Tet Yap - Gender Identity in Klinefelter Syndrome

  • Опубліковано 1 жов 2024


  • @j.b.4340
    @j.b.4340 10 місяців тому +1

    I have some insight into this topic. I had my female characteristics removed as a teen, but there were/are other things, such as an interest in traditionally female pursuits, which I could never explain. (Undiagnosed, but see that other men with ks experienced similar things. Whatever it is, it’s natural, and in our heads).

  • @F4TiMA.
    @F4TiMA. Місяць тому

    Dr Tep would there be a way of contacting you as I have this and would really appreciate an appointment with you

  • @Lis001-
    @Lis001- Рік тому

    When do we get studies on xxy trans women and HRT?
    I don't think you can just stack the xxy and trans-women HRT risks ontop of each other. Some might be just the same risk. In some areas like bone density issues it seems estrogen is equally good as TRT to aid with that.
    And in some areas risk might add up. But there are no studies. Only posts on redit with ppl telling how HRT gave faster bodily effects for xxy trans women than xy trans women.

  • @WillWalburn
    @WillWalburn Рік тому +2

    Klinefelter's may not be associated fully with ambiguous genitalia on the exterior, but that says nothing for the cells of the Klinefelter's individual which are often described as being both feminine and masculine. That alone, would make one think they do possess some sort of ambiguity and obviously some more than other's.
    It seems more to me like a discussion of whether Testosterone should be prescribed or not. However, its evident that unless given at puberty, the effects can not be altered by giving T after puberty other than a possible few things relating to focus.
    Yet, we face the issue of the problems and associated health risks of taking testosterone (T) in early years. So the question remains, which is more harmful, taking T earlier or not taking it at all? Its for these reasons it should be left to the individual when he is of the right age. The medical establishment should not be allowed to push or prescribe T to children or young adults.
    For me and others i know, it seems its more about making money for the medical industry than listening to the needs of the patient.

  • @WillWalburn
    @WillWalburn Рік тому

    The problem with this term or label is the negative conotation it provides and implies. In other words, why is it a Dysphoria rather than a Euphoria?
    Why does the DSM V have the "symptoms" listed as it does as if anyone there actually has gender dysphoria and therefore would know personally of what it feels like. Instead of creating criteria and labeling it as bad, why not create criteria and be more accepting of an individuals personal choice to express themselves as they were created to do.
    Lets be honest, the medical system in America is a joke. It has never cared for the patients true needs, but more so for profits. If a person has what the DSM V labels as "Gender Dysphoria" then all is well for those involved in their designated fields of study...and soon after their corrections can be made on making the individual whole again or "better." Which honestly, is outlandish and distasteful.
    Now that is a problem the way I see it. People with 'gender euphoria' have accepted what they look like and 9 out of 10 times are satisfied with their decision (s) to become who they were born to be, who they were created to be.
    Throughout the world and prior to colonialization, cultures worldwide had people within their societies who were "gender fluid" and some had more than 9 different genders! Obviously, with colonialism and thus religious practices being forced on the people who had been assimilated things were forcibly changed.
    I think the "criteria" for the DSM V is ridiculous as a whole, but that's just my opinion. However, im quite sure there are many other's in the world who would agree with me, especially those being labeled as Gender Dysphoria/Dysphoric.
    If you want to make poistive change, then use positive words and remove "dysphoria" from the title. The same goes with the word "Intersex." Thats an inaccurate term and was clearly crafted by medical establishment's rather than the people themselves. Intersex leaves too much room for misunderstanding and thereby too much room for error as far as the word goes. Again, this is my opinion, but out of 47 views and 2 likes, it appears there is no positive feedback on this subject and I am the only one commenting.
    Were damn near a century in to the study of Klinefelter's and now the new terminology of Intersex, and were still highly misunderstood by medical professionals, educators, pharmacy (Farm-acy) and teachers in school settings.
    I could provide a better film on the subject and with less background noise than what is being provided here, because for one, I am xxy and also identity as non-binary.
    The term "two-spirit" in the Indigenous tribes is a more suitable term and much less offensive and more appropriate. Yet, one has to be Indigenous to use that sort of positive and accepting terminology.
    "Gender dysphoria and Intersex" - how can medical professionals refer to themselves as professionals... SMH - what a horrible use ot words! Where is your compassion for your fellow humans when you create the chosen terms or words to lable people? Almost 100 years and that's the best names to date in the so called "civilized" world... Im deeply saddened by this, for the so-called civilized health establishment's have moved no further than when they began. Even "Klinefelters Syndrome" is a ridiculous term, although its clearly a European title because it's what European explorers like to do - naming things after what they refer to as "their discovery," which btw is atrocious.
    All one has to do is take a look at ancient cultures in a worldwide approach and can see it's not a Dysphoria, but rather an Innerstanding and accepting of oneself. The very statue in Kemet (Egypt), Africa known as Her Em Akhet (Sphinx in Greek) depicts a woman atop of a lion. The lion represents the carnal NTJR/NTR (Nature in English, Natura in Greek according to the Rosetta Stone found in Alexandria, Egypt.) aka the masculine, while the Feminine rests above. Look worldwide for the things i speak of, bc they are in clear view.
    Ask yourself, why the people of KMT would create a statue as such unless there was some genuine meaning. Why would scholars of Europe travel to KMT to study at the ancient mystery schools if what i speak is untrue? Why did Aristotle and Pythagoras study there versus European schools?
    The Bible/Bi-ble - Bi means 2 according to the UK study of Etymology, while ble is the same as bull as in the Aurochs aka horned animals and is a hidden reference to the Taur/Toroidal Fields all around us and outside us humans. In addition, the bull or Taur/Tor is symbolic of th Taurus which according to Hinduism is located at the mouth. See etymonline.com for a source of recognition.
    In (H)Indu of the di-vine self (Di/Dia means 2 in Etymology of again the Oxford Etymology associated with England and Greek). Another Hindu image is Ganesh with half the face being Feminine and the other half being Masculine. This same image can be seen in the Posterior region of the human brain.
    Please address your terminology and stop using the negative conotation of words, because it's truly appauling. Find something more suitable. Do better than the Gnostics and Hermetics did with their depiction of the Pistis Sophia. Use something more appropriate like the Khamitians Afrika/Africa did with the usage of Her Em Akhet... Do not make us appear as less than we are. The image of the Pistis Sophia is grotesque and we are not grotesque, but rather divine beings and truly created in the likeness of the Creator. The Pistis Sofia was clearly created by powerful sects who wanted to make us non-binary individual's outside of what those in power believes as correct created to appear as grotesque and unoridinary which is why during colonialization people like myself were ostracized and often removed to asylum's and removed from the pubic eye and given horrendous surgeries without our consent.
    The Pistis Sofia is symbolic of an androgynous being as it depicts breasts. It also resembles the Greek image of Pan and the Nordic image of Loki. And i assure you, we are not the unoriginal, but rather the original...take Thoth or Hermes, both of Greek culture but different periods in time, whom they merely aquired by the act of war and created their own ideology of the said beings they refer to as Thoth and later Hermes aka Mercury in Roman. However, to be fair and honest, their names can be attributed to Djeuty of Khemetian culture, which was the original culture that resided in whats now known as Egypt. This is the same with the word Nun, as it too originated in Khemet thousands of years prior to the Roman Catholics who altered the name to Nun.
    NTJR/NU/NTR can be found on the Paut Neteru of ancient Khemet aka the Nubian homeland. Nu-bi-an people's were the people's who lived in Khemet and Kush, Alkehbulan (Africa). Nubian is not a refernce to the soil, but the actual people and their creator as is attested on the walls of the pyramids.
    This is merely a few examples around the world. There are many more.
    There are the Hijrah's of Asian culture who have existed for milenia prior to colonization and countless other's. Even the ancient medicine people and Shaman's of old were sacred not only physically but also spiritually. They were held in high regard and not viewed as having a disorder or a dysphoria, but rather as being a gift or having a gift from the creator.
    In the religious sense, we "the Gender Dysphoric" as you have labeled us are viewed as broken and grotesque, because of false claims and creations by those in power at that time. Yet, we are quite the opposite. Not only do we possess the physical embodiment, but also have a deeper innerstanding of the di-vine (2) spiritual being's and at a much earlier age than the "normal" populace.
    There is currently a conscious awakening taking place worldwide, so regardless if you provide us our truth and honest recognition as beautiful beings and not dysphoric beings it really will not matter. Yet, it would be the right thing to do.
    As you can see, given a topic of desire, we xxy and variants are intelligent on subjects that interest us. So, im not exactly sure where the medical system gets it's information for us being labled incorrectly as "mentally retarded" and/or "challenged intellectually" or labeling us as "developing schizophrenic disorders." Sure, some of us may encounter difficulties, but that doesn't apply for everyone as a whole. That too, is something that needs to be addressed and while at, change the disinformation and outdated source material and please do away with all negative words and their negative conotations that label us as inadequate, because frankly, I'm sick of being told by other's, medical professional's as well and those who do not look as i do, that hey, "I read this in the DSM or I read this on the Johns Hopkins website and it says people like yourself are prone to this or that."
    Come on people, 81 years now since Dr. Harry Klinefelter stroked his ego and labeled us xxy people after himself. Enough is enough. Please get on board and do away with the non-sense and all negative terminology...we are gifts and we are Xtra special beings whether you realize that or not. And no, this isnt me stroking my own ego, rather it's whats been studied by those who practice Esotericism, Hermeticism, Theology Cosmology,
    Gnosticism, Astrotheology, Psychology, Egyptology, Archæology, Etymology, Sine (Sin(e) waves), Toroidal fields et cetera.
    Sorry for the short book, but i wanted to be clear and yes, this is a fact for many xxy people, the tendency to run on when speaking or typing in this case.
    Quick question, do you suppose we xxy are this way with "being clear" with our explaining things bc it's an innate factor of ourselves or bc the medical establishment has left much unsaid and added much that wasnt exactly true...

  • @WillWalburn
    @WillWalburn Рік тому

    I also mentioned Haskalah aka Jewish Enlightenment as a reference point but was denied by youtube...this enlightenment (light in the mind) is a reference to the unity of the divine feminine and masculine within the spiritual context and has direct reference to those of us with both feminine and masculine attributes within and outside our spiritual beings. It is our natural embodiment and how creator had created us. We are far from dysphoric...and closer to Euphoric...with the right positive attention, we can become who we were meant to be.