Great watch. I used a Hikmicro last week and was very impressed with the detail and the ability in poor conditions (lowering cloud base) to still pick-up clear and reliable heat sources. The model I used was as good if not better than the Lithuanian pocket sized model I use at home.
Great video and footage, and Sika is a great venison for the table too.Thanks and greetings from NZ, Tony.
Great watch. I used a Hikmicro last week and was very impressed with the detail and the ability in poor conditions (lowering cloud base) to still pick-up clear and reliable heat sources. The model I used was as good if not better than the Lithuanian pocket sized model I use at home.
I never realised how thick the velvet is. Good vid, very mindfully done
Muy excelente lances de cazeria amigos saludos chevre caza
Year in the life of Sika, proceeds to hunt red deer. Great video all the same
All payed by sponsors, doesn’t have anything in common with normal hunting.