I have a secondary message. Administrator Kelly's Don Jackie tabor is a very cold, cruel, y uncaring nurse. I have an itemized list of 61.50 in stolen food produce alone. They still stubbornly refused to put a lock on the refrigerator y give access to only the CNAs. For security purposes. I wrote a list of my current concerns y gave them to nurse Gerda of Haiti who works the south wing. Her letter is in french. I am familiar with reading in 7 languages. I read that they want to put cameras in the nursing homes. I've had various amounts of experience with federal. I am the ex wife of a Vietnam veteran. They'd cshutt of the cameras y operate in the dark y then turn them on the cover their hidious actions. I again thank you for your time. Shabbat Shalom, Sherry keough leominster housing y rehabilitation m, leominster, Massachusetts.
Hello fellow students. Good luck in your program !
Everybody have Rights
Rights about what and how the word Rights in reality shows a lot doesn't it.
My moms rights were violated and nothing was done!
I have a secondary message. Administrator Kelly's Don Jackie tabor is a very cold, cruel, y uncaring nurse. I have an itemized list of 61.50 in stolen food produce alone. They still stubbornly refused to put a lock on the refrigerator y give access to only the CNAs. For security purposes. I wrote a list of my current concerns y gave them to nurse Gerda of Haiti who works the south wing. Her letter is in french. I am familiar with reading in 7 languages. I read that they want to put cameras in the nursing homes. I've had various amounts of experience with federal. I am the ex wife of a Vietnam veteran. They'd cshutt of the cameras y operate in the dark y then turn them on the cover their hidious actions. I again thank you for your time. Shabbat Shalom, Sherry keough leominster housing y rehabilitation m, leominster, Massachusetts.
They can bring this to you but getting it here proves its controled . 3 comments views won't do didly.