An raibh tu ag an gcarraig

  • Опубліковано 5 вер 2024
  • cancion metaforica


  • @leonardhurley5761
    @leonardhurley5761 5 років тому +10

    Beautiful rendering of a great Irish melody An raibh tu ag an gcarraig ( were you at the rock ) by the Sissel. It relates to a time in Ireland when the Penal Laws were in full swing. All things Catholic were outlawed. There was a price on a priest's head. Head hunters were very active and it was a capital offence to say or attend mass. Mass was said in secret usually in forests or remote areas. The song contains within it a secret code with the line an raibh tu ag an gcarraig ( were you at the rock ie were you at the mass ). The words contain secret information all in Irish which the squatorocracy would not be familiar with.

  • @anleathbrogandubh
    @anleathbrogandubh 2 роки тому

    beautiful how effortlessly the harp flows. so jealous of such fine skills

  • @fossie32
    @fossie32 15 років тому +1

    Beautiful, thank you for posting this.

  • @bridmicheal6491
    @bridmicheal6491 10 років тому

    This song is so deep and touching that I don't think many understand. Why did we need a code song just to worship God? In the world we live in now, Christians and especially Catholics in my area are being attacked with words only now but what about in the future. I am tired of all these attacks and wonder will we be using code songs like this again soon??? Beannacht De Oraibh.

  • @johndanielharold3633
    @johndanielharold3633 5 років тому +2

    Christianity was a bloodless revolution in Ireland. The Druidical colleges saw Christ as the fulfilment, the crowning of their dearest beliefs, in which the Crucified King figured largely. Here was their Once and Future King. That is why the Druidical colleges became the famed Irish monasteries. That is how it was the Irish monks who brought Christianity and Classical learning back to a devastated Europe. They brought it back not to the towns and cities but to the much neglected, and scorned, country people of Europe, where it took root and flourished. Like many, they also predicted the Great Apostasy of our present day and the coming tribulations of Christians everywhere. And in the latter years of the Celtic Roman Church it was Saint Malachy who laid it out for us in black and white. It was also the Irish monks who invented private confession. Que Dios nos pille confesados!

  • @johndowling9379
    @johndowling9379 5 років тому +2

    This beautiful air was around long efore Lord of The Rings was ever thought of, I used to sina song to that air when Iwsa young. Perhaps it influenced the composere s of the Lord of The Rings music, sa that music, has a real Celtic feel to it.🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗

  • @EverythingZen14
    @EverythingZen14 15 років тому +2

    A lot of the trouble in the world today IS the result of Western civilization. I dunno why, but the West got this idea that you could find God by taking a scholastic approach to religion. The only way to find God is to pray a lot and put your experiences of Him together. This is how the Eastern Orthodox do it - which is the original faith of the Celts before Rome corrupted all the West after its departure from the 4 Eastern Patriarchs that uphold the true Christian faith.

  • @IrelandsChild
    @IrelandsChild 16 років тому

    This song makes me cry....
    its so sad...

  • @acnumber7
    @acnumber7 16 років тому

    I did go wrong. There's a fiddle tune called exactly the same and it had been played by Julia Clifford so many years ago. Instead, this is another great celtic song, with a vocalist and just the same title ;)

  • @lovelycelticopera
    @lovelycelticopera 15 років тому +2

    Sissel Kyrkjebø is the best!

  • @bridmicheal6491
    @bridmicheal6491 10 років тому

    I promise to do just that, Patrick! I'm working on it now.... Beannacht De Ort, a Phadraig, Gra, Linda

  • @DreymaComposer
    @DreymaComposer 6 років тому

    This is just like Lord of the rings.

  • @antseanbheanbocht4993
    @antseanbheanbocht4993 7 років тому

    Don't know who sings it , but the music sounds like the chieftains.
    They have a way about them.

    • @TheWar74
      @TheWar74 7 років тому +1

      The female vocals are performed by Norwegian singer by the name of Sissel Kyrkjebø

  • @maiashakti
    @maiashakti 13 років тому +1

    Wonderful video and song; thank you for posting. Shame that some just can't enjoy beauty for its own sake, but feel such a compulsion to interject their political or religious views. Life's too short, people; enjoy the loveliness while you can and get the mud out of your eyes.

    • @gerardsheehan1607
      @gerardsheehan1607 2 роки тому

      Clearly you have no understanding what this song is about. It is a religious and political lament about the suppression of Catholicism in Ireland during the 18th century.

  • @eithnekavanagh
    @eithnekavanagh 10 років тому

    What instrument is the drone throughout? And are the drummy bits a bodhran?

  • @kap66
    @kap66 11 років тому +1

    This is song by Sissel

  • @Lisnageeragh
    @Lisnageeragh 12 років тому

    This is a fine rendition....who is this singing?

  • @mcogilvie
    @mcogilvie 6 років тому +1

    I'd be grateful if someone could tell me if this is the tune attributed to Dominic O Mongain / Dominic Mungan. Thanks

    • @auChevalierRed
      @auChevalierRed 3 роки тому

      Yes, it is.

    • @mcogilvie
      @mcogilvie 3 роки тому

      @@auChevalierRed Thank you!

    • @auChevalierRed
      @auChevalierRed 3 роки тому

      @@mcogilvie You are welcome!

    • @mcogilvie
      @mcogilvie 3 роки тому +1

      @@auChevalierRed I appreciate that. He's my 5th great grandfather!

    • @auChevalierRed
      @auChevalierRed 3 роки тому

      @@mcogilvie Be proud of him then! There is a very powerfully moving singing of this song by Eimear Quinn, if you feel like listening to it.

  • @BlackRaven87
    @BlackRaven87 13 років тому

    This is wonderful. Who sings it?

  • @adamantquest
    @adamantquest 15 років тому

    If you define your faith by the doctrines or teachings of a particular denomination, sect, group, etc then this is true. If you define your faith by the teachings of the religion, that the God of Abraham is God and sent His son to bear our sins on a cross to redeem us, that this God's Holy Spirits is still with us, that His son will return to us then that is a different matter. The latter are things all Christians can agree upon, regardless of doctrine and our disregard for one another.

  • @EverythingZen14
    @EverythingZen14 15 років тому

    the east and west approach God totally differently.

  • @debella52
    @debella52 6 років тому +1

    An raibh tú ar an gcarraig?
    Nó an bhfaca tú féin mo ghrá?
    Nó an bhfaca tú gile agus finne
    Agus scéimh na mná?
    Nó an bhfaca tú an t-úll
    Ba chumhra a's ba mhilse bláth?
    Nó an bhfaca tú mo vailintín?
    Nó a' bhfuil sí dá cloí mar 'táim?
    Ó bhí mé ag an gCarraig,
    agus chonaic mé mé féin dó ghrá
    Ó chonaic mé gile
    finne agus scéimh na mná
    Ó chonaic mé an t-úll
    ba chumhra is ba mhilse bláth
    Agus chonaic mé do Vailintín
    agus ní sí á cloí mar 'táim.

    • @johndowling9379
      @johndowling9379 5 років тому

      Thank you Deborah for publishing the words, which I am sad to say I had forgotten.

  • @EverythingZen14
    @EverythingZen14 15 років тому

    They are different faiths. I'm not western Catholic or Protestant and I can see this.

  • @popinfresh
    @popinfresh 16 років тому

    who sang this?

  • @adamantquest
    @adamantquest 15 років тому

    I think it's sad that so many still speak of the two groups as though they were different faiths

  • @EverythingZen14
    @EverythingZen14 15 років тому

    Additionally, not all groups of people who claim to follow the Christian Scriptures (even those who just accept the Bible and nothing additional) agree on those points you just made. So, I ask, how do you know where to draw the line? Is it just where you decide to draw it? The Bible certainly doesn't say anything about dogmas that are ok for us to disagree on so long as we agree on a certain subset of dogmas.

    • @eislakkon3110
      @eislakkon3110 5 років тому

      Its funny, but, people that collect and define the books of holy bible, are those who put the lines of correct christian beliving.
      (In greek: ortho dogma=orthodoxia)
      An orhodox

  • @CosantoirArmach
    @CosantoirArmach 15 років тому

    Actually, it's rather sad that some folks are so arrogant that they are unwilling to do even the most basic research on the subject...
    "Different faiths" is the most basic and obvious difference, obvious to anyone willing to expend even the slightest effort towards educating his or her self before burbling out some worthless diarrhea in the place of intelligent commentary.

  • @nialas1
    @nialas1 4 роки тому

    Thanks ☺️

  • @EverythingZen14
    @EverythingZen14 15 років тому

    So, you are saying that there is no sect of Christianity which has perfectly preserved the teachings of Christ, and, therefore, all these 'Christians' have to compromise on some of Christ's teachings in order to find common ground on which they can worship God? What confusion! Surely, Christ is the head of your 'churches', since you all know Him so well! Your idea of faith depends greatly on where you draw the line between Christian and not. I don't think this line is a Scriptural teaching.

  • @acnumber7
    @acnumber7 16 років тому

    Julia Clifford