21:03 "This almost feels like, if this was at the end of the game, I would think, 'Nobody won'. That you won the game, you beat the game, but at what cost?" Yeah that's pretty spot on.
That one really hit me hard the first time. When all of the feelings you had through the whole game start sinking in again and you realise, that you will never get this exact feeling again (first FromSoft game I've played). Funny how extremly depressing game / universe can make you so happy in the long run.
0:10 "In the Age of Ancients the world was unformed, shrouded by fog. A land of great crags, Archtrees, and Everlasting Dragons. But then there was Fire, and with Fire came disparity: Heat and cold, life and death, and of course light and dark. Then from the Dark, They came, and found the souls of Lords within the Flame. Nito, the First of the Dead. The Witch of Izalith, and her daughters of Chaos. Gwyn, the Lord of Sunlight, and his faithful knights. And the Furtive Pigmy, so easily forgotten. With the strength of Lords they challenged the dragons. Gwyn's mighty bolts peeled apart their stone scales, the witches weaved great firestorms, Nito unleashed a miasma of death and disease, and Seathe the Scaleless betrayed his own, and the dragons were no more. Thus began the Age of Fire. But soon the flames would fade, and only Dark would remain. Even now there are only embers, and man sees not Light, but only endless nights; and amongst the living are seen carriers of the accursed Darksign."
@@Melotakuthe darksign brands the undead. And in this land, the undead are corralled and led to the North, where they are locked away to await the end of the world. This is your fate.
@@PlushAmongUs *body drops into cell.* Psst. I'm letting all the undead out of their cells to fulfill an ancient prophecy. There's a key on that corpse.
and is a peace to play with 2 persons, one is gwyn stuck in the same notes, and the other its you pushing the notes up like your progression in the game
@@battedbook5811 If you're wondering why, it's because there are 7 unique white keys, which can be used to play the natural minor scale (one of the most depressing scales). There are only 5 black keys, which can be used to play the pentatonic scale.
The Story of Sif: She was the Companion of Artorias of the Abyss and is guarding Artorias Grave and the Covenant of Artorias (A Ring). This Ring is required to get to a mandatory Bossfight in the Abyss and Sif does not want that another Soul gets taken by the Abyss like her former master and so she is guarding the one Item you need to traverse the Abyss. She does not want to fight the player but to protect him from the influence of the Abyss. The really sad part comes, when you play the DLC before fighting her (the DLC plays in the past). She then recognize the player and is even more determined to protect you but also to stop you in your tracks.
the firelink shrine is pretty much the safest you will ever feel in this game. yes, there are other bonfires, but theres practically danger all around you, making the song all the more better to "zone out"
You enter the final room of the game, expecting a final showdown with Gwyn, the Lord of Sunlight, who is basically Zeus, and you're confronted instead by Gwyn, Lord of Cinder, a sad, walking corpse, and his sad, sad piano music. And that's when you realize that your role is less that of a champion challenging god for supreamacy, and more a kind of a designated euthanasia specialist.
Or, if you're a really good Dark Souls player, Gwyn opens the battle by doing that huge lunge attack at you with a flaming greatsword.... that you can parry with a dagger and then plunge your sword into his chest which is comical, I've seen clips of how silly it looks.
The entire game you hear of Gwyn Lord of Sunlight and his faithful knights. The ones who led the current age to glory and is the creator of the current power structure, a Zeus like figure that was Chief amongst the Gods. You are to follow in his footsteps and Link the Fire and save the world. When you get there you don’t find a glorious Lord of Sunlight, you find a burnt out shell of a man who gave everything to keep his dying age alight. The only thing left is the ashes no longer the Lord of Sunlight, now only a Lord of Cinders. A man afraid of the Darkness that encroaches on his world, so afraid that he threw himself on the pyre so that the Flame would burn just a little bit longer. How fitting a theme for a man afraid of the dark, one that only uses white keys. The Nameless song is the end credits theme. Your character is the Chosen Undead, a worthless Undead who rose to the challenge and fulfilled a prophecy. Your Undead’s name will never be remembered but your deeds will. Every legendary figure has their own theme. You earn it in the end, but your name was never written in the annals of history. So your song will be a Nameless Song.
I basically cry like a little girl every time i fight Sif, the Great Grey Wolf because the story behind is tragic, it seems the music works wonders cuz I instantly sobbed; Why is this fight happening? Well, mechanically, it has to, you cannot progress story (unless you use skip glitches). Lore-wise, Sif is protecting her companion's grave, Sir Artorias of the Abyss. She is protecting the secret to traverse the Abyss which you need to conquer in order to obtain whatever was locked down there. The legend speaks of Knight Artorias conquering the Abyss himself. But, at some point in your quest, you are flung back in time, in Artorias' time, and discover that this legendary knight you've heard so much about actually fell to the corruption of the Abyss, one of his last actions being using his magic shield to place a protection aura on his companion (GreyWolf Sif). Without a shield he had to block attacks with his weapon and in that process he got his dominant hand (left) injured. When you have to face Artorias his left hand is limp and he fights you without a shield and wielding his sword with his right hand. (player retrospective: the fight was tough enough, just imagine if we has in good health and fighting at full potential). You also have the chance, if you are observant enough, to find Sif and save her from the Abyss, obtaining Artorias' shield and, later on, Sif's help in defeating the Father of the Abyss. Even if you were the one to actually conquer the Abyss, the ones that know you want to preserve Artorias' honour and legacy by keeping your existence a secret, thus, the legend becomes a mere fabrication. Back to present, situation forces you to go back to Artorias' grave to find out how he traversed the Abyss. Sif is there to protect his grave, lunges on you, sniffs you out AND RECOGNISES YOU, she doesn't want to fight you because you saved her, but she cannot lose you to the Abyss like she lost Artorias. Thus she has to stop you from doing this madness, even if this means defeating you. Fight comences, your skill is put to the test, and you succeed. Before the final blow is struck, injured Sif is limping and her attack become slower and sluggish, showing again her devotion to her beloved partner, Knight Artorias, and maybe to you too, making you understand that conquering the Abyss comes with a great cost. Or at least, this is how I chose to interpret the story.
The Nameless Song represents the end of the beginning, in a way. Linking the first flame, becoming the second lord of cinder. But you have no name. You, a nameless undead. You will not be remembered. Your song has no name, your deeds shall not be met with song. But here you are anyways. Burning for others. Your journey is over. And you can rest.
The Firelink Shrine OST always reminds me of calm moments but also depression, peace during a nightmare, as if I was feeling the warmth of the fire after failing over and over.
Smough is usually pronounced as smow. Like snow but with an m. Before becoming hollow Gwyn was the lord of sunlight, and the name Gwyn mean white/fair in welsh. Gwyn’s theme uses only the white keys on the piano as he feared the dark more than anything else. The dark in this case isn’t literal darkness but a primordial power that is said to end the age of fire that Gwyn helped start. Giving rise to the hollows and undead. This started the linking of the fire in order the keep the world going. Also at some point you should react to warframe music, it’s really good. For you could consideration: This is What You Are, Sleeping in the cold below, We All Lift Together, For Narmer.
now we need dark souls 3. my personal favorites are twin princes, slave knight gael, darkeater midir, pontiff sulyvahn and soul of cinder, they are some of the best tracks fromsoft has made.
Dark souls is a game that i didnt play for the first couple years it was out, but i had a few school friends that kept pushing me to try it, and when i did i played a few hours, got stuck, and quit. On my 3rd attempt to play something clicked, and i just could not put it down and it honestly changed my life. The fight with Sif makes me sad and tear up every time
I had a similar experience. 1st time I went directly to the catacombs. I had no idea there was a stairway along the cliff side that takes you to the Undead Parish. Obviously that didn’t end well. 😅 2nd time I got stuck fighting Artorias. 3rd time I played, I got the platinum trophy. 😁
One thing about Dark Souls 1 is that there's only BGM in 2 areas and during boss fights, the rest of the world (which is where you spend the vast majority of your time) is completely devoid of music, which I think really makes it special when you actually get to hear one of these amazing tracks.
Fun fact, the Ornstein and Smough fight lines up almost perfectly with the main theme from Space Jam and they've been mashed together on more than one occasion.
All theses songs from the souls series are all beautiful. Especially the credit songs at the end I 100% recommend listening to all the credit songs for each game!
8:00 The fight is happening because the player needs an item from this grave that belongs to the wolf's former master, and the wolf is protecting the only item left from his master. Neither want it because the player met and rescued the wolf when it was a puppy by way of time-travel shenanigans, and the wolf clearly recognizes the player.
To open the way to the Kiln of the First Flame where you fight Gwyn, Lord of Cinder (the final boss), you need to collect the souls of great champions (Lord Souls). You retrieve one from Seath the Scaleless (giant scaleless dragon), one from Gravelord Nito (basically a sentient mound of corpses), one from the Bed of Chaos (an insect warped by demonic powers), and one from the Four Kings (who live in the Abyss). The Abyss cannot be crossed (and the Four Kings can't be challenged) by mortals seeking the first flame, except for Artorias the Abysswalker, who was Sif's companion long ago, and whose grave you fight Sif at. You are looking for the ring he used to resist the influence of the Abyss himself, and Sif only wishes to spare you the fate of all those who journey there. Also, yes, the Ornstein and Smough fight was one of the hardest in the first Dark Souls game, PTSD all the way. They broke so many people's spirits.
Gosh I love DS1's ost so much. It is just so unique and raw sounding; scary and eeerie at times, beautiful, calming, epic, mystical, and even silly at other times. Sometimes rotating through multiple of these in a single track 😅 It's great to see others react to and enjoy it :) glad I had this channel recommended!
Sif guards her old master, Artorias' grave, and an item needed to traverse the abyss without immediately dying to it as he once did, before the dlc there isn't much connection, but in the dlc you go back in time, fight her old master who has become consumed and changed by the abyss, you find her as a puppy hiding under his shield which wards off the abyss, his last act before fully succumbing, you ultimately save her for good and take on the father of the abyss with her at your side. If you do the dlc before fighting Sif, the cutscene changes, she recognizes you from the time long since passed, but the goal remains, you need that ring to traverse the abyss, and Sif will be damned if she lets another friend be consumed by it and takes up her sword to fight you, knowing you are hollow and that killing you is only temporary, but death to her is permanent, she is willing to fight you till the end of time if need be to both prevent you from going to the abyss and essentially robbing her masters grave. You don't want to fight her, and she doesn't want to fight you, but without that item success in linking the flame is impossible. Devs really wanted to hit you with a big fuck you in that fight too making her limp and stumble at low health, barely able to swing the sword, sometimes swinging it so hard it rolls her over. (she holds the hilt of the sword in her mouth just to give a proper image as she does not have thumbs)
"Phenomenal and Terrifying" perfect choice of words, especially for the first time playing this. 11:33 Ornstein and Smough (I think most people pronounce it "Smow") are the duo of warriors that guard Gwynevere, the princess of sunlight. They also serve as the gatekeepers for the halfway point of the entire story. Ornstein is the leader of Lord Gwyn's top four knights. He darts around the arena and lunges at you with a lightning imbued spear used to slay ancient dragons. Smough is a literal mountain of a man, lumbering around with a great hammer big enough to crush semi-trucks, and he's an executioner that would cannibalize his victims. What's more, when you beat one of them, the other gains a power boost from them.
While it's technically true that neither Great Grey Wolf Sif nor the player desire to fight, it's somewhat misleading. Sif guards the grave of her long dead master, a hero known as Artorias the Abysswalker. She doesn't *want* to fight you... but she's also far too devoted to her master to allow you to desecrate Artorias' grave.
I really like Dark Souls OST. It's amazing how fitting and how descriptive it is. I'm a bit sad that the Artorias' theme wasn't included. In a way, it adds to the answer to your question why the fight with Great Grey Wolf Sif is happening if nobody wants it to happen. The player needs to fight Sif, and she's just trying to protect the player from repeating the fate of Artorias. And his theme pictures very VERY well what kind of fate that is. It could be interesting to listen both themes back to back.
Sif was the companion of a legendary warrior, Artorias. Artorias had made a pact with a powerful entity to allow him to traverse the Abyss, an all consuming corruption that threatened much of the world of Dark Souls in ages past. In Artorias attempt to quell the Abyss, he failed and was consumed. Sif survived, and watched over his grave, guarding the ring that allowed Artorias to abysswalk in hopes no one else would succumb to the fate that befell her master. Neither Sif nor the player really want to fight, as Sif likely knows why you seek the ring of Artorias and simply wants to prevent more pain and destruction. The player (likely) doesn't want to destroy a noble and loyal creature as Sif, but needs the ring to finish what Artorias began.
Ornstein and Smough: One tall skinny guy with a huge spear that charges back and forth the battlefield. The other guy is this HUGE _rotund_ guy with a hammer bigger than your body. You fight this pair (yes, both simultaneously!) in a huge cathedral room with pillars... pillars that the two of them smash trying to hit you, so each pillar only really works once to stop their attacks. Getting hit with the hammer can throw you like 20 feet backwards, esp the uppercut swing which also throws you up about 5-10 feet like a ragdoll. Then, if you can kill one of them? The remaining guy absorbs the essence of the other to become empowered by lightning and take one of the fallen's attacks to use for his own.
Sif is always a gut punch, if the music ain't bad enough, Sif is legitimately a majestic creature who means no harm, but since you need to rob her masters grave, the confrontation is unavoidable. ADD THE DLC INTRO AND OOF, even bigger gut punch.
I love the sif fight so much, basically the hero artorias was a predasessor to the player who went to atry and save the world, but was fallen. In order to advance the player must harness a possession of artorias, but his grave is eternally tended by his companion sif, who wants only to watch over artorias' rest forever. Both have pure and good motivation but must fight over the soul of a fallen hero.
Love the Capra/ Centipede demon song song. Its so loud and imposing. Also, to me, the vocals sound like someone is dragging out the word "fuck" 😅 fuuuuuuuu-uuuuuu-uuu-uuuck
We all have PTSD from that like the O&S theme. Why did they put 3 aggressive enemies in a confined arena and decided this was "fine to be an earlygame boss. "
@@PlushAmongUs True, both the small arena with aggressive enemy and the imposing soundtrack really makes the Capra demon fight overwhelming after many times playing the game
Lore time Sif: A wolf who once served as the companion of the legendary Artorias, the Abyss Walker. With her master long dead, she now guards his grave using his greatsword. Alas, she is eventually met by the last person alive she would want to fight, even if her foe doesn't know it. Ornstein and Smough: The great defenders of Anor Londo. Ornstein is a massive, hulking cannibal wielding a massive hammer. Ornstein is the leader of the group of four knights that Artorias was once a member of, who also seemingly served a god whose name has been scrubbed from history itself. Gwyn, Lord of Cinder: Once known as the Lord of Sunlight. Discoverer of the First Flame, and harbinger of the Age of Fire. Wielding lightning miracles, he led his Silver Knights, alongside Nito the First of the Dead, the Witch of Izalith, and Seath the Scaleless, in the war against the Archdragons. When the Flame began to fade, he would stop at nothing to prevent this, even using himself as kindling. Some might say he gave everything to keep what he fought so hard to gain. Most would likely tell you he was just an old man afraid of the dark.
Another soundtrack worthy of a reaction down! Love your videos, Emily. Here are my suggestions in order of importance: Hades II: Coral Crown, Eternal Longing, Sightless Shepherd, Into Tarturus, The Titan of Time God of War Ragnarok: God of war Ragnarok, Blood Upon the Snow, Reab's Lament P.S: Please do a reaction series to The Owl House. You will LOVE it
I'm sure others have answered some of your questions already but I figured I would as well. My profile picture is from Dark Souls after all. - The reason that you have to fight Sif (the wolf) is because you need to acquire the covenant of Artorias, a ring that allows you to travel into a place called the Abyss and defeat the four kings of New Londo (fun fact, there are actually five kings that can spawn in the fight and I do not know why) to place their souls in the lord vessels. Anyway, Sif was Artorias' companion and has sworn to guard his grave, which you need to rob to get the ring. This is made extra emotional by the fact that in the DLC you travel back in time and rescue Sif from some Abyss creatures. - Smough is likely pronounced like dough. While there is debate around this, the in Japanese his name comes from Sumo (like the wrestlers) so I think it would make sense to keep that ending sound. - That is the fight theme for Lord Gwyn, who is the final boss of the game. The fight itself is quite easy when compared to other bosses. It is more sad than anything else.
When you just play trough Dark Souls, get into it... Then finish the first game... Nameless Song just hits you in the guts. Wise people of this community said: ''You can parry a attack, but you can't parry the feels.''
21:53 More than difficult I would say it is a demanding game. In most games once you know the basic mechanics you can often play almost mindlessly, because in many ways the game holds your hand throughout the whole thing. They give you the mechanics, the tactics you can use and the story on a silver plate. Dark Souls on the other hand gives you almost nothing. You have to figure out some of the most important mechanics on your own, by experimentation. You have to find and then figure out most of the story, which is scattered and hidden throughout the game (if you are interested in knowing the story, it is not necessary to win the game). And you have to figure out how to adapt to different enemies and different areas by trial and error (basically by failing and dying, which is why people say it's hard). The game demands that the player actually pays attention to what he/she is doing at all times, because the moment you get distracted, or you start getting a little too confident, the game punishes you for not paying attention and not taking it seriously (it also rewards you for paying attention, exploring and getting creative). That is one of the aspects that make it so great, imo, because when you finally beat a hard area or a hard boss it is one of the best feelings you can get from a game. It feels like a real achievement because you had to earn it. (not to mention the genius level design, gorgeous music, great story and lore, plenty of amazing boss fights, etc)
Hi Emily! I can’t wait for your Dark souls 3 video. You should listen to the following OSTs as they are the most beautiful in my opinion. These are like.. MUSTS when doing Dark souls 3. You can do 2 parts or just a one hour long video of you just listening to Dark souls 3. 1- the main theme 2- Vordt of the boreal valley (for the memes) 3- Firelink shrine 4- Abyss watchers 5- Twin princes 6- Soul of Cinder 7- Dark-eater Midir 8- Sister Friede 9- Slave Knight Gael
Prologue - The Origin of Flame, The Rise of the Lords, The War Against the Dragons, and The Coming of the Chosen Undead Firelink Shrine - Everything else is varying degrees of awful, but here is Peace. Here is Home. Ornstein and Smough - Exactly what it sounds like. Gwyn, Lord of Cinder - You already read this one. Nameless Song - Your struggle is ended.
I will look forward to Dark Souls 2 & 3. Say, has she already done Shadow of the Colossus yet or now? …i feel like I have already asked that and gotten an answer, …have I?
Dark Souls is such an incredibly special game. The sequels are certainly special in their own ways, but the first one will forever have a certain magic that can't be explained unless you've played it. The soundtrack certainly gives you a glimpse at that magic, at least.
Firelink Shrine has a haunting feel to it for me because it's almost like the song is a false comfort. Firelink Shrine is a safe place, but it's also where many characters sit and avoid moving on. Those that leave the Shrine often go hollow, but staying is to give up. One character even encourages you to stay there and simply wait to go hollow yourself. Firelink Shrine is a hub of sorts, a pathway to many areas, but it's also a place that, each time you return to it, tempts you to stop for a while. You've reached a good stopping point, time to turn the game off, and maybe you won't pick the game up again, but that's okay. Just give up, it's not that bad. It's peaceful, it's safe, you can simply give up here. No need to face the horrors that surely lie ahead. The music reflects this feeling that Firelink Shrine is asking, begging you to give up and simply wait there forever. Given one of the main themes of the game is persevering at all times and never giving up, no matter how hard it gets, Firelink Shrine is a deceptive peace and calm and I love that.
“You won the game you beat the game, but at what cost?” I’ll tell you the cost, the cost is a prolongation of this pointless struggle. Scenario a) you reduce Gwin to a pile of cinder, you link the first flame and, like Gwin you sacrifice your body to the first flame to prolong the light using yourself as kindling until the fire begins to fade and another branded “chosen” undead shows up and replaces you and you just become one with Gwin’s pile of cinder. Scenario b) you walk away and an age of darkness begins, but it is short lived because the flame calls the undead with it’s brand and another “chosen” undead links the flame again. This two scenarios repeating themselves until the end of the world. The only hope is that someone in the far future will create a dark, cold, and very gentle place
sorry if it's a repeat comment that somebody else has said but Gwyn's theme, the pure piano one, is apparently all white notes (don't know the proper name sorry) to reflect the fact that he's the only thing keeping the light around. the world is dying and at risk of being plunged into darkness and he's using himself as fuel and or kindling for the first flame to prevent it from happen.
Before going to the sequels, can you also do Demon's Souls original and remake? I'd love to see your reaction and opinion on their OSTs. Perchance King's Field as well?
Pleaaase react to the blasphemous 2 ost, it is the most underrated soundtrack ever. It is so good. Here are some good ones : corona de siete azahares, clavada, del santo nombre, father of the penitents
If you thought the Dark Souls prologue was beautiful, you really need to listen to Demon’s Souls music! Especially The Beginnings and the two credits themes (Return to Slumber, and One who Craves Souls).
The Gwyn theme is so iconic, that someone only needs to say "plin, plin, plon" for every dark souls fan to burst into tears. Keep an ear out for that sequence of notes in dark souls 3!
A really nice game soundtrack to react to would be Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. Specifically look up the unreleased soundtrack, that's where the best stuff is
Fans of DS2 music? That'll be a tough one. The only good tracks on that OST are the ones they ripped straight from DS1. Whole thing sounds compressed to shit, just the sound of a thousand blaring horns from a mile away through an abandoned train tunnel. Murky, indistinct, samey, bland. A massive downgrade from the first game, like most of that game is. Not the devs fault necessarily, studio wanted a new Souls game, the main devs were making Bloodborne and the B team pushed out a way bigger game in way less time. Can't fault them for the boss tracks being less iconic when they had to make music for 80 boring boss fights.
@@jacobwhelan45 Nobody said you couldn't, lots of people like lots of bad things! I'm just explaining why you're not gonna get a whole lot of "you really gotta check out the ds2 soundtrack" comments in these videos. It's not nearly as popular, and for good reason.
Great grey wolf sif. When i kill sif for the first time "Im sorry dogo, I'm sorry 😢" me when im playing DS1 for the 92849148th: "TIME TO DIE LITTLE DOGO HEHE"
21:03 "This almost feels like, if this was at the end of the game, I would think, 'Nobody won'. That you won the game, you beat the game, but at what cost?"
Yeah that's pretty spot on.
Yeah, she really nailed it
Welcome to Dark Souls.
Basically every Dark Souls game: "Wait, are we the baddies?"
planescape torment fan spotted
That one really hit me hard the first time. When all of the feelings you had through the whole game start sinking in again and you realise, that you will never get this exact feeling again (first FromSoft game I've played). Funny how extremly depressing game / universe can make you so happy in the long run.
0:10 "In the Age of Ancients the world was unformed, shrouded by fog. A land of great crags, Archtrees, and Everlasting Dragons. But then there was Fire, and with Fire came disparity: Heat and cold, life and death, and of course light and dark. Then from the Dark, They came, and found the souls of Lords within the Flame. Nito, the First of the Dead. The Witch of Izalith, and her daughters of Chaos. Gwyn, the Lord of Sunlight, and his faithful knights. And the Furtive Pigmy, so easily forgotten. With the strength of Lords they challenged the dragons. Gwyn's mighty bolts peeled apart their stone scales, the witches weaved great firestorms, Nito unleashed a miasma of death and disease, and Seathe the Scaleless betrayed his own, and the dragons were no more. Thus began the Age of Fire. But soon the flames would fade, and only Dark would remain. Even now there are only embers, and man sees not Light, but only endless nights; and amongst the living are seen carriers of the accursed Darksign."
Yes indeed
@@Melotakuthe darksign brands the undead. And in this land, the undead are corralled and led to the North, where they are locked away to await the end of the world. This is your fate.
@@PlushAmongUs *body drops into cell.*
Psst. I'm letting all the undead out of their cells to fulfill an ancient prophecy. There's a key on that corpse.
@@feeblecursedone2540 *player's talk about the game, walk around, read the notes on the ground says; beautiful view*
Fun fact for you
Gwyn's theme consists of only white notes because of his battle and fear of the dark.
and his name is white" or/and "blessed" in Welsh
Interesting that no one has made a version only using black keys. At least i wasn't able to find one.
and is a peace to play with 2 persons, one is gwyn stuck in the same notes, and the other its you pushing the notes up like your progression in the game
@@battedbook5811 If you're wondering why, it's because there are 7 unique white keys, which can be used to play the natural minor scale (one of the most depressing scales). There are only 5 black keys, which can be used to play the pentatonic scale.
The Story of Sif: She was the Companion of Artorias of the Abyss and is guarding Artorias Grave and the Covenant of Artorias (A Ring). This Ring is required to get to a mandatory Bossfight in the Abyss and Sif does not want that another Soul gets taken by the Abyss like her former master and so she is guarding the one Item you need to traverse the Abyss. She does not want to fight the player but to protect him from the influence of the Abyss. The really sad part comes, when you play the DLC before fighting her (the DLC plays in the past). She then recognize the player and is even more determined to protect you but also to stop you in your tracks.
@@sealytheseal8417 You are totally right, thanks for the info🙂
Never knew the dog was a girl. Mindblowing
@@erxan4163 The name "Sif" didn't give it away to you?
Little fun fact for Nameless Song: It's sung by Emi Evans, the same singer who sang most of the vocal tracks for the NieR series!
Sif is actually a duo boss, you versus the wolf and your tears
LMAO this is too real 😭
Same with Gwyn.
Gwyns theme is actually played without any of the dark keys on the piano, as he in lore is horrifically scared of the dark.
the firelink shrine is pretty much the safest you will ever feel in this game. yes, there are other bonfires, but theres practically danger all around you, making the song all the more better to "zone out"
“Nobody won.” This is stunningly accurate.
Can't wait for you to experience Dark Souls 3. Your mind will be blown
Ds3 menu music😩😩😩
* insert Abyss Watchers bells *
Vordt of the Boreal Valley ost goes hard
Darkeater Midir and Twin Princes be like 😩😩😩
PLEASE! That music is mythic!
Plin plin plon is timeless
"that thing... your plin plin plong... give it to me" an old guy probably
You can master blocking, you can master parrying, you can master dodging, but none of them could help against the *_Plin Plin Plon._*
You enter the final room of the game, expecting a final showdown with Gwyn, the Lord of Sunlight, who is basically Zeus, and you're confronted instead by Gwyn, Lord of Cinder, a sad, walking corpse, and his sad, sad piano music. And that's when you realize that your role is less that of a champion challenging god for supreamacy, and more a kind of a designated euthanasia specialist.
And even millennia later his soul is there trying to keep his age of fire goin and to stop your way
Or, if you're a really good Dark Souls player, Gwyn opens the battle by doing that huge lunge attack at you with a flaming greatsword.... that you can parry with a dagger and then plunge your sword into his chest which is comical, I've seen clips of how silly it looks.
Keep Gwyn’s theme in your head for DS3
The entire game you hear of Gwyn Lord of Sunlight and his faithful knights. The ones who led the current age to glory and is the creator of the current power structure, a Zeus like figure that was Chief amongst the Gods. You are to follow in his footsteps and Link the Fire and save the world. When you get there you don’t find a glorious Lord of Sunlight, you find a burnt out shell of a man who gave everything to keep his dying age alight. The only thing left is the ashes no longer the Lord of Sunlight, now only a Lord of Cinders. A man afraid of the Darkness that encroaches on his world, so afraid that he threw himself on the pyre so that the Flame would burn just a little bit longer. How fitting a theme for a man afraid of the dark, one that only uses white keys.
The Nameless song is the end credits theme. Your character is the Chosen Undead, a worthless Undead who rose to the challenge and fulfilled a prophecy. Your Undead’s name will never be remembered but your deeds will. Every legendary figure has their own theme. You earn it in the end, but your name was never written in the annals of history. So your song will be a Nameless Song.
I basically cry like a little girl every time i fight Sif, the Great Grey Wolf because the story behind is tragic, it seems the music works wonders cuz I instantly sobbed;
Why is this fight happening? Well, mechanically, it has to, you cannot progress story (unless you use skip glitches).
Lore-wise, Sif is protecting her companion's grave, Sir Artorias of the Abyss. She is protecting the secret to traverse the Abyss which you need to conquer in order to obtain whatever was locked down there. The legend speaks of Knight Artorias conquering the Abyss himself.
But, at some point in your quest, you are flung back in time, in Artorias' time, and discover that this legendary knight you've heard so much about actually fell to the corruption of the Abyss, one of his last actions being using his magic shield to place a protection aura on his companion (GreyWolf Sif). Without a shield he had to block attacks with his weapon and in that process he got his dominant hand (left) injured. When you have to face Artorias his left hand is limp and he fights you without a shield and wielding his sword with his right hand. (player retrospective: the fight was tough enough, just imagine if we has in good health and fighting at full potential). You also have the chance, if you are observant enough, to find Sif and save her from the Abyss, obtaining Artorias' shield and, later on, Sif's help in defeating the Father of the Abyss. Even if you were the one to actually conquer the Abyss, the ones that know you want to preserve Artorias' honour and legacy by keeping your existence a secret, thus, the legend becomes a mere fabrication.
Back to present, situation forces you to go back to Artorias' grave to find out how he traversed the Abyss. Sif is there to protect his grave, lunges on you, sniffs you out AND RECOGNISES YOU, she doesn't want to fight you because you saved her, but she cannot lose you to the Abyss like she lost Artorias. Thus she has to stop you from doing this madness, even if this means defeating you. Fight comences, your skill is put to the test, and you succeed. Before the final blow is struck, injured Sif is limping and her attack become slower and sluggish, showing again her devotion to her beloved partner, Knight Artorias, and maybe to you too, making you understand that conquering the Abyss comes with a great cost.
Or at least, this is how I chose to interpret the story.
The Nameless Song represents the end of the beginning, in a way. Linking the first flame, becoming the second lord of cinder. But you have no name. You, a nameless undead. You will not be remembered. Your song has no name, your deeds shall not be met with song. But here you are anyways. Burning for others. Your journey is over. And you can rest.
That timpani in the Ornstein and Smough track is absolute fire. Makes it one of a few tracks I actually enjoy listening to through the loop.
The Firelink Shrine OST always reminds me of calm moments but also depression, peace during a nightmare, as if I was feeling the warmth of the fire after failing over and over.
Smough is usually pronounced as smow. Like snow but with an m. Before becoming hollow Gwyn was the lord of sunlight, and the name Gwyn mean white/fair in welsh. Gwyn’s theme uses only the white keys on the piano as he feared the dark more than anything else. The dark in this case isn’t literal darkness but a primordial power that is said to end the age of fire that Gwyn helped start. Giving rise to the hollows and undead. This started the linking of the fire in order the keep the world going. Also at some point you should react to warframe music, it’s really good. For you could consideration: This is What You Are, Sleeping in the cold below, We All Lift Together, For Narmer.
Or you could be cursed and pronounce it Smoff lol
@@jacobwhelan45 true!
I just thought of it as buzz lightyear said s’mores. You’ll be sitting around a campfire cooking delicious hot shmoes😂
@@Sethbandy you could also say smao lol
ArcVtuber the insect glave main 😮🎉😊
now we need dark souls 3. my personal favorites are twin princes, slave knight gael, darkeater midir, pontiff sulyvahn and soul of cinder, they are some of the best tracks fromsoft has made.
Midir's Theme being a Waltz that shifts it's timing so often is just a Masterclass in Theming.
Dark souls is a game that i didnt play for the first couple years it was out, but i had a few school friends that kept pushing me to try it, and when i did i played a few hours, got stuck, and quit. On my 3rd attempt to play something clicked, and i just could not put it down and it honestly changed my life. The fight with Sif makes me sad and tear up every time
I had a similar experience. 1st time I went directly to the catacombs. I had no idea there was a stairway along the cliff side that takes you to the Undead Parish. Obviously that didn’t end well. 😅
2nd time I got stuck fighting Artorias.
3rd time I played, I got the platinum trophy.
Starts listening to Gwyn theme and begins to cry immensely
Gwyn, Lord of Cinder is actually a duet. Cool that you caught that.
This entire OST is a masterclass in how to implement atmosphere into a soundtrack
One thing about Dark Souls 1 is that there's only BGM in 2 areas and during boss fights, the rest of the world (which is where you spend the vast majority of your time) is completely devoid of music, which I think really makes it special when you actually get to hear one of these amazing tracks.
Fun fact, the Ornstein and Smough fight lines up almost perfectly with the main theme from Space Jam and they've been mashed together on more than one occasion.
"I'm sorry it's just a cold I'm so sick"
*Actively following in front of us*
Love that Nameless Song was included, realllly hoping Epilogue from DS3 gets suggested
All theses songs from the souls series are all beautiful. Especially the credit songs at the end I 100% recommend listening to all the credit songs for each game!
All the souls games have such good music, its honestly amazing.
Nameless Song always gets me. it's the perfect ending music to truly make you reflect on the journey.
Gwyn, Lord of Cinder, is a song for 2 pianos or 2 persons and piano 1 fights whit piano 2 it's so beautiful
It also needs a special piano that has an extra octave on the low end (you can hear those extra low notes in the background)
Wait until you hear Dark Souls 3 menu music. Absolute banger. Honestly, not just the menu, all of em are banger
8:00 The fight is happening because the player needs an item from this grave that belongs to the wolf's former master, and the wolf is protecting the only item left from his master. Neither want it because the player met and rescued the wolf when it was a puppy by way of time-travel shenanigans, and the wolf clearly recognizes the player.
To open the way to the Kiln of the First Flame where you fight Gwyn, Lord of Cinder (the final boss), you need to collect the souls of great champions (Lord Souls). You retrieve one from Seath the Scaleless (giant scaleless dragon), one from Gravelord Nito (basically a sentient mound of corpses), one from the Bed of Chaos (an insect warped by demonic powers), and one from the Four Kings (who live in the Abyss). The Abyss cannot be crossed (and the Four Kings can't be challenged) by mortals seeking the first flame, except for Artorias the Abysswalker, who was Sif's companion long ago, and whose grave you fight Sif at. You are looking for the ring he used to resist the influence of the Abyss himself, and Sif only wishes to spare you the fate of all those who journey there.
Also, yes, the Ornstein and Smough fight was one of the hardest in the first Dark Souls game, PTSD all the way. They broke so many people's spirits.
You're so right about the Nameless Song theme of " Nobody won"
Gosh I love DS1's ost so much. It is just so unique and raw sounding; scary and eeerie at times, beautiful, calming, epic, mystical, and even silly at other times. Sometimes rotating through multiple of these in a single track 😅 It's great to see others react to and enjoy it :) glad I had this channel recommended!
Some of the best music in Dark Souls was composed by Motoi Sakuraba, I love the ambiance he created for the first game.
You really should watch the prologue with context: the dark souls 1 cinematic intro, its just so good!
The chosen undead bound by fate to walk the abyss, and Great Gray Wolf Sif duty bound to protect the abyss walker's grave.
Sif guards her old master, Artorias' grave, and an item needed to traverse the abyss without immediately dying to it as he once did, before the dlc there isn't much connection, but in the dlc you go back in time, fight her old master who has become consumed and changed by the abyss, you find her as a puppy hiding under his shield which wards off the abyss, his last act before fully succumbing, you ultimately save her for good and take on the father of the abyss with her at your side. If you do the dlc before fighting Sif, the cutscene changes, she recognizes you from the time long since passed, but the goal remains, you need that ring to traverse the abyss, and Sif will be damned if she lets another friend be consumed by it and takes up her sword to fight you, knowing you are hollow and that killing you is only temporary, but death to her is permanent, she is willing to fight you till the end of time if need be to both prevent you from going to the abyss and essentially robbing her masters grave. You don't want to fight her, and she doesn't want to fight you, but without that item success in linking the flame is impossible. Devs really wanted to hit you with a big fuck you in that fight too making her limp and stumble at low health, barely able to swing the sword, sometimes swinging it so hard it rolls her over. (she holds the hilt of the sword in her mouth just to give a proper image as she does not have thumbs)
The Prologue works much better when viewed with the intro cinematic and the voice over. It's a story introduction.
"Phenomenal and Terrifying" perfect choice of words, especially for the first time playing this.
11:33 Ornstein and Smough (I think most people pronounce it "Smow") are the duo of warriors that guard Gwynevere, the princess of sunlight. They also serve as the gatekeepers for the halfway point of the entire story. Ornstein is the leader of Lord Gwyn's top four knights. He darts around the arena and lunges at you with a lightning imbued spear used to slay ancient dragons. Smough is a literal mountain of a man, lumbering around with a great hammer big enough to crush semi-trucks, and he's an executioner that would cannibalize his victims. What's more, when you beat one of them, the other gains a power boost from them.
That Ornstein and Smough jumpscare brought back some memories. And not good ones. Hours upon hours of their perfect teamwork
The way the nameless song hits! Every single time god damn it!
While it's technically true that neither Great Grey Wolf Sif nor the player desire to fight, it's somewhat misleading.
Sif guards the grave of her long dead master, a hero known as Artorias the Abysswalker. She doesn't *want* to fight you... but she's also far too devoted to her master to allow you to desecrate Artorias' grave.
I really like Dark Souls OST. It's amazing how fitting and how descriptive it is. I'm a bit sad that the Artorias' theme wasn't included. In a way, it adds to the answer to your question why the fight with Great Grey Wolf Sif is happening if nobody wants it to happen. The player needs to fight Sif, and she's just trying to protect the player from repeating the fate of Artorias. And his theme pictures very VERY well what kind of fate that is. It could be interesting to listen both themes back to back.
"Yes, indeed."
'twas Dark Souls that woke me from my eternal slumber.
Dark Souls gave me hope - in art, in games, in music, in humanity and in myself.
Sif was the companion of a legendary warrior, Artorias. Artorias had made a pact with a powerful entity to allow him to traverse the Abyss, an all consuming corruption that threatened much of the world of Dark Souls in ages past. In Artorias attempt to quell the Abyss, he failed and was consumed. Sif survived, and watched over his grave, guarding the ring that allowed Artorias to abysswalk in hopes no one else would succumb to the fate that befell her master.
Neither Sif nor the player really want to fight, as Sif likely knows why you seek the ring of Artorias and simply wants to prevent more pain and destruction. The player (likely) doesn't want to destroy a noble and loyal creature as Sif, but needs the ring to finish what Artorias began.
Ornstein and Smough: One tall skinny guy with a huge spear that charges back and forth the battlefield. The other guy is this HUGE _rotund_ guy with a hammer bigger than your body. You fight this pair (yes, both simultaneously!) in a huge cathedral room with pillars... pillars that the two of them smash trying to hit you, so each pillar only really works once to stop their attacks. Getting hit with the hammer can throw you like 20 feet backwards, esp the uppercut swing which also throws you up about 5-10 feet like a ragdoll. Then, if you can kill one of them? The remaining guy absorbs the essence of the other to become empowered by lightning and take one of the fallen's attacks to use for his own.
Sif is always a gut punch, if the music ain't bad enough, Sif is legitimately a majestic creature who means no harm, but since you need to rob her masters grave, the confrontation is unavoidable.
ADD THE DLC INTRO AND OOF, even bigger gut punch.
22:01 because it's a work of art.
"Is this a fight theme?"
Not really a fight. It's an execution, in every way that matters
I love the sif fight so much, basically the hero artorias was a predasessor to the player who went to atry and save the world, but was fallen. In order to advance the player must harness a possession of artorias, but his grave is eternally tended by his companion sif, who wants only to watch over artorias' rest forever. Both have pure and good motivation but must fight over the soul of a fallen hero.
The Capra demon track is really underrated imho, that is so beautiful too 😄
Love the Capra/ Centipede demon song song. Its so loud and imposing. Also, to me, the vocals sound like someone is dragging out the word "fuck" 😅 fuuuuuuuu-uuuuuu-uuu-uuuck
We all have PTSD from that like the O&S theme. Why did they put 3 aggressive enemies in a confined arena and decided this was "fine to be an earlygame boss. "
@@PlushAmongUs True, both the small arena with aggressive enemy and the imposing soundtrack really makes the Capra demon fight overwhelming after many times playing the game
They made Sif limp when health bar gets low. Miyazaki wanted to hurt us
Lore time
Sif: A wolf who once served as the companion of the legendary Artorias, the Abyss Walker. With her master long dead, she now guards his grave using his greatsword. Alas, she is eventually met by the last person alive she would want to fight, even if her foe doesn't know it.
Ornstein and Smough: The great defenders of Anor Londo. Ornstein is a massive, hulking cannibal wielding a massive hammer. Ornstein is the leader of the group of four knights that Artorias was once a member of, who also seemingly served a god whose name has been scrubbed from history itself.
Gwyn, Lord of Cinder: Once known as the Lord of Sunlight. Discoverer of the First Flame, and harbinger of the Age of Fire. Wielding lightning miracles, he led his Silver Knights, alongside Nito the First of the Dead, the Witch of Izalith, and Seath the Scaleless, in the war against the Archdragons. When the Flame began to fade, he would stop at nothing to prevent this, even using himself as kindling. Some might say he gave everything to keep what he fought so hard to gain. Most would likely tell you he was just an old man afraid of the dark.
Another soundtrack worthy of a reaction down! Love your videos, Emily. Here are my suggestions in order of importance:
Hades II: Coral Crown, Eternal Longing, Sightless Shepherd, Into Tarturus, The Titan of Time
God of War Ragnarok: God of war Ragnarok, Blood Upon the Snow, Reab's Lament
P.S: Please do a reaction series to The Owl House. You will LOVE it
I'm sure others have answered some of your questions already but I figured I would as well. My profile picture is from Dark Souls after all.
- The reason that you have to fight Sif (the wolf) is because you need to acquire the covenant of Artorias, a ring that allows you to travel into a place called the Abyss and defeat the four kings of New Londo (fun fact, there are actually five kings that can spawn in the fight and I do not know why) to place their souls in the lord vessels. Anyway, Sif was Artorias' companion and has sworn to guard his grave, which you need to rob to get the ring. This is made extra emotional by the fact that in the DLC you travel back in time and rescue Sif from some Abyss creatures.
- Smough is likely pronounced like dough. While there is debate around this, the in Japanese his name comes from Sumo (like the wrestlers) so I think it would make sense to keep that ending sound.
- That is the fight theme for Lord Gwyn, who is the final boss of the game. The fight itself is quite easy when compared to other bosses. It is more sad than anything else.
This game is terrifying and the most beautiful thing at the same time.
When you just play trough Dark Souls, get into it... Then finish the first game... Nameless Song just hits you in the guts. Wise people of this community said: ''You can parry a attack, but you can't parry the feels.''
Aw man it didn't include my favorite souls song, the character creator song from Dark Souls, it's genuinely perfect
You'll lose your mind with DS3
Great Grey Wolf Sir sounds like something out of Full Metal Alchemist, it’s wonderful
Firelink Shrine deserves to be on the Mt. Rushmore of all soulsborne tracks
I’d love for you to experience Risk of Rain 2’s OST.
It’s absolutely astounding with a huge variety of vibes.
As always though, amazing vid!
21:53 More than difficult I would say it is a demanding game. In most games once you know the basic mechanics you can often play almost mindlessly, because in many ways the game holds your hand throughout the whole thing. They give you the mechanics, the tactics you can use and the story on a silver plate.
Dark Souls on the other hand gives you almost nothing. You have to figure out some of the most important mechanics on your own, by experimentation. You have to find and then figure out most of the story, which is scattered and hidden throughout the game (if you are interested in knowing the story, it is not necessary to win the game). And you have to figure out how to adapt to different enemies and different areas by trial and error (basically by failing and dying, which is why people say it's hard).
The game demands that the player actually pays attention to what he/she is doing at all times, because the moment you get distracted, or you start getting a little too confident, the game punishes you for not paying attention and not taking it seriously (it also rewards you for paying attention, exploring and getting creative). That is one of the aspects that make it so great, imo, because when you finally beat a hard area or a hard boss it is one of the best feelings you can get from a game. It feels like a real achievement because you had to earn it.
(not to mention the genius level design, gorgeous music, great story and lore, plenty of amazing boss fights, etc)
Hi Emily!
I can’t wait for your Dark souls 3 video. You should listen to the following OSTs as they are the most beautiful in my opinion. These are like.. MUSTS when doing Dark souls 3. You can do 2 parts or just a one hour long video of you just listening to Dark souls 3.
1- the main theme
2- Vordt of the boreal valley (for the memes)
3- Firelink shrine
4- Abyss watchers
5- Twin princes
6- Soul of Cinder
7- Dark-eater Midir
8- Sister Friede
9- Slave Knight Gael
Prologue - The Origin of Flame, The Rise of the Lords, The War Against the Dragons, and The Coming of the Chosen Undead
Firelink Shrine - Everything else is varying degrees of awful, but here is Peace. Here is Home.
Ornstein and Smough - Exactly what it sounds like.
Gwyn, Lord of Cinder - You already read this one.
Nameless Song - Your struggle is ended.
I will look forward to Dark Souls 2 & 3.
Say, has she already done Shadow of the Colossus yet or now? …i feel like I have already asked that and gotten an answer, …have I?
1:39 yes
Dark Souls is such an incredibly special game. The sequels are certainly special in their own ways, but the first one will forever have a certain magic that can't be explained unless you've played it. The soundtrack certainly gives you a glimpse at that magic, at least.
Oh you gotta do Dark Souls 2 next! Specifically the end credits theme of DS2. In my opinion, that's the most beautiful song in the series.
Firelink Shrine has a haunting feel to it for me because it's almost like the song is a false comfort. Firelink Shrine is a safe place, but it's also where many characters sit and avoid moving on. Those that leave the Shrine often go hollow, but staying is to give up. One character even encourages you to stay there and simply wait to go hollow yourself. Firelink Shrine is a hub of sorts, a pathway to many areas, but it's also a place that, each time you return to it, tempts you to stop for a while. You've reached a good stopping point, time to turn the game off, and maybe you won't pick the game up again, but that's okay. Just give up, it's not that bad. It's peaceful, it's safe, you can simply give up here. No need to face the horrors that surely lie ahead. The music reflects this feeling that Firelink Shrine is asking, begging you to give up and simply wait there forever.
Given one of the main themes of the game is persevering at all times and never giving up, no matter how hard it gets, Firelink Shrine is a deceptive peace and calm and I love that.
No Gwynevere, Princess of Sunlight OST? It's like the only happy/triumphant OST in the game with an organ and a choir, very interesting musically
The plin plin plong always gets em
“You won the game you beat the game, but at what cost?”
I’ll tell you the cost, the cost is a prolongation of this pointless struggle.
Scenario a) you reduce Gwin to a pile of cinder, you link the first flame and, like Gwin you sacrifice your body to the first flame to prolong the light using yourself as kindling until the fire begins to fade and another branded “chosen” undead shows up and replaces you and you just become one with Gwin’s pile of cinder.
Scenario b) you walk away and an age of darkness begins, but it is short lived because the flame calls the undead with it’s brand and another “chosen” undead links the flame again.
This two scenarios repeating themselves until the end of the world.
The only hope is that someone in the far future will create a dark, cold, and very gentle place
sorry if it's a repeat comment that somebody else has said but Gwyn's theme, the pure piano one, is apparently all white notes (don't know the proper name sorry) to reflect the fact that he's the only thing keeping the light around. the world is dying and at risk of being plunged into darkness and he's using himself as fuel and or kindling for the first flame to prevent it from happen.
The proper name is Gwyn, Lord of Cinder. It’s a bit of a double take since throughout the game, you know him as Gwyn, Lord of Sunlight.
I just noticed that DS1 soundtrack sounds almost somewhat fairy-taly (?), geting major 60-80's fairy tale cartoon vibes
four kings ost must be reacted to
I also request for you to kindly watch the ost + boss fight/location ambiance to give you more feels.
Before going to the sequels, can you also do Demon's Souls original and remake? I'd love to see your reaction and opinion on their OSTs. Perchance King's Field as well?
*Watches into*
*Adds another suggestion for DS3 soundtrack anyway*
Now dark souls 3 my beloved is missing
Pleaaase react to the blasphemous 2 ost, it is the most underrated soundtrack ever. It is so good. Here are some good ones : corona de siete azahares, clavada, del santo nombre, father of the penitents
If you thought the Dark Souls prologue was beautiful, you really need to listen to Demon’s Souls music! Especially The Beginnings and the two credits themes (Return to Slumber, and One who Craves Souls).
The Gwyn theme is so iconic, that someone only needs to say "plin, plin, plon" for every dark souls fan to burst into tears. Keep an ear out for that sequence of notes in dark souls 3!
Hope she does Dark Souls 3 next!
Hope you check out Metaphor’s OST. It’s an upcoming game with a pretty unique music style
The violin triplets in Sif's song sound like a dog whimpering. 😢
Now listen to the mash-up of Ornstein and Smough X Space Jam called "Dunkstein and Slamough - Quad City DJs vs Dark Souls".
Dark Souls has my favourite OST of any game.
A really nice game soundtrack to react to would be Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. Specifically look up the unreleased soundtrack, that's where the best stuff is
Everyone talking about dark souls 3 but where’s the dark souls 2 fans?
Fans of DS2 music? That'll be a tough one. The only good tracks on that OST are the ones they ripped straight from DS1. Whole thing sounds compressed to shit, just the sound of a thousand blaring horns from a mile away through an abandoned train tunnel. Murky, indistinct, samey, bland. A massive downgrade from the first game, like most of that game is. Not the devs fault necessarily, studio wanted a new Souls game, the main devs were making Bloodborne and the B team pushed out a way bigger game in way less time. Can't fault them for the boss tracks being less iconic when they had to make music for 80 boring boss fights.
@@aquaticIntrovert ok good for you. I like it
@@jacobwhelan45 Nobody said you couldn't, lots of people like lots of bad things! I'm just explaining why you're not gonna get a whole lot of "you really gotta check out the ds2 soundtrack" comments in these videos. It's not nearly as popular, and for good reason.
@@aquaticIntrovert it is good
@@jacobwhelan45Only Good Tracks in DS2 are Majula and Aldia Scholar of the first Sin. That's literally it.
Dark Souls 2 has some nice tunes, even if the game is controversial.
Jackalsniper deserves a raise.
Great grey wolf sif. When i kill sif for the first time "Im sorry dogo, I'm sorry 😢" me when im playing DS1 for the 92849148th: "TIME TO DIE LITTLE DOGO HEHE"
Ornsteen and Smo