A pile of brass & KISS | Humans are space Orcs | Terrans are OP | TFOS1005

  • Опубліковано 19 вер 2024


  • @Talon1124
    @Talon1124 3 роки тому +88

    You can have the shiniest toys in the universe.
    But if all those toys suddenly stop working... a sharp stick or a lump of rock work just as well on squishy flesh.

    • @AgroSquerril
      @AgroSquerril  3 роки тому +9


    • @taitano12
      @taitano12 3 роки тому +4

      Even with exoskeletons, rocks can crack open the shell, and a good stick will make short work of the joints. The worst nightmare for knights in plate armor was getting bogged down so some random, unarmored peasant could get at the joints in his armour. And a Smith with a good shield or parying weapon and a hammer could trap the wearer in a painful, claustrophobic prison by denting the plate in the right spots.
      So imagine what such tools could do to an Insectoid species. Being killed by an armor-piercing bullet would be so much preferable over sticks and stones.

    • @alexs5814
      @alexs5814 3 роки тому +2

      In the analog words of Thatcher:
      "GPS satellites, unmanned drones, fucking laser sights. The more crutches you have, the more it hurts when they're kicked out from under you. If there's one thing I know for sure, it's that a six inch blade never loses reception."

    • @erushi5503
      @erushi5503 3 роки тому +2

      * Happy ewok noises

    • @alexs5814
      @alexs5814 3 роки тому +1

      @@erushi5503 and a little bola made of liana and rocks can drop a fuckin' AT-ST if thrown by a Hobbit's deranged hairy stepcousins^^

  • @TransbianOwl
    @TransbianOwl 3 роки тому +87

    The knife.. one of the oldest, most versatile, easy to use, and prevalent tools man has ever made. No human goes anywhere there is potential danger without one in some form or another, because when it comes to shite going sideways, it's the simplest solution.

    • @H3xx99
      @H3xx99 3 роки тому +15

      The deadliest melee weapon ever invented was the quarterstaff. An average sized, well trained warrior can swing a quarterstaff so hard that the tip comes close to breaking the sound barrier. There is not a single piece of practical armor that we know of that can withstand it's blunt force.
      But knives are much more versatile as a tool as well as a weapon. Utility is often worth giving up a bit of lethality.

    • @seanpeacock4290
      @seanpeacock4290 3 роки тому +4

      and if you put the knife on the revolver you get The Clipper.
      Don't drop it, you might loose a toe.

    • @etopsirhc
      @etopsirhc 3 роки тому +3

      @@H3xx99 "speak softly and carry a big stick" may get you places, but a trusty blade will keep you going far longer.

    • @geraldhuff7413
      @geraldhuff7413 3 роки тому +1

      You goddam right!

    • @kerngilowice3315
      @kerngilowice3315 3 роки тому +1

      I assume your someone that thinks that repo armor like you find on the internet is genuine armor and not anything more than poorly formed butter knife steel even the stud they advertise as hard is only as hard as soft steel gets real armor is high rockwell and generally made to the same standard as a properly made sword hardened aneled and finally tempered padded and balanced . I’m yet to see even a single repo that gets it right.

  • @kurtismiller9544
    @kurtismiller9544 3 роки тому +68

    Pile of Brass.....fitting. K.I.S.S.- term I learned 4 decades ago and it still holds true

    • @AgroSquerril
      @AgroSquerril  3 роки тому +9

      i dont think it will ever be irrelevant

    • @frealsolidusauxil5873
      @frealsolidusauxil5873 3 роки тому +3

      @@AgroSquerril yup the moment we throw it away is probably the time we fallback 🤣

  • @the_victorious_1
    @the_victorious_1 3 роки тому +131

    Datamagnet and Bob the Dragon deserve to have their own episode, perhaps they each submit a story to be read? Definitely something after all this time.

    • @AgroSquerril
      @AgroSquerril  3 роки тому +30

      a possibility

    • @adamdrawdy7436
      @adamdrawdy7436 3 роки тому +21

      Yeah I believe they need something special I mean I just bought a shirt but these people paid to keep the good reads rolling.

    • @theicyphoenixrecords5980
      @theicyphoenixrecords5980 3 роки тому +5

      @@adamdrawdy7436 what im remembering is duckmachine and bob the dragon xD
      who knows a batle of the patrons begins

  • @komrade223
    @komrade223 3 роки тому +29

    Protip from a gun nut, the capitalized "R" after the mm means it is a rimmed cartridge. That means that there is a small lip on the back of the case that is used for headspacing (the position of the cartridge in relation to the chamber/barrel/throat) or as an extraction aid in the cycling of the gun. It is a very, very old way of doing both of these things. Currently, only revolvers (and special snowflake autoloaders), lever actions and some Russian machine guns/precision rifles are still made for rimmed cartridges. Shotguns are exempt from this because non rimmed shotgun shells are a rarity.

  • @reighniz4488
    @reighniz4488 3 роки тому +12

    That first story reminds me of something I heard about from the Battle for the Chosin Reservoir. A single Marine Private held his squad's position while firing the machinegun and throwing grenades. The rest of his squad was injured or dead. At one point his commanding officer called over the radio and asked him if he was surrounded his answer was, "I prefer to think of it as a target rich environment, sir!"

  • @GEWB2105
    @GEWB2105 3 роки тому +26

    I thought each of the soldiers he saved in the first story were going to drop in a brass casing to represent the bullet they didn't take because of his actions.
    But that was a nice touch in the story, as it was.

    • @the_victorious_1
      @the_victorious_1 3 роки тому +5

      That would have been emotional for sure.

    • @taitano12
      @taitano12 3 роки тому +6

      Holy crap! Now THERE'S a closing scene if ever there was one. A movie ending on a scene like that, with the line it's referencing in an earlier scene would be epic. Even if the war part is just a couple of scenes embedded in a larger life story.

    • @jackjohnstone2426
      @jackjohnstone2426 3 роки тому +4

      I'm the author and I'm now mad I didn't think of this.

    • @zyanidwarfare5634
      @zyanidwarfare5634 2 роки тому +1

      Maybe they did, hell there’s a lot of brass casings and he’s had a long life so wouldn’t be too far off

  • @carlfromtheoc1788
    @carlfromtheoc1788 3 роки тому +28

    "The enemy cannot push 'the button' if they cannot reach 'the button'." - Training Sgt. Zim As for a pile of brass, the are MoH recipients from places like the Chosin Reservoir, Guadalcanal, assorted places in Europe that would agree - read about the exploits of Sgt. John Basilone on Guadalcanal, or of Sgt. York and Sgt. Louis Cukela in WW1.

    • @simonleclercq4554
      @simonleclercq4554 3 роки тому +2


    • @nickpossum3607
      @nickpossum3607 2 роки тому +1

      Reminds me of the training scene in Starship Troopers.
      "Your enemy can't press a button, if you disable his hand."

  • @hoenndpn9200
    @hoenndpn9200 3 роки тому +24

    Ah yes, the oldest rule in the book, KISS

    • @asurasyn
      @asurasyn 3 роки тому +5

      An axiom of some renoun.
      Basically, function before fancy. If a simple knife will work, don't fuck around with something fancier.

    • @hoenndpn9200
      @hoenndpn9200 3 роки тому +1

      @Amber Wolf stands for Keep It Simple Stupid

  • @matthewklestinski7030
    @matthewklestinski7030 3 роки тому +28

    Backup weapons need to be reliable. And as simple in operation, as express in intent, as possible. KISS.

  • @christopherrhodes3228
    @christopherrhodes3228 3 роки тому +18

    Damn, I knew I should've worn my KISS shirt today

  • @henrypaleveda7760
    @henrypaleveda7760 3 роки тому +7

    "the most useful piece of advise that i ever received; it hurts every time."

  • @silvadelshaladin
    @silvadelshaladin 3 роки тому +5

    KISS -- When higher tech becomes a liability.

  • @jesseamaya4413
    @jesseamaya4413 3 роки тому +4

    First one has a punch.
    Second one,,, considering that a .44 mag can sit you on your a$$ even wearing ceramic armor,,,. Imagine getting hit with a 20 pound sledgehammer swung by the jolly green giant in a REALLY bad mood.
    And the worth of a good knife is no easy thing to explain. K.I.S.S indeed.

  • @car0lm1k3
    @car0lm1k3 3 роки тому +19

    Blood for the blood God. Skulls for the skull throne. Tribute to the algorithm!

  • @MrGoesBoom
    @MrGoesBoom 3 роки тому +3

    Heh, nice to know the concept of Keep It Simple Stupid will live on ( and yes the last S needs to be included )

  • @TheJMPD
    @TheJMPD 7 місяців тому

    Sargeant-Major, rest in peace (and brass!)
    Damned onion ninjas!

  • @RealArcalian
    @RealArcalian 3 роки тому +1

    greetings Mentlegent!
    For the Rhythm that is Algo
    Story 1: Buried in a warrior's weapons
    Story 2: Burying others with a warrior's tools

  • @silence___
    @silence___ 3 роки тому +30

    How in god's name do you have such a buttery smooth voice

    • @conspiracy_marine9238
      @conspiracy_marine9238 3 роки тому +1

      Butter stick

    • @AgroSquerril
      @AgroSquerril  3 роки тому +4


    • @ObservingLibertarian
      @ObservingLibertarian 3 роки тому +5

      What's more, that's a performed voice, that's not what he actually sounds like in regular discourse. It's the Carnegie hall answer, practice, practice, practice. Check the back catalog of his channel, my man Agro's one productive sumbitch. He is *criminally* under-subscribed, with the body of work he's put out - he should have a 100k-150k subscriber count. 2,504 videos, an astonishing number of which are close to or over an hour long - not simply 2,500 little tiktok style 2 and a half minute vids. Agro puts - in - the - effort.

    • @ihtfp01
      @ihtfp01 3 роки тому +1

      ^^^THIS^^^ The Squirrel hustles his a** off. Respect is due!

  • @anuryu3330
    @anuryu3330 3 роки тому +5

    To Agro Squerril and the Algorithm!!! Thanks for the stories! ❤

  • @allenmorgan1007
    @allenmorgan1007 3 роки тому +1

    For the Algorithm, For the Author(s), For the Disembodied Voice!

  • @mrmastaofdesasta6994
    @mrmastaofdesasta6994 3 роки тому +3

    Knifes may be the most versatile tools ever developed, but I think the most beautiful creation of humanity is the sword. Where all other tools pride themselves on utility, the sword has but one singular purpose: To kill humans. Not like the bow, which is used in hunting too, not like the axe, which also fells trees, and not like the knife, which we use for crafting, food preparation and many other purposes.
    I think the purpose and focus that is the nature of the sword is beautiful.

    • @joseph1150
      @joseph1150 3 роки тому

      yet the spear was the main weapon of the battlefield.

    • @Destroyer_V0
      @Destroyer_V0 3 роки тому

      *Insert the warhammer*

    • @Destroyer_V0
      @Destroyer_V0 3 роки тому

      @@joseph1150 I suppose it's worth considering. A sword was used in the same way pistols are now. As a back up weapon intended to be used against other humans. One easy to carry, and socially acceptable to do so.
      HELL! You duel with both swords and pistols! Not spears. Not assault rifles.

    • @mrmastaofdesasta6994
      @mrmastaofdesasta6994 3 роки тому

      The spear was also used for hunting, and a Warhammer is still, well a hammer, which was used for hammering stuff.
      And before anyone starts, I am referring generally to old tools and weapons, not the special 1 inch screwdriver that is used to fasten the 3rd to last top left bolt in am Audi Ferrari 420 Blaze It. (I do not know cars, if that much wasn't obvious)

  • @veldrintheshadow
    @veldrintheshadow 3 роки тому +2

    Great job. Just a minor pronunciation correction: the "h" in Thibodeaux is silent. Tib-o-doe

  • @notyetdeleted6319
    @notyetdeleted6319 3 роки тому +2

    Bed of brass. Ya’know, I liked that one, it’s fitting, it’s good.

  • @virtualatheist
    @virtualatheist Рік тому

    Story 2: Danger! Danger! Measures of pleasure and pain. Boiling the blood in my veins.

  • @PartytimeYOLO
    @PartytimeYOLO 6 місяців тому

    not my other sock, i only have 17 left....
    i cannot find a single right sock

  • @alfredsutton7233
    @alfredsutton7233 3 роки тому

    For AgroSquerril: best SF stories on UA-cam, well read.

  • @Psalmster023
    @Psalmster023 Рік тому

    Nanite swarms RETURN MY SOCK!!!!

  • @Animewatcher5827
    @Animewatcher5827 3 роки тому +1

    Hey I really like your channel and I wanted to recommend a story for you to read it’s called “The Deathworlders Nightmare” I think people would like it

    • @AgroSquerril
      @AgroSquerril  3 роки тому

      i shall check it out and try get in touch with the author

  • @continentaltuber8610
    @continentaltuber8610 3 роки тому +1

    I have barricaded myself in my room, the nantite swarms are trying to break in, they want my socks, please send re-enforcements !

    • @ObservingLibertarian
      @ObservingLibertarian 3 роки тому +1

      I think they're also behind the 10mm wrenches disappearing.

    • @AgroSquerril
      @AgroSquerril  3 роки тому +2

      no reinforcements , they cant put their boots on , no socks

    • @alonenotlonely1179
      @alonenotlonely1179 3 роки тому

      @Continental Tuber I'm sending you a portable EMP rifle to defend yourself from the nanite swarm, it'll be there as soon as I've perfected the matter transmitter so just do your best until then.

  • @Monster_Ink
    @Monster_Ink 3 роки тому +1

    These were awesome! :D
    For the algorithm!

  • @KroMagnum4
    @KroMagnum4 3 роки тому

    Tread softly and carry a.44 magnum.

  • @brianmeans5965
    @brianmeans5965 3 роки тому +1

    um 10:50 the K.I.S.S. it says "keep it stupid simple" instead of "keep it simple stupid"

    • @AgroSquerril
      @AgroSquerril  3 роки тому

      it was an unedited direct submission , mistakes are bound to happen

    • @brianmeans5965
      @brianmeans5965 3 роки тому

      @@AgroSquerril true

  • @macpurdy
    @macpurdy 3 роки тому +1

    For the algorithm and the narrator.

  • @handshoesandhorsegrenades1848
    @handshoesandhorsegrenades1848 3 роки тому +2

    Next time call it a foot glove instead of a sock


    Bless the Squerril

  • @autumnmoon4460
    @autumnmoon4460 3 роки тому

    1:15……Beau Thibodeaux…..that’s the same name as a character in a book series I’ve read. Well, listened to, anyway. Audiobook. Jericho Quinn series. Not too bad a book series so far….ah the first name of that character wasn’t Beau….I remember now….something equally pretentious sounding tho…….Jacques! That was the name! I think Jacques was a Marine in that series as well….I wonder if it’s a coincidence, or if the author was inspired….cuz I’ve never heard that last name before the Quinn books….

    • @AgroSquerril
      @AgroSquerril  3 роки тому

      not sure

    • @autumnmoon4460
      @autumnmoon4460 3 роки тому

      @@AgroSquerril Eh, who knows? Might be a good idea if I actually listened to the video all the way through, though. Yep might actually have my answer, lol

    • @jackjohnstone2426
      @jackjohnstone2426 3 роки тому

      I'm the author. I made it up.

    • @autumnmoon4460
      @autumnmoon4460 3 роки тому +1

      @@jackjohnstone2426 Oh? Huh. Okay! Thanks!

  • @platinumchromee3191
    @platinumchromee3191 2 роки тому

    Radiation based weapons,aka lasers don't work?
    Solution: full auto railgun

  • @murphycunningham2465
    @murphycunningham2465 3 роки тому


  • @Bonesaw4444
    @Bonesaw4444 3 роки тому

    Why are always my socks gone?

  • @reasonablehiccups4792
    @reasonablehiccups4792 3 роки тому +1

    For the algorithm

  • @j-core2895
    @j-core2895 3 роки тому

    For the ALGORITHM

  • @barelyasurvivor1257
    @barelyasurvivor1257 2 роки тому

    The print says
    "Keep It Stupid Simple"
    You meant
    Keep It Simple Stupid, right ?

  • @leadlacedinkeater6539
    @leadlacedinkeater6539 3 роки тому

    ok I must be dense... what does kiss have to do with anything in that story... enlighten me fellow squerril fallowers ... thanxz Agro S. you're awesome

    • @AgroSquerril
      @AgroSquerril  3 роки тому +1

      Having a simple but reliable backup saves lives.

    • @Destroyer_V0
      @Destroyer_V0 3 роки тому +1

      Its the acronym. Keep it simple. Radiation weapons, sure. They are quite fancy, quite deadly. But not against something hardened against radiation, like the beast that came for him was. Nor would a radiation weapon even work that quickly.
      Whereas. While a radiation gun might have a lot of ammo. It won't always work. But a .44 magnum? Sure it's not a perfect weapon. But you can be damn sure when you pull the trigger, something at the far end of it is going to have a bad day.

  • @merlinwizard1000
    @merlinwizard1000 8 місяців тому

    130th, 8 January 2024

  • @josmeijers2818
    @josmeijers2818 2 роки тому

    F.T.A !

  • @jackjohnstone2426
    @jackjohnstone2426 3 роки тому +1


  • @arakheno4051
    @arakheno4051 3 роки тому


  • @WiredTurkey316
    @WiredTurkey316 3 роки тому

    For the algorithm

  • @asandrewsilvaw
    @asandrewsilvaw 3 роки тому

    For the algorithm

  • @nk-rv1vj
    @nk-rv1vj 3 роки тому

    For the algorithm