A "Brief" Guide to Refraction Railway 3 [Limbus Company]

  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2024
  • The "much awaited" "sequel" to A Brief Guide and Thoughts on Refraction Railway 2. This time with 75% less opinionated ranting interrupting the actual guide.


  • @GA7273
    @GA7273 7 місяців тому +904

    Oh, this derranged Limbus guy is gonna rant for 17 hours...

    • @qwe173-f7f
      @qwe173-f7f 7 місяців тому +15

      i like it

    • @carrot_z7345
      @carrot_z7345 7 місяців тому +13

      I'm going to play this video for 17 hours straight

    • @hominhmai5325
      @hominhmai5325 7 місяців тому +3

      Hmmm based

    • @jeremiahszabo823
      @jeremiahszabo823 7 місяців тому +10

      Don’t worry, he is here to be as brief as possible this time

  • @leonciopalacpac9269
    @leonciopalacpac9269 7 місяців тому +6

    So, for my first run of this railway I decided to do something similar to your worst team for railway video, and went in with only base IDs for the entire railway. However I did not keep this restriction for Egos. For my team I had all of my base units up to level 40 and uptie 4, for my Egos I brought in a lot of healing and high rolling ones to help ease the difficulty a bit. Also before moving on to the fights I’d like to mention I was trying to do a deathless run, which made this railway substantially harder. But I did end up giving up on this requirement at the end, which I’ll explain why when we get there.
    Now for the Gossypium segment. The first two battles were a breeze, I had a little trouble with Siltcurrent but fluid sac helped keep my team healthy for drenched Gossypium. For the drenched Gossypium fight I had to restart a few times because I got unlucky and a few of my sinners died. After two tries though I was able to beat this fight without a single death. The main problem with this fight for me was the bleed, the bleed stacks weren’t bad at first but as the fight went on it just kept getting higher and higher. I had healing Ego to help with the bleed but I was trying to save some Ego resources for later fights so I used them sparingly. To give perspective on how high the bleed count and potency got for me, on my successful attempt of this fight my Ishmael was just blocking for the latter half of the fight because if she had just clashed once she would have bleed to death. Here are my turn statistics for this segment, Mermaids of the Porous Hand: 11 turns, Siltcurrent: 14 turns, Drenched Gossypium: 13 turns.
    For the ABM segment I had little to not trouble. Ambling Pearl and Skin Prophet were easy and good Ego resource farms. For Ardor Blossom Moth, it wasn’t as bad as I was expecting it to be. Granted I couldn’t clash with it much and I did have to restart this fight once because the burn got too bad. However on my second try I was more liberal with the amount of Egos I would use and I was able to beat it soon after. Overall I would say that this was the easiest segment of the entire railway. Here are the turn statistics for this segment, Ambling Pearl: 19 turns, Skin Prophet: 18 turns, Ardor Blossom Moth: 13 turns.
    Now for the Hell segment, and oh boy does it earn this name. The first fight of this segment was relatively easy. However the Pequod Trio is where I started to struggle hard. The first part of this fight was easy enough to get through, but when the Trio comes out that’s where the problems begin. As you can expect, what I struggled with the most was Queequeg’s assist defense ability, which single handedly ended multiple attempts. However after like 5 tries I was able to beat this fight without a single death. Though this wasn’t without its drawbacks. First of all, all of the sinners I brought to this fight were around half health when I finally beat it, and second I used up all of my Ego resources using Egos to heal my sinners. My best advice for this fight if you’re going to only use base ID’s is to get rid of Starbuck and get Ahab to her second phase as fast as possible, and then try to kill her as quickly as you can. Now moving on to the Gasharpoon fight. This fight was also hard, but not as hard as the previous one. My main struggle with this fight is with her third phase, where she gains shield and uses her counter multiple times. Due to the lack of Ego resources I couldn’t use Egos often in this fight, and for the life of me I couldn’t get rid of her shield. Often leading to me having multiple sinners staggered from her counter. However after like 3 attempts I was able to save enough Ego resources to break her shield consistently enough to take her down. By far this segment was the hardest out of the three, not only did I have to restart certain fights over and over again but I wasted almost all of my Ego resources trying to beat them. This lack of Ego resources becomes a major problem for the terminus station, but I’ll talk about it when we get there. Anyway here are my turn statistics for this segment, Pallidified Things and Mermaids: 18 turns, Pequod Trio: 12 turns, Gasharpoon: 27 turns.
    Finally we get to the Terminus Station. This fight single handedly broke me and made me give up on trying to complete this railway deathless. Spiral of Contempt in my opinion was the hardest fight in this run by far, not because its mechanics were hard. In fact I’d say it’s easier than the Pequod Trio and Gasharpoon. No, the main reason why I rank this as the hardest fight is the sheer amount of time and focus this fight took out of me. Spiral of Contempt’s resistances were a large part of that but also its All-beholding Gaze passive. In fact it’s that exact passive that made me give up on a deathless run. Let me explain, overall it took me two attempts to beat it with the first one mainly being about figuring out its skills and mechanics. On my second/successful attempt I took this fight more seriously. For the first half of the fight I tried clashing when I could and used defensive skills to beat skills I couldn’t clash with. Due to the previous fights I couldn’t use Ego that often to win clashes or to heal my team when the sinners health became low. The main part that broke me however was when I got it below 30% of its Max HP. This activated its All-beholding Gaze passive which compounds both SP and HP damage over time onto your sinners. It’s especially that SP damage that screwed me over as I couldn’t take down Spiral of Contempt fast enough. I would also like to remind you of the fact that I had little to no Ego resources meaning I couldn’t burst it down with Ego nor heal the SP lost consistently. This resulted to my sinners corroding and killing each other and a few turns later all six of my sinners had died. By the time I was defeated I had spent around 30 minutes to an hour on this attempt and I was seriously contemplating whether or not to continue on with my other sinners or to just try again. Ultimately you know what I chose, I gave up on my deathless run and I continued the fight with the rest of the sinners. Luckily the hands were near staggering and Spiral of Contempt was nearly dead, so all I had to do was be fast enough to stagger the hands and focus it down. After a couple of turns I was able to stagger the hands and finally kill Spiral of Contempt. This attempt was so near to failure that one extra turn could have meant death and repeating this fight all over again, and I’m not sure if I had the strength to do that all over again. The turn when I killed Spiral of contempt, my sinners were near corroding and I was seriously panicking on whether or not I’ll be able to kill it. But when I finally saw its health reach zero a wave of relief and excitement flooded my brain. Overall this fight took me 40 TURNS to complete. FOURTY TURNS!!!!!!!! My god, I didn’t expect this fight to take so long but I made it through at least. Anyway adding up all the turns this run took me 185 turns to complete total. I hope my run helps you and gives you some perspective on how your worst teams for railway 3 run will be. Can’t wait to see that video.

  • @caio8470
    @caio8470 7 місяців тому +1

    I remember losing the 5% clash to Ardor Blossom Moth. 5 times. In a row. -45 sanity to me instantly
    The run I won was somehow with Umbrella Heathcliff and Puddle Stomp. A cool thing I discovered is that you can activate his sinking quite easily with the unclashable skill, it deals no damage but still hits you putting him in a comfortable sanity range to just nuke the moth

  • @NMC213
    @NMC213 7 місяців тому

    About Mass Attack manipulation
    as far as I know, once you select the targets, it doesn't change at all unless you update the dashboard, and that is done by activating or dismissing EGOs and Defensive Skills
    so if you want to manipulate the entire board, you first need to settle on what you will use in regards to that and activate the pertinent EGOs and defensive skills beforehand
    My information could be outdated because PM's famous pasta: the Spaghetti code

  • @kirashinji
    @kirashinji 7 місяців тому

    Deranged Limbus guy 17 hour rant let's goooooooooooo

  • @JARGUN145
    @JARGUN145 7 місяців тому

    Stop roasting the abnormalities they have fee-
    They ARE feelings

  • @Late0NightPC
    @Late0NightPC 7 місяців тому +344

    I really loved Spiral of Contempt as it's another "thematic Abno", which is perfected suited to being a Railway final boss. As the name implies, it's all about the way that contempt, looking down on another and seeing them as pathetic and not worthy of your attention, will lead to an ever worsening spiral where your contempt leads others to hate you, leading you in turn to view "such hateful and pathetic people" with even more contempt.
    It's MD event rewards you for not paying any attention to it, while punishing you for thinking poorly of it for being so full of contempt. During the fight, mechanically you are encouraged to allow one of the Sinners to become consumed by contempt, and then use their "friends" to help pull them out and recover, reflecting how lots of pessimistic emotional spirals are things that can't easily be overcome on your own, support from friends/family is essential to overcoming it. Seeing that someone could look at a person full of contempt, and want to save them instead of disparage them puts the Spiral off-guard, making it more fragile, and when it tries to gaze at you with contempt, you are given an event check. You don't gaze back with the contemptful gaze you selected, but rather communicate how that gaze felt to you, with winning the check making you able to successfully communicate how terrible it feels, making it even more vulnerable, while failing it makes you fail to communicate it and the Spiral dismisses your words entirely.
    It's such a good showcase of how an Abno can reflect a certain theme, and how the mechanics of the fight can support that theme in a strong way. You aren't just "fighting a monster that embodies a concept" that you win via beating it to death, you are using the actual methods to overcoming contempt in order to weaken the Abno and defeat it as well.

    • @notloopers1110
      @notloopers1110 7 місяців тому +16

      ok so i killed it in like 5 turns by abusing rupture what does that say about me

    • @Splatter5524
      @Splatter5524 7 місяців тому

      It means you ignored its contempt and instead started to just smack some sense into it.​@@notloopers1110

    • @paps3060
      @paps3060 7 місяців тому +3

      @@notloopers1110 nice, i killed it in the same amount with sinking hell yeah

    • @greyfaceofaxe
      @greyfaceofaxe 7 місяців тому +11

      You literally redeemed this abno in my eyes.
      Still need a little rework, too easy not just ignore gimmick, but to miss it fully.

    • @Late0NightPC
      @Late0NightPC 7 місяців тому +20

      @@greyfaceofaxe I'm happy to have changed your opinion on it. Abnos are all horror monsters, so like any good horror monsters they are representations of some idea in a physical form, literally in this case considering their lore from Lobotomy Corp.
      I definitely agree it's a bit weak mechanically though, I really wish we could one day get back to the LoR-style "Battles that are actually puzzles, rather than "fights"" but that seems a bit unlikely. My Form Empties really spoiled us in that regard...

  • @SonicDen220
    @SonicDen220 7 місяців тому +181

    If you light the candles, then put them all out (when all the candles have 20 shield hp and use a weak counter), instead of using 9:2, skin prophet will use 6:5, which doesn't do any damage to you. When he uses this attack, he also loses 20% of his max hp and gets staggered next turn. I feel like no one knows this. It's not even written in the passives.

    • @darkuscarlet
      @darkuscarlet 7 місяців тому +55

      This and Spiral are funny things because instead of passives they're from the observation logs.
      Unfortunately that still means you'd need to repeatedly beat them to fill the logs.

    • @besttoiletfixerever
      @besttoiletfixerever 7 місяців тому +6

      i INFACT do not :(

    • @Zeitzbach
      @Zeitzbach 7 місяців тому +18

      That's actually very interesting. The last time I ever AoE'd the candle was in MD3H with burn team so even the weak pierce, with all the boosts and fatal weakness, adds up to really strong damage and made me avoid ever using AoE again in that fight. Maybe it's best I try that again in non-MD setting where the pierce resist ID can easily eat all that.

    • @Late0NightPC
      @Late0NightPC 7 місяців тому +38

      True. It's a pretty neat lore detail that's rather fitting, as Outis said it can only recognize the Sinners with the candles lit, so by lighting them then snuffing them out again it gets confused and attacks itself in it's confusion.
      Though, it's rather poorly designed mechanically. Basically everything about the fight encourages NOT doing that. It gains massive resistances when all candles are not lit, so you want to keep them lit. When they are lit, they have counter skills that, even if weak, allow the boss to stack a ton of burn quite easily which you naturally want to avoid. The overall pattern of the fight clearly is designed around punishing careless use of AOE Ego, as when they are snuffed out the Prophet will hit you extremely hard with counters, and while they're active, a careless AOE ego will get 5 counters and an assload of burn.
      Having the hint being in the Abno Log entry is cool, but honestly most players won't bother to read it because that's "the lore", anything gameplay related is going to be in the skills or passive list. I think PM could easily fix it though by tweaking the Candle's passive list, making their Sinking Darkness passive add on "If all candles are snuffed out by attacks...". There aren't any cases of intentionally ambiguous passives in the game as far as I can tell, but back in LoR, there was a boss with a passive saying "If HP goes down to 50% or lower…", teasing a phase 2 without explicitly spelling out what would happen. So I think adding that "If X thing happens..." note would be a good way to lightly tease "Something interesting may happen", while it being kept in the Candle passive list rather than the Abno passive list would keep it still a bit of a secret.

    • @snipermagoo
      @snipermagoo 7 місяців тому +2

      Yep. The turn after lighting all the candles is a good time to use the AoE. Using it just to light them is a bit of a waste unless you're desperate to shave off 1 turn.

  • @Koezar
    @Koezar 7 місяців тому +315


    • @notloopers1110
      @notloopers1110 7 місяців тому +13

      Ah, schizophrenia, just as koishi ordered...

    • @coinpoffer
      @coinpoffer 7 місяців тому

      there isnt?

    • @Koezar
      @Koezar 7 місяців тому +23

      @@coinpofferCheck 10:44, gossy's section. He put an among us on its top left.

    • @coinpoffer
      @coinpoffer 7 місяців тому

      ​@@Koezari will hook my eyes out

    • @HarambaeXelonmuskfans
      @HarambaeXelonmuskfans 7 місяців тому +2


  • @juliangabriel
    @juliangabriel 7 місяців тому +367

    For those looking for encouragement: this RR is VERY DOABLE. I got sub 100 on my first attempt while dying to the final boss, but because you can just send in another squad, I was able to squeak in at 97 turns and grab my banner. Honestly, it might even be *too* easy, but that's a whole other can of worms. Don't be afraid to gun for the low turn count goal on this one.

    • @BrainRotPatient
      @BrainRotPatient 7 місяців тому +10

      I had a scuffed as fuck final push I went from 54 turns to 84 to 97 at terminus

    • @HarambaeXelonmuskfans
      @HarambaeXelonmuskfans 7 місяців тому +9

      The only real trouble with it lies in getting past the walls that are Ardor and the Trio, but you’ve basically won as long as you bring a sanity healing EGO on gasharpoon.
      I did my first run in 98 turns and did the next in 73.

    • @failmasterjm
      @failmasterjm 7 місяців тому +4

      I got 116 even though I took forever on ABM and Spiral of Contempt. I might even try to get sub 100 eventually.

    • @notloopers1110
      @notloopers1110 7 місяців тому +10

      I feel like this is actually pretty hard and decently long , but beacuse of how STUPIDLY long and annoyingly hard RR2 was it feels way less long and diffcult

    • @BrainRotPatient
      @BrainRotPatient 7 місяців тому +2

      @@notloopers1110 difficulty wise the biggest spike is opening up the passives tab or reading the effects of the bosses skills that and the final push through Pequod town

  • @MordekaiserThe3rd
    @MordekaiserThe3rd 7 місяців тому +100

    Me when Gas!Ahab demolishes 7Faust out of nowhere
    (I was too busy dancing to Compass to notice)

    • @tachikomagaming2451
      @tachikomagaming2451 7 місяців тому +7

      i wish they didnt just made it go on loop, was pretty disappointed when it didnt changed on phase swap but just kept going

    • @popopop984
      @popopop984 6 місяців тому

      @@tachikomagaming2451 Real

  • @yunomi9023
    @yunomi9023 7 місяців тому +38

    27:35 if you let starbuck live during queegqueeg phase, and if the prey mark unit is an evade unit (mainly cinqclair) you can make that unit evade starbuck and it will automatically evade ahab next

  • @aaronli8843
    @aaronli8843 7 місяців тому +123

    In my experience, the Attack Weight Manipulation trick works even when you drag the skills off of Skin Prophet, so long as you do not touch the ego once it is placed.

    • @sliv5034
      @sliv5034 7 місяців тому +13

      I think targets change when you swap a skill, either by pressing the guard button or by adding an ego. Moving skills around *should* be fine (just not the ego, of course).

    • @Late0NightPC
      @Late0NightPC 7 місяців тому +8

      Seconded. As long as you don't prepare another Ego or defense skill after the AOE Ego has it's targets set, you can move the skills to attack something else entirely. I did just that during the Skin Prophet fight to ensure even smaller AOE Egos would help by having the other Sinners target the candles not targeted by the Ego, while Sinners stuck with S1s could target the candles that might survive the AOE ego.
      It's a useful trick for basically any Abno fight that has more than 2-3 body parts. You can use it to ensure that the AOE doesn't end up hitting a body part that has counter, like against Fairy Long Legs, or against Abnos with an assload of body parts like Headless Icthyus or Ebony Apple it can let you make sure you hit the parts you want to hit either for damage or debuffs. It's also quite useful against Abnos with summons, like MD Papa Bongy, Ambling Pearl, or Drifting Fox.

    • @DemPop
      @DemPop 7 місяців тому +3

      Thirding this, I've been manipulating the targeting then removing the other skills for a long time.

    • @tasya_nabila
      @tasya_nabila 5 місяців тому

      ​@@Late0NightPCSo, basically you're like placing the skill from other sinners then do the E.G.O last? I'm kinda lost.

  • @YiSangmyYiSang
    @YiSangmyYiSang 7 місяців тому +51

    Imagine if PM add an update where you can visit previous Refraction Railways?! So for those players who didn't complete or didn't have a chance to try the previous Refraction Railways! I want this update to come true so that I can try the previous Railways because I didn't have a chance to complete them.

    • @HarambaeXelonmuskfans
      @HarambaeXelonmuskfans 7 місяців тому +8

      If they do this they better nerf the snake inquistor fight anyone complaining about anything in RR3 will be floored by that

    • @mrrp405
      @mrrp405 7 місяців тому +23

      @@HarambaeXelonmuskfansidk we might sweep them now even if their levels get raised to modern standards

    • @yanik5480
      @yanik5480 7 місяців тому +3

      @@HarambaeXelonmuskfanssunshower yi sang

    • @bestaround3323
      @bestaround3323 7 місяців тому

      ​@@mrrp405IDs forced to the level cap?

    • @mrrp405
      @mrrp405 7 місяців тому +2

      @@bestaround3323 nah i mean mechanically, even if their levels get raised, or our levels get lowered. It's design-creep, ID are just inherently stronger now

  • @rngesusdisciple3916
    @rngesusdisciple3916 7 місяців тому +34

    Honestly, I think Nsault is pretty damn good for this railway, even outside of hell segment.
    -Pierce resistance, high HP, and prot from Chains+Counter+Sunshower(opt.) allow him to eat the Ahab onslaught pretty well, as mentioned earlier
    -S3 into S2 drops a nasty bind and atk power down debuff, and even when you’re unable to activate the atk down, the bind is honestly on par with Yi Sang’s base EGO in terms of speed control. They even have good affinities for damage, though he admittedly won’t be leading the pack.
    -S1 sucks but you never have to use it because you can replace it with his counter…or his absurd EGO.
    -Chains of Others is as absurd of a “screw this guy’s next turn” tool as it’s always been.
    -Regret helps to patch up his lower clash power, uses resources you’re likely to have a ton of since Wrath and Pride are so effective, and clears negative status effects, letting him purge that pesky gossipium bleed, moth burn, and even Spiral’s Gaze if I remember right
    -HE is flexible: Pursuance is great healing but Capote is a godsend for any team running burn, with the absurd potency inflicted
    all in all, highly worth bringing, esp if you’re running any kind of burn. If you want to give him a try and don’t want to invest the resources, I have him as a support unit: N470975330. Give it a go!

    • @yehuda8589
      @yehuda8589 7 місяців тому +3

      Yeah, Nsault was my MVP, since I had N Don and Ncliff in my team I could always apply his skill 2 attack power down, and since I was running a hybrid burn team capote was a massive help (on top of its next turn haste and wrath and blunt power up being useful for making his skill 2 pop off,) and my team had a lot of wrath skills so the times I was in trouble I could activate his passive and get that 3 protection

    • @snipermagoo
      @snipermagoo 7 місяців тому +2

      I ran this a second time wth an NCorp team, for which I borrowed NSault because I don't have him. I was quite surprised at how good he is; even with those low clash values he doesn't really have trouble winning clashes.

    • @schnozgaming989
      @schnozgaming989 7 місяців тому +1

      But W is just better for that

    • @rngesusdisciple3916
      @rngesusdisciple3916 7 місяців тому +7

      @@schnozgaming989 WSault is the only launch ID I’m missing so take all this with a grain of (meur)salt. That said, while W corp clashes better and provides some nice defensive debuffs, he has a worse stagger threshold, worse HP, no Aggro gain, and doesn’t have access to the bind and attack debuff that NSault does, nor does he have access to NSault’s on-demand protection, which imo gives NSault the edge in this railway since there’s a need to manage unopposed enemy attacks.

  • @greeb4416
    @greeb4416 7 місяців тому +9

    0:00 Intro
    1:09 The Mechanics
    3:07 Gossypium Segment Preparation (Porous Hand Mermaids, Dream-Devouring Siltcurrent and Drenched Gossypium)
    5:40 Whale of the Porous Hand Mermaids
    6:38 John B Obsession (AKA Dream-Devouring Siltcurrent)
    10:40 Drenched Gossypium
    13:12 ABM Segment Preparation (Ambling Pearl, Skin Prophet and Ardor Blossom Moth
    13:49 Dancing I mean Ambling Pearl
    14:57 Skin Prophet
    17:52 Ardor Blossom Moth
    19:28 Please stop saying Ardor Blossom Star
    20:59 HELL Preparation (Pallid Mermaids, Pequod Trio and GasHarpoon)
    21:53 Pallid Mermaids
    22:31 Pequod Trio
    28:04 GasHarpoon
    30:20 Spiral of Contempt

  • @VintageJigmac
    @VintageJigmac 7 місяців тому +20

    A nice strategy i would reccomend for pequod trio is bringing ting tang hong lu (lvl 40, uptie 3/uptie 4 optional)
    One way to avoid all damage overall during focus fire after mark is to do the following :
    1 - Ting tang hong lu must have 45 sanity
    2 - Starbuck must have high sanity (and be on deaths door if possible)
    3 - once Hong lu is marked, use dodge on starbuck, that way he will also have dodge active when ahab starts to whale on him.
    4 - pray the 5% dosent fuck you over or starbuck decides you need to restart.
    - Hidden passive on ahab is not tied to stagger but when she reaches 50% or less HP, thats when the heal triggers and afterwards she can be killed.
    - Shank can end the fight much earlier because of its passive to reroll a coin and deal more damage on low hp targets.
    - This mention is not tied to pequod but to gasharpoon third phase : Dodging all of ahab first attacks somehow renders her defense null and void and making her use counter only once the entire fight onward, and after the first stagger if you dont manage to kill her when she is staggered, the clashes overall are much easier.

  • @bgammax5842
    @bgammax5842 7 місяців тому +19

    Its worth mentioning for Ardor Blossom Moth that you can clip its wings the turn before it uses Ardor Blossom Star to remove its ember, thus reducing the number of wrath skills used and greatly reducing the risk
    This would require breaking the wings on turns 2,5,8, and so on, and is the only reason you might target the body for a bit if your DPS is low so you can break them on 5 if you miss doing it on turn 2

  • @shyer__hye
    @shyer__hye 5 місяців тому +2

    I really hate Prequod Trio

  • @3heads0thoughts
    @3heads0thoughts 7 місяців тому +4

    Rewind was a component of Railway 1 also. It just wasnt in 2 probably due to the forced repeat aspect

  • @preslavprodanov2149
    @preslavprodanov2149 7 місяців тому +2

    Who needs pierce resistant tanks to tank ahab? I tanked her with Bush Sang after debuffing her with his ego and spamming persuance. 10/10 would barely survive again

  • @stellanation
    @stellanation 7 місяців тому +13

    minutes ago i finished my sub 100 railway run and now i see this video was posted.. reverse esgoo curse god damn

  • @Man_Person_Best_Hero
    @Man_Person_Best_Hero 7 місяців тому +10

    As a man with a 69 turn clear (nice), this Railway is VERY lenient on the special banner. Even without envy nukers, it's possible to get as low as 70+ turns with not a lot of optimization if you just play the fights well and aren't greedy with your EGO usage. The only reset heavy RNG place is the Hell Segment as ESGOO called it, otherwise it's smooth sailing (pun potentially intended). Anything sub 70 is when things start to get into really high optimization.

    • @puellabella3580
      @puellabella3580 7 місяців тому

      If anyone is curious just how much room for optimization there is, apparently the world record is 35 turns.

  • @NeoBoneGirl
    @NeoBoneGirl 7 місяців тому +14

    The actual Ahab strat I used, as a noted non coward, is to just dodge tank all the attacks. This DOES require keeping Starbuck alive, as you will need to actually target clash to trigger your dodge (found this one out the hard way in the pre nerf dungeon), but if you have 45 SP it's not that unlikely to just eat every Ahab and Starbuck attack, and get to focus on Queequeg and Ahab. I like it mostly because it is funny, and also that it's a lot more flexible, and you should honestly be bringing a lot of dodge units into the fight anyways, so if you had to support for W Don, don't worry, she can also help you tank Ahab if you need her to.

    • @solaariel2692
      @solaariel2692 7 місяців тому +11

      There is actually another method to evade:
      Target one of Queequeg's defence skills with your marked sinner's evade and then have another sinner use their defence skill on it to override it's targeting, now Queequeg will be the one with an offset defence skill and your evade will become a one-sided evade, which will now work.
      This not only has the obvious advantage of Starbuck not having to be alive, but Ahab's skills will effectively have one less coin to dodge without Starbuck's support.

    • @lol_dab
      @lol_dab 7 місяців тому +1

      ​@@solaariel2692Wow! This is genius, thanks.

    • @NeoBoneGirl
      @NeoBoneGirl 7 місяців тому

      @@solaariel2692 I'm pretty sure that doesn't work either, no? Since Queequeg is usually slower than Ahab, you'll intend to clash with Quee, but get hit by about 8 billion stabs before the redirected Queequeg attack comes in. The reason why you keep Starbuck alive is because he is consistently faster than Ahab and thus able to "trigger" your dodge which will get reused and reused

    • @solaariel2692
      @solaariel2692 7 місяців тому +2

      ​@@NeoBoneGirl Queequeg's speed shouldn't matter, a one-sided evade isn't clashing with anything and thus doesn't have have to wait for an enemy attack. Leaving Starbuck alive just means that the marked sinner has more attacks to dodge (although it does save one sinner an action).

    • @ramiv9953
      @ramiv9953 7 місяців тому +1

      @@solaariel2692 well this didn't work. I targeted queepegs blue shield with marked prey's defense skill first (offset), then another ally's defense skill (which turned the former into one-sided evade). but it didn't work.

  • @TheRovingPunster
    @TheRovingPunster 7 місяців тому +15

    And here I was hoping for a 7 hour video

  • @SolBaldguy
    @SolBaldguy 7 місяців тому +27


  • @employer2659
    @employer2659 7 місяців тому +5

    I used cinq outis to dodge ahabs unopposed attacks. If you keep starbuck alive you can evade him which carries over to ahabs attacks. Yeah theres a 5% chance for evade to hit tails but luck is a skill! Also its hillarious watching Ahab deal no damage.

  • @protege6383
    @protege6383 7 місяців тому +1

    Kinda sad you didn’t talk about Skin prophet 6:2 attack which happens if you then unlight all candles after they are all lit by removing their shield

  • @happyz179
    @happyz179 7 місяців тому +1

    Or you can just beat all shit out of Ahab on the first turn (get her to 50%) and infinite attack weight magically disappears for the rest of the fight

  • @adam17tt
    @adam17tt 7 місяців тому +12

    For those who still worries: I got 91 turns on first day without switching team and only change one member. (Der Outis is not very good outside burn team) And yes, I didn't know getting grasp helps you. I also didn't die on Ahab 1... somehow.
    Generally, 5clair and Queecliff are very helpful during this fight, with Lantern being HP heal and Sunyata being SP heal. I straight up heal over Gossypium and Moth fight, I didn't even evade the Gossypium's skills because I was a dumbass.

  • @Esskido
    @Esskido 7 місяців тому +8

    One more thing I want to mention in favour of Queecliff against the Pequod Trio: Ya Sunyata and AEDD. Ya Sunyata's passive will both increase his max HP and heal Heathcliff after recovering from stagger, and since we want to stagger him on purpose anyways we may as well. AEDD grants Charge based on his missing HP and it's passive heals him every time he gets hit for a small amount in exchange for Charge Count, although it's only useful if he needs to tank a second beating it's still worth pointing out if one can't kill Ahab fast enough.

    • @TheHampet
      @TheHampet 7 місяців тому +1

      AEDD also just fuels itself when below 40% hp, making him very consistently tanky below that point, because every hit received also just heals him unconditionally for nearly 6hp

  • @Ambreil
    @Ambreil 6 місяців тому +2

    At times its easy to forget that murasults EGO exists. Ahab did like 19 damage total

  • @DemonKing19951
    @DemonKing19951 6 місяців тому +1

    I will admit, all beholding gaze wiped me first time through. I did with one team all the way through like usual and uh... Didn't have a good way to play around its grimmicks. So after a long as fuck fight I drop their core to 30% and then all my sinners start corroding/evaporating.

  • @AWrySmile
    @AWrySmile 7 місяців тому +1

    ESGOO didn’t rant for 17 limbillion hours, 0/10.
    In all seriousness, a wonderful guide!

  • @Delmworks
    @Delmworks 6 місяців тому +1

    fight siltcurrent
    Loose 4-5 sinners every time I fight it
    the fuck you mean steakwalk?!

  • @MarlKitsune
    @MarlKitsune 6 місяців тому +1

    I did the uptie after round one thing, purely because i hadn't bothered to level most IDs past 35 and needed the clashing for siltcurrent.

  • @ramil8970
    @ramil8970 7 місяців тому +1

    I just ended rr3 and i am kinda disappointed in final boss.
    I mean yeah first 2 stops were easy. Ahab and Gasahab did more pain than anybody in rr3 and after that... The final boss, the man himself and... He was easier than rr2 final boss. Thats disappoints me the most. After gasahab i was expecting something really stronger than her and... Well.
    It is what it is
    Thats that and this is this.

  • @adriaserrano1167
    @adriaserrano1167 7 місяців тому +1

    Is nobody going to mention how he sneaked multiple lines from Compass into the Gas Harpoon section of the video? C'mon, give the man some credit

    • @savagespider6836
      @savagespider6836 2 місяці тому

      I couldn't find them, could you highlight them please?

  • @icescarecrow
    @icescarecrow 6 місяців тому +1

    I did this refraction 3 times and only 3rd time it was below 100 turns.

  • @ElCrepe
    @ElCrepe 6 місяців тому +2

    This video was a bunch of help haha. Pequod trio was kicking my ass and I was getting annoyingly unlucky with the Moth. I had to borrow a friends Outis for the twitter guy and lighting those candles made the fight a joke. I really really need to get myself some egos cause rn I have no healing ego making this just that bit harder haha.
    Barely managed to kill the spiral, my main team had died and my Zwei Gregor had barely any health and everyone on my backup team was dead. Spiral had 1 HP and I had to target an evade and on the last coin the attack went off and I BARELY won. If that coin missed the fight would've been lost.

  • @the_nyancat972
    @the_nyancat972 7 місяців тому +1

    I actually think chef gregor is amazing with Captain Ishy

  • @emiel122191
    @emiel122191 7 місяців тому +3

    About who i used to tank ahab with in the pequod fight, i actually used G gregor. While his stagger bars are high, the fight before gives you time to hit them and heal, and since g gregor's hp is so low, he will get the buffs from fluid sac. Combine thia with his inate healing, pierce resistance and AEDD making him resistant to envy, and you have an OK tank for 1 round of ahab damage. You can then heal gregor fairly easy using ego and his healing.

  • @MistrumFeathering
    @MistrumFeathering 7 місяців тому +4

    I felt like the changes from RR2 to RR3 were quite good. The ability, with the rest stops, to sacrifice Sinners more tactically, was a good one (Even though I basically didn't end up doing so), and being able to change loadout made it a bit more engaging in that way. It also meant the individual fights could be more brutal, rather than having the railway just be attrition.
    That said, I wonder if it was perhaps a bit *too* easy? Or the turn target should have been lowered. I got 99 turns on my first go, and I wasn't resetting or anything for turns.
    (The animated banners and whatnot look really good, though.)
    The main note I also have, about first fight, is a reminder you can sorta chain killing the mermaids, since one dying deals ten damage to all the rest. It's very handy.
    And if memory serves, you can use Evades to mess up Ahab's one sided attacks, instead of just tanking them.
    Additionally, I found both 'Iron Locust' and 'I've already pushed the envelope so hard I could be a professional mailman' rather amusing.
    Going forward, I think there's really two things I'd want from railways.
    -I think it'd be nice to still be able to fiddle about in the old ones, even with no rewards
    -Could you imagine RR2 with E.G.O. gifts? That'd be fun. Some weird merger between RR2 and a Mirror dungeon, just see how far you could go, basically.

    • @xXTheKingEmothXx
      @xXTheKingEmothXx 7 місяців тому +1

      Here to say you DEFINITELY cannot Evade Ahab's one-sided attacks. It was how I lost.

  • @flubberdoodles2836
    @flubberdoodles2836 7 місяців тому +4

    I feel called out on ABM.... look I wanted to test funny Ishy... so imagine my surprise when I walk in to ABM, my Yuri Faust at 2hp, the 3 Pequod, and 2 Middles being an average of 30hp between them all, with barely 4 Gloom resource, and 50+pride and envy resources, and then seeing funny burn moth go brr.... that was hell and a half. Don't ask me how I won. I blocked that memory permanently

    • @HarambaeXelonmuskfans
      @HarambaeXelonmuskfans 7 місяців тому

      Same here, only a week ago.
      I was using 2 ids that were both on 0 sanity and yi sang’s sunshower, which I was using to clash against the 30 attack, just would NOT roll heads. Made me even happier when I finally got past it only to fail the check.
      -30 SP Rsault can still roll heads apparently… I hate my luck lol

  • @ryuketsune
    @ryuketsune 7 місяців тому +6

    Perfect timing esgoo, just beat canto 5 yesterday night

  • @catgckool428
    @catgckool428 7 місяців тому +4

    Something I recently learned by accident in my latest Mirror Dungeon run is that if all the candles are out before The Skin Prophet tries to use 9:2 it will use a nasty unclashable move called 6:5.
    Too bad all that damage goes to the prophet though.

    • @Beepers559
      @Beepers559 7 місяців тому

      So you have to not light the candles before he uses 9:2?

    • @snipermagoo
      @snipermagoo 7 місяців тому +1

      @@Beepers559 You have to light them, and then next turn deal them 20 damage to snuff them again. With there being 5, you might want to AoE them.

    • @Beepers559
      @Beepers559 7 місяців тому +1

      @@snipermagoo oh, that would’ve saved me a ton of headaches fighting the Twitlonger prophet

  • @day1emma
    @day1emma 7 місяців тому +3

    6:17 I did actually, though it's a little different because i went through the entire 13 stations with everyone at 30-35

  • @loftwingheropon2743
    @loftwingheropon2743 7 місяців тому +4

    I didn’t have an optimal team and I still don’t have a lot of ego, but managing to get through all the railway regardless was so satisfying, also seven Ryoshu with red eyes (open) saved my run at the stupid moth fight because that was the only ego I had that could consistently clash the thing.

  • @Yuri_Burger
    @Yuri_Burger 7 місяців тому +5

    Thank you ESGOO, I love you.

  • @Glennkabob
    @Glennkabob 7 місяців тому +1

    Something I did to deal with Ahab and crew was leave Starbuck alive and use Cinq Outis to evade like crazy since Starbuck usually has higher speed than Ahab. Took a few tries doing that strat but it worked

  • @LJSgamer
    @LJSgamer 7 місяців тому +2

    Great video, only slight correction is Phase 2 of Ahab the Pequod Trio fight happens when she's under 50% HP, not the first Stagger threshold (around 60% HP). In most cases this won't matter at all but one run I managed to hit that "sweetspot" and it messed up my timing for that particular attempt

  • @Egalia_1
    @Egalia_1 7 місяців тому +9

    I love RR3, I hope this is the format going forward. Felt so much more fun and rewarding. It actually made me want to go for lower turn counts

  • @FilipeUirande
    @FilipeUirande 3 місяці тому +1

    Im really late to the party but thanks for making this video and the railway 3 with worst team video. It made possible for me to do RR3 as a complete noob with only 15 days of account. Will keep following your videos for Limbus Company content.

    • @Starryie
      @Starryie 3 місяці тому

      How in the hell... I've been playing for a month and everything was extremely easy, till ahab... I cant get past ahab at all.

  • @Gwensphy
    @Gwensphy 7 місяців тому +3

    Great video ESGOO!
    Tho I have a small thing to say for ahab fights. Idk why people forget that Roseate Desire Ishmael exists as it literally turns Ahab into useless unit,and especially during counter phase in Gaslight stage you can just throw Horny Ish and Chain of Others and now even units which are fatal to pierce don't take any damage.
    Thank you for throwing NMeur as possible unit against Ahab,now I don't feel as insane using him with 9 protection funnies.

    • @snipermagoo
      @snipermagoo 7 місяців тому +3

      I used it after getting screwed by terrible speed/targeting luck on Ambling Pearl, and was shocked to realize Pink Ribbons triggers on EVERY clash, not just Ishmael's. It's one of, if not the best passive in the game

    • @Gwensphy
      @Gwensphy 7 місяців тому +1

      @@snipermagoo Yep,its such good speed control!

  • @fourthmatchflame5758
    @fourthmatchflame5758 7 місяців тому +1

    Cleared RR3 in 83 turns in a fully blind run without much thinking and time tweaking with W Sang, 7 Faust, Ting Tang Hong Lu (haven't got the Dieci one), Harpooner Hearth, Sinqclair (oh god, he's op...), Pirate Gregor, Boolet Outis, Captain Ishmael and W Don. I know that I mentioned more than 6, but yeah. I had to swap my team a bit due to Ahab Incident. RR3 was great, a lot more fun and less annoying. Project Moon did a great job tweaking the annoyance without reducing the difficulty.

  • @angebinahours
    @angebinahours 7 місяців тому +1

    i've seen people saying gasharpoon starts from phase one when you go back into the fight with new sinners, but if anything that was changed. from the time of writing, most comments / this video are 3 weeks old; i've been stuck on gasharpoon for about 4 hours now, playing tonight (2:50 AM god help me) and safe to say she starts from the phase you left off with her health remaining. shield mechanic gets reset too. 30 queequeg's ego, full shield and reset attack rotation, but 81 hp, for example. done this about three times so it's consistent!
    (yes im in pain and agony)

  • @Demonix_Heller
    @Demonix_Heller 6 місяців тому +1

    I walked in with only 6 level and uptie viable sinners. And almost no non pride generation, so I’m struggling but getting there!

  • @s-punk
    @s-punk 7 місяців тому +1

    Mandatory reading

  • @DeltaGL
    @DeltaGL 6 місяців тому +1

    A tip, if you got capote mersualt during season 2 it can really well clash against blossom moth.

  • @SingerOfW
    @SingerOfW 7 місяців тому

    Finally, more Dodge propaganda! I was pretty surprised to realize I didn't actually have to use my EGOs against every hopeless clash I had in MD3H, since Dodges were doing the job just fine. Seeing more love for Harpooner Heath is also very nice, as I've honestly been using him instead of R Corp ever since he came out and have yet to regret it.

  • @aarongalard
    @aarongalard 6 місяців тому +1

    Don't forget that it's better to facetank the first Blind Ob on unit that can tank/handle stagger like Pequod Daddycliff rather than losing it on a very important unit that will eat a lot of debuffs, get staggered, potentially killed, I kinda have extremely garbage ass luck as to rolling against blind ob, because depending comps, saving EGO resources for Gossy is way more vital than throwing those to survive first BO.
    That had given me the best performances so far.

  • @malospros2757
    @malospros2757 7 місяців тому +1

    Esgoo it's 4 am you cannot be uploading the railway 3 guide right now D:

  • @lucmemufe
    @lucmemufe 7 місяців тому +1

    About alternative forms of tanking ahab's attacks in the trio fight, my friend left starbuck alive so he could evade starbuck's attacks and have the evade recycle into ahab's one sided attack later, which was a really crackhead move that required a lot of rng but eventually worked for him. He used Cinq Outis for that

  • @anonjohn9760
    @anonjohn9760 6 місяців тому

    Late response, but thanks for the guide! Got to Sub-100ts the end by the skin of my teeth (98), and your advice saved me from a LOT of BS. Probably could do better - maybe experiment with a Gloom Rhine team with Deici R. and SpiceB. Yi, and be less afraid of going full aggro - but I'm content with that for now.

  • @themadsuika3909
    @themadsuika3909 3 місяці тому

    Man i went into railway thinking it will be easy but at Clam i rembered i dont have 99 Bleed Stack of EGO gifts i just managed to get into Fire Moth with...
    A Pierce Lust Team aka N Corp Team

  • @thedashone3706
    @thedashone3706 7 місяців тому

    Have killed Ahab trio in 3 turns with out a tank. I used R corp Rabbit Heathcliff and staggered Starbuck, then just stagger and bring Ahab down to 50% hp with Cinq Sinclair and somebody else. The commands wont trigger since Ahab is staggered, after she has recovered just stagger her AGAIN, and kill her(if possible) or kill starbuck, if you for obvious reasons didn't have enough skills to kill her on this turn, just do it on the other one. So in total 3 turns. Team comp: R corp Heathcliff, W Corp Don, W Corp Ryoshu, R corp Ishmael, W Corp Meursault, Dieci Hong Lu.

  • @CandleBite
    @CandleBite 7 місяців тому

    Rail 1- easy enough, with decent lenght
    Rail 2- mix of difficulty, but extremely long
    Rail 3- its Short but.. The Project Moon difficulty Spike is back

  • @Cat-qo3cn
    @Cat-qo3cn 7 місяців тому +2

    Thank you for the guide. I ran it blind and managed to clear it on 93 turns.

  • @puellabella3580
    @puellabella3580 7 місяців тому +1

    Good video, definitely will be using this as a reference for my low clear run.
    One thing I would like to add though is that I felt you really undersold N Corp Mersault, I believe he’s significantly better than K Corp Hong Lu. His clash powers are initially pathetic (only 7-14 assuming all heads), but by engaging with his skill 1 gimmick while under the Regret EGO passive you can ramp it up to a respectable 14-17. Also his skill 1 & 3 are pierce so his damage ends up being respectable. As for his skill 2, its alright enough against queequeg since blunt.
    And for what its worth, I ran N Corp Mersault myself for my first run because I wanted to keep my Pequod Heathcliff at stupidly low HP, so it has my personal vouch too.

  • @airbournestrike
    @airbournestrike 7 місяців тому

    Listening to this, then looking at my team with only mostly Base EGO and a 104 turn RR3
    God, I'm really lacking EGOs.
    Only Base EGO, Blind Obsession and Mersault Pursuance are my EGO I have that are mentioned

  • @IchCharacter
    @IchCharacter 7 місяців тому

    Great idea, swapping out Rabbit for QQ... not. Quick Suppression speeds up the fight against Ahab by a lot, allowing you to stagger Ahab first turn if you get lucky, basically removing the most annoying mechanic of the fight. Molar Ishmael is probably best for the Ahab fight, you can easily set her up to inflict 3 fragile next turn. Combine that with Quick Suppression and you'll deal ridiculous damage. More luck-dependent, but there's a fair amount of luck involved with tanking Ahab as well, since aggro is basically just RNG as well.

  • @RenoKyrie
    @RenoKyrie 7 місяців тому

    Getting to below 100 is deffinitly much easier here than in Railway 2
    The problem really is just Ardor Blossom Moth and Ahab Trio.... with Siltcurrent being a dishonorable mention for 3rd worst fight
    Everyone else is pretty simple, even Gossypium
    While Spiral is by far the most entertaining fight Project Moon made in Limbus, its pretty much Sign of roses if it was much better

  • @gianfrancoferrari1492
    @gianfrancoferrari1492 6 місяців тому

    it took me like 3 days but with this videos help i did RR3 124 turns not bad now i will proceed to hang myself. The hardest thing was my absolute lack of Egos i pretty much only used Base Salt ego Sangre De sancho To pathos matos and snagharpoon cuz my team comp was ass
    Boys love mersault, don, faust, warp ryoshu, harpooner heat and spicebussyi sang
    when i reached the final bos i had 135 pride 40 envy and between 2 to 5 of anything else
    My top 3 hardest and easiest figths
    Top Easy
    N3 mermaids
    N2 more mermaids
    N1 Gossypium is the easiest figth it takes 6 turns with 3 dodge characters.
    Top hard
    N3 final boss its a boring fight get grabbed turn 1 break lose turn 2 just kinda rush him and u have half ur team in the bench i didnt even had to iinteract with him after that
    N2 Silt lake its anoying
    N1 fire moth i didnt knew i could just remake my team by going before clam so i restarted the whole thing cuz of this moth and i lost 3 95 to the funny haha big chungus move

  • @Kairax
    @Kairax 7 місяців тому

    Imagine saying words like "spread gaze", and "get grasped", and "Use ego resources".
    When only one sinner have ego-ready to clash grasp, and you're drained of ego resources, and your best is Favored...
    Yes, with meta ut4 team fight might be a joke, but in general it can be hard.

  • @nershacreave6044
    @nershacreave6044 7 місяців тому

    You *can* evade all oh Ahab if you evade Starbuck first, since evade recycles onward. Tho you gotta be very lucky not to minroll evade for like 20 attacks or not have Starbuck staggered on marked turn cuz then you cqn't evade him yadayada i just ended up using K Hong with clam ego. Didn't think of using Heath because... uh... i never though of him as a tank lel. But he does seem like the best option now.

  • @polaxs_x
    @polaxs_x 7 місяців тому

    So my solution for Pequod town is simple. Turns 1 to 3, set up a quick suppression with R Heath and kill the townsfolk. Turn 4, Trio fight starts. Use quick suppression on Ahab and use enough attacks to deal just enough damage to send her to phase 2. Turn 5, stagger her again. Some of your sinners may have to die. Their sacrifice will be remembered. If your dps is high enough, she can just die right here. If its not, finish her off in the next turn. If no one targeted her defense before she got staggered, she will be attackable. My record with this strat is 6 turns pequod town, but I've seen some insane people get a 3 turn clear by using egos.

  • @Aquabzs
    @Aquabzs 7 місяців тому

    I'll say, I had a hard time with gasharpoon because of that damn counter on phase 3 ... Also my rng was horrendous for it (why ya keep rolling tails at 45 sanatytdufufutcthiv) ... Also the tri kicked my ass

  • @gunosaguki1
    @gunosaguki1 6 місяців тому

    You mention disliking gaze be the same thing as faust, but given how this abnormality is, I kinda think its a N.Corp Adjacent Abno, given the "shall" theme

  • @NightOfTheRavens
    @NightOfTheRavens 7 місяців тому

    Why is brief in quotation marks here? This is indeed very brief.
    Next time I'm expecting an extensive guide to RR 3. 3-4 hours should do fine.

  • @hanchengjun275
    @hanchengjun275 7 місяців тому

    My first rr3 run was 105 turns cos spiral of contempt was too slow to die. My peqoud trio tank was funnily zwei gregor who was sacrificed after 2 rounds of getting ahab'ed bcos my support was a nfaust woth fluid sac (i don't have one myself). Gasharpoon needed fluid sac or everyone on my team would be staggered. Will defo retry now that i got queecliff

  • @farairforyou1642
    @farairforyou1642 7 місяців тому

    Instructions unclear. Depression Heathcliff with a hidden fursuit unga bungad everything.

  • @kayoh9364
    @kayoh9364 7 місяців тому

    Got 101 turns my first attempt (I didnt know where to see the turn count)
    Unrelated note but it's fucked up that so many of the bosses have unavoidable damage, especially Moth with it's 30+ clashes. So many retries just because someone decided to roll tails and therefore everyone just eats shit.

  • @cabbagebutterfly800
    @cabbagebutterfly800 7 місяців тому

    i was quite confident going into Gasharpoon, until after when my turn count was 24 for that fight, raising my total from 61 to 85, so just Ahab managed to up my turn count by 30%.

  • @octaviomartinez762
    @octaviomartinez762 7 місяців тому +1

    Fun fact! If you are a slowpoke at killing starbucks and ahab WILL target someone with prey mark, give it to someone with a strong evade [i used w yi sang at the moment] and target starbuck's attack with his evade, it does not matter if he gets staggered same turn, cause now the character will actively evade ahab's attacks and take 0 damage [i was flabbergasted when i tried this out, this railway REALLY likes evade.

  • @Meowsamurai
    @Meowsamurai 7 місяців тому

    I found one relatively good strat for pequod trio, but I don't think it's as good for turn count, because it relies on Starbuck being alive
    I'm not sure how consistent it is, but in my experience Starbuck is faster than Ahab, so using dodge on him will allow you to dodge her attacks
    I used R corp Ishmael, but she can't dodge every move, so I suppose someone like Cinq Outis would be safer

  • @Matheus-ne2rx
    @Matheus-ne2rx 7 місяців тому

    During ahab onslaught I kept Starbucks alive, and used Cinqclair dodge against starbucks, he used his dodge against every skill during the onslaught and won, so I just bursted her afterwards and acted like nothing happened, I think that W Ryoshu would be better since more charge = better dodge but I didn't need it, I was pretty lucky ngl

  • @infantMajesty
    @infantMajesty 7 місяців тому

    Nah, taking pequod trio slowly is not optimal.
    You can do a three turn nuke if you play your cards right.
    Force her to heal on the first turn, stagger on the second and kill on third.
    Charge ID's are great for this, specially with Yi Sang's Dimension Shredder.

  • @pen_lord8520
    @pen_lord8520 7 місяців тому

    Redirecting your skills breaks your perfectly set up 5 ATK weight ego because of the fact... You are using defence skills. I have no explanation for this, but if you use normal attacks to place them all on differents slots of skin prophet, then you line up your ego and then redirect your other attacks, ego will still only target candles. But if there's at lest one defensive skill among your attack skills, magic stops working. So you basically go full defensive of full offensive mode.

  • @GunthokTheMental
    @GunthokTheMental 7 місяців тому

    I somehow got 91 turns for my first run. I spent a good 1-2 hours being stuck in the first captain Ahab fight. Then i completely destroyed the Spiral of Contempt with no problems. I don't understand why Ahab had to be so hard. A burn team was completely funny for the final boss. Things were going slow for the first few turns and then it just started to explode from burn.

  • @jasonhauze3422
    @jasonhauze3422 7 місяців тому

    I learned something. I'm bad at this game but thts nothing new. I didn't use your Spiral of Contempt guide. *the real mistake.* 14 turns to clear almost killed myself to hit exactly 14. Tho I have learned how to play better

  • @МихаилВерюжский-в8д
    @МихаилВерюжский-в8д 7 місяців тому

    Full tremor team is surprisingly viable in RR3. 98 turns on the first try. Too bad most of it is either Season 2 or Walpurgishacht exclusive.

  • @Mr.Stizblee
    @Mr.Stizblee 7 місяців тому

    My final turn count was 68 which I'm pretty satisfied with. I rupture cheesed Spiral and beat it in 4 turns. I really hope they add it to the next mirror dungeon or thread luxcavation so I can fight it the proper way since the turn limit on RR heavily encourages you to ignore its gimmicks and abuse cheese strats.
    That's one of the biggest problems with RR. I would love to see a RR where the goal isn't a low turn count but something else.

  • @bluedred7814
    @bluedred7814 7 місяців тому

    for Ahab onslaught phase i coped between using both Dieci rodyon defense skill spam and Pequod Heath (since i didn't pre stagger Heath)

  • @6a6KaBnuBe
    @6a6KaBnuBe 7 місяців тому

    Got through railway in 90 turns by doing nothig but pressing winrate button and occasionaly setting up EGOs on hopeless clashes. LMAO

  • @adelinefizzix2987
    @adelinefizzix2987 7 місяців тому

    I left Starbuck alive and let someone with a decent evade get Prey Mark'd because you can still target Starbuck when Queequeg is redirecting attacks from Ahab

  • @sirg6040
    @sirg6040 7 місяців тому

    See, I forgot about the Ahab Onslaught, and just ate it with Dieci Rodya and her 60% extra shield health from discard tech
    She did stagger, and subsequently die later, but she was the only one on my team to do so.

  • @certifedsimp7459
    @certifedsimp7459 7 місяців тому +1

    One minute in , already know he’s going to rant for 7 hours straight

  • @張皓宇-d1p
    @張皓宇-d1p 7 місяців тому

    There is another way in the Pequod trio battle, burst down starbuck on the first round, kill starbuck and stagger Ahab on the second round, as stagger Ahab will let her queertaunt skill useless, and it's easier than try to stagger queequeg.
    This way, you can bypass the first taunt phase, probably will make Ahab went into her second phase.

  • @Axetale_Sans
    @Axetale_Sans 7 місяців тому

    I made it in exaclty 100 turns right befor this Video, damn.
    Fun Fact:Siltcurrent is a mf Gentlemen.

  • @solaariel2692
    @solaariel2692 7 місяців тому +4

    One other strategy for the Pequod Trio that I rarely see talked about is for the Mark Prey sinner to use evade.
    This may appear impossible as you can't target Ahab and using an evade vs one of Queequeg's defensive skills will cause it to be offset and thus not work, but there is a way around it. Target one of Queequeg's defence skills with your marked sinner's evade and then have another sinner use their defence skill on it instead, now Queequeg will be the one with an offset defence skill and your evade will become a one-sided evade, which will now work. You can also use Starbucks attacks for this purpose as he is always faster than Ahab, but that has the obvious disadvantage of him still being alive.
    This probably isn't the best tactic, as hitting that 5% change on an evade can easily be a reset, but it can work for those who don't have any good tanking options (or ESGOO on his worst team possible run).

    • @tizio3409
      @tizio3409 7 місяців тому +1

      I just didn't stagger starbuck the previous turn so that I could dodge his attacks as he was faster than ahab, using my one and only W ryoshy and then she dodged all of ahab's attacks