This video took me about 150 hours to produce. If you enjoyed it, please support the channel. Thank you! Buy the transcript as an e-book here: ► One-time donation on Ko-Fi: ► Monthly donation with perks on Patreon:
@@oobrocks In Chinese language, 道 is pronounced as Dao throughout history. Both English words Tao and Dao refer to the same Chinese character 道. However 道 was translated into Taoism before People's Republic of China adopted the Romanization system of Pinyin in 1958. After the Pinyin system was adopted in China, the word 道 has been translated into Dao, hence Daoism. Today, one can pronounce the word Taoism as Taoism and Daoism as Daoism. It would be a bit odd to pronounce Taoism as Daoism, although there is no right or wrong about pronouncing both words interchangeably. People will understand it either way.
I was expecting you to highlight Symbol of Knowledge and No. 1 Scholar in the World DR BABASAHEB AMBEDKAR philosophy aswell. He was very versatile person, he was Jurist, Politician, Economist, Philosophist, Anthropologist, Author of Indian Constitution, potent crusader against cast system, etc.
Philosophy major here. Fantastic introduction that I wish I had when I first started. You absolutely nailed everything here. A note for beginners, don't be afraid to study ideas that conflict with yours. A lot of people stick to one or two thinkers and I think it's the biggest mistake you could make.
It is actually the right path. One should emerged into ideas that one disagrees with and analyze why the philosopher believed those concepts. Every philosopher is bound to their time. But is in focusing on their insights each and everyone of them provided that you can further build a stronger philosophy. 🫡
Thanks for the advice. As a 43 yo, I'm gonna start to philosophy major in the fall semester. This video is a huge summary, gives a broad aspect of what is what who is who in philosophy. I think I will study it a couple of times.
This episode is an ambitious undertaking and is surprisingly well done. This is one of the few philosophical presentations that connect western and eastern philosophies in a succinct and meaningful way, probably due to author's Indian upbringing and in-depth knowledge of western philosophy. Highly recommended.
It’s crazy how even a 2 and a half hour video is still barely an introduction to the sheer amount of stuff thinkers and scholars have produced over the years, man it makes me want to get up and do something with my life
I usually listen to individual philosopher ideas without seeing the bigger picture. Thank you for making this! This has opened my eyes to the world of philosophy.
I come back this video over and over again. Maybe once a week for different chapters. Each time it stimulates new thoughts. It’s like a therapy (which is maybe just what philosophy is ultimately?).
This is hands down the best explanation of philosophy I've ever come across! I've gotten ideas from this video I never encountered before! Such as: Quality vs. Equality! Never made that connection before! Brilliantly organized and presented!
This video is a Master piece! Thank you for all your work and for summarizing human thought. 🙌🏽👏🏽👏🏽 I think I resonated the most with Kant, but I love Zizek for his willingness to challenge and be disruptive while laughing about it. I also find Foucault and his take on power very interesting, but I also value the sense of balance that Aristotle developed... So yeah, still thinking about where we're heading, but intuition is a very great guess. Once again, amazing video!! 🙌🏽
Thank you very much for this summary on philosophy and introduction to so many different thinkers. At the end of the day i usually go for a 1 hour walk and enjoy listening to your videos. This unusually long video accompanied me for about 16km ... and eventually i would like to give several thumbs up. I enjoyed particularly the chapter on the differences between western and eastern philosophies and how geography and the ways of living influenced philosophy and mentality. Looking forward to your next videos !
This video is excellent! It explains so much of not only the history of philosophy, but what is happening around us today. And it definitely pinpointed what's wrong with Hollywood and showbusiness in recent years. They are the attention seekers who have wandered away from their art and are far too preoccupied with present day political platforms to be creative.
This was an absolute joy to listen to. I appreciate the work you put into this. I’ve resonated the most with Nietzsche personally, although admittedly I have not read enough philosophy yet to say definitively that another philosopher wouldn’t hit closer to home for me. I can see the future of philosophy heading towards developing the intuition of the self. Already I am noticing a trend in society of people who are turning away from modernity’s promise of what brings happiness. More people are realizing that their fulfillment cannot come from anywhere other than the self. In addition to that, with our exposure to clashing world views having increased drastically so much in the last 15 years I believe more people will have to adopt Nietzsche’s views on morality to keep themselves from suffering from all the ideological clashing. I believe as the good word spreads that recognizing there is no one “goodness” or “truth” out there and that we can healthily disagree on anything, people will want to adopt that world view more and the people who stay tethered to a single ideology will begin to be shunned.
The best two and a half hours of learning experience I have had. Thank you for all your efforts. I'm sure this would become a to-go- to video for those seeking a summary on the topic of philosophy!
@@Fiction_Beast Are you of Indian-origin living abroad? Do you feel shameful about your Indian identity? Internalised racism is romantised in Indian families eveb India's upper class cities, and you're living abroad, it'd been more disgusting! Btw Why do 99% of your videos are based on western stupidity which they call "philosophy" and you've also termed it as "philosophy", I may be over generalising western so-called philosophical literature, but my over generalisation is right to many context. Yes, Socrates is an exception. But all other psychologist turned philosophers haven't really wrote much compared to what Aryan Saints(Noble Saints) have wrote in India. You're of Indian origin and You only talk about those who are popular Indian like Buddha or Tagore or your understanding is not enough to deeply understand other than Buddha and Tagore? Anyway, If you really understood Buddha, then it is enough to sum up the conclusions of all Indian philosophies. But, meditation becomes torturous sometimes, and this is when you look up to other philosophical works coming from a religion which is not discussed publicly for it's contribution to humanity. Santana Dharma aka Hinduism, if you want to understand it - Study Osho. He have better understanding of the hindu scriptures, more than any Hindu or Brahmins.
This video is a masterclass for me on my favourite subject. A huge respect and salute fiction beast. I can't thank you enough for the effort, time and knowledge you put in making this video possible ... Always grateful to you wish you nothing but everything you want... Thanks a million.❤️
Thank you, Fiction Beast . I missed this one. Another great one. "The Art of War," & Other Classics of Eastern Philosophy. Excellent!! All these philosophers, love them all. Foucault, he got some things correct.
I love your videos so much! Thank you for summarizing these philosophical ideas. I would love to learn more about applied philosophy, and how philosophical wisdom can help solve modern problems.
I'm 25 minutes into the video and I'm loving it. I appreciate all your fine work. Unfortunately, I have discovered I have more gaps than information in my brain. Fortunately, your entertaining and informative video is filling in those gaps. Each new concept and new name can be a weekend project, or I'll have to order in some tea to explore new rabbit holes. You made philosophy fun, thank you.
Love your work in general, especially your commentary on Russian literature as well as Proust. I always love any attempt to educate people on literature or philosophy! But please watch out, there is a difference between educating and promoting specific views. The line is pretty confused but incredibly important!
🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation: 00:08 🌍 Ben Van Kerkwyk, un expert în cercetarea tehnologiei avansate a vechilor civilizații, discută originea și dezvoltarea acestui domeniu. 02:13 🧩 Cercetarea sa se concentrează pe dovezi de tehnologie avansată găsite în diverse locuri din întreaga lume. 04:59 🗺️ Ben aduce în discuție situri antice precum Baalbek din Liban, unde se găsesc blocuri masive de piatră și precisionea lor în tăiere. 08:18 🔍 Argumentele lui Ben susțin că există elemente tehnologice în arheologie care nu se potrivesc cu timeline-ul istoric convențional. 11:12 🏛 Cercetarea tehnologică arată că vechile civilizații aveau acces la tehnologie avansată, dar aceasta rămâne o provocare pentru paradigmă. 03:51 ⚙️ Multe artefacte antice prezintă indicii de prelucrare avansată, cum ar fi cioburi de sticlă cu margini perfect netede. 06:12 🏺 Obiecte antice din granit, bazalt și diorit arată semne clare de prelucrare cu scule avansate, ceea ce sugerează utilizarea unor unelte cu putere mare. 08:25 🔍 Exemple precum vasele de piatră cu găuri perfect cilindrice sugerează folosirea unor mașini sofisticate în antichitate. 10:47 📚 Comunitatea științifică arheologică are tendința de a respinge sau ignora descoperirile care ar putea schimba datare tradițională a civilizațiilor antice. 13:06 🕰️ În ciuda opoziției, noile generații de cercetători arheologi ar putea să fie mai deschise spre explorarea și acceptarea teoriilor alternative. 15:38 🔮 Tehnologia avansată din trecut ar putea să redefinească viziunea noastră asupra istoriei și civilizațiilor antice. 39:30 🛠️ Basalt harder than granite: Basalt was cut with a saw, suggesting advanced ancient technology. 40:13 📚 Ongoing investigation: There's been a 150-year discussion about ancient stone-cutting methods and tools. 40:25 🛠️ Primitive tools insufficient: Primitive tools found in the archaeological record couldn't have achieved the results observed in ancient stonework. 41:08 🔍 Thin, large saw blades: The ancient saw blades were thin and had significant diameter, suggesting advanced technology. 41:22 ⏳ Rapid stone cutting: The speed at which the ancient saws progressed through stone defies orthodox explanations. 41:51 💡 Improbable methods: The methods described by mainstream theories would take an impractical amount of time for certain stone-cutting tasks. 43:14 📦 Enormous workload: The scale of stone cutting suggests that the methods were faster and more advanced than currently accepted. 43:55 ⚒ Machining evidence: Evidence of machining in ancient stone work, indicating advanced technology. 45:04 ✨ Precision work: The precision and quality of stone work, such as the lahoon box, challenges conventional explanations. 45:46 💬 Apis bull theory: Mainstream theory suggests these stone boxes were for Apis bulls, but many remain empty, and there's debate about their true purpose. 58:34 🧐 Teoriile lui Ben Van Kerkwyk sugerează că structurile antice, cum ar fi piramidele, ar putea avea o funcționalitate tehnologică mai mare decât ceea ce credem. 59:15 🏛️ Există indicii că structurile antice, cum ar fi piramidele, conțin sisteme de conducte și infrastructură subterană, care ar sugera o utilizare funcțională mai complexă decât ceremonială. 01:00:12 🌊 Apa subterană și sursele de apă subterană ar putea juca un rol în funcționarea structurilor antice, sugerând o legătură între tehnologie și apă în aceste construcții. 01:01:19 🤔 Ben Van Kerkwyk susține că ar trebui să fim mai deschiși să investigăm aceste structuri antice cu o minte deschisă și să nu le etichetăm doar ca ceremoniale, explorând posibilitățile lor tehnologice. 01:17:22 🧐 Prezenta unor semne de scoatere a fisurilor din cutiile de granit sugerează că acest lucru era important pentru soliditatea lor. 01:18:16 🌍 Există dovezi ale unei înțelegeri avansate a mișcării cerului și a planetei, prezentă în diferite culturi din întreaga lume, indicând o cultură inițială care a împărtășit această cunoaștere. 01:36:18 🌍 America a fost numită "lumea nouă" datorită impactului puternic al perioadei "tinerilor drii" care a schimbat literalmente suprafața Pământului. 01:36:32 🌏 Este un fapt științific bine stabilit că "tinerii drii" au avut loc în ultimele decenii, dar dezbaterea se concentrează pe cauza acestui eveniment. 01:36:47 🌠 Cercetătorii din domeniul geologiei și paleoclimatologiei sprijină ideea că "tinerii drii" au fost cauzați de impacturi cosmice, dar există și alte posibile surse, cum ar fi vulcanismul și evenimentele solare. 01:37:01 🌪 Peste 150 de articole științifice revizuite de către specialiști susțin conceptul că "tinerii drii" au fost rezultați din impacturile cosmice, iar dovezi cum ar fi diamante nano sintetizate în șoc și straturi de platină și iridiu extraterestru susțin această teorie. 01:37:16 🛠 Există o rezistență semnificativă din partea unor cercetători la ideea "tinerilor drii" din cauza impactului acesteia asupra concepției actuale despre istoria civilizației umane și data când aceasta a început. 01:37:30 🌌 Există încă dezbateri cu privire la localizarea exactă a craterului impactului care a cauzat "tinerii drii", dar indicii precum șabloanele chevron și studierea efectelor asupra climei și faunei susțin ideea unui eveniment cosmic major. 01:37:58 🌊 Ideea că evenimentele catastrofale au afectat civilizațiile umane în trecut este susținută de multiple mituri și religii care menționează impacturile cosmice, ceea ce indică o posibilă cunoaștere anterioară a acestor evenimente. 01:38:26 📜 Evidența acestor impacturi este consolidată de datarea straturilor geologice și de găsirea de dovezi în straturile care corespund temporal cu perioada "tinerii drii" în situri arheologice bine documentate. 01:38:39 🚫 Există rezistență în mediul academic la acceptarea teoriei "tinerii drii" din cauza impactului acesteia asupra concepției actuale despre istoria civilizației, dar dovezi științifice susțin tot mai mult ideea unui impact cosmic major. 01:38:55 🧐 Cercetătorii discută mai multe posibile surse ale impactului "tinerii drii," inclusiv impactul cosmic, vulcanismul și evenimentele solare, dar evidența indică din ce în ce mai mult impactul cosmic ca principala cauză. 01:39:22 💡 Impactul acestui eveniment asupra istoriei umane ar trebui să fie mai bine recunoscut și înțeles, dar multe cercetări academice ignoră în continuare această teorie datorită rezistenței la schimbare în conceptia lor despre istoria umanitatii. 01:40:04 📖 Identificarea impactului "tinerii drii" este esențială pentru înțelegerea dezvoltării civilizației umane și a posibilelor schimbări majore din trecut care au influențat cursul istoriei. 01:40:19 🧒 Atacurile la persoană și tentativa de a discredita cercetătorii care susțin teoria "tinerii drii" sunt metode contraproductive în loc să stimuleze un dialog deschis și dezbatere științifică. 01:54:54 🧩 Existența unor elemente de tehnologie avansată în antichitate este susținută de dovezi concrete, precum spirala descoperită pe un nucleu de granit, care indică o precizie tehnică uluitoare. 02:10:08 🏛 Descoperirea și dezvăluirea Labirintului Pierdut al Egiptului ar putea fi una dintre cele mai semnificative descoperiri ale secolului, dar politica și problemele de infrastructură împiedică cercetarea și expunerea lui. 02:14:17 🧐 Monumentele din granit, cum ar fi obeliscurile și statuile egiptene, sunt impresionante și foarte precise, cu detalii precum venele sau detaliile 3D, demonstrând tehnologie avansată. 02:34:05 🌐 Aceste dovezi sugerează o civilizație anterioară, care a utilizat tehnologii avansate, dar informațiile despre aceasta au fost pierdute în timp. 02:39:12 👑 Faraoanele egiptene ar putea să se fi modelat după această civilizație anterioară, încercând să reproducă puterea și precizia tehnicilor folosite. 02:46:20 🧪 Unele artefacte par să fie create din pietre care ar fi necesitat milioane de ani pentru a se forma în mod natural, adăugând un alt strat de mister acestei teorii. 02:39 💡 Aceste vase din piatră se găsesc în principal sub Piramida Treptată a lui Djoser și datează de la începutul istoriei egiptene, dar nu mai sunt create ulterior. 02:45 🛠️ Vasele par să fie rezultatul unor tehnici avansate de prelucrare și sculptură a pietrei, departe de ceramica comună. 03:11 🔍 Argumentul împotriva acestor obiecte avansate este că nu s-au găsit instrumente asociate cu tehnologia necesară pentru a le crea. 02:59 🧐 Nu se știe cu exactitate scopul sau originea Mecanismului Antikythera, dar este un mister tehnic impresionant care sugerează o înaltă tehnologie în trecut. 03:06 🌐 Există speculații că civilizația care a construit Mecanismul Antikythera ar fi putut să aibă cunoștințe pentru a evita dezastre cosmice precum impactul de asteroizi sau comete. 03:21 🔮 Unele teorii sugerează că monumente antice precum Gobekli Tepe sau Sphinxul ar putea fi avertismente cosmice care transmit informații legate de evenimente astronomice majore în trecut. 03:36 🚀 Ideea de a părăsi planeta sau de a evolua spre o formă superioară de specie ar putea fi o parte a evoluției umane și a supraviețuirii pe termen lung în fața amenințărilor cosmice. 03:10 🌕 Întoarcerea pe Lună ar trebui să fie un pas important în explorarea spațială și potențialul pentru stabilirea unei baze acolo. 03:11 🚀 Lansarea de pe Lună ar fi mult mai eficientă pentru explorarea spațiului interplanetar. 03:14 🌠 Luna are multe caracteristici unice, iar originea sa rămâne un mister în cadrul explicațiilor științifice actuale. 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I’m so grateful for the many hours and effort you put into this video. What excellent work!! Although I’ve had general knowledge of all the philosophers covered, nothing I’ve read or watched has tied the history and the reason for their distinction together so clearly. I’m going to recommend this to friends, but more importantly, to my adult children. I have one comment: I tend to look for what philosophers said about the optimal way to live my life (acknowledging my unavoidable biases). So, instead of seeing where they are different, I search for all the aspects of their thought where they overlap, (even if their own egos have been obstacles on the road to synthesis). I don’t see them as 100% at odds with each other. I run the similarities through my internal ‘judgement’ ie - does it “feel right” - based on my moral/ethical constructs (biases) and my life experience. Those then become my truth. The support of these philosophers then gives me the confidence to create my own principles for living. This has been most enjoyable!I can’t wait to watch your other videos. Thank you. ❤
Thank you Fiction Beast for this video! Compared to other popular Philosophy youtube channels, I can definitely feel the passion and the depth of the content in your videos. I completely forget what I just watched and it feels rushed with other videos. This format feels as if a friend is chatting with you next to comfortable fire place, losing track of time and losing yourself in your own thoughts
I would say Ying and Yang represent opposing forces that form a balanced whole. This can include both good and evil, as well as the things you listed. A translation of this literally means dark side and light side: dual opposites that form a whole.
Gonna be breaking up this video over the course of a day or two. But fucking thank you for putting this up. Even your longer videos go by quick though, so I’m sure this one will too! Much love, brother. Keep it up
You really achieved something here: to summarize and condensate millenia of philosophical though in 2 and 1/2 hours, wasn't an easy task. As a student of philosophy myself, i hope that many of yout viewers will be encouraged by this introduction to dive deeper into the history of human thinking, since this is one of the best ways to investigate the essence of who we are, both as individuals and as complex civilizations, how did we get to where we stand now and, eventually, how we can learn to live together in harmony and mutual respect. Well done!
Really amazing how the entire philosophical journey of mankind is summed up in a less than three hour video which is also absorbibg. Highly recommended.
Your point on the evolution of Eastern/Western philosophy... about Western Greeks being mostly traders/sea hence evolved Rationalism. While Asia was mostly farmers/rivers so evolved the Spiritual, was much appreciated. Thank you for a great video.
at first i wasnt going to write anything, but then i thought of how unfair it wouldve been to take all that information and give nothing in return. To answer your question at the end, i believe in the coming centuries, or even decades, we will see a sort of renaissance of philosophy, a return to great ideas and ideologies of past times. as of late we’ve seen ideas such as stoicism return through self help and self improvement creators on social media platforms. these creators implant their views onto the youth and from there the youth will adapt and evolve these views and ideas. whether thats a good or bad thing i cannot say. since most of these creators are men targeting boys and young men, i think theres a great possibility that for female targeted philosophies will evolve as well. another idea is that since most of these creators seem to be conservative, we will see another branch of philosophy grow, a more liberal one, in order to combat the conservative views of these new aged philosophers. i also think the idea that philosophy will branch off into the study of intuition as opposed to rationality and instinct is interesting as well. thank you for this video, 2 hours and 30 minutes put to good use. the joy of learning something you’re interested in is unlike anything else and so for gifting me that, again, thank you.
@@Fiction_Beast Jagadish Vasudev OBVIOUSLY possesses an above-average intellect (although he often makes truly inane statements, such as “plants are more sensitive than animals, and they scream in pain when being eaten”). However, if anyone considers him a "Sadhguru" then kindly explain to me how a so-called "prophet” (Jagadguru) can possibly support the two most PERNICIOUS institutions in the history of the world... F.I.S.H. Paragraph 28. Feminism is the penultimate evil at present because feminism is based on the misguided assumption that women are equal to or even superior to men. Although a female can exhibit superior traits, skills, etcetera, to some men, a woman can never have AUTHORITY over a man. Truth be told, no true man would ever descend to the level of accepting counsel from any of his subordinates. A man should fully obey his appointed masters and never emasculate himself by submitting to the dictates of a female. Feminism and democracy are guaranteed to destroy society, as can be clearly seen at present. However, feminism will NEVER EVER be destroyed until the most pernicious institution is first destroyed: F.I.S.H Paragraph 26. Democracy is evil because the masses will invariably choose the murderous Barabbas over the good King Jesus. This planet is surely doomed unless the most pernicious institution ever known to man (democracy) is replaced by the only legitimate form of government (monarchy - preferably a good monarch, though even a bad king is preferable to being ruled by an elected official who can never be good). Most of the problems in human society are directly or indirectly attributable to this relatively modern phenomenon, since it is the government’s role and sacred duty to enforce the law. Just because good and bad are relative, does not imply that they do not exist. They do exist but are relative. A democrat can never be good, despite appearing so. One of the many sinister characteristics of democracy, communism and other evil forms of governance, is the desire for their so-called “leaders” to attempt to control or at least influence the personal lives of every single citizen. For example, in the wicked, decadent nation where this holy scripture was composed, The Southland (or Australia as it is known in the Latin tongue), the demonic government tries and largely succeeds in controlling the rights of parents to properly raise, discipline and punish their children according to their own morals, limiting legitimate powers an employer has over his servants, persecuting religious leaders (even to imprisonment and death, believe it or not) and even trying to influence what people eat and wear. Not that a government shouldn’t control what its citizens wear in public, but it should ensure that they are modestly dressed, which is hardly the case in Australia and similar nations. Basically, the worst of the democratic governments promote or at least permit all things contrary to God’s perfect and pure will such as adultery, fornication, prostitution, pornography, homosexuality, gambling (even running lotteries themselves), illegitimate abortion of poor innocent unborn children, irreligion, drug addiction, disrespect for authority and promoting materialism and ignorance via a powerful network of institutions of miseducation (so-called “schools, colleges and universities”). Let it be known however - democracy can not and will not endure. The truth shall triumph! Democracy is only acceptable within large business corporations, where the shareholders must vote on who will be the company bosses and other matters. To read the remaining chapters of “A Final Instruction Sheet for Humanity”, which are the most accurate spiritual precepts so far in human history, Email me with the acronym “FISH” in the subject field. 🐟 “The gateway to KNOWLEDGE is ignorance”. 🤓
Great job, Fiction Beast. I had left my UA-cam playing while I slept, and I heard most of this video in a long dream! In this dream I was talking to a very intelligent man who was telling me his philosophy, and I kept waiting for a break to tell him what I had. But I couldn't get a word in edgewise! And then I found I was at a place where other intelligent men were espousing their philosophies, as well. And all the while I noted how these men all had pieces of the Truth, but I knew that none of them had the whole package like I do. And because of their constant talking I never got to enlighten them...because I finally woke up and found that I was two hours into a video that had been playing in my dream! (This video.) Nothing like this has ever happened to me before. Yes, great job, Fiction Beast. Hundreds of years of thinking and thousands of IQ points involved, and some of these philosophers got close - but all of them missed the boat. And some of their erroneous ideas have been used by some of the most evil men in this world (like Hitler) to justify their misdeeds. But the ancient Egyptians and the pre-Socratics already had it nailed. And with an IQ less than 130, so do I. Because, we didn't use intellect to try and find the Ineffable. We simply listened. We listened to The Source of All. And I authored a tiny book that can be read in only 5 minutes (at no cost online) that answers all of the meaningful philosophical questions that these men had and all of humanity shares. And my bigger (Amazon) book does so with full explanation and annotation. Click and ye shall find. I communicate through my sites only.
Leo Tolstoy and Rumi spoke timeless words that exceedingly few consider nor apply to their life: “"Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.” And “Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself." Credit to them is respective.
This was an amazing journey through philosophy. Thank you so much. I am in love with philosophy you have whet my appetite even more with your content. It has changed my life for the better in my continuous search for wisdom from great philosophers as these that have laid the foundation of the human condition through their critical thinking about life.
I took two philosophy courses in college, worked at the campus library, and carried around a small book on the topic. I think I was just trying to be cute, because it seems like I'm just learning about philosophy now- save for a lil tidbit, or two. This is tops, Sir. Thank you kindly, all the best wishes on your future endeavors!
I love this channel. I hope you could provide a pdf written copy of every lectures you make. I'm a reader and often reflect on my readings. Philosophy is one of my great interests. I read a lot of philosophy/psychology/history/literature books. This work summed-up -it is direct and concise. Thank you :)
@Fiction Beast thank you for the great content, keep up the good work. In praise and on a side note before I get to the answer of the question at the end of the video, I would like to say that, I was able to get through the end of the video and I am happy to inform you that this was my first structured lesson in Philosophy, a kind crash course or an enlightenment and exposure to a body of knowledge 2500 years old and all of it in a 2hr30+ session, I am akin a to a proverbial "knowledge virgin" who has just been deflowered, and I loved it. I think that personally I tend to resonate with these philosophies: 1.kant's middle ground of empiricism and rationality. 2.The eastern approach of focusing on yourself as the primary agent to change,but with an understanding of the viability and practicality to pursue change in my environment, hence I came to understand why I believe in the concept of universal sufferage or the right to vote, voting being an act of democracy and of determining ones fate. On the question of the future of Philosophy, I believe in the inference thay historical determination will pervade, in that the question of the death of Philosophy will one day become a Philosophy in itself, meaning there shall be new ways of looking at the fundamental questions of life from a lens of elementary ashes of the traditional philosophy which will represent the good old philosophy but with a more modern flavor. I hope that I was able to answer clear and valid points. Keep up the good work 🙏🙏🙏
Thank you so much for such a thoughtful comment. I rarely get that so I appreciate. I’m also glad this video was somewhat helpful. Also this is barely a scratch so I hope you have become curious enough to pursue philosophy further. Thank you.
Can't even find words to describe how valuable this content is, though I must admit it is not for everyone. And by everyone I include 20 year old me, who would not have the experience necessary to process all this.
Thank you very much for dedication and gift of philosophy to the world... All the philosophy benefits us in different ways at our different stage of development. Philosophy should be evolving with time or needs of human being when we are exploring new frontier. Enjoy the joy and sorrow of life lessons. This universe is a great school!
I love this video, but as a Buddhist, your description of it is a bit off. Buddhists don’t believe in any soul, we see the person as an aggregate of matter, feelings, cognition, volitions, and consciousness, and a being is merely a stream of this like Heraclitus’s thought of never stepping in the same river twice. By stopping clinging and craving of these phenomena, Nirvana, which is kinda like Schopenhauer’s thought of the Will is achieved thus enlightenment. Ignorance of that is thus the creator of all suffering.
Could you say, although the descriptions may not align entirely, that the binding agent of the physical realm aka matter and the conscience realm aka cravings be our soul? I know the concept of heaven and nirvana don't alight perfectly as well, but I've always noticed a lot of similarity between Christianity and buddhism when trying to cross reference the two. I'm not Buddhist so sorry if I'm off
@@jjlowrey also if you’re interested in comparisons of Christianity and Buddhism if you haven’t already I recommend reading Living Buddha Living Christ by Thich Nat Hanh :)
Also he made a mistake that buddha was from Indian royal family. It is false. He was born in Nepal and is from Nepali Royal family from kapilvastu , Lumbini. Though he gained enlightenment in India but his statement is not true.
This is an amazing distillation of human thought. Thank you for it! I am pretty shocked, however, that someone like Jordan Peterson is mentioned in the same video with the great philosophical thinkers of recorded human history.
Thank you for this video. It encompasses everything one needs to know about philosophy. Now, I feel like there isn’t much to think anymore. May be it’s time to use different philosophies based on the different stages of our life. Jokes aside, I really appreciate your effort. May you channel grow.
Awesome work. You use language that I can understand without a college degree. If anything has saved my soul, it is my interest in eastern philosophy, not eastern religion. It showed me how to look at my mind without judgement. It is my opinion that the west teaches guild and shame and it is layered so thick that most people are afraid to look into their mind. It has been a long journey, but I have learned to ask questions like "were did you get that idea" and found that idea came from someone else. Once you know what you think you can choose to keep it or not. We are not victims. I chose peace and harmony and for me it is a reality.. As you think so you will be.
Giving this a thumbs up before even finishing the video out of respect. This must have taken you quite some time to decide what to put in and leave out of this video. Philosophy is such a huge topic. Thank you for spreading the information we need people thinking more philosophically inclined I think a lot of us have lost that. Thanks again 🙂
If you've not done so already, it'd be great to see you do a video on William Faulkner, particularly on how his books focus the break down of the family and slavery.
I have only listened to the first 20 minutes so far, but already I can see that this video is accomplishing something huge - akin to the periodic table for human thought. You are providing a unifying framework and narrative for how philosophy, literature, science and psychology all fit together - an a reflection of your tremendous mind, knowledge, effort and generosity! Thank you.
This and the philosophy iceberg video, I’m predicting will be extremely important in any resurgence of lots of people caring about Philosophizing again, cheers
An excellent video that covers almost all major schools of thought and major philosophers. Thank you for this amazing work, it gave me good insights on what I was looking for.
Sir, beautiful lecture series. Thank you so much for a very clear and precise understanding of the subject. Would love to know your way of doing research!!!!! Like for him to see and reply 🙏🙏🙏🙏
dear the author of this video, you are a great gift for those who seek for purpose and wisdom in life, therefore you are a great man. Please keep doing this❤
Hi Fiction Beast , This is great attempt to literate people on philosophy . I want to translate this video content in my language as a text book so that the non English speaking community know the basic idea of it. Plz feel free to share your idea on that. I am from Nepal between India and China South east Asia.
I appreciate your vulnerability about a weakness of yours that you share here, AND I appreciate VERY MUCH how you are helping us to understand these important things in this video -thank you so much, sir! 🌞👌❤️🌹🌿🌷☺️
This video took me about 150 hours to produce. If you enjoyed it, please support the channel. Thank you!
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Dear sir: I took a Chinese history course and the professor says Taoism is pronounced Daoism
@@oobrocks In Chinese language, 道 is pronounced as Dao throughout history. Both English words Tao and Dao refer to the same Chinese character 道. However 道 was translated into Taoism before People's Republic of China adopted the Romanization system of Pinyin in 1958. After the Pinyin system was adopted in China, the word 道 has been translated into Dao, hence Daoism. Today, one can pronounce the word Taoism as Taoism and Daoism as Daoism. It would be a bit odd to pronounce Taoism as Daoism, although there is no right or wrong about pronouncing both words interchangeably. People will understand it either way.
I was expecting you to highlight Symbol of Knowledge and No. 1 Scholar in the World DR BABASAHEB AMBEDKAR philosophy aswell. He was very versatile person, he was Jurist, Politician, Economist, Philosophist, Anthropologist, Author of Indian Constitution, potent crusader against cast system, etc.
The spirit of a true teacher shall never go unrewarded, education like this being freely available makes me happy.
Good 😊
Like you're out there just chuckin 300quid about. What's your own philosophy saying about that nachiketh?? Bet it's your daddy's money
@@jamesstalin5871some of y'all just come outta nowhere just to hate and project their life onto others
Thanks for your support in this maundering philosophical age we live in.
@@MF_Frost you expect too much from someone with stalin in the name...
After listening to this entire video in one sitting my hairline receded by 80% and beard grew by 300%. What a ride!
I lost most of hair making it. At least you grew some beard.
Lol Im a woman, but … same
You're lucky! Could have been just mustache!
I showed this to my 10yo sister and now she buys me beer when I forget my ID
Philosophy major here. Fantastic introduction that I wish I had when I first started. You absolutely nailed everything here. A note for beginners, don't be afraid to study ideas that conflict with yours. A lot of people stick to one or two thinkers and I think it's the biggest mistake you could make.
Thanks for the advice, will do just that 😊
Hey I'm not intrested in wasting my time energy all the errors I just have a great day
It is actually the right path. One should emerged into ideas that one disagrees with and analyze why the philosopher believed those concepts. Every philosopher is bound to their time.
But is in focusing on their insights each and everyone of them provided that you can further build a stronger philosophy.
Thanks for the advice. As a 43 yo, I'm gonna start to philosophy major in the fall semester. This video is a huge summary, gives a broad aspect of what is what who is who in philosophy. I think I will study it a couple of times.
Who's your favorite and least favorite, why?
This episode is an ambitious undertaking and is surprisingly well done. This is one of the few philosophical presentations that connect western and eastern philosophies in a succinct and meaningful way, probably due to author's Indian upbringing and in-depth knowledge of western philosophy. Highly recommended.
It’s crazy how even a 2 and a half hour video is still barely an introduction to the sheer amount of stuff thinkers and scholars have produced over the years, man it makes me want to get up and do something with my life
bill wurtz listening*
Strange that 2.5 hours doesnt grasp the thinking developed over 2500 years. Strange
@@SHANONisRegenerate its not strange at all but 2500 years isn't enough that just what's somewhat reached us this goes back way further than that
@Awoke Awoke meh
A real treasure. I get more information and entertainment from UA-cam than anywhere else, but I don't think I've seen anything better than this.
I usually listen to individual philosopher ideas without seeing the bigger picture. Thank you for making this! This has opened my eyes to the world of philosophy.
I have never seen anyone before put together such a simple understanding of this subject. GOOD JOB.
This was a monumental achievement on your part. Amazing work. Thank you for making this. I listened start to finish and it was all excellent.
Me too, I agree, 100% 👍
I agree 💯
I come back this video over and over again. Maybe once a week for different chapters. Each time it stimulates new thoughts. It’s like a therapy (which is maybe just what philosophy is ultimately?).
This is hands down the best explanation of philosophy I've ever come across! I've gotten ideas from this video I never encountered before! Such as: Quality vs. Equality! Never made that connection before! Brilliantly organized and presented!
Great work! A more thorough overview on philosophy is hard to imagine!
First super thanks ever. You deserve it. Amazing content!!!
Wow, thanks!
One of the best educational thing I have ever come across on UA-cam. Thank you very much.
You’re welcome. Cheers!
This video is a Master piece! Thank you for all your work and for summarizing human thought. 🙌🏽👏🏽👏🏽
I think I resonated the most with Kant, but I love Zizek for his willingness to challenge and be disruptive while laughing about it. I also find Foucault and his take on power very interesting, but I also value the sense of balance that Aristotle developed... So yeah, still thinking about where we're heading, but intuition is a very great guess.
Once again, amazing video!! 🙌🏽
Best video on Philosophy i have seen till now... you summed up everything in just 2.5 hours..... Thank you so much
Thank you very much for this summary on philosophy and introduction to so many different thinkers. At the end of the day i usually go for a 1 hour walk and enjoy listening to your videos. This unusually long video accompanied me for about 16km ... and eventually i would like to give several thumbs up.
I enjoyed particularly the chapter on the differences between western and eastern philosophies and how geography and the ways of living influenced philosophy and mentality.
Looking forward to your next videos !
Truly beautiful, can't think of the efforts it will take to make such a beautiful video
Damn, the content is so dense. Will need to listen multiple times. Thanks, creator. Really appreciate the effort.
Take simple notes and use them as a guide to expand on the information through your own research.
This video is excellent! It explains so much of not only the history of philosophy, but what is happening around us today. And it definitely pinpointed what's wrong with Hollywood and showbusiness in recent years. They are the attention seekers who have wandered away from their art and are far too preoccupied with present day political platforms to be creative.
This was an absolute joy to listen to. I appreciate the work you put into this. I’ve resonated the most with Nietzsche personally, although admittedly I have not read enough philosophy yet to say definitively that another philosopher wouldn’t hit closer to home for me.
I can see the future of philosophy heading towards developing the intuition of the self. Already I am noticing a trend in society of people who are turning away from modernity’s promise of what brings happiness. More people are realizing that their fulfillment cannot come from anywhere other than the self.
In addition to that, with our exposure to clashing world views having increased drastically so much in the last 15 years I believe more people will have to adopt Nietzsche’s views on morality to keep themselves from suffering from all the ideological clashing. I believe as the good word spreads that recognizing there is no one “goodness” or “truth” out there and that we can healthily disagree on anything, people will want to adopt that world view more and the people who stay tethered to a single ideology will begin to be shunned.
Thank you for the hard work you do to provide quality education for free! God bless you man foreal
The best two and a half hours of learning experience I have had. Thank you for all your efforts. I'm sure this would become a to-go- to video for those seeking a summary on the topic of philosophy!
This is amazing! Thank you so much for putting this together. 😀
Glad it was helpful!
@@Fiction_Beast Are you of Indian-origin living abroad? Do you feel shameful about your Indian identity? Internalised racism is romantised in Indian families eveb India's upper class cities, and you're living abroad, it'd been more disgusting! Btw Why do 99% of your videos are based on western stupidity which they call "philosophy" and you've also termed it as "philosophy", I may be over generalising western so-called philosophical literature, but my over generalisation is right to many context. Yes, Socrates is an exception. But all other psychologist turned philosophers haven't really wrote much compared to what Aryan Saints(Noble Saints) have wrote in India. You're of Indian origin and You only talk about those who are popular Indian like Buddha or Tagore or your understanding is not enough to deeply understand other than Buddha and Tagore? Anyway, If you really understood Buddha, then it is enough to sum up the conclusions of all Indian philosophies. But, meditation becomes torturous sometimes, and this is when you look up to other philosophical works coming from a religion which is not discussed publicly for it's contribution to humanity. Santana Dharma aka Hinduism, if you want to understand it - Study Osho. He have better understanding of the hindu scriptures, more than any Hindu or Brahmins.
@@aaradhyarawat7589 I doubt u even watched this video
@@aaradhyarawat7589 you are not special for being born in India
@@aaradhyarawat7589 ur comment is the closest thing to stupidity I've seen so far here m8
1:14:51. Buddha was prince of Lumbini, kapilvastu lived as Royal in Nepal and not India.
Neither India nor Nepal ❤️
This video is a masterclass for me on my favourite subject. A huge respect and salute fiction beast. I can't thank you enough for the effort, time and knowledge you put in making this video possible ... Always grateful to you wish you nothing but everything you want... Thanks a million.❤️
Thank you, Fiction Beast .
I missed this one.
Another great one.
"The Art of War," & Other Classics of Eastern Philosophy. Excellent!!
All these philosophers, love them all.
Foucault, he got some things correct.
I love your videos so much! Thank you for summarizing these philosophical ideas. I would love to learn more about applied philosophy, and how philosophical wisdom can help solve modern problems.
I'm 25 minutes into the video and I'm loving it. I appreciate all your fine work. Unfortunately, I have discovered I have more gaps than information in my brain. Fortunately, your entertaining and informative video is filling in those gaps.
Each new concept and new name can be a weekend project, or I'll have to order in some tea to explore new rabbit holes.
You made philosophy fun, thank you.
Great. This is all philosophical learner need. Thanks so much for your work!
I very much appreciate your work. Thank you.
So nice of you.
I come back about once a year to watch this video in its entirety. I haven't found anything quite like it. Well done! All the best.@@Fiction_Beast
man, you have nailed it! great summary of philisophy... it's an asset for humanity!
Love your work in general, especially your commentary on Russian literature as well as Proust. I always love any attempt to educate people on literature or philosophy! But please watch out, there is a difference between educating and promoting specific views. The line is pretty confused but incredibly important!
Thank you! Any specific points of criticism?
I can't overstate just how excellent this summary has been . What an undertaking it must have been but thank you 😁
Glad you enjoyed it! Yes it took me many hours. I could have built a swimming pool or a small cabin.
🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation:
00:08 🌍 Ben Van Kerkwyk, un expert în cercetarea tehnologiei avansate a vechilor civilizații, discută originea și dezvoltarea acestui domeniu.
02:13 🧩 Cercetarea sa se concentrează pe dovezi de tehnologie avansată găsite în diverse locuri din întreaga lume.
04:59 🗺️ Ben aduce în discuție situri antice precum Baalbek din Liban, unde se găsesc blocuri masive de piatră și precisionea lor în tăiere.
08:18 🔍 Argumentele lui Ben susțin că există elemente tehnologice în arheologie care nu se potrivesc cu timeline-ul istoric convențional.
11:12 🏛 Cercetarea tehnologică arată că vechile civilizații aveau acces la tehnologie avansată, dar aceasta rămâne o provocare pentru paradigmă.
03:51 ⚙️ Multe artefacte antice prezintă indicii de prelucrare avansată, cum ar fi cioburi de sticlă cu margini perfect netede.
06:12 🏺 Obiecte antice din granit, bazalt și diorit arată semne clare de prelucrare cu scule avansate, ceea ce sugerează utilizarea unor unelte cu putere mare.
08:25 🔍 Exemple precum vasele de piatră cu găuri perfect cilindrice sugerează folosirea unor mașini sofisticate în antichitate.
10:47 📚 Comunitatea științifică arheologică are tendința de a respinge sau ignora descoperirile care ar putea schimba datare tradițională a civilizațiilor antice.
13:06 🕰️ În ciuda opoziției, noile generații de cercetători arheologi ar putea să fie mai deschise spre explorarea și acceptarea teoriilor alternative.
15:38 🔮 Tehnologia avansată din trecut ar putea să redefinească viziunea noastră asupra istoriei și civilizațiilor antice.
39:30 🛠️ Basalt harder than granite: Basalt was cut with a saw, suggesting advanced ancient technology.
40:13 📚 Ongoing investigation: There's been a 150-year discussion about ancient stone-cutting methods and tools.
40:25 🛠️ Primitive tools insufficient: Primitive tools found in the archaeological record couldn't have achieved the results observed in ancient stonework.
41:08 🔍 Thin, large saw blades: The ancient saw blades were thin and had significant diameter, suggesting advanced technology.
41:22 ⏳ Rapid stone cutting: The speed at which the ancient saws progressed through stone defies orthodox explanations.
41:51 💡 Improbable methods: The methods described by mainstream theories would take an impractical amount of time for certain stone-cutting tasks.
43:14 📦 Enormous workload: The scale of stone cutting suggests that the methods were faster and more advanced than currently accepted.
43:55 ⚒ Machining evidence: Evidence of machining in ancient stone work, indicating advanced technology.
45:04 ✨ Precision work: The precision and quality of stone work, such as the lahoon box, challenges conventional explanations.
45:46 💬 Apis bull theory: Mainstream theory suggests these stone boxes were for Apis bulls, but many remain empty, and there's debate about their true purpose.
58:34 🧐 Teoriile lui Ben Van Kerkwyk sugerează că structurile antice, cum ar fi piramidele, ar putea avea o funcționalitate tehnologică mai mare decât ceea ce credem.
59:15 🏛️ Există indicii că structurile antice, cum ar fi piramidele, conțin sisteme de conducte și infrastructură subterană, care ar sugera o utilizare funcțională mai complexă decât ceremonială.
01:00:12 🌊 Apa subterană și sursele de apă subterană ar putea juca un rol în funcționarea structurilor antice, sugerând o legătură între tehnologie și apă în aceste construcții.
01:01:19 🤔 Ben Van Kerkwyk susține că ar trebui să fim mai deschiși să investigăm aceste structuri antice cu o minte deschisă și să nu le etichetăm doar ca ceremoniale, explorând posibilitățile lor tehnologice.
01:17:22 🧐 Prezenta unor semne de scoatere a fisurilor din cutiile de granit sugerează că acest lucru era important pentru soliditatea lor.
01:18:16 🌍 Există dovezi ale unei înțelegeri avansate a mișcării cerului și a planetei, prezentă în diferite culturi din întreaga lume, indicând o cultură inițială care a împărtășit această cunoaștere.
01:36:18 🌍 America a fost numită "lumea nouă" datorită impactului puternic al perioadei "tinerilor drii" care a schimbat literalmente suprafața Pământului.
01:36:32 🌏 Este un fapt științific bine stabilit că "tinerii drii" au avut loc în ultimele decenii, dar dezbaterea se concentrează pe cauza acestui eveniment.
01:36:47 🌠 Cercetătorii din domeniul geologiei și paleoclimatologiei sprijină ideea că "tinerii drii" au fost cauzați de impacturi cosmice, dar există și alte posibile surse, cum ar fi vulcanismul și evenimentele solare.
01:37:01 🌪 Peste 150 de articole științifice revizuite de către specialiști susțin conceptul că "tinerii drii" au fost rezultați din impacturile cosmice, iar dovezi cum ar fi diamante nano sintetizate în șoc și straturi de platină și iridiu extraterestru susțin această teorie.
01:37:16 🛠 Există o rezistență semnificativă din partea unor cercetători la ideea "tinerilor drii" din cauza impactului acesteia asupra concepției actuale despre istoria civilizației umane și data când aceasta a început.
01:37:30 🌌 Există încă dezbateri cu privire la localizarea exactă a craterului impactului care a cauzat "tinerii drii", dar indicii precum șabloanele chevron și studierea efectelor asupra climei și faunei susțin ideea unui eveniment cosmic major.
01:37:58 🌊 Ideea că evenimentele catastrofale au afectat civilizațiile umane în trecut este susținută de multiple mituri și religii care menționează impacturile cosmice, ceea ce indică o posibilă cunoaștere anterioară a acestor evenimente.
01:38:26 📜 Evidența acestor impacturi este consolidată de datarea straturilor geologice și de găsirea de dovezi în straturile care corespund temporal cu perioada "tinerii drii" în situri arheologice bine documentate.
01:38:39 🚫 Există rezistență în mediul academic la acceptarea teoriei "tinerii drii" din cauza impactului acesteia asupra concepției actuale despre istoria civilizației, dar dovezi științifice susțin tot mai mult ideea unui impact cosmic major.
01:38:55 🧐 Cercetătorii discută mai multe posibile surse ale impactului "tinerii drii," inclusiv impactul cosmic, vulcanismul și evenimentele solare, dar evidența indică din ce în ce mai mult impactul cosmic ca principala cauză.
01:39:22 💡 Impactul acestui eveniment asupra istoriei umane ar trebui să fie mai bine recunoscut și înțeles, dar multe cercetări academice ignoră în continuare această teorie datorită rezistenței la schimbare în conceptia lor despre istoria umanitatii.
01:40:04 📖 Identificarea impactului "tinerii drii" este esențială pentru înțelegerea dezvoltării civilizației umane și a posibilelor schimbări majore din trecut care au influențat cursul istoriei.
01:40:19 🧒 Atacurile la persoană și tentativa de a discredita cercetătorii care susțin teoria "tinerii drii" sunt metode contraproductive în loc să stimuleze un dialog deschis și dezbatere științifică.
01:54:54 🧩 Existența unor elemente de tehnologie avansată în antichitate este susținută de dovezi concrete, precum spirala descoperită pe un nucleu de granit, care indică o precizie tehnică uluitoare.
02:10:08 🏛 Descoperirea și dezvăluirea Labirintului Pierdut al Egiptului ar putea fi una dintre cele mai semnificative descoperiri ale secolului, dar politica și problemele de infrastructură împiedică cercetarea și expunerea lui.
02:14:17 🧐 Monumentele din granit, cum ar fi obeliscurile și statuile egiptene, sunt impresionante și foarte precise, cu detalii precum venele sau detaliile 3D, demonstrând tehnologie avansată.
02:34:05 🌐 Aceste dovezi sugerează o civilizație anterioară, care a utilizat tehnologii avansate, dar informațiile despre aceasta au fost pierdute în timp.
02:39:12 👑 Faraoanele egiptene ar putea să se fi modelat după această civilizație anterioară, încercând să reproducă puterea și precizia tehnicilor folosite.
02:46:20 🧪 Unele artefacte par să fie create din pietre care ar fi necesitat milioane de ani pentru a se forma în mod natural, adăugând un alt strat de mister acestei teorii.
02:39 💡 Aceste vase din piatră se găsesc în principal sub Piramida Treptată a lui Djoser și datează de la începutul istoriei egiptene, dar nu mai sunt create ulterior.
02:45 🛠️ Vasele par să fie rezultatul unor tehnici avansate de prelucrare și sculptură a pietrei, departe de ceramica comună.
03:11 🔍 Argumentul împotriva acestor obiecte avansate este că nu s-au găsit instrumente asociate cu tehnologia necesară pentru a le crea.
02:59 🧐 Nu se știe cu exactitate scopul sau originea Mecanismului Antikythera, dar este un mister tehnic impresionant care sugerează o înaltă tehnologie în trecut.
03:06 🌐 Există speculații că civilizația care a construit Mecanismul Antikythera ar fi putut să aibă cunoștințe pentru a evita dezastre cosmice precum impactul de asteroizi sau comete.
03:21 🔮 Unele teorii sugerează că monumente antice precum Gobekli Tepe sau Sphinxul ar putea fi avertismente cosmice care transmit informații legate de evenimente astronomice majore în trecut.
03:36 🚀 Ideea de a părăsi planeta sau de a evolua spre o formă superioară de specie ar putea fi o parte a evoluției umane și a supraviețuirii pe termen lung în fața amenințărilor cosmice.
03:10 🌕 Întoarcerea pe Lună ar trebui să fie un pas important în explorarea spațială și potențialul pentru stabilirea unei baze acolo.
03:11 🚀 Lansarea de pe Lună ar fi mult mai eficientă pentru explorarea spațiului interplanetar.
03:14 🌠 Luna are multe caracteristici unice, iar originea sa rămâne un mister în cadrul explicațiilor științifice actuale.
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I’m so grateful for the many hours and effort you put into this video. What excellent work!! Although I’ve had general knowledge of all the philosophers covered, nothing I’ve read or watched has tied the history and the reason for their distinction together so clearly. I’m going to recommend this to friends, but more importantly, to my adult children.
I have one comment: I tend to look for what philosophers said about the optimal way to live my life (acknowledging my unavoidable biases). So, instead of seeing where they are different, I search for all the aspects of their thought where they overlap, (even if their own egos have been obstacles on the road to synthesis). I don’t see them as 100% at odds with each other. I run the similarities through my internal ‘judgement’ ie - does it “feel right” - based on my moral/ethical constructs (biases) and my life experience. Those then become my truth. The support of these philosophers then gives me the confidence to create my own principles for living.
This has been most enjoyable!I can’t wait to watch your other videos. Thank you. ❤
lovely comment .
This a new format for learning and teaching! Very compelling. It open new ways for education. Great masterpiece! Congrats!
Thank you very much!
Thankyou so much.
I am just developing my interest in philosophy and your work and efforts has helped me gain a brief overview of the subject.
Thank you Fiction Beast for this video! Compared to other popular Philosophy youtube channels, I can definitely feel the passion and the depth of the content in your videos. I completely forget what I just watched and it feels rushed with other videos. This format feels as if a friend is chatting with you next to comfortable fire place, losing track of time and losing yourself in your own thoughts
Listening to this was the most fun I've had at work in a long while. Thanks for putting it together. Fiction Beast I just subbed. Whooo!
Amazing video!
Correction: Yin and Yang do not represent good and evil. More like order and chaos, or presence vs absence.
Thank you!
I would say Ying and Yang represent opposing forces that form a balanced whole. This can include both good and evil, as well as the things you listed. A translation of this literally means dark side and light side: dual opposites that form a whole.
An ambitious project that you have accomplished excellently ! Thank you.
i downloaded this and listen to them offline whenever im in a remote location with no internet. great work sir! keep up the great work!
That’s genius lad!
Gonna be breaking up this video over the course of a day or two. But fucking thank you for putting this up. Even your longer videos go by quick though, so I’m sure this one will too! Much love, brother. Keep it up
Yeah it’s a bit chunky. Take it easy.
@@Fiction_Beast Thank u for this eurocentric video why does such video come in recommendation in South Asia
You really achieved something here: to summarize and condensate millenia of philosophical though in 2 and 1/2 hours, wasn't an easy task.
As a student of philosophy myself, i hope that many of yout viewers will be encouraged by this introduction to dive deeper into the history of human thinking, since this is one of the best ways to investigate the essence of who we are, both as individuals and as complex civilizations, how did we get to where we stand now and, eventually, how we can learn to live together in harmony and mutual respect.
Well done!
You've used the simple language to explain the most difficult thing. Thank you 🥰
Thank you for the hard work you put into the research and the video. You have reached me more than any of my teachers ever did
Awesome! Can’t wait for the next video on Martian philosophy!
Martian philosophy can be summed up by Becket’s Waiting for Godot.
Really amazing how the entire philosophical journey of mankind is summed up in a less than three hour video which is also absorbibg. Highly recommended.
Your point on the evolution of Eastern/Western philosophy... about Western Greeks being mostly traders/sea hence evolved Rationalism. While Asia was mostly farmers/rivers so evolved the Spiritual, was much appreciated. Thank you for a great video.
I found that to actually be quite suspect and speculative
Really appreciate this long journey to get the overview and comphensive understanding of philosophy.
This is a great summary of philosophical history, thank you!
Great work here! Thank you for sharing this with us. I know I will be watching again.
you put much time and thought into this, great work
Fantastic understanding of philosophy, it was pleasure to here the entire video in one sitting.
at first i wasnt going to write anything, but then i thought of how unfair it wouldve been to take all that information and give nothing in return. To answer your question at the end, i believe in the coming centuries, or even decades, we will see a sort of renaissance of philosophy, a return to great ideas and ideologies of past times. as of late we’ve seen ideas such as stoicism return through self help and self
improvement creators on social media platforms. these creators implant their views onto the youth and from there the youth will adapt and evolve these views and ideas. whether thats a good or bad thing i cannot say. since most of these creators are men targeting boys and young men, i think theres a great possibility that for female targeted philosophies will evolve as well. another idea is that since most of these creators seem to be conservative, we will see another branch of philosophy grow, a more liberal one, in order to combat the conservative views of these new aged philosophers. i also think the idea that philosophy will branch off into the study of intuition as opposed to rationality and instinct is interesting as well. thank you for this video, 2 hours and 30 minutes put to good use. the joy of learning something you’re interested in is unlike anything else and so for gifting me that, again, thank you.
Dear, Thanks from my heart.
Thank you too!
This is amazing.Would be great if you could do something similar about psychology. ☺ Thank you!
Great suggestion! It will take a while though.
I want that too
@@Fiction_Beast hopefully!
@@Fiction_Beast Jagadish Vasudev OBVIOUSLY possesses an above-average intellect (although he often makes truly inane statements, such as “plants are more sensitive than animals, and they scream in pain when being eaten”).
However, if anyone considers him a "Sadhguru" then kindly explain to me how a so-called "prophet” (Jagadguru) can possibly support the two most PERNICIOUS institutions in the history of the world...
F.I.S.H. Paragraph 28. Feminism is the penultimate evil at present because feminism is based on the misguided assumption that women are equal to or even superior to men. Although a female can exhibit superior traits, skills, etcetera, to some men, a woman can never have AUTHORITY over a man. Truth be told, no true man would ever descend to the level of accepting counsel from any of his subordinates. A man should fully obey his appointed masters and never emasculate himself by submitting to the dictates of a female. Feminism and democracy are guaranteed to destroy society, as can be clearly seen at present.
However, feminism will NEVER EVER be destroyed until the most pernicious institution is first destroyed:
F.I.S.H Paragraph 26. Democracy is evil because the masses will invariably choose the murderous Barabbas over the good King Jesus. This planet is surely doomed unless the most pernicious institution ever known to man (democracy) is replaced by the only legitimate form of government (monarchy - preferably a good monarch, though even a bad king is preferable to being ruled by an elected official who can never be good). Most of the problems in human society are directly or indirectly attributable to this relatively modern phenomenon, since it is the government’s role and sacred duty to enforce the law. Just because good and bad are relative, does not imply that they do not exist. They do exist but are relative. A democrat can never be good, despite appearing so.
One of the many sinister characteristics of democracy, communism and other evil forms of governance, is the desire for their so-called “leaders” to attempt to control or at least influence the personal lives of every single citizen.
For example, in the wicked, decadent nation where this holy scripture was composed, The Southland (or Australia as it is known in the Latin tongue), the demonic government tries and largely succeeds in controlling the rights of parents to properly raise, discipline and punish their children according to their own morals, limiting legitimate powers an employer has over his servants, persecuting religious leaders (even to imprisonment and death, believe it or not) and even trying to influence what people eat and wear. Not that a government shouldn’t control what its citizens wear in public, but it should ensure that they are modestly dressed, which is hardly the case in Australia and similar nations. Basically, the worst of the democratic governments promote or at least permit all things contrary to God’s perfect and pure will such as adultery, fornication, prostitution, pornography, homosexuality, gambling (even running lotteries themselves), illegitimate abortion of poor innocent unborn children, irreligion, drug addiction, disrespect for authority and promoting materialism and ignorance via a powerful network of institutions of miseducation (so-called “schools, colleges and universities”).
Let it be known however - democracy can not and will not endure. The truth shall triumph!
Democracy is only acceptable within large business corporations, where the shareholders must vote on who will be the company bosses and other matters.
To read the remaining chapters of “A Final Instruction Sheet for Humanity”, which are the most accurate spiritual precepts so far in human history, Email me with the acronym “FISH” in the subject field.
“The gateway to KNOWLEDGE is ignorance”. 🤓
@@TheWorldTeacher 😂😂😂
Great job, Fiction Beast. I had left my UA-cam playing while I slept, and I heard most of this video in a long dream! In this dream I was talking to a very intelligent man who was telling me his philosophy, and I kept waiting for a break to tell him what I had. But I couldn't get a word in edgewise! And then I found I was at a place where other intelligent men were espousing their philosophies, as well. And all the while I noted how these men all had pieces of the Truth, but I knew that none of them had the whole package like I do. And because of their constant talking I never got to enlighten them...because I finally woke up and found that I was two hours into a video that had been playing in my dream! (This video.) Nothing like this has ever happened to me before.
Yes, great job, Fiction Beast. Hundreds of years of thinking and thousands of IQ points involved, and some of these philosophers got close - but all of them missed the boat. And some of their erroneous ideas have been used by some of the most evil men in this world (like Hitler) to justify their misdeeds. But the ancient Egyptians and the pre-Socratics already had it nailed. And with an IQ less than 130, so do I. Because, we didn't use intellect to try and find the Ineffable. We simply listened. We listened to The Source of All. And I authored a tiny book that can be read in only 5 minutes (at no cost online) that answers all of the meaningful philosophical questions that these men had and all of humanity shares. And my bigger (Amazon) book does so with full explanation and annotation. Click and ye shall find. I communicate through my sites only.
wow. you have so much efforts brother ❤️
Really appreciate the support!
Oh damn, wasn’t expecting this behemoth. Going all out I see.
Perhaps you have already seen parts
Ahhhh got ya.
Leo Tolstoy and Rumi spoke timeless words that exceedingly few consider nor apply to their life: “"Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.” And “Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself." Credit to them is respective.
You truly deserve huge respect for this video
Appreciate it.
This was an amazing journey through philosophy. Thank you so much. I am in love with philosophy you have whet my appetite even more with your content. It has changed my life for the better in my continuous search for wisdom from great philosophers as these that have laid the foundation of the human condition through their critical thinking about life.
Gonna learn philosophy myself... Thank you I'll definitely finish this video.. ❤️
I took two philosophy courses in college, worked at the campus library, and carried around a small book on the topic. I think I was just trying to be cute, because it seems like I'm just learning about philosophy now- save for a lil tidbit, or two. This is tops, Sir. Thank you kindly, all the best wishes on your future endeavors!
Bro just explained way better than my philosophy teacher
Thanks man you deserve way better than this
Woah, what a video. I don't know what to say, what to think. This was an incredible video, thank you so much for producing it.
Wow, thank you!
I love this channel.
I hope you could provide a pdf written copy of every lectures you make. I'm a reader and often reflect on my readings. Philosophy is one of my great interests. I read a lot of philosophy/psychology/history/literature books. This work summed-up -it is direct and concise.
Thank you :)
Thank you! I’m trying to get a website ready so I can post the script there. Stay tuned.
Your videos are wonderful. I listen to your Literature video every time I take the 4 hour drive to visit my mother. Thanks for your efforts.
@Fiction Beast thank you for the great content, keep up the good work.
In praise and on a side note before I get to the answer of the question at the end of the video, I would like to say that, I was able to get through the end of the video and I am happy to inform you that this was my first structured lesson in Philosophy, a kind crash course or an enlightenment and exposure to a
body of knowledge 2500 years old and all of it in a 2hr30+ session, I am akin a to a proverbial "knowledge virgin" who has just been deflowered, and I loved it.
I think that personally I tend to resonate with these philosophies:
1.kant's middle ground of empiricism and rationality.
2.The eastern approach of focusing on yourself as the primary agent to change,but with an understanding of the viability and practicality to pursue change in my environment, hence I came to understand why I believe in the concept of universal sufferage or the right to vote, voting being an act of democracy and of determining ones fate.
On the question of the future of Philosophy, I believe in the inference thay historical determination will pervade, in that the question of the death of Philosophy will one day become a Philosophy in itself, meaning there shall be new ways of looking at the fundamental questions of life from a lens of elementary ashes of the traditional philosophy which will represent the good old philosophy but with a more modern flavor.
I hope that I was able to answer clear and valid points.
Keep up the good work 🙏🙏🙏
Thank you so much for such a thoughtful comment. I rarely get that so I appreciate. I’m also glad this video was somewhat helpful. Also this is barely a scratch so I hope you have become curious enough to pursue philosophy further. Thank you.
Epic description of the different Philosophies & where they derived from.
Can't even find words to describe how valuable this content is, though I must admit it is not for everyone. And by everyone I include 20 year old me, who would not have the experience necessary to process all this.
Thank you very much for dedication and gift of philosophy to the world... All the philosophy benefits us in different ways at our different stage of development. Philosophy should be evolving with time or needs of human being when we are exploring new frontier. Enjoy the joy and sorrow of life lessons. This universe is a great school!
I love this video, but as a Buddhist, your description of it is a bit off. Buddhists don’t believe in any soul, we see the person as an aggregate of matter, feelings, cognition, volitions, and consciousness, and a being is merely a stream of this like Heraclitus’s thought of never stepping in the same river twice. By stopping clinging and craving of these phenomena, Nirvana, which is kinda like Schopenhauer’s thought of the Will is achieved thus enlightenment. Ignorance of that is thus the creator of all suffering.
Could you say, although the descriptions may not align entirely, that the binding agent of the physical realm aka matter and the conscience realm aka cravings be our soul? I know the concept of heaven and nirvana don't alight perfectly as well, but I've always noticed a lot of similarity between Christianity and buddhism when trying to cross reference the two. I'm not Buddhist so sorry if I'm off
@@jjlowrey most Buddhists don’t believe in a “binding agent” or an “essence.”
@@jjlowrey also if you’re interested in comparisons of Christianity and Buddhism if you haven’t already I recommend reading Living Buddha Living Christ by Thich Nat Hanh :)
Also he made a mistake that buddha was from Indian royal family. It is false. He was born in Nepal and is from Nepali Royal family from kapilvastu , Lumbini. Though he gained enlightenment in India but his statement is not true.
MAN I can listen you talk all day.
Thank you!
This is an amazing distillation of human thought. Thank you for it! I am pretty shocked, however, that someone like Jordan Peterson is mentioned in the same video with the great philosophical thinkers of recorded human history.
Thank you for this video. It encompasses everything one needs to know about philosophy. Now, I feel like there isn’t much to think anymore. May be it’s time to use different philosophies based on the different stages of our life. Jokes aside, I really appreciate your effort. May you channel grow.
Thank you!
Really nice I downloaded subtitles and read in almost 8 hours continuously....great effort you have taken. I want to know more about you.
Awesome work. You use language that I can understand without a college degree. If anything has saved my soul, it is my interest in eastern philosophy, not eastern religion. It showed me how to look at my mind without judgement. It is my opinion that the west teaches guild and shame and it is layered so thick that most people are afraid to look into their mind. It has been a long journey, but I have learned to ask questions like "were did you get that idea" and found that idea came from someone else. Once you know what you think you can choose to keep it or not. We are not victims. I chose peace and harmony and for me it is a reality.. As you think so you will be.
That's great to hear.
@@Fiction_Beast same
Thank you for pointing this out this us very interesting. Now I actually want to look into this lol. Good thing I have this video to start 😉
Awesome! My deepest respect to the content creator.
thank you
Thank you so much. This is incredibly helpful.
Giving this a thumbs up before even finishing the video out of respect. This must have taken you quite some time to decide what to put in and leave out of this video. Philosophy is such a huge topic. Thank you for spreading the information we need people thinking more philosophically inclined I think a lot of us have lost that. Thanks again 🙂
I appreciate that!
If you've not done so already, it'd be great to see you do a video on William Faulkner, particularly on how his books focus the break down of the family and slavery.
Good suggestion! I’ll see what I can do.
I have only listened to the first 20 minutes so far, but already I can see that this video is accomplishing something huge - akin to the periodic table for human thought. You are providing a unifying framework and narrative for how philosophy, literature, science and psychology all fit together - an a reflection of your tremendous mind, knowledge, effort and generosity! Thank you.
This is my third time watching this one and still see something new every time. Thanks
This and the philosophy iceberg video, I’m predicting will be extremely important in any resurgence of lots of people caring about Philosophizing again, cheers
Was going through iceberg video yesterday
This is super work. I will listen this again. Thank you!
Thanks for listening
An excellent video that covers almost all major schools of thought and major philosophers. Thank you for this amazing work, it gave me good insights on what I was looking for.
You are brilliant. Just a powerful mind has got this power of synthesis. Congratulations ❤
You're the goat youtuber forreal
It’s time I grow longer beard to become a proper goat.
Great work by you ,eternally grateful .
Sir, beautiful lecture series. Thank you so much for a very clear and precise understanding of the subject. Would love to know your way of doing research!!!!!
Like for him to see and reply 🙏🙏🙏🙏
dear the author of this video, you are a great gift for those who seek for purpose and wisdom in life, therefore you are a great man. Please keep doing this❤
Excellent. Subscribed! More on Kierkegaard, please
Thank you!
Thank you for your great work. With people like yourself we don't need universities :D
I appreciate that!
Hi Fiction Beast , This is great attempt to literate people on philosophy . I want to translate this video content in my language as a text book so that the non English speaking community know the basic idea of it. Plz feel free to share your idea on that. I am from Nepal between India and China South east Asia.
Please do that I feel Nepal needs such book
I appreciate your vulnerability about a weakness of yours that you share here, AND I appreciate VERY MUCH how you are helping us to understand these important things in this video -thank you so much, sir! 🌞👌❤️🌹🌿🌷☺️
This video took 2,500 years to make! Awesome job.
Thank you!