Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Ending Explained & How It Teases Part 3!

  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2024
  • Final Fantasy 7’s Rebirth is a bit of a whirlwind - a mix of what those of us who played the original were expecting and some new twists and turns that could redefine the story of Final Fantasy 7 as we know it, wrapping your head around it can be a bit tricky, which is why, I hope, you’re here. Let's get into ALL the juicy details.
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  • @GodOfAI_
    @GodOfAI_ 6 місяців тому +24

    I believe she will come back because there is no point in creating a multiverse if not for this exact reason even if it does connect to AC.

    • @nathanscott2871
      @nathanscott2871 6 місяців тому

      They should have had 2 timelines that's all. And when aerith dies, they should have ended with timeline two aerith waking up. Would have been a great moment of intrigue.
      They should have gone for a story where the planet is one but the timeline of those on it has been fragmented into two. Aerith doesn't have white materia in og timeline, but when aerith wakes up in zacks timeline she communes with the planet at the alter where she learns that they are not the original and that the original timeline doesn't have the holy materia, sephiroth comes to kill her but zack stops it (he isn't controlled like cloud)
      They set about trying to get the materia to the other timeline, however, they learn that if they do so their version of the world ends along with them. They can't beat sephiroth themselves the odds are better with cloud and the gang so they sacrifice themselves to allow cloud and the gang to potentially go on and save the planet.
      This is cleaner, and still allows for plenty of freedom for new ideas. Instead we got this steaming pile of crap

    • @GodOfAI_
      @GodOfAI_ 6 місяців тому

      @@nathanscott2871 completely agree with you!

    • @nathanscott2871
      @nathanscott2871 6 місяців тому +2

      @GodOfAI_ did you play the original? I'm wondering how people who didn't play the OG view this ending. If you did play the original how did you find this ending?

    • @julashona2750
      @julashona2750 6 місяців тому +4

      ​​​​@@nathanscott2871 i didn't play it till the end. After Aerith's death I droped the game, as i loved her so much and clearly had no fun anymore to play the game without her. I started playing it after I played Remake.
      The ending of Rebirth was hella confusing to me. But it somehow raised my hope that Aerith might be cooking something huge, what Sephiroth seems not to assume. He himself said that he underestimated her. What makes people believe that she ain't has her own 'plan' like Sephiroth? And the "hollow" Materia with Cloud is also some kind of mistery to me. Why did Aerith give it to him? Is there any purpose for that? What can it do? What can Cloud do with it?
      And all of that... holly wasn't activated after she died in Rebirth. Why? Was Sephiroth on time this time? What does that mean now?
      I watched AC and watched a let's play of CC. I only know fragments of the OG game, as I neither watched a lets play nor did I play it till the end on my own.

    • @gamimaniacsl603
      @gamimaniacsl603 6 місяців тому +1

      ​@nathanscott2871 I found this ending new and exciting. It gives new and old players something new to think about and theorize. I've been the type of person that if you want to experience the original story, you can go and play that version or watch a video.

  • @DJChamber
    @DJChamber 6 місяців тому +15

    In a recent update, they changed the final line of FF7 Remake from "'I miss it, the steel sky", to "The sky, I don't like it." ~ That definitely heavily implies that Aerith could already see the rift in the sky at the end of Remake. Given that Cloud can now see it after traveling through timelines, coupled with her knowledge of future events throughout Remake really suggests that she IS the original Aerith from the original 1997 game to me (she travelled between timelines to get here, which is why she can see the rift).
    This also makes a lot of her lines about the future being written but still being able to change make a bit more sense - She can't remember any more, but she can see that their world is doomed (from the rift in the sky) and still wants to fight to save it.
    I think they have gone the multiverse route with this story so that they can add new stuff without destroying the old story and continuity of the original FF7 and Advent Children. With this story as it stands, it seems like all of the original games (I guess you could call it the no Stamp timeline) all still happened. I'm really hoping they tie in an event from the original FF7 compilation timeline (presumably after the end of Dirge of Cerberus) which created the 'main' timeline we have been playing this whole time.

    • @jhin_gg
      @jhin_gg 6 місяців тому +3

      Finally someone who thought at the end and don't just say that Cloud can see her cause he is delulu.
      There are many hints that it's the Aerith from OG.
      And many important sequences after Sephiroth did his talk about the worlds. Like aerith saying "we meet again" to cloud before he gives the white materia. That's not something someone would say when they fell down together 😅. Besides that the whole background was white. After that we see that cloud is seeing multiple things, but all sequences there have a green flu. Til the moment barret put him down at the place where he crouched with all the white whispers. So it seems that cloud was already in another timeline there.. Like the flu we saw at the moment Cloud was in bed and saw the sleeping Aerith. This trilogy is pretty complex and i like it personally, cause they now can link every stuff together and give us not an OG ending.

    • @DJChamber
      @DJChamber 6 місяців тому +5

      @@jhin_gg Yep, and a huge hint for me that people overlook that its OG Aerith is the opening shot from Remake. They went to so much effort to recreate the original intro beat for beat, but in the original intro, she starts with her eyes open - In Remake her eyes are closed and then she opens them. We DO see this exact scene in the original, but its the final shot of the ending, not the intro. This is her waking up in Remake's timeline.

    • @SLVperso
      @SLVperso 6 місяців тому +2

      It was a mistake in the English translation (as often) nothing changed in the japanese version (nor french and spanish one)

  • @Mr88811
    @Mr88811 6 місяців тому +2

    SPOILER ALERT NEWS = Just say I had some good networking on Japan that produce this game. He told Me 1 thing, don't confuse with the Timeline or Multiverse. In the end it's doesn't matter. You know why?
    Because On Part 3 a.k.a. FF7 Reunion, All of it will become One World. All Timeline. All Multiverse gonna be 1. Sephiroth will succeed his mission. That the Point.
    After It's become 1 World, all timeline will combine for each other. Aerith and zack will comeback to Live, even Biggs, Jessie and other too (Because there a LOT of timeline that every one of them is still Live not died like biggs and zack, even Aerith when cloud succeed to deflect Sephiroth Blade). That why the part 3 call "Reunion". And afterthat, Everyone beat Sephiroth and everyone can Meet each other once again and live on Same Timeline together.
    In the End, everyone got happy ending because no one died after the Timeline has become 1. Hope you all Understand.
    Oh yeah, 1 more thing. About Love Storyline = In the end Cloud and Tifa will be together, and Aerith comeback with Zack. Thank you.

    • @tonymaccaroni1683
      @tonymaccaroni1683 5 місяців тому

      You really think they will enforce those ships in the end? Because boy oh boy I can only imagine how much hate this is gonna cause, especially in the japanese fanbase. If they wanna keep it safe, they should better go with optional endings.

  • @neoexodeath
    @neoexodeath 6 місяців тому +2

    So my question about the ending is whether there are now two black materias, one that Cloud gave to Sephiroth after the Temple of the Ancients and one in Cloud's Buster Sword at the end of the game. Because if they are implying that the Black Materia was with Cloud all this time, then that would mean Sephiroth doesn't have the Black Materia in his possession and Aerith wouldn't need to pray and summon Holy.

    • @neoexodeath
      @neoexodeath 6 місяців тому

      @toulor895 Well, the black materia that was taken from the altar in the temple was fake, but it is implied that the materia that formed in Sephiroth's hand after the temple was destroyed was real. Why else would both Tifa and Aerith fight so hard to keep the materia away from Cloud? I guess it is strange that the materia somehow ended up in Cloud's possession. I suppose Part 3 will answer that question.

  • @w33aboojones
    @w33aboojones 6 місяців тому +1

    Reunion will have a secret ending where we find out there is one world where everyone is still alive, happy and together with a brown haired dude who also has spiky hair and eventually grew out of his clown shoes.
    I fucking know Nomura will pull something like this.

    • @mirandagoldstine8548
      @mirandagoldstine8548 6 місяців тому

      Well there are a lot of people who headcanon Sora to be Cloud and Aerith’s kid which is a 50/50 for me because I also view him as a Strifehart kid (yes I was a Strifehart shipper long before I got into Clerith, Clerith is one of my OTPs for Cloud along with Strifehart).

  • @Junglejack25
    @Junglejack25 6 місяців тому +2

    After « remake » and « Rebirth » the 3rd chapter might being called « Reunion »

    • @mrsgamer9218
      @mrsgamer9218 6 місяців тому

      Dont think so. Cc was already called reunion

  • @stemike7956
    @stemike7956 6 місяців тому +3

    I think peoples expectations of the 3rd game is going to disappoint them. The "No promises" ending is kind of a warning to people on where the story might go; Aerith says a somber "Goodbye"; as a song that Jessie, Biggs and Wedge pass into the lifestream plays. Rebirth is meloncholy; yea it hits some musical scores and trips that seem like fun. But everyone's story is recovering from grief. That's the overall theme for most characters; except Cloud who's just bottling everything. Which might be the main part of the 3rd story. I don't see a happy ending or new timeline; tonally it doesn't fit. Jessie and Aerith's death are made tragic by the story telling in this game. Showing the expectations of what Jessie could've been; Cid twisting the knife by saying what a bright future she has. While having Aerith travel through a journey she knows the ending to; but doing it with a smile because she knows its the only way they can win. Resetting the timeline or bringing everyone back is a cop-out to those moments.

    • @Duckywallpaper
      @Duckywallpaper 6 місяців тому

      Agreed. I didn't really get a sense of hope and optimism from that final scene, but that could just be me.

    • @mrsgamer9218
      @mrsgamer9218 6 місяців тому

      Nicely said

    • @torchlight1785
      @torchlight1785 6 місяців тому

      People also assume that Aerith will just appear alive again and fulfill their ship. They’ve said they wanted death to still be permanent but how and when characters die changes. Like otherworldly Zack will still die, but at a different point.

  • @Charliestrife01
    @Charliestrife01 6 місяців тому +44

    The reality is this game will receive hate regardless. Stick to being faithful and many people will complain it’s not innovative enough and boring. Create new content and people complain it’s not sticking to the source material. Just like remake people complained about the ending and it’s happening again. Probably gona happen with the third game also but at the end of the day these are incredible games.

    • @OneTrueSeph13
      @OneTrueSeph13 6 місяців тому +3

      I disagree with this logic. It seems more likely that if these games had been more faithful to the original that many OG fans would have celebrated a faithful interpretation of one of their most cherished classics. As for new fans, they would fall in love with the story and characters, voice acting, and graphical quality of the game (assume it has the same high quality graphics). While there will always be some critics who will find reason to disregard a faithful 1 for 1 Remake, the probability is high that most fans would absolutely have loved a faithful remake, whether they're New or Old fans
      I feel like your sort of logic, while understandable, operates based on the observation of the current divide in opinions about this Requel trilogy. Or perhaps the observation of the overly critical fandoms of modern times. But I will point out that most of the time these criticisms stem from the disappointment that the stories ppl cherish are changed rather than just retold as they were originally made.
      Most fans, new or old, would love to see a faithful remake of their favorite stories. It's highly unlikely that ppl would be as critical if the devs had just decided to just do the original FF7 story without the multiverse concept included.
      Lastly, I like the games. I'm just speaking from a balanced point of view. It's important to understand why ppl are divided. And not brand everything as fans just being typically critical...
      But what do I know, I'm just Sephiroth 🙃

    • @ignacio1887
      @ignacio1887 6 місяців тому +5

      ​​@@OneTrueSeph13i honestly believe it would be such a waste to do a 1 to 1 remake of this game also would be highly difficult because of the age we live in now but people forget that the og wasnt perfect storywise there were alot of plot holes and hell even all the stuff happening now isnt all that far out of left field if you have read the books and know the lore all this stuff really isnt that crazy its just whenever something that wasnt in the og happens people just call it "kingdom hearts bs" but seem to forget og did it before kingdom hearts did example tifa going into clouds mind to help him regain his memories and aerith stopping meteor from within the lifestream.

    • @AG-sj4om
      @AG-sj4om 6 місяців тому +4

      I didn’t play the original so I had no preconditions as to what this game is supposed to be and I wasn’t disappointed at least about this game. Remake I was a bit eh about because I had no context to most the shit that was going on but this game provides that. People can’t look at things objectively and say even though it’s not the same as the original I still like this or dislike that, they dislike it purely because it’s not a complete copy of the original and that’s very cave man thinking to me. Ppl can dislike it but they shouldn’t dislike it just because it’s not a copy of the original, the game could objectively be a 10/10 masterpiece and these people still won’t like it because it’s not the exact same as the og

    • @ignacio1887
      @ignacio1887 6 місяців тому +2

      @@AG-sj4om exactly people go into these games already determined to hate them if they take any deviations and even if you have played the og it just requires some thinking its not an ending where you can just turn your brain off like most games. I have said this in a couple of vids already but the og already had these elements especially in one scene involving tifa and cloud where you can see that there are multiple worlds in the lifestream and even the same tear from rebirth people just seem to have amnesia or something.

    • @AG-sj4om
      @AG-sj4om 6 місяців тому +2

      @@ignacio1887 I’ve seen some parts of the original and if they remade it 1 to 1 I couldn’t even imagine what that would be like the game would feel so strange. This is a modern game using the same characters and stories to tell a new story but people want the exact same story to what they’ve already played ? I think a lot people want an exact copy of the original but if they got that they would probably be disappointed. I think it’s a good game coming from someone who has no expectations of what it’s supppsed to be like. I can also look at it like there’s obviously multiverse timeline shit going on here so that og games timeline probably exists out there and we’re seeing an alternate 3D HD timeline that diverged at one point in the remake and then spawned an entirely new course of events. It really isn’t that big a deal these people know this is is a timeline out of many timelines whats so hard about accepting these are the same characters in a diverging timeline of the same story

  • @itsdantaylor
    @itsdantaylor 6 місяців тому +28

    Oh SHOOT!, Your video also brought up a good point. You kept mentioning that "Aerith" is dead in the 'main timeline' while another, one created by the split exists. THAT'S who we see fight alongside Cloud at the end and 'fade away' it was main timeline Aerith, and when she 'wakes up' it's her 'spirit' possibly moving into the new timeline Aerith like how Cloud moved into HIS body in the's all just a theory but it makes a LOT of sense!?

    • @rezamosleh4561
      @rezamosleh4561 6 місяців тому +2

      Exaaaactly. Hope you read this completely😂.
      I think a new timeline has been created in which Cloud could save Aerith. Because as you see, when Aerith lied down on Cloud's hands, The game constantly switched between two images. One relate to the OG timeline in which Aerith was bloody and Cloud Saying somethings just like the OG one: Like " Aerith can't laugh or become angry anymore" . Another image showed us that Cloud was crying and non-bloody Aerith lied on his hand and No one else in the party like Tifa, Barret,etc... could see it. And on that timeline we're seeing Aerith is alive and touching Cloud's face and open her Eyes. And then they defeated Sephiroth together in the last bossfight. Bro we saw Aerith thanked Cloud for saving her. And saphiroth said he underestimated Cloud. In the end of that bossfight when sephiroth defeated, you can see Sephiroth dropped on his knees and really failed to defeat Cloud and Aerith on that timeline. There's no sense of Aerith's spirit fight with Cloud Bro.
      and here's my fucking prediction for the part three tho. You see:
      End of part one: Zack survived in an alternative timeline.
      End of part two: Aerith survived in another alternative timeline.
      And in part three we'll see this Trio(Zack, Aerith, Cloud) fight with sephiroth. Because of a reason:
      Sephiroth wants to combine all timelines this time and then destroy them all together. So after we see combination of timelines, this Trio will fight with sephiroth and Sephiroth will kill Aerith and Zack. Because as you know: they had to die. Its their destiny. After that, Cloud will fight lonely with shirtless sephiroth and the rest will the same as the OG.
      Sorry for my bad English.

    • @daesong1378
      @daesong1378 6 місяців тому +4

      I interpreted, when Aerith says that she lost her memories after fighting the whispers, that her connection with OG Aerith was cut. (Not sure how this applies to Red13, maybe the same?) if you notice it seems as if all the other Aerith are asleep, atleast the ones we see, with Sephiroth appearing to kill her after she wakes up, also mentioned by Marlene for some reason. When cloud awakens in one of the other timelines, and he meets OG Aerith. This is supported by Sephiroth saying “so this is where you’ve been hiding, in a world that has accepted its fate” that suggested that the Aerith is not originally from that world. It also suggests that he’s been looking for her, the most logical conclusion we can draw is that it’s OG Sephiroth looking for OG Aerith.
      Then after aerith pushes cloud back into his world, he meets her again in the forest and she says "we meet again!" it only makes sense if she has her memories from OG aerith or has OG aeriths consciousness, also supported by the fact that she was not surprised at all when recieving the white materia and knew what to do with it when she previously said that she didnt know what it did.
      so we can conlude that the aerith after temple of the ancients either is OG aerith, or has her consciousness or connection. now lets say that the sephiroth that appeared as she pushed cloud back into his time line did kill the aerith of that world, but her consciousness had moved and merged with the main timeline after that. since sephiroth thought he finally killed OG aerith it makes sense that when she appeaes for the final fight he says "i underestimated you".
      so then its hard to say, if aerith is really dead or not. maybe she choose to appear dead to everyone besides cloud because she wants to keep her current spot hidden from sephiroth. sephiroth knows she's still alive since she appeared for the final fight but he doesnt know where she is.
      The fact that she mentions meteor at the end also supports the idea that she isnt just an illusion in clouds mind. whether or not she's "dead" or "alive".

    • @ReganLenok
      @ReganLenok 6 місяців тому +1

      ⁠​⁠@@daesong1378couldn’t agree more, excellent points right here! Some theories on the ending I recently watched were so off base, almost like those content creators didn’t even hear what Sephiroth said about how defying destiny meant creating new worlds or noticing multiple versions of Stamp to indicate multiverse which brings different possibilities for Aerith surviving in one of the worlds. There was only one theory which is similar to how described your understanding. I am super curious to find out how SE will tie all of this together in the final game. Hopefully it won’t take 4 more years to learn how the remake story ends 😊

    • @daesong1378
      @daesong1378 6 місяців тому +2

      @@ReganLenok I enjoyed my play through, but also partially mad at the devs for going so far with this mystery story. And I’m sure they know what they’re doing. I understand the need for mystery, but I think they should have given us a little bit more atleast. I swear they are trolling us with Zack’s “what in the hell is going on?!”
      And then Aerith promising cloud she would tell him what’s going on, only to push him into a portal back to his world. I was like “wtfffff Aerith!!!! You didn’t tell me shit!”
      All the theory crafting videos is exactly what they wanted. But the fact that they have the gall to tease us about it in game makes me want to punch a dev.

  • @tvbenglishsongtranslations
    @tvbenglishsongtranslations 6 місяців тому +2

    A simple explanation of the ending. Aerith is a much loved character. Square Enix made some BS to ensure that gamers can interact with Aerith in part 3 which guarantees people will pay $$$ to buy the game and there is no drop off in sales…
    Consider Square Enix as the Shinra of gaming. Sucking you dry off $$$ harvesting the OG game.

  • @Drw-id-Kirin
    @Drw-id-Kirin 6 місяців тому +4

    Except she doesn't die in the Main world. Tifa had static and saw both worlds. One, Aerith is covered in blood. Two, Cloud blocked Sephiroth and Aerith isn't harmed. Now, here's how you know which is which. Seph needed to force Cloud and company into the World Between Worlds with the key to get the true black materia. This happened right when the static affected Tifa. The WBW Temple is not on the Northern continent, only in the Main. The WBW is the OG game.
    Cloud understands the WBW is an illusion, that Aerith's death is an illusion.
    Zack: Maybe worlds can be reunited.

  • @thecarsonigen
    @thecarsonigen 6 місяців тому +14

    I will take an educated guess and assume that the 3rd game is called Final Fantasy 7 Reunion. That being said, i agree. I think the devs will do an Avengers move and all the people that died in this timeline will be joined by the alive ones from the timelines they lived. But this could also mean several Sephiroths to fight as well

    • @sketchingbaer8243
      @sketchingbaer8243 6 місяців тому +2

      there is already a ff7 reunion game. doubt they will name it the same.

    • @haileeraestout5567
      @haileeraestout5567 6 місяців тому

      I Think They'll Call Part 3: Remembrance @@sketchingbaer8243

    • @haileeraestout5567
      @haileeraestout5567 6 місяців тому

      @@sketchingbaer8243 And Sora Might Enter The 3rd Part Now That He's In Cloud's Universe

    • @johnny2shoes738
      @johnny2shoes738 6 місяців тому


    • @swe_myth7354
      @swe_myth7354 6 місяців тому +2

      I think it will be called final fantasy reborn

  • @BlueMoon56832
    @BlueMoon56832 6 місяців тому +9

    One...last might not matter...or it might matter more then the original...the holy materia was white as well...but when aerith activated it, it was green as it bounced away and into the water, yet in rebirth, its still white as it falls. Does that mean holy is not in effect at this moment, that the original sepheroth isn't fighting it right now like he was in the original ff7

    • @tiuaii
      @tiuaii 6 місяців тому +3

      That’s right, and this is further evidenced in Aerith’s final conversation with Cloud when she said, “I’ll put everything I’ve got into my prayers. I’ll stop the meteor.” Meaning she didn’t activate Holy like she did in the original, so therefore Sephiroth was successful in stopping her this time around in this timeline.
      If she’s praying again to activate Holy, then two things come to my mind: 1. Can the dead pray? And 2. Can the dead use materia? Which brings us back to the question: Is Aerith really dead?
      So far, this implies that Aerith is alive in some way and Cloud may not be fully hallucinating. Disclaimer, I’m not trying to stretch things to make Aerith alive, it’s just what I observed 😅

    • @malekk4012
      @malekk4012 6 місяців тому +2

      I honestly think that it's just art direction... Because the original (WHITE) did not look white.

  • @Justin-ym5ce
    @Justin-ym5ce 6 місяців тому +2

    Tbh this is so stupid, guess what this dumb universe we could start the 3rd game with Aerith being alive and the Rebirth ending just a hah like multi universes are so dam stupid, my universe everyone dies and I’m closing the book. What’s the point in caring about any of them. Who cares right?

  • @lynxie2008
    @lynxie2008 6 місяців тому +12

    Great analysis and exactly my interpretation of events. The only thing I'm not sure about is why Sephiroth wanted Cloud to save Aerith. He was very smug and happy when the rainbows appeared.

    • @erickreyes7902
      @erickreyes7902 6 місяців тому +5

      There are actually and literally have many SEPHIROTHs... and I really think all them know that whatever happen AERITH will still DIE... Sephy likes teasing cloud, cause he knows he can control him, I dont know but I have a feeling a RESSURECTION will happen in part 3... thats the reason why they are always sayung REUNION... part 3 is going to pull like AVENGERS END GAME

    • @itsdantaylor
      @itsdantaylor 6 місяців тому +1

      I'm not sure he WANTED him to save Aerith, I think he wanted Cloud to watch her die, which he technically did. Its implied that Sephiroth 'locks in' to Cloud (from a short story released a few years prior to remake) Basically since Cloud won't forgive/forget the horrible shit Sephiroth has done, those memories Sephiroth uses so he can basically 'find Cloud anywhere in time/space. It's kind of why Sephiorth, especially in remake keeps poking and prodding Cloud, making him remember the burning of his hometown as early as in the aftermath of the reactor bombing. It IS possible Sephiroth may have not MINDED a branching timeline being made as he doesn't seem to be policing this stuff as Zack is just messing around and ended up creating like 3 different timelines on his own. I mean I think his ultimate goal is to have their BE a bajillion realities and he will just nuke them all at once?

    • @haileeraestout5567
      @haileeraestout5567 6 місяців тому

      I Think She's Alive BUT Was Secretly Taken By Tseng

    • @lynxie2008
      @lynxie2008 6 місяців тому +2

      @@itsdantaylor If he wanted Cloud to be vengeful he would've just killed her right? But he spends a lot of Remake and some of Rebirth mocking Cloud for not being strong enough to save her... yet he's still smug af when Cloud saves Aerith..

    • @alexm8d13
      @alexm8d13 6 місяців тому +2

      @@erickreyes7902 I believe that Sephiroth's plan is to create many timelines so that these die and join the multiversal lifestream, call meteor while the reunion of the worlds takes place to be able to absorb all the power and become a God, it is like in the original but on a larger scale like Avengers Secret Wars. It benefits Sephiroth that Cloud saved Aerith because the world where he saves her is condemned like the other worlds, so Cloud can see the tear in the sky and the others cannot because is connected to the other world where Aerith survived.

  • @jaysea838
    @jaysea838 6 місяців тому +10

    Something that a-lot of players may have missed is - during the last fight with Jenova (after Aerith is killed) ***Cloud says “we have done this before, we can do it again”** which implies (to me) that now Cloud is just as aware (if not more so) of future / coming events like Aerith was in the first game. I don’t know if spirit Aerith gave him this ability but something changed.

    • @andruism7
      @andruism7 6 місяців тому +3

      He could have also been referring to the time you fought Jenova at the end of Remake.

    • @Atom-yb5dy
      @Atom-yb5dy 6 місяців тому +1

      @@andruism7 Or the earlier jenova fight on the ship

    • @malekk4012
      @malekk4012 6 місяців тому +2

      At that point they have already beat her 2 times...

    • @daesong1378
      @daesong1378 6 місяців тому +1

      In remake where cloud falls from the plate, he appears to himself and said they just had scraped knees last time. That, I think he also saw scenes flash from when Aerith died as well. Either was it shows either he has connection to his OG self, or “memories of the future” Red13 also said he had memories taken away after fighting the whispers.
      One theory I had was that when OG aerith was asleep in those other time lines she was able to hide from Sephiroth. But she woke up when she had the chance to give cloud the white materia, which she did before pushing him back. Maybe she knows what is happening because she’s connected to the life stream after the events of the original game. OG cloud talking to himself is a more difficult question to try to answer though since he doesn’t seem to appear anymore.

    • @zalden2565
      @zalden2565 6 місяців тому

      It could have been just the other two jenovas they fought, but you could also be onto something

  • @lichen24moss
    @lichen24moss 6 місяців тому +7

    It's very similar to what I think happened too. The timeline is fragmented, she's out of phase from the rest of reality because of this.
    Cloud is the one that can see her in the party because he's the only one that can see the alternate timelines. He's the only see the crack in the sky that is the result of the timeline fracturing.

    • @sepherioth5568
      @sepherioth5568 6 місяців тому +2

      To elaborate, I think that Aerith timeline is sort of only “half converged” with Clouds, and because cloud was the only one to break through the barrier of whispers and be present for the timelines to half converge, he’s the only one who can sense that timeline. It’s also why only he can see the crack in the sky, because it’s in Aeriths timeline not the one his friends are in

  • @ajinkyamore940
    @ajinkyamore940 6 місяців тому +8

    But everyone in zacks timeline have memories about cloud and aerith from begal timeline but how ❓

    • @KamusariHR
      @KamusariHR 6 місяців тому +1

      yes this is a mess lol

    • @jhin_gg
      @jhin_gg 6 місяців тому +3

      At one point in REMAKE the world where Zack is, was created by the crew. But it has to be a point where all of them met already. That's why Biggs, and Marlene remembers them. But they remember the Cloud which is missing, while Zack only knows the coma-Cloud, since he's the only Version of him he met till there.
      It isn't that complicated tbh

    • @justacheesecake6232
      @justacheesecake6232 6 місяців тому +2

      ​@@jhin_ggyes it is, it doesn't make sense. In the beginning during the news report a trooper talks about the missing culprit with a buster sword which based on the context of the scene I bet it's 90% Cloud he's referring too and not Zack. So what happened to that cloud? Lmao game makes no sense at all sorry bro

    • @redbearington3345
      @redbearington3345 6 місяців тому

      @@justacheesecake6232 Big ball of wibbly wobbly timey wimey... stuff.

  • @nathanscott2871
    @nathanscott2871 6 місяців тому +5

    Shocking ending to the story. I seriously hated it and it heavily damaged my experience of the game.
    There was no processing of the events that have unfolded for the player. I understand that it's supposed to be meta for the player however it is unsatisfying and unrewarding.
    They have made sephiroth a joke who has to keep going "it's over 9000" on every encounter. We should have never fought sephiroth only interacted with him.
    If they wanted to keep the same tone and story but actually give some processing time to the player then a simple fix is required.
    Have us see the glitches version of clouds reaction, where he is bloody, crying and pleading for aerith to wake up, except the glitches in this case show a pristine unaffected aerith. As sephiroth calls him a puppet and says his tears are empty have it then be the "awake" version of aerith (clouds denial) have it that cloud now resides inside of this delusion created by sephiroth.
    You see, with this we see aerith is dead, its heartbreaking and definitive, however we also see that clouds mind breaks, he doesn't accept what happens (or sephiroth doesn't allow him to). Then we carry on as the game did, except now we become emotionally charged and understand that how cloud perceives the world is wrong.

  • @Oleus
    @Oleus 6 місяців тому +26

    The ending is so needlessly convoluted everybody's missing what seems to be a very important point: Cloud's attitude is not normal at all at the end of the game.
    The dude seems to be totally oblivious to the fact his (girl)friend is dead and talks to her ghost without paying attention to the very fact everyone else is grieving around him. I don't know, maybe it's because of multiversal shenaningans that he can see multiple realities all at once but I feel like he's rewritten reality in his mind just like he did when he transformed the unnamed grunt into Zack to fit his own narrative while looking at Nibelheim's river.
    When Cloud says "Yup, let's go" on the lake's shore, it happened right after that famous scene where he put Aerith body into the water, yet he totally denied what just happened and created in his mind a version of the story where she's still around without understanding other people can't see her. Tifa is shaken by Cloud's attitude here and later on the flower fields. Same goes for Barret who doesn't really understand Cloud's light-hearted attitude either. They feel like he's coping way too hard here.
    Cloud has created a narrative where Aerith just left the party to pray at the Forgotten capital but what makes it really confusing is Aerith' presence in the last scene. Is he hallucinating ? Doesn't seem so since Nanaki senses her presence (to be fair, she's one with the lifestream now, so part of her might always follow them). So, maybe that "ascended Aerith" who've faced Sephiroth alongside Cloud is just going along with his delusion for now because she knows Jenova's grip is to severe at this point and nobody could reach him anyway. He will have to fall into the lifestream and accept who he is for that.
    Cloud's mental health is going to be a major plotline in Part 3. He's gonna have to face a lot of traumas, loss and suffering. He will see the true horror of his mom's death, when she actually talked to him, then he will relive Zack's very bloody death above Midgar and finally he will have to accept Aerith's passing and what really happened at the Forgotten capital. It's going to be much.
    That's what gonna lead to the birth of "gloomy Cloud" from Advent Children, for sure. 😅

    • @someoneelse9680
      @someoneelse9680 6 місяців тому +5

      That’s pretty much what I got out of it too. He was called out earlier in the game at how Jessy and others have died through his “fault” yet he doesn’t cry. Then at the end he’s oddly calm and not in a he came to terms sort of way cause we do see him hold her crying when Sephiroth is taunting him and he does hide the black materia and says reunion. I do think he is in full on denial and that’s why they didn’t show us him lowering her into the water. I get the feeling that part three we’ll see him in the wheelchair have the livestream scene with Tifa and he will also be shown what actually happened to Aerith. We did see Dyne think he saw his wife and daughter when barret showed up so I wonder if the same will happen to Cloud and no one will call him out because he’s coping them knowing he was closest to her . I didn’t really like the way they handled her death everything about the game story wise is great but we’ll see part three is where they need to really bring it home for all this multiverse time line stuff to have been worth doing.

    • @Ineedmoney4123
      @Ineedmoney4123 6 місяців тому +5

      Yea man it astonishes me how many people think she's alive because of the tiny bronco scene. "Yup sounds good!" That's all I needed to hear from cloud to know that he's batshit psycho and is getting worse.

    • @watchmehope6560
      @watchmehope6560 6 місяців тому +5

      Because she isn't dead, least in the sense we know lol. Red senses her as well. So there's no reason for cloud or any of us to be sad.

    • @Oleus
      @Oleus 6 місяців тому +1

      @@watchmehope6560 she is to anyone else in their world though. lol
      She ain't coming back to life at the end of the story even if they say some form of her survived somewhere in the multiversal mess they've created. 😂

    • @ugh5281
      @ugh5281 6 місяців тому +3

      you make a great point but it's too confusing to say for sure that it's either one or the other. so far the only things we have are theories and i personally believe what you said is true but so is the timeline stuff. i think cloud is losing it and in denial but he did block sephiroth's sword and thus he created a new reality in which she lives and we can see that due to the rainbow colors appearing however he also didn't save her in our timeline. he then sees her in her lifestream form and can communicate with her so yeah to him she's not really dead... he's most definitely in denial but he's also not "just crazy" because he seems to also be stuck in between timelines.
      also let's be real for a second, why would they introduce this whole timeline stuff and even bring zack back if they were just gonna kill aerith and let her stay dead the rest in of the game? there's so many hints and foreshadowing about her and cloud reuniting again and meeting again, the loveless play mirrors it, the main song talks about it as well... i believe she is definitely gonna appear in part 3 in some way or another and reunite with everyone (or just cloud idk). until then all we can do is theorize and speculate.

  • @itsdantaylor
    @itsdantaylor 6 місяців тому +6

    The ending is confusing. I initially didn't like it but it was also because I didn't quite catch everything that had happened. Re-watching and reading a few analysis of it, I have more questions then answers but it's to the point I'm willing to give it till part 3 to see how this all shakes out. I don't think Aerith is 'dead' (though like you said, she is 'gone' in the 'main' timeline) because if she was, it was a BIG mistake to not include the death in it's entirety, including Cloud's words and her water burial. I just don't think it would have been worth it for a series of fake out 'gotchas' near the end of this game. ONCE AGAIN, will wait till part 3 to see how this shakes out

    • @haileeraestout5567
      @haileeraestout5567 6 місяців тому +2

      Its Like Kingdom Hearts Logic Her Body May Have Been Moved BUT Her Heart (Light) May Have Entered Sora's Heart So It Can Be Healed

    • @madelinemcmillan4020
      @madelinemcmillan4020 6 місяців тому

      @@haileeraestout5567 fucking christ

    • @rezamosleh4561
      @rezamosleh4561 6 місяців тому

      I think a new timeline has been created in which Cloud could save Aerith. Because as you see, when Aerith lied down on Cloud's hands, The game constantly switched between two images. One relate to the OG timeline in which Aerith was bloody and Cloud Saying somethings just like the OG one: Like " Aerith can't laugh or become angry anymore" . Another image showed us that Cloud was crying and non-bloody Aerith lied on his hand and No one else in the party like Tifa, Barret,etc... could see it. And on that timeline we're seeing Aerith is alive and touching Cloud's face and open her Eyes. And then they defeated Sephiroth together in the last bossfight. Bro we saw Aerith thanked Cloud for saving her. And saphiroth said he underestimated Cloud. In the end of that bossfight when sephiroth defeated, you can see Sephiroth dropped on his knees and really failed to defeat Cloud and Aerith on that timeline. There's no sense of Aerith's spirit fight with Cloud Bro.
      and here's my fucking prediction for the part three tho. You see:
      End of part one: Zack survived in an alternative timeline.
      End of part two: Aerith survived in another alternative timeline.
      And in part three we'll see this Trio(Zack, Aerith, Cloud) fight with sephiroth. Because of a reason:
      Sephiroth wants to combine all timelines this time and then destroy them all together. So after we see combination of timelines, this Trio will fight with sephiroth and Sephiroth will kill Aerith and Zack. Because as you know: they had to die. Its their destiny. After that, Cloud will fight lonely with shirtless sephiroth and the rest will the same as the OG.
      Sorry for my bad English.

    • @webguy943
      @webguy943 6 місяців тому

      ​@@rezamosleh4561 the whole point is to change fate n destiny n make it right.

  • @ilusomu
    @ilusomu 6 місяців тому +3

    let Aeris lived and marry Cloud and have babies together

  • @martinlovegoodie
    @martinlovegoodie 6 місяців тому +4

    The game is called rebirth for a reason. If you have no concept of spiritual realities . Being able to help someone in the spirit world after you're gone. Being able to see ghosts, how everyone is connected to the world's spirit. Which isn't hard concepts. then this game will be confusing for you .

  • @felixleung6069
    @felixleung6069 5 місяців тому +1

    Rebirth Hints that Cloud deflecting sephiroth will create a new reality and all the reality finally combined together as sephiroth said in the game but you don’t know is what SE really wanna do in part 3, trilogy is the retirement work for some original director who is fighting glory in the endgame, so part 3 maybe just tell that rebirth is a mako poisoning illustration for players to daydream, you never know. Aerith also can choose what she like to do if she really live, but for now is stay dead as original very probably. As a player mind the world is no longer 1997, mindset value environment all different nowadays, In AC cloud couldn’t get along well with Tifa cuz Aerith death, he stay in the church instead of living with Tifa so that Aerith is a big deal to him otherwise is meaningless for him.

  • @nyx2903
    @nyx2903 6 місяців тому +3

    Oh I just noticed something. Check out the reflection in the empty materia at 8:24. At first you see it reflecting a normal sky, the one everyone seems to see. Then Cloud turns the materia and the sky in the reflection changes. The blue sky becomes a brownish sky, with something that appears like a rift on the left side. The hills in th background also change their colors so I don't think it's just a light-thing. Maybe this transparent materia is why Cloud is able to see two timelines at the same time.
    I mean.. if you think about it: One Aerith gave us the white materia which Cloud then gave to another Aerith in the woods. She apparently used it to "recharge" her own white materia. This one died. However, she gave Cloud the empty materia back and in that moment it was just like a glass bubble.. nothing like what we see at 8:24. The materia looks like it reflects the two merging realities and maybe it gives Cloud the ability to see them both.

  • @64chrom
    @64chrom 6 місяців тому +2

    Since Aerith is a Shroediger cat i expect her to return with excessive milk craving 😂😂

  • @Doky
    @Doky 6 місяців тому +3

    Nomura and his obsesion with multiple worlds and realitys are destroying our favorite childhood game.They must stop with that crap.

  • @Wraith921
    @Wraith921 6 місяців тому +4

    This seems like a silly nitpick but the cover for rebirth had to be cloud aerith and sepiroth or evens the current cover with like aerith in the background. Aeriths story really is the heart of the ff7 story.

  • @grandmasterskitz748
    @grandmasterskitz748 6 місяців тому +3

    I didn't like the multiverse approach, personally. I get it, they wanted to create a fresh approach to keep things interesting but honestly the ff7 story was already good. I think a lot of us just wanted a replay to the original with A1 modern day graphics.
    I enjoyed both remake and rebirth but dang, this ending was confusing lol
    I have no ideal which timeline we're in going into the 3rd game or if there's going to be a stand made in both timeliness one where Zack & Biggs leads the charge and the other where cloud & company leads the charge against Sephieroth??? Maybe both worlds join??
    Anyway, the black materia definitely has the power to do so...
    I just wanted to see the epic meteor in the sky like in the original, and also Weapon encounters. I'd been happy 😅

    • @nathanscott2871
      @nathanscott2871 6 місяців тому +2

      I hated the ending, the emotional core of the original ripped out and stamped on.
      Multiple timelines... 13 years write better shit than this.

    • @renren47618
      @renren47618 6 місяців тому


  • @DavidZMH
    @DavidZMH 6 місяців тому +2

    So Cloud has both the so called Black Materia and Aerith's "empty of knowledge" materia right? When I saw the ending at first I thought the empty materia turned into the black materia lol

    • @sepherioth5568
      @sepherioth5568 6 місяців тому +2

      Common mistake. You can hear the two materials clank in his pocket. He was just caught off guard he HAS black materia, not that holy became black materia

  • @syferz
    @syferz 6 місяців тому +2

    3:33 I am starting to think that among the Whispers is the original FF7 crew, alternating the timeline, the bullet is changed so Zack doesn't die, this could be Cloud's or Aerith's Whisper making a change to his fate. In Remake, the 3 Whispers you fight near the end that have a sword, gun and glove, those were thought to be Cloud, Barret and Tifa, but they are actually the 3 clones of Sephiroth in Advent Children, the song that plays during the fight is even theirs, so if they exist as Whispers, then Cloud, Aerith, Tifa, Barret, Cid, ect ect all exist as Whispers too and can make changes to fate. They want to save the world, in the original game when you defeat Sephiroth, they say something along the lines of "I guess this is all we could do" meaning that they couldn't save the world, and 500 years later when Red is overlooking Midgar, one of the creators has gone on record saying that that was a world devoid of Humans. FF7 is a game with a sad ending, and Remake's point has 3 different outcomes for the end. Sephiroth wins, or the Planet survives, or Humans and the Planet survives. The Trilogy has to choose one of these endings, and opening up the possibility to save humans and the planet, has to be the end goal of Remake's changes to the narrative, or to set up the false of hope that outcome, to give the original ending. They could go with a dark ending where Sephiroth wins, but that wouldn't likely be the end of the story if that were the case.

  • @necropig
    @necropig 6 місяців тому +3

    I will stop sephiroth
    You promise?
    I promise.
    'No promises await at journeys end'... How am I to interpret this now? 😢

    • @KamusariHR
      @KamusariHR 6 місяців тому

      has nothing to do with it for example what is rebirth mean? we didnt saw any rebirth from something its just a title to keep us exited

    • @alexm8d13
      @alexm8d13 6 місяців тому +3

      That phrase gives me more hope that Cloud and Aerith will meet again since the song "No Promises To Keep" talks about how they don't need promises because they know they will meet again at some point.

    • @necropig
      @necropig 6 місяців тому +3

      @@alexm8d13 yeah I've been trying to piece together the lyrics to NPTK to how the game ended with the promises between Aerith and cloud.
      I finished it last night and was a crying mess. I just want her and cloud to have a happy ending in some fashion

    • @jhin_gg
      @jhin_gg 6 місяців тому +4

      The "Promise" was a localization issue tbh. In Japanese she's saying: "surely/certainly" and cloud is saying "sure" too. Which makes more sense with the theme song of Rebirth, since they don't need any promises to meet again :)

    • @necropig
      @necropig 6 місяців тому +1

      @@jhin_gg I'll hold you to that :3

  • @zero-jm7ok
    @zero-jm7ok 6 місяців тому +1

    Just a theory but in Remake, when Aerith activates the portal to fight the whispers and Sephiroth, she could have used the white materia in that moment which might have resulted in it losing its power in Rebirth.
    That could have been Sephiroth's initial goal to expend the white materia's power at the end of Remake so he could alter the events of the original and win. And he still needed the party to be together in order to find the black materia.

  • @chichiboypumpi
    @chichiboypumpi 6 місяців тому +1

    and Aerith fans going Annie Wilkes as always. Don’t get me wrong I want big sister flower girl to survive.

  • @itsyorpal_bish
    @itsyorpal_bish 6 місяців тому +2

    I think the most confusing part of these timeliness and how they work is that Marlene knows about Aeriths fate in the original timeline.. I've watch so many of the explained videos and no one ever seems to mention that part.

    • @callmem5032
      @callmem5032 6 місяців тому

      In FF 7 Remake, Marlene hugs Aeris in the bar and gets the vision from Aeris

    • @thebrigade7684
      @thebrigade7684 6 місяців тому

      Because it makes no sense and nobody can really come up with anything of how she has the consciousness of a Marlene that is in the main world. In the Zack world cloud never made it to Midgar let alone Aerith ending at Avalanche without Cloud so it makes no sense that way but then in the main timeline just like the comment above me said that Aerith did indeed give her vision of the future yet at the start of rebirth it's established that whispers took these memories yet they choose to ignore Marlene because?? Yeah it feels like both Biggs and Marlene is an oopsie unless timelines are just a red herring and everything we see for Zack is the lifestream itself

    • @thebrigade7684
      @thebrigade7684 6 місяців тому

      @toulor895 nah you're making even less sense since when did Biggs and Marlene got transferred to Zack timeline from the remake one.... Marlene wasn't even in a dying state compared to Zack/Biggs and where does og timeline is even explained or that is actually an assumption that it exists?

    • @gerrya2133
      @gerrya2133 5 місяців тому

      ​@toulor895 That makes sense about Marlene, but that Biggs is not from that world. He got pulled by the whispers into that world, same as Zack. They have a conversation about the whispers and both recognizing this isn't the world they know.
      He's most likely Remake Biggs, but he could be a different one. But he's not the one from that world.

  • @flu3594
    @flu3594 6 місяців тому +1

    I believe cloud is some how transversing multiple realities at the same time. Like he has one foot in each one. I also believe Zach has been jumping in and out of timelines and is going to be in the new one for the next one. My theory is aerith has the same power as Sephiroth which is why he wants her dead in every timeline. So the white materia is like giving her the power to do so which is why the aerith in remake loses her memory of past events when the orb is drained and how when cloud gives it to her filled she seems to know her death is coming but allows it because she needs to die to summon holy to stop the meteor in that timeline. Cause if you notice all the ones where she’s alive sephiorth is successful in destroying the planet. Sort of like dr strange letting Ironman die.

  • @xgtete
    @xgtete 4 місяці тому

    6:21 Why is nobody talking about the fact that Cloud's sword clearly gets imbued with the Lifestream at this point? That seems like a fairly big detail people are simply glossing over.

  • @tonymaccaroni1683
    @tonymaccaroni1683 5 місяців тому

    I belive they've created all these timelines to bring back Zack. But if they've implemented all this stuff anyway, a lot of people will be pissed, if they don't use to also make Aerith somehow survive this. This would be really messed up.

  • @albertsteven13
    @albertsteven13 6 місяців тому +1

    Man I hope that on the next one we some how bring her back cuz fuck that got me fucked in many ways🤣😭 4-5years of wondering how they gonna end this amazing story

  • @Kevin-zi3hc
    @Kevin-zi3hc 3 місяці тому

    Aerith probably be resurrected showing Sephiroth she back again !

  • @PhatandChunky
    @PhatandChunky 6 місяців тому +1

    Some here wrote that maybe they meant to keep us confused so that we align with clouds confused state of mind. We are viewing everything in clouds POV ? Maybe

    • @redbearington3345
      @redbearington3345 6 місяців тому

      it's just a confusing mess because that's just typical Nomura. His games always end up a confused nonsensical mess involving time travel multiverse about fighting Fate. It's just his fetish and infects everything he touches now.

  • @abysswalker804
    @abysswalker804 6 місяців тому

    Reunion was used for crisis core I think it will be fr7 reckoning

  • @renegade637
    @renegade637 6 місяців тому +1

    Every other video I've seen of Aerith's "death" have re-edited the sequence of events. If it's true that the exchange of Materia between Cloud and two different Aeriths happened before her "death", then that gives a clear separation between Aerith's last goodbye in her dreamworld and Cloud's deflection potentially creating multiple timelines with a version of Aerith existing in one of them.

    • @renegade637
      @renegade637 6 місяців тому

      @toulor895 "Why would Cloud create a timeline where she lives but stay in a timeline where she dies??"
      You assume we think he created a timeline on purpose. We do not believe that he knew what he was doing in the moment. It's not until he realizes Aerith is still alive when she touches him that he probably realizes he unintentionally created a timeline for her to exist in until he could figure out what to do next. (We know he has to know because Sephiroth told him about alternate timelines.) Our proof is the prismatic effect at the moment of deflection.
      Sephiroth attempted to shift realities so that Aerith still died, attempting to make it so that he would, still, succeed. However, whether it be because of the white whispers, Aerith's Cetra abilities rubbing off onto him, or the Jenova cells in his body working to his advantage, something made it so that Cloud accidentally split the timelines so that Aerith was able to exist in a limbo state. This would then buy her some time to activate Holy and come back in to help defeat Sephiroth.

  • @zalden2565
    @zalden2565 6 місяців тому

    My theory is that aerith is not dead. At least not in the timeline we had been playing the entire game. At least not yet. Yes, everyone is said but who’s to say which timeline cloud landed in after everything? He may have some higher knowledge at this point. I believe aerith I still trying to use the white materia but needs to hide from sephiroth in a “false” world to do so and he is searching for her. I think this is going to set up a false “hooray, she lives!” situation that makes everyone happy (the game character and us gamers) in which he will suddenly kill her in part 3.

    • @tonymaccaroni1683
      @tonymaccaroni1683 5 місяців тому

      SE are really going hard on this girl man. I don't think I've ever had so much compassion for a videogamecharacter than for her.

  • @figureviews
    @figureviews 6 місяців тому +6

    I hope Cloud ends up with Aerith on this timeline

    • @madelinemcmillan4020
      @madelinemcmillan4020 6 місяців тому

      I hope her and Zack survive in another timeline. and they keep true to their words about not changing the big main storyline beats.

  • @canalvacio-f7h
    @canalvacio-f7h 6 місяців тому

    It's creative censorship.

  • @thebrigade7684
    @thebrigade7684 6 місяців тому

    I wish it would be as black and white as you describe it but problems arise with the fact that the game established that Sephiroth can just enter these different worlds/lifestream its up to interpretation which one you think it and just kill Aerith anyway. Also it could be that the whispers try to change fate and create an occasion where Cloud gets saved from experiencing heightened emotions because that's what Sephiroth wanted to take control over him he loves despair and the party does experience that because they start with full limit breaks something the devs wanted to do back in the 97 one.

  • @frey6211
    @frey6211 6 місяців тому +6

    Oh my god no she didn't survive in another timeline. She literally says "farewell, Cloud" as her last line when the Bronco flies away in any other language than English. idk why in English they just made her say "Goodbye". She's appearing to Cloud here just like she does in AC. Her spirit is still there and Cloud doesn't realize that she died. We see Jenova glitches in her death scenes when it's alternating between reality (what the other characters see, with the blood and all that stuff) and what Cloud sees. JENOVA GLITCHES. It's not an alternate timeline where she lived. It's Cloud's weak mind being unable to process her death and instantly replacing the memories of what happened with fiction. Just like what he did when Zack died.
    Remember in the OG when Cloud gets all of his correct memories back, he says "I'm ... Cloud. The master of my own illusionary world."
    The Rebirth marketing was insisting on the question of "what is fact and what is fiction ?"
    This is what I think they're expanding on. Cloud's illusionary world. We're seeing it develop more and more because this time we're much closer to his PoV than in the OG. As his spirit gets more and more broken by Seph, he's creating and expanding his own illusionary world. He's creating fiction. Everything will be fixed in the lifestream sequence in the 3rd part.

    • @grandmasterskitz748
      @grandmasterskitz748 6 місяців тому +2

      This does make a lot of sense. However, if this is true, I think the writers did a terrible job expressing this because it ended up just being confusing to most. Unless that was the point, to confuse us just as cloud is becoming confused?

    • @rey_s90
      @rey_s90 6 місяців тому +1

      That’s all well and good but how do you explain red feeling her presence in the last scene?

  • @mana-uv7cz
    @mana-uv7cz 6 місяців тому

    I am mad about many things but I am sad we didn’t get the pretty forgotten capital to explore. Also Gollum Cloud isn’t scary he’s funny because it’s so dramatic. Also why did the game ask me to care about Tseng “dying” when I knew he wasn’t going to die and even if he did he is TSENG no one cares. Finally I am annoyed with how this game pulls a Disney and no one is really dead. Why would I care about anything that is happening?

  • @tarutso
    @tarutso 6 місяців тому

    Aerith already died in the OG and we don’t need a rehash. Get ready for another, new, and more final farewell

  • @2ndPlacePrize
    @2ndPlacePrize 6 місяців тому

    Advent Children now begins with Wutai Before Crisis elements

  • @xerpp2
    @xerpp2 6 місяців тому

    If you think there’s multiple timelines, you equally have mental health issues like Cloud does in endgame.

  • @haydenbennett3547
    @haydenbennett3547 6 місяців тому +3

    Oh man, if only there was already established lore and info on Final Fantasy 7 that already explained this

  • @AG-sj4om
    @AG-sj4om 6 місяців тому

    You sound a bit like cait sith bro

  • @nerodevil.24
    @nerodevil.24 6 місяців тому

    Genuine question tho , since I’ve never played the original, and only ever seen crisis core and Advent children movie
    After aerith’s death
    How much game is left ???
    Like are we gonna go back to a action game like in part 1 where exploration was limited but have more narrative chapters to fill the story so I can still be like 40 hours , or is there enough left of the ff7 world for square to do a another open world game??
    OR do u think we’re just gotta get Part 3 as a paid expansion in like a year or two, that does the remaining parts of the story and still includes a playable version Advent children being playable as post game.

    • @MrNobodyXIII13
      @MrNobodyXIII13 6 місяців тому +1

      The original PS1 FF7 was on 3 discs and Aerith's death happened at the end of disc ONE. I won't spoil anything beyond that for you, but I'd say we've got PLENTY of story left. Enough for another Rebirth sized game or larger, depending on how long they spend in each area.

    • @babaduk7679
      @babaduk7679 6 місяців тому +1

      I watched a walkthrough of the original game and it total it was around 23 hours long, Midgard section was around 7 hours while after Midgard and to Aerith's death was around 8 hours, there still around 8 more hours left of the main story and they have more then enough for the part 3

    • @fabesey2016
      @fabesey2016 6 місяців тому +1

      Roughly 2/3 of the way through. Aerith's death is the end of disc 1 of 3, but disc 2 is much shorter and disc 3 is basically just the final dungeon.

    • @Atom-yb5dy
      @Atom-yb5dy 6 місяців тому

      Tons of story left bro, I would say expect another rebirth scale game for part 3. They already said they are reusing all of the otherworld assets they built for rebirth so at least it shouldn't take another 4 years to finish, especially since they said there is no DLC this time. So no intermission to bog down development time.

  • @vonclaren1
    @vonclaren1 6 місяців тому +4

    Oh great they re wrote the story and turned it into pure crap, so cool

    • @guildkin678
      @guildkin678 6 місяців тому +3

      its not even bad youre just made its not a play by play remake of the original story. the new story is quite good.

    • @vonclaren1
      @vonclaren1 6 місяців тому +1

      @@guildkin678 Pure nomurian kingdom hearts-esque, multi-dimensional, consequence free, messy and inconsistent trash

    • @nathanking5137
      @nathanking5137 6 місяців тому

      What colours your ps5?

  • @TheOfficialNewb
    @TheOfficialNewb 6 місяців тому

    im calling that aerith IS DEAD but the devs are gonna bring her back in part 3 to fight inside the lifestream like she did in the original just we didnt see it at all.

  • @DeshawnBrown-ss8zh
    @DeshawnBrown-ss8zh 6 місяців тому +5

    Why couldn't they just stick with the main story.... 😕

    • @ThatGuy-mt8ij
      @ThatGuy-mt8ij 6 місяців тому +3

      It’s a remake not a remastered

    • @DeshawnBrown-ss8zh
      @DeshawnBrown-ss8zh 6 місяців тому

      @ThatGuy-mt8ij why is it though?

    • @ThatGuy-mt8ij
      @ThatGuy-mt8ij 6 місяців тому

      @@DeshawnBrown-ss8zh that’s the only way to bring the game in a different direction. Open the possibility for more sequel

    • @Brandonweifu
      @Brandonweifu 5 місяців тому

      Just go play the old game