At 8.06 of the two way radio fitting video you push the old light wire back inside the cab, has "Murphy's Law" struck and somehow your leaking current is from somewhere on that wires circuit/original switch
For fault checking and for detecting for draw, I would always recommend adding a amp meter to the tool box, and go for a clam around type ones for your own safety. And if you have a good one you can even use them everywhere as long as it's not more then AC/DC 1k amps and 1.5k volts, then it's a complete different animal.
hi JH, Fleetwood will be a complete weapon when you're done with it. That solar panel will catch the wind when its raised. As well as a leg to hold it up, it will need a restraint.
To find an electrical draw or leak in a 24v truck, follow these steps: Turn Off the Vehicle: Ensure the truck is turned off and all electrical systems, including lights, are switched off. Disconnect the Negative Battery Terminal: Disconnect the negative battery cable from the battery to isolate the electrical system. Set Up Your Multimeter: Switch your multimeter to the DC amperage setting, capable of measuring milliamps. Connect the meter in series between the disconnected negative battery cable and the battery post. Observe the Reading: A typical acceptable reading for a truck should be below 50 milliamps (0.05 amps). Higher readings indicate a parasitic draw. Pull Fuses One by One: If there's a higher-than-expected draw, start pulling fuses one by one from the fuse box. Watch the multimeter after each fuse is pulled to see if the reading drops. Identify the Faulty Circuit: When the reading drops, note which fuse was pulled. That fuse corresponds to the circuit causing the drain.
That CR11 is the John Deere X9 eater Same header as the Case AF11 massive Hope you can keep the trucks up to it Have a great harvest Just kicking off on QLD NSW boarder
At 8.06 of the two way radio fitting video you push the old light wire back inside the cab, has "Murphy's Law" struck and somehow your leaking current is from somewhere on that wires circuit/original switch
For fault checking and for detecting for draw, I would always recommend adding a amp meter to the tool box, and go for a clam around type ones for your own safety.
And if you have a good one you can even use them everywhere as long as it's not more then AC/DC 1k amps and 1.5k volts, then it's a complete different animal.
hi JH, Fleetwood will be a complete weapon when you're done with it. That solar panel will catch the wind when its raised. As well as a leg to hold it up, it will need a restraint.
To find an electrical draw or leak in a 24v truck, follow these steps:
Turn Off the Vehicle: Ensure the truck is turned off and all electrical systems, including lights, are switched off.
Disconnect the Negative Battery Terminal: Disconnect the negative battery cable from the battery to isolate the electrical system.
Set Up Your Multimeter: Switch your multimeter to the DC amperage setting, capable of measuring milliamps. Connect the meter in series between the disconnected negative battery cable and the battery post.
Observe the Reading: A typical acceptable reading for a truck should be below 50 milliamps (0.05 amps). Higher readings indicate a parasitic draw.
Pull Fuses One by One: If there's a higher-than-expected draw, start pulling fuses one by one from the fuse box. Watch the multimeter after each fuse is pulled to see if the reading drops.
Identify the Faulty Circuit: When the reading drops, note which fuse was pulled. That fuse corresponds to the circuit causing the drain.
That CR11 is the John Deere X9 eater Same header as the Case AF11 massive Hope you can keep the trucks up to it Have a great harvest Just kicking off on QLD NSW boarder
Maybe some gas struts for when you lift it up?
My thoughts exactly
For me the engineering that goes into a combine harvester is mind boggling.
Also on that list is forklifts.
It's great to see things are going well with setting things up and with how far you've gotten the truck
Oh well George will be packing his shorts😂 that newholland is some looking combine would eat your John deere 😂
Could you fit a full size alien in that spout?
and brush painting is ok like was done for xx years before spray i do vintage motorbikes its all brush painted
A million plus for the header (combine) need some good crops to pay for it
You won't have the need for a massage seat in that NewHolland the crop will be off befor you get buttache😁
Why not just cut the SP cables in front of the plug?
Cheers, your friendly Solar farmer
Henry should spray the word FLOOR on that plate to protect it from you.
I guess the CR11 cost a fair bit, don't be colorblind to the JD Green.
another tip do away with the solar connectors they fine for fixed installations solder heat shrink for mobile stuff
Did you put a screw through something
😂 I hope not!
I lost interest in the truck after seeing the header 😀😀
I have a question, are ex American military generators worth it?
I would think so, the army left this truck all serviced with new oils and filters so they take pretty good care of them