go data awesome...zzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  • @meinerHeld
    @meinerHeld 12 років тому

    Hey God created it all, and after Noah he gave us animals for food. Eat up!

  • @OiseauHiver
    @OiseauHiver 12 років тому

    @amitabho123 I don't think he did mispronounce it. How do you pronounce it?

  • @timetot
    @timetot 14 років тому

    Data could give William the Bloody a run for his money in terms of poetry.

  • @bbnflpn
    @bbnflpn 16 років тому

    not only that its utterly brilliant as far as content goes
    *snap snap snap

  • @Monica17N
    @Monica17N 14 років тому

    I watch Star Trek for Spot

  • @hfelgob
    @hfelgob 12 років тому

    It's entirely somebody's opinion whether torturing animals is immoral.