Awesome video. I learned the hard way to stop speculating on movies or shows. Now I buy more of what I love. The way it should have been from the beginning.
I agree with most of the comics on your list but on the up side...Those once expensive spec books could be had at dirt cheap prices. The risk to cost ratio is almost negligible.
@@richardolney1822 If I shove my head far enough up my butt, I bet I will find the demand like a good fan of former-Marvel comics... (lol!) Good point tho...
I agree with most of it. Just want you to remind you guys the ups and the downs are part of the game and you’ll win some and you’ll lose some. Def if you’re in the short term market. Read and buy what you love You can’t beat cover price Patience is key and proven to be worth it
Do more videos like this Dave. A lot of factors that you mentioned concerning actual value of a comic makes sense! Clearly many books were way overhyped to drive the market.
Thanks for the video as it set my mindset on aiming towards comic books worth collecting and not getting caught up in the overhyped comics at shops and conventions
Great advice, David. I think many people get caught up in the hype, the FOMO, and sometimes even the greed of making a quick buck. This, of course, are those who are speculating and investing. The collectors out there, see this overall drop in the market as an opportunity to pick up books for their PC. For me, it's been Moon Knight #1. Now that it is dropping, I'm hoping to find a reasonably priced raw copy for the PC. (No plans to sell it or flip it, just enjoy it). Thanks for the content.
I learned the hard way NEVER spec on a movie/tv announcement book, especially during these times. My lesson was from Kanan 6. Its now a little less than half what I paid for it. Still keeping the book but I read far worse cases than mine.
Actually it is a great time for me to get a few comics I wanted before, but because of overly inflated prices could not afford. Savage She Hulk #1 was always a comic I wanted for my collection. Now I just bought a 9.8 at a very affordable price.
Yeah this advise is horrible. When the price finally crashes back down to a normal level you should be buying, if you were looking to get one. I guarantee he is scooping up deals on these comics left and right if he finds them.
I agree that comic books do not belong to hollywood. Either movies or tv. When it comes to novels. I do not want any "buts, no, why, or how dare they do this!", sort of thing. Fans, and sometimes authors complaining. All because of deviations to the source material. That's what really annoys me. I'm a casual person. That has been a few years ago. This unnecessary arguing about books made into movies, tv shows, or other type of media. This type of arguments need to stop and put this needless bickering aside. Then again, what was the entire point of doing novels as films or tv shows in the first place? I agree they need to be part of hollywood. Maybe that's whole reason books needs be a part of hollywood. I misunderstood this all along. They were not butchering them. They were only wanted to deconstruct, experiment, and be subversions of the novel material. I don't care if authors don't enjoy it. To me, that's fine. I am not here for arguments. Books have the rights to do films and tv shows alike. I don't mind about changing things or going against the source material. Book adaptations need to be their own thing as well. Not just copy what the source material already did.
I invest in a very expensive cant miss book you mentionned in a top 10 in 2021. It lost 50% of its value and I lost thousands. So im not buying anything anymore.
During the peak, I sold my Bronze Age and Silver Age collection bought in the 1970s. 600 or so books, the Bronze in NM/M and the Silver mostly mid grade. Many keys. Spent maybe $500 between 1976-78. Sold for 12 or 15k. That sounds good, but it's actually not a very good return for a 50 year hold. And I sold during the thoroughly unexpected peak. So make of that what you will in terms of investment potential of comics.
I won that Black Panther #3 at a 9.8 in a giveaway on WhatNot last year. I didn't even know how popular it got as a spec book at the time, but I was really happy that it had a high FMV. Now that it's dropped in value, there's really no loss there since I got it for free.. lol.
You never quite get it do you? it's true that a lot of the market these days are just speculators. People who use comics to make money. Some of us in the market buy and collect comics because we like comics. It's not about a financial return. Sometimes we take an interest in comic runs and titles and characters. It's not always relevant at all if they have a movie or not - some of us collect comics. Not sure fire investment returns. You know.
I 100 understand it. But my channel is for people that want to collect for investment purposes. I understand people collect what they love and don’t care about the financial side of things. But that’s not what my channel is about
@@ComicBookInvestments My actual point was that for us who collect to enjoy and read, those comics you said were poor investments aren't necessarily poor investments at all. Comic collectors like all sorts of comics at times. We're not based solely on speccin'. Hey, I invest too - that's a component of my hobby. When all is said and done, 'Hot Boxes' for investment purposes, absolutely fine, but a PC (Personal Collection) Box, which are 'Readers' and the stuff you are just into. Every comic investor should bother with a few things for enjoyment - I know they usually do.
Agree with all you said. But the Moon Knight he is always a keeper, yes slight raise in $ but still a class A book. All the others if you need a filler to complete your run of a titel
Can you do something like this for books that people want like the difference in prices for hulk 340 or asm 252 at a 9.8 or 9.6. I have several keys that were never read and have about 3000 comics and nothing is graded
You forgot West Coast Avengers 45 CGC 9.8, Once White Vision showed up in Wandavision, 3 years ago, 9.8 slabs were selling from $1400-$1800. Now they sell between $135-$180, Good times to be a seller.
Buy what you love. I know this channel is mostly for investors but I watch it to see if books I'm interested in have inflated prices! It's a royal pain if you're already collecting vintage Charlton comics only to find out an issue you want was drawn by an artist who later became "famous"!
Thanks 😊. “94-“99, bought $20-$25./week. Never read. Mylar/Backer,then long box. Still there. Store owner pull the picks, out of his weekly new 🆕 Shipment. Probably got all those that aren’t worth nothing. But I don’t know, never went through to price them ?!
This is exactly why ive been slowly selling of my modren stuff and buying precode horror and gold atlas silver marvel mostly pre code horror tho in any conditon they always go up
Good thing I collect comics because I enjoy them, not for an investment. I have a King Comics 45, and I just enjoy telling folks that I have a pre-war Popeye comic.
I disagree with you about She Hulk. If the MCU people ever pull their head out and get some good writing behind this character She Hulk could take off in popularity. I also think Nocterra is still a good spec investment. I think the show will come to fruition and you can still find very low prices on issue 1. Check out the Zoe Lacchei variant cover, I got one for $30 and it's a beautiful cover. Good show Dave, keep up the good work!
So the she hulk I’ve had since it came out? I guess I missed the boat!😂😢 ha, my moon knight 1 too? I need to get off my arse! I’m 57!!! I knew how to buy comics, but how to sell them? No idea!
Moon Knight and She-Hulk have endured for decades until bad tv shows drove their prices down. However in the long run those books will go up again because those characters have always had fans.
I have some so called worthless books that are mine bought from lcs when I was younger that I am fond of...that i Might consider getting encased but not for investments. Ghost rider 35 supervillain team up 14
Of all the books shown I believe the outlier was Thor #132, which had the first cameo appearance of Ego and was a product of Lee and Kirby. It will ultimately find it's value without any hype, IMO. As for the new books, they were ALL spec garbage with zero history. These were bought to get slabbed and resold and nothing else. Not bought for the love of the character, story or art and that was the game. Those who played and lost don't matter. The modern comic may not be dead, but it's on life support and the hobby goes on. Comics are seen as a way to make a buck these days. That's my rant as a Marvel Silver age collector and OG. Best to all.
Man, you sure due take the fun out of collecting comics, not everybody buys to invest, but I get your point. I collect what I want because I want to and if I want to send it to get graded, then I will send it. But, thanks for another great video.
Always buy what you love. But if your looking for investment advice in comics. That’s what I provide. It can be positive though. If I recommend a book and 5 years later it’s gained in value.
Maybe you can also include books that now expensive as books to avoid. The books you have are books that doesn't really affect our wallet because it is now already cheap.
How did I know you were going to bring up The Savage She Hulk? They ruined that book and character with that show. What a waste. Still a great cover though.
I’ve always liked the cover and it being a Stan Lee written story. I’m just glad I picked it up at $365 and not $3k! Even if it drops further I’m happy I own it
@@tikertiker2 same here, I grabbed a high grade copy and may slab it it because I like the cover. But I will most likely get a nice acrylic holder and display it.
What is ironic about this video is that it is actually the best time to buy these books if you really want them since they are now cheep and will not break the bank. However you will not be seeing me buy any of them.
MCU is like a box of chocolates.. You never know what youre going to get...It may be a billion $movie (CaptMarvel) doesnt mean its good...Sell them even before the 1st trailer..take the money and run...dont get greedy and try to time the highest point to sell it..
Appreciate the honest advice…I was fed up with other biased scum bag you tubers telling everyone to buy every comic and that every MSheU movie was gonna be 👍
I dont like "spec books" in my opinion i think it kinda ruined collecting. Just buy what you like. If you think you'll be a millionaire you won't be. I just buy what I like and try to complete runs.
Personally I think that 'super heroes' are just played out and boring at this point, even new ones. I believe that comic books like GI Joe, Transformers, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Masters of the Universe will be where the nostalgia and value are at in the future. SO MANY marvel and DC movies now that those heroes are just played out. Look for comic books like Warhammer 40k, Dungeons & Dragons (Dragon Lance for example), Areala Warrior Nun, ect. Maybe some video game based comics. But common supers are just done.
This doubles as a dump-and-run list. If these types of books happen to be in your collection already, and they begin to spike, best bet is to sell Sell SELL!
Phones actually deciding the prices of these comics. Is it the market data fans buying power. Who . A comic comes put with 8 varieties and somehow the value is instantly known of all, obviously not the cover price. Reminds me of fashion industry. Who is telling us what's in and out ?. Il do as I please thank you
Rule #1 of comic book collecting. With incredibly few exceptions, never invest in comics published after 1975. If you go for them, buy them because you love them, not because you're investing in them.
Is it really the best advice to say “don’t invest in these books after they’ve dropped 80% and are at their all time lows”? This seems like advice for what not to buy a year or two ago. Now, the vast majority of these books are just good buys at their current prices.
These books were artificially high. They shouldn’t have gone that high. People will think they are “low” but they are actually where they should be. Don’t expect to buy a she hulk 1 9.8 and it to go back up to 3k. It will stay around $300ish
@@ComicBookInvestments I totally get that, and I agree they will almost definitely not reach those artificial highs again, but like if we get she hulk season 2, moon knight season 2, for example (both reported to be coming), you can bet we’ll see another modest spike once again.
This may be controversial, but so what. I think that investing in female characters right now is unwise and She-Hulk is the reason why. She-Hulk has been a very popular character over the past few decades. $2300 was always overpriced, given how many copies were printed of Savage #1, but she has been a regular member of the Avengers, a frequent guest star in FF, and had several runs of her own. She isn't quite big enough to continuously carry a series, at Thor, Hulk, Iron Man, DD level, but if you were comparing her star power to the X-Men, she's more popular than everyone, except Wolverine. Until MCU She-Hulk. A not-so-secret fact about comic book heroines is that they're sexy and they're drawn sexy. Ask Byrne why he wanted to do She-Hulk and his answer is "because she's a babe". At the extreme end, there was Emma Frost and Madelyn Pryor whose outfit was basically panties, but beyond that, almost every heroine was drawn sexy, from Ms Marvel's tight shorts and cutoff shirt to Psylocke's cheeky outfit. Heck, in the 90s, Sue Richards even had to get into the act and show cleavage in an outfit that would make Power Girl proud. And the men that bought these loved it. And these men are still alive and they're the ones that have all the money to buy expensive comics. But the MCU has taken a hard pivot and wanting heroines to look sexy on screen is now looked at as misogyny and just thinking it out loud is a reason to be cancelled. Every heroine must wear pants, even when wearing a skirt. Scarlett Johansson is one of the sexiest actresses alive, so let's put her into essentially a hazmat suit in her movie. (On the other hand, shirtless male characters and even completely bare butt cheeks are 100% ok). Simply put: the She-Hulk tv show gave the middle finger to many of the people who bought the comic books, graphic novels, toys, etc. and said: we don't want you and gave it instead to people that frankly don't buy comics (or go to movies or watch it on streaming either). When the parent company drives away existing investors and replaces them with people that don't buy comics, that doesn't make those comics a good investment.
Great advice. I think dept of truth is still going to happen. But it will probably follow the same patterns as other spec books. It will shoot up with the release of a trailer. Peak and then drop off once its released.
Firstly thanks for your show. Just my opinion, but I wouldn't invest in any comics. They are a poor investment generally vs other asset classes and right now there are too many unknowns and the convergence of many negative factors. Firstly the market is in a downtrend and we don't know where the bottom is. The economic outlook for 2024 is not good with risk assets still under strong downward pressure until inflation reverses and interest rates change trend. Also people don't have money and buyers are hard to find. I've talked to people who can't move $200 comics. Interest in Marvel/DC movies is gone - everyone is superhero'd out and the whole 'optioned' or 'may make an appearance in a movie' bubble has burst. I think that is over. There must also be a lot of collectors out there, influenced by the UA-cam flippers (surprised CT still has a show), who are sitting on piles of worthless slabs containing the first appearance of someones auntie or dog. This happened in the 90's and took a decade to recover. Finally, you would think the recent CGC scam is likely to halt most interest in buying high value slabs and may result in a price meltdown in high end books. This all sounds negative, and it is. I love comics and have a massive collection of 50k books and suspect there will be a new normal emerge in a few years. Until then IMO it's too risky. If I was bold enough, I would buy Golden age books and raw low-mid Silver age books.
I hear what you are saying. No one has a crystal ball. I personally think it’s a great time to buy. But I have more inside knowledge of what is happening because I am a comic book dealer full time. I’m not just a flipper. I’ve been selling more in December then I have in awhile. I think second half of 2024 things will turn around economy wise. I guess I’m more optimistic but that’s how I see things. We won’t ever got back to 2021 but I think things will be up on the upward swing
@@ComicBookInvestments Thanks - it's really good to share views and I appreciate your insight from the inside. I will definitely be watching your channel and price movements. If we see a turnaround later this year then I will be thrilled as I plan and setting up a back issue online store here in Australia as I have about 30k books I would like to sell and don't want to do so at these prices. If the market sits at a static level for a decade I will be .... If it picks up with interest rate cuts (which I expect later this year) then prices will re-inflate naturally and I will be thrilled. My books were purchased decades ago at cheap prices compared to today and are high quality runs. Good buying if you are cashed up and it turns up, I agree. Best of luck.
Awesome video. I learned the hard way to stop speculating on movies or shows. Now I buy more of what I love. The way it should have been from the beginning.
great video like the faster pace and also like the music and the reality check that people need on the value of comics .
I agree with most of the comics on your list but on the up side...Those once expensive spec books could be had at dirt cheap prices. The risk to cost ratio is almost negligible.
Nailed it
@@richardolney1822 If I shove my head far enough up my butt, I bet I will find the demand like a good fan of former-Marvel comics... (lol!) Good point tho...
I agree with most of it. Just want you to remind you guys the ups and the downs are part of the game and you’ll win some and you’ll lose some. Def if you’re in the short term market.
Read and buy what you love
You can’t beat cover price
Patience is key and proven to be worth it
Awesome information, I am currently investigating the 40k novels and whatnot from the news today. It's a gamble but it's refreshing to change it up.
Do more videos like this Dave. A lot of factors that you mentioned concerning actual value of a comic makes sense! Clearly many books were way overhyped to drive the market.
Thanks for the video as it set my mindset on aiming towards comic books worth collecting and not getting caught up in the overhyped comics at shops and conventions
Great advice, David. I think many people get caught up in the hype, the FOMO, and sometimes even the greed of making a quick buck. This, of course, are those who are speculating and investing. The collectors out there, see this overall drop in the market as an opportunity to pick up books for their PC. For me, it's been Moon Knight #1. Now that it is dropping, I'm hoping to find a reasonably priced raw copy for the PC. (No plans to sell it or flip it, just enjoy it). Thanks for the content.
I got some of these too in high grade, I'll sell it to you for a quarter each promise you.
I enjoy the work and video's you do. Keep up the great work!!!!
Thank you
I would add to this list Golden Age Westerns. I know many resellers in Canada and the USA would struggle to move high grade western comics.
Also... Hulk#181, CGC 9.8 at the peak, $138k (2022)... last sale, $57k (2023)... a drop of nearly 60%! Context matters.
that ain't chump change
I learned the hard way NEVER spec on a movie/tv announcement book, especially during these times. My lesson was from Kanan 6. Its now a little less than half what I paid for it. Still keeping the book but I read far worse cases than mine.
Actually it is a great time for me to get a few comics I wanted before, but because of overly inflated prices could not afford. Savage She Hulk #1 was always a comic I wanted for my collection. Now I just bought a 9.8 at a very affordable price.
Can i buy it from you for 40 dollars?
@@doyouevendab77I have two in high grade, I'll sell it to you for a quarter each.
Yeah this advise is horrible. When the price finally crashes back down to a normal level you should be buying, if you were looking to get one. I guarantee he is scooping up deals on these comics left and right if he finds them.
Spittin wisdom, need more rants Dave
department of truth is and will be making a comeback
I may be on cheap money. I read comics, novels, or any book. For curiosity or like an accomplishment.
I agree that comic books do not belong to hollywood. Either movies or tv. When it comes to novels. I do not want any "buts, no, why, or how dare they do this!", sort of thing. Fans, and sometimes authors complaining. All because of deviations to the source material. That's what really annoys me. I'm a casual person. That has been a few years ago. This unnecessary arguing about books made into movies, tv shows, or other type of media. This type of arguments need to stop and put this needless bickering aside. Then again, what was the entire point of doing novels as films or tv shows in the first place? I agree they need to be part of hollywood. Maybe that's whole reason books needs be a part of hollywood. I misunderstood this all along. They were not butchering them. They were only wanted to deconstruct, experiment, and be subversions of the novel material. I don't care if authors don't enjoy it. To me, that's fine. I am not here for arguments. Books have the rights to do films and tv shows alike. I don't mind about changing things or going against the source material. Book adaptations need to be their own thing as well. Not just copy what the source material already did.
Great video. Thanks for the solid advice.
Some good advice. Thanks!
Great advice Dave
I think you are spot on with this advice.!!!
I invest in a very expensive cant miss book you mentionned in a top 10 in 2021. It lost 50% of its value and I lost thousands. So im not buying anything anymore.
Just do the opposite of what he tells you to do because I'm sure he is.
During the peak, I sold my Bronze Age and Silver Age collection bought in the 1970s. 600 or so books, the Bronze in NM/M and the Silver mostly mid grade. Many keys. Spent maybe $500 between 1976-78. Sold for 12 or 15k. That sounds good, but it's actually not a very good return for a 50 year hold. And I sold during the thoroughly unexpected peak. So make of that what you will in terms of investment potential of comics.
Great vid. Nice to see someone that is absolutely not shilling. I subscribed. 🤔👍🤗
I try to tell it the way I see it. Good or bad
I won that Black Panther #3 at a 9.8 in a giveaway on WhatNot last year. I didn't even know how popular it got as a spec book at the time, but I was really happy that it had a high FMV. Now that it's dropped in value, there's really no loss there since I got it for free.. lol.
Been out of the spec market for a few years. Made some good money now I just collect Batman and Spider-Man because that's what I love.
Ya screw Superman :)
I’ve started to pick up punisher keys and cpvs. His first appearances in Asm and vol 1 and 2 in cpvs
Nice 👍🏻
Cpvs is what ?
You never quite get it do you? it's true that a lot of the market these days are just speculators. People who use comics to make money. Some of us in the market buy and collect comics because we like comics. It's not about a financial return. Sometimes we take an interest in comic runs and titles and characters. It's not always relevant at all if they have a movie or not - some of us collect comics. Not sure fire investment returns. You know.
I 100 understand it. But my channel is for people that want to collect for investment purposes. I understand people collect what they love and don’t care about the financial side of things. But that’s not what my channel is about
@@ComicBookInvestments My actual point was that for us who collect to enjoy and read, those comics you said were poor investments aren't necessarily poor investments at all. Comic collectors like all sorts of comics at times. We're not based solely on speccin'. Hey, I invest too - that's a component of my hobby. When all is said and done, 'Hot Boxes' for investment purposes, absolutely fine, but a PC (Personal Collection) Box, which are 'Readers' and the stuff you are just into. Every comic investor should bother with a few things for enjoyment - I know they usually do.
Agree with all you said. But the Moon Knight he is always a keeper, yes slight raise in $ but still a class A book. All the others if you need a filler to complete your run of a titel
Thoughts on comics like FF 48 and some larger keys? Need to be above like a 6.0-7.0 as well?
great advice, nuff said .
What do you think about Batman adventures #12 Long term?
Hand gestures on fleek my dude
Great video. A lot of useful info to think about.
There are too many worthless books in cases.
Define "worthless books"
@@copy801Books that aren't worth the cost to slab it.
Lots of ppl send in junk Moderns just to say they got a 9.8
@@backroom12name one person that does that? YOU TELL ME NOW!!!!!!
Thanks for this. Excellent advice.
Nice work , also the $ amount loss too
Good advice to start the new year off right 👍
excellent as always
Can you do something like this for books that people want like the difference in prices for hulk 340 or asm 252 at a 9.8 or 9.6. I have several keys that were never read and have about 3000 comics and nothing is graded
Great advice thanks…
You forgot West Coast Avengers 45 CGC 9.8, Once White Vision showed up in Wandavision, 3 years ago, 9.8 slabs were selling from $1400-$1800. Now they sell between $135-$180, Good times to be a seller.
Great advice a lot of people need to know
Buy what you love. I know this channel is mostly for investors but I watch it to see if books I'm interested in have inflated prices! It's a royal pain if you're already collecting vintage Charlton comics only to find out an issue you want was drawn by an artist who later became "famous"!
yes always buy what you love, but if you want investment advice, I"m here
Good Stuff David!
Good advice!
2023 I been only collecting GGA comics especially Dave Stevens, his covers has been steady.
Very good video.
A Luke Cage Hero for Hire 1 I had stayed at 3.00 for decades, I sold it way back because it never went up. One of my biggest mistakes I think.
Very interesting.
If you want to buy comics it is a great time to buy but I like this type of video he is showing us what to avoid.
Yes a great time to buy. But not all books are worth buying
Yes very true.@@ComicBookInvestments
Great content is always.
Dave, what's the website you use for grading and market prices? Love the show, its my always goto.
Thanks 😊.
“94-“99, bought $20-$25./week.
Never read. Mylar/Backer,then long box.
Still there. Store owner pull the picks, out of his weekly new 🆕 Shipment. Probably got all those that aren’t worth nothing.
But I don’t know, never went through to price them ?!
What do you think will happen to these store variants like in Brys Comics giveaways?
all those middling books of stagnate value are always better in full runs...things like Teen Titans vol.1 are pretty easy to complete.
What about if I just buy my weekly pulls at cover? Am I good then?
I would say no
Can you do a video on people to avoid in 2024, too? Lol.
Any thoughts on the CGC scam?
Check out the ultra-verse by Malibu that went up during 21 and check out the drop these were 1$ comics since the 90s.
Young Avengers #1 will end up back at the top, eventually. It's a hell of a book for a modern comic.
This is exactly why ive been slowly selling of my modren stuff and buying precode horror and gold atlas silver marvel mostly pre code horror tho in any conditon they always go up
Good thing I collect comics because I enjoy them, not for an investment. I have a King Comics 45, and I just enjoy telling folks that I have a pre-war Popeye comic.
Can you please do a Punisher comic video. Thank you.
I disagree with you about She Hulk. If the MCU people ever pull their head out and get some good writing behind this character She Hulk could take off in popularity. I also think Nocterra is still a good spec investment. I think the show will come to fruition and you can still find very low prices on issue 1. Check out the Zoe Lacchei variant cover, I got one for $30 and it's a beautiful cover. Good show Dave, keep up the good work!
So the she hulk I’ve had since it came out? I guess I missed the boat!😂😢 ha, my moon knight 1 too? I need to get off my arse! I’m 57!!! I knew how to buy comics, but how to sell them? No idea!
Moon Knight and She-Hulk have endured for decades until bad tv shows drove their prices down. However in the long run those books will go up again because those characters have always had fans.
I think long term they are ok, they were just way way over valued
I have some so called worthless books that are mine bought from lcs when I was younger that I am fond of...that i Might consider getting encased but not for investments. Ghost rider 35 supervillain team up 14
Of all the books shown I believe the outlier was Thor #132, which had the first cameo appearance of Ego and was a product of Lee and Kirby. It will ultimately find it's value without any hype, IMO.
As for the new books, they were ALL spec garbage with zero history. These were bought to get slabbed and resold and nothing else. Not bought for the love of the character, story or art and that was the game. Those who played and lost don't matter. The modern comic may not be dead, but it's on life support and the hobby goes on. Comics are seen as a way to make a buck these days. That's my rant as a Marvel Silver age collector and OG. Best to all.
Ha … been avoiding these all since I began collecting decades ago. Junk is junk & undereducated greedy fools & their money are soon parted
Enjoyed video. Please do more comics to avoid…
Man, you sure due take the fun out of collecting comics, not everybody buys to invest, but I get your point. I collect what I want because I want to and if I want to send it to get graded, then I will send it. But, thanks for another great video.
Always buy what you love. But if your looking for investment advice in comics. That’s what I provide. It can be positive though. If I recommend a book and 5 years later it’s gained in value.
This channel called is comic book investments!
Maybe you can also include books that now expensive as books to avoid. The books you have are books that doesn't really affect our wallet because it is now already cheap.
She hulk was a bear 3k book so that’s pretty expensive. Also this list is to give you an idea. Not just point out every single specific book.
@michaeltan why don't you do it.
How did I know you were going to bring up The Savage She Hulk? They ruined that book and character with that show. What a waste. Still a great cover though.
I’ve always liked the cover and it being a Stan Lee written story. I’m just glad I picked it up at $365 and not $3k! Even if it drops further I’m happy I own it
Paid 40 cents for mine, and that was too much.
@@tikertiker2 same here, I grabbed a high grade copy and may slab it it because I like the cover. But I will most likely get a nice acrylic holder and display it.
I love these type of videos
Thanks. Took me awhile but I got it out
I get the pump and dumps just to sell instantly make the money and move on .
How goes the sale of your comics? Can I send you some now is it open now ?
Yes we are accepting consignments for our next auction
She-Hulk will forever be in the Walmart bin all the way in the back lmao
What is ironic about this video is that it is actually the best time to buy these books if you really want them since they are now cheep and will not break the bank. However you will not be seeing me buy any of them.
I would say look at the movie schedule and avoid all books associated with the movies cause once the movie bombs the books will drop.
That's why you got to get rid of it before the movie comes out
MCU is like a box of chocolates.. You never know what youre going to get...It may be a billion $movie (CaptMarvel) doesnt mean its good...Sell them even before the 1st trailer..take the money and run...dont get greedy and try to time the highest point to sell it..
Appreciate the honest advice…I was fed up with other biased scum bag you tubers telling everyone to buy every comic and that every MSheU movie was gonna be 👍
Here's even better advice that will save you lots of money. Don't buy any comics as investments at all.
I sold a raw first tosin appearance for 90 when it came out lol
I dont like "spec books" in my opinion i think it kinda ruined collecting. Just buy what you like. If you think you'll be a millionaire you won't be. I just buy what I like and try to complete runs.
Thank for the video that why I buy because I like no to invest
Some of you younger collectors might want to look up Beenie babys, and were they are now.
Paid 40 cents for my She-Hulk #1, and that was too much.
Great advice but some collectors refuse to listen….
Personally I think that 'super heroes' are just played out and boring at this point, even new ones. I believe that comic books like GI Joe, Transformers, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Masters of the Universe will be where the nostalgia and value are at in the future. SO MANY marvel and DC movies now that those heroes are just played out. Look for comic books like Warhammer 40k, Dungeons & Dragons (Dragon Lance for example), Areala Warrior Nun, ect. Maybe some video game based comics. But common supers are just done.
I have to disagree, that Moon Knight #1 will go up value, Young Avengers possibly...glad I got a copy of Moon Knight #1
This doubles as a dump-and-run list. If these types of books happen to be in your collection already, and they begin to spike, best bet is to sell Sell SELL!
Phones actually deciding the prices of these comics. Is it the market data fans buying power. Who . A comic comes put with 8 varieties and somehow the value is instantly known of all, obviously not the cover price. Reminds me of fashion industry. Who is telling us what's in and out ?. Il do as I please thank you
Rule #1 of comic book collecting. With incredibly few exceptions, never invest in comics published after 1975. If you go for them, buy them because you love them, not because you're investing in them.
The hard truth 🏆
Is it really the best advice to say “don’t invest in these books after they’ve dropped 80% and are at their all time lows”? This seems like advice for what not to buy a year or two ago. Now, the vast majority of these books are just good buys at their current prices.
These books were artificially high. They shouldn’t have gone that high. People will think they are “low” but they are actually where they should be. Don’t expect to buy a she hulk 1 9.8 and it to go back up to 3k. It will stay around $300ish
@@ComicBookInvestments I totally get that, and I agree they will almost definitely not reach those artificial highs again, but like if we get she hulk season 2, moon knight season 2, for example (both reported to be coming), you can bet we’ll see another modest spike once again.
That's why I buy almost all my books for $1 or less. No risk
Savage She Hulk…basically a bad derivative of Hulk lol
This may be controversial, but so what. I think that investing in female characters right now is unwise and She-Hulk is the reason why. She-Hulk has been a very popular character over the past few decades. $2300 was always overpriced, given how many copies were printed of Savage #1, but she has been a regular member of the Avengers, a frequent guest star in FF, and had several runs of her own. She isn't quite big enough to continuously carry a series, at Thor, Hulk, Iron Man, DD level, but if you were comparing her star power to the X-Men, she's more popular than everyone, except Wolverine.
Until MCU She-Hulk.
A not-so-secret fact about comic book heroines is that they're sexy and they're drawn sexy. Ask Byrne why he wanted to do She-Hulk and his answer is "because she's a babe". At the extreme end, there was Emma Frost and Madelyn Pryor whose outfit was basically panties, but beyond that, almost every heroine was drawn sexy, from Ms Marvel's tight shorts and cutoff shirt to Psylocke's cheeky outfit. Heck, in the 90s, Sue Richards even had to get into the act and show cleavage in an outfit that would make Power Girl proud.
And the men that bought these loved it. And these men are still alive and they're the ones that have all the money to buy expensive comics.
But the MCU has taken a hard pivot and wanting heroines to look sexy on screen is now looked at as misogyny and just thinking it out loud is a reason to be cancelled. Every heroine must wear pants, even when wearing a skirt. Scarlett Johansson is one of the sexiest actresses alive, so let's put her into essentially a hazmat suit in her movie. (On the other hand, shirtless male characters and even completely bare butt cheeks are 100% ok).
Simply put: the She-Hulk tv show gave the middle finger to many of the people who bought the comic books, graphic novels, toys, etc. and said: we don't want you and gave it instead to people that frankly don't buy comics (or go to movies or watch it on streaming either).
When the parent company drives away existing investors and replaces them with people that don't buy comics, that doesn't make those comics a good investment.
Whatever background music you're using made it sound like there was scratching or something behind me. Very distracting.
It was my mic. It got recorded at too high of volume and made my vocals distorted
Great advice.
I think dept of truth is still going to happen. But it will probably follow the same patterns as other spec books. It will shoot up with the release of a trailer. Peak and then drop off once its released.
Firstly thanks for your show. Just my opinion, but I wouldn't invest in any comics. They are a poor investment generally vs other asset classes and right now there are too many unknowns and the convergence of many negative factors. Firstly the market is in a downtrend and we don't know where the bottom is. The economic outlook for 2024 is not good with risk assets still under strong downward pressure until inflation reverses and interest rates change trend. Also people don't have money and buyers are hard to find. I've talked to people who can't move $200 comics. Interest in Marvel/DC movies is gone - everyone is superhero'd out and the whole 'optioned' or 'may make an appearance in a movie' bubble has burst. I think that is over. There must also be a lot of collectors out there, influenced by the UA-cam flippers (surprised CT still has a show), who are sitting on piles of worthless slabs containing the first appearance of someones auntie or dog. This happened in the 90's and took a decade to recover. Finally, you would think the recent CGC scam is likely to halt most interest in buying high value slabs and may result in a price meltdown in high end books. This all sounds negative, and it is. I love comics and have a massive collection of 50k books and suspect there will be a new normal emerge in a few years. Until then IMO it's too risky. If I was bold enough, I would buy Golden age books and raw low-mid Silver age books.
I hear what you are saying. No one has a crystal ball. I personally think it’s a great time to buy. But I have more inside knowledge of what is happening because I am a comic book dealer full time. I’m not just a flipper. I’ve been selling more in December then I have in awhile. I think second half of 2024 things will turn around economy wise. I guess I’m more optimistic but that’s how I see things. We won’t ever got back to 2021 but I think things will be up on the upward swing
@@ComicBookInvestments Thanks - it's really good to share views and I appreciate your insight from the inside. I will definitely be watching your channel and price movements. If we see a turnaround later this year then I will be thrilled as I plan and setting up a back issue online store here in Australia as I have about 30k books I would like to sell and don't want to do so at these prices. If the market sits at a static level for a decade I will be .... If it picks up with interest rate cuts (which I expect later this year) then prices will re-inflate naturally and I will be thrilled. My books were purchased decades ago at cheap prices compared to today and are high quality runs. Good buying if you are cashed up and it turns up, I agree. Best of luck.