I think anyone who works in Hospice is an angel sent from God. They put aside their own issues to ease the pain of others. The woman who was with my dad was not quite as young, maybe in her 40's. We knew Dad was going to die that night and we all sat in the living room exchanging funny stories about him. This lovely lady sat in the kitchen for several hours just reading a book, she kept her head down unless we looked towards her, you could tell she was always ready to answer any questions and give comfort if needed. She was incredible in handling everything very discreetly and with dignity.
My partner died of dementia in 2018 and I realize now I didn't give her enough love and attention that I should have done.If anyone is nursing a loved one with dementia make sure you give them lots of love or you will regret it for the rest of your life.
Dear Friend may I advise? Regrets about more love not given is nothing more than empty intent. You gave and enjoyed what you did give. Relationships are complicated. Would've, could've and should have are but myths to one's self. Go out and love some more, your partner would I am sure be so happy and pleased if you do.
Thank you. My son is at end of life and there is so many things going on. Sometimes it looks as if he will go in the next few days, but then ends up going on for another week or two. This is a very confusing, heartbreaking period in my life. Thank you for your informed video. It helps
Hold steady one thing is sure in life and that is death or better said goodbye. Beloved, friend, aquaintance or stranger all we can do is say goodbye. We will have to say goodbye when it's our time. There will be no more roads or tomorrow's after that final moment in our time.
seeing how my grandma changed while in hospice for terminal cancer was very striking - the way the body itself prepares for death all on its own, how her appearance shifted and changed. at least she was able to pass at home with her family around her 🙏
My mother and family is going through this now. I have been her caretaker since 2017 at my home. It is heart breaking. I don't want her to suffer but I don't want to lose her either.
The dying generally doesn't want food/drink because their bodies can no longer process it, so should never be forced or cajoled into consuming something their body cannot handle. Instead, ice chips, moisten lips, etc. The body knows what to do.
I'm a home health aide and I'm so worried about my first experience with a patient dying. Training is great but I'm still anxious about how I'll handle it. This video helped me know what to expect.
Have you thought about where you will spend eternity? The Bible says that you can know that you have eternal life in heaven, but If your belief is based on anything other than complete faith in the finished work of Jesus on the cross, you do not understand God's way to heaven. The Bible says that we are all sinners. When God created Adam and Eve, He made them perfect without sin, but they chose to disobey God and became sinful in nature. This sin nature was passed down to all humanity. Romans 5:12 Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned: Our sin separates us from God. Romans 3:23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; A holy, righteous God cannot allow sin into heaven. Sin must be paid for and God's price for sin is death, but not just a physical death, but a spiritual death which means separation from God forever in hell. Revelation 21:8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death. In the Old Testament when man sinned, God required the sacrifice of a perfectly spotless lamb as a substitute in the place of the sinner. The blood of that lamb was only a temporary payment for their sin and so this had to be done often. Jesus Christ, God's Son took on flesh, was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life and offered Himself as that perfect, spotless Lamb and shed His blood as payment for the sins of the whole world. John 1:29 The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world. Jesus loved us so much He WILLINGLY came and allowed wicked men to spit on Him, mock Him and scourge Him until He was unrecognizable. They stripped him naked, thrust a crown of thorns on His head and nailed His hands and feet to a cross. He hung in agony for hours bleeding, thirsting, struggling for every breath. He died innocently in our place so that we could be saved from going to hell. It was His blood that satisfied the just demands of a holy God. God will not accept anything else. There is no greater love than that! John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. The good news is that Jesus didn't stay dead in the grave. He came back to life 3 days later just like He promised and He still lives today! Matthew 28:5 And the angel answered and said unto the women, Fear not ye: for I know that ye seek Jesus, which was crucified. 6. He is not here: for he is risen, as he said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay. Jesus did all this because He wants to give you the FREE gift of eternal life in heaven with Him! You cannot do anything to earn your own way into heaven. You can't work for it, be baptized for it, go to church for it or try to be good enough for it. It is a FREE gift that God is offering to anyone who will simply receive it by faith. Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Ephesians 2:8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: 9. Not of works, lest any man should boast. God said there is only one way to get to heaven, but it is not hard. You must admit you are a sinner headed for hell. You must believe that Jesus died and paid for your sin with His own blood on the cross, was buried and 3 days later rose from the dead. Then you must repent of your sins and call on God for mercy to save you from hell and give you eternal life in heaven with Him. Romans 10:9 that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. 10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. 13. For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. None of us deserve God's mercy and grace, but let me warn you that if you reject His FREE gift, you are already condemned and when you die, you will suffer the torment of burning in hell for eternity in a lake of fire where you will be forever separated from God and all that is loving and good. John 3:18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. Revelation 20:15 And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire. Please don't wait. Don't take the risk of putting it off until another day, repent, turn to Christ NOW wherever you are at because you aren't guaranteed to live another day on this Earth. Believe God's Word, ask Him to save you and He will! ---------------------------------------------------------------- If you would like more information or don't have a church to attend, we livestream our services and would love for you to join us. God bless you. facebook.com/regkelly.table/ www.libertyfaith.net/contact-us
Thank you for this video! My father has been on hospice going on 2 years in a Veterans hospital in Wyoming. His absolute favorite snack is Oreos, in which I send a case of along with other snacks every few weeks. He's recently recovered from Covid & still munching on his Oreos that I send. His nurses even mix them up into a shake when he has a difficult time chewing. The nurses & doctors at the Veterans Home in Sheridan Wyoming are top notch !
3 years ago I was in pre-death from terminal bone marrow cancer. My oncologists were getting me ready for a bone marrow transplant but I went downhill quickly during the preparation period. I felt a different kind of tiredness I had never felt before; It was obvious my blood circulation was going down, and fingers, toes, face, etc. became numb, and I had lost my appetite. But they kept me going until the transplant!
There's a great book called how to be free from the fear of death... by Ray Comfort. I believe you can Google his name and get a lot of Information. Hope this helps you.
My mom is 93 years old and has kidney cancer. It is just me and her and it breaks my heart that there's nothing that I can do for the cancer but i will always be here for her.
I was above to die and I had all this syntoms my family was so desperate that will force me to eat😢 and I couldn't swallow food it will hurt like they where stabing my throat every time I will try to swallow. I suffer so much but by God's grace he gave me a second chance 😢😢😢
Send you prayers .may god give you strength and to see the lord. And people you loved.keep strong its just step up to better life no compare to this life . praying for you and every one will become an angel 🙏.
Thank you for this information I am 42 and am fearing my death cause of a bad heart the last few weeks I have been feeling more tired than ever a week ago I slept for almost the entire week then this week went to the hospital cause of heart pain I have 2 young children 13 and 18 and am feeling very guilty about leaving them behind I really want to watch them get married I was lucky enough to see my son graduated then there is my wife that is a absolutely and angle for taking care of me all these years we got together 22 years ago been married 15 years she has been with me through 2 back fusion 5 heart attacks and a heart bypass surgery she is my life and I just don't want to leave her or my children
I am not sure I should watch these video. I live alone and slowly dieing of prostate cancer that has spread through my body. Ate a little ice cream as nothing sounded good snd even that did not stay with me. I do not even tolerate water so drink a little sofa (pop). Palliative nurse called today and she is changing one med to a pain patch to go with my oxycodone every 4 hours. Still have pain. Her call was at around 10:30 and after I found I woke at 3. Hard not to think about death even if I will be 76 in November.
My wife 81 has recently entered a care home with nursing care after a spinal operation I suspect that she has had enough and that I should ease her through the process rather than fight....
I wasn't allowed to do anything for my wife or even visit her till the day she died I was told to come see her now and she could have only a couple hours left
My Mama was on hospice an past almost 6mnth ago. She was a fighter they said. It seemed as she was going to go wither that day or following, an she fight a couple days then she go back to the way she was an did this for almost 2wks. If I had to guess I think she didn't want to die.
No one wants to die. It's against nature to want to die. Everything alive wants and tries to live. Look at a single blade of grass coming up through a crack in the sidewalk. All life wants to live.
Have a loved one currently in terminale pancreatic cancer,questions of weeks or days... Life is hard, but we can face that , we've been made to handle that. Feeling devastated is normal. You are not alone, let's be strong for them, together, by thoughts, Sending you love and light✨️💕
My husband stopped eating or drinking a month before he died. The morning he died he asked four yogurt. He took a couple spoons full and that was enough. 12 hours later he died.
If I am diagnosed with an incurable disease, I dont want to wait until the last 2 weeks. I want to check out as soon as possible. No sense suffering. Just put me down and let me fade away into non existence.
One thing in life we do once is die and we personally face it alone. Comforting someone is their last moments is often and probably more for us the comforters.
I thought this was good. However, when the manager Banwait (not the Director) referred to "hallucinations" I think her youth showed and I was not impressed (or maybe that is a cultural thing for her). Hospice nurses will refer to them as visualizations and they are seeing loved ones and pets and may actually see them. Hallucinations implies they are seeing something that is not there like someone psychotic.
Would love to appreciate Dr osoria for bringing back happiness to my life with he's herbal wonder's you're a saint and I cherish our meeting you're good
But it’s not always the case that people can see spirits when u are close to dying.. u can still see spirits when u are fully alive too. It’s just an example of someone that can see spirits of a loved one or what ever when they are getting close to passing away
What Happen when a Person Die? In order to get the correct answer, let us consult the infallible word of God. And the safest way to start is to ask the question: Q. 1) How did God create or form man? A. Genesis 2:7; And God formed man from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul. Note: In forming man, God used two substances namely: 1. Dust of the ground 2. Breath of life Note: Now that we how God formed man, we can safely answer the above question by reversing the process in which God formed man. To illustrate: At Creation: Dust of the ground plus breath of life = man or a living soul At Death: Living Soul minus breath = Dust Q. 2) What happen to these two substances when a person die? A. 1.) Ecclesiastes 12:7; Then the dust return to the earth as it was, and the spirit (or breath of life according to Genesis 2:7 above) return to God who gave it. A. 2) Job 27:3; All the while my breath is in me, and the spirit of God is in my nostrils. A. 3) Genesis 3:17; In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat thy bread, till thou return to the ground, for out of it was thou taken, for dust thou art, and unto dust shall thou return. Note: The three texts above clearly explained what happen to the two substances that God used in forming man and at the same time clearly answer the question. What happen when a person dies? Note: The belief that when a person dies, there is a soul (immortal) that leave the body, and depending on how the person lived when alive, will determine where the soul will spend eternity, either in hell, to be punished and tortured for all eternity, in purgatory, with the hope of being brought to heaven or direct to heaven as the case maybe. This belief is contradictory to Ezekiel 18:20; The soul that sinneth, it shall die. The truth in regards to this belief, is that it is based on the Greek Philosophy called “Dualism” (pls research dualism in the internet) which teaches that the body and the mind are two separate entity, In that the body is physical while the mind is spiritual and immortal. Here lies this very dangerous belief. Why? Because if the soul is immortal, of course it is not subject to death. This is why, when a sinner die, based on this belief, his soul will go to hell to be tortured and burned forever and ever without end. To dispel this erroneous belief, simple questions need to be asked. 1. Would our gracious, loving, merciful and longsuffering God, allow eternal torture and eternal life to co-exist? Of course not. 2. What kind of sin does anyone do, to deserve this kind of endless torture? It does’nt make sense at all. According to Galatians 6:7; Whatsoever a man soweth, that he also reap. The truth is, God did not create anything or anyone immortal. For had he done this, then sin would be immortalized. The Bible said, that God alone is immortal. 1 Timothy 6:15,16. The reason is obvious, God knows the end from the beginning, Isaiah 46:9,10. Thus, he knew that Adam and Eve would commit sin, Genesis 3:6. and Romans 5:12; For by one man sin enter the world, and death by sin, in the death passed to all men, for all have sinned.
I understand what you think you were doing by posting this but it’s kind of tasteless. This video is not about what the Bible says but about helping loved ones physically. What others do spiritually is a matter of individual concern and commenting this can be very insulting and actually pushes many people away from the faith. God bless you.
@@julijanajurukovski6296 the fact you responded with this is also very revealing. I believe in God, but I know to keep my mouth shut and not proselytize in the comment section of s video about the sick and dying. You are making people hate God with your pushy, terrible attitudes. You are ruining the Christian faith by being a blind asshole. Stop driving people away from Jesus you annoying fuck, let those who want to be saved come to us. Most everyone on earth has heard of Jesus and if they reject him that's their CHOICE. Stop shoving our religion down their throats, you are part of why the church is dying.
I think anyone who works in Hospice is an angel sent from God. They put aside their own issues to ease the pain of others. The woman who was with my dad was not quite as young, maybe in her 40's. We knew Dad was going to die that night and we all sat in the living room exchanging funny stories about him. This lovely lady sat in the kitchen for several hours just reading a book, she kept her head down unless we looked towards her, you could tell she was always ready to answer any questions and give comfort if needed. She was incredible in handling everything very discreetly and with dignity.
They are amazing
I might die in April i feel very tired emotionally and physically. However spiritually i am excited to meet my Lord.
Are you still with us?
@@karendesarie7327 I have leukemia so i might die in November
Hi dear, if you’re still with us, wishing you a safe transition to the other side.
@@georgettepratt7105 Thank you for your lovely well wishes, unfortunately i am still around suffering emotionally.
My partner died of dementia in 2018 and I realize now I didn't give her enough love and attention that I should have done.If anyone is nursing a loved one with dementia make sure you give them lots of love or you will regret it for the rest of your life.
Dear Friend may I advise? Regrets about more love not given is nothing more than empty intent. You gave and enjoyed what you did give. Relationships are complicated. Would've, could've and should have are but myths to one's self. Go out and love some more, your partner would I am sure be so happy and pleased if you do.
@@jaromevanwells808 Beautiful advise. Thank you!
Don't worry about it!!
Some people are just on a different emotional plane.
Trevor you did the best you could at the time. Its hard.
Bless you, love is all they need, it's what we all want❤
Thank you. My son is at end of life and there is so many things going on. Sometimes it looks as if he will go in the next few days, but then ends up going on for another week or two. This is a very confusing, heartbreaking period in my life. Thank you for your informed video. It helps
I don't know who you are or your story but God bless 🙏
@@2605kieran thank you, I am just another mother fighting for her son, fighting for my purpose in life.
Hold steady one thing is sure in life and that is death or better said goodbye. Beloved, friend, aquaintance or stranger all we can do is say goodbye. We will have to say goodbye when it's our time. There will be no more roads or tomorrow's after that final moment in our time.
I am so sorry dear watching my 80 year old dad going to hospice at home breaks my heart 😭😭😭🙏🙏🙏
@@zeek4749 since my post, my son left us but he fought to the very end 😭
seeing how my grandma changed while in hospice for terminal cancer was very striking - the way the body itself prepares for death all on its own, how her appearance shifted and changed. at least she was able to pass at home with her family around her 🙏
My mother and family is going through this now. I have been her caretaker since 2017 at my home. It is heart breaking. I don't want her to suffer but I don't want to lose her either.
The dying generally doesn't want food/drink because their bodies can no longer process it, so should never be forced or cajoled into consuming something their body cannot handle. Instead, ice chips, moisten lips, etc. The body knows what to do.
I'm a home health aide and I'm so worried about my first experience with a patient dying. Training is great but I'm still anxious about how I'll handle it. This video helped me know what to expect.
Have you thought about where you will spend eternity? The Bible says that you can know that you have eternal life in heaven, but If your belief is based on anything other than complete faith in the finished work of Jesus on the cross, you do not understand God's way to heaven.
The Bible says that we are all sinners. When God created Adam and Eve, He made them perfect without sin, but they chose to disobey God and became sinful in nature. This sin nature was passed down to all humanity.
Romans 5:12 Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:
Our sin separates us from God.
Romans 3:23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;
A holy, righteous God cannot allow sin into heaven. Sin must be paid for and God's price for sin is death, but not just a physical death, but a spiritual death which means separation from God forever in hell.
Revelation 21:8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.
In the Old Testament when man sinned, God required the sacrifice of a perfectly spotless lamb as a substitute in the place of the sinner. The blood of that lamb was only a temporary payment for their sin and so this had to be done often. Jesus Christ, God's Son took on flesh, was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life and offered Himself as that perfect, spotless Lamb and shed His blood as payment for the sins of the whole world.
John 1:29 The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.
Jesus loved us so much He WILLINGLY came and allowed wicked men to spit on Him, mock Him and scourge Him until He was unrecognizable. They stripped him naked, thrust a crown of thorns on His head and nailed His hands and feet to a cross. He hung in agony for hours bleeding, thirsting, struggling for every breath. He died innocently in our place so that we could be saved from going to hell. It was His blood that satisfied the just demands of a holy God. God will not accept anything else.
There is no greater love than that!
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
The good news is that Jesus didn't stay dead in the grave. He came back to life 3 days later just like He promised and He still lives today!
Matthew 28:5 And the angel answered and said unto the women, Fear not ye: for I know that ye seek Jesus, which was crucified.
6. He is not here: for he is risen, as he said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay.
Jesus did all this because He wants to give you the FREE gift of eternal life in heaven with Him!
You cannot do anything to earn your own way into heaven. You can't work for it, be baptized for it, go to church for it or try to be good enough for it. It is a FREE gift that God is offering to anyone who will simply receive it by faith.
Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Ephesians 2:8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
9. Not of works, lest any man should boast.
God said there is only one way to get to heaven, but it is not hard. You must admit you are a sinner headed for hell. You must believe that Jesus died and paid for your sin with His own blood on the cross, was buried and 3 days later rose from the dead. Then you must repent of your sins and call on God for mercy to save you from hell and give you eternal life in heaven with Him.
Romans 10:9 that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
13. For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
None of us deserve God's mercy and grace, but let me warn you that if you reject His FREE gift, you are already condemned and when you die, you will suffer the torment of burning in hell for eternity in a lake of fire where you will be forever separated from God and all that is loving and good.
John 3:18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
Revelation 20:15 And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.
Please don't wait. Don't take the risk of putting it off until another day, repent, turn to Christ NOW wherever you are at because you aren't guaranteed to live another day on this Earth. Believe God's Word, ask Him to save you and He will!
If you would like more information or don't have a church to attend, we livestream our services and would love for you to join us. God bless you.
Thank you for this video! My father has been on hospice going on 2 years in a Veterans hospital in Wyoming. His absolute favorite snack is Oreos, in which I send a case of along with other snacks every few weeks. He's recently recovered from Covid & still munching on his Oreos that I send. His nurses even mix them up into a shake when he has a difficult time chewing. The nurses & doctors at the Veterans Home in Sheridan Wyoming are top notch !
3 years ago I was in pre-death from terminal bone marrow cancer. My oncologists were getting me ready for a bone marrow transplant but I went downhill quickly during the preparation period. I felt a different kind of tiredness I had never felt before; It was obvious my blood circulation was going down, and fingers, toes, face, etc. became numb, and I had lost my appetite. But they kept me going until the transplant!
As someone fearing my own mortality I would like to say thank you for providing this information to the public. You are a blessing.
There's a great book called how to be free from the fear of death... by Ray Comfort. I believe you can Google his name and get a lot of Information. Hope this helps you.
I don't fear my mortality but want to know more about the final stages. This little conversation helps loads, many thanks XX
My mom is 93 years old and has kidney cancer. It is just me and her and it breaks my heart that there's nothing that I can do for the cancer but i will always be here for her.
I was above to die and I had all this syntoms my family was so desperate that will force me to eat😢 and I couldn't swallow food it will hurt like they where stabing my throat every time I will try to swallow. I suffer so much but by God's grace he gave me a second chance 😢😢😢
That's really cruel of your family.
Thankyou girls so much this is what happened to mom but she never suffered any memory loss
Hospice workers are angels on earth.
You are incredible. I could not do it as it would haunt me for my last days. Thank you for all you do xx
"Nurses Are The Heart Of Healthcare" ❤
Thank God for home hospice nurses.
End of life is the same as a leaf dying on the tree in late October. So natural
Send you prayers .may god give you strength and to see the lord. And people you loved.keep strong its just step up to better life no compare to this life . praying for you and every one will become an angel 🙏.
My pa is at the end of his life too. This has been very informative, thank you.
Thank you for these videos... My husband is terminal with Glioblastoma stage 4 brain cancer ...He is in the process of dying 😪
Thank you for having people Like you.thx for sharing 😊
Thank you for this information I am 42 and am fearing my death cause of a bad heart the last few weeks I have been feeling more tired than ever a week ago I slept for almost the entire week then this week went to the hospital cause of heart pain I have 2 young children 13 and 18 and am feeling very guilty about leaving them behind I really want to watch them get married I was lucky enough to see my son graduated then there is my wife that is a absolutely and angle for taking care of me all these years we got together 22 years ago been married 15 years she has been with me through 2 back fusion 5 heart attacks and a heart bypass surgery she is my life and I just don't want to leave her or my children
God bless you Dan I hope you are ok
Hi how are you now
I’m wishing you a sound recover
I hope you're well and alive. God bless 🙏🏾
What great job you girls have done. I sure this will help alot of people.
Awesome video girls !!
I am not sure I should watch these video. I live alone and slowly dieing of prostate cancer that has spread through my body. Ate a little ice cream as nothing sounded good snd even that did not stay with me. I do not even tolerate water so drink a little sofa (pop). Palliative nurse called today and she is changing one med to a pain patch to go with my oxycodone every 4 hours. Still have pain. Her call was at around 10:30 and after I found I woke at 3. Hard not to think about death even if I will be 76 in November.
Thank you so so much now I understand my sister have the sines thank you so much God bless you
My best friend who died of colon cancer at the end of life stop eating she said all her favorite food taste like dirt. She lost her sense of taste
Thank you for the video. I am experiencing these symptoms.
Have you left this world? Have you sung your death song and gone home as a hero?
@@Ojeramup12 Honestly.
God Bless you Douglas and give you peace. Amen. I pray for you. “Our Father. Hail Mary.” ✝️🙏🏻❤️🌷
Wonderful and honest video
My wife 81 has recently entered a care home with nursing care after a spinal operation
I suspect that she has had enough and that I should ease her through the process rather than fight....
I wasn't allowed to do anything for my wife or even visit her till the day she died I was told to come see her now and she could have only a couple hours left
My mom got ugly and yelled and kicked her feet and said lord help me, after the morphine, she appeared to look up at ceiling with eyes wide open.
I made up my mind when I get old I want to die alone like the elephants do not burden anybody I want to go peacefully.
Die alone like the elephants! Lovely
My Mama was on hospice an past almost 6mnth ago. She was a fighter they said. It seemed as she was going to go wither that day or following, an she fight a couple days then she go back to the way she was an did this for almost 2wks. If I had to guess I think she didn't want to die.
No one wants to die. It's against nature to want to die. Everything alive wants and tries to live. Look at a single blade of grass coming up through a crack in the sidewalk. All life wants to live.
I'm watching this because my dad has all the signs that you mentioned. I know its going to happen soon im just not prepared for it.
Thanks for this info.
Thank you!
These are common for any 1, I don't think there are any peculiar signs for pre death, many people have these signs but don't die
My daughter is stage4, arm amputated and cancer has spread, I'm devastated.
Have a loved one currently in terminale pancreatic cancer,questions of weeks or days... Life is hard, but we can face that , we've been made to handle that.
Feeling devastated is normal.
You are not alone, let's be strong for them, together, by thoughts,
Sending you love and light✨️💕
very strong ladies....i couldnt do that for a job.... I got anxious and depressed just listening to their advice
My husband stopped eating or drinking a month before he died. The morning he died he asked four yogurt. He took a couple spoons full and that was enough. 12 hours later he died.
If I am diagnosed with an incurable disease, I dont want to wait until the last 2 weeks. I want to check out as soon as possible. No sense suffering. Just put me down and let me fade away into non existence.
The death rattle bothers the loved ones more than the patient I did Hospice, and used them twice when my parents died.
❤Thank you…
I gotta hand to these girls I can’t do that 😭😭😭😭
My kids father slept a lot but he died alone on may 10th
One thing in life we do once is die and we personally face it alone. Comforting someone is their last moments is often and probably more for us the comforters.
did his kids get to say goodbye.
@@donnieraveling188 only at the viewing and funeral my oldest son heard from him may 8th and may 9th I received a Mother’s Day text
@@donnieraveling188 Donnie are you alive? Saw your comment from 3 years ago.
Even when people are close to dying they can see spirits… my grandpa died in hospice and before he did he saw spirits
It's just the brain hallucinating before fading away into non existence.
if and when you cant do the things you use to do the end is neer
I thought this was good. However, when the manager Banwait (not the Director) referred to "hallucinations" I think her youth showed and I was not impressed (or maybe that is a cultural thing for her). Hospice nurses will refer to them as visualizations and they are seeing loved ones and pets and may actually see them. Hallucinations implies they are seeing something that is not there like someone psychotic.
Would love to appreciate Dr osoria for bringing back happiness to my life with he's herbal wonder's you're a saint and I cherish our meeting you're good
But it’s not always the case that people can see spirits when u are close to dying.. u can still see spirits when u are fully alive too. It’s just an example of someone that can see spirits of a loved one or what ever when they are getting close to passing away
Watched on January 30, 2022
What is her name with the black hair
Inappropriate question don't you think?
Hm ... the smiling faces.
Well - we are just watching. Not dying.
We’ll see a lot more dying with this awful doctors and nurses strikes.
We go when we’re supposed to
maybe more will live during the doctors strike
What Happen when a Person Die?
In order to get the correct answer, let us consult the infallible word of God. And the safest way to start is to ask the question:
Q. 1) How did God create or form man?
A. Genesis 2:7; And God formed man from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul.
Note: In forming man, God used two substances namely:
1. Dust of the ground
2. Breath of life
Note: Now that we how God formed man, we can safely answer the above question by reversing the process in which God formed man.
To illustrate:
At Creation: Dust of the ground plus breath of life = man or a living soul
At Death: Living Soul minus breath = Dust
Q. 2) What happen to these two substances when a person die?
A. 1.) Ecclesiastes 12:7; Then the dust return to the earth as it was, and the spirit (or breath of life according to Genesis 2:7 above) return to God who gave it.
A. 2) Job 27:3; All the while my breath is in me, and the spirit of God is in my nostrils.
A. 3) Genesis 3:17; In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat thy bread, till thou return to the ground, for out of it was thou taken, for dust thou art, and unto dust shall thou return.
Note: The three texts above clearly explained what happen to the two substances that God used in forming man and at the same time clearly answer
the question. What happen when a person dies?
Note: The belief that when a person dies, there is a soul (immortal) that leave the body, and depending on how the person lived when alive, will determine where the soul will spend eternity, either in hell, to be punished and tortured for all eternity, in purgatory, with the hope of being brought to heaven or direct to heaven as the case maybe. This belief is contradictory to Ezekiel 18:20; The soul that sinneth, it shall die.
The truth in regards to this belief, is that it is based on the Greek Philosophy called “Dualism” (pls research dualism in the internet) which teaches that the body and the mind are two separate entity, In that the body is physical while the mind is spiritual and immortal. Here lies this very dangerous belief. Why? Because if the soul is immortal, of course it is not subject to death. This is why, when a sinner die, based on this belief, his soul will go to hell to be tortured and burned forever and ever without end.
To dispel this erroneous belief, simple questions need to be asked.
1. Would our gracious, loving, merciful and longsuffering God, allow eternal torture and eternal life to co-exist? Of course not.
2. What kind of sin does anyone do, to deserve this kind of endless torture?
It does’nt make sense at all. According to Galatians 6:7; Whatsoever a man soweth, that he also reap.
The truth is, God did not create anything or anyone immortal. For had he done this, then sin would be immortalized. The Bible said, that God alone is immortal. 1 Timothy 6:15,16. The reason is obvious, God knows the end from the beginning, Isaiah 46:9,10. Thus, he knew that Adam and Eve would commit sin, Genesis 3:6. and Romans 5:12; For by one man sin enter the world, and death by sin, in the death passed to all men, for all have sinned.
I understand what you think you were doing by posting this but it’s kind of tasteless. This video is not about what the Bible says but about helping loved ones physically. What others do spiritually is a matter of individual concern and commenting this can be very insulting and actually pushes many people away from the faith. God bless you.
@@theteddy906 OH ye of little faith!
@@julijanajurukovski6296 the fact you responded with this is also very revealing. I believe in God, but I know to keep my mouth shut and not proselytize in the comment section of s video about the sick and dying. You are making people hate God with your pushy, terrible attitudes. You are ruining the Christian faith by being a blind asshole. Stop driving people away from Jesus you annoying fuck, let those who want to be saved come to us. Most everyone on earth has heard of Jesus and if they reject him that's their CHOICE. Stop shoving our religion down their throats, you are part of why the church is dying.
@@julijanajurukovski6296 Allah is a greatest 🙌
@@beautifulsoul8432 EVERY KNEE WILL BOW TO JESUS AMEN!!!