Your Brother Started The Process Of Reunifying Them 🖖 - Star Trek Discovery 3x07



  • @DanielBrongers
    @DanielBrongers 3 роки тому +192

    LOVE Michael's reaction when she heard about AMBASSADOR Spock and what he has accomplished since her disappearance. She looks so proud...

    • @WardNightstone
      @WardNightstone 2 роки тому +9

      I mena comone he's her little brother and while she was raised on vulcan she is 100% human Pride in his acomplishment is COMPLETLY understandable

    • @AbigailsUniverse
      @AbigailsUniverse 2 роки тому +3

      So cute

  • @Robert_Douglass
    @Robert_Douglass 3 роки тому +300

    Did nobody notice that one of the ships mentioned in Tilly's analysis is named the "Yelchin"? After Anton Yelchin? Who portrayed Pavel Chekov in the JJ Abrams Trek films?

    • @trekkienzl2862
      @trekkienzl2862 3 роки тому +31

      I love the little tribute they left for him there.

    • @k1productions87
      @k1productions87 3 роки тому +18

      I remember being at the Star Trek Las Vegas convention where they had a massive memorial banner for Anton Yelchin on which all attendees were welcome to write a tribute upon. I was not there to witness it, but photos were taken of Walter Koenig signing his own upon it as well. Gods I wish I could have seen that

    • @timothybrown2907
      @timothybrown2907 3 роки тому +2

      I didn’t catch that either 🙏

    • @Shadowkey392
      @Shadowkey392 3 роки тому +3

      ...I did NOT notice that. Nice touch!

    • @Mxyzptlksac
      @Mxyzptlksac 3 роки тому +15

      There was USS Nog at Federation headquarters. They paid tribute to a lot of people, fun and touching Easter eggs

  • @AbigailsUniverse
    @AbigailsUniverse 2 роки тому +23

    SHE LOOKS SO PROUD!! Her face lit up it was so adorable

  • @hawkstringfellow
    @hawkstringfellow 3 роки тому +92


  • @jonathaneilbeck2263
    @jonathaneilbeck2263 3 роки тому +102

    Admiral: He also lost his brain, went on a quest to find God with his half-brother.
    Michael: Sybock, oh never kept in touch with him.
    Admiral: And he was also saved the whales.

    • @k1productions87
      @k1productions87 3 роки тому +12

      And was instrumental in signing the first peace accords between the Federation and Klingons

    • @williamrosen3179
      @williamrosen3179 2 роки тому +11

      And temporarilly died saving the Enteprise, only to be ressurected by storing a backup of his soul in the CMO

    • @fairycat23
      @fairycat23 3 місяці тому

      And one time he was able to break his Pon Farr fever by wrestling his captain and bf (best friend) to the ground. After tearing the captain's shirt open, of course.

  • @daniels7907
    @daniels7907 3 роки тому +107

    Love the way that Burnham's face lights up when she hears that Spock was an ambassador and major figure in Vulcan/Romulan history. But does the Federation really know what happened to him? Or do they simply believe that he died in the supernova? Are they aware of the Kelvin timeline like they are the Mirror Universe?

    • @stephenconway2468
      @stephenconway2468 3 роки тому +10

      @SevelRomanov It was a parallel universe in the sense that it was a different timeline. So it fell outside of the normal temporal issues.

    • @Yuzral
      @Yuzral 3 роки тому +7

      Depends if Star Trek Online is canon for Discovery. If not then they probably have him listed as missing presumed dead since the last that the main timeline saw of him was the Jellyfish disappearing into the space wedgie. In STO there is a mission that lands you in the Kelvin timeline so there was an opportunity for someone to learn the rest of what happened.

    • @brandongamer96
      @brandongamer96 3 роки тому +3

      @@Yuzral likely can't be canon since it contradicts Picard which is definitely canon for Discovery.

    • @daniels7907
      @daniels7907 3 роки тому +5

      @@stephenconway2468 Yes. It also wasn't deliberate on Spock's part. But since it was an alternate timeline, the changes that happened there in no way impacted the Prime universe. Which is why Vulcan/Ni'Var still exists in the Prime, even though Nero destroyed it in the Kelvin timeline.

    • @amitakartok
      @amitakartok 3 роки тому +16

      According to the latest episode, the Prime universe Federation is aware of the existence of the Kelvin timeline but trans-dimensional travel is banned alongside time travel.

  • @awhuy
    @awhuy 3 роки тому +38

    So, earth left the Federation, Vulcan left the Federation, I’m sensing all the founding worlds might have just jumped ship

    • @Skybar23
      @Skybar23 3 роки тому

      maybe the Federation is the villian here

    • @jeeshadow1
      @jeeshadow1 3 роки тому +6

      Andoria is also out! There is a map last episode and they are the color of the rest of the Emerald Chain! Is Tellar still in? I do feel like it does say something though that the Federation is able to live (even in a much reduced form) despite losing its founder worlds.

    • @songyani3992
      @songyani3992 3 роки тому +1

      @@jeeshadow1 Emerald chain was explained several episodes ago to be andorian/orian syndicate sooo yes they does leave

    • @STho205
      @STho205 3 роки тому +8

      The Federation was always a metaphor for the UN of the mid 20th century. The US and UK created its foundation with the North Atlantic alliance before WWII then the victors of WWII (US, UK, USSR) created the UN after Yalta. They tried to ensure they would always have guiding control with permanent seats on the Security Council and placing the HQ in NYC.
      However Truman was not as happy with the US-UK and USSR alliance as FDR had been. The USSR started directing their post war spoil nations to vote their way after the Korea situation (a UN peace keeping war). That formed the Eastern Bloc. After the UN created/recognized Israel the Islamic nations formed a sub confederation since every member nation had one vote, despite their size (like a senate). The 3rd World voting bloc of Nassar emerged in the 50s/60s and was only barely held in check by the Security Council since that was the biggest bloc.
      Then China was opened up by the US in the Nixon era. They got eventually a seat as a superpower. By the 80s the US (Earth in the metaphor) barely had major influence in the UN. The UK (Vulcan in the metaphor) was still influential due to great diplomatic skills and nostalgia, but not by military power as they used to do. Then Germany reunified, Poland and Balkland nations broke from the USSR bloc, the USSR broke up to become once again the Byzantine nations of Russia/Ukrane/etc, and Europe decided to turn the Common Market (trade federation) into a United States of Europe.
      So after 1990 the UN was barely what it was in 1949. It is mostly run by the Islamic bloc and spends most of its time issuing sanctions on Israel, who ignore them.
      Britain left the EU because it was going into the unified Europe under the Germans and Loraine French (just as Charlemagne, Napolean and Hitler had dreamed)
      Today the original founders pretty much ignore the UN also, and there have been popular calls in these nations to get out if the UN.
      These writers are often dismissed as bad writers (maybe they are) because modern audiences don't understand the context. There are snippets of inspired writing in STD. Then there is soap opera drek. It is a product of TV and current fashion just like every ST series.

    • @biohita
      @biohita 3 роки тому +2

      @@jeeshadow1 I still can't grasp why would Andorians form a criminal syndicate with Orions. Aren't they like Klingons? a militaristic, horonable species that abhors dishonesty? Orions are like the Hutts of Star Trek, way different than the blue dudes.

  • @thedelta4258
    @thedelta4258 3 роки тому +52

    They left the Federation nearly a hundred years ago. Roughly the same time as Earth did.

    • @kelaarin
      @kelaarin 3 роки тому +5

      And roughly the same time as the Burn. Coincidence?

    • @daniels7907
      @daniels7907 3 роки тому +8

      Seems like that's when most Federation worlds quit. Without Starfleet to connect and defend them, why remain in a union?

    • @HansWurst-vr3pr
      @HansWurst-vr3pr 3 роки тому +2

      Didnt earth left for another reason? I remember something to not be a target for anyone who wants to Attack the weakened federation and starfleet, so they moved HQ.

    • @jeeshadow1
      @jeeshadow1 3 роки тому +1

      @@daniels7907 Ya, and I think it also led to the collapse of the subspace relay network which probably led to them just losing connection with most of the member worlds.

    • @jeeshadow1
      @jeeshadow1 3 роки тому +1

      @@HansWurst-vr3pr Ya, same time but different reason. Ni'Var left because they thought the Federation pressured them into causing the Burn while Earth left because Federation HQ had moved and they just felt like they didn't need to be part of the Federation anymore.

  • @ryandommerman9295
    @ryandommerman9295 3 роки тому +6

    I would like them to mention the "Romulan Republic" or the "Galactic Union" at sometime as depicted in Star Trek Online.

  • @Ocelot1962
    @Ocelot1962 Рік тому +7

    This is a scene I keep re-watching for the interplay between Tilly and Burnham: "What if you hadn't made it back. What would I do?" It reminds me of Spock Prime's words to Kelvin Spock at the end of Star Trek 2009 about his budding friendship with Kirk. What you see here between Tilly and Burnham is the start of a friendship that will define them both in ways they cannot yet realise.

  • @jessmith7324
    @jessmith7324 3 роки тому +24

    She apparently still has issues with consequences

    • @benjaminbierley2074
      @benjaminbierley2074 3 роки тому +5

      She's been highly obsessive right from the get-go, while this does or is meant to drive the overarching plot, it's also had her repeatedly riding rough shod over everyone around her with her whole "action girl" bit. At least they're giving her professional and personal consequences to operating that way, it is still very much a question if the lessons will take...granted she has been working under people who acted as enablers to her character.

    • @jessmith7324
      @jessmith7324 3 роки тому +2

      @@benjaminbierley2074 Seems like its starting to kick in when she was questioning if she should stay with starfleet. I think its going to be a situation where she'll increasingly find that people won't take her shit anymore and pay the bill. That has been the only legt criticism all along.

  • @Jayjay-qe6um
    @Jayjay-qe6um 3 роки тому +24

    Wait, Ni'Var is also the name of a Vulcan Suurok-class combat cruiser, in Enterprise episode "Shadows of P'Jem".

    • @MariaMartinez-researcher
      @MariaMartinez-researcher 3 роки тому +1

      It's a word that comes from fanfiction and means "two ways."

    • @Stranglars1
      @Stranglars1 3 роки тому +1

      "It literally means "two form" and was an art form practiced on Vulcan in which a subject was examined from two different viewpoints, or in terms of its having two different aspects or natures."
      Star Trek Memory alpha'Var#Ni.27Var

    • @WardNightstone
      @WardNightstone 2 роки тому +2

      @@Stranglars1 and with Vulcans and Romulans living on the planet together it's a Logical and poetic name change i can see why it was adopted

  • @robgyanisu312
    @robgyanisu312 3 роки тому +21

    Ni'var left the Federation around the same time as _The Burn._ Hmmmm, that's sounds a little suspicious to me. . .

    • @BioGoji-zm5ph
      @BioGoji-zm5ph 3 роки тому +4

      Well, it was Ni'var going to stick around anyway.

    • @dmanc85
      @dmanc85 3 роки тому

      @@BioGoji-zm5ph LOL

    • @kenjett2434
      @kenjett2434 3 роки тому +1

      Well Ne'var shouldn't even be there if it was renamed and use to be Vulcan. Seeing how Vulcan was destroyed by the Narada that created the new timeline. More heavily flubbed up writing by clueless writers. Everything was changed from the time the Narada destroyed the Kelvin. As the Prime timeline would cease to exist after that moment skewing into what's known as the Kelvin timeline. When Discovery left the Prime line they would have entered into the Kelvin timeline.

    • @TempestCrown
      @TempestCrown 3 роки тому

      The admiral explained they left immediately after the Burn because they were under the belief their experiment, that the Federation ordered them to continue when they were concerned of its ramifications, caused the Burn.

    • @TempestCrown
      @TempestCrown 3 роки тому

      @@kenjett2434 Discovery didn't leave the Prime timeline though. They simply jumped ahead in it. Vulcan was destroyed in the Kelvin timeline, it's Romulus that no longer exists in the Prime.

  • @sanhcman666
    @sanhcman666 3 роки тому +3

    i like burham pikachu face

  • @yankee1376
    @yankee1376 3 роки тому +11

    Nevar? Levar? LEVAR Burton? It all makes sense!

    • @Stranglars1
      @Stranglars1 3 роки тому +1

      "It literally means "two form" and was an art form practiced on Vulcan in which a subject was examined from two different viewpoints, or in terms of its having two different aspects or natures."
      Star Trek Memory alpha'Var#Ni.27Var

  • @gedias1
    @gedias1 3 роки тому +17

    This admiral seems to have a wealth of knowledge, and seems to recall facts very quickly, like Data. I wonder if they have artificial implants in their brains that allow them to call up information quickly.

    • @michaelloftus565
      @michaelloftus565 2 роки тому +2

      No, he's just a smart guy, as a flag officer should be.

    • @gedias1
      @gedias1 2 роки тому +2

      ​@@michaelloftus565 Being smart is one thing. Having centuries of historical knowledge is another. Even scholars need to check libraries regularly.

    • @Klaaism
      @Klaaism 11 місяців тому +1

      Its a rather lazy plot device for exposition dump. Granted that's nothing new with Discovery's writers. Occasionally find some gems though.

    • @MJG206
      @MJG206 10 місяців тому

      He probably read up on everything that could be known on the burn when he was given the initial report of the times of the ships blowing.

  • @22espec
    @22espec 3 роки тому +16

    I wonder what happened to the Klingons

    • @mariooli9268
      @mariooli9268 3 роки тому


    • @Jalgorn
      @Jalgorn 3 роки тому +5

      I go on a stretch here and assume.. WAR!

    • @walterdayrit675
      @walterdayrit675 3 роки тому

      @@Jalgorn Maybe they changed into a peaceful society after the burn?

  • @hawkstringfellow
    @hawkstringfellow 3 роки тому +21

    That's how you trek CBS keep it up

    • @Gunnar001
      @Gunnar001 3 роки тому +6

      They don’t know the first thing about Star Trek.

    • @everettjohnson9374
      @everettjohnson9374 3 роки тому +7

      @@Gunnar001 of course they do, it's written by trek fans.

    • @Gunnar001
      @Gunnar001 3 роки тому +2

      @@everettjohnson9374 what a joke. These hacks couldn’t care less about Trek.

    • @gregdeandrea1450
      @gregdeandrea1450 2 роки тому +1

      @@Gunnar001 Stay mad, see you in season 5

    • @Gunnar001
      @Gunnar001 2 роки тому

      @@gregdeandrea1450 Don’t think. Have no standards. Consume garbage.

  • @fredtjack23
    @fredtjack23 2 роки тому

    We need to get over there

  • @countroshculla
    @countroshculla 3 роки тому +1

    Star Trek : Whispers

  • @Iceflkn
    @Iceflkn Рік тому

    When understanding was ONLY one sided

  • @shanenway3684
    @shanenway3684 Рік тому

    an Noisy Apple watch? my emperor upgrade please

  • @taylormanes5492
    @taylormanes5492 Рік тому +1

    Tilly is the best character on Discovery!

  • @8fconsulting147
    @8fconsulting147 7 місяців тому

    Her immense acting skill ranges from surprised outrage to surprised outrage.

  • @dchen8888
    @dchen8888 3 роки тому

    just find more black box

  • @rcslyman8929
    @rcslyman8929 3 роки тому +2

    Hey guys, also... "It took centuries after his death."
    I guess JJTrek's invisible to the time cops, eh?

    • @k1productions87
      @k1productions87 3 роки тому +2

      1) he was presumed dead after the Hobus incident
      2) the Kelvin Timeline is an alternate reality, outside any temporal sensors between the 26th and 31st centuries.
      Can you imagine if they could scan through all quantum realities? Reference "Parallels" (TNG), that would be utterly impossible to keep track of and properly monitor

  • @Taospark
    @Taospark 6 місяців тому

    Doesn't triangulation work in 3D space like with mountainous topography?

    • @scaredscorpion
      @scaredscorpion 4 місяці тому +1

      Yes, but in 3D space you need at least 4 points. We get around this with GPS because the other possible point that would match the same GPS signal isn't near the surface of the planet (there's also signal reflections which is why GPS in built-up cities is so bad).
      The main reason they needed the additional data here is it didn't have sufficient granularity to identify an explorably small area. Even handwaving the clocks being able to be corrected to be consistent with each other, which they do in the show. The greater number of points with different time data allows substantially reducing the bounds of the source.

  • @pieplay
    @pieplay 3 місяці тому +3

    Only Americans would be so unfamiliar with the metric system to say "A millionth of a microsecond". Think about that.

  • @dootdoot1867
    @dootdoot1867 Рік тому

    This was the best episode of the entire series. It was classical star trek. some pc thrown in as they cannot help themselves. But nothing fancy. just story and dialogue.

  • @Hyunckel
    @Hyunckel 4 місяці тому

    ravin , précipice

  • @britneymaysplendia8901
    @britneymaysplendia8901 Рік тому


  • @user-jt5vm3mi1w
    @user-jt5vm3mi1w 3 роки тому +1

    Lol who was recording that spock thing

    • @exilestudios9546
      @exilestudios9546 3 роки тому +4

      data was. he recorded everything he ever saw and he was at that meeting

    • @jordanreed3675
      @jordanreed3675 3 роки тому +3

      @@exilestudios9546 or it came from picard’ own memories considering that picard did have a new synthetic body

  • @rathernot604
    @rathernot604 Рік тому


  • @u4site4u27
    @u4site4u27 3 роки тому +1

    You need normal reoccurring themes Deadpool on the characters personality and inner strength morals and values make it real and make a character that have walls I always like a ship gets back on course

  • @AnthonyBerkshire
    @AnthonyBerkshire 3 роки тому

    In this Episode Burnham had many silly faces

  • @emcats84
    @emcats84 3 роки тому +2

    The problem with this show is that it feels like now pretending to be the 23rd century. The writers,directors and actors just don’t make it actually feel futuristic. It is very much a non-intended fish out of water feeling. I think you have to be pretty dull-minded to become immersed in this.

  • @BioGoji-zm5ph
    @BioGoji-zm5ph 3 роки тому +7

    "Your brother started the process of reunifying them... but then they learned of his connection to you and it took five centuries after his death/disappearance before anyone was willing to consider or even listen to recordings of anything he had ever said again."

    • @daniels7907
      @daniels7907 3 роки тому +1

      Not like they hadn't mislaid important historical stuff before. Remember the Kir'shara?

  • @u4site4u27
    @u4site4u27 3 роки тому +1

    But the show need is a reoccurring nemesis whenever a show like this starts to lose a lot against it starts to get strange I called it the Lost effect

    • @NuclearFridge1
      @NuclearFridge1 Рік тому

      Or you can slam your face into a table over and over.
      Sure, no dialogue or plot development but it's not going to cost you money.

  • @Peizxcv
    @Peizxcv Рік тому +1

    Even jumping to the future it's ruining Trek

  • @u4site4u27
    @u4site4u27 3 роки тому +1

    Remember the old Star Trek the only thing that carries over are the values that eats captain hat and the know when the same no attitude they also carried

  • @Knightfall182
    @Knightfall182 3 роки тому +7

    N'Var speak Spock's name again on this plz 👍

  • @u4site4u27
    @u4site4u27 3 роки тому +1

    The show Lost decided that it would be so strange at the audience with TuneIn just to see where it storyline went next that lasted for several years but eventually burned itself out and when it was done it was really over and done with I see the show going the same way being too strange for its own good

  • @marouanebouhaddaoui4748
    @marouanebouhaddaoui4748 6 місяців тому


  • @geogeo3749
    @geogeo3749 3 роки тому +2

    She’s so over dramatic

  • @snbforever
    @snbforever 3 роки тому

    That was a lot of over acting, and somebody needs to hit the gym...more 💪

  • @travelingmixednuts9020
    @travelingmixednuts9020 3 роки тому

    I'm so glad savior jesus burnham is always there to save everybody

  • @dennismorgan2774
    @dennismorgan2774 3 роки тому


  • @u4site4u27
    @u4site4u27 3 роки тому +1

    I think they still needs a splash of personality loud hairdo does not do it I think they have changed too much of what made the show work

  • @kenjett2434
    @kenjett2434 3 роки тому

    What Vulcan, there is no Vulcan it was destroyed so how is it reunification happened on Vulcan? This makes no sense including storyline with Vulcan as if nothing happened? The writers of Discovery must be brain dead I guess. If Picard is set in the Abrams timeline so should Discovery being in the future.

    • @gabrielmenchaca1715
      @gabrielmenchaca1715 3 роки тому +5

      Discovery and Picard are prime timeline.

    • @kenjett2434
      @kenjett2434 3 роки тому

      @@gabrielmenchaca1715 depends on point of view it's the new Prime timeline because everything from the Narada incursion skewed everything into an alternate timeline. Any and all events after that would all be in the new alternate Kelvin timeline. I am quite certain the events of Discovery happened post the time of Kirk's birth the day his dad was killed by the Narada and Nero. You have to understand time travel mechanics in order to grasp how it works. Time travel in Star Trek follows the same mechanics that was in Back to the Future. There is examples in every series in the Franchise.

    • @andromeda5414
      @andromeda5414 3 роки тому +4

      The destruction of Vulcan took place in the Kelvin timeline. Doesn't apply here. This is prime timeline.

    • @kenjett2434
      @kenjett2434 3 роки тому

      @@andromeda5414 look do I have stupid written in my name or do you think I am? There is only one way that Discovery can be in original Prime timeline. That is if their time jump happened before the intrusion of the Narada and destroying the Kelvin thus changing all future time from that moment. The evidence for this is in TOS episode City of Forever. McCoy saved one woman and changed all of earth's future from that point. I do not believe Discovery's time jump happened before the events of the Narada. I know this is hard to understand for many it falls into what is referred to as the Grandfather Paradox. But a simple description is given by Doc Brown in BTTF 2. That is based on actual time theory real science something i am well studied in. Physic and science is my gifted field and in this subject, one can spend hours lecturing on but to do that here is impossible.

    • @andromeda5414
      @andromeda5414 3 роки тому +3

      @@kenjett2434 No one called you stupid so I think that was rather unnecessary. Furthermore the show has already been stated to be in the prime timeline, and on many occasions it's been shown that how time travel works in trek doesn't always correlate to how other media portrays it. This is the future of the prime timeline as evidenced by Vulcan/Ni'var's presence and other factors. Some create their own headacanon which is fine, but we as the audience don't get to decide what is officially prime or not.

  • @sweatshirtmusik
    @sweatshirtmusik 3 роки тому +11

    Michael character acting is cringe most of the time

    • @RojaJaneman
      @RojaJaneman 3 роки тому +2

      People act differently in different cultures. There are many aspects of every culture that others find cringe. It’s human.
      Ask anyone that is truly familiar with more than one culture. I mean truly lived/studied and has intimate knowledge of them.

    • @sweatshirtmusik
      @sweatshirtmusik 3 роки тому

      @@RojaJaneman dude! I’m from Kenya, my parents are from South Africa. I know about culture more than you know. Her acting is cringe sometimes. Nothing has to do with anything you just said

    • @RojaJaneman
      @RojaJaneman 3 роки тому +4

      South Africa and Kenya aren’t worlds apart. Plus, you urself aren’t familiar with more than one culture, just your parents are from another country.
      I’m talking about living years immersed in a culture that’s really different from yours. Like an Asian living in Europe or vice versa. I’ve lived in three different places for years, completely immersed in them. I mean people wouldn’t believe I wasn’t born there. I picked up on languages, cultures, clothing everything. Complete opposite cultures/countries too.
      People find all sorts of things weird about foreigners. I’ve studied them, in order to hide them in order to adapt.
      The way she’s behaving is very natural for many. It just seems cringe to some, because it’s something that’s alien to them. It’s just a perception, not a reality.

    • @sweatshirtmusik
      @sweatshirtmusik 3 роки тому

      @@RojaJaneman Her acting is cringe.

    • @DGAF_AK87
      @DGAF_AK87 3 роки тому +1

      @@sweatshirtmusik Annnnnnd with that statement, I know you're full of shit

  • @Boygasm
    @Boygasm Рік тому

    I dont get the obsession with Star Trek Discovery. I dont like it. I prefer the original trek timeline. Everything is to farfetched and cheaply done on this show. And why would a ship spin during a Spore jump? I'd ralph if I was being hurled in circular motion before porting. Yackkkkk!

  • @leomartin1603
    @leomartin1603 3 роки тому

    And the timelines bouncing back and forth. The SPORE DRIVE, THE RED HEADED VULCANS , dudes kissing each other.Its too much. And if that gorgeous black woman wasnt in it . definitely wouldnt even be here.