Peccato che fai vedere tutto il precisino del cazzo che metti anche l'adesivo dove c'è scritto aspire e poi dopo mi lasci la scritta Acer che hai fatto diventare nera ripittando la scocca non l'hai sistemata pittandola di argento facendola tornare come era in origine solo per questa cosa ti metti dislike al video se le cose le devi fare bene le devi fare perfette senó non le fare proprio
I don't believe it was so easy to restore laptop where all electronic components has mostly roten from humidity or rains. it is almost 99% impossible just to wash it, assemble and start laptop in normal way 😊
Kendi adıma söylemeliyim ki, bir elektronik ürün tamiri yaptığımda montaja başlamadan önce abartmaksızın 3 veya 4 kez kontrol ederim çalışıyor mu diye? Video sahibi o kadar emin ki çalışacağından hiç test etmeden montajladı ve cihaz çalıştı. Bu işlemin sahte olduğunu düşünüyorum.
i love how it has user friendly options like you can just change the hard drive, storage, battery, even the wifi card without removing the entire back cover
I encourage you to pursue this activity in sorting garbage, restoring things from the worst to the best, and continuing to create containers designated for plastic. Good luck.
@@aegwasherndryrer HDD= HARD DISC DRIVE SSD= SOLID STATE DRIVE Pros of sdd :- faster than hdd , no moving parts inside Cons:- price of sdd is greater than hdd Hope you understood 🤡
Absolutely loved this video! It’s amazing to see these vintage Acer laptops brought back to life. The detailed restoration process is so satisfying to watch-great job
I have a laptop computer with a broken screen and the keyboard is not working and I have not found anyone to fix it. You are a genius at repairing neglected and rusted devices. I wish I could find an expert like you in my country.
Incrível!!! aparelho de Laptops, jogado e abandonado no Lixão.. A restauração foi inacreditável! perfeitamente funcionando.. Isto é incrível!!! Parabéns pelo conserto, ficou Top!!! Laptops The Restoration 2R
First off, some of the methods shown here are sound and have a high chance of working. Cleaning a mainboard with (distilled) water is not a problem even though I would probably not submerge it. But this case it’s probably the better way, I am willing to concede. If there is no power going to a device, water does not usually harm it (except when it is salt water - that is a real mf to deal with. You can almost watch parts corrode). You can even put PCBs in a dishwasher, with no cleaner. The boards can take this - after all, they go through a reflow soldering oven at the factory so the temps in a dishwasher shouldn’t be an issue. Using bleach or peroxide or any aggressive cleaning agent on them: That is a hard „no“. For final cleaning I would rather use isopropyl alcohol. You could even submerge the board in it no problem. And it just evaporates afterwards. So the mainboard cleaning part looks at least in part good here. The parts that are definitely more than questionable: Scratching around with a screwdriver on a PCB as seen in the beginning is a surefire way to damage traces and to possibly rip off some SMT components. Submerging a CD drive and what looks like a spinning platter drive in water and just giving it a wipedown on the outside? And they work? Dunking the entire fan assembly in water? Seriously? 😂 Also, rattle canning the case like that will usually produce a godawful look. But hey, somehow it seems to have worked at least on the bottom shell. It worked so well, in fact, that there was no overspray from painting the top part and no runs. It did not even affect the sticker residue on the bottom case. (Read: dude just straight up used a new bottom shell). Somehow the paint job on the top cover looks just as expected: absolutely crappy. Should have been left alone, or at least sanded and degreased properly. Some parts that went back in were still heavily corroded and are extremely unlikely to work in a reliable way, certainly not long-term. Also, the keyboard bulges outward after reassembly. Might not be great for the display and I doubt the reliability of they keys. All in all: likely one of those dodgy repair vids that are floating around here. Evenly caked in mud, screen looks like someone took a hammer to it, some parts claimed to be „restored“ that are clearly swapped parts (except for the display of course - that was beyond salvaging so a new unit was 100% needed)… Viewer beware. Do not believe everything you see in these vids and DO NOT attempt any of this yourself especially if you don’t know exactly what you’re doing or if there is valuable data at stake. If your laptop looks like this, remove the drive(s), hand them to a data recovery firm or just cut your losses. Look, I am all for restoring things and making them last. But there is a point of diminishing returns. Good on the creator though - they get tons of views and probably make a little money off that.
What kind of product was used in the water to clean the electronics? Was it regular bleach? The same kind used to wash clothing? Is it OK with electronics?
Very nice to see the transformation. I am interested which parts were replaced with working ones? Following your video I guess the HDD put into water was not possible to fix, also the Disk drive...
вот только тот кто не чинил ноуты, поверит во всю эту лажу. иногда пролитой по не осторожности немного жидкости делает ремонт не целесообразным, а тут напрочь сгнившая материнка.
don't have any questions or comments on this site has been very helpful for me and I will send you an update on what you want to tie the back of the time and time for me I can be there to go with a little bit more about this opportunity for me to be able that would be great if you have any questions or comments
This harddrive definitely works with windows installed after beeing soked in sopy water 🎉 And nice how you cleaned those dents and cracks of the screen 😮
Я вас расстрою скорее всего, такие видео делаются "в обратной последовательности". Вполне рабочий прибор снимается как рабочий, а потом ушатывается с дальнейшим якобы воскрешением. Я бы тут сказал, что не подарил жизнь, а забрал.
@@Цифровой-Водолей это его предположение, он просто ничего не понимает в реставрации. главное вымыть хорошенечко и ноут заработает. жесткий диск, память, привод и процессор, все в тазик, простирнул в хлорке и порядок. я подозревал, что все эти центры по ремонту - мошенники. вот как все просто, надо свой как нибудь разобрать и в тайде прополоскать. думаю намного лучше будет функционировать. в общем респект чуваку
@@Цифровой-Водолей я как работающий в этой сфере, подтверждаю вышесказанное. Тот ноут который он подобрал в начале ролика даже на запчасти вряд ли сгодится, только в утиль.
For those who are saying it's not real, I want to share a story that happened 18 years ago when my friend and I were doing home electronic home services in a remote place here in the Philippines. My friend was an electronic technician, and I was his assistant. We were repairing TV's and other electronic appliances during that time. As we went on with our usual jobs, my friend spotted an old black-and-white TV set in a dumpsite under heavy rains. He told me to get the broken TV set and asked me to disassemble its components. He also instructed me to wash the components and air-dry them afterward. Then he began to test the components and replace the broken components. After 3 hours, he already finished restoring the broken TV and to my surprise, he was able to make the old black and white TV to function again. SO for me, its 80% possible to restore that laptop.
Kinda suspicious. If the screen really had been detached like we saw at the start of the video, can almost guarantee that where it mounts in the plastic would have snapped, and a new bottom cover would be needed. You scrubbed off rattlecan paint, showing a blue top. Then painted over the logo? And rattlecan painted it again? Among the other obvious issues, that others have mentioned. Good for entertainment purpose only.
Ага,особенно учитывая что hdd не герметичен.И имеет отверстия для выравнивания давления через бумажный фильтр попадание агрессивной жидкости на магнитные диски и резистивные головки.100% при этом потом будет работать...Ну- ну.Это не считая окислы на конденцаторах и прогневагие дорожек платы.
Verdade. Vídeo totalmente falso. Só pra mencionar o HD com umidade, corrosão e lama, funcionando. Nem na época de rádios valvulados onde os circuitos usavam materiais mais resistentes, isso funcionava. Mas o pior é ver gente acreditando que é possível. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
All these days I did not know the beauty of water and used it for bathing, washing clothes, drinking and washing. From now on I will wash all the TV mobile phone laptop in my house with water and washing powder as per their advice. After doing all that I will also arrange a bank loan to buy them again.Thank you very much.
Clickbaits : 4:39 / There is so much rust. How can your fix one 8:34 / Water can short out electricity, and the hard drive is done anyway. 8:39 / You cant just use bleach, The computer is gonna get destroyed. 9:10 / Do not brush the pins of the drive. You may destroy it even more 17:24 / How is the computer working with these treatment 17:55 / HOW IS THE Microsoft Teams, 18:38 / How is internet card working. It was put into water and bleach 19:12 / The browser is coc coc
I accidently put many usb drives into watching machine before. all of them were working fine after that =)). (Water can short out electricity but only when they were working in power on mode.) but none of them was Rust like this laptop he repalced all of them with new broken compoment or the used laptop =)). coc coc is vietnamese chromium base web browser.
Схема такая: записал ролик с рабочим ноутом, разобрал его на части, показал части ноута типа они уже вымытые, собрал ноут, тут уже не важно работает он еще или нет, пошел закопал его в землю с навозом, полил, удобрил и т.д) Выкопал через годик, ну и дальше понятно. p.s и как можно мыть оптический привод и hdd, это же самоубийство! ну про матрицу вообще молчу...
lol i don't quite trust that there was no damage to the MB and ram and cpu after the weather exposure. Also the washing with detergent will surely destroy a lot of the components. And the hard disk surviving the water exposure? If you gonna replace the MB, ram, cpu and hdd and lcd, then that might as well be buying a new laptop ;)
It's always comical coming into the comments section of this channels videos. People complaining about their methods and their product show. Just stop crying and just watch without saying something dumb. This channels videos are quite entertaining despite the stage like products.
Да бред, не верю я что ноут в таком состоянии просто помыл без паяльника, там половина компонентов сгнила бы, и включать такое без проверки рисковано, мог бы просто устроить пожар. И если остался хоть мелкий очаг коррозии он просто убьет этот ноут
Я тоже согласен Лол, автор не понял о чём ты и поставил сердечко 😂😂😂 Также я не понял, зачем он закрасил его черной краской из баллончика, он стал выглядеть как Aspire 5541G. Я также не понял, откуда он взял матрицу, если та была тупо протыкаем чем-то острым. Вообще, мне кажется, что от того ноута ничего он не оставил. Ну, может, крышка.
@@ivancomp_inside тут схема чуть другая....берется ноут,снимается как он пиздато работает,засовывается в раствор говна ну и после пары дней начинается реставрация
Restore broken concrete compactor
Boa tarde!!!
Posso reproduzir alguma da vossa publicação com verso e paisagem?
Peccato che fai vedere tutto il precisino del cazzo che metti anche l'adesivo dove c'è scritto aspire e poi dopo mi lasci la scritta Acer che hai fatto diventare nera ripittando la scocca non l'hai sistemata pittandola di argento facendola tornare come era in origine solo per questa cosa ti metti dislike al video se le cose le devi fare bene le devi fare perfette senó non le fare proprio
Nice 👍👍👍
This is for making video. That is not a real damaged laptop....
so he restored it
right 👌
After some days this man would pick up mommies and wash them to say that the restored the Egyptian era.
Bro WTF 🤣
Wow,, 😂😂🤣
I don't believe it was so easy to restore laptop where all electronic components has mostly roten from humidity or rains. it is almost 99% impossible just to wash it, assemble and start laptop in normal way 😊
All these videos are BS.
@@hifijohnDoes this make sense?
I am an IT Tech, I don't believe that it's possible! I completely agree with you.
Kendi adıma söylemeliyim ki, bir elektronik ürün tamiri yaptığımda montaja başlamadan önce abartmaksızın 3 veya 4 kez kontrol ederim çalışıyor mu diye? Video sahibi o kadar emin ki çalışacağından hiç test etmeden montajladı ve cihaz çalıştı. Bu işlemin sahte olduğunu düşünüyorum.
they replace entire motherboard, because motherboard already dead. humidity and rust broke it.
I gave up when he started washing the HDD inside water 🤣🤣🤣
And then threw it on cemented ground after washing 😂😂😂😂
I know right, everyone knows you need to put it in a dishwasher for a deep clean. 😂🤣
that's not water its pure alcohol. If it was water then it would damage the parts.
Alli se vee jabon, no alcohol, parece que esto a sido una broma para sorprender.
i love how it has user friendly options like you can just change the hard drive, storage, battery, even the wifi card without removing the entire back cover
A minute of Silence for all those who think that this is real. Rust for a plastic item.
in brown colour soil he found broken laptop covered with red soil😂😂
He forgot to thank ACER to send parts and sponsor this video
Also, "restoring" a DVD drive and a hard drive by submerging them in water seems like an extremely bad idea.
This man is so powerful that even plastics started to rust.😂😂
He loves cheese powder 🤣🤣🤣
of course this youtuber won't get $$ a very big profit to
So much rust on the plastic, wonderful!
On glass as well
the laws of chemistry differ from place to place
@@honkytonk4465 it certainly differ from many channels, this one is rust on plastic, other channel is rust on rubber lmfao
The hard work is getting that laptop dirty like that😮
It not real he wash electronic so the real dont work
They should make a video on how we made it dirty
ブラシで少し 触っただけで 茶色い 埃が取れたのは笑った
My favorite part is when he painted the plastic case to look like it had rusted.
This guy will one day restore the titanic ship
উজ্জ্যক্তিকরিজকূফখুইকিওওওওওটিকুই❤ইউকিক্তিথ😮hkklllgjfjh হুইলিসিউশিশুসকুজামাজক্ষ্ক
😊 8:39
8:48 8:48
I encourage you to pursue this activity in sorting garbage, restoring things from the worst to the best, and continuing to create containers designated for plastic. Good luck.
Saya suka ini..
Cocok buat saya.
Mine just over heated & died on me had it for 4 years ☹I hope my new laptop has a longer life. Nice work 😉👍
it did work .. not the laptop but the trick to get views did work .. good job
Se soluciona poniéndole un disklike jajajajaja
what it was a trick I thought it was real
@@HOYANA2025 why so you need to put a date on your comment? UA-cam does that for you
He is cheating
I WROTE IN 2008 .
BRASIL 🥰 😍 🥰 😍 🥰
@@HOYANA2025 o ok ok thanks for your replay.... Iam from india.... Hoyana nice name
OMG this is my laptop from 1912 I left it in a field when WW1 started how did you find it???
Hahaha 🤣
This is laptop from 2008 and Windows 7 was released in 2009
@@ivancomp_insideThis was joke
did you get it back then
laptop looks mordern dso that means time travel exist
1:55 looks like the owner raged
Wow! Nice Work!
Да-да-да! Охотно верю, что после мытья DVD-привода и HDD в мыльной воде они обязательно заработают!
JAJAJA me imajino el sonido del disco duro con agua JAJAJAJ
Soap will make the rotation of the disc more smooth in HDD 🤭🙃.lol
Ипать...я думал он матрицу скотчем залепит и супер клеем зальёт.... :)))
Это Китай не Россия!
Pros of sdd :- faster than hdd , no moving parts inside
Cons:- price of sdd is greater than hdd
Hope you understood 🤡
Bro... nobody wash harddrive or optical rom... you have shocked me 😅
Or thinking viewers are nut😅😅😅😅😅
Absolutely loved this video! It’s amazing to see these vintage Acer laptops brought back to life. The detailed restoration process is so satisfying to watch-great job
Good job turning it on after the repairs are done
We needed to see that part 😸😉👍
I have a laptop computer with a broken screen and the keyboard is not working and I have not found anyone to fix it. You are a genius at repairing neglected and rusted devices. I wish I could find an expert like you in my country.
Agreed, why do we need to replace our crusty rusty rotten laptop, just wash it with water, it's not that hard ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Incrível!!! aparelho de Laptops, jogado e abandonado no Lixão.. A restauração foi inacreditável! perfeitamente funcionando.. Isto é incrível!!! Parabéns pelo conserto, ficou Top!!! Laptops The Restoration 2R
all the stuff he does to clean it would absolutely wreck a computer
Тайская ржавчина насстолько беспощадна что от неё ржавеет даже пластик😂
Постанова, чистой воды)
Wow what a new Delicacy! You're a good mechanic man
I cant keep my laugh when he started to wash the hard disk and mother board in water brushing it vigorously 😂😂😂
Всё волшебство преображения заключается в завораживающих звуках криков петухов и кудахтанья кур.Это же магия!
First they filmed the working laptop
Second destroy it
Third throw it
Fourth content 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Damn i think the same way
Exactly that. 👍
You suck
O 😂🤣😂🤣
mainboard buy second.
First off, some of the methods shown here are sound and have a high chance of working. Cleaning a mainboard with (distilled) water is not a problem even though I would probably not submerge it. But this case it’s probably the better way, I am willing to concede. If there is no power going to a device, water does not usually harm it (except when it is salt water - that is a real mf to deal with. You can almost watch parts corrode). You can even put PCBs in a dishwasher, with no cleaner. The boards can take this - after all, they go through a reflow soldering oven at the factory so the temps in a dishwasher shouldn’t be an issue. Using bleach or peroxide or any aggressive cleaning agent on them: That is a hard „no“. For final cleaning I would rather use isopropyl alcohol. You could even submerge the board in it no problem. And it just evaporates afterwards. So the mainboard cleaning part looks at least in part good here.
The parts that are definitely more than questionable: Scratching around with a screwdriver on a PCB as seen in the beginning is a surefire way to damage traces and to possibly rip off some SMT components. Submerging a CD drive and what looks like a spinning platter drive in water and just giving it a wipedown on the outside? And they work? Dunking the entire fan assembly in water? Seriously? 😂 Also, rattle canning the case like that will usually produce a godawful look. But hey, somehow it seems to have worked at least on the bottom shell. It worked so well, in fact, that there was no overspray from painting the top part and no runs. It did not even affect the sticker residue on the bottom case. (Read: dude just straight up used a new bottom shell). Somehow the paint job on the top cover looks just as expected: absolutely crappy. Should have been left alone, or at least sanded and degreased properly. Some parts that went back in were still heavily corroded and are extremely unlikely to work in a reliable way, certainly not long-term. Also, the keyboard bulges outward after reassembly. Might not be great for the display and I doubt the reliability of they keys.
All in all: likely one of those dodgy repair vids that are floating around here. Evenly caked in mud, screen looks like someone took a hammer to it, some parts claimed to be „restored“ that are clearly swapped parts (except for the display of course - that was beyond salvaging so a new unit was 100% needed)… Viewer beware. Do not believe everything you see in these vids and DO NOT attempt any of this yourself especially if you don’t know exactly what you’re doing or if there is valuable data at stake. If your laptop looks like this, remove the drive(s), hand them to a data recovery firm or just cut your losses. Look, I am all for restoring things and making them last. But there is a point of diminishing returns.
Good on the creator though - they get tons of views and probably make a little money off that.
I'm sure you're jobless
Bjnn vvvvv.
@@lungthlukanampui5499 😂😂😂😂
What kind of product was used in the water to clean the electronics? Was it regular bleach? The same kind used to wash clothing? Is it OK with electronics?
He had another laptop that was the same and probably working nice restoration lol.
Very nice to see the transformation. I am interested which parts were replaced with working ones? Following your video I guess the HDD put into water was not possible to fix, also the Disk drive...
he make video before take to bury .
@@เซ็งเซ็ง-ฐ9ซ what kind of english is this?
I had two Acer laptops. I never had a problem with them!😊
все??? видео - ФЕЙК!!!
for sure MOBO,LCD,HARDRIVE&KEYBOARD had been replace.....100%
I recently watched the video, but you are very talented
Wow bro you are amazing l were give you five❤❤❤❤❤ and🤟🏻👍👍👍
good work man all the best in future work
😍😍💗 from india
what product did you use for cleaning?
I had one years ago. Nice one. When a PC becomes an antique, I'll consider myself old.😂
You actually make very old things seem new, I love your videos. 😊🎉❤
na primeira vez que assisti esses vídeos, quase acreditei...rsrs
kkkk e eu indo nos comentário ver reações de brasileiros kkkkk
Se vc e brasileiro...
Parabéns não vi um brasileiro além de nos agr ;)
вот только тот кто не чинил ноуты, поверит во всю эту лажу. иногда пролитой по не осторожности немного жидкости делает ремонт не целесообразным, а тут напрочь сгнившая материнка.
Man, I love these types of videos ❤
don't have any questions or comments on this site has been very helpful for me and I will send you an update on what you want to tie the back of the time and time for me I can be there to go with a little bit more about this opportunity for me to be able that would be great if you have any questions or comments
So good..congrats!!!
I'm a technician, I appreciate how you restored it, but at the end of the video if the laptop turns on, its IMPOSSIBLE !!!
he soaks the HDD and Lcd board lmao
ha, I just cannot believe so many comments think it's real.
Вот это я понимаю настоящий мастер 😊
Идеальный мастер
Хорошо что я таких мастеров вижу только здесь
Ну да, а всё мастерство заключается в том, чтобы прополоскать электронику в ванной со стиральным порошком. Магия!
Please...don't do it like that
You should put a little bit of mixture of soap+water or hand sanitizer to clean it
Don't just submerge it
It will rust
Wow very satisfying video❤❤
Professional hand like golden bro
you are the best fixer a cleaner
This harddrive definitely works with windows installed after beeing soked in sopy water 🎉
And nice how you cleaned those dents and cracks of the screen 😮
He didn't clean the cracks in the screen but he changed the screen
Мастером пк назову))))) молодца за ноутбук респект
Super bro✌️👏👏👏
I love it your work ❤🇮🇶 from iraq 👍🙂
Молодец парень! Я восхищаюсь его работой, подарил ему вторую жизнь!
Я вас расстрою скорее всего, такие видео делаются "в обратной последовательности". Вполне рабочий прибор снимается как рабочий, а потом ушатывается с дальнейшим якобы воскрешением. Я бы тут сказал, что не подарил жизнь, а забрал.
Это ваше преположение?
@@Цифровой-Водолей это его предположение, он просто ничего не понимает в реставрации. главное вымыть хорошенечко и ноут заработает. жесткий диск, память, привод и процессор, все в тазик, простирнул в хлорке и порядок. я подозревал, что все эти центры по ремонту - мошенники. вот как все просто, надо свой как нибудь разобрать и в тайде прополоскать. думаю намного лучше будет функционировать. в общем респект чуваку
@@Цифровой-Водолей я как работающий в этой сфере, подтверждаю вышесказанное. Тот ноут который он подобрал в начале ролика даже на запчасти вряд ли сгодится, только в утиль.
Mera v.laptop khrab ho Gaya hai koi bana do bhai ehsan hoga.
Rip for those who think this was a old laptop 😑😑
Some people will believe anything.
For those who are saying it's not real, I want to share a story that happened 18 years ago when my friend and I were doing home electronic home services in a remote place here in the Philippines. My friend was an electronic technician, and I was his assistant. We were repairing TV's and other electronic appliances during that time. As we went on with our usual jobs, my friend spotted an old black-and-white TV set in a dumpsite under heavy rains. He told me to get the broken TV set and asked me to disassemble its components. He also instructed me to wash the components and air-dry them afterward. Then he began to test the components and replace the broken components. After 3 hours, he already finished restoring the broken TV and to my surprise, he was able to make the old black and white TV to function again. SO for me, its 80% possible to restore that laptop.
This laptop is turning out, so great work.
Kinda suspicious.
If the screen really had been detached like we saw at the start of the video, can almost guarantee that where it mounts in the plastic would have snapped, and a new bottom cover would be needed.
You scrubbed off rattlecan paint, showing a blue top. Then painted over the logo? And rattlecan painted it again?
Among the other obvious issues, that others have mentioned. Good for entertainment purpose only.
Материнскую плату отвёрткой чистит ну вы видели🤦♂️🤷♂️
Indians gopi bahu is right here
😮wow awesome 👌 👍 😊
That's a nice looking notebook, I'd be pretty happy with something like that back in the day. You did a wonderful job with this restoration! :)
Wow I never knew plastic rusted like metal😅
Пацаны ваще ребята! Класс, четко.
Не в натуре класс, зае"ись, четко!
Умеете, могёте!
Особенно этот на видео молодец, да они вообще все молодцы!
Nice man keep it up
Wow bro your repair laptops offers 😄😄😄😄😄😃😃😁😁😀😊☺
Настоящий Гудини! Ловкость рук и никакого мошенничества. Великолепный ролик. Для смеха. Пойду помою HDD водой, а то медленно работает.
Take care! 😂
Постановка. Тут ВСЁ постановка.
Ага,особенно учитывая что hdd не герметичен.И имеет отверстия для выравнивания давления через бумажный фильтр попадание агрессивной жидкости на магнитные диски и резистивные головки.100% при этом потом будет работать...Ну- ну.Это не считая окислы на конденцаторах и прогневагие дорожек платы.
It takes a long time to completely repair a laptop💻, In the end, it started up as it were new again😊
😲 biutyfull Its a greeat
I just love the asmr of it good job.
سبحان الله وبحمده عدد خلقه ورضى نفسه وزنة عرشه ومداد كلماته
Como escreveu um técnico abaixo que trabalha com manutenção, chega até ser cômico...
Verdade. Vídeo totalmente falso. Só pra mencionar o HD com umidade, corrosão e lama, funcionando. Nem na época de rádios valvulados onde os circuitos usavam materiais mais resistentes, isso funcionava. Mas o pior é ver gente acreditando que é possível. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
All these days I did not know the beauty of water and used it for bathing, washing clothes, drinking and washing. From now on I will wash all the TV mobile phone laptop in my house with water and washing powder as per their advice. After doing all that I will also arrange a bank loan to buy them again.Thank you very much.
One thing is for sure, both he and we had a great time, he 'restoring' and we watching.
In the end, that's what matters...
very very very nice🤩😍
Loucura! Incrível
Agora me diz se não dá um nervoso absurdo ele tacando ÁGUA em tudo KKKKKKKKK
@@fabianovictoriano3742 eu nao to e acreditando que ele ta usando a mesma placa e o mesmo HD
@@flavioreis38 quem entende o mínimo sabe que esse vídeo é mentira, ele pode ate ter restaurado a carcaça mas o resto não da kkkkkk
Clickbaits :
4:39 / There is so much rust. How can your fix one
8:34 / Water can short out electricity, and the hard drive is done anyway.
8:39 / You cant just use bleach, The computer is gonna get destroyed.
9:10 / Do not brush the pins of the drive. You may destroy it even more
17:24 / How is the computer working with these treatment
17:55 / HOW IS THE Microsoft Teams,
18:38 / How is internet card working. It was put into water and bleach
19:12 / The browser is coc coc
I accidently put many usb drives into watching machine before. all of them were working fine after that =)). (Water can short out electricity but only when they were working in power on mode.)
but none of them was Rust like this laptop
he repalced all of them with new broken compoment or the used laptop =)).
coc coc is vietnamese chromium base web browser.
distilled water counts anyways so uhh not even salt water
Complimenti sei bravissimo 👍👍👍👍
Good job Bhai 👍
Схема такая: записал ролик с рабочим ноутом, разобрал его на части, показал части ноута типа они уже вымытые, собрал ноут, тут уже не важно работает он еще или нет, пошел закопал его в землю с навозом, полил, удобрил и т.д) Выкопал через годик, ну и дальше понятно. p.s и как можно мыть оптический привод и hdd, это же самоубийство! ну про матрицу вообще молчу...
vc é um craque no concerto de notbook que deus te der + inteligencia
very good video setup
The more you grind the more it shines 😂😂 Therefore Hence Proved
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lol i don't quite trust that there was no damage to the MB and ram and cpu after the weather exposure. Also the washing with detergent will surely destroy a lot of the components. And the hard disk surviving the water exposure?
If you gonna replace the MB, ram, cpu and hdd and lcd, then that might as well be buying a new laptop ;)
if even the original mobo worked it would be kinda worth it to make it in a desktop (desktop so u dont have to buy screen)
А так можно было? Я думал что электрика и электроника боится воды, выйдет из строя.
It's surprising that the electronic component didn't need any repairs and just needed to be cleaned. Why did we throw it away back then?
Excelente y cuanto le costo la reparación por que algunas piensas seguro estarían inservibles.
Me pregunto lo mismo, en especial la pantalla, tiene que ser si, o si nueva
It's always comical coming into the comments section of this channels videos. People complaining about their methods and their product show. Just stop crying and just watch without saying something dumb. This channels videos are quite entertaining despite the stage like products.
WTF! Rust in plastic 😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅
It's new physics 😂😂
Rust removed with toothbrush in just a few seconds 😂
It's dirt if it can be removed with a toothbrush
@@Ykiksam yeah true, i am calling it rust and you cooked it to dirt😂
i like your video sand it is so cool
16:41 There! It is fixed as good as new! 😁💻
кто скажет почему в его видосах, вещи всегда посыпаны паприкой)))
это технология такая по починке компьютеров😅
É um talento lavar a placa com OMO... caraca, vc é incrivel mano...
Да бред, не верю я что ноут в таком состоянии просто помыл без паяльника, там половина компонентов сгнила бы, и включать такое без проверки рисковано, мог бы просто устроить пожар.
И если остался хоть мелкий очаг коррозии он просто убьет этот ноут
Concuerdo parce flaso, además lo USB y conectores al final terminaron sin una gota de óxido y eso es casi imposible solo limpiando
Я тоже согласен
Лол, автор не понял о чём ты и поставил сердечко 😂😂😂
Также я не понял, зачем он закрасил его черной краской из баллончика, он стал выглядеть как Aspire 5541G. Я также не понял, откуда он взял матрицу, если та была тупо протыкаем чем-то острым. Вообще, мне кажется, что от того ноута ничего он не оставил. Ну, может, крышка.
@@ivancomp_inside посмотри на наклейку на слоте оперативной памяти, в финальном сборе она снова появилась из неоткуда
@@ivancomp_inside тут схема чуть другая....берется ноут,снимается как он пиздато работает,засовывается в раствор говна ну и после пары дней начинается реставрация