Scheiße ist das lange her! ^^ Hab nach 2 Jahren mal wieder vorbeigeschaut. Kann mich noch an das Skate 3 LP erinnern xD (Glückwunsch zu den 100.000 Abonnenten!)
XYClanKILLER2 I have a level for you to play its called the stalker horror part 1 the dream lbp2 if you have trouble finding it my user name is guitarplayer03! Hope you like horror!
Thanks for uploading my film, man. And to those who think XY copied Epic: I requested XY to record this.
Scheiße ist das lange her! ^^ Hab nach 2 Jahren mal wieder vorbeigeschaut. Kann mich noch an das Skate 3 LP erinnern xD (Glückwunsch zu den 100.000 Abonnenten!)
Laurinwookie Vielen lieben Dank, ich erinnere mich noch an Dich c:
I´m working on my comeback video at the moment, it´s coming next week.
XYClanKILLER2 I have a level for you to play its called the stalker horror part 1 the dream lbp2 if you have trouble finding it my user name is guitarplayer03! Hope you like horror!
XYClanKILLER2 I love your videos you make my day by the way can I get a shout out on one of your videos
Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat thank you for making it for tanner
Devil self: get dunked on pennywise!!
Hi, been a while huh?
I. w a s. s u p p o s e. t o b e. i n. t h e r e >:(((( scaw u tnr xd
Jk this was hilarious lol good job Tanner fam :)
Please play more lbp3
I have a Ps4 name it's elijahtaylor021 and nice video 👍
I Carly