JKA Kihon Examination - 2nd DAN - Black Belt

  • Опубліковано 9 кві 2020
  • Japan Karate Association (JKA) Kihon examination program.
    2nd DAN - Black Belt.
    The number of repetitions might vary, depending on the Examiner.
    Dojo of „Asociația Club Sportiv Karate Brașov” karatebrasov.ro
    Dragoș Dăncescu - 3rd DAN JKA
    2nd Dan (www.jka.or.jp/en/about-jka/da...)
    【KIHON】 IDO KIHON Moving basics
    1. CHUUDAN JUNZUKI (step forward)
    2. SANBON RENZUKI (step forward)
    3. AGEUKE, SOTOUKE (with same arm), GYAKUZUKI (step backward)
    8. YOKOGERI KEKOMI (ZENKUTSU DACHI) (step forward)
    9. MAWASHIGERI (step forward)
    10. AGEUKE (step backward), MAWASHIGERI, YOKO URAKEN UCHI, CHUUDAN JUNZUKI (step forward)
    【KATA】 Student’s favorite KATA
    8 KYU - • JKA Kihon Examination ...
    7 KYU - • JKA Kihon Examination ...
    6 KYU - • JKA Kihon Examination ...
    5 KYU - • JKA Kihon Examination ...
    4 KYU - • JKA Kihon Examination ...
    3 KYU - • JKA Kihon Examination ...
    2 KYU - • JKA Kihon Examination ...
    1 KYU - • JKA Kihon Examination ...
    1 DAN - • JKA Kihon Examination ...
    3 DAN - • JKA Kihon Examination ...
  • Спорт


  • @michaelgabriel5786
    @michaelgabriel5786 3 роки тому +2

    Nice demonstration! I'm from Southeast Asia, and my training is very similar to yours. We also put high emphasis on shoto uke and shuto uke from the side of the shoulder and gyakuzuki (kokutsu dachi to zenkutsu dachi) for all colour belts. I'm going for JKA 2nd Dan exam this year, hopefully April!

    • @anubitebv
      @anubitebv  3 роки тому +2

      Thank you for your feedback! Nice to hear that people from all over the world are watching the videos!
      Good luck on your 2nd DAN examination!

  • @romaincoupigny6409
    @romaincoupigny6409 2 роки тому +2

    Je vais re faire samedi matin aussi dimanche mon examen deuxième Dan karaté...

  • @georgenica2185
    @georgenica2185 3 роки тому +2

    Salut! Foartw frumos din partea ta ca ai filmat kihonul pentru Nidan. Numai ca as vrea sa fac o observație. La combinatia: age uke+soto uke+ gyaku zuky. Nu se mai duce soto pana in spate si in lateralul umarului , ci de la age uke se duce direct mana jos in soto uke. Bafta si la mai multe filmari!!

    • @anubitebv
      @anubitebv  3 роки тому

      Multumesc pentru feedback si pentru observatie!
      La acea combinatie, Soto Uke trebuie sa se vada foarte clar din cate am inteles.
      Sensei Kurihara a explicat aceasta combinatie pentru cei care sustin examenul de 2, respectiv 3 DAN si a pus mare accent pe Soto Uke-ul care se retrage mai mult de lateralul umarului.

  • @kitakachidoki
    @kitakachidoki Рік тому

    Thanks for sharing, very good technique and performance. Let me ask something. I see all techniques are repited 3 times, 3 steps, except for the kicks, only 2 of each. Is this according JKA test rules? Or the complete test require also 3 kicks?

    • @anubitebv
      @anubitebv  Рік тому

      Thank you for your comment!
      I do not know the number of all techniques.
      I didn't have enough space in the Dojo so that's why I did only 3 or 2 (depending on the Combination).
      When I was examined, the combinations with one step were 5 times each. The double step were 3 times each.

  • @ayisyenkonsekan9964
    @ayisyenkonsekan9964 2 роки тому

    Osu! Thanks for sharing! I have a question: is this syllabus the same or is there a new one cause it's been one year since it's sharing! Please confirm ne if it remains the same or not. I will be graduating 2nd dan this year and the training has not already started due to covid-19. I want starting preparing my self.

    • @anubitebv
      @anubitebv  2 роки тому +1

      Yes, I am almost 100% sure that this syllabus is still available!
      Please check the jka website to be sure: www.jka.or.jp/en/about-jka/dan-ranking/

  • @georgenica2185
    @georgenica2185 3 роки тому +2

    Salut. Uite, aici de exemplu e un examen de Nidan sustinut 7n prezenta lui kawasoe si daca te uiti bine la combinatia age uke soto uke, e exact asa cum ti-am explicat. Aici in Danemarca noi facem in acest fel, dar se pare ca tehnica difera de la sensei la sensei. E ceva ce si pentru mine, dar si pentru mulți altii ca noi e greu de înțeles. Adica, toti senseii care sunt de la Hombo dojo japan, are stilul sau la o tehnică ceea ce pe noi ceilalți care vrem sa învățăm ceva ne baga un pic ceață. Oricum, nu am vrut sa te corectez, ci doar am facut o observație. Tu faci exact cum ai învățat ca asa e mai bine. Sanatate si spor æa antrenament! Osu

    • @anubitebv
      @anubitebv  3 роки тому

      Multumesc pentru comentariu!
      Important este ca la acea combinatie sa exista miscarea soldurilor - chiar daca se face soto uke larg sau scurt. In filmuletul trimis de tine lipseste cu desavarsire miscarea soldurilor, dar si tehnica corecta a celui care este examinat. Persoana respectiva merita maxim 4-5 kyu.
      Intr-adevar, fiecare instructor de la Honbu Dojo are particularitatile lui si nu este un lucru negativ (cred).

  • @florinungur3461
    @florinungur3461 2 роки тому

    Bună treabă!

  • @jion2005
    @jion2005 8 місяців тому

    Беда - печаль !!!😥

  • @amarbibi
    @amarbibi 3 роки тому +1

    Presque le même que 3 d