Politics And The Question Of Being

  • Опубліковано 20 вер 2024
  • Too circumlocutory and it cut out before the end so I'll add this summary:
    Stage 0: the pre-political. Needs and primary desires govern the decision making of the people. Those who are best suited to satisfying primary needs (food, shelter, protection, etc) become authorities. E.g. hunter-gatherer society, post-apocalyptic society. No government is stage 0.
    Stage 1: the moral. See my earlier videos on morality and justice. A class emerges in the Neolithic which subjugates the rest. Obeying the authority is no longer a matter of choice or necessity; i.e. morality has emerged. The masses have never passed beyond stage 1. Politics to the people has always been a question of morality (and primal needs).
    Stage 2: the scientific. Economics, ethics, political science and other methodologies emerge to satisfy the needs of a class. Rather than a taboo and " and what if I don't?" scenario informing the rulers on what they should do, rigorous sciences are followed and discussion of how to act must be argued for philosophically.
    Stage 3: the traditional. The question of Being is the fundamental law, i.e. What is the primal nature of Man and how best can politics facilitate self-actualisation and life-affirmation for the society. Hence spiritual caste and the duties of each tier of society are brought forth. Society is ruled by warrior-aristocrats and holy men. There are no traditional governments today.
    Aesthetic selection of dogma (Reformation, what conservatives want today with Christianity) and creation of dogma out of theory (Marxism) do not bring about a Stage 3 society.